Verification and count process for Parliamentary
Verification and count process for Parliamentary
Draft as at: 28/4/15 Final (Draft) Verification and Count Process Cheshire West and Chester Council Parliamentary, Borough, Parish & Referendum Elections: 7th, 8th and 9th May 2015 (Count Instructions for 8 and 9 May to follow) Draft as at: 28/4/15 1. Staffing Overview Acting Returning Officer/Deputy Acting Returning Officer Responsible for the Verification, Count and Declaration of Results. Specific responsibility for doubtful votes, communicating with candidates and agents and announcing results. City of Chester – Steve Robinson Eddisbury – Mark Palethorpe Ellesmere Port and Neston – Mark Wynn Weaver Vale – Vanessa Whiting Count Centre Manager Overall management of the verification and count process and staff. Also responsible for any crossboundary issues. City of Chester – Deborah Ridgeley Eddisbury – Penny Housley Ellesmere Port and Neston – Nick Lamper Weaver Vale – Mandy Ramsden Ballot Box Receipt Team Receive Ballot Boxes from Presiding Officers and ensure all required documentation is available. Receipt Supervisor co-ordinates and deals with any Presiding Officer who do not have correct documentation to hand. Ballot Box Supervisor Co-ordinates ballot box flow around the count centre throughout the verification and count ensuring boxes stay together where needed, their status is clearly marked and that teams receive ballot boxes to ensure no down time. Enumeration Team Check and input figures on Ballot Paper Accounts. Check and input figures for count result. Ensure all documentation and calculations are accurate. Head Enumerator manages the process and resolves any issues. Head Verification/Count Assistants (HVAs) Supervise teams of ten Verification Assistants. Take receipt of boxes as allocated by Supervisor. Break seals and instruct VAs on verification process. Once complete mark boxes with status. Once in count phase set up count table, instruct VAs on count process, check bundles and take up to count tables. Verification/Count Assistants (VAs) Count and sort ballot papers and votes in accordance with instructions from HVAs. Porters Move ballot boxes and equipment around the count in accordance with instructions from Count Centre Manager, Ballot Box Supervisor and HVAs. 2. Ballot Box Check-in Procedures Lead: Receipt Supervisor Key Staff Involved: 6 Ballot Box Receipt Assistants, all Porters, Count Centre Manager 1 2 3 At 10pm on 7 May 2015 all Polling Stations close. Presiding Officers (POs) to close polling stations, complete relevant paperwork and place all equipment in cars and drive to their designated Count Centre. On arrival at the centre POs (or Senior Poll Clerks for cross boundary areas) at the Count Centres will be met by Streetscene Operatives who will be directing cars and helping carry equipment (ballot boxes and sacks) into the centre where required. Receipt Assistants (RAs) will work in teams of two to receive and check boxes and paperwork. Upon arrival in the count centre, POs report to the check in desk with all appropriate completed forms in envelopes - all documentation / equipment / sacks are to be clearly marked with the ballot box number as directed in PO instructions. This will include: Ballot Boxes – sealed and labelled Ballot Paper Accounts and Unused Ballot Paper Accounts – one for each election, all in one envelope (envelope 7) c) Marked Register and list of postal and proxy voters (envelope 4) d) Any Postal Votes together with log e) Unused Ballot Papers Sack and (Clear Plastic Sack) f) All other envelopes, 3,5,6,8,9 (other Clear Plastic Sack) g) Elections Equipment (signs, notices, pencil cases, compactors etc) (Black Plastic) h) Poll cards for confidential recycling (Green Plastic Sack) i) Rubbish that cannot be left at stations (Pink/Lilac Sack) j) trollies Check lists for each station must be completed by RAs so there is a clear record of which boxes have arrived and that the correct documentation has been received. Particular note will need to be made where spare boxes have been used and ensure the boxes are labelled 1 of 2, 2 of 2 POs should hand ITEMS a) to e) directly to the receipt team and these must be ticked off the check-in list. Receipt team must not let the PO leave until these have been received, checked and signed in. Other envelopes, Spare equipment and rubbish ITEMS f) to i), in appropriate sacks to be set aside in cages for transportation by Porters to assigned storage areas in ballot box number order. Trollies should be stored in assigned area. ALL Ballot paper accounts envelopes (envelope 7) will be opened in the presence of the PO to check that the correct forms are enclosed. A brief