Davis L ake C ommuniqué - Davis Lake Community Association
Davis L ake C ommuniqué - Davis Lake Community Association
February 2008 February 2008 9000 Davis Lake Parkway 704-596-6958 www.davislake.org Go Green Committee—Recycling and Environmental Recycling 1 ton of paper saves 17 trees, 2 barrels of oil (enough to run the average car for 1,260 miles), 4,100 kilowatts of energy (enough power for the average home for 6 months), 3.2 cubic yards of landfill space, and 60 pounds of air pollution. Americans throw away enough aluminum to rebuild our entire commercial fleet of airplanes every 3 months. Davis Lake Communiqué DAVIS LAKE COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION About 80% of what Americans throw away is recyclable, yet our recycling rate is just 28%. Recycling creates 6 times as many jobs as land filling. Recycling glass instead of making it from silica sand reduces mining waste by 70%, water use by 50%, and air pollution by 20%. Recycling just one aluminum can saves enough energy to operate a TV for 3 hours. If we recycled all of the newspapers printed in the U.S. on a typical Sunday, we would save 550,000 trees--or about 26 million trees per year. The energy saved each year by steel recycling is equal to the electrical power used by 18 million homes each year - or enough energy to last Los Angeles residents for eight years. If every household in the U.S. replaced just one roll of 1,000 sheet virgin fiber bathroom tissues with 100% recycled ones, we could save: 373,000 trees, 1.48 million cubic feet of landfill space, and 155 million gallons of water. Inside this issue: The U.S. is 5% of the world's population but uses 25% of its natural resources. Which recyclable items does the City of Charlotte collect? No. 1 and No. 2 recyclable plastics (milk jugs, liquid detergent bottles, plastic soft drink bottles, etc.) Glass (rinse and remove lids) Aluminum Newspapers and inserts (stack on top of, beside or underneath recycling bin) Magazines Junk mail (letters, envelopes, postcards, etc.) Mixed paper Spiral paper cans (remove plastic or metal lids and rinse or wipe out remaining food) Telephone books Catalogues Soft-drink and beer cans Soft-drink and liquor bottles Cardboard (please cut, do not fold, into 3 feet x 3 feet pieces and stack neatly at curbside) If you need the red recycling bins, they are available at the clubhouse on a first come, first serve basis. Welcome to the Neighborhood! Around the Neighborhood 3 Anthony & Shelia Santillo Lawn of the Month Winners 3 Eric & Steven Zigler CAM’s Corner 5 Jay & Chantal Zampela Calendar of Events 6 BOsS 7 Personal Items for Sale 8 Frances & Barbara Keller Patricia Ferraro Chester Kneif & Lisa Baldini Mark & Ashley Gangloff Marie Bush DAVIS LAKE COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION www.davislake.org Questions, concerns and issues may be directed to the Community Manager, Shan Sullivan at CAM: [email protected] 704-531-6822 Architectural Review Committee Woodbridge Commons/WB Place Legacy HOA/ARC Grant Smalle, President Claire Fallon ([email protected]) Winterberry Ridge Woodcroft HOA/ARC Mike Orzech Don Noe 895-3200 To contact the members of the ARC by email, write to: [email protected]. Please include your neighborhood or your property address (such as "Deer Cross" or 123 Poplar Grove Dr.) in the subject line of your message to help alert the proper ARC member to respond to your message. Meetings are held on the first Monday of each month. There is also a log of approved projects on the Property owners page of the website. Note: Legacy and Woodcroft have separate ARC boards. Downing Creek/Nuttree Bluff Dan Potts Harris Glen/ Fortunes Ridge Leigh Hoch DLCA Board Members 2008 Crofton Springs/Chestnut Knoll Brent Whittington, President Battey Lee David Comer, Vice President Old Fox Trail/Bridle Ridge Doug King, Treasurer Jeff Dail, Secretary Terry Potts, Member at Large [email protected] Eddie Austin Deer Cross/Poplar Grove Laurie Lorio Interested in serving on the ARC? Contact Grant Smalle at (212) 363-0017 for more information. DLCA Board Liaison Jeff Dail Legacy HOA Claire Fallon, President [email protected] Woodcroft HOA Susan Becknell, President [email protected] Ryan Houck, Community Director [email protected] DL 704-596-6958 Carolina Association Management 4957 Albemarle Road Charlotte, NC 28205 Ad Prices 704-531-6822 The DLCA Communiqué is distributed to 825 