VFR Procedures VFR Zone Leaving Clearance Callsign, (cleared to)* leave the Manchester control zone to the ......... via the .......... VRP, runway ......., not above altitude 1500 feet, Manchester QNH......... Squawk EGCC LOCAL. The Standard departure routing from 23R/23L is Macclesfield and 05R/05L is Thelwall. VFR Zone Entering Clearance Callsign, (cleared to)* enter the Manchester control zone via the............. VRP, not above altitude 1500 feet, Manchester QNH......... Squawk EGCC LOCAL. To Join the Circuit Callsign, join left/right ......... for runway ..., and report final, number.... VFR Circuit Clearance Callsign, Hold Position, after departure cleared Left hand VFR Circuit, not above height 1500 feet, on QFE....... Squawk 7010. VFR Zone Transit Callsign, route direct........... Not above altitude 1500 feet VFR, Manchester QNH.......... Squawk EGCC LOCAL. Callsign, (Cleared to)* transit the Manchester control zone, after departure route direct ......... not above altitude 1500ft, Manchester QNH........squawk EGCC LOCAL. *You only say “Cleared to” if Radar or London is online and coordination has taken place. Aerodrome Information Station EGCC_S_APP EGCC_N_APP EGCC_F_APP EGCC_S_TWR EGCC_N_TWR EGCC_GND EGCC_DEL EGCC_ATIS Callsign Manchester Radar (INT S) Manchester Radar (INT N) Manchester Director (DIR) Manchester South Tower(AIR 2) Manchester North Tower(AIR 1) Manchester Ground (GMC) Manchester Delivery (GMP) Manchester ATIS Aerodrome Reference Point Location Elevation Transition Alt QFE Lat: 532114N Long: 0021630W Midpoint of Runway05L/23R 7.5 nm SW of Manchester 257 ft. 5000ft QNH minus 9 Hectopascals Type ILS 05L ILS 23R ILS 05R VOR/DME Ident I-MM I-MN I-MC MCT Frequency 109.50MHz 109.50MHz 111.55MHz 113.55MHz Frequency 118.570MHz 135.000MHz 121.350MHz 119.400MHz 118.620MHz 121.850MHz 121.700MHz 121.970MHz Remarks CAT III 3° glideslope CAT III 3° glideslope CAT I 3° glideslope The Low Level Route The maximum altitude through the low level route is 1300ft. This means that if any VFR is going to leave the zone and pass through it then you give them a max altitude of 1300ft rather than 1500ft. Handoff Procedures MAN_W_CTR (“Scottish”) 128.050 WAL | MONTY | NOKIN MAN_E_CTR (“Scottish”) 133.800 SANBA | LISTO | POL | DESIG MAN_CTR (“Scottish”) 118.770 (Bandboxed position) LON_N_CTR (“London”) 133.700 (Encompasses both MAN_E/W) LON_CTR (“London”) 123.900 (Bandboxed position) EGCC_S_APP (INTS) - "Manchester Radar" 118.570MHz. Responsibilities • IFR arrivals via DAYNE; • All missed approaches; • VFR traffic around the CTR and in the Low Level Route. EGCC_F_APP (DIRECTOR) - "Manchester Director" 121.350Mhz. Responsibilities • • • the final approach sequencing of Manchester inbound traffic; IFR arrivals, downwind and descent to intercept altitude; Merging all arrival streams on to the ILS with correct separation. EGCC_N_APP (INTN) - "Manchester Radar" 135.000MHz. Responsibilities • IFR arrivals via ROSUN and MIRSI. Runway Selection If the wind speed is Less Than 5 knots, 23 configurations are used regardless of the wind direction. If the wind speed is Greater Than 5 knots and the direction is between 135/335, 23 configurations are used. The 5 knot rule only applies to DRY runways. When the runway is WET, we use the runway closest to the wind. Standard Instrument Departures (SID) NORTH EAST SOUTH SOUTHWEST WEST 23R POL5R SONEX1R SANBA1R/ LISTO2R KUXEM1R/MO NTY1R LIVSU1R R indicates 23R Y indicates 23L S indicates 05L Z indicates 05R 23L POL1Y SONEX1Y SANBA1Y/ LISTO2Y KUXEM1Y/MONT Y1Y LIVSU1Y 05L POL4S DESIG1S LISTO2S 05R POL1Z DESIG1Z LISTO2Z ASMIM1S/MONT ASMIM1Z/MONT Y1S Y1Z ASMIM1S ASMIM1Z POL (Pole Hill) is a VOR to the north DESIG is a fix to the east SONEX is a fix to the east SANBA is a fix to the south LISTO is a fix to the south KUXEM is a fix to the south-west MONTY is a fix to the south-west ASMIM is a fix to the west LIVSU is a fix to the west Standard Instrument Departure Restrictions The SANBA departures are to be used by JET AIRCRAFT ONLY. ONLY If the aircraft is prop driven, or one of the jet exceptions given on the LISTO2R/2YY chart, it shall be cleared on the LISTO2R/2YY departure. Notice also that there are no SANBA departures for 05 Operations. All aircraft routing via SANBA when 05s are in use shall be cleared on the respective LISTO departure. When using 05, aircraft that would normally take a SANBA departure on 23 operations should file SANBA,, and shall be cleared on a LISTO departure. This is for real real-world flight-planning reasons. For flights into the London TMA (EGLL, EGKK, EGLC, etc.), cruising levels may not be greater than FL190. Stand Allocation A3 AEGEAN Aer Lingus EI Air Blue PA Air France AF Air Malta KM