voluntary announcement establishment of chengyu financial leasing


voluntary announcement establishment of chengyu financial leasing
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The board (the “Board”) of directors (the “Directors”) of Sichuan Expressway Company
Limited* (the “Company”, together with its subsidiaries, the “Group”) hereby announces
that at the 1st meeting of the general manager office of the Company in 2015 held on 15
January 2015, it is resolved that the Company would establish a joint venture, Chengyu
Financial Leasing Co., Ltd. ( 成渝融資租賃有限公司 ) (“Chengyu Financial Leasing”),
with CSI SCE Investment Holding Limited ( 信成香港投資有限公司 ) (“CSI SCE”). On
4 February 2015, the Company entered into the Chengyu Financial Leasing Co., Ltd. Joint
Venture Agreement with CSI SCE. Chengyu Financial Leasing has now completed its
business registration with the Market Supervision Administration of Shenzhen and obtained
its Corporate Person Business License (registration no. 440301501150490) on 13 April
CSI SCE was independent from the Company and its connected persons prior to the
establishment of Chengyu Financial Leasing.
Basic information of Chengyu Financial Leasing is as follows:
Name of company: Chengyu Financial Leasing Co., Ltd. ( 成渝融資租賃有限公司 )
Registered address:
Room 201, Block A, No.1, Qianwan Road 1, Qianhai ShenzhenHong Kong Cooperative District, Shenzhen, the PRC (Shenzhen
Qianhai Commerce Secretariat Co., Ltd.)
Legal representative: He Zhuqing
Scope of Business:
The scope of business of Chengyu Financial Leasing covers financial leasing business;
operating leasing business; acquisition of domestic and foreign leased property; dealing
with and maintaining residual value of leased property; advisory and guarantee services
for leasing transaction; consultation service for enterprise management, advisory service
for investment in industry projects; wholesale of machinery and accessories; commission
agency (excluding auction); import and export and related services (excluding goods
administrated and operated by the State, or goods involving quota management, license
management or other specific regulations and management which shall follow the relevant
regulations of the State).
Registered Capital and Capital Contribution:
The total registered capital of Chengyu Financial Leasing is RMB300,000,000, which will
be contributed by the parties according to the following ratios:
The Company
REASONS FOR establishment of chengyu financial leasing
Based on the general requirements of “exploiting advantages and expediting development”
and the “Twelfth Five-year” development planing of the Company, the Company decided
to jointly establish Chengyu Financial Leasing with CSI SCE in order to implement the
diversified developments which are highly related to the principal business, steadily
promote the development of the financial and investment sector of the Company and seek
the new development direction and profit growth.
The Board considers the establishment of Chengyu Financial Leasing is in the interest of
the Company and its shareholders as a whole.
The Company will disclose the updates or further development about the establishment
of Chengyu Financial Leasing in accordance with the Rules Governing the Listing of
Securities on The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited in due time.
By order of the Board
Sichuan Expressway Company Limited*
Zhang Yongnian
Company Secretary
Chengdu, Sichuan, the PRC
13 April 2015
As at the date of this announcement, the Board comprises Mr. Zhou Liming (Chairman),
Mr. Gan Yongyi (Vice Chairman) and Mr. He Zhuqing as executive Directors, Mr. Wu
Xinhua (Vice Chairman), Mr. Tang Yong, Mr. Huang Bin and Mr. Wang Shuanming as
non-executive Directors, and Mr. Sun Huibi, Mr. Guo Yuanxi, Mr. Chen Weizheng and Mr.
Yu Haizong as independent non-executive Directors.
* For identification purposes only