March 25, 2015 - Hawthorne Valley Waldorf School


March 25, 2015 - Hawthorne Valley Waldorf School
HVS Bi-Weekly 3-25-15
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Hawthorne Valley Waldorf School
Bi-Weekly Newsletter, March 25, 2015
This Week's Highlights:
Parent Events: (click here to view the online Parent Portal Calendar)
1) Parent Child Winter Classes End Thursday, March 26 and Friday, March 27
2) 10th Grade Play: The Matchmaker Friday, March 27 and Saturday, March 28,
performances at 7:30 pm. Tickets: $12 adults/$6 students
3) Bread Baking with Children Saturday, March 28, 9 - 11 am. Read details below!
4) High School Class Meetings Wednesday, April 1
5) Spring Assembly Thursday, April 2, 10:30 am
6) Early Dismissal Thursday, April 2, 12:30 pm
7) Spring Break Friday, April 3 through Friday, April 10
8) School Reopens Monday, April 13
Mark Your Calendar:
1) Grades 4 and 6 Class Meetings Tuesday, April 14, 7:00 pm
2) Grade 5 Class Meeting Wednesday, April 15, 7:00 pm
3) Parent Child Spring Thursday Classes Begin Thursday, April 16
4) Grade 2 Class Meeting Thursday, April 16, 7:00 pm
5) Parent Child Spring Friday Classes Begin Friday, April 17
6) Senior Project Presentations Friday, April 17 and Saturday, April 18
7) Senior Trip Sunday, April 19 - Monday, April 27
Wildcats Sports News (click or scroll down to view the full event details &
1) Soccer Meeting for Parents, Players, Coaches Tonight
2) After-School Basketball Starting Soon
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3) Donations of Weights & Training Equipment Needed
4) Reminder to Return All Sports Uniforms Grade 10 Play: The Matchmaker
Friday, March 27; and Saturday, March 28 at 7:30 pm in the School Hall Tickets $12
adults/$6 students
The Matchmaker, Thornton Wilder's uproarious
farce about love and money, stars the
irrepressible busybody, Dolly Gallagher Levi,
who inspired the Broadway musical, Hello,
Through Dolly's subtle machinations, several
unlikely couples come together to find
happiness in 19th-century New York. The New
York Times called the original 1955 Broadway
production "loud, slap dash and uproarious ...
extraordinarily original and funny."
Bread Baking with Children
Saturday, March 28 from 9:00 - 11:00 am
Do you have friends who are interested
in Waldorf Early Childhood
Education? Please invite them to join us
at Bread Baking with Children! Every
week in the Hawthorne Valley
Kindergarten, our young bakers are
busy - grinding grain, kneading dough,
and forming little loaves that journey
home to the family table! On Saturday,
March 28th we will offer this experience
- as well as activities from our Kindergarten morning of song, story and play - to new
families interested in learning what Waldorf Early Childhood is all about. Please join us for
a joyful - and delicious! - experience. Registration is required as space is limited. For
more information or to register, click here to email Janene Ping or call 672-7542 x 103.
EARTH Expands to Include First and Second Grade
The EARTH program will be opening a
first/second grade class for the 2015-2016
school year. This is in recognition of the growing
number of children who thrive in a natural
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setting or who need more time and individual
assistance in developing the capacities to
succeed in the larger classroom and in life. With
this expansion the program will serve students
in grades one through six. EARTH is a healing education program. Healing elements include our small class size,
focus on individual developmental needs, and an immersion in nature and the farm. We
have a strong orientation toward developing the will of the child, a sense of responsibility
and a love of nature and learning. Please direct any questions you may have via email to
Stu Summer or phone 518-965-6548. Click here to learn about EARTH's unique
Grandparents and Special Friends Day
Friday, May 1 at 9:30 am
Each year we host a Grandparents and Special Friends Day. We want to make sure that
we have the contact information for all grandparents and special friends who should be
invited to this event. If you have not already provided us with addresses (email and
postal) for these important people in your lives, please do so now. Invitations will be sent
on April 2. This year's event will be held on May 1, 2015 (the day before the May Day
Celebration and Spring Faire) and includes a classroom visit for the guests beginning at
9:30-10:15, followed by a tea and treats reception in the teaching kitchen. This event is specifically geared to grandparents and special friends; parents who wish to
visit the classroom should make a separate arrangement with their class teachers. It is
an RSVP event as we want to have enough food (and chairs in the rooms) for all the
guests. Please click here to email Max Leiber with contact information. or phone (518)
672-7092, ext 114.
