Clark Academy Newsletter - Greenburgh North Castle


Clark Academy Newsletter - Greenburgh North Castle
Horoscopes for May 2015
The more you do for others around the May 3 Full Moon, the more you'll gain later. Someone might come to you then needing help or a big favor. If you
have the time and resources, do what you can. If your answer is no, you can say it with compassion. The May 17 New Moon boosts your income and earnings, but it might also boost your urge to splurge. Give money the attention it deserves and you can manage very well. Be exceptionally sharp and smart on
May 27. Save any special problem to be solved around this time.
Love is looking for you around the May 3 Full Moon. If not looking yourself, you can try to hide, but it won't help much. Be polite and know that passions will
wane in a few days. Any new affair begun now could only be a glorious flash that fizzles. Nothing will be too hard for you around the May 17 New Moon.
Figure out what you want to work on and then jump in and finish it. You have energy and motivation like never before. Starting May 25, question an old idea
or fashion preference and prepare to be surprised.
Take care of yourself and don't be lured into anybody else's madness as the month starts. The May 3 Full Moon is busy and exciting, but don't take anything personally. Be safe and healthy and get a lot done. At the May 17 New Moon take a beloved project out of the closet and work on what's near and
dear to your heart. You need no one's approval - in fact, no one else needs to know. The Sun enters Gemini on May 21 and the rest of the month is yours.
Mercury is retrograde now, so take your time with any new plans.
You can have just as much fun doing your own thing as you can in a big group out in public. It can cost less, too. If friends are going to a big concert on the
weekend of the May 3 Full Moon and the music isn't your favorite, it's OK to give it a pass. Surround yourself with all your favorite people and have a great
time around the May 17 New Moon. Don't sit alone staring at the walls. Your friends won't permit it. Heal an old hurt or simply make yourself and someone
else happier on May 27.
No matter how busy work or the social scene gets, nothing can compete with the pleasures of just being home. Recharge your emotional batteries at the
May 3 Full Moon and be fresh and strong for whatever the world tosses your way. Be sharp at work after the May 17 New Moon and perhaps create a great
opportunity. Take more responsibility and win support. If interested in a change in job or career, you might be able to make a move now. Memorial Day
weekend is big but not crazy-big fun. You can feel rich and responsible at the same time
Early in the month get back in touch with some friends who may have been absent lately. It's possible that one of them could contact you first, around the
May 3 Full Moon. Make what time you can without abandoning all of your own plans. You may crave a major escape or getaway in the middle of the month,
around the New Moon on May 17. Just clearing your head and having some quiet time may be all of the break you need. May 30 could be emotionally
rocky, but you won't make any rash decisions. If you want downtime, take it.
Money looks better than usual during the first week. See if you can save a bit more and plump up your financial cushion. People around you may be spending more, especially on the weekend of the May 3 Full Moon, but you don't have to follow their example. Someone else's concerns may try to run roughshod
over yours in the week of the May 17 New Moon. Help if you can and be grateful the problems aren't yours. On May 29 end your workweek peacefully despite any last-minute complications. If others are off balance or upset, your cool stability will automatically calm things.
Are you happy with your love life? The May 3 New Moon is tailored to please your heart. Pick and choose everything now - the restaurant, movie, or partner
who goes with you. People want to make you happy. The tug of romance is strong with the May 17 New Moon and you may find yourself admiring and be
attracted to all sorts of people. Find someone special or just enjoy a lot of high-quality people-watching. Emotions could run high on the weekend of May 30,
and clear thinking may be hard to come by. Lay low and be good to yourself.
You don't have to tell everybody everything, and saying less could make you feel better. The May 3 Full Moon is busy, but it encourages discretion. Draw
closer to your trusted friends and learn some of their secrets. Tie up a million little loose ends in the week of the May 17 New Moon and make daily life simpler and easier than you may believe possible. Daily routine is rarely glamorous, but it will be when you do it. The weekend of May 23 is a lucky, fun time
with possibly big social plans. Mercury is retrograde now, so maybe skip any deep personal discussions.
Go out and have some serious fun in the first week of May. Meet some new people and make some new friends. You don't need to be intimate right away.
The May 3 Full Moon encourages you to be more sociable. A big temptation or gamble could catch your eye around the May 17 New Moon. You aren't
usually attracted to big risks, but this time you have the energy and passion to do more. Consider what it's worth to try. On the weekend of May 23 get some
serious work done and then have some seriously wonderful fun!
In the first week work hard and have it feel like fun. Even if you aren't thoroughly enjoying yourself, employers and co-workers will want to give you more
opportunities. You can get ahead under the May 3 Full Moon. You could put the finishing touches on something big and beautiful at home around the May
17 New Moon. If a project or problem has been lingering and defying you, you now have the fire and energy to take care of it. On May 29 you can see
through the shock value of something and decide what it's really worth to you.
