Investing in Timberland and Timber REITs


Investing in Timberland and Timber REITs
Continuing Education Program
Investing in Timberland and Timber REITs
Georgia Tech Global Learning Center, Atlanta, Georgia
October 8, 2015
Tentative Continuing Education Hours: 6 CFE, 6 Real Estate CE, 6 Appraiser CE (applications submitted)
Course Overview
Brooks Mendell, Ph.D.
This course details the operations, investment performance, market risks
and supply chain/ management costs associated with available timberland
investment vehicles. The course includes comparative analysis of typical
TIMO fund structures, timber REITs and direct private investments. Key
topics emphasize benchmarking investment performance, implied
valuations based on public-private comparables, and sources of variance
in operational costs, returns and forest management fees by region in the
United States.
Forisk Consulting
MBA: UC Berkeley
PhD: University of Georgia
Experience: wood procurement, market
analysis, management consulting,
forestry research, finance professor
Amanda H. Lang, M.S.
Partner, Senior Consultant
Forisk Consulting
BS, MS: University of Georgia
Experience: bioenergy project tracking
and market analysis, forest operations,
management consulting
Feedback from Previous Sessions
“Brooks and Amanda are terrific speakers.”
“Very informative, very applicable and very
well presented.”
“Knowledge of the instructors is superior.”
“Excellent review of process and analysis.”
To Register
Web Site:
Go to “Continuing Education”
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 770.725.8447
Fax: 770.725.8448
Who Should Attend?
Executives, investors, asset managers and service providers directly and
indirectly invested or interested in timberlands and timberland-owning real
estate investment trusts (REITs).
Course Outline
(Detailed course agenda available at
7:50 am – 3:00 pm
 Timberland investment vehicles
 Regional forest industry markets and supplies
 Forest operations and management
 Case study: Screening and ranking US timberland investment markets
 Benchmarking private timberland investment performance
 Benchmarking public timberland investment performance
 Timberland investment fee structures
 Considering timberland investment risks
Rooms are available at the Georgia Tech
Hotel, which is adjacent to the Global
Learning Center. For reservations at the
hotel, please call 404-347-9440 or 1-800706-2899.
Forisk’s Continuing Education Value Proposition
We teach you to do it yourself so that you can leverage your own
experience and insight for your investment and operational decisions.
This course is an investment in you and your business.
Save time and money through faster, cleaner analysis with fewer thirdparty consulting projects and data expenditures.