Personal Outcomes Index brochure


Personal Outcomes Index brochure
“Use of the My Life: Personal Outcomes
Index is one of the most significant
developments ever introduced by PDD.”
-PDD Service Provider
The My Life: Personal Outcomes Index™ was
developed with and for adults with
developmental disabilities in Alberta.
It provides an important way of
determining how well the PDD program is
doing in helping people achieve positive
outcomes in their life.
How good is life for adults with
developmental disabilities?
How can their lives get better?
By adding the voices of adults with
developmental disabilities to the My Life:
Personal Outcomes Index™, individuals can tell
PDD and its service providers what their lives
are like.
Providing answers to the survey takes each
person about half an hour. Trained surveyors
will collect the answers at a place suitable for
the individual being interviewed.
Answers are kept private and will not be used
for individual funding decisions.
How well a person is doing tells
us how well PDD is doing!
More information about the My Life:
Personal Outcomes Index™ is available at
the PDD Program website or by
contacting the PDD Regional
representative listed below:
NE Region
[email protected] (780) 645-6208
NW Region
[email protected] (780) 538-5612
Edmonton Region
[email protected]
(780) 427-7046
Central Region
[email protected] (403) 340-5392
Calgary Region
[email protected]
(403) 297-3249
South Region
[email protected]
(403) 382-4274
More information is also available by
contacting Gloria Wesley, Manager,
Personal Outcomes Initiative at
(780) 644-4677 or
[email protected]
Measuring personal
experienced by adults
with developmental
Achieving Personal
What are Personal
My Life: Personal Outcomes
The Persons with Developmental Disabilities
(PDD) program provides funding for staffing
supports for adults with developmental
Personal outcomes are looked at in eight areas:
The My Life: Personal Outcomes Index survey
was developed via a partnership with individuals,
families, and service providers in collaboration
with a leading researcher in Quality of Life, Dr.
Robert Schalock.
PDD wants to get information from adults with
developmental disabilities about their life
experiences in eight personal outcome areas.
Looking at individuals’ personal outcomes can
help identify how services and supports funded
by PDD are contributing to people’s lives.
Knowing what is working best can be useful in
helping agencies and the PDD program improve
services for adults with developmental
Beginning in 2011, PDD will use the My Life:
Personal Outcomes Index to measure the
personal outcomes of adults with developmental
Emotional Well Being
Positive experiences, self esteem, life
satisfactions, acknowledgement, being
Physical Well Being
Physical health, rest and relaxation, diet,
physical activity
Material Well Being
Ability to meet basic needs, ability to make
extra purchases, income, housing
Personal Development
Opportunities to acquire skills, reach goals, feel
successful, experience enjoyment
Life control, choices, opportunity to express
own views
Quality and strength of relationships, trust,
satisfaction with family relations, being valued
by others, availability of help and support
Social Inclusion
It’s a form with meaning. You are
capturing the essence of someone’s
life experience.”
-My Life surveyor
The My Life survey was first tested in the
Edmonton Region. Results showed that the
survey results can be used to improve supports
and services. The PDD program has decided to
further test the My Life: Personal Outcomes
Index in all six PDD regions in Alberta.
“It could help me.”
-statement by an individual who had
completed the My Life survey
Self Determination
Interpersonal Relations
“It’s not just another form to fill out.
Access to support networks, identification with
a community, ability to participate in desired
social and community activities
Experience of human and civil rights, respect,
exercise citizenship
The answers from each adult with a
developmental disability surveyed will be kept
private but combined with others in reports for
each PDD funded service provider as well as
reports for each PDD region and the PDD
program as a whole.
PDD and service providers can use this
information to identify areas for service
improvements with the goal to improve personal
outcomes for adults with developmental