Alba Star JQ American Airlines AA Belavia BRU bmi regional BM British Airways BA Brussels Airlines SN Delta Air Lines DL easyJet EZY Egyptair MS Emirates EK Etihad EY Finnair AY First Choice TOM Flybe BE Freebird FHY Germania ST Germanwings 4U Hermes HRM Iberia Regional Air Nostrum IB Icelandair FI LS KLM KL Lufthansa LH Monarch Airlines ZB Monarch Airlines Charter MON Norwegian Air Shuttle DY Nouvelair BJ Pakistan Int Airlines PK Pegasus Airlines PC Qatar QR Ryanair FR SAS Scandinavian SK Sata International Singapore Airlines SQ SWISS LX TAP Portugal TP Thomas Cook TCX Thomson Holidays TOM Tunisair TU Turkish Airlines TK United UA US Airways US Virgin Atlantic Airways VS Virgin Atlantic Airways (Heathrow flights ONLY) VS 1 1 2 3 2 1 3 2 3 3 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 3 2 2 1 2 3 1 1 3 1 2 2 1 1 2 1 2 3 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 2 1 2 2 2 3 Helicopter and Circuit Information Helicopter Operations Helicopters always use the runway for take-off and landing. Once vacating the runway they should be taxied/hover taxied to either ROMPA/TATON or to the Ocean Sky apron. Circuits Circuits are usually carried out on the left runway (the departure runway), which ensures that a VFR aircraft never needs to cross the approach path of an active arrivals runway. When using 23 dual operations VFR circuit traffic should be landed on runway 23R. VFR Circuit Once Airborne Callsign, report downwind with intentions. Once Downwind with intentions reported Callsign, roger report final are number... Once Final Callsign, runway... cleared touch and go surface wind... Runway Upwind Final Crosswind Base Downwind IFR Circuits Coordination= Callsign, is a........ Requesting IFR circuits Callsign, you are cleared for IFR circuits, after departure execute the standard missed approach procedure, runway.... and squawk EGCC LOCAL. - Once Air-Bourne hand off. Orbits Callsign, enter right hand orbits at the end of the downwind leg until advised. Callsign, enter right hand orbits over current position until advised. Traffic Information Traffic is a ....... on ......... with the traffic in sight runway ... cleared for takeoff surface wind....... Callsign, traffic is a ...... ....... on a ..... mile final, runway ..... report the traffic in sight. Callsign, you are number 2 to that traffic, report final ...., recommended distance ... miles. Missed Approach Procedures Callsign, go around I say again go around acknowledge. Callsign, fly standard missed approach runway... 23R- at ILS DME0 turn right 360 degrees, climb 3500 23L- runway heading, climb 3500 05L- runway heading climb 3500 05R- at ILS DME0 turn right heading 190 degrees, climb 3500 Intermediate Level METARS EGCC 022020z 20012KT 160V220 R23R/0800N 3500 +RA -SN BCBR OVC002 SCT010 BKN015CB 02/M01 Q965 TEMPO 1000 RERA NOSIG = Manchester, date 02, time 20:20z, wind 200° at 12KT, wind between 160° and 220°, visibility 3.5km, RVR 23R/800 metres no trend, heavy rain, light snow, patches of mist, overcast 200ft, scattered 1000ft, broken 1500ft cumulonimbus cloud, temperature 2°c / dew point 1°c, QNH 965hp, Temporarily 1km, recent rain, no significant changes. TAF TAF EGCC 291700Z 2918/3024 07010KT 9999 SCT025 PROB30 TEMPO 3002/3010 BKN014 BECMG 3016/3019 13005KT = Manchester, date 29, time 17:00z, valid 29th 18:00z between 30th 24:00z, surface wind 070° at 10KT, visibility 10km or more, Scattered cloud 2500ft, 30% probability that Temporarily between 30th 02:00z and 30th 10:00z there will be Broken at 1400ft, Becoming between 30th 16:00z and 30th 19:00z it will be 130° at 5KT. Coordination There are two methods of achieving co-ordination: 1. Tactical Co-ordination - the co-ordination of individual aircraft to which the co-ordinating controllers are providing, or are about to provide, an ATS. It is achieved either verbally (face-to-face or via a telephone line) or silently using an electronic data communications system. 2. Standing Co-ordination - co-ordination which is implemented automatically, on a permanent basis, without communication between the controllers involved. It is affected in accordance with a written agreement between the units or sectors involved (Letter of Agreement or as detailed in the vMATS Part 2). Altimetry The QNH & QFE are PRESSURE SETTINGS which display: • QNH displays altitude above sea level=257ft • QFE displays height above the aerodrome=0ft The QFE at Manchester is the QNH-9. This is because each hector Pascal is around 29ft so if you divide the aerodrome elevation by 29 whatever you get you take it off the QNH and you get the QFE. For example, EGCC is 257ft so 257/29= 9 therefore QNH9=QFE Wake Separation Requirements Arrival Separation Departure Separation