ICT-36 PCP open to all areas of public interest


ICT-36 PCP open to all areas of public interest
PCP open to all areas of public interest
requiring new ICT based solutions
Vasilleios Tsanidis
European Commission
Innovation Unit (F2)
What is Pre Commercial Procurement (PCP)?
Why is different from the Public Procurement of
Innovative Solutions (PPI) ?
Public sector is faced with important challenges.
To tackle these challenges often public sector transformations are needed.
- In many cases, solutions are close to the market and would be
provided if clear requirements/sufficient demand expressed by the
market. R&D is not required and the Public Sector acts as launch
customer – seal of approval (PPI)
- In other cases, R&D is required to de-risk technology, still competing
solution approaches to compare before committing to large scale
deployment. The solution seeked lies beyond the state of the art, there
is no available solution on the market yet and therefore R&D is required
to be developed (PCP)
Innovation Procurement = PCP + PPI
PCP to steer the development of solutions towards concrete public sector
needs, whilst comparing/validating alternative solution approaches from
various vendors
PPI to act as launching customer / early adopter / first buyer of
innovative commercial end-solutions newly arriving on the market
- support the enhancement - at a lower cost - of the quality
and efficiency of public services with breakthrough solutions.
- encourage public bodies around Europe to work together on
new ICT based solutions that can respond to concrete
public sector needs.
- address issues of common European interest especially
where interoperability and coherence of solutions across
borders is required, cross-border cooperation can help
- support European research activities as the majority of R&D
should take place in Europe
ICT 36 call – Passport
• Funding: Total budget ICT-36: €4M
• (1 PCP Cofund action expected)
• Project duration: No min/max predefined
• Deadline submission proposals ICT-36: 14
April 2015
Objectives /Scope of the ICT 36 call
- Joint pre-commercial procurement by group of public
procurers in any area of public interest with shared need for
ICT based solution
- Open to proposals requiring improvements on 1 ICT
technology field & end-to-end solutions needing combinations
of various ICT technologies
-Modernization of public services whilst opening opportunities
for industry & researchers to take international leadership in
new markets
What is covered / Who can participate
PCP Co-fund actions cover
A. Preparation Stage
Networking activities, Preparation of the tender docs etc
B. Execution Stage
Joint PCP procurement and implementation of the PCP contracts
Who can participate
- The buyers group (required)
- The lead procurer (required)
- Other entities (e.g end-users, certification bodies) that add value to the action
and whose participation is well justified (possible)
- Other beneficiaries that do not participate in the buyers group but assist the
procurers in the networking/coordination activities (possible)
Any public / private entity can participate as beneficiary provided that it won't
• participate in the PCP execution as potential supplier
Participation requirement
Minimum 3 independent participants from
3 different MS or AC, of which minimum 2
public procurers (buyers group) from 2
different MS or AC
Public procurers are contracting authorities or contracting entities as defined
by the EU public procurement directives
Buyers group & Lead procurer
 Buyers group
 Procurers that provide the financial commitments to undertake the PCP procurement.
 The procurers in the buyers group
- shall be (the 'demand side') responsible for the acquisition and/or regulatory
strategy for the targeted solutions
- or shall be entities with a mandate from one or more of such procurers to act on
their behalf in the joint procurement (e.g. central purchasing bodies)
- or other types of procurers(e.g private, NGOs) that provide services of public
interest and share the same procurement need.
 Sole participants can be also eligible if the minimum conditions are met by the legal
entities forming the sole participant (e.g. European Research Infrastructure
Consortia, European Groupings of Territorial Cooperation)
 Lead procurer
 Public procurer appointed by buyers group to lead and coordinate the PCP .Can be
one of the procurers of the buyers group or another procurer in the project.
'ICT based solutions'. What is ICT?
