This Week - The Anglican Parish of Forster
This Week - The Anglican Parish of Forster
PARISH NEWS 12th April 2015 SECOND SUNDAY OF EASTER “Peace be with you,” says the Lord. “As the Father has sent me, so I send you.” John 20:21 Welcome We invite you to join us for morning tea after worship. We would love to meet you! Please take the time to complete the welcome slip given to you as you arrived, so we can get to know you better! COMMISSIONING OF NEW RECTOR Our new Rector, Revd Mark Harris, will be commissioned by the Rt Revd Greg Thompson, Bishop of Newcastle, on Monday, 13th April, at 6.30pm, at St Alban’s Church, Forster. All parishioners are invited and are welcome to attend the Commissioning. Please bring a plate to share at supper. For those involved in the service, there will be a rehearsal at 2.30pm on the afternoon of Sunday, 12th April (today) at St Alban’s. THANK YOU AND FAREWELL Revered Dr Neville & Dr Jane SCHOFIELD Thank you for spending nine weeks within our Parish and nourishing our spiritual lives. PARISH COUNCIL Resulting from the Parish AGM, members of the Parish Council are as follows: Church Wardens – Kit Carson and Helen Quinn. Parish Treasurer and Secretary – Belinda Clancy. Minutes Secretary – Janet Lawrence. Council Members – Suellen Belton, Heather Dwyer and Ian Lewis. A Rector’s Warden will be appointed by the new Rector, who may also appoint up to four more members. The Rector is always a member of Parish Council and the Workplace Health and Safety Officer, Heather Webster, attends meetings. As we pray this week… In our Parish: We pray for our Indigenous sisters and brothers. We pray for those who struggle at this time: In our Diocese: Bishop Greg and Assistant Bishop Peter Parishes of Lakes Anglican and Lambton Bishop Tyrrell Anglican College The unemployed and under-employed Diocese of Grafton Around the world: The Diocese of Nandyal, South India Paul and Marleen Roche (Interserve, Nepal) Liz Burns, (CMS, Tanzania) Memorials: We commend to God’s keeping those who have recently died and we pray for those who mourn their passing. We remember with thanks those whom we have loved whose anniversary occurs at this time: May light perpetual shine upon them Please contact the Parish Office to add a name to the Memorial Book † Prayer ministry is available by request after the service - Please speak to today’s celebrant. Home and hospital visits may be arranged by calling the Parish Office or one of the clergy. Contact details on the back page. This Week DATE 11/5 12/4 “ “ “ 13/4 TIME 6.00pm 7.30am 9.00am 10.00am 11.00am 1.30pm “ 6.30pm 14/4 “ 15/4 “ 16/4 “ “ 17/4 9.00am 10.00am 8.00am 2.00pm 9.30am 10.30am 1.30pm 1.00pm DATE 11/5 31/5 TIME TBA TBA EVENT Holy Eucharist Holy Eucharist Holy Eucharist Holy Eucharist Holy Eucharist EfM Commissioning of Revd Mark Harris Gardening Group Poppy Group/Crafty Tuesday Tea, Toast & Theology Home Communion Holy Eucharist Bible Study Bible Study Davies Home Group DETAILS St Alban’s St Nicholas’ St Alban’s St John’s St James’ St Nicholas’ CONTACT Rev Neville Rev Bill Rev Neville Rev Stuart Rev Neville Maureen Turner St Alban’s Belinda Clancy St Alban’s St Alban’s St Alban’s Kularoo St Nicholas’ St Nicholas’ St Alban’s Forster Viv May Julie Davies Belinda Clancy Rev Bill Rev Bill Diana Murphy Heather Dwyer Clive Davies Dates for the Diary EVENT Anglican Women Cancer Morning Tea DETAILS St Alban’s 16 Mills Pde, Tuncurry CONTACT Marg Gogerly Helen Barber COURTHOUSE ROSTER 22nd April Heather Dwyer and Narelle Duff th 6 May Marg Cooper and Suellen Belton 20th May Mavis Humphries and Beryl Allen SAVE THE DATE! Helen Barber will be hosting her annual Morning Tea for cancer research on Sunday, 31st May. Details to come later. SEAFOOD DINNER! At Krambach Hall on Saturday,2nd May 2015 – 6.30pm for 7.00pm. Menu: Entrée – Prawns, crab and oysters; Man – Barbecued fish & salads; Sweets – Fresh fruit & ice cream followed by tea & coffee. Cost $30 per person. Raffles and Lucky Door prizes. Entertainment by Lindsay! Bookings are essential – Tables of 8 (before Tuesday, 28th April). Contact – Aileen 6559 1541, Moya 6559 1265, Helen 6550 2383. Non Seafood Diners please notify us when booking, as other arrangements will be made. ABORIGINAL ART Bishop Greg has authorised the commissioning of artwork for the foyer of St Alban's Church. Local artist Ronnie Potter has been working closely with a small group from Parish Council to incorporate the vision of the traditional owners of our land and the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Ven Les Forester has put $1,000 towards this from his discretionary account. We are seeking donations for the remaining $850. Please indicate your intent to donate with your weekly giving. FAREWELL LUNCH FOR JOANNE All poppy maker and friends are welcome to attend a Farewell Lunch for Joanne Read, on Wednesday, 29th April, 12.30pm, at Restaurant 26, Wallis Street, Forster. Put your name on the list in the foyer at St Alban’s, or contact Coralie on 6554 8892. Transport can be arranged. STROLLING GROUP The Strollers farewelled Duncan on Monday over morning tea – we will miss his company. Earlier we had walked to and along Pebbly Beach, enjoying a sea breeze and such wonderful views from Frewins Walk. Why not join us sometimes? First and Third Monday of every month. Helen Barber 6554 5920. Quotable Quotes: Do not abandon yourselves to despair. We are the Easter people and hallelujah is our song. Pope John Paul II ADVANCE NOTICE The Anglican Women’s Autumn Rally will be held on Monday, 11th May, at St Alban’s Church, Forster. More details to come. Contact Marg Gogerly 6554 6708. DON’T FALL FOR IT. FALLS CAN BE PREVENTED. The Main Message: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Healthy ageing involves physical activity, healthy eating and a little sunshine Keep actively involved with family, friends and the community Be sensible and recognise your limitations Manage your health challenges and medicines well Make your home and its surroundings as safe as possible Have a plan of how to get help in an emergency It’s a balancing act - Avoid the slip before the trip - Your community cares & so do we. Heather Webster, Safety Delegate. SAMARITANS IN APRIL The Samaritans April appeal is for tinned fish and/or tinned meat. Please bring to any service. CONTACT DETAILS Parish Priest: The Reverend Neville Schofield Ph. 6554 8351 E: [email protected] Priest in Local Mission: The Reverend Bill Green Ph. 0488 570 028 E: [email protected] Parish Administrator & Belinda Clancy Ph. 6555 4200 Parish Council Secretary: E: [email protected] Parish Council Treasurer: Belinda Clancy Ph. 6555 4200 E: [email protected] Parish Office: St. Alban’s Anglican Church: Ph. 6555 4200 E: [email protected] Op Shop: Head St Car park Ph. 6555 4267 Enquiries: Heather Dwyer Ph. 6557 5454 Janet Lawrence Ph. 6554 5981 Parish Website: Items for Parish News to Janet Lawrence Email: [email protected] or leave either in the pigeonhole outside the Parish Office or in the Flower Vestry by 3pm Wednesday. READINGS FOR SUNDAY WORSHIP DATE 12th April Easter 2 19th April Easter 3 FIRST READING 26th April Easter 4 3rd May Easter 5 PSALM SECOND READING GOSPEL Acts 4:32-37 Psalm 133 1 John 1:1-2:2 John 20:19-31 Acts 3:12-20 Psalm 4 Luke 24:36b-48 Acts 4:5-12 Psalm 23 1 John 2:15-17, 3:1-6 1 John 3:16-24 Acts 8:26-40 Psalm 22: 26-32 1 John 4:7-21 John 15:1-8 John 10-11-18 Giving: Total Giving to Parish Easter Weekend $3,133.20 Budget Giving needed for Parish Costs, plus one part time clergy Budget Giving needed for Parish Costs, plus one full time clergy Budget Giving needed for Parish Costs, plus two full time clergy Please note that this does not take into account other income. Mission Giving last Sunday $ 635.35 $2,307.69 pw $2,884.61 pw $3,950.01 pw Op Shop Gross Average expenses for Op Shop $ 859.20 $ 182.26 $ 676.94