April 12, 2015 - First United Methodist Church


April 12, 2015 - First United Methodist Church
First Things First
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Save the date and join us for the annual Carty Memorial Scholarship Luncheon on Sunday,
April 12 from 10:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall. On the menu is a delicious
spaghetti meal with bread, salad and homemade desserts. There is a suggested donation of
$10 for adults, $5 for kids 7 and under. Scholarships are awarded to students who have
exemplified the qualities of integrity, wisdom, and character through demonstrated service
at church and in the community and school. If you cannot attend the luncheon, but would
like to make a tax-deductible donation, please make your checks to FFUMC and note Carty
Memorial Scholarship. Reservations are not required.
All adults and youth (must be 14 years old) interested in volunteering at Take the Reins Equine
Assisted Ministry for Children with special life challenges are invited to attend Classroom &
Horse Training on Saturday, April 11 from 2:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. at Bending Tree Farm, 3636
Bear Creek Road, Thompsons Station. For further information or to RSVP, please contact
Sharon Clement at 615-566-7534 or [email protected].
We need homemade desserts for the Carty Memorial Scholarship Luncheon on Sunday, April
12. If you are willing to bake a cake, pie, cookies or whatever is your specialty, please bring it
to the church kitchen by 9:00 a.m. on Sunday, April 12. The meal served at this is Spaghetti.
Please RSVP to Laura Thompson; [email protected]. Thank you for your willingness
to help with this luncheon.
Join us for Primetimers dinner on Tuesday, April 14 at 5:30 p.m. The speaker is Kirk Rutter, a
Board Director on the Council of Aging of Greater Nashville. He will speak on the many
programs that will be available here in Franklin. You will be able to sign up for “Discover
Franklin”, a 6 day unique education opportunity for active adults (+55). It is intended to
enhance your understanding of meaningful volunteer opportunities in Williamson County.
Dinner is $6.00 each. RSVP by calling 615-794-2734.
At Franklin First UMC
Reading for
April 12, 2015
Acts 4:32-35
Psalms 133
(UMH 850)
I John 1:1-2:2
John 20:19-31
Get ready for our first ever 415 Youth $10 Prom Event on Sunday, April 19 from 5:30—7:30
p.m. on the 3rd Floor. Borrow a vintage outfit from a parent or friend or go shopping at
Goodwill. Come ready for music, dancing, games, contests, food and more. You don’t need a
date and you don’t have to dance, although we would love to see your dance moves. Come
enjoy this night to celebrate being a part of the youth group and have fun with your church
family. Friends are welcome! We are supporting Graceworks through this event! Bring
toiletry items to be used for the emergency closet at Graceworks. Items most needed are:
shampoo and conditioner, toothpaste, toothbrushes, deodorant, laundry detergent and toilet
paper. RSVP to Carlisle; [email protected] or Emily; [email protected].
If you are a single young adult in your 20’s, join us on April 19 for our next Sunday
Conversation Group on Mike Slaughter’s “Renegade Gospel”. Gather outside of Sanctuary
East at 11:45 a.m. After watching the DVD lesson, the group will carpool to Antioch for lunch
and conversation at P.S. Noodle Pot. Bring money for lunch. For more information on this
group contact Sarah Carty; [email protected].
We prepare meals on Saturdays for about 100 people.
[email protected].
If you can help, contact Maria,
A United Methodist Congregation
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Join us for the April book club. We will be reading “The All-Girl Filling Station’s Last Reunion” by Fannie
Flagg. Come Tues., April 21, 10:00 a.m. Beasley Parlor. RSVP to Sandy Ward; [email protected].
At Franklin First UMC
Come join us for lunch as we celebrate the reaffirming of our covenant with 61st Avenue UMC and
celebrate Pastor Paul’s work. Sunday, April 26, bring a side dish and join us at 12:00 p.m. at the North
Campus. We will provide the hamburgers and hot dogs so bring your favorite side, some outdoor chairs
and your family. The inclement weather location is Sanctuary East. RSVP to 615-794-2734.
The Senior Class Recognition Service is Sunday, April 26 from 4:00 - 6:00 p.m. All Senior Class
members and their families are welcome to attend. The evening consists of a reception in Fellowship
Hall that includes great food, Carty Scholarship Awards, and Senior Recognition. We then will have a
special Worship Service in Historic Sanctuary. RSVP to Hank Hilliard; [email protected].