ICT is pretty wide domain. ICT covers all Information and Communication
Technologies such as:
Components and systems: embedded ICT systems, minituarisation / system
integration, advanced thin large organic and large area electronics
Advanced computing (e.g. customised and low power computing)
Future Internet (e.g. smart novel Internet architectures and experimentation
optical and wireless network technologies, cloud computing infrastructure and
services, tools and methods for software development, web entrepreneurship)
Content technologies and information management (e.g. big data handling, content
handling and modelling, automatic learning language translation systems, creative
industries / social media ICTs, ICTs for learning / teaching and gaming, multimodal
natural computer interaction)
Micro- and nano electronics, cross-cutting ICT KETs, photonics (e.g. (O)LED
High Performance computing
Cybersecurity / trustworthy ICT
Human-centric ICT solutions
Expected Impact
Reduced fragmentation of demand for innovative solutions, by
enabling public procurers to collectively implement PCPs, in areas which
due to their nature are better addressed jointly, or which they would
not have been able to tackle independently
Increased opportunities for wide market uptake and economies of
scale for the supply side through joint specifications, wide publication of
results and where relevant contribution to standardisation regulation or
certification to remove barriers for introduction of PCP innovations into
the market
EU Contribution
• Reimbursement rate direct costs: Max 70% of eligible costs for PCP cofund actions
• Eligible direct costs to carry out eligible activities defined in WP include:
- Price of the R&D services procured (if procurement conducted in
compliance with requirements in Annex E WP)
- Eligible coordination and networking activities
- VAT is ineligible cost only for beneficiaries that can deduct it
Requested reimbursement for coordination and networking activities
can comprise max 30% of the total budget
(PCP+PPI) IN 2015
Calls for PCP cofund actions in 2015
• ICT Work Program
(Call deadline: 14 April 2015)
ICT-24(d): Robotics in areas of public interest including healthcare (€ 5M)
ICT-8(a): Boosting public service productivity/services via cloud computing (€ 9M)
ICT-36: Call open to any area of public interest needing ICT based solutions (€ 4M)
• Health Work Program
(Call deadline: 21 April 2015)
PHC-27: Selfmanagement of health and disease and patient enpowerment supported by
ICT (€ 15M total, expected € 3-5M/proposal)
• Security Work Program(Call deadline: 27 August 2015)
BES-3: Maritime border security: Light optionally piloted vehicles (and sensors) for
maritime surveillance (no predefined total budget, expected € 5-12M/proposal)
• Research Infrastruct Work Program
(Call deadline: 21 April 2015)
INFRASUPP2(b): Scientific instrumentation for research infrastruct. (part of € 14M)
EINFRA8: Geant – novel telecom and Internet technologies (part of € 25M)
Calls for PPI cofund actions in 2015
• ICT Work Program
(Call deadline : 14 April 2015)
ICT-8(b): Boosting public service productivity/services via cloud computing (€ 12M)
ICT-20(d): ICT technologies for better human learning and teaching (€ 9M)
ICT-27(b): Photonics – software defined optical networking for faster broadband by public
network operators e.g. National Research and Education Networks (€ 5M)
• Health Work Program
(Call deadline: 21 April 2015)
PHC 29: eHealth services (€ 10M total, expected € 1-5M/proposal)
• Transport Work Program
(Call deadline: 15 October 2015)
MG 8.3: Transport Infrastructure (€ 13M)
• Research Infrastruct Work Program
(Call deadline: 21 April 2015)
INFRASUPP2(c): Scientific instrumentation for research infrastructure (part of € 14M)
Calls for Coordination and Support Actions in 2015
• Security Work Program
(Call deadline: 27 August 2015)
BES-11: Information management, systems and infrastructure for civilian EU External
Actions (€ 1-2M expected/proposal, part of large call)
DRS-8: Interoperable next generation of broadband radio communication system for
public safety and security (no predefined max budget)
• Research Infrastruct Work Program
(Call deadline: 21 April 2015)
INFRASUPP2 (a): Exploring future use of joint PCP and PPI in research infrastructure
(part of € 14M call)
• Energy Work Program
(Call deadline: 4 June 2015)
EE 7: Enhancing the capacity of public authorities to plan, finance and implement
sustainable energy plans & policies e.g. in buildings, mobility (no max total budget, part
of big call, € 1,5/2M per project expected)
EE 17: Targeting min 25% higher-than available energy performance levels
b) Preparing and supporting procurements by large buyers groups
(no max total budget, part of big call, € 1,5/2M per project)
• ICT Work Program
(Call deadline: 14 April 2015)
ICT-30(b): CSAs on Internet of things ecosystem / could address PCP (max € 1M, 2015)
For more detailed info on Innovation Procurement please visit the
following link:
• http://ec.europa.eu/digital-agenda/en/innovation-procurement
• where you can also find the brochure on the PCP/PPI projects that are
currently implemented under FP7
• http://ec.europa.eu/digital-agenda/en/news/innovation-procurementpower-public-purse
Thank you very much for your
Dr.Vasileios Tsanidis
SNE/Policy Officer
European Commission
Innovation Unit (F2)
[email protected]