check of the calculation should be carried out. Any that appear to be incorrectly filled in should be challenged and the PO asked to explain any anomalies. Once all the ballot box and all relevant paperwork is checked, POs may leave. Should the relevant paperwork not be available or a problem is identified the Receipt Supervisor will take the PO to one side to resolve the issue. Any postal votes handed in by POs should be checked against the log completed by the PO. They then need to be put in the assigned tray together with the log. A note a) b) 4 5 6 7 8 9 3|P a g e should be added to the check in document to indicate how many PVs handed in. The Count Centre Manager will supervise this tray and ensure a runner transfers all to the Postal Vote Opening Centres. If large bulk these may be done in two runs. 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Marked Copies of Registers (envelope 4) remain in the envelope and are placed in the appropriate tray in ballot box number order. Opened Ballot Paper Accounts are to be placed in the appropriate tray. The Count Centre Manager or nominated representative will transfer these on a regular basis to the Enumerator Table RAs will ask the Porters to transfer ballot boxes to the assigned area. Parliamentary and Local boxes from the same station must be kept together. Upon arrival at the assigned areas Porters must report to the Ballot Box Supervisor who will advise where boxes should be placed. Unused Ballot Papers must be in a clear plastic sack and must have the label on to show which Polling Station they are from. The sacks can then be placed in cages and transported to the assigned area and stored in numerical order by Porters. Rubbish and equipment bags clearly labelled are to be put into cages and transferred to vans once it has been confirmed that items a) to e) for that polling station have been handed in. Vans stay onsite until completion of verification. If at 11.30pm boxes have still not arrived the Receipt Supervisor will need to start to call POs and PSIs to locate. Once all boxes have been checked in the Supervisor needs to advise the Count Centre Manager and ensure all Ballot Paper Accounts are with Enumerators, that Count Centre Manager is aware of any PVs and that marked copies of register envelopes are transferred to Control Table. Receipt Desk should now be clear. Insert a diagram of how the Ballot Box Receipt desk should be set up Insert flow chart showing check-in process 3. Enumeration Table 1 Each enumerator will be allocated a list polling stations that will be arriving at that Count Centre. 2 Ballot Paper Accounts will be delivered to the Head Enumerators who will sort by polling station number into the appropriate baskets (3 for each numerator. 1 for each election). 3 Enumerators will check the arithmetic and enter the figures off the ballot paper account onto a sheet provided. There will be a separate Ballot Paper account for unused ballot papers, Enumerators should cross reference these to ensure there have been no calculation errors. 4 As boxes are opened the HVA will ask the enumerators to check the number of ballot papers in the box match the number issued on the ballot paper account. Enumerators should double check which election the figure being presented refers to. If the figures don’t match you should request that the box is re-counted. 4|P a g e 5 If the figure presented by the HVA matches the figures on the Ballot Paper Account Enumerators should record on the Verification Statement the number of papers in the box and pass to the Head Enumerator. If the figures don’t match you should request that the box is re-counted. 6 If after a re-count the numbers still vary Enumerators should ask the Count Centre Manager to undertake an additional check of the unused ballot papers. If the figure still does not reconcile the HVA may need to open and verify the corresponding local box – see Section 7 for full explanation. 7 When the box has been validated and the numbers agree Enumerators should pass the Ballot Paper Account to the head enumerator to be entered into a master spreadsheet. Any variance in the number of ballot papers present compared to that on the Ballot Paper Account needs to be recorded. 4. Verification Introduction 1 The ARO/DARO is responsible for the arrangements to count the number of ballot papers in each ballot box and verify each ballot paper account. The ARO/DARO must also count all completed and returned postal ballot papers. 