Click here to see this week`s bulletin.


Click here to see this week`s bulletin.
First Presbyterian Church
429 W. Rockwood Street
P.O. Box 42
Rockwood, TN 37854
(865) 354-1674
Office Hours: M-F 9:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.
Sunday School 10:00 A.M.
Worship 11:00 A.M.
Find Hope and Joy Here and Now
July 5, 2015
6 Sunday after Pentecost
Choir Director
Charles Snodgrass
Geraldine Wallick
Tim Stout
Tim Pelfrey
Prelude and Chimes
Welcome and Announcements
Choral Introit
*Call to Worship
Great is the Lord and greatly to be praised in the city of our God.
Your name, O God, like your praise reaches to the ends of the
We ponder your steadfast love, O God, in the midst of your
We will tell the next generation that this is our God who will
be our guide forever
Let us worship God!
*Opening Prayer
Your faithfulness is as firm as the heavens, O God;
righteousness and justice are the foundation of your
throne. Your steadfast love goes before you as you set the
planets in orbit and establish your covenant here on
earth. You still the raging waters, and calm perturbed
hearts. You are God above, beyond, and within all
creation. We extol you, Our God, the Rock of our
salvation. Amen.
*Hymn #412 (Hymnal)
My Country, 'Tis Of Thee
*Call to Confession
*Moment of Silent Confession
*Prayer of Confession
Forgive us, O God, for our self-important boasting. We take
credit for our strength without thought of your gifts. When
honors are bestowed, we treat them as our due. We claim as
our victories the triumphs of your grace. You shower us with
blessings, which we ignore. You bring new life; we take it for
granted. Deliver us from our vain ways, and forgive our
smug complacency. Turn our boasting to thanksgiving for
Christ’s power within us. Amen.
*Assurance of Pardon
Paul declares that, “even when we were dead through our
trespasses, God made us alive together with Christ. . . . For by
grace you have been saved through faith, and this is not your own
doing; it is the gift of God . . . so that no one may boast” (Eph.
2:5, 8). Let us then boast of God’s grace within us, and claim
with assurance the new life in Christ.
*Gloria Patri
#435 (Maroon)
Children’s Church
Scripture Lesson
Sermon Title
*The Apostles’ Creed
*Hymn #179 (Maroon)
2 Samuel 5:1-5, 9-10;
2 Corinthians 12:2-10;
Mark 6:1-13
“Buying a Ticket”
Hymnal xliv)
What A Friend
Gathering of Prayer Concerns
Choral Call to Prayer
Pastoral Prayer
The Lord’s Prayer
Hymnal xliv
Call to Offering
Presentation of Tithes and Offerings
*Offertory Prayer
God of steadfast love and faithfulness, who made a covenant
with the house of David, we bring our gifts so that your
covenant with him may be extended throughout the world.
We offer ourselves here as temples of your chosen one,
David’s royal son, Jesus Christ. Alive in the Spirit and
empowered by service, we go forth in his name to proclaim
your love as a sanctuary for those who are in need. Amen.
*Hymn #411 (Hymnal)
*Charge to the People
*Choral Response
Class of 2015
Kathy Dryman
Jonathan Foust
Tim Pelfrey
Class of 2016
Carolyn Bolinsky
Rusty Dryman
Jim Pelfrey
Class of 2017
Wilma Brummett
James Cox
Chris Metcalfe
*Prayers reprinted by permission of the publisher from When We Gather by James G. Kirk
Church Prayer
O God, we give you thanks for Jesus, whose word enlightens our
lives. He wrought mighty works and taught what it meant to have
faith. He relied on a greater authority than that granted by earthly
rulers, and freed us from bondage to principalities and powers.
Though He was a stranger amount His own, we proclaim him our
Savior and serve him as members of his true family. Amen.
Prayer Family
Kristel Fuller Gibbons
July 5th
July 8th
July 9th
July 9th
July 11th
Ryan Burdick
Doug Bryant
Gaye Johnston
Nellie Summerfield
Philip Kirkham
Prayer List
Friends of Larry Clark
Allen Anderson
Ruth Bayless
Stan Bishop
Tim Clay
Jonathan Foust
Ernie Fuller
Ava Goddard
Rose Husband
Bob Hembree
Kennedy Ladd
Betty Ragle
Paula Smartt
Bill Wachal
Albert Winton’s Sister-in-Law and
Jenny Wright
Donna Wyrick
Julia Coapman
Carolyn Pemberton
Mary Silvers
 The lectionary readings for next week will be:
2 Samuel 6:1-5, 12b-19; Psalm 24; Ephesians 1:3-14;
Mark 6:14-29
 We will serve Lemonade on the Lawn today after the
morning worship service. Helen Low and Archie White
will be hosting the Lemonade today. There is a sign up
sheet in the narthex for those who would like to
volunteer for a Sunday this summer to serve lemonade
on the lawn.
 Our next Family Fun & Fellowship night will be
Wednesday, July 8th at 6:00 pm.
 The Love Kitchen will be held on Saturday, July 11th at
5:00 p.m. with our Church, First Presbyterian Church
(Rockwood), hosting.
 Communion is scheduled for Sunday, July 12th.
 If you have listings in the Mother’s Day and Father’s
Day booklets, please get the money to Jerry Wallick as
soon as possible so a final accounting can be made. If
you pay by check, please make the check to the
Presbyterian Women’s Association. The listings are
$1.00 each.
 Members and visitors are asked to sign the red
attendance pads in the pew backs each week.