homes, and available in PDF format at (FAX) 704-531-7180 www.davislake.org. Advertisers committing to three consecutive months of 1/4 page size www.cam-hoa.com or greater receive a 10% discount. Pat Patterson Shan Sullivan Amy Milton, Accounting Business Card $30 Quarter Page $60 Half Page $125.00 Full Page $250.00 To place an ad, contact the editor at: communiqué@davislake.org Page 2 DAVIS LAKE Community Association Around the Neighborhood Bus Etiquette Introduction to Yoga Do you have to stop for a school bus when there is a median separation? Along the Davis Lake Parkway entrance, some of us stop and some of us don‟t. The NC Drivers Handbook does not speak to this condition directly, but the DMV office on North Tryon Street was kind enough to provide guidance. You are required to stop for a school bus along the Davis Lake Parkway even at the median. The Median rule that permits drivers to not stop only applies where there are two or more lanes on either side of the median. Did you know that you are required by law to honk your horn at a pedestrian when they may be affected by a turn, stop or start? It may seem impolite, but it‟s the law in North Carolina. Pedestrians (and joggers) have the same rights as a vehicle along the road and have to follow the same rules. But if they cross in front of you when you have the right of way, by law you must use the horn. If they don‟t stop, the Driver‟s Handbook states that you, the driver, should. Davis Lake teenagers can earn hours for school community service by volunteering for the community! Contact Ryan Houck for more information. Many Thanks to: Ben Comer Keith Kunstmann For their help removing the community holiday decorations. FEBRUARY 2008 Saturdays March 1-April 19, 10am at the DL clubhouse $30 per person (for the 8 week class) Introduction to Yoga will focus on learning foundational poses and sequences at a slower pace to gain knowledge and experience. As the class progresses and tempo increases, the poses will create balance, strength, flexibility and endurance to complement activities of your daily life. The class will follow the YogaFit system which is part of the Hatha tradition taught in a vinyasa style. Information/Questions contact Caroline Richard at [email protected] RSVP to [email protected] January Lawn of the Month Winners Downing Creek 8914 Pointview Major Family Old Fox Trail 5028 Old Fox Trail Starnes Family Harris Glen 9621 Harris Glen Foil Family Fortunes Ridge 9235 Pebble Creek Brodof Family Poplar Grove 9613 Highstream Court Sutherland Family Woodbridge Place 9643 Whitewood Trail Brinson Family Woodbridge Commons 4714 Poplar Grove Drive Puzia Family Nuttree Bluffs 9427 Arborview Roosa Family Deer Cross 4705 Laurel Ridge Green Family Winterberry Ridge 4931 Foxbriar Bielfeldt Family Crofton Springs 9209 Laurel Crest Bird Family Bridle Ridge 4723 Bridle Ridge Lane Ferro Family Chestnut Knoll 5109 Chestnut Knoll Lorio Family February Lawn of the Month Winners Downing Creek 5111 Downing Creek Howe Family Old Fox Trail 5030 Old Fox Trail Madden Family Harris Glen 9522 Harris Glen MacDonald Family Fortunes Ridge 9700 Pebble Creek Cheryl Chavarie Poplar Grove 9634 Highstream Court Darcey Family Woodbridge Place 4402 Poplar Grove Strickland Family Woodbridge Commons 4518 Poplar Grove McNeil & Noble Nuttree Bluffs 9410 Arborview Fritschen Family Deer Cross 4671 Deer Cross Christopher Austin Winterberry Ridge 4942 Ivy Ridge Curran Family Crofton Springs 9700 Laurel Crest Nettie Gentry Bridle Ridge 4728 Bridle Ridge Slee Family Chestnut Knoll 4904 Chestnut Knoll Kunstmann Family Page 3 Chick-fil-A of Davis Lake Monthly “Moos” for February 2008 704-596-2229 If you would like to receive our Monthly “Moos” by email please send your email address to [email protected] and in the subject line put: Monthly “Moos”. Free Breakfast Fridays! Family Night During the month of February, we will be giving away a free breakfast item every Friday! Join us on Thursday, February 21, from 5-8 for the cow toss game, giveaways and a visit from the Chick-fil-A cow. Each child will receive a free kids meal with the purchase of any combo. February 8th- FREE 3 count Chick-n-Minis Please limit one per customer! February 15th-FREE Burrito half February 22nd-FREE Chicken Biscuit February 29th-Buy any breakfast entrée and receive An additional entrée of equal or lesser value FREE Free Chicken Party for you and 30 of your closest friends! Stop by and register to win! Page 4 New for Valentines Day! Make Valentine‟s Day a little more special this year with Chick-fil-A Valentine‟s Day Cards! 