
Energy Sector
October 2014
Energy Sector Capacity Building
Jordan’s energy security is precariously at risk. Energy takes up to 24% of
Jordan’s gross domestic product. The sector faces high global oil and gas
prices, near-total reliance on energy imports, increased domestic demand,
and high, unsustainable subsidies.
Longer-term initiatives, such as increased use of renewable energy and the
development of alternative energy supplies, will eventually help address the
supply side of Jordan’s energy equation. However, in the near-term
Jordanian energy sector actors must also address the demand side through
improved energy efficiency. To achieve this goal, they must overcome
various challenges, including distorted tariffs, a lack of capacity, and a lack
of reliable data to support effective decision-making.
USAID supports Jordanian
energy sector partners in
creating a viable enabling
environment for energy
efficiency, strengthening
management of energy sector
institutions, and expanding the
local market for energy service
U.S. Agency for International Development
The USAID Energy Sector Capacity Building (ESCB) Project works with
Jordanian energy sector partners to cultivate effective policies and decisionmaking in the energy sector; and to build sustainable institutional and
organizational capacity to increase the adoption of energy efficiency
technologies and practices. ESCB places a high priority on addressing
gender issues in the energy sector, including promotion of women in energyrelated careers.
Successful development and adoption of a utilities incentive
mechanism to promote energy efficiency, including a robust
monitoring, evaluation, and validation system;
Increase institutional capacity of the Jordanian energy sector
partners including the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources,
Energy and Mineral Resources Commission, and electricity
production, distribution, and transmission companies;
Strengthen market presence, capacity and regulation of energy
services providers through market research, business
development services, accreditation of energy service providers,
and the creation of an energy services association; and
Provide a flexible response mechanism for emergent energy
sector needs and opportunities on a demand-driven basis.
Utilities Incentive Mechanism
JEPCO engineers developing their DSM ideas
using a financial analysis model provided by ESCB
Obtained formal government endorsement of “Demand
Side Mechanism” (DSM) for establishing programs with
energy utilities to support consumer adoption of energy
Conducted consultations with commercial and industrial
sector on energy efficiency and trust in energy utilities
Completed, with utility partners, first detailed energy use
survey on over 2500 Jordanian households
Developed a financial model for utilities to conduct costbenefit analysis for energy conservation programs
Conducted analysis of policy gaps in existing legislation
and regulations on renewable energy and energy efficiency
Capacity Building
Developed capacity building action plans for 6 government
agencies and energy utilities
Provided technical support and training to 48 sector public
and private sector institutions, for a total 1200 person
hours of training
Prepared sections on renewable power for the government
codes on transmission grid and distribution
Supporting Energy Saving Action Planning Process and
Greater Amman Municipality Waste-to-Energy facility
Developing Energy Service Company Associations
Mary Worzala
Chief of Party
USAID Jordan Energy Sector Capacity
Building Activity
Tel: +962 6 5622853
Fax: + 962 6 5606584
[email protected]
Supported establishment of an informal coalition of Energy
Service Providers and conducted market survey
Surveyed financial institutions providing green credit
Responding to Energy Sector Opportunities
Contracted two Jordanian companies for solar power
installation at Ministry of Planning and International
Cooperation and Jordan Customs Department
Conducted study with Mercy Corps on technical impact of
solar power initiative for 75 rural households
Gender Equality
Developed project inclusion plan to promote roles of
women and youth in energy sector
Hosted networking events for women in the energy sector
Sponsored meetings of the Council on Women in Energy
Environmental Leadership, Association of Energy
Engineers, under the Jordan Energy Chapter of EDAMA