Leave The Shadow - Faith Community Church
Leave The Shadow - Faith Community Church
LOOKING FOR WORK Daniel Basco is looking for work in order to pay off his Word of Life college bill of $5,000. He is a hard worker and quite handy. Call him at 302-465-6490. HELP NEEDED (grades K-2nd) and T&T (grades 3rd-6th). Clubs begin in Sept. If you are interested in serving in this ministry, contact Tim Ebert at 302-382-4150. HELP NEEDED: Congregation your help is needed to collect items for VBS crafts. Items can be dropped in the box marked VBS Crafts in the foyer. (Items are removed as they are collected) 250 ft. jute, 375 ft. 2 mm black elastic cording, 175 ft. black 4mm nylon craft cord, 150 ft. 3” leopard print duct tape, 3 rolls each of ½” tan, orange and red masking tape, 150 colored cross beads, 45 12” red balloons, 400 African safari animal stickers, 330 yellow 9 oz. paper cups, 50 32 oz. clear deli containers, 200 10¾ oz. (clean) soup cans, 150 flat top paper pulp 12 count egg cartons Clean 1 gallon milk jugs with the lids. Contact Michelle Lust with questions at 302-399-7790. Our last day of collecting is July 19th. ~~ ~~ NURSERY (Birth-23 Mths), Susan Kline, Elizabeth Taylor TINY TOT’S (2-3 year olds), Lori Rohm, Gertrude Corkell Children’s Church (4 year old - K), “God’s New Covenant” Karen McLeod ~~ ~~ ~~ 6:00 PM WORSHIP SERVICE NURSERY (Birth-23 Mths), Monika Dougherty SCHEDULE NEXT WEEK 9:00 AM WORSHIP SERVICE NURSERY (Birth-23 Mths), Marie Hogle, Katie Robles ~~ ~~ ~~ 10:30 AM WORSHIP SERVICE NURSERY (Birth-23 Mths), Susan & Felicia Cook TINY TOT’S (2-3 year olds), Janice Hilliard, Amber Lust Children’s Church (4 year old - K), “God Protects” Michelle Lust ~~ ~~ ~~ 6:00 PM WORSHIP SERVICE NURSERY (Birth-23 Mths), Eloise Lunger Faith Community Church General Fund Offering Last Month $45,135 Needed Monthly $57,517 Last Week $9,604 Needed Weekly $13,273 Attendance 9:00 AM 134, 10:30 AM 238, 6:00 PM 100 W ELCOME TO F AITH C OMMUNITY C HURCH ASSOCIATE PASTOR FOR WORSHIP JOHN ROSETI, [email protected] MINISTER OF PASTORAL CARE RUSSELL JEANDELL, [email protected] 2240 S DuPont Hwy, PO Box 1, Camden, Delaware 19934 Voice: (302) 697-1673 Fax: (302) 698-0346 www.fccde.org E-mail: [email protected] WiFi Username: FCCGuest, Password: TheGospel Elders: Bob Barr, Chris Bethard, Richard Chappell, John Desiderio, Bob Draper, Dan Kingery, Mike Lundin, Brent Reynolds, Bryant Young. DEACONS: Jim Bartsch, Ken Bethard, Jack Dalrymple, Bobby Harper, Peter Helms, Jim Lust, Al Rohm, Ray Smith, Luke Young. us AWANA is looking for leaders. Cubbies (age 3-4), Sparks ~~ 10:30 AM WORSHIP SERVICE lo Activities available are: boating, biking, hiking or relaxing. Meet at the picnic area near the main entrance and the pond for lunch at 1 PM. Each family is to provide your own lunch; grills are available, sharing is encouraged. The fee to enter the park for the day is $4. Rentals for canoe, rowboat, paddleboat and kayaks are available or bring your own. Have questions, you may call Nancy at 535-0697 or Ron & Carole at 335-0420. Join us in the great outdoors that our Lord has made for our enjoyment! The address for Trap Pond State Park is 33587 Bald Cypress Lane, Laurel, DE 19956. 9:00 AM WORSHIP SERVICE NURSERY (Birth-23 Mths), Rachel Young, Katie Robles a Je FAITH COMMUNITY CHURCH… JOIN US FOR A DAY AT TRAP POND STATE PARK ~ SATURDAY, AUGUST 1ST. E A R LY C H I L D H O O D M I N I S T R Y S C H E D U L E T O DAY July 5, 2015 Remembering America’s Beginnings Acknowledgement of Those Who Serve “America” by Rich Hibbard Prayer for Our Nation Commemorating the Lord’s Supper Songs of Christ’s Sacrifice Communion Offering Our Tithes and Gifts Hearing the Lord’s Word Sermon: “Are You Jealous for Me?” Numbers 11:4-30 Kevin Heater Closing Song ~~~ At the evening service Kevin Heater will present his ministry to France. Following the service join us as we say farewell to Aaron and Carissa Althouse. CONDOLENCES Faith Community