2015 - international design exhibition to be held from 18
2015 - international design exhibition to be held from 18
EPCH-4/1(38)/2015-INDEX-UAE E 30/03/2015 5 To:: All Members. SUB: PARTICIPA ATION IN “IND DEX, 2015 - IN NTERNATIONA AL DESIGN EX XHIBITION TO O BE HELD FR ROM 18-21 UBAI WORLD TRADE T CENTR RE, DUBAI [U.A.E]. DU MAY, 2015 AT, A Sir//Madam, IND DEX 2015 is the Middle Eas st and North Africa's A largestt and most divverse internatiional design e exhibition dediccated to 9 sho ow secctors, consisting of furnishing gs, furniture, lig ghting, kitchen & bathroom, o objects, outdoo or living , surfa aces & finishess , textiles and in reta ail for the des sign and interio ors industry with over 700. INDEX 2015 w will offer unique e opportunitiess to grow yourr business in th he Mid ddle East's lucrrative retail ma arket, currently giftware and house h ware ind dustry in the UA AE is valued a at approx. US$ 1.3 billion whilst the e GCC market is valued at US S$ 5.3 billion. INDEX is a bus siness to busin ness (B2B) eve ent, and will givve you the opp portunity to plac ce you ur brand in fron nt of over 20,00 00 visitors from m the retail, hos spitality and in nteriors sectorss of the MENA (Middle East a and North Afric ca) and d Asian Sub Co ontinent region who currently attend the IND DEX Exhibition In llight of the abo ove, the Exporrt Promotion Council C for Han ndicrafts is parrticipating in th he INDEX, 201 15- INTERNAT TIONAL DESIG GN EXHIBITION (U.A A.E) TO BE HE ELD FROM 18--22, MAY, 2015 5 at Dubai Wo orld Trade Centtre, Dubai, UAE E. The exhibition will consist of dicrafts Pavilion set-up by the e Export Promo otion Council H Handicrafts (EP PCH). an exclusive Hand e price of per sq. s mtr will be Rs 32,000/- ch harged from the participants (for 9 sqm =Rss2, 88,000) Th he minimum sizze of stands in 9 The sq. mtr. or in multtiple of 3 sq. mttr. i.e., 9sq.mtrr/12 sq. mtr. / 18 sq. mtr. The above charge includes comm mon display aid d / furniture/ sp pot ligh ht. However, th he other expen nses towards frreight of goods s, specific disp lay aids, perso onal expenses like air fare, vvisa fee and sta ay etc. are to be borne by the participants themse elves. The Cou uncil will issue necessary visa a recommenda ation letter in fa avour of memb ber exp porters. Grant of visa is the discretion of concerned c Emb bassy. In case e visa is not granted the Council will not b be liable and any req quest for refund d of participatio on charges will not be entertained. The Exp port Promotion Council for Handicrafts H inviites application ns from interessted memberss for participation in the abov ve hibition. Interes sted members may please forrward their app plication along with a Demand d Draft of Rs.1, 50,000/-in favvour of EXPOR RT exh be deposited o PR ROMOTION CO OUNCIL FOR HANDIRAFTS H payable at New w Delhi. Balan nce amount to b on confirmation n of participatio on. The e complete app plication along with requisite amount a should reach to The C Council’s office e latest by 15/0 04/2015 Me embers may ple ease note withdrawal after se election will no ot be allowed. IIf the applicantt withdraws the eir participation n after selectio on, the e amount depos sited along with h application will w be forfeited. The Council re eserves the rig ght to select or reject any app plication. Furthe er, sub bmission of application does not mean con nfirmation of pa articipation in tthe event. If yo ou have any query, please ccontact Mrs Ma ani Gupta email intlfa [email protected], mobile: 98103 300267. Tha anking you, Y Yours sincerely y, (R. K. VERMA A) Director VE ENCL.: AS ABOV OTE: PARTICIPANTS OF ABOVE A EXHIB BITION ARE ELIGIBLE E FOR SMENT OF MD DA GRANT IN N AID OF RS 2 R REIMUBRS NO LA AKH, SUBJECT T TO MDA GUIDELINESAND D TERMS & CO ONDITIONS . EXPORT PROMOTION COUNCIL FOR HANDICRAFTS Application for “INDEX,2015” INTERNATIONAL DESIGN EXHIBITION 2015, DUBAI AT DUBAI WORLD TRADE CENTRE, UAE , 18-21 MAY, 2015 Last Date for submission: 15/04/2015 1 Name of the Organization: 2 Import Export Code No. 3 EPCH Membership No. 4 Address for Correspondence 5 Telephone 6 Mobile 7 Fax City code - Number City code - 8 Email 9 Website 10 Status of the Company 11 PAN No. 12 TAN No. 13 Name & Designation of the Person Traveling for the Event 14 Area to be booked Number Mr. Mrs. Ms. 9 S. Mtr. 12 S. Mtr. Two sides open: es 15 Products to be Displayed (Enclose 02 photographs) No. 16 17 Account Details of EPCH for receiving RTGS transfers. In case you are making payment through RTGS. Please reconfirm your payment over email: [email protected]. Applications /RTGS received after last date will be rejected. Export Performance of Handicrafts items only NfBfcy: EXPORT PROMOTION COUNCIL FOR HANDICRAFTS Beneficiary Address: "EPCH HOUSE" Pocket 6 & 7, Sector-C, L.S.C. Vasant Kunj, New Delhi-110070 Bank Name : ORIENTAL BANK OF COMMERCE Branch Name : MAHIPAL PUR , NEW DELHI - 37 Current Account No: 00291010002970 RTGS/IFSC Code No: ORBC 0100029 Branch Code: 0029 2012-2013 2013- 2014 2014-2015 TERMS AND CONDITIONS 1. Space Booking: Application in prescribed format for participation in overseas activities of the Council to be submitted within the prescribed date for booking of space 2. Allotment of space to the Participants: The Council reserves the right to select the participants. Submission of application for booking of space does not confer a right for allotment of space. 3. Withdrawal & Refund of Participation Fee: No refund will be considered once the participation has been confirmed by the Council. Members may please note withdrawal after selection will not be allowed. If withdrawn, the amount deposited by the applicants towards their participation shall be forfeited 4. Visa: The Council will provide necessary assistance by way of issuance of recommendation letter to the concerned Mission for obtaining visas. Visa recommendation letter will be issued only in favour of the Chief Executive / Director / Proprietor/Senior Officer of the company. The approval of participation does not confer any right for grant of visa. No claim for refund of participation charges would be entertained on account of denial/delay of visa Since spaced booked on behalf of the participating company, therefore, Council has already committed for certain financial bindings by way of booking of space, construction/decoration of stand, catalogue entry, general publicity support etc., therefore, it will not be possible to consider any refund request on account of denial of visa/delay of visa. Name of Company Organisation the / Name of the Representative(s) Date Birth of Passport No. Date of Issue of Passport Date of Expiry of Passport Place where application to be filed for visa invitation 5. General: (i) Only goods of Indian origin will be allowed for display at India Pavilion. (ii) The spaced allotted to the approved participants is to be exclusively used by them for display of their exhibits. Subletting of space is not permissible. Violation of this clause and the code of conduct of the exhibitor may lead to cancellation of space allotted, forfeiture of space rent and debarring the member exporter from the future participations. I have read, understood and accept the terms and conditions for participation in the above Fair through the Council. I hereby enclosed the RTGS / Demand Draft No. ________________ Dated ____________ for an amount of Rs. ___________/drawn in favour of EXPORT PROMOTION COUNCIL FOR HANDICRAFTS, New Delhi towards my participation in INDEX, 2015 scheduled from 18 -21, May, 2015 at Dubai World trade Centre, UAE. Place: Signature & Stamp: _______________________ Date: Name: ____________________________________ Designation: ______________________________ Encl. 1. RTGS No. / Demand Draft of participation charges 2. Two product photograph FACT SHEET OF “INDEX,2015” INTERNATIONAL DESIGN EXHIBITION 2015, DUBAI AT DUBAI WORLD TRADE CENTRE, UAE , 18-21 MAY, 2015 NAME OF EXHIBITION “INDEX,2015” INTERNATIONAL DESIGN EXHIBITION 2015, DUBAI FAIR DATE 18th – 21st MA, 2015 EXHIBITION VENUE DUBAI WORLD TRADE CENTRE (DWTC), SHEIKH ZAED ROAD – DUBAI - United Arab Emirates ORGANISER DMG EVENTS LLC PRODUCTS ON DISPLA Home Furnishings, Textiles, Artisans, Furniture, Contemporary, Kitchen & Bathroom, Lighting, Objets, Outdoor Living EXPECTED TRADE VISITORS About 25,000 SALE NO RETAIL SALE ALLOWED SIZE OF STAND 9 Sm & 12 sm Wl ll, Rl, I, Hl C, Dl S, MMc
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