Y11 Results Day - Finham Park School


Y11 Results Day - Finham Park School
GCSE Results for Year 11 will be issued in the Theatre (A11) between 9.30 am - 11.00
am on Thursday 20th August 2015.
If you are unable to collect your results in person, results may be obtained either by
giving a stamped self-addressed envelope to your mentor before you leave. Please
ensure the stamp is the right value for a large letter (A4). We will then post these
results to you. Alternatively, you may write to Mr. Jeffreys, naming an individual who is
authorised to collect the results on your behalf. We will only release these results to
the individual named in the letter, who will need to produce valid identification in order
to collect the results. This letter must be received by Mr. Jeffreys before the end of the
Summer Term.
Please note:
NB: We cannot issue results over the phone, or to anyone not authorised by the
student in writing to collect them.
Please note also that the results statements issued on 20 th August are provisional and
may change after post-results enquiries (eg review of marks, re-marks, etc). GCSE
Results Certificates (i.e. the legal proof of results) are sent to schools at the end of
October. Any other certificates already received (eg BTEC, OCR Nationals, GCSEs taken
in earlier sessions, etc) will be given out with the provisional results statement in
If you need to discuss the Results Day or Post-Results Queries, please consult Mr.
Jeffreys (the Examinations Manager).
Jo Hooke, Careers Adviser will be in school on Thursday 20th and Friday 21st August
and will be available to offer advice and support for students. These will be by
appointment in the careers office.
R. Jeffreys
Examinations Manager
[email protected]