May Day Celebration and Spring Faire 2015
Saturday, May 2 from 10:30 am to 3:30 pm
Calling all knights and ladies in waiting, jesters
and jugglers, musicians, magicians, and
merrymakers! Immerse yourself in the days of
Merrie Olde England, steeped in the allure of
bygone days and knights! Come to enjoy a day
of meeting and greeting friends, sharing a picnic
together (bring your own or purchase from the
faire café or Farm Store) and enjoying the
beauty of the valley. Maypole dances will be
performed by the grade students of Hawthorne
Valley School at 10:30, followed by puppet shows presented by The Acorn Players
student troupe, entertainment, and games and activities for children from 11:30 to 3:30.
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We encourage you to come in Renaissance costume!
Classroom activities needing parent volunteers will be posted shortly. We're also looking
for adult volunteers to work in the café, set up and break down, staff children's activities,
and more!. If you would like to help the spring fair effort in any way, we welcome hearing
from you! Please email Karen Preuss or phone 518-672-4465 x222. Your participation is
greatly appreciated. Stay tuned for more details in the next Bi-Weekly.
Henriette Reiss Award 2015 Applications Available Online
The Henriette Reiss Award at Hawthorne
Valley was created in 1993 through the
generosity of Elizabeth Hughes Papas to
honor the work and spirit of artist/teacher
Henriette Reiss (1889-1992). Each year, the
award is given to a graduating senior and/or
an alumnus of Hawthorne Valley to help
aspiring students further their educations in
the arts. For further information on Henriette
Reiss, and to download the 2015 Application
Guidelines, please visit the Henriette Reiss Award website. Applications must be
submitted on or before April 28th for consideration. The awards ceremony is scheduled
for June 10th.
Around the School
College Acceptances - Here are the latest acceptances; be sure to let us know if your
child has been accepted to a college we haven't listed yet, and we'll add it to the
biweekly! We'll post the complete list again as we get closer to graduation.
Alexander Easton has been accepted to Syracuse University, Elan University, and
received a substantial Merit scholarship at Rochester Institute of Technology.
Elizabeth Gale has been accepted to American University.
Eva Herschler has been accepted to Brandeis University.
Kasimir Suter Winter has been accepted to ARCHIP - the Architecture Institute of
Prague, in Prague, Czech Republic.
Senior Writing in National Publication
Alya Davis (HVS '15) has had her short story “My Home” chosen to be published in Teen
Ink's print magazine. It will be viewed by an estimated half-million readers of the issue.
Grade 11 Group Painting
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Wildcats Sports News
Soccer Club Meeting Tonight, Wednesday, March 25 at 6:00 pm in the school music
room. HVS and the Roe Jan Soccer Club are excited to offer a Spring Soccer program all interested parents, coaches, and players are invited to attend. Come hear about the
newly minted Youth Soccer Program and other opportunities for getting started and
involved in learning the beautiful game. If you have a committed player but have not
completed a registration form, please click here to view the form, print it, and bring it
(with appropriate payment as necessary) with you to the meeting.
Teams: The age group(s) and team(s) will be determined by the number of athletes who
registered. We expect that the following club soccer teams will be available through HVS
& Roe Jan Club Soccer this Spring:
Boys U17 - for ages 14-17, some roster spots still available, register now.
Tentatively, practices are scheduled for Tue / Wed / Fri at Greenport Park from
4:00 - 6:00 pm.
Girls U16 - for ages 13-16, some roster spots still available, register
now. Tentatively, practices are scheduled for Mon / Wed / Fri at Claverack Park
from 4:00 - 6:00 pm.
Girls U12 - for ages 9-12, some roster spots still available, register now. Boys aged
10-12 are also invited to practice with this team. Tentatively, practices are
scheduled for Mon / Tue / Wed at HVS from 3:15 - 4:30 pm.
Youth Skills Development Program - for ages 6-9, places available, register
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now. Tentatively, development sessions are scheduled for Thur / Fri at HVS from
3:15 - 4:30 pm.
