Objectives by 2015


Objectives by 2015
Digital Plan
BELGIUM Digital heart of Europe 2010-­‐2015: 30 measures Content
1.  Digital technology for all
2.  Effective networks
3.  From ICT sector to ICT in every sector
Objectives by 2015
•  90% of households should have
broadband connections
•  At least 1 in 2 pupils aged 6 should have
a computer or Netbook as a learning tool
•  50% of the population should have
mobile Internet access
•  50% of invoices should be sent
•  1 in 4 employees should regularly work
from home
Digital technology for all
Education and ICT
Effective networks
Fibre optics in all new homes
Next-­‐genera<on mobile licences 4th licence Stronger regulators
Online security service
Online sales by Belgian companies: 2005: 339 million € 2006: 675 million € (+ 99 %) 2007: 989 million € (+ 46 %) 2008: 1325 million € (+ 34 %) 2009: expecta<ons : +15% From ICT sector to ICT in every
‘CIO from Robin to Batman’
(Peter Hinssen, Business/IT Fusion - How to move
beyond Alignment and transform IT in your
organization, 2009)
Smart grid eHealth MyBelgium.be Electronic invoicing Cost paper invoices
Cost electronic invoicing
4 euro
1 euro
Belgium: 3 billion € cost savings
same status electronic invoicing and paper
“The digital revolution is far more
significant than the invention of
writing or even of printing”
(Douglas Engelbart, IT-pioneer, uitvinder computermuis)