This Week`s Bulletin
This Week`s Bulletin
EASY TEAR OFF TENT OF MEETING PRAYER CARD GATE CITY CHURCH INFORMATION Ministerial Staff - 883-8273 Ministry Contacts Paul Berube - Senior Pastor ext. 12 Myroslav Biley - Slavic Church Pastor ext 27 Paul Berube - Brazilian Church Pastor ext. 12 Stevens Vuppula - Indian Outreach Pastor 883-1932 Paul Kumar - Indian Outreach Associate Pastor 320-8007 Alpha: Scott Stone 603-809-9829 Rick Beavers 936-240-5410 Arts Ministry: 603-883-8273 Deaf Ministry: Rose Gavin 320-4457 Greeters: Dan & Mona Chamberland 881-4373 Meals Ministry: Jerri Spearman 320-5634 Multimedia: Ann Marie Higgins 881-7693 Prayer Chain: Vanessa Sheehan 603-320-6111 River’s Edge Quilters: Myrtie Levesque 321-2679 Security: Ken Bourque 321-0574 Shabbat Team: Pastor Paul Berube Sound Ministry: Dan Colby 249-3394 Ushers: Bill Carroll 603-594-9599 Website: Rachel Nesbitt [email protected] Welcome Center: Andrea Hamilton 494-9682 Women’s Ministries: Sandy Berube ext 18 Program and Department Contacts - 883-8273 Executive Assistant: Richard Vandiver ext 10 Administrative Assistant: Cristiane Machado ext 10 Brazillian Outreach ext 24 Finance Office: Vanessa Sheehan ext 22 Janet Whissel ext 23 Greater Nashua Growth & Healing: Alicia Luszey 598-6205 / [email protected] Worship: Bob Ayala ext 30 Youth and Children’s Ministry Children’s Church Coordinators: Paul & Akhrieno Kumar 883-8273 ext. 17 Nashua Christian Academy 889-8892 Sr. High Youth Leader : Micah Groder 978-807-5298 Gate City Church Main Office 8 Franklin Street Nashua, NH 03064-2665 Office: (603) 883-8273 Fax: (603) 883-0061 Web: e-mail: [email protected] July 5, 2015 STAY GATE CITY CHURCH NOW CONNECTED We hope you will feel at home and be refreshed and renewed by the worship and teaching. If you have any questions or prayer needs, please let us know by filling out a Visitor’s Card or Prayer Card and dropping it off at the Welcome Center. There are tons of ways for people of all ages to get plugged into Gate City Church, and we’re looking forward to connecting with you! Nursery.........................Ages 10 mos to 24 mos First Look 1...................Ages 2yrs to 3yrs First Look 2...................Pre K - Kindergarten 252 1 .......................First to Third Grade 252 2 .......................Fourth to Sixth Grade XP3...............................Seventh to Eighth Grade SATURDAY, July 11 7:30 am.......................................................Faithful Men (8 Franklin St.) SUNDAY, July 12 8:30 am & 10:30 am......................................Morning Services at Main Street (43 Main St.) 10:00 am to 2:00 pm...................................Bonhoeffer’s Café Open (8 Franklin St.) 10:30 am.....................................................Crown Financial (8 Franklin St.) 1:00 pm.......................................................Paintball (5 Cutler Rd. Hudson, NH) 1:00 pm.......................................................Slavic Church Service (43 Main St.) 5:00 pm.......................................................Brazilian Church Service (43 Main St.) 7:00 pm.......................................................Fireside Tales (8 Franklin St.) Faithful Men continues to meet weekly on Saturday mornings from 7:30-9:30am in the Upper Room above Bonhoeffer’s Café. This is a great opportunity to get plugged in. For more information, email us at [email protected]. Tent of Meeting We invite you to join us on Tuesday at 6:30pm for a time of prayer and worship. Following the example of Moses, Tent of Meeting is a place where we come to meet with God and behold His glory. Come and be encouraged! Celebrate Recovery Celebrate Recovery meets every Friday at 43 Main Street, starting at 7:00pm. If you would like more information, please contact Donna and Frank Adams: 603-732-7402 or [email protected]. God has called us to be a House of Prayer... TENTOFMEETING “For the Lord is good and His lovingkindness is everlasting His faithfulness continues through all generations.” Psalm 100:5 6:30pm Tuesday Evenings Harp & Bowl Worship and Prayer Please bring your Bible 43 Main Street EVERY DAY 6:30-7:30AM MORNINGWATCH Prayer by day & Friday FRIDAY, July 10 6:30 pm......................................................High School Youth Group (12 Front St.) 7:00 pm......................................................Indian Outreach (55 Franklin St.) 7:00 pm......................................................Celebrate Recovery (43 Main St.) Faithful Men/ Men’s Ministry Tuesday TUESDAY, July 7 6:30 pm.......................................................Tent of Meeting (43 Main St.) For the situations in life that are too great to face alone, let our prayer ministers stand with you in prayer. If you are facing an emergency situation, we invite you to submit your need by either phone or email by contacting Vanessa at (603)320-6111 or [email protected]. Current THISWEEK SUNDAY, July 5 8:30 am & 10:30 am......................................Morning Services at Main Street (43 Main St.) 10:00 am to 2:00 pm...................................Bonhoeffer’s Café Open (8 Franklin St.) 10:30 am.....................................................Crown Financial (8 Franklin St.) 1:00 pm.......................................................Slavic Church Service (43 Main St.) 5:00 pm.......................................................Brazilian Church Service (43 Main St.) 7:00 pm.......................................................Fireside Tales (8 Franklin St.) Prayer Chain Contact Information 14 Franklin Street EVERY NIGHT 7:00-8:00PM NIGHTWATCH Prayer by night TEAR ALONG THIS LINE Visitors and Gate City Church Family Please stop at the Children’s Ministry Table in the hallway to obtain a number tag for your children and receive directions to the classrooms. The Furnace at Herrnhut - Prayer Room Our prayer room has moved to 14 Franklin St. Named after Count Zinzendorf’s estate which became a community for persecuted believers, Herrnhutt, means “the watch of the Lord.” Join us for daily prayer everyday: Current Do you need a quiet place to be more comfortable with your child? Ask an usher about our Mother’s & Nursing Room. We offer several programs following the worship service to meet the needs of our young people. Current NEWTOGATECITYCHURCH? SUNDAYSERVICE YOUTHPROGRAMS