Volunteers for Spring Soccer Club are needed to assist in the operation and
organization of the soccer club. We are recruiting new Soccer Club Coaches, Board
Members, Coordinators, and Volunteers. Many hands make light work - if you or your
young athletes love soccer - join in support! To discuss getting involved please click here
to email Athletic Director Max Leiber or phone 518-672-7092 ext.114.
After School Basketball Program for boys & girls in grades 7-12, outdoors weekly on
Tuesday & Wednesdays as soon as the weather improves. Strength and conditioning
work from 4:00 to 4:40, Basketball specific skills & drills from 4:40 to 5:00, pick-up
basketball, open to the community, from 5:00 to 6:30. Sign-up forms available, or for
more information, click here to email Boys Varsity Basketball Coach Max Leiber. Donations of Weights & Training Equipment Needed - especially any light to medium
weight barbells, dumbbells, or weight sets. Please click here to email Athletic
Director Max or phone at 518-672-7092 ext.114 if you have equipment you no longer
Uniform Returns, especially any soccer uniforms from past seasons that may not have
been returned. We need 100% return of all uniforms before we order uniforms we don't
need or charge parents & guardians for lost/non-returned uniforms. Please check and
have student athletes look in the house, car, gym bag, everywhere! Then turn
uniforms in to A.D. Max Leiber or Laurie Schmolz!
Summer Camp is Just Around the Corner!
The snow just keeps piling up, but summer isn't far behind. It's not too
early to get your child registered for summer camp. Hawthorne Valley
offers a variety of day and residential camp programs. We're also
highlighting other camp opportunities in the region. Keep reading to
select the one that's best for you. Applications are being accepted now
for all Hawthorne Valley camps.
Kinder Camp
Discover the magic of summertime at Hawthorne Valley! Your child will delight in the daily,
seasonal rhythm of songs, stories, snack, nature crafts, and play. This day camp, for
children ages 4 to 6, is from 9:00 to 1:00 Monday through Friday with an extended day
option to 2:30. Session 1: June 22 - June 26 | Session 2: June 29 - July 10 | Session
3: July 13 - July 24 | Session 4: July 27 - August 7. For more information, visit our
Kinder Camp website.
Meadowlark Adventure Camp
Adventures through the fields, forests, meadows, streams, and ponds of Hawthorne
Valley. Hosted by Hawthorne Valley Waldorf School. This day camp, for children ages 7
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to 9, is from 9:00 to 2:30 Monday through Friday. Session 1: June 29 – July 10 |
Session 2: July 13 – July 24 | Session 3: July 27 – August 7. For more information,
visit our Meadowlark Adventure Camp website.
Kids Can Cook
Kids really can cook...and cooking opens doors to healthier lifestyles - connecting children
to the wonder and beauty of nature while learning about nutrition, food, farming, and
traditional crafts. Cooking, gardening, animal care, weaving, clay modeling and other
crafts are all part of Kids Can! Cook day camp. Time is also made each day for fun and
play in field and stream. Kids Can Cook is offered for children ages 8 to 13 in three 2week sessions and runs Monday through Friday from 9:30 to 2:30. Session 1: June 29 July 10 | Session 2: July 13 - July 24 | Session 3: July 27 - August 7. For more
information, visit the Kids Can Cook website.
Overnight Farm Camp
During this on-farm residential camp, children live, play, and work on our active
Biodynamic farm while strengthening their bond to nature and to one another.
House Campers, ages 8 to 11, feed the animals, collect eggs, and garden. Nature
projects, hikes, cook-outs, and swimming complete the experience.
6 Day Sessions: July 12 – July 17 (ages 8 & 9) and July 19 – July 24 (ages 10 & 11)
13 Day Session: June 28 – July 10 (ages 9 & 10)
14 Day Session: July 26 – August 8 (ages 10 & 11)
21 Day Session: July 19 – August 8 (ages 10 & 11)
Field Campers, ages 12 to 15, experience the farm while working alongside the farmers
and other professionals who grow, process, and cook healthy food. Campers are
challenged to become 'junior apprentices' and work with all branches of the farm including
the bakery, dairy, and camp kitchen.