wishes to express our MISSIONARY GREET AND EAT! Come meet the Oldenburg's, condolences to Geoffrey Crawley and his family at the passing of his mother, Elveree. sister Abbi. We are so blessed to have you, with all your unique gifts and abilities, as a part of our family. Happy 16th Birthday ~ We love you! Mom, Hannah, Joanna, Grace and Mercy our missionaries to the Ukraine and see what God has been doing in their lives. Bring a breakfast casserole and your family on Saturday, July 18th to the gym at 9:30 AM. Juice, coffee and fruit will be provided. Please sign up in the foyer at the Missions Board. This will be a great opportunity to meet and fellowship with the Oldenburg family. If you have questions see Bruce Hayes or Nannette Jones. God Bless America! Gertrude Corkell VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL August 9th - 14th, 6:00-8:30 PM, FLOWERS AT THE ALTAR To our precious daughter and MINISTRY ANNOUNCEMENTS TRAIL LIFE MEETING Tuesday, July 14th 6:30 PM in room 152B. Trail Life is for boys up to age 18 and their fathers. Contact Troy Martin at [email protected] if you are interested in any of the Trail Life meetings or events. This is the last meeting until September. PRAYER MEETING each Wednesday 7 PM in room #152A. There are prayer sheets in the foyer for you to take to pray for our congregation. If you have prayer requests or updates, email them to [email protected] by Wednesday morning. DODGE BALL Bible Study meets Thursdays at 6:00 PM. ~~~ Teens through 12th grade are invited to join Dodge Ball on Fridays at 6:00 PM in the gym. THANK YOU NOTES: Dear Family & Friends at FCC, Thank you PRIMETIMERS 4-DAY TRIP . . . . OCTOBER 12TH - 15TH for all your prayers, calls, cards and Bibles we received after the death of Wayne’s father. We appreciate our Church family at Faith Community. Wayne and Mary Paret. Ecclesiastes 3:1 Faith Community Church, Thank you so much for your generous donation for “Milk Money” raised for the women and children at The Shepherd Place homeless shelter. We loved the sign and the detail that went into the collection for milk. With the children home from school for the summer, we go through a lot more cereals and snacks and your donation is such a blessing. We also would like to let you know how grateful we are that you thought of our residents and cared enough to donate so many wonderful cleaning supplies: paper towels, toilet tissue, trash bags, Clorox wipes, dish detergent and general cleaners. We are so blessed to have you as a supporter; we could not continue this work without your assistance. Sincerely, Diane Cahall, Executive Director Traveling day 1 to Blenko Glass Company in Milton, WV. Day 2 and 3 at the Creation Museum, in Petersburg, KY. Day 4 we travel home to Faith Community Church. Trip Cost Includes: coach bus (with bathroom), driver's tip, snacks and drinks on bus, 3 nights lodging w/breakfast, personal tour of Blenko Glass Co., Creation Museum entrance and beautiful fall scenery. Cost does not include: lunches, dinners and personal shopping. $650 for 2 people (based on 2 people per room occupancy) Registration and $200 are due by July 15th. Second payment of $200 is due by August 15th. Final payment of $250 is due by September 15th. No moneys are refundable. It is your responsibility to find someone to take your place if you are not able to go. Trip insurance is recommended. Make checks payable to FCC. Register with Pat Moran or Tony Woolford. For questions call Pat Moran at 302-335-3148. for children ages 2 thru 6th grade. Registration is now available online! Follow the slider on the home page at fccde.org to the registration form. SMALL GROUPS YOUNG ADULTS’ GROUP (graduated from HS and up) meets each Thursday at 7:30 PM. Text or call Kristi Osborn at 302233-8364 or email [email protected] for info. CONNECTIONS CLASS Small Group will meet July 10th from 6:30 - 8:30 PM. All are welcome. This is a great opportunity for those trying to