Charles Edward Goston - Gainesville Area Chamber of Commerce
Charles Edward Goston - Gainesville Area Chamber of Commerce
Gainesville City Commission 2015 Candidate Profile and Issue Questionnaire Part A: Candidate Profile 1) Candidate’s Name: Charles Edward Goston 2) Email Address: [email protected] 3) Campaign Website: 4) Education: Bachelors in Telecommunications, Masters in Television sports Production. 5) Occupation: CEO Black College Monthly Communications, that consist of a National Educational and consumer publication, A political print publication, A syndicated Radio Sports Broadcast on XMSIRIUS. 6) Employer: Black College Monthly Communications 7) Previous Employment: Radio personality, WEDR Miami, WRDW Fortlauderdale, WGGG, WERD, WPDQ, Part owner of MAJIC 101.3 AND AM 1430, A CABLE JAZZ STATION , North Florida Evaluation Treatment Center, Juvenile Alcohol and Drug treatment center, ESPN Radio, NFL, NBA. 8) Three Qualities Leaders Must Possess: 1. DETERMINATION TO FINISH A JOB AT THE HIGHEST PROFICIENCY 2. THE ABILITY TO WORK WITH OTHERS TO ACCOMPLISH A COMMON GOAL 3. TO HAVE INSIGHT AND THE ABILITY TO COMMUNICATE AND ARTICULATE YOUR OBJECTIVE TO OTHERS WHILE DEMONSTRATING THAT YOU ARE CAPABLE OF MAKING THE RIGHT DECISIONS TO MOVE FORWARD TO Page 1 of 9 ACCOMPLISH YOUR GOAL FOR YOURSELF OR THE GROUP. HAVE THE RIGHT ANSWERS FOR ALL THE SITUATIONS THAT A LEADER WILL BE CONFRONTED WITH. 9) Civic Involvement: Former President of the Alachua County Democratic Black Caucus, Chairman of the State Black Caucus Communications and public relations department. Member of the city of Gainesville, EEOC Human Relations Board, Board of Trustee’s for the Hawthorne Life Enrichment Center for Senior citizens. Secretary of the Florida Political Black Caucus (statewide Caucus) 10) Board(s) I’ve Served On: Black on Black Crime, Department of Transportation Safety Board, Board of trustee’s for Hawthorne Life Enrichment center, Human Relations Board EEOC, Alachua County Democratic Executive Committee’s Chair for Affirmative Action. President of AFSME 3030 for 3 years that had over 3,000 members, and a Union Stewart for 5 Years 11) Party Affiliation (If Applicable): Democrat 12) Political Involvement: State and Local Black Caucus, Political Consultant, 13) Have you ever been a previous candidate for political office? If Yes, What office?: Outcome of Race: 14) Campaign Organization and Structure Manager: Ermon Owens Media: Charles Goston Pollster: Scott Austin General Consultant: Page 2 of 9 Treasurer: Tammy McCants Advisors: William Rankin Facebook Page Name:‐goston-‐ campaign/429810203844803 Twitter Account: Instagram Account: 15) Are you a current member of the Gainesville Area Chamber of Commerce? YES__________ NO__X_______ 16) Why are you running for Gainesville City Commission? (Do not exceed 75 words) I’m running to bring District 1 into the 21st century, we have endured over 30 plus years of lies and no improvement in the area or the lives of the citizens that live in district 1. There are to many needs that have been undone because of the lack of strong and innovative leadership and because I have had to create a business from the bottom up and take care of my employees , I. 17) Why should members of the business community support your candidacy? (Do not exceed 75 words) If there is a honest assessment of past commissioners and the business development of district 1 and my history of taking a Minority Magazine that started locally with advertisement from these same local businesses and expand that magazine to a statewide and nationwide publication speaks true of my ability to approach and maintain good business relationships that produce results and not promises. Each past commissioner has come in with no business experience and just a. 18) Are there any organizations/entities which you would NOT accept donations from? YES___X_______ NO_________ If yes, please explain (Do not exceed 75 words) I will not accept any PAC money because with this comes ties of control and commitment to these pacs, I will not associate with certain political organizations that have a Page 3 of 9 history of stacking and backing candidates that don’t have a clue about governance or representing the people that elected them but they have complete allegiance to that political group or PAC, I will serve the people that elected me and the city of Gainesville with. 19) Is there any additional information about you and/or your campaign that you would like to share? (Do not exceed 75 words) I have a long history of being a public servant and eradicating discrimination, I have negotiated the promotion of over15 African American Police officers and sheriffs that were being overlooked on purpose for promotion at GPD and ASO , I created and produced the only local Radio Show for African American Police officers to inform and educate other African American Citizens of the legal rights when confronted and encountering a police officer, the host of. Page 4 of 9 Part B: Issue Questionnaire {Each Answer Must Not Exceed 75 Words} 20) What is the role of local government? The role of local government is to encourage development of inclusiveness with all citizens reguardless of socio-‐economic status in the areas of housing, economic development in areas that is apparent has been neglected, support all of your educational institutions, support and encourage community partners, create coalitions to create plans for long term sustainabililty, advance projects that address property acquisition and the development of new housing opportunities for all citizens and not just the chosen few. 21) If elected, what would be your top three (3) specific policy objectives and why? 1. To reduce the utility cost by voting for a oversight board that should be voted on by the public to attack the existing BIO-‐MASS debacle that has created the highest utility rates in the state of Florida. 2. Create a Emergency Medical Facility that will serve the Eastside of Gainesville, West Palatka, Hawthorne, Waldo, Windsor, grove park and areas in between so that medical service will be available to all citizens living in the. 22) What specific policies and/or programs should be advanced to promote economic development in the City of Gainesville? The implementation of the PLUM CREEK project should be a major priority along with my personal involvement of contacting franchised and other business corporations to come to District 1 where great tax incentives already exist and land is abundant and where people spend money. Expand the Bio-‐tech business that already exist on s.e. 8th avenue that was there long before the new bio-‐ tech businesses were ever formed, created polices to include minority contractors to build. Page 5 of 9 23) How would you promote small business growth in the City of Gainesville? There has never been a full scale advertising campaign to attract or address the needs of small business, with a comprehensive plan already in place to give small businesses a incentive to grow or to leave their current locations, small businesses must be shown the benefits of being a member of the Chamber and how to get into the business flow that has eluded them for decades, if there is tangible ways and solutions to. 24) What is your philosophy towards utilizing public funds to finance economic development incentives in the City of Gainesville? There should already be a economic development policy in place for the City of Gainesville but because there’s not and being a small business owner myself I know how hard it is and how the city works to keep economic development a bad word for minorities , I will contact all entities that can help to contribute to the economic development on the Eastside and put in place a actionable plan to begin economic development. 