FBC Newsletter April 2015 - First Baptist Church Lavon TX


FBC Newsletter April 2015 - First Baptist Church Lavon TX
April 2015
Others Together in the Name
EASTER Schedule
Sunday, April 5
9:15am – Coffee with George and Kathy
EAC gym
9:45am – Sunday School
11:00am – Worship service
EAC gym
No Evening Activities :
Have a blessed afternoon & evening with
your families!
Transition Training Schedule
April 26 Stage 8 - Stewardship
What a great start to the New Year! You might recall
that we started out with a note burning in January. God
blessed our church with the ability to pay off a $432,000
15-year note in just four years. We now have clear title
to 3.93 acres for future expansion. Also, take note of
our financials as noted on the treasurer’s report. We
have been blessed financially!
We have hired an Interim Minister to Youth, Jeff Arnold. Jeff is married to Cody and they have a one year
old son, Grayson. He is pursuing a Master of Arts in
Christian Ministry at Southwestern Baptist Theological
Seminary. They hope to relocate to our area in the coming months.
Our church family is growing. We have been blessed
with visitors and new members. Our attendance is on
the increase. This is especially evident in our Sunday
evening services where we are averaging around 40 people. Bro. Bill Townsley has completed the first five
stages of our transition training with Stage VI scheduled
for March 22. Stage VII is scheduled for March 29 and
Stage VIII is scheduled on April 26. The Pastor Search
Team training will begin in May. Attendance has been
very good and the sessions very informative. Sunday
school attendance is holding steady at 120-125 and our
Wednesday evening activities average 90.
Shelia Cernosek, Emily Cornelius, Panda Green, and
Lexi Wolf partnered with a group from Sachse’s Church
to minister in Honduras over Spring Break.
The Deacons served 133 at the Family Ministry Banquet
on Sunday, February 15, and are looking forward to
serving the Lord’s Supper in both Sunday services
March 29.
Our children’s Christmas musical was finally able to
take place after the flu epidemic put it on hold for a few
months. It was an exciting show that was well attended.
All this in just the first few months of the year! I hope
you are as excited as I am about the months and years to
come. Praise God from whom all blessings flow!
Your Servant, Bob Cornelius
Events & News
2 Sr. Adult Outing
Retro Movie Night
4 Church Workday
8:00am – 12noon
1 Worship Service – EAC
9 Sr. Night - Potluck
VBS Clinic
Sunday, April 19
1:45 - 4:15pm
Crosspoint Church, McKinney
Vacation Bible School ~ August 3-7
Fellowship Hall
11 Regional Bible Drill
FBC Euless
12 Hot Dog Fellowship
Youth Grades 6-12 - EAC
Deacons Meeting
Business Meeting
13 Sr. Adult Outing
Homestead Heritage
18 Women’s Conference
Save the Date!
9:00am – 2:00pm
19 VBS Training Clinic 1:45pm - 4:15pm
Crosspoint Church McKinney
Church Council
Meeting-Fellowship Hall
25 Good Neighbor Club
Edge Middle School
26 Stage 8 Transition Training
Fellowship Hall
Property & Space Committee 7:30pm
Meeting – MB3
19,26 Adult Choir
Men’s Coffee
SAC (Parsonage)
Tuesday Morning Ladies Bible Study
SAC (Parsonage)
Income: $46,313.65
Expenses: $22,907.01
Income: $66,406.50
Expenses: $41,585.54
Church Workday: Saturday April 4th!
Biscuits and gravy are on the breakfast menu for our quarterly workday on
Saturday, April 4, at 8:00 am. Join us in Fellowship Hall to eat and then
pick an item from the Property & Space Committee’s “To Do List” to work
on. Bring tools from home to clean, work in the yard, and do light maintenance jobs. We will finish up by noon.
A Taste of Wylie
A Taste of Wylie, April 27th, is an event held annually to raise money for
the Wylie Christian Care Center. Our church has been asked to provide a
basket for the auction, and we have chosen to do 2 baskets, one of teas and
one of coffees with all the fixings to go with them. We would love for
you to participate by bringing any of the listed items below and put them
in the baskets that are in the Foyer. We will need flavored and regular
coffee, flavored and regular creamers, biscotti, shortbread, regular and
flavored teas, hot or cold teas, sweeteners, etc. We will need the baskets
completed by April 12, so they can be wrapped and labeled.
If you have any question please contact Mary Jo Marsh or Pat Halbrook.
free from error. Because God never
changes, never sins, and is always
Another change is coming soon. It faithful – then we cling to His writis called Spring. I am grateful to the ten word and the Word who came
Lord for this time of the year and
and lived among us – the Lord Jelook forward to the fresh and new
changes that come with the season.
A magazine reported that churches
Our world and society continues to
were failing. A former pastor wrote
be changing in ways that I have nev- an article about why churches were
er known. Many churches are
failing. A pastor had lost his church
changing to please the crowds of
and began listing things not to do.
people who have never experienced He had decided that they no longer
the life-changing miracle of salvaneeded gospel preaching and teachtion through faith in Christ. Others
ing – they needed to do drama to
remain faithful to the Word of God. interpret the Bible. So all the staff
The primary emphasis of the Chris- came out on Sunday morning in leotian doctrine of inspiration has to do tards and did a little interpretation
with the results rather that the meth- of some great scripture passage and
od. The inspiration of scripture has pretty soon nobody came.