Join us for the annual Super Senior Spring fling for senior adults 70 years and older on Sunday, May 17
from 2:00 - 3:30 p.m. This event is sponsored each year by the Voyagers Sunday School Class as a way
to honor our senior adults who are over 70. We will provide food and entertainment. Transportation
will be provided if needed. Contact Bob Fulghum; 615-397-5452 for additional information.
Join us in Historic Sanctuary
Monday - Friday at 6:30 a.m.
for a time of prayer.
If you’re new to Franklin
First UMC we’d love to
meet you and your family.
Join us on April 26 from
10:30 to 11:30 a.m. in
Fellowship Hall. This is a
brunch especially for you
to ask questions and see
what makes up Franklin
First UMC.
Inside Story Headline
This is the 12th Annual Golf Tournament on Monday, May 18 beginning at 1:00 p.m. Old Natchez
Country Club, Franklin, TN. Single players or groups are welcome to play. Dinner will follow and you
can enjoy dinner even if you do not play golf. Cost is $100 for golf, dinner, range balls, entry into skills
contest and more. Dinner is only $15. All proceeds support children’s charities including The Amanda
Young Children’s Memorial Fund (for children with cancer). To RSVP or for more information contact
Jack Marshall; [email protected].
FFUMC will be providing reading buddies for PT at Tulip Street UMC from June 8-11 and at 61st Avenue
UMC from July 6 –9. Volunteers will be needed from approximately 9:30 a.m. till noon each day to read
one on one with the children attending camp at Project Transformation. We will be looking for groups
to provide dinners for our college interns, volunteers to help with Family Fun Nights and donations of
healthy snacks. If you can help, contact Janie Luna; [email protected], 615-497-8915.
The 415 Youth Group is hitting the beach! This trip is open to all youth in 7-12 grades. The experience
includes worship, youth group programs, beach and pool time and more. We will stay at Blue Horizon
Retreat Center in Panama City Beach, FL. Register at www.415youth.com.
April 12 - Carty Memorial Scholarship Luncheon, 10:30 - 12:30 p.m. Fellowship Hall
April 12 - Cherub Disciple Choir Program, 4:00 p.m. Sanctuary East
April 19 - Claim His Name Choir Program, 4:00 p.m. Sanctuary East
April 26 - Pastor Paul Thank You Picnic, 12:00 p.m. North Campus, Covered Dish
April 29 - Heavenly Sunshine Choir Program, 6:30 p.m. Sanctuary East
May 3 - Safe Sanctuary Training, 9:00 and 10:30 a.m. A204
May 6 - Safe Sanctuary Training, 6:30 p.m. A204
May 17 - Super Seniors (70+) Spring Fling, 2:00 - 3:30 p.m. 3rd Floor Café
May 18 - Amanda Young Children’s Memorial Golf Tournament, 1:00 p.m. Old Natchez C.C.
June 3 - Safe Sanctuary Training, 6:30 p.m. A204
June 22-25 - Vacation Bible School, registration is open, www.franklinfumc.org.
Every Tuesday morning at
6:00 a.m. come to the 3rd
Floor and join the Men of
Come for
coffee, inspiration and
prayer and meet other
men in the church and
Every Wed. night we have
dinner beginning at 5:15
p.m. followed by classes for
adults, youth and children.
We also have music/choir
groups for adults and
children to participate in
along with a nursery.
Please RSVP for the dinner
by noon on Tuesday. Call
615-794-2734 to sign up.
Knowing Christ, Sharing Christ, Making Disciples
Franklin First United
Methodist Church
143 Fifth Avenue South
Franklin, TN 37064
Dr. A. Lynn Hill, Senior Pastor
Rev. Vona R. Wilson, Pastor of
Outreach & Leadership Development
Rev. Regina B. Proctor, Pastor
of Congregational Care
Dear Friends,
Rev. Roger Parker, Pastor of
Holy Week and Easter at FFUMC is amazing. Thanks to everyone who
served in leadership at our Maundy Thursday and Good Friday services.
What a spiritually moving experience it was to gather at the Lord’s Table
with family and friends as we remembered how Jesus gathered with his on
the special night in the Upper Room. Then on Good Friday we went
together to Calvary to share in the death of Jesus for our sins. Thanks to
Dr. A. Lynn Hill
Senior Pastor
the Chancel Choir for your incredible cantata! Easter Sunday was awesome!
The day started early at our 6:00 a.m. Sunrise Service on the North Campus.