2 The concept is to verify the Parliamentary first and then have half the team counting the Parliamentary and half verifying the Borough/Parish/Referendum 3 Verification Assistants will sit in teams of ten, each will be supervised by a Head Verification Assistant 4 Verification has two main purposes – to ensure and demonstrate that all ballot papers issued at polling stations and all returned postal ballot papers have been brought to the count, and to provide the figure with which the count outcome must reconcile. 5. Verification of Parliamentary and Local Postal Papers 1 2 3 4 HVAs Ballot Boxes containing the postal votes that have been opened and processed prior to 7 May will be transferred to the Count Centre during the afternoon of 7 May. The Ballot Box Supervisor will ensure the ballot boxes containing the processed Postal Votes are distributed amongst the Head Verification Assistants ready to be opened at precisely 10pm Enumeration Table will have a full schedule of the number of postal votes contained in each ballot box. There will be a statement for each opening session split by electoral area (Constituency/Ward/Parish etc). Each will be bundled separately. At 10pm HVAs will break the seal on the ballot boxes/wallets and distribute the votes amongst their teams. It is important to verify against each individual postal opening session electoral area statement. 5|P a g e 5 6 7 8 9 10 Tell your counting team to keep papers face up during the verification. The verification process detailed in section 7 points 5 and 6 below will then be followed. The Count Centre Manager must arrange for any postal votes handed in with ballot boxes to be transported to the relevant Postal Vote Opening Centre as soon as practicable. Consideration will need to made as to whether to make one or two trips to do this. A runner will have been identified for this task and the Count Centre Manager must ensure they are on standby. The Count Centre Manger will need to liaise with the Postal Vote Opening Team to ensure all postal votes processed on the 7 May, including those handed with ballot boxes are brought back to the Count Centre to be verified. The Postal Vote Opening lead identified for each Count Centre will bring all postal votes that need to be verified at that centre. The parliamentary verification cannot be completed until this has happened. The Postal Vote Opening lead should call the Count Centre Manager prior to setting off and report in to them on arrival. Postal Parliamentary votes that arrive from the opening centre should be verified as above. Once the parliamentary verification has been completed those postal votes should be mixed with other votes and the count commenced. Verified Local Votes need to be stored back in their relevant pouches/boxes and sealed ready for transportation to the Local Count. 6. Ballot Box Distribution Lead: Ballot Box Supervisor Key Staff Involved: All Once checked in all ballot boxes will be brought by Porters to the assigned area, marked on the plans as All Ballot Boxes. Upon arrival porters report to the Ballot Box 1 Supervisor who will assign where the box needs to be placed. 2 3 4 5 Once ballot boxes arrive the Ballot Box Supervisor must check them in on their list and ensure that all boxes (parliamentary, local and any spares) from the same station are kept together. Where boxes come from dual or triple stations these will be clearly marked on the checkin list. The Supervisor needs to ensure these are stored next to each other as they arrive and issued to a Head Verification Assistant in one block. Once a set of boxes has arrived at the All Ballot Boxes area the Supervisor should issue the set to the next available Head Verification Assistant and mark this on their list. Boxes from cross-boundary areas should be given priority. The HVA will need to advise the Supervisor of the progress of the verification of each set of boxes. Depending on the outcome of the parliamentary box verification the Supervisor will need to: a) If the parliamentary box verification was correct – the verified parliamentary box 6|P a g e needs to be moved to the Verified section of the All Ballot Boxes area. Ensuring it is correctly marked up. The still sealed unverified local box should be moved to the Requires Verification section of the Local Boxes area. b) If the parliamentary box requires a local box to be opened the Supervisor should immediately tell the ARO/DARO or Count Centre Manager. An announcement will need to be made advising all attendees that the local box is being verified. Once the local box has been verified the HVA will mark the box and re-seal it. The Supervisor needs to arrange for the box to be moved to the Verified section of the Local Ballot Boxes area. 6 The Ballot Box Supervisor needs to ensure that they have a written record of where each box is at all times and its current status. 