Missions Commissioning Service - First Baptist Church | Asheboro


Missions Commissioning Service - First Baptist Church | Asheboro
Volume 64
Number 7
March 31, 2015
Missional Moments
We will be praying for the following
in worship the next couple of weeks.
Help us lift these up in prayer even
Missions Commissioning
Prayer Requests
“Father, quiet my heart and mind
so that I may hear the leading of
Your Spirit in my life.”
To share a prayer request, email
[email protected] or call
the church office, from 8 – 5 pm,
Monday – Friday.
What’s Inside
Dr. Scotty Carpenter................. 2
AWE/HeartSpace...................... 3
Children’s Ministry ................... 3
On Mission ............................... 4
Upcoming Events ..................... 4
Adult and Student Ministries ... 5
Church News ............................ 6
Minister On Call........................ 7
Church Records ........................ 7
Church Calendar ................. Back
Sunday, April 12
Both Services
8:30 am & 11:00 am
Our missionary guest speaker is
with the International Mission
Board. He serves in dangerous
parts of the world while sharing
the gospel with many who
have never heard.
Dr. Scotty Carpenter
Getting Settled
After five months in Asheboro, Nancy and I have sold our house in Roanoke and purchased a new home in
Asheboro! We closed on our house in Roanoke on March 9 and we closed on our new home in Asheboro on
March 13. We have now moved from Robin’s Nest to our permanent home on Chamberlin Drive. We have
all of the boxes opened, but it might be a little while before we find the perfect spot for everything. Thank
you for your prayers for us as we settle down.
Our move to First Baptist Church has been pleasant thanks to the diligent efforts that many of you have
made to help us get our feet on the ground. The church staff has been very supportive of us from day one.
We feel loved and appreciated by everyone in the church family.
Robin’s Nest was such a blessing to us during this time of transition. The ability to move to Asheboro
without the concern of finding temporary housing was priceless. It gave us the time to find a new home as
we explored the city. Ruth’s gift to the church has already been a special God moment for us. I am excited
about the possibilities for this property in the days ahead as we continue to seek God’s wisdom for His
Kingdom purposes for Robin’s Nest.
Now that we are settled, we have new contact information. Our new address is 957 Chamberlin Drive,
Asheboro NC 27205. My new cell phone number is 336-465-6346. You can also email me at
[email protected].
Page 2
Movie and a meal on Saturdays: First Baptist Church Chapel, 133 North Church Street Asheboro N.C.
The meal begins at 6:00 pm followed by an inspirational movie. Our upcoming movie and meal dates are:
April 11, May 9, June 13, July 11, August 8, September 12, October 10, November 14, and December 12.
Come enjoy great food, fun and fellowship. This is an opportunity to introduce friends to the First Baptist
family and invite them to be a part of our faith community. Come join us and invite a friend or family
Celebrate Recovery
On Thursday evenings at 6:15 pm in the chapel of First Baptist Church, HeartSpace is hosting a training
session for Celebrate Recovery. If you or someone you know is interested in learning more about helping
others deal with addictions, hurts, hangups and habits in their life, please come join us for this time of
training. We begin with a time of fellowship which includes a small meal followed by praise and worship,
prayer and training. For more information email [email protected] or call the church office at 6299191.
Children’s Ministry
Children’s Day was very meaningful! All of our children and leaders contributed something special to our
unique worship experience. I remain deeply grateful for a church family where children are welcome as
worship leaders through music, prayers, readings, and ushering. How significant it is to welcome young
people in worship and to guide them toward participation and leadership.
Look ahead to summer and reserve June 14-18 for Vacation Bible School! Journey Off the
Map will help us discover Jesus is the ultimate guide on an uncharted journey, which is
unknown to us but known to Him.
And whenever you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear this command behind you: “This is the way. Walk in it.”
Isaiah 30:21
Page 3
On Mission
Missions Commissioning Services
Sunday, April 12
Both Services
Come hear our mission speaker (IMB
missionary) who has served in dangerous areas
of the world, regularly sharing the gospel with
many who have never heard.
Prom Shop at Asheboro High School is open!
Vision Quest Camp
Anyone interested in volunteering for camp this
year in August, please contact Jeni or Kendra by
April 15.
We are in need of a few male chaperones for a
trip with Vision Quest campers to Caswell,
April 24-26. Contact Jeni Martin or Kendra
Cranford for details.
See Terri Sexton to help volunteer.
MHMA will be CLOSED April 6 & 7 in
Please be in prayer for our mission teams and
their leaders as they prepare to go on missions.
Our next teams depart for Red Springs on April
17 and Astoria, NY on June 6.
observance of Easter. MHMA will resume on
April 13. MHMA Piedmont Place Spring party
will be Tuesday, April 28. Thanks to the
Cameron/Ferree class for coordinating!
On Mission Team will meet next on Sunday,
May 3 at 4:30 pm.
Heart Connections will meet on Sunday,
Our missional offering in April is the Annie
Armstrong Easter offering that will be collected
on Easter Sunday.
On Mission Prayer Team will meet
Our missional offering for May is for Baptist
April 12 at 5:30 pm.
Wednesday, April 15 at 9:45 am.
On Mission Team will meet on Sunday,
May 3 at 4:30 pm.