God as its Author. It is inerrant or
Continued to page 3
What your children are
Studying in April
Ladies Bible Studies
Wednesday Nights~7:00pm
The Patriarchs: Encountering the God of Abraham, Isaac, and
Jacob by Beth Moore provides a personal study experience
five days a week for this in-depth women's Bible study of
Genesis 12-50. Discover God's pursuit of a relationship with
man, and marvel as His plan to bless all people unfolds. Full
of twists and turns, ruin and redemption, revelation and mystery this Bible study keeps participants captivated by the God
who stars in it! Explore concepts such as blessing, covenant,
and promise, and the bearing each has on a New Testament
believer's life today. Group members will also study the Hebrew names of God introduced on the early pages of Scripture. Lifeway.com
Mary Jo Marsh is leading this study in EAC room 203. Books are available for
Woman’s Heart: God’s Dwelling Place by Beth Moore - Perhaps no Old Testament event so dramatically illustrates God's
persistent desire to relate to His children as the building of the
tabernacle in the wilderness. Through the tabernacle God initiated a deeper relationship with His Chosen People by bringing
reconciliation and revealing His glory. And certainly, no Old
Testament event so richly prefigures the coming of the true
Tabernacle, Jesus Christ. In this 10-week in-depth Bible study
you will be challenged to prepare your heart, like the holy of
holies, to become a home for His love and glory — a dwelling
place for the Most High God.
Ages 2-5
Grades 1-5
Help Others
Jesus / Self / Others
Jesus Is Alive!
Matthew 28:1-10
Peter Told About Jesus
Matt. 28:16-20; Acts 2:1-2,
6-11, 14 22 37-47
The Ascension
Acts 1:4-11
Family / /Church / Community
and World
19th The Good Samaritan
Luke 10:25-37
Esther Chose Courage
This study is led by Trina Hale in EAC room 201. Books are available for $16.
Tuesday Morning Ladies Bible Study
9:30am – 12noon at The SAC (parsonage)
You are invited to join us on Tuesday mornings as we go through the
book of Genesis. Then stay and help make prayer quilts for those in
need and enjoy the fellowship with other ladies.
Volunteers Needed
We are in need of volunteers who
be willing to help once a month in
the Preschool Worship KidStyle
When Dr. W.A. Criswell passed away, he requested that his preaching Bible be
during the 11:00am Worship seropened on his chest and a finger be pointed at the verse that so vividly charactervice. We are also in need of peoized the essence of his incredible ministry – “The grass withers, the flower fades:
ple who would be willing to help
but the Word of our God
monitor the gym on Wednesday
Senior Adult Activities:
stands forever” (Isaiah
evenings from 6-7pm. This could
Thursday, April 2 – Retro Movie Night,
be once a month or with whatever
Wizard of Oz, Wylie
frequency you would be willing to
I love you with the love of Cost: $5 for movie plus dinner at Country Burger help. If you are available to help
Leave Time: 3:00pm from church
the Lord.
with either of these areas, contact
Monday, April 13 – Homestead Heritage, Waco the Nancy Bratcher, Cheryl
Cost: $10 for guided tour plus lunch
McBrayer, or Christa MontgomLeave Time: 8:00am from church
Continued from page 2
First Baptist Church of Lavon
205 Main St.
P.O. Box 291
Lavon, TX 75166
Bill Townsley
[email protected]
Mark Strebeck
[email protected]
Jeff Arnold
9:30 AM to 3:30 PM
Monday- Friday
[email protected]
972-843-3788 /
Elizabeth Strebeck
FAX: 972-843-3789
After Hours / Emergency #
[email protected]
Members Only Classifieds
FBC Schedule
Bytes In Gigs
Mary Kay
Stevenson Small Engine
Computer Repair
25% discount
David Engle
Cheryl LeCrone
Lawn mower repair, blade
8:30 am Traditional Worship Service
sharpening, saw chains
9:15 am Coffee, Juice & Muffins
[email protected]
[email protected]
sharpened, new chains made
9:45 am Sunday School
C&D Air Conditioning
Mr. Can Do
Johnny Stevenson
Curt Houseworth
Handyman Services
Kevin Williams
Texas Roofing Solutions
Custom Carpentry
Inspections and Sales
Philpott Mowing Service
Brian Hargrove
Front Door Realty
Residential, Commercial &
Cheryl McBrayer
Agricultural applications
[email protected]
Billy Philpott, Owner
Trophy Plumbing
Harmony Driving School
Residential & Commercial
8:00 am Men’s Coffee in SAC
Michael Collins
Free estimates
Larry Woods
9:30 am
Piano Lessons, Tutoring,
972-843-2780 or
Shaklee Vitamins &
Young Living Essential Oils
6:15 pm
Wednesday Night Meal
Nancy Bratcher
Joey Lewis
7:00 pm
Hour of Pr ayer
Mark’s Plumbing
[email protected]
Licensed Plumber
Wickless Candle System
Independent Consultant
Kimberly Frisbie
(Bible Study for all ages)
11:00 am Moder n Wor ship Ser vice
5:00 pm Choir Practice
6:00 pm Bible Drill (Sept– April)
6:30 pm Evening Service
Tuesday Mor ning Bible
Study in the SAC.
Women’s Ministry Class
Men’s Ministry Class
Youth (6th-12th Grade)
RA Boys (1st-5th Grade)
GA Girls (1st-5th Grade)
Mission Friends (2yrs–K)