7 The Ballot Box Supervisor, ARO/DARO and Count Centre Manager need to be in close communication throughout the parliamentary verification stage to ensure that progress can be clearly communicated and that a decision can be taken on how many staff will be needed to undertake the count and how many should continue to verify the local boxes. 8 9 10 11 Once the parliamentary verification has been completed there should be only verified parliamentary boxes (including all postal votes) in the All Ballot Boxes Section and only local boxes (including all postal votes) in the Local Ballot Box section. The Local Boxes Section will contain a mix of verified and unverified ballot boxes. These should be clearly separated and marked appropriately. At the start of the parliamentary count the Ballot Box Supervisor will ensure that ballot papers from separate boxes have been mixed and then issue boxes to each of the Head Counting Assistants. As boxes become empty the Supervisor will instruct Porters to clear them away. The local box verification will commence at the same time as the parliamentary count. The Ballot Box Supervisor will distribute the unverified local boxes to the Head Verification Assistants in the agreed order (subject to any local boxes which have already had to been verified during the parliamentary verification stage). Once a local box has been successfully verified the Supervisor will ensure they are placed in the Verified section of the Local Boxes area. The Ballot Box Supervisor, ARO/DARO and Count Centre Manager need to be in close communication throughout the Parliamentary Count and Local Verification to monitor progress and move staff resources as required. 7. Parliamentary Verification Procedures May 2015 Lead: ARO/DARO and Count Centre Manager Key Staff Involved: Verification Team (Ballot Box Supervisor, Head Verification Assistants, Verification Assistants, Enumerators, Porters ) Both the Parliamentary Ballot Box and Local Ballot Box from one Polling Station will be brought by the Porters to the verification table and given to the Head 1 Verification Assistant. Any additional Parliamentary and Local Ballot Boxes used at that Polling Station will also be brought to the verification table. 7|P a g e 2 3 4 5 The Head Verification Assistant will enter the Parliamentary Ballot Box (or boxes – if more than one Parliamentary Ballot Box is used) Number, Polling Station and Security Tag numbers on the Verification Sheet. If necessary show any Agents/Candidates that the Security Tag is unbroken and cut it. The Head Verification Assistant will then open the Parliamentary Ballot Box, or Boxes if more than one has been used. The Local Ballot Box remains sealed. The Heads Verification Assistant will empty the contents of the Parliamentary Ballot Box or boxes on to the verification table taking care not to spill any on to the floor and check that none remain in the box. The Head Verification Assistant will ensure that any Agents/Candidates are able to see that the Parliamentary Ballot Box is empty. The team of Verification Assistants will then count the Ballot Papers face up in to 10s and secure with a single paperclip on the top towards the left hand side of the bundle. The bundles will then be placed in the trays in front of them. Once all Ballot Papers have been counted and bundled as stage 5. The Verification Assistants will then pull the bundles into larger bundles of 100 using elastic bands. 6 The Head Verification Assistant (assisted by the VA’s as required) will then total the number of Ballot Papers found in the Parliamentary Box or boxes, write it down and take the total to the Enumerator Table to check if the figure corresponds with the figure on the Parliamentary Ballot Paper Account for that Polling Station. If the figure counted matches the Parliamentary Ballot Paper Account – The Head Verification Assistant attaches a Verified Sticker to the front of the Parliamentary Ballot Box. 7 The Verified Parliamentary Ballot Box and the still Sealed Local Ballot Box are then taken by the Porters as follows. The Verified Parliamentary Ballot box (es) taken to the Verified Parliamentary Area. Sealed Local Ballot Box (es) taken by the Porters to the Local Verification Area to await verification. If the figure counted does not match the Parliamentary Ballot Paper Account – The Head Verification Assistant returns to the 8 9 verification table and the team of Verification Assistants undertake a re-check of the Ballot papers and the Head Verification Assistant returns to the Enumerator Table to check if the figure corresponds with the figure on the Parliamentary Ballot Paper Account for that Polling Station. If, following recheck, the figures match, the step in point 7 above applies. If, following