Please pray for Austin Crumpler headed on
mission to Southeast Asia
Events @ First
Redemption Randolph
April 23—25
National Day of Prayer
May 7
Graduate Sunday
May 31
Vacation Bible School
June 14—18
Summer Music and Arts Camp
July 6—10
Page 4
Adult and Student Ministries Update
First let me say thank you congregation for the response on
March 29 in support of the Student Ministry MFUGE Team to
Louisville, KY. That mission trip is scheduled for June 20-26. Your
generous contribution of $3,600.00 will go toward transportation
and housing for the days in Louisville. You will meet the team again on April 12 during the churchwide
commissioning service
On Saturday, April 18, the greeter and usher teams will convene for training in advance
of officially opening the refurbished parking for guests and better access for our senior
adults who need assistance. We will see a visible presence of these teams during
services and in our entrance areas. Training begins at 8:00 am with a light breakfast
and concludes at 10:00 am.
I am pleased to send along the schedule for the countywide event, Redemption
Randolph, sponsored by the Randolph Christian Men. The event will be April 23—25
and will be held in five different locations across the county. The final night, April 26,
will be at the Asheboro High School auditorium. In the next edition of the Connect, we
will publish the locations and speakers for each night.
Senior Travelers
NC Century Farm, Midway
April 16
We will leave FBC at 8:45 am and
return by 3:00 pm. There is no
charge except for lunch. Make
reservations with Eulalie at
626-2443 by April 13.
Hearts & Hands
Craft Group
Mission Craft Room
6:00 pm — 7:00 pm
April 20 & May 18
Page 5
Church News
April 30—May 5
Thank you to those of you who contributed
to our church’s military ministry. The
monetary donations, snacks, gift cards and
supplies for the boxes for those who are
stationed stateside are greatly appreciated.
We do not hear a lot from our military
folks, but when we do, they always say they
appreciate the prayers of our church and
just being remembered at the holidays.
Their families in our church are appreciative
as well.
Anita Lahr
Thank you for all the cards, phone calls and
especially your prayers for my mother, Ellen
Montague, who recently had a partial hip
replacement. After weeks of rehab I am
happy to report she has now returned
home. Your concern has been a comfort
and most appreciated.
Celeste Montague
Page 6
CLC will be closed due to
refinishing the gym floors.
AHS News...Prom
Shop is open and
excitement is in the
air! Volunteers are
needed from about 11:35 am—2:00 pm
(during the three lunch periods) to
assist girls with trying on dresses and to
tidy up the shop after they leave.
Working with the girls is truly a blessing
and LOTS of fun! We have a HUGE need
for help with mending and minor
alterations. We are still in need of
tuxedos and accessories. Contact Terri
Sexton (736-8157). Thank you!
Church Office Closed
Monday, April 6
Easter Holiday
Minister on Call
Jeni Martin/April 3-5
Janet Smith/April 10-12
April 8
Baked Ham, Butter Peas,
Baked Mac & Cheese, Biscuits,
Salad Bar and Dessert
April 15
Baked Lasagna & Baked Spaghetti,
Green Beans, Garlic Bread,
Salad Bar and Dessert
Church Records
Ministry Servants
Sunday, April 5
Bonus Teaching Hour
8:30 am Babies
Emily Farr, Jessica McDonald
and Kay Ellison
Carey Way and Kelsey Confer
1’s, 2’s/3’s, 4’
11:00 am Babies
1’s, 2’s/3’s, 4’s
Devin Wilson and Lora Lee Reid
Ernie Confer and Carolyn Thomas
Special Education Driver
Deacon Priority Ministry
Sunday, April 12
Bonus Teaching Hour
8:30 am Babies
1’s, 2’s/3’s, 4’s
11:00 am Babies
1’s, 2’s/3’s, 4’s
Kathy Huggins and Season Coleman
Mary Pickett and Julia Williamson
Sunday Bible Study
Mission Asheboro
Family Night Dinner
Ben Tesh/302-8473
Mel Neill, Celeste Montague
and Ryan Snipes
Mary Vaughn, Kansas Akin
and Laura Strickland
Kim Britt and Amy Deck
Special Education Driver
Deacon Priority Ministry
Dennis Gardner/626-3459
James Gibson, Martha Smith
and Tom Deck
Page 7
Ministry Staff
April 6
Church Office Closed
April 10-11
NCBM Missions Conference
April 14
Deacon Meeting
April 16
Senior Travelers/NC Century Farm
April 18
Regional Bible Drill, Salisbury
April 20
Hearts & Hands Craft Group
April 21
90+ Club Luncheon
April 23-25
Redemption Randolph
April 26
Executive Council Meeting
April 30
Live Embers
Dr. Scotty Carpenter, Senior Pastor
Rick Davis, Assoc. Pastor of Heart Space
Mike Eller, Assoc. Pastor of Worship & Music
Mark Hall, Assoc. Pastor of Youth & Adult Ed.
Jeni Martin, Assoc. Pastor of Missions
Janet Smith, Assoc. Pastor of Preschool/Children
Connect will next be published on
April 14, 2014
The deadline for submitting information
for this is Noon on Wednesday, April 8.
For more information on upcoming ministry events
please see the weekly Worship Guide calendar
or call the church’s main office
Phone: (336) 629-9191
Fax: (336) 629-4220
First Baptist Church
133 North Church Street
Asheboro, NC 27203
FBC Connect
Periodicals postage paid at Asheboro, NC
Published bi-weekly with the exception of July
4th week and Christmas week by the
First Baptist Church
133 North Church Street
Asheboro, NC 27203
USPS – 561-100
FBC Connect
Church Periodical