6 Day Session: July 12 – July 17 (ages 12 & 13)
13 Day Session: June 28 – July 10 (ages 12 & 13)
20 Day Session: June 28 – July 17 (ages 12 & 13)
21 Day Session: July 19 – August 8 (ages 13 - 15) Session Full - Waiting List
Visit our Farm Camp website for more information.
Hawk Circle Summer Camp
Do you want your child to have a transformational experience? Located
amongst the rolling hills of Cherry Valley, NY, Hawk Circle camps are
great for learning awesome wilderness skills, connecting with a fun and
creative community, and time spent unplugged and in the wild! Click
here to email us, and here to visit our website.
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Public Events at Hawthorne Valley
Click on an event to read the full description
Grade 10 Play: The Matchmaker
The Matchmaker, Thornton Wilder’s uproarious farce about love and money, stars the
irrepressible busybody, Dolly Gallagher Levi, who inspired the
Grade 10 Play: The Matchmaker
The Matchmaker, Thornton Wilder’s uproarious farce about love and money, stars the
irrepressible busybody, Dolly Gallagher Levi, who inspired the
Farmscape Ecology Open House
All are welcome! Bring a dish and your favorite nature observation to share. Bring an
interesting question about the land
Free Columbia Concert: Lorkin O’Reilly
Scottish balladeer Lorkin O’Reilly plays an intriguing mix of folk music on a six string
guitar, complemented with ‘deft lyrics’
News From the Branches
Hawthorne Valley Farm 2015 CSA Growing Season - Signup
Signup is open for new and returning CSA members.
Hawthorne Valley's Growing Season CSA begins
weekly share pickups in mid-June and continues into
November. Members enjoy a cornucopia of delicious
vegetables grown on our farm, and have an additional
fruit option with seasonal fruits sourced from local
farms. Click here for detailed information and to
register for your share today!
Alkion Center Summer Intensive
The Alkion Faculty have been hard at work planning this year’s Summer Intensive, which
feature three courses running from June 21 to 26, 2015 and June 28 to July 3, 2015. The
first session is a collaboration with the Nature Institute called "Awakening to Nature's
Open Secrets: A Living Approach to Education." The second session will offer part two of
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the series "Leading with Spirit: The Art of Administration and Leadership in Waldorf
Schools" with Christopher Schaefer. The final course, "Arts and Crafts Immersion," will
provide in-depth, hands on experience in the practical arts that serve as key parts of
Waldorf Curriculum. Click here for detailed information about each session, tuition,
applications, and more!
Center for Social Research - Authentic Assessments and
Accountability in Education
Saturday, April 25, 9:00 am - 4:30 pm at the Omega Institute, Rhinebeck, NY
Please join us at the Omega Institute for an unprecedented gathering of university
students and professors together with educators, administrators, and parents from public,
private and home schools. In response to the push for market-based, high-stakes testing
and common core learning standards, we will gather to share what we know to be true as
teachers and parents based on our experiences in the classroom and the home. Starting
with the premise that it is essential for teachers to play a pivotal role in determining
meaningful and age-appropriate assessments, we will explore the need for a selfgoverning, educator-led professional accountability system and how to create it. The event
will include panel presentations and discussion, small group conversations, studentperformed humoresque and poetry on high-stakes testing, and the unveiling of a new
peer-reviewed research study on Waldorf assessment methods.
Current list of presenters and conversation facilitators include: Heinz-Dieter Myer, PhD,
SUNY Albany; Carol Ann Bärtges, Rudolf Steiner School, NYC; Katie Zahedi, PhD,
SUNY New Paltz; Patrice Maynard, Research Institute for Waldorf Education; and Gary
Lamb, Hawthorne Valley Center for Social Research. The event is hosted by the Avalon
Initiative, a collaborative project of the Hawthorne Valley Center for Social Research and
the Research Institute for Waldorf Education. For more information, please click here to
visit the Avalon Initiative website, or contact Gary Lamb via email or phone 518-6724465 x 223. Supporting sponsors for this event are the Omega Institute and Chronogram
Free Columbia: Spring Break Camp
Monday, April 6 - Friday, April 10, 9:00 am - 12:30 pm at the Philmont Community
Center on Summit Lake
This is a special opportunity for children to have a travel experience without leaving
Columbia County. Each day they will visit an individual country on a new continent:
learning about its location and geography, the stories associated with it, preparing and
eating special food, and creating arts and crafts unique to its location. Children ages 5-12
are encouraged to apply and must pre-register. Suggested donation is $0 - $300. For
more information or to register email Susannah White or phone 716-464-0931.