re-check, the counted figure shows a lower figure than on the Parliamentary Ballot Paper Account – The Head Verification Assistant must immediately ask themselves the following 8|P a g e questions: A. Is this a Cross Boundary Parliamentary Ballot Box? (You will have been informed of this when the Ballot Box is brought to your table). If it is a Cross Boundary Ballot Box refer to the Cross Boundary Issues Guidance and Table attached. B. Is this a Parliamentary Box from a dual/triple Polling Station? If so, the other Parliamentary Ballot box (es) from that Polling Station will need to be opened and checked for mis-posted ballot papers and verified as per this procedure C. If the Parliamentary Ballot Box is not affected by A or B (or B has already been done) then notify the Ballot Box Supervisor that the Local Ballot Box for that polling station will need to be opened. This is to enable the Acting Returning Officer to advise Agents/Candidates who may wish to be present when the Local Ballot Box is opened. When opening the Local Ballot Box steps 2 to 4 of the Local Verification Procedures 2015 must be followed. Then: If Parliamentary paper/s are found in the Local Ballot Box (they will be easily distinguished by their white colour) and this enables the number counted to match the Parliamentary Ballot Paper Account then the Parliamentary Ballot Box can be marked as verified as in step 7 above. The Local Ballot Box will then need to be verified following steps set out in the Local and Parish Verification Procedure 2015. If after following the appropriate steps A, B or C the figure is still less (or more) than the figure on the Parliamentary Ballot Paper Account. Please follow step 10 Contact the Count Centre Manager who will supervise carrying out the steps set out in the Electoral Commission Checklist (a copy is attached): 10 A. Unused Ballot papers should be checked B. Speak to the Presiding Officer for the Polling Station to ascertain any explanation C. Undertake 2 rechecks and they result in the same figure If following all of the steps A,B and C, above, this is the figure that is used for Verification of that Parliamentary Ballot Box. 11 9|P a g e This verified figure must then be notified to the Head Enumerator who will amend the Parliamentary Ballot Paper Account accordingly. Any Borough, Parish or Referendum Ballot Papers found in a Parliamentary Ballot Box during Parliamentary Verification must be put into the envelope provided and slotted in the clear plastic wallet at the front of the Local Ballot Box. 8. Cross-Boundary Parliamentary Election Procedures May 2015 Weaver Vale Constituency Count Centre Lead: Deputy Acting Returning Officer Key Staff Involved: Count Centre Manager, Senior Poll Clerks Weaver Vale Parliamentary Ballot Boxes received from Halton 1 Cross-Boundary Parliamentary Ballot Boxes from Halton will be brought and checked into the Northwich Count Centre by the Senior Poll Clerks stationed at the Halton Polling Stations with the Parliamentary Ballot Boxes. This will be done as per the Ballot Box Checking in Procedure. Cross-Boundary Parliamentary Ballot Boxes from Halton will be verified as early as possible during verification process to enable any issues regarding mis-posted Ballot Papers to be resolved and not delay commencing the Count. 2 3 The Ballot Box Supervisor will ensure that Cross-Boundary Parliamentary Ballot Boxes are kept physically separated from the non cross-boundary ballot boxes and are assigned as a priority to a verification table as soon as possible after their arrival. Upon assignment of a Cross-Boundary Parliamentary Ballot Box to a verification table the Head Verification Assistant must be notified by the Ballot Box Supervisor that it is a Cross-Boundary Ballot Box to ensure they follow the appropriate procedure in the Parliamentary Verification Procedures 2015. Issue Cross Boundary Parliamentary Ballot Paper numbers not matching Parliamentary Ballot Paper Account at verification (potentially CWaC Parliamentary Ballot Papers in Halton Local Ballot Boxes) Action When Count Centre Manager is notified of Cross Boundary Parliamentary Ballot Paper numbers not matching Ballot Paper Account at verification, a call must immediately be made to Richard Harrison who will be based at the Halton Count Centre to request the Local Halton Ballot Box from the relevant Polling Station be opened to establish whether there it contains any CWaC Parliamentary Ballot Papers. ARO/DARO completes Request Log to track request. If Parliamentary Ballot Papers are found in the Halton Local Ballot Box Richard Harrison will call the Count Centre Manager at CWaC immediately to confirm number found. Verification may then continue as per