JOB ANNOUNCEMENT Gender Monitoring Office (GMO) is a Public
URWEGO RUSHINZWE KUGENZURA IYUBAHIRIZWA RY’UBURINGANIRE N’UBWUZUZANYE BW’ABAGORE N’ABAGABO MU ITERAMBERE OBSERVATOIRE DU GENRE RY’IGIHUGU JOB ANNOUNCEMENT Gender Monitoring Office (GMO) is a Public Institution with the mandate to monitor progress towards gender equality and equity with the aim of ensuring that the fundamental principles of Gender Equality are respected in all organs at governmental, private, non governmental and religious levels. The Government of Rwanda, One UN Rwanda and Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (SIDA) jointly signed an agreement for Advancing and Sustaining Gender Equality gains in Rwanda. The joint programme aims to systematically mainstream gender dimensions in all policies, programmes and budgets for the elimination of gender disparities in order to accelerate and sustain gender equality gains in Rwanda. It is within the above context, the Gender Monitoring Office would like to invite qualified staff to apply on 2 permanent position namely: Director of Monitoring Gender Mainstreaming and Planning and M&E officer and a senior technical personnel for the a temporal post of Project Manager. Work duration Job Title Permanen Director of t Gender Mainstrea ming P.O. BOX : 837 Duties Job Requirements and Particularities Key technical skills and knowledge required: -Coordinate activities related to gender monitoring and audit Unit; -Ensure mechanisms, tools, frameworks and guidelines to monitor gender mainstreaming, are in place and in line with national instruments; -Coordinate the documentation and publication of monitoring findings and lessons learnt; -Produce national Gender Status Report -Provide regular briefing and updates related to monitoring gender mainstreaming to the Executive Secretary and DCGM1; -Coordinate gender related A0 in Law, Gender Studies, Development Studies, Administrative Sciences, Sociology and Public Administration with 3 years of working experience with 3 years of working experience or Master's Degree in Gender and Development, Gender Studies, Law with 1 year of working experience - Deep knowledge in 1 Gender Mainstreaming and monitoring skills; - Deep Knowledge in Gender Advocacy; - Good Understanding of Gender issues - Management skills; - Excellent communication, organization and interpersonal skills; - Computer skills; - High analytical skills; - Time management skills; - Team working Fax: +250 (0) 252581795 Tel : +250 (0) 252581794 Website : Email : [email protected] Staff required research; -Supervise monitoring Gender Responsive Budgeting, gender audit, assessment in public, private, religious institutions and CSOs; -Ensure gender related international conventions ratified by Rwanda are implemented and reported on; -Conduct periodic gender review of DHS, EICV and other country surveys, and assessment to inform the GMO; -Contribute to the development of Projects and the realization of the resource mobilization -Ensure coaching and knowledge transfer of staff; -Provide advice for the effective institutional management and development; -Coordinate the planning and budgeting process of the unit -Submit periodical reports to the Executive Secretary; -Performing any other duties as assigned by the Supervisor. Permanen Planning, t Monitoring and Evaluation Officer -Consolidate the planning and monitoring processes by assuring participation and maximization of inputs from all units; skills; - Excellent problem solving skills and clear logical sens; - Fluent in Kinyarwanda, English and/or French A0 in Economics, Project Management, Management, Development Studies with 3 years experience -Assure the GMO activities are in line and contribute to national and international goals such as Vision 2020, EDPRS and MDGs; -Work with different department to craft a comprehensive action plan and budget; -Promote better planning by fostering communication and information sharing to improve P.O. BOX : 837 Fax: +250 (0) 252581795 Tel : +250 (0) 252581794 Website : - Planning skills - Monitoring and Evaluation Skills - Organizational Skills; - Communication Skills; - High analytical & Complex Problem Solving Skills; - Judgment & Decission Making Skills; - Time management Skills; - Team working Skills; - fluent in Kinyarwanda, English and/ or Email : [email protected] 1 planning practices procedures; and French; knowledge of all is an advantage -Monitor overall performance of GMO Action Plans at the unit level -Initiate the development of medium and long term plans and promote result based planning, monitoring and evaluation; -Contribute to the development of Projects and the realization of the resource mobilization; -Liaise with the statistics officer for evidence based planning; -Work in close collaboration with Gender Machinery/Primature and ensure reporting -Consolidate weekly, monthly, quarterly and annual reports from the heads of units and submit them for approval; -Performing any other task as may be assigned by Supervisor; 5 months Program with Manager possibility to be extended for 3 months P.O. BOX : 837 -Oversee the implementation and coordination of all GMO component within the result framework of the joint programme; -Preparing and updating work plans and budgets and ensuring their timely execution; -Manage the execution of all contracts, Memoranda of Understanding and Agreements related to all Consultants, Specialists, programme staff and Fax: +250 (0) 252581795 Tel : +250 (0) 252581794 Masters/A0 in Project management, Economics, Management, and Gender studies. Website : -At least 7 years 1 Experience for (Ao) and 5 years for (Masters) of relevant professional experience at the national or international level in providing management advisory services, hands-on experience in design, monitoring and evaluation of development Email : [email protected] subcontractors engaged to the programme; -Oversee the timely preparation and submission of financial reports in accordance with government administrative, financial and procurement systems and procedures; -Represent GMO at joint programme meetings; -Monitoring the delivery of the project deliverables as identified by the project log frame; -Ensure asset management in accordance to proper asset keeping and recording; -Facilitate external evaluations and financial audits as required by UNWOMEN; -Ensure the monitoring of project results and contribute to the preparation of the evaluation framework for the joint programme; -Prepare annual and quarterly work plans, prepare quarterly advance requests for UNWOMEN funding in the applicable format with the support of finance unit; -Undertake other relevant matters assigned by the Executive Secretary. projects, particularly in the field of gender equality . Interested candidates are invited to submit a filled form, updated CV, copies of qualifications (degrees and certificates), work testimonials, copy of national ID, Three ( 3) referees with their detailed addresses. not later than 8/04/2015 at 4:00 pm at Gender Monitoring Office (Gishushu) in Global House Building. Details of job description, please visit GMO website or GMO office notice board. For further clarifications, please call 0788520268/0788307528. Online applications are not accepted. Done at Kigali,…………………………………… Aquiline NIWEMFURA Executive Secretary P.O. BOX : 837 Fax: +250 (0) 252581795 Tel : +250 (0) 252581794 Website : Email : [email protected]
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