Brownie and Rainbow Day 2015 - Chigwell Row Events Booking


Brownie and Rainbow Day 2015 - Chigwell Row Events Booking
Brownie and Rainbow Day 2015 - Chigwell Row Events Booking Form:
Please return your booking form to:
“Animal Antics”, Girlguiding Chigwell Row, 141 Lambourne Road, Chigwell Row, Essex IG7 6EN.
Name of Event you wish to book for:
Brownie and Rainbow Day 2015 - “Animal Antics”
Date : Saturday 19th September 2015
Group Name (please add Rainbows/Brownies): ……………………………………………………………………………….
County: …………………………………………………………………………………
Leader Name: …………………………………………………………………………Member Number: ……………………………
Address: …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
Telephone: ………………………………………………
Activity you/Unit/ District will provide
Email: ……………………………………………………………………..
I would prefer to supervise a site activity:
Number Adult
Leaders/ Unit
Number of
Rainbows @ £10
Number YL/
Guide Helpers
Number of
Brownies @ £10
please indicate/or
please indicate if you have an activity preference……………………………..
Do you have any members with extra
needs that we may need to make
provision for? If so please give details
Total Number
of Helpers
Total Number of
Rainbows and
Brownies @ £10
Please indicate if you will be arriving by car/coach/minibus………………………………………………………..
Please return this form together with full payment for Rainbows and Brownies, cheque payable to:
Girlguiding LaSER Chigwell Row A/C
If you have any further questions, please contact:
Pam Young: 020 8550 1378
[email protected]
Girlguiding Chigwell Row, Oaklands Farm, 141 Lambourne Road, Chigwell Row, Essex IG7 6EN
T: 020 8500 2450
E: [email protected]
Warden: Mrs Yvonne Scott
Chairs: Mrs Wendy Gains & Mrs Pamela Young
Girlguiding Chigwell Row is part of Girlguiding London & South East England which is an
operating name of The Guide Association London & South East England Region.
Registered Charity No. 308268