10 cards for $2.50 Each card has as offer for a FREE Kids Size Icedream! Don’t forget to schedule your child’s birthday party with us! There is nothing like our nuggets, icedream and an appearance at your party by The Chick-fil-A Cow! DAVIS LAKE Community Association CAM’s Corner Dear Residents, Home Safety Tips 2008 is here! I would like to thank everyone for all the hard work in keeping the DLCA neighborhood looking great. The overall response has been exceptional. At the writing of this note, the election is in process. I hope that all of you took the opportunity to attend the “Meet the Candidates” nights and learn more about those running for the Board and vote. Your Vote counts! CAM has been notified of some unlawful activity in the DLCA community. We have provided some Home Safety Tips in this issue for your use. Please remain vigilant and report crime and/or strangers in the neighborhood. Water conservation is still critical. Please conserve water where possible for example: adjust water level when washing clothes, place fillers in the toilets tanks, shut off water when brushing teeth and shaving. It is important that everyone does their part. CAM is requesting that owners continue to notify CAM of activity that may be in violation of the DLCA covenants. CAM commends the ARC committee for their diligence in approving requests and monitoring the approved ARC application. As you may know, CAM in conjunction with the Board, has been conducting hearings to insure the restrictive covenants are being followed as agreed by each homeowner when they purchased their home. There are eleven months left in the year. How are you progressing on your goals? CAM is excited because our goal to “Get it straight in „08 so all will be fine in „09” is on target. Thank you for helping make DLCA a wonderful place to live! Pat Patterson Request from the Editor We want to know what you think. What would you like to see in the Communiqué? Here is your chance to tell us. Take a moment to fill out an online survey. It is completely anonymous and will help make the newsletter something great for everyone. There are two ways you can find the survey. 1. type the following into your browser: www.surveymonkey.com/s.aspx?sm+7NiKBqsfOWDTbdWqv31OHw_3d_3d OR Make sure your home is well lit. Turn on outside lights, spotlights, motion lights, etc. Keep all shrubbery trimmed. Do not allow shrubs to conceal windows or doors. Remove anything a burglar could climb up on to gain entry such as ladders, tools, tables and chairs. All exterior doors should be solid rather than hollow core. Keep garage doors closed, even while you are home. Use a deadbolt lock to secure doors. If you are going away have a neighbor collect your mail and newspapers. Don‟t leave gifts in open view. Don‟t advertise new purchases. Break up cartons before leaving them on the curb. Engrave purchases with your drivers license number. Don‟t open your door to strangers. Don‟t give any information about yourself or a neighbor to a stranger. 2. Go to the Davis Lake Webpage, click on Communiqué on the left side and then click on the survey link on the Communiqué page. FEBRUARY 2008 Page 5 February 2008 Clubhouse Calendar Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 2 Playgroup 11 AM-12:30 PM 3 4 5 6 7 ARC Meeting at the Clubhouse 10 11 18 11 AM-12:30 PM 12 13 14 19 20 21 NEC Meeting at University City Reg. Library 24 9 Playgroup Board Meeting Closed 7:30 PM 17 8 15 16 Kid’s Movie Night Guy’s Poker Night 7-10 PM 8-11 PM 22 23 Playgroup 11 AM-12:30 PM 25 26 27 28 29 Playgroup 11 AM-12:30 PM ARC Meeting—The Architectural Review Committee meets on the first Monday of each month. If you have any changes or additions that you want to make to your property, have your request form turned in by this day for review. You can find the guidelines and the Request Form online at www.davislake.org Playgroup for Toddlers—For children 2 to 3 years old, at the Clubhouse. We meet every Friday from 11 AM—12:30 PM. For more information contact Debbie Wiesler at [email protected]. Kid’s Movie Night—No babysitter for Valentines? No problem! The Kid‟s Movie night is open to children 5-12 years old beginning at 7PM. Popcorn and drink will be provided. The movie will be G or PG. $4 per