INVITE TSNS Conference
INVITE TSNS Conference
Dear community members and partners, The City of Toronto would like to invite you to join your neighbourhood to participate in a conference to help us design a city-wide program plan to strengthen neighbourhoods across Toronto. In April 2014, through the Toronto Strong Neighbourhoods Strategy 2020 (TSNS 2020), the City identified 31 Neighbourhoods in need of additional supports. The goal of the TSNS 2020 is to ensure that all neighbourhoods across Toronto have equal opportunities by engaging community residents, putting in place appropriate resources and making sure that policies at multiple levels make sense for neighbourhoods. To learn about the work done so far under TSNS 2020, please visit: We would like to invite 3 representatives from your neighbourhood to participate in the first ever TSNS 2020 conference on Saturday, April 25, 10 - 4 pm at City Hall. This event will bring together representatives from the City's 31 Neighbourhood Improvement Areas (NIAs), funders and City staff to co-design the program of activities that will be a part of TSNS in the following years. The conference is being designed as a high-engagement event, with close to 180 participants expected to attend. Taking place at City Hall in the Rotunda, Council Chambers and Council Members' Lounge, the conference will include: Mapping and discussion of NIA priorities, City and funder resources in a visual format, facilitated by community animators; Networking lunch in the Council Members' Lounge; Small groups of residents, funders and City staff working together to identify what we can collectively do to strengthen all 31 Neighbourhood Improvement Areas; and A closing plenary where participants can share their reflections and learnings. A second, half day conference is currently being organized for late May, where participants will build on the results of the first conference to finalize the TSNS Program Plan. Who will be there? We are inviting a diverse set of voices that have a good understanding of their local priorities, plans and assets, and that also have an interest in discussing the issues and solutions that cross all neighbourhoods. Due to space we will need to limit the participation to 3 representatives per neighbourhood. Each representative will have the opportunity to share neighbourhood priorities in the 5 domain areas and will be asked to be part of a focused dialogue on 2 of the domain areas. We will also be inviting City staff from various divisions and our funding partners that have an important role to play in TSNS 2020. When and where is this conference? April 25, 2015 at City Hall- 100 Queen Street West Toronto, ON From 10:00am – 4:00pm (registration at 9:30) If I/my group can't make it to the conference, will we totally miss out on an opportunity to shape the TSNS 2020 program? No. This conference is part of an ongoing process and dialogue that will be revisited and refined locally over time. There is continual engagement at the neighbourhood level that you can participate in by connecting with your local Community Development Officer. Staff Wayne Robinson Rosemary Bell Melody Brown John Smith Sarosh Anwar Janvere Lyder Sherry Phillips Adair Heath Contact 416.392.2744 416.206.1553 c [email protected] 416.392.9483 416.889.1285 [email protected] 416.392.0119 416.894.3819 [email protected] 416.397.4496 416.206.1554 [email protected] 416.392.6248 416.895.9230 [email protected] 416.392.8679 647.216.2152 [email protected] 416.392.9048 416.892.3119 [email protected] 416.397.1749 416.206.1552 [email protected] Neighbourhood Mount Olive – Silverstone – JamestowneThistletown -Beaumond Heights Elms – Old Rexdale Kingsview Village – The Westway Humber Summit Humbermede Black Creek. Glenfield – Jane Heights Downsview-Roding-CFB York University Heights Rustic Keelesdale-Eglinton West Rockliffe-Smythe Weston-Pellam Park Beechborough – Greenbrook Weston Mount Dennis Victoria Village Thorncliffe Park Flemingdon Park Taylor-Massey Oakridge Regent Park South Parkdale Kennedy Park Eglinton East Ionview Woburn Scarborough Village Morningside Westhill How will you support community stakeholders in having a voice at this conference? Support such as TTC tokens for residents will be available and we will be providing lunch and refreshments. Please let us know by April 21, 2015 if you need childcare, interpretation or any other special requirements to enable you to attend the conference. How does our neighbourhood register? To register contact your local Community Development Officer. Thank you, Your partners at the City of Toronto