Farmscape Ecology Launches Progress of the Seasons Project
Back in 1825, the New York State Regents, who supervised a statewide network of
academies, got interested in meteorology and "the progress of the seasons", or what we
would call phenology, for example, when different flowers bloomed, birds arrived,
butterflies flew, or frogs called. The Regents apparently sent each academy a weather
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station and asked them to report on certain seasonal events.
At one time or another, over 90 academies submitted data and the project lasted until the
Civil War. The "progress of the seasons" data are a fascinating way to explore human
history, natural history and climate change. We have been transcribing some of these
data and are now beginning to make them available in various ways.
We'll start with a daily 'This Day in Natural History' type posting, letting you know some of
the events recorded for a given day by the regents observers. We'll spice that with any
current observations that we've made, and, most importantly, will ask you to post your
own sightings. Over time, we'll start analyzing the historical data and comparing them with
modern observations.
We've just assembled a web page for the project; click here to read more! We would be
happy to talk with teachers or others interested in getting more involved. Our dream is to
help recreate this school network.
Community News and Classifieds
News and Upcoming Workshops at Turose
We have lots of lovely fair-trade items that have hopped and walked and found their way
onto our shelves. Fair trade is a win-win situation: the craftspeople receive a fair wage for
their labors and the purchasers receive a beautiful handmade item at a fair price. We also
have natural and traditional egg dyes. A great assortment of light weight cotton yarn is on
our hands awaiting some eager hands!
Wax Egg Dyeing Class | Sunday, March 29, 1:00 - 3:00 pm | Fee $15 | Learn this
traditional egg dyeing method from the Ukraine. Create designs with thin lines of
wax and then dip in dyes starting from darker to lighter.
Handmade Doll Class | 4 Monday evenings beginning April 13, 6:00 - 8:00 pm |
Fee $75 | Using all natural fibers, create a 14" doll (approximately) for a special
someone. All materials included except hair material.
Embroidered Crown | Saturday, April 25, 2:00 - 5:00 pm | Fee $25 | Using a
variety of stitches and techniques, create a special one-of-a-kind crown! Many
plant-dyed options with felt and thread.
Knitting Time | We are continuing our knitting time in Turose on Thursday
mornings from 8:30 - 10:00 am. All are welcome!
Turose is located on the Hawthorne Valley School campus in the front of the
Administration Building. The store offers a wide selection of high quality toys, gifts,
games, books, arts and crafts, and school supplies which enhance and support the
pedagogy of Waldorf Education. For more information, phone 518-672-0052 or click here
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to visit the Turose website.
Sign Up Now for Taconic Hills Little League!
Space is still available for Taconic Hills Little League t-ball, baseball and softball. The tball teams are co-ed teams for boys and girls ages four, five and 6. Baseball and softball
teams are for boys and girls ages seven through sixteen. Click here to download
registration forms.
Piano Wanted. Motivated 7th grader in need of a used upright piano. Will move. Please
call (518) 851-5284.
Teen Advisory Group at Roe Jan Library | Saturday, March 28, 2:00 pm | Roe Jan
Community Library | 9091 Rt. 22, Copake | The Roe Jan Library in Copake has launched
T.A.G., its new teen advisory group, and is looking for participants. Young people ages 12
to 18 will help select young adult books for the library collection, plan programming, and
more! Phone 518-325-4101 for more information or to sign up.
Passion and Love: The Concert Series at Camphill Ghent | Saturday, March 28, 3:00
pm | Camphill Ghent Culture Hall, 2542 Route 66, Chatham NY | Tickets: $25
adults/$20 seniors/$5 students | Pianist John Kamitsuka performs works by Beethoven,
Prokofiev and Chopin. The Appassionata Op. 57 is one of Beethoven's greatest and most
technically challenging piano sonatas. Prokofiev's evocative piano suite, Romeo and
Juliet, brings to life one of the most timeless and romantic love stories ever written.
Kamitsuka performs throughout the United States, South America, Europe and Japan. He
has performed at Lincoln Center, the 92nd Street Y, and Weill Recital Hall at Carnegie
Hall, and has made orchestral solo appearances with the New York Chamber Orchestra,
Bard Music Festival Ensemble, the San Paulo Symphony, Ensemble Musique
Hamamatsu, and the China Philharmonic. A reception will follow the concert. For
reservations please call 518-392-2760.