child, must RSVP, by calling the clubhouse at 704-596-6958, or online at www.davislake.org/rsvp.htm. Post Valentine’s Guy Poker Night—At the clubhouse from 8-11 PM. Poker and fellowship, snacks will be provided. BYOB. NEC (Northeast Coalition of HOA’s)—Meets every third Sunday at the University City Regional Library at 3PM. Thom Tillis will be the guest speaker. He will discuss redoing the way the state does the equity formula. Page 6 DAVIS LAKE Community Association BOsS (Business Owners Spotlight) If you are a homeowner living in the DLCA, and you own your own business, take advantage of this space! This is a free opportunity to introduce yourself and your business to the Davis Lake Community. Answer the following questions and email them to communiqué@davislake.org and be the BOsS! FEBRUARY 2008 1. When did you move to Davis Lake/Woodcroft/Legacy? 2. Why did you choose to live here? 3. How did you decide to start your own business? 4. How did you decide on the name of your business? 5. Describe what you do. 6. Tell us anything that you want the community to know about you and your family. Page 7 Personal Items for Sale This area is for free postings by Davis lake residents. All ads must be for Experienced baby sitter/pet sitter available 15 year old living in personal items to be sold, or items or services wanted, and may be run Chestnut Knoll would like to fill your sitting needs. References availfor two months at a time. To place an ad, email commu- able. Contact Jennifer at 704-599-4044. [email protected] by the 15th of the month. Wanted: Davis Lake in-home part-time daycare in either your house or Childcare Opportunity: Do you need part-time childcare? Children 20 mine. Starting Feb. '08 for a 9 month old infant. Please call Lane at 952months-5 years. Fenced yard, cul-de-sac home, lots of room indoors to 913-7077 or e-mail at [email protected] play and three boys ages 13 months, 2 and 3 years old to play and learn with! Part-time daily, or 2-3 full days per week. Will also do 'after- Nearly NEW WEIGHT BENCH--adjustable slant board has padded school' care if needed. Keep your child in a fun home environment while cushions for legs and feet during ab work-outs. One month old, with you work! If interested in more information, please call Lori at 704-817- very little use. GREAT CONDITION. Contact Ryan Houck 704-5966958. WILL DELIVER ONLY $45!! 8037 or e-mail [email protected]. Seeking an individual for in-home day care needed beginning February FOR SALE: Simmons white crib and mattress, $125.00. In very good 4, 2008 for 3 month old boy. Individual must be registered and have and CLEAN condition. Large pink Barbie house, best offer. Baby Jogger/Twinkle Model, $50.00. Purple, holds up to 50 pounds. Original seat references. Contact Karl or Lori Fritschen at 704-509-1457. plus new but never used seat. Folds up and fits in a small car. Will email Exercise Bike Needed-- Did you get new fitness equipment for Christ- photos. Bonnie 704-597-9304 or [email protected]. mas? Not using that old exercise bike (who are we kidding with those New Year's resolutions)? The Davis Lake fitness room would love to For Sale: Pelican 15.5 Canoe with two oars $175 only in water a couple accept your donation. We need an exercise bike in the fitness room and of times. Several new plastic model kits, most of them are WWII vehiwould be happy to take your old bike off your hands. Please contact cles, call for a complete list of models and prices. New in box Duraplane Trainer 40 RC plane kit $40. New in box Top Flite Douglas DC-3 Ryan [email protected] if you are interested. RC plane kit $175. Futaba WC2 PCM1024Z RC Plane Computer Radio, Bernhardt Dining Room set—large table wit leaf, 6 chairs and lighted brand new, never been used in case $500. Disney Popcorn Popper new hutch, ash wood, like-new condition. $1850 firm. King wrought iron in box $20. Looking for someone with RC Plane building experience to finish a RC plane kit started by a family member who passed away. I canopy bed, $250 and corner desk, $75. Call 704-509-5699. will provide all of the equipment and parts but need someone with the For Sale: Edge 275 Elliptical Exercise Machine, rarely used--$200. Call know how to put the plane together. Please call Cory at 817-9734 or via Alice Ault at 704-599-9138. email at [email protected]. Page 8 DAVIS LAKE Community Association
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