view current pw newsletter


view current pw newsletter
Eastminster Presbyterian Women
The Newsletter for Presbyterian Women of Eastminster Presbytery
G r e et i n g s f r o m y o u r M od e ra t or. . .
around the corner
and I hope you and your
circles are planning to be
there. This year it will be
April 27th at Westminster
Presbyterian Church in
Akron. Look for the
registration form and
directions to Westminster in this issue.
Our speaker will be The Rev. Dr. Nancy
Kahaian, Interim General Presbyter
whose topic will be "TELLING OUR
MISSION" . The Rev. Dr. Kahaian has
been with us since Sept 2014 when she
was called to lead our Presbytery
through a transition period after the
retirement of The Rev Dr. Dan
Nancy is a graduate of
Kalamazoo College, Yale Divinity School
and received her Doctor of ministry from
McCormick Theological Seminary. She's
served as pastor of congregations in
Ohio, Wisconsin and Indiana. She has
also served in the middle bodies of the
Presbyterian Church, including the
Synod of Mid America. She comes to us
from Florida where she also served as
Presbytery Interim. Since she has been
with us the past few months we have
come to appreciate her commitment to
Spring 2015
Christ, her leadership
skills, her humor, her
friendship and her
cooking. Since change and transitions
are not easy for any of us, she needs our
prayers and support during this time. On
another note: We are in need of updating
our contact list for PW circles. If you
have a change in moderator or contact
person for your circle, please give their
names to Goldie Burrier or Helen Shivers
at the Gathering Information table. See
you soon in Akron.
Peace, Carmen
In order to cut down on costs, the
PW newsletter is only being mailed
to chur che s a nd the ir PW
The moderators
should then share the newsletter
with all of the PW in their
congregation. A full COLOR copy of
the newsletter is available on the
web at
If you’d like to receive a
personal electronic copy via
your email, please send a note
to [email protected].
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Eastminster Presbyterian Women
Monday, April 27, 2015
9:00 am - NOON
Westminster Presbyterian Church
1250 West Exchange Street
Akron, OH 44313
Guest speaker:
Rev. Dr. Nancy Kahaian
Interim General Presbyter
Eastminster Presbytery
Registrations must include
payment - Get your
registrations in early
See form on page 8.
Directions to Westminster Presbyterian Church - 1250 West Exchange St. Akron:
From the East: Follow I-76 until I-77 joins it near downtown Akron. Continue West (stay in one of the left
two lanes) an then north on I-77 to the White Pond Drive exit. Turn right off the exit ramp and immediately
right again onto Mull Ave. Proceed East about 2 miles to the traffic light at West Exchange St. The church is
on the right at this intersection.
From the South: Follow I-77 through Akron to the White Pond Drive exit and proceed as described above.,
From the West: Follow I-76 to where it joins I-77. Go left (north) on I-77 to the White Pond Drive exit and
proceed as described above.
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Eastminster Presbyterian Women
Modern Technology Serves
Domestic Violence
Imagine an absolutely beautiful
young woman in a white and gold
cocktail dress whose face, arms and legs
have been beaten, bruised and cut. The
caption reads: "Why is it so hard to see
black and blue? The only illusion is if
you think it was her choice. One in six women are victims of abuse. Stop abuse against women."
This newest domestic awareness ad is being circulated around the globe via Twitter. Created by the
South African Chapter of the Salvation Army, at #TheDress, the tweet has been viewed by
thousands. This hot button issue is starting to sizzle. The power of social media has been used for
Another popular media mode is that of the security camera recording. A recent true life
event was one involving former NFL player Ray Rice. A Baltimore Ravens football player, Rice was
seen punching his fiancée as they rode an elevator together. There was no question the security
tape revealed a full fisted blow by Rice to his fiancée's head, knocking her unconscious. Initially
Rice was suspended from his team and ultimately the entire NFL. Again domestic violence has
been exposed. Today's technology has served us well! Consider the need if you happen to be the
"sixth" woman.