Tackle a big issue or problem in the first few days of the month. You could make a big discovery or learn an important life lesson. The May 3 Full Moon
wants you to be intellectually bold. Get curious about life, the universe, and everything after the May 17 New Moon. Let friends introduce you to cool new
places and pleasures. Don't get too scattered or hyper, but have fun and indulge a lot of minor desires. People want to be agreeable and make you happy
on May 30. Romance warms up and someone new or surprising could get infatuated with you.
If there is anything you would like to submit to be in the school newsletter or have any suggestions of things you would like to see please feel free to email me at
[email protected] or stop by room 214. We will do our best to address your suggestions as well as work together in our scheduled Newsletter and Journalism classes to
include the work you submit. We would love to know what you would like to read about!
Knightly News
 May Acrostic
S P R I N G :
May 5th:
Cinco de Mayo
 Important
May 10th:
Mother’s Day
 Birthday Shout
 KCA Track
May 22nd-May 25th:
No School
May 25th:
Memorial Day
 Horoscopes
May 2015
 Student Art
# 3
 Student Writing
 Video Game
 Cool Facts
Cool Facts about May
1.) Roman Catholics celebrate May as Mary’s month and May Day is a celebration of the blessed Virgin Mary.
2) The month od May was named for Mala, the goddess of fertility.
3) In any given year, no month ever begins or ends on the same day of the week as May does.
*Horoscopes are researched by
Aaliyah Barros courtesy of astrostyle)
4) May was once considered a bad luck month to get married. There is a poem that says , “Marry in May and you’ll
ruin the day”.
5.) On May 1, 1931, the empire state building was officially opened.
RESEARCHED BY: Mikaela Kirkland
Birthday Shout Outs
Student Writing
Having a one to one aide is very helpful. They help us with our work all the time.
Man I made it! Yeah, I said I finally made it! It’s been so I want to keep my one to one aide because my one to one, Ms. Young keeps
Ms. Harrison
long since I realized it.
me on task when I’m having a bad day or just need an extra push to get through
It’s time to rise,
my day. When you build a good bond and relationship with your one to one it
To minimize the crime.
makes everything much better and makes your day go by much easier. I used to
To shut out the cries and turn out the pain.
not look forward to coming to school because of the
Bryant Davenport
Ms. Mertz
Isaiah Williams
Mr. McAllister
Tatiyana Cooper
Mr. Butler
Everyone’s thinking of suicide now a days.
difficulties I faced in school on a daily basis, but now I love my one to one aide
Kenyon George
Mr. Espinosa
You can judge who ever you want
and I look forward to coming to school every day.
Rahmel Lowden
Mr. Federice
But just notice…
Anthony Centeno
Ms. Thom
You’re no different.
Mya Robinson
Mr. Felicano
You’re in the same spot or maybe not.
Gregory Small
Jenny Gonzalez
BY: Sariya Bland
Fitness & Health
But you’re not perfect.
Know that all people are judged by what’s seen on
As the warm weather happens more and more often, people realize they need to
the surface
be fit. Running, jogging, and walking are all good things to do to work on your
They’re not judged by what’s within their heart any
After you’ve done some cardio you can bench press some weights to build
But why the hell we are against each other for?
BY: Alize Beniquez
Track at KCA
muscle. While bench pressing you should start off with something light. Start with
three sets of lighter weights just to warm up. You do not want the weight to be too
light, but definitely don’t go right into lifting the heavy weights.
You can’t forget to eat healthy while you work towards your goal of becoming
Track has been a great experience for me. I’ve always been in other sports and never thought I’d like track
as much as I do. It’s given me a big opportunity to express and show my talents. Track allows you to
express your emotions in the right way. When you’re upset, instead of lashing out and “turning up”, you can
easily go to any field and run it off. Track is amazing and I’d recommend it for anyone who needs a coping
By: Brianna Marquez
Trip to the Holocaust Museum
more fit though. While it’s always important to drink plenty of water you need to
eat food that will help you retain water too. Try eating food like apples. Apples will
give your body the water it needs to prevent dehydration so you won’t pass out.
BY: Zollen Smith and Jayquan Coleman
Video Game Art
On May 6, 2015 I went on a trip to the Holocaust Museum and Study with Ms. Grippo and Ms. Ortiz. Ms.
Grippo and Ms. Ortiz brought the 8th grade English class and Ms. Nakashima and Mr. Crews brought their
history class. While at the museum we heard from a person that was only a kid while the holocaust was
going on. His name was Mr. Levy. He talked about hiding places to not get taken by the Nazi’s, being in an
orphanage, and the horrible things that went on during that time.
When we were at the museum we learned about the experiences others had lived through. People had no
food. They were forced to eat worms, snails, and even rocks!
The most memorable thing for me though was when a woman that worked at the museum gave a speech
BY: Gabriella
about the different generations. She explained that her generation had failed at being able to make things
better and so did the generation before her. She told us that it was now up to us to make a difference. It
was really inspiring. This was a really good class trip.
BY: Eylin Sosa-Sorto