the Parliamentary Verification Procedure 2015 and Richard Harrison will bring 4 10 | P a g e the Ballot Papers to the Northwich Count Centre for the Count. If no Parliamentary Ballot Papers are found in the Halton Local Ballot Box revert to procedures as set out in the Parliamentary Verification Procedures 2015. Issue Halton Borough Council Local Ballot Papers in Weaver Vale (CWAC) Parliamentary Ballot Boxes. Action 5 6 As CWaC Parliamentary Ballot Boxes are opened, any Halton Local Ballot Papers identified must be placed in an envelope with a log sheet to identify which box the paper came from. These envelopes should then be stored on the Control Table. This process should be overseen by the Count Centre Manager. Halton Borough Council Ballot Papers will then be collected and taken Halton Count Centre in due course. Local Ballot Boxes (CWaC Local Ballot Boxes being received from Tatton where Parliamentary Ballot Boxes have been taken to Cheshire East) Local Ballot Boxes from Tatton will be brought and checked into the Northwich Count Centre by the Presiding Officers stationed at the Polling Stations. This will be done as per the Ballot Box Checking in Procedure. Local Ballot Boxes from Tatton will be kept separately from the standard Parliamentary and Local Ballot Box duos. This is to enable the Ballot boxes to be easily located should they need to be opened early at the request of Cheshire East during their Parliamentary verification. Issue Contact from Cheshire East Count Centre requesting a Local Ballot Box be opened to establish whether there are any Cheshire East Parliamentary Ballot Papers in our Local Ballot Boxes 7 Action 11 | P a g e On receiving call from Cheshire East Count Centre the Count Centre Manager will arrange to open relevant Local Tatton Ballot Box identify any Cheshire East Parliamentary Ballot Papers, contact Cheshire East Count Centre and confirm outcome. DARO will log the request on the Tatton Request Log. Proceed to verify the Local Tatton Ballot Box following the Local Verification Procedures Issue CWaC Local Ballot Papers mis-posted into Tatton Parliamentary Ballot Boxes. Any CWaC Local Ballots being found by Cheshire East during their Parliamentary Verification process will be given to our CWaC Officer based at the Cheshire East Count Centre in Macclesfield who will bring the Ballot Papers back the Northwich in order to complete the Local Ballot Paper verification. 9. Cross-Boundary Parliamentary Election Procedures May 2015 Eddisbury Constituency Count Centre Lead: Deputy Acting Returning Officer Key Staff Involved: Count Centre Manager, Senior Poll Clerks Eddisbury Parliamentary Ballot Boxes received from Cheshire East 1 Cross-Boundary Parliamentary Ballot Boxes from Cheshire East will be brought and checked into the Winsford Count Centre by the Senior Poll Clerks stationed at the Cheshire East Polling Stations with the Parliamentary Ballot Boxes. This will be done as per the Ballot Box Checking in Procedure. Cross-Boundary Parliamentary Ballot Boxes from Cheshire East will be verified as early as possible during verification process to enable any issues regarding misposted Ballot Papers to be resolved and not delay commencing the Count. 2 3 The Ballot Box Supervisor will ensure that Cross-Boundary Parliamentary Ballot Boxes are kept physically separated from the non cross-boundary ballot boxes and are assigned as a priority to a verification table as soon as possible after their arrival. Upon assignment of a Cross-Boundary Parliamentary Ballot Box to a verification table the Head Verification Assistant must be notified by the Ballot Box Supervisor that it is a Cross-Boundary Ballot Box to ensure they follow the appropriate procedure in the Parliamentary Verification Procedures 2015. Issue Cross Boundary Parliamentary Ballot Paper numbers not matching Parliamentary Ballot Paper Account at verification (potentially CWaC Parliamentary Ballot Papers in Cheshire East Local Ballot Boxes) 4 Action 12 | P a g e When Count Centre Manager is notified of Cross Boundary Parliamentary Ballot Paper numbers not matching Ballot Paper Account at verification, a call must immediately be made to Simone Cafferty who will be based at the Shavington Cheshire East Count Centre to request the Local Cheshire East Ballot Box from the relevant Polling Station be opened to establish whether there it contains any CWaC Parliamentary Ballot Papers. DARO completes Request Log to track request. If Parliamentary Ballot Papers are found in the Cheshire East Local Ballot Box Simone Cafferty will call the Count Centre Manager at CWaC immediately to confirm number found. Verification may then continue as per the Parliamentary Verification Procedure 