25) Please discuss any specific ideas you may have to promote job creation from the “GED to the PhD” levels of education in the City of Gainesville? I tried 22 years ago to promote a city wide training center with city and county departments and other local businesses to train people for jobs in their Industry but there was not enough interest, we have to invite businesses that will hire all citizens even those that may have non-‐violent criminal past who want to contribute to society and not take from it, there are numerous opportunities for the location of distribution centers on. 26) What is your view on education across the “cradle to career” continuum? When there is a systemic problem of educating young people of color and those with severe economic handicaps there has to a way to help these students by the time they are in the 3rd grade, it is essential that we as Page 6 of 9 educated adults find time to tutor and mentor and guide these young people and prevent the failures in their lives, we can help with apprenticeships, only if we have careers that we can. 27) What are your views on skilled career pathways? There are a multitude of people that are not college bound and they want a skill and they should be afforded one, I can introduce the plan to create or expand more skill training in High school or training facilities at Santa Fe or other skill centers in Jacksonville Florida, Masonry classes, welding careers, pipefitting careers, hav-‐met careers, carpentry classes are available in Jacksonville that we should make accessable in Gainesville. 28) What (if anything) should be changed about the City of Gainesville and Gainesville Regional Utilities (GRU) development review process? There should be a oversight board that is voted on by the public , there should be a audit by a outside firm that is not connected in anyway to the city or GRU, if a board is formed it should made up of 6 experts and one civilian , or if it’s a 5 member board it should be 4 experts in utilities and 1 civilian, with the authority to bring all findings back. 29) What (if anything) should be changed about the City of Gainesville Land Development Code? These changes should be only with the input of those who will be affected or effected by the ideas or implementations of these codes, the most current example is the Duck Pond fight with the land development plans that they have for the Duck Pond area. 30) Please discuss any specific ideas you may have to enhance the growth of the technology and manufacturing sectors in the City of Gainesville? I can only input that all technology growth should be done with the eastside as a priority for that growth, and not the persuasive use of others that use inside contacts with commissioners to insure that these kind of Page 7 of 9 businesses are never built in the eastside of the city. It should be mandatory that the eastside should be the first site of choice and introduction. 31) What are the greatest infrastructure challenges facing the City of Gainesville and how would you address them? There must be a way to get those sections of Gainesville off of the use of septic tanks and have these areas replaced with underground infrastructure before a disaster with the leaking of the septic tanks will cost more to clean up and correct than it would be put in infrastructure , the money can be found if some of the cities pet project were put on hold. 32) The cost of electricity in the City of Gainesville ranks among the highest in the State of Florida. Please discuss any specific ideas you may have to reduce the cost of electricity and make Gainesville more competitive. Until the 58 million dollar yearly payment to Grec is reduced to it’s original contract agreement which was $77.00 per Kilowatt hour and now we are paying between $ 158.00 to $ 172.00 dollars per Killowatt hour that is paralyzed customers and the worst is yet to come, there must be a re-‐negotiation of this contract as soon as possible, and ‘the much discussed oversight board. All implementations for saving the rate payers and the. 33) The Gainesville City Commission currently governs Gainesville Regional Utilities (GRU), which has approximately one-‐third of its customer base outside of the City of Gainesville corporate limits. Do you support changing the current GRU governance structure? YES ____X_____ If yes, why? NO ____________ If no, why? As long as GRU can charge these rate payers that live outside of the city limits and they have no way to voice their displeasure with these rates and to be able to aid in the change of this policy this is equal to taxation without Page 8 of 9 representation which is illegal but unconstitutional , tha loop must be closed . 34) Do you support a Special Legislative Act by the Legislature of the State of Florida to provide for a voter referendum giving City of Gainesville registered voters the opportunity to amend the City Charter and create a separate utility authority to govern Gainesville Regional Utilities (GRU)? YES ____X_____ If yes, why? NO ____________ If no, why? This is a needed referendum because the city commission has used GRU as their personal ATM machine and the rate payers are feeling all the pain, I support that the voters should decide who governs GRU because the past commissioners have proven that they had the authority but none of the expertise or knowledge. 35) Do you support moving City Commission elections from the spring to the fall and being non-‐partisan? YES __X_______ If yes, why? NO ____________ If no, why? IF the elections were moved to the fall it would insure a wider participation by the voters and prevent the DEC from stacking the election against anyone who is not a member of their organization and place the election in the hands of the voters where it should be and not in the hands of special interest that is destroying the city . I hereby certify to the veracity and completeness of the information herein and that no other party other than myself completed this questionnaire. Original or Electronic Signature Charles Edward Goston Page 9 of 9