connect with the body at FCC whether you have been here for a month or for many years. We will have pizza, fun and fellowship. This is not a study. We will have a time of discussion about various biblical topics. Join us at 3775 Irish Hill Rd, Magnolia. If you would like to participate, please contact John Desiderio at [email protected]. ANNOUNCEMENTS USHER MEETING Deacons would like to meet with the lead Ushers on July 9th @ 7pm to discuss new services, recruiting, and Usher training. Email Ray Smith at [email protected] with any questions or concerns. BAPTISM SERVICES We will hold baptism services on Sunday July 12th and August 16th at 6:00 PM. If you would you like to be baptized please talk with John Roseti. ELDER’S CORNER UPDATE The “Ad Hoc Committee” has been formed to search for a new Senior Pastor of FCC. The committee members are: Michael Lundin, Robert Barr, Brent Reynolds and John Desiderio. This week the Search committee is refreshing our current ads and contacting additional references to seek additional candidates. Thank you for your continued prayer as we seek the man God would have for FCC’s next Senior Pastor! SBE ADULT SUNDAY SCHOOL Faith Community Church June 7th - August 30th 2015 TIME CLASS Teacher Book Room # 9:00 AM Church History Jim Hart Christian History Made Easy 152A 9:00 AM Soteriology Pastor Ron David So Great Salvation 152B 9:00 AM Connections Class John Desiderio Survey of Bible Doctrine and FCC Statement of Faith 150 10:30 AM Pastoral Epistles Channing Greene It’s Always Too Soon to Quit 152A 10:30 AM Old Testament Survey 2 Pastor Russ Jeandell Illustrated Bible Survey 152B CHILDREN AND YOUTH SUNDAY SCHOOL Time Teacher Grade Room 9:00 and 10:30 AM Mrs. M. Hogle, Mrs. K. Robles Birth—24 Months Nursery 9:00 AM Mrs. S. Haldeman 2 & 3 Year Olds 131 9:00 AM Mrs. H. Burns 4 & 5 Year Olds 133 9:00 AM Mrs. S. Bethard 1st - 2nd Grade 129 3rd - 4th Grade 205 9:00 AM 9:00 AM Mr. D. Finney 5th - 6th Grade 206 9:00 AM Mr. L. Farrow Jr. High Boys 204 9:00 AM Mrs. E. Burns Jr. High Girls 203 9:00 AM Mr. J. Lytle Senior High Above Gym 10:30 AM Tiny Tots 2-3 Year Old 134 10:30 AM Children’s Church 4 Year Old - Kindergarten 004 10:30 AM Mrs. J. Bacon 1st - 2nd Grade 129 10:30 AM Mrs. A. DeVary 3rd - 4th Grade 205 10:30 AM Mr. K. Bordeaux 5th - 6th Grade 206 Jr. High Boys 204 Jr. High Girls 203 Senior High Above Gym 10:30 AM 10:30 AM 10:30 AM Mrs. C. Crawley Faith Community Church Sunday School 2240 South DuPont Highway, Post Office Box 1, Camden, Delaware 19934 Voice: (302) 697-1673 Fax: (302) 698-0346 www.fccde.org E-mail: [email protected] Senior Pastor Jeff Taylor, E-mail: [email protected] Associate Pastor for Worship, John Roseti, E-mail: [email protected] Minister of Pastoral Care, Russ Jeandell, E-mail: [email protected] EXIT EXIT EXIT STUDY EXIT 152A 152B EXIT GYM Multi-Purpose Room Welcome Center EXIT 133 131 134 GYM ENTRANCE LIBRARY 129 EXIT NURSERY 004 207 208 MAIN ENTRANCE HANDICAP ENTRANCE 206 205 GYM Open Above 204 EXIT 001B 001A 209 203 2nd FLOOR Sanctuary Foyer GYM -SS Bld 150 STUDY ABOVE GYM 005 2nd FLOOR BASEMENT Registration is available online! PRIMETIMERS TRIP OCTOBER 12th - 15th Milton, WV & Petersburg, KY $650/2 people (based on 2 people per room occupancy) Trip Costs Include: Coach bus (with bathroom), driver's tip, snacks and drinks on bus, 3 nights lodging w/breakfast, personal tour of Blenko Glass Co., Creation Museum entrance, and beautiful fall scenery. Cost does not include: lunches, dinners and personal shopping. 1, 2, 3 . . . . . Easy Payments Registration and $200 are due by July 15th. Second payment of $200 is due by August 15th. Final payment of $250 is due by September 15th. No monies are refundable. It is your responsibility to find someone to take your place If you are not able to go. Trip insurance is recommended. Make checks payable to FCC. For questions call Pat Moran at 302-335-3148.
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