2015 and Simone will bring the Ballot Papers to the Winsford Count Centre for the Count. If no Parliamentary Ballot Papers are found in the Cheshire East Local Ballot Box revert to procedures as set out in the Parliamentary Verification Procedures 2015. Issue Cheshire East Borough Council Local Ballot Papers in CWaC Parliamentary Ballot Boxes. Action As CWaC Parliamentary Ballot Boxes are opened, any Cheshire East Local Ballot Papers identified must be placed in an envelope with a log detailing which box the paper/s were found in. These envelopes should be stored on the Control Table. This process should be overseen by the Count Centre Manager. Cheshire East Borough Council Ballot Papers found will then be given to and taken by the nominated Cheshire East officer present at the Winsford Count Centre. 10. Parliamentary Count Procedure May 2015 Lead: ARO/DARO, Count Centre Manager Key Staff Involved: Head Counting Assistants Counting Tables should be set up by Head Counting Assistants as follows: 1 13 | P a g e Tray for each Candidate Tray for Doubtful Votes 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 11 12 The ARO/DARO, Count Centre Manager and Ballot Box Supervisor Team will unclip and mix Ballot Papers from Parliamentary Ballot Boxes and distribute Ballot Boxes of Parliamentary Ballot Papers to the Head Counting Assistants at Counting Tables. Head Counting Assistants will then empty the Box of Ballot Papers on to the Counting Table taking care that not spill on t to the floor and none remain in the Ballot Box and T will ensure that any Agents/Candidates are able to see that the Parliamentary Ballot Box is empty. The Head Counting Assistant will then instruct the Counting Assistants to sort the Ballot Papers as follows: Sort each Ballot Paper into the appropriate tray per Candidate Place any Doubtful Ballot Papers into the Doubtful papers tray. The Head Counting Assistant must run regular checks to ensure sorting is accurate. This can be done by checking trays as often as appropriate to ensure the Ballot Papers are placed in the correct tray for the Candidate. Candidates of Agents may ask for a check to be undertaken. Once the Ballot Papers are sorted as per step 3. Ballot Papers for each Candidate are counted into batches of 10 Ballot papers and secured with a single paperclip on the top towards the left hand side of the bundle and placed back into the appropriate tray for that candidate. The Head Counting Assistant (assisted by the Counting Assistant as required) then bundles the checked batches of 10 for each Candidate into 100’s secured with an elastic band and takes each bundle of 100 to the appropriate Centre Count Table for that Candidate. THE HCA will run regular checks to ensure the bundles are all votes for the same candidate. Any Doubtful Ballot Papers will be adjudicated by the Acting Returning Officer or Deputy Acting Returning Officer and the Head Counting Assistant must bring Doubtful votes to the Control Table. Once adjudicated, accepted Ballot Papers will be returned to the Count. The Enumeration Team will be at the Centre Count Tables to stack up Ballot Papers for each candidate using markers to show 5000’s, 1000’s and 500’s. Checks will be carried out by the Enumerators so ensure continued accuracy and any bundles not totalling 100 will be returned to Count teams. Regular checks should be run to ensure the bundles all contain votes for the same candidate. Once all the Ballot Papers are on the Centre Count Tables the Count Centre Manager and the Logistics Team will calculate and check with the Head Enumerator to ensure the total number of Parliamentary Ballot Papers matches the total of the Parliamentary Verification Statement (taking into account Ballot Papers removed following the Doubtful Ballot adjudication). If they match the result will be prepared in conference with the ARO/DARO. While the Result is being prepared most Counting Teams will be assigned to Verification of the Local Ballot Boxes. (a number may be held back for checking in the Parliamentary Count this is the judgement of the ARO/DARO) If the total number of Parliamentary Ballot Papers does not match the total of the Parliamentary Ballot Paper Account (taking into account Ballot Papers removed following the Doubtful Ballot adjudication) Enumerator will check the bundles to 14 | P a g e ensure contain 100s. 13 Once a figure has been agreed the (D) ARO will discuss the provisional result with candidates and agents. Once the result is declared the Parliamentary Ballot Papers remained bundled and are condensed into brown paper sacks by the Logistics Team. Porters will then transfer to the identified area for safe storage overnight. 