Short Term Training Program 11-15 May 2015
Short Term Training Program 11-15 May 2015
PATRONS One Week STTP on “SOFT COMPUTING TECHNIQUES AND IT’S APPLICATION IN DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSING” Hon’ble Shri Sunilji Raisoni, Chairman, RGI Hon’ble Shrimati Shobhaji Raisoni, MD, RGI DIRECTOR Dr. P.R.Bajaj 11th- 15th May 2015 ADVISORY COMMITTEE Registration Form Full Name: ______ __________________________ Designation________________________________ Organization:_______________________________ Affiliation & Address: IT STAFFING SOLUTIONS ______________________________________ Pala, metuo obruo opes ratis commoveo at. __________________________________________ Blandit haero melior quibus, saepius ne hendrerit iustum validus Category:nulla indoles gemino pneum. Lorem ipsum dolor ergo Dr.A.Y.Deshmukh(Deputy Director) Dr.P.B.Nagarnaik(Deputy Director) Dr.S.B.Jaju (TEQUIP Incharge) Prof. A. Thomas (Dean PG) Dr. M.M.Khanapurkar(HOD E&TC) Dr. P.V.Walke(HOD Mechanical) Dr. P. M. Daigawane(HOD Electrical) Dr.P.Y.Pawade(HOD Civil) Dr.L.G.Malik(HOD CSE) Prof. Nekita Chavhan(HOD IT) Prof. A. Gahankary(HOD MCA) Dr. K.S.Mukherjee(HOD MBA) mita vita sanctum espa molor deai. Industry/Faculty/Research Scholar One Week Short Term Training Program On “SOFT COMPUTING TECHNIQUES AND IT’S APPLICATION IN DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSING” (11th-15th May 2015) under TEQIP-II In Association with IETE HEAD OF THE DEPARTMENT Phone:______________ FAX:__________________ Dr. M. M. Khanapurkar Mobile: ___________________________________ ORGANIZING COMMITTEE At Dolore ut Email:_____________________________________ bene ratis duis gilvus jugis Amount : Rs:_________ hendrerit suscipit regula populus. Quae ludus Please Cheque/ Demand os quifind eu, enclosed gemino aliquip conventio letatioDraft: jugis torqueo Prof. P. H. Chandankhede Prof. R. T. Bankar Prof. K. A. Kalbande Prof. Mrs. V. A. Tehre Organized by Department of Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering torqueo sagaciter duis. Camur virtus ________________ erat capto facilisi loquor, No.:_________________Dated: vulpes luctus. Wisi consequat odio vel eum defui oppeto delenit Drawn in favor of “Director, GHRCE, Nagpur” CO-ORDINATOR Bank______________________________________ Dr. S. S. Salankar (9049990470) [email protected] __Nonummy CO-COORDINATOR quadrum abluo sit lorem dolor simplo. jus bene quadrum exputo, ne tum si in nostrud Accommodation YESne/ NO ullamcorper augue Required: et huic. Fatua, turpis ideo turpis in suscipit tation ut dolore pala proprius, feugait velit. Duis lorem Prof. A. R. Deshmukh (9011084359) [email protected] consequat turpis paratus, ut ea. Tation gilvus feugiat in dolor Date- Signature of the magna importunus ingenium, iaceo quidne ulciscor, ex facilisi applicant duis antehabeo acsi autem. Iriure pneum, interdico lenis sino. The applicant will be permitted to attend the program, Opes sed nonummy tation verto augue pecus. if •selected. • Venio regula ea vel fatua incassum. tec hnology consulting Department of Electronics and Telecommunication G.H. Raisoni College of Engineering Digdoh Hill, Hingna Road, Nagpur- 16 Signature & Seal of Head of Organisation • Feugait regula. Ut amet opes ideo gemino et (Xerox additional Copies of this form, if needed) (An Autonomous Institute under UGC Act 1956) CRPF Gate No.3, Digdoh Hills, Hingna Road, Nagpur- 16 Website: • Wisi regula eum consectetuer ut mos tamen enim. • Opes sed nonummy tation verto augue pecus. G. H. Raisoni College of Engineering, Nagpur DOWNLOAD REGISTRATION FORM VISION: To achieve excellent standards of quality education by keeping pace with rapidly changing technologies. To create technical manpower of global standards with capabilities of accepting new challenges. OUR INSTITUTE: G.H. Raisoni College of Engineering Nagpur (GHRCE) is an Autonomous Institute under UGC Act 1956 established in 1996, is the flagship institute of Raisoni Group of Institutions (RGI). It is a premier research institute in Central India having glorious history of fifteen years. It has received NBA Accreditation & Reaccreditations for upper span of 5 years for most of courses. Received World Bank Assistance under TEQIP-I Project and was awarded Highest Audit Score of 9.7 / 10. Recently institute has received prestigious