The Tugs of War Exhibition
The Tugs of War Exhibition
THETU G S °FW AR 18 April - 24 May 2015 The President Vikki Waller, Director Bev Bills OAM and the Council of the Royal South Australian Society of Arts Invite you and your friends to the opening of the THETUGS°F WAR The opening of the exhibition to be on Saturday, 18th April 2015 at 2.00pm Guest speaker His Excellency the Honourable Hieu Van Le Governor of South Australia The exhibition will be shown at the RSASA gallery from the 18th April - 24th May 2015 Brought to you by • News from home, acrylic by Neil Sheppard An exhibition of artworks relating to the emotions of war through poems, paintings, letters by those who have been touched by war themselves or by family. Proudly supported by a grant from the ANZAC Day Commemoration Council, Department of Premier and Cabinet SCARPANTONI WINES OF McLAREN VALE ARTS Royal South Australian Society of Arts Inc. RSASA Gallery: Level 1, Institute Building Cnr North Tce & Kintore Ave Adelaid, Phone: 08 8232 0450 Email: [email protected] Web: Gallery flours: Mon-Fri 10,30 - 4.30pm, Sat-Sun 1-4pm Closed Public Holiday, Exhibition design by Luke Westle's Design / 0401 973 700
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