11. Local Verification Procedures May 2015 Lead: ARO/DARO and Count Centre Manager Key Staff Involved: Verification Team (Ballot Box Supervisor, Head Verification Assistants, Verification Assistants, Enumerators, Porters ) Local Ballot Boxes which have not been verified during the Parliamentary Verification phase will all be stored in the Local Boxes area. Boxes will assigned 1 to each HVA by the Ballot Box Supervisor and delivered to the HVA by the Porters. The Head Verification Assistant will enter the Local Ballot Box (or boxes – if more than one Local Ballot Box is used) Number, Polling Station and 2 Security Tag numbers on the Verification Sheet. If necessary show any Agents/Candidates that the Security Tag is unbroken and cut it. 3 4 5 The Head Verification Assistant will then open the Local Ballot Box, or Boxes if more than one has been used. The Heads Verification Assistant will empty the contents of the Local Ballot Box or boxes on to the verification table taking care not to spill any on to the floor and check that none remain in the box. The Head Verification Assistant will ensure that any Agents/Candidates are able to see that the Parliamentary Ballot Box is empty. A check should be made in the clear plastic wallet at the front of the ballot box to see if there is an envelope containing any votes that had been found in the corresponding Parliamentary Box is present. The team of Verification Assistants will then need to sort the votes face up by type of election if more than one present in the box. These will be clearly identified by colour of ballot paper. Yellow for Borough, Green for Town/Parish and Salmon for referendum. The VAs should then count the Ballot Papers for each election type face up in to 10s and secure with a single paperclip on the top towards the left hand side of the bundle. The bundles will then be placed in the trays in front of them. Once all Ballot Papers have been counted and bundled as stage 5. The Verification Assistants will then pull the bundles into larger bundles of 100 using elastic bands. 6 15 | P a g e The Head Verification Assistant (assisted by the VA’s as required) will then total the number of Ballot Papers found in the Local Box or boxes, for each local election and write this down and take to the Enumerator Table to check if the figure corresponds with the figure on the Ballot Paper Accounts for each local election for that Polling Station. If the figure counted matches the Local Ballot Paper Account – The Head Verification Assistant returns tall the ballot papers, still 7 bundled to the ballot box and attaches a Verified Sticker to the front of the Local Ballot Box and reseals, taking a note of the seal number used and entering onto the verification statement. The verified, sealed box is then transferred to the verified local boxes area by the porters If the figure counted does not match a Local Ballot Paper Account – The Head Verification Assistant returns to the verification table 8 and the team of Verification Assistants undertake a re-check of the Ballot papers and the Head Verification Assistant returns to the Enumerator Table to check if the figure corresponds with the figure on the Local Ballot Paper Account for that Polling Station. If, following recheck, the figures match, the step in point 7 above applies. If, following re-check, the counted figure shows a lower figure than on the Local Ballot Paper Account – The Head Verification Assistant must immediately ask themselves the following questions: D. Is this a Cross Boundary Ballot Box (Tatton Only)? (You will have been informed of this when the Ballot Box is brought to your table). If it is a Cross Boundary Ballot Box refer to the Cross Boundary Issues Guidance and Table attached. 9 E. Is this a Local Box from a dual/triple Polling Station? If so, the other Local Ballot box (es) from that Polling Station will need to be opened and checked for mis-posted ballot papers and verified as per this procedure Then follow step 10 Contact the Count Centre Manager who will supervise carrying out the steps set out in the Electoral Commission Checklist (a copy is attached): 10 D. Unused Ballot papers should be checked E. Speak to the Presiding Officer for the Polling Station to ascertain any explanation F. Undertake 2 rechecks and they result in the same figure If following all of the steps A,B and C, above, this is the figure that is used for Verification of that Local Ballot Box. This verified figure must then be notified to the Head Enumerator who will amend the Verification Statement accordingly. 16 | P a g e 11 17 | P a g e The Head Enumerator will then enter the figures onto the master spreadsheet in order that turnout figures can be calculated for each ward.