Greater Sydney Community Landcare Grants Contact Details


Greater Sydney Community Landcare Grants Contact Details
Greater Sydney Community Landcare Grants
Round 1 2015
Grants are available for community groups and landholders in the Greater Sydney region to undertake projects to:
• protect and improve the quality of their local environment,
• manage their natural resources sustainably, and;
• build community awareness, participation, skills and knowledge in caring for their environment, including Aboriginal
knowledge and participation.
This programme is supported by Greater Sydney Local Land Services through funding from the Australian Government's
National Landcare Programme.
WARNING: Please note the online form doesn't let you save and resume part way through and so it is advised you be
prepared to complete the entire form in one sitting.
Contact Details
Please provide contact details for your project and any relevant sponsor details (if applicable). If uncertain as to whether your
project requires a sponsor please refer to the Guidelines.
Name of applicant
Name of business (if applicable)
Name of community group/organisation (if applicable)
Street Address
Address Line 2
Postal /
Phone number
Mobile number
State /
Preferred method of contact
ABN, if applicable
Registered for GST?
If you are a group/organisation and you are not incorporated, please
provide name of a sponsor
Briefly describe your group/organisation with links to website, if applicable.
What are your objectives and main activities in regard to best practice
natural resource management? Where and for how long has your group
been operating and number of members?
Maximum Allowed: 200 words.
Sponsor Organisation
Sponsor Email
Sponsor Phone Number
How did you hear about the Greater Sydney Community Landcare Grants?
Project title
Maximum Allowed: 200 characters.
Strategic Objectives
Choose ONE strategic objective that best fits your project from the four strategic objectives listed below.
Indicate the contribution your project will make to the relevant targets for the strategic objective you have chosen.
For more information on how to complete this section please refer to the guidelines.
Strategic Objective 1
Projects that aim to maintain and improve ecosystem services through sustainable
management of local and regional landscapes.
Targets that meet Strategic Objective 1:
1a. Area of regionally significant ecological communities or habitat for significant
species managed to improve or maintain condition
Up to 1 hectare managed
1-5 hectares managed
Greater than 5 hectares managed
1b. Area of ecological communities listed under the Environment Protection and
Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (EPBC Act) managed to improve or maintain condition.
Up to 1 hectare managed
1-5 hectares managed
Greater than 5 hectares managed
1c. Area managed to improve water quality and values
Up to 1 hectare managed
1-5 hectares managed
Greater than 5 hectares managed
1d. Area of habitat for threatened species listed under the EPBC Act managed to
improve or maintain condition
Up to 1 hectare managed
1-5 hectares managed
Greater than 5 hectares managed
Strategic Objective 2:
Projects that aim to increase the long term returns of producers through
sustainable farm practices or better management of the natural resource base.
Targets that meet Strategic Objective 2:
2a. Area of land (ha) on which improved management practices have been
Up to 1 hectare managed
1-5 hectares managed
Greater than 5 hectares managed
2b. Number of farmers or fishers that have completed training
Up to 20 people trained
20-100 people trained
Greater than 100 people trained
Strategic Objective 3
Projects that aim to build community awareness, participation, skills and
knowledge in caring for their environment, including Aboriginal knowledge.
Targets that meet Strategic Objective 3:
3a. Number of people participating in activities to care for their environment.
Up to 20 people participating
Between 20-100 people participating
Greater than 100 people
3b. Number of groups participating in activities to care for their environment.
1 group participating
Between 2- 5 groups participating
Greater than 5 groups participating
3c. Number of indigenous people participating in activities to care for their environment.
Up to 20 people participating
Between 20-100 participating
Greater than 100 participating
3d. Number of indigenous employed in antural resource management .
1 group participating
Between 2- 5 groups participating
Greater than 5 groups participating
Strategic Objective 4:
Projects that aim to protect and manage 'Matters of National Environmental
Significance' in the Greater Sydney region.
Targets that meet Strategic Objective 4:
4a. Area of ecological communities listed under the Environment Protection and
Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (EPBC Act) managed to improve or maintain condition.
Up to 1 hectare managed
Between 1-5 hectares managed
Greater than 5 hectares managed
4b. Area of Tower Point Nature Reserve Ramsar site where the ecological character of the
site has been maintained and/or enhanced.
Up to 1 hectare maintained/enhanced
1-5 hectares maintained/enhanced
Greater than 5
4c. Area managed for the conservation, maintenance and protection of the Greater Blue
Mountains World Heritage Area.
Up to 1 hectare managed
1-5 hectares managed
Greater than 5 hectares managed
Project Description
Using the text boxes below please provide detail of your proposed project.
When will your project commence?
Please note, successful applicants will need to enter into agreements with
LLS by 31 May 2015.
When will your project finish?
Please note, projects must be completed and final reports submitted by 31
May 2018.
Briefly provide a brief description of your project including aims, objectives
and the activities that you plan to undertake.
Please provide a location (include Local Government Area) of your project
and a brief description of how the neighbouring land is used. For on
ground works please provide street address and for education activities
please provide location of workshop or event. No map is necessary at this
Who owns the land? Have you had approval to conduct on ground works
from the land manager? Do you know if there is any management plan in
place for this land?
Maximum Allowed: 200 words.
Please describe the advice you sought for this project, proposed activities
and details about your project's achievability, scale, cost effectiveness and
your capacity to undertake the the works within the projects time frame.
Please provide details of how you propose to monitor and evaluate your
Project Plan and Budget
Please complete and attach the template provided showing all the major
activities and associated budget items that you will require to undertake
your project.
The template can be downloaded at
Total funds sought from LLS (GST Ex)$
Previous Funding
Please provide details of any previous funding you have received including any outstanding grants or legal investigations.
Have you undertaken previous projects with GS LLS, DPI Agriculture, the
former CMAs or the former Livestock Health and Pest Authority? If so,
please provide details such as year, project name and staff member
involved where possible
Name of project and staff member contact name
Date of previous project
Do you have any outstanding projects where funds have not been acquitted
and/or final report not completed?
If yes please provide details of funding body
Are your or your organisation currently part of any legal investigations?
Provide information on any conflict of interest you may have with LLS eg.
Being a staff member or their family or a member of an LLS committee
Project Referee
Please provide the contact details for a referee who can verify your project and your capacity to undertake the project below.
Name and contact details of referees willing to support your application
Phone Number
Have you discussed your application with a Local Land Services Officer? If
yes please provide name of officer.
Privacy Statement
The personal information you provide on this form is subject to the Privacy & Personal Information Protection Act 1998. It is
being collected by NSW Trade & Investment and will be used for purposes related to your registration for this training event ,
for project delivery purposes and to satisfy project reporting requirements. This may include providing information to other
government agencies upon request. NSW Trade & Investment will not otherwise disclose your personal information unless
authorised by law.
The provision of this information is voluntary.
You have the right to request access to, and correct details of, your personal information held by the department. Further
information regarding privacy can be obtained from the NSW Trade & Investment website at