COMMENT FORM - Harrison Street Project


COMMENT FORM - Harrison Street Project
Harrison Street Improvements Open House – May 19, 2015
Street Address:
Phone Number:
Email: __________________________
1. Check one or more as applicable:
__ Local Homeowner Along Project Route
__ Use Route to Commute
__ Business Owner Along Project Route
__ Other: _________________
2. How did you learn about tonight’s meeting? (Please check all that apply.)
__ Postcard
__ Traffic Sign
__ Newspaper
__ Other: _________________
3. Does your property have an underground sprinkler system that’s adjacent to the
___ Yes
___ No
4. Do you have specific concerns that you’d like to see addressed in the project plans or
other comments?
(Please use the back of this form if you have additional comments.)
Thank you for your comments!
Please turn in this comment form at the meeting or mail to:
Sarah Ferdico | Olsson Associates | 2111 South 67th Street, Suite 200 | Omaha, NE 68106
If you prefer to mail your comments, please return this form by Tuesday, June 2, 2015.
You may also email your comments to [email protected].