Nancy Dickey, Peace, Justice & Hunger
Presbyterian Women (PW) offers women in the church meaningful ways to live out their faith in the midst of a
caring community of women. For more than 200 years Presbyterian women’s groups have strengthened the
Presbyterian Church and played a major role in sharing the good news of Jesus Christ and witnessing to the
promise of God’s kingdom. And in 2015, Presbyterian Women celebrates 27 years of praying and working
together as “Presbyterian Women,” the organization created with the reunited Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.).
PW Purpose: Forgiven and freed by God in Jesus Christ, and empowered by the Holy Spirit, we commit
to nurture our faith through prayer and Bible study,
to support the mission of the church worldwide,
to work for justice and peace,
and to build an inclusive, caring community of women that strengthens the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)
and witnesses to the promise of God's kingdom.
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Eastminster Presbyterian Women
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Eastminster Presbyterian Women
Ready to make a multitude of Minneapolis memories?
Plan now to attend the 2015 Churchwide Gathering of Presbyterian Women!
Here are a few details!
♦ The 2015 Churchwide Gathering of Presbyterian Women will be held at the Hyatt
Regency in downtown Minneapolis from June 18–21, 2015.
♦ Registration is $395 (a savings from 2012)
♦ Single days are $125. Registration will open January 15, 2015.
♦ Rooms at the Hyatt are $169 per night (plus tax) for up to four people (also a
savings from 2012!)
Hope to see you there!!
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Eastminster Presbyterian Women
Upcoming Memorable Events
Fall Gathering 2015
October 26, 2015
North Benton
Spring Gathering 2016
April 24, 2016
Niles, First Presbyterian
Host a Gathering?
Please consider having your church host a
gathering. It has been many years since a lot of
churches have hosted. We need someone for Fall
of 2016 and both Spring & Fall of 2017.
If your church is wiling, please call
Margie Laria at 330-923-9795
We want to hear from you!
To have your church’s PW
happenings included in
future newsletters, please
send information and/or
photos to Kerry Schneider at
[email protected] or mail to 132 N.
Beverly Ave., Austintown, OH 44515.
Current Eastminster Presbyterian Women Leadership Team
Carmen Ferris
32132 Woodale Dr.
Hanoverton, OH 44423
[email protected]
Peace, Justice & Hunger
Nancy Dickey
328 East Chestnut St.
Lisbon, OH 44432
[email protected]
Ex Officio & Mission Interpretation
Goldie Burrier
1101 E. 10th St.
Salem, OH 44460
[email protected]
Margie Laria
1426 Tewksbury Circle,
Cuyahoga Falls, OH 44221
[email protected]
Audrey Frost
3359 Lewis Seifert Rd.
Hubbard, OH 44425
[email protected]
Helen Shivers
13298 Black Rd.
Lisbon, OH 44432
Spiritual Development
Carol Reed
209 Landsdowne Blvd.
Youngstown, OH 44506
[email protected]
Kerry Schneider
132 N. Beverly Ave.
Austintown, OH 44515
[email protected]
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Eastminster Presbyterian Women
“Stamps for Missions”
After a decade of being our spokesperson and contact for the
Stamps for Missions project, Louise Joachim has decided to step
Through her hard work and dedication, Eastminster
Presbytery along with other communities across the country have
collected over $70,000 for work in the Congo.
We want to thank Louise for her commitment to the Stamps for Mission project and showing
us all that doing God’s work can be as simple as saving a stamp.
If you want to continue to save and donate stamps, please have them delivered to Rev.
David Joachim at Westminster Presbyterian Church in Boardman.
The Newsletter for Presbyterian
Women of Eastminster Presbytery
Eastminster Presbytery
3833 Main St.
Mineral Ridge, OH 44440
Phone: 330-505-2167
We’re on the Web!
Check us out at
Presbyterian Women’s Spring Gathering 2015
Westminster Presbyterian Church - Akron
Registration Form
Please fill out a registration form for each person attending.
Deadline to Register
April 20, 2015
Send a separate registration form for each person attending to:
Margie Laria, 1426 Tewksbury Circle, Cuyahoga Falls, OH 44221 PH: 330-923-9795
Please enclose a check ($6.00 for each person) – payable to Presbyterian Women
Registrations must include payment. Please try to get your registrations in early.
An accurate count is needed for those preparing lunch.
Hope to see you all there!