World Bank Assistance project under TEQIP-II. The institute is accredited by highest Grade, “Grade-A‟ by NAAC – An Autonomous body of UGC New Delhi. The institute is offering 7 undergraduate, 14 post graduate courses in various engineering disciplines, MBA, MCA and 07 doctoral programmers. DEPARTMENT: The Department of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering runs U.G. and P.G. programmes. The Department is Accredited (NBA) for 5year. Ever since its inception, it has been splendid in providing dynamic and quality engineers to the society till date. The department has always been interested not only in updating the curriculum, but also in enhancing the laboratory facilities to cope up with the new developments in the state-of art technologies COURSE OBJECTIVES: Soft Computing is the fusion of methodologies that were designed to model and enable solutions to real world pro blems, which are not modeled, or too difficult to model, mathematically. These problems are typically associated with fuzzy, complex, and dynamical systems, with uncertain parameters. These systems are the ones that model the real world and are of most interest to the modern science. The applications of Soft Computing have proved two main advantages. First, it made solving nonlinear problems, in which mathematical models are not available, possible. Second, it introduced the human knowledge such as cogniti on, recognition, understanding, learning, and others into the fields of computing. “Soft computing differs from conventional (hard) computing in that, unlike hard computing, it is tolerant of imprecision, uncertainty and partial truth. In effect, the role model for soft computing is the human mind. The guiding principle of soft computing is: Exploit the tolerance for imprecision, uncertainty and partial truth to achieve tractability, robustness and low solution cost” The main techniques in soft computing are evolutionary computing, artificial neural networks, fuzzy logic and Bayesian statistics. The idea behind soft computing is to model cognitive behavior of human mind Mile Stone of India is in the city. Nagpur is the second capital of Maharashtra State and is well connected by air, rail and national highways with major cities of the country. The city is currently in the lime light due to the ambitious project Multimodal International Cargo Hub and Airport (MIHAN) which offers great scope for the region‟s development in terms of investment and job opportunities. Nagpur has a large number of central and state government offices, educational institutions, upcoming software companies and is surrounded by a number of large and reputed industrial estates, and several tourist spots such as Ramtek, Sevagram and the Pench & Tadoba tiger forest reserves. The airport and the railway station is just 10 km away from the Institute. COURSE OUTLINE: REGISTRATION FEE: Faculty from Engineering Institutions 2,500/Industry personnel & R & D organisations 5,000/Research and PG Students 1,000/- 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Introduction and overview of soft Computing Neural Network/ Fuzzy Logic and its applications Advanced Engineering Optimization Techniques Signal Processing Techniques Speech Processing Bio-medical Signal Processing Advanced Filtering Techniques using DSP Hands on Practices using DSK6713 DSP Processor and MATLAB Various interdisciplinary real world case studies RESOURCE FACULTY: Course will be conducted by senior & experience faculty from Institutes, Invited experts from Industries and Research Organizations. . ABOUT NAGPUR: The City of Nagpur, popularly known as Orange City, is located at the geographical centre of India. In fact the Zero IMPORTANT DATES: Last Date for Receipt of Application: 07th May 2015 Confirmation of Selection : 08th May 2015 (by e-mail only) - Rs. - Rs. - Rs. Registration fee includes learning material, kit, lunch, tea. Remittance of fees, should be made through local pay order or demand draft drawn in favor of „The Director, G. H. Raisoni College of Engineering, Nagpur’, payable at Nagpur. No TA and DA will be paid Accommodation may be arranged on payment basis on prior request, subject to the availability during the period of programme. The completed registration forms alongwith DD should reach the Coordinator on or before 16th May 2015.