The weather was cold at the beginning, but as the sun rose and the service continued it was
outstanding. There is no place more beautiful for an Easter Sunrise Service than the North
Campus. To everyone who helped with parking, transportation, snacks, sound, etc. our
sincere thanks. Our six services at the Downtown Campus were powerful as we proclaimed
“Christ is risen!” On Easter Sunday we had a total of 2,970 persons to join us for our
services. There are far too many people to thank individually for your leadership in these
services, but please know how much you are appreciated. By the end of the day, many were
physically tired but spiritually “fired-up.” We can only imagine what next Easter will be like
as we celebrate earth’s happiest day in our new facility. Let us never cease to proclaim to
the world, “Christ is risen. Christ is risen indeed.”
Sarah Carty, Director of Adult
Carrie Altman, Director of
Children’s Ministry
Katie Yommer, Associate Director
of Children’s Ministry
Hank Hilliard, Director of
Youth Ministries
Carlisle Jones , Assistant Director
of Youth Ministries
Emily Mastin, Youth Assistant
Vanderbilt: Jill Darby
Centennial: Lynn Briggs
No Longer in the Hospital: Larry Simmons
Condolences to the family of Jim Drury on the
death of his father, Harry Drury who passed
away on April 1, 2015 in Nashville.
Rachel Luna, Outreach Assistant
Sarah Evins, Music Director., SE
Offering this Week
Tyler Merideth, Music Dir., HS
Average Needed Weekly
Mary Phillips, Organist
Offering this Week to the N.
Campus Building Fund
Larry Repasky, A/V Director
Offering to the 2nd Mile YTD
Sunrise Service Attendance
Worship Attendance (6 services)
North Campus Construction Loan
Micah 6:8
He has showed you, O man, what is good. And
what does the Lord require of you? To act
justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly
with your God.
Church Directories are in!
Come to the church office and get your
directory, Mon - Fri. 8:00-4:30 p.m.
Jennifer Morgan, Admin. Assistant
for Children & Youth
April 5, 2015
Maundy Thurs. - McKendree/
Golden Cross Offering
Good Friday - Restorative Justice
Jennifer Thorington, Preschool
Jim Barber, Business Administrator
Cheryl Wright, Financial Secretary
Jody Todd, Communications Director
Franklin First UMC now offers
a mobile version of our online
giving page to make it easy for
you to give anytime from your
smart phone. Simply scan the
image you see here using your
phone’s QR code reader!
Questions? Call Jim Barber
Business Administrator, 794-2734
If you have an upcoming event, contact Jody Todd, Communications Director, and fill out an Announcement
Form at least 2 weeks prior to your event. For Room Reservations, contact Laura Lindquist, Office Manager.
April 6, 2015
Rev. Mark Coursey, Pastor of
Welcome & Connection Ministries
John Knorr, Director of Worship
as of April 6, 2015
A United Methodist Congregation
Laura Lindquist, Office Manager
Debbie Miller, Membership
Jean Elder, Admin. Secretary
Carmen Greenwald, Receptionist
Amber Wakefield, Childcare
Barry Johnson, Facilities Manager
Juanita Hill, Bert Miller,
Sid Bradley, Jr., Arthur Polk,
Please remember that volunteers are needed for the Take The Reins Ministry. This is an
equine ministry for children with special life challenges. If you would like to be a part of this
amazing ministry, training (classroom & horse) will be on Saturday, April 11 from 2:00 – 4:00
p.m. at Bending Tree Farm, 3636 Bear Creek Road, Thompson’s Station. For more
information or to reserve your place please call Sharon Clement; 615-595-8672; or
[email protected]. Your help will be greatly appreciated.
Also please remember the 8th Annual Carty Memorial Scholarship Luncheon on Sunday, April
12 in the Fellowship Hall from 10:30 – 12:30 p.m. All proceeds from this luncheon are
directed to support graduating seniors from FFUMC is their pursuit of higher
education. Both dine-in and take-out will be available. Everyone is invited to share in this
worthy project to make a difference in the life of some of our youth. I hope to see YOU
In the next few days the roof on the North Campus will be completely installed so the new
facility we be “dried in.” That means that work can continue regardless of the
weather. Much interior work is taking place with walls to the various rooms being
installed. Every day the building takes on more and more shape of what it will ultimately look
like. As I walk through the maze of metal studs of adult classrooms, the new kitchen, the
worship center, the children & youth areas, the narthex, etc., in my mind I can see and hear
all the ministries that this new facility will enable and the lives that will be changed there. All
of us are humbled to be in this faith community at such a time as this. Our work today will
touch the lives of countless others for generations to come. Now more than ever, we know
that the best is yet to be! Thanks be to God!
Grace and Peace,