Mettabee Farm & Arts Upcoming Events
Spring Eurythmy with Karen Derreumaux at the Mettabee Barn
Meditative Eurythmy | Eight Wednesdays: March 25 - May 20, 10:00 - 11:30
am | Cost: $120.
Ongoing Weekly Eurythmy | Eight Thursdays: March 26 - May 21, 10:00 11:00 am | Cost: $120
In-Depth Meditative Eurythmy | Eight Thursdays: March 26 - May 21, 4:30 6:00 pm | Cost $80
Any questions and to register, please call Susan Wendell at 518-672-4125.
We look forward to welcoming you to eurythmy at the Barn!
An Afternoon with Brittany Haas, Owen Marshal and Joe Walsh | Sunday, April
12, 2:30 pm | Suggested donation: $15 - $20 adults, $5 - $10 students, farmers &
kids | These young Folk Music Masters will get your feet tapping and soul flying
with their traditional folk-tune melodies and songs! Elia Gilbert and Lauren
McDonald will open this concert - it's an event that's perfect for the entire family!
Reservations receive preferred seating. Email Mettabee Farm or phone 518-567-
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Weekly morning meditation, yoga, spinning and hand crafts, and community
indoor soccer | Visit website for details.
Visit the Mettabee Farm website for complete information on upcoming events or phone
518-567-5123. If you would like to receive event updates, please email us. Mettabee
Farm is located at 551 Harlemville Road in Hillsdale, NY.
Upcoming Workshops at The Nature Institute
Mathematics Alive! A Geometry Workshop for Middle School Teachers with Henrike
Holdrege and Marisha Plotnik | April 10 - 12 | Sliding scale fee: $150 - $250 | The focus
this year will be to explore the geometry of the five platonic solids and its relevance for
the adolescent student. Schedule: Friday from 6 – 8 pm; Saturday from 9 am – 5 pm;
Sunday from 9 pm – noon. Please register by March 28.
The Art and Science of Composting and Ehrenfried Pfeiffer's Chromatography |
Friday, May 1 at 6:30 pm to Sunday, May 3 at noon | Sliding scale fee: $150 - $250 | A
weekend workshop with Bruno Follador - we will engage in a phenomenological approach
to the Art of Composting. We will explore not only all the practical and technical details of
composting, but most importantly we will focus on how we can develop a qualitative
understanding of the dynamic processes in the compost pile and consider the
significance of compost in the whole farm organism. Partial scholarships may be available
through the Biodynamic Scholarship Fund. Visit their website for information and to
apply. Pre-registration is required, click here to email or phone 518-672-0116.
The Nature Institute is located at 20 May Hill Road, Ghent, NY. For more information or to
register for any of the listed workshops, click here to contact The Nature Institute by
email or phone 518-672-0116.
Upcoming Inner Work Path Weekend Course with Lisa Romero
Our Inner & Outer Biography and the Easter Mysteries | Friday, Mary 27 through
Sunday, March 29 | Cost: $300; includes 2 lunches | Camphill Village Copake, 84
Camphill Road, Copake NY | This course is for those with an established meditative
practice.Through understanding the nature of both inner and outer growth we can more
readily take the next step in our lives. In both biographies we can learn what is being
asked and what is being cultivated in ourselves and in others. We will be including the
mysteries of the human biography and karma along with how to be in a living relationship
to our inner and outer worlds. As we celebrate the collective spiritual year we can find our
individual inner year and our next step forward. Friday 6:30 - 8:30 pm; Saturday and
Sunday 11:00 am - 4:00 pm
Lisa Romero is a complementary health practitioner and adult educator who has applied
anthroposophy to her practice since 1990. Since 2006, the primary focus of her work has
been teaching inner development and anthroposophical meditation. She has published
two books, The Inner Work Path - A Foundation for Meditative Practice in the Light of
Anthroposophy, and Developing the Self - Through the Inner Work Path in the Light of
Anthroposophy. Click here to visit her website. For more details and to register for either
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workshop, please click here to email Sarah Hearn or phone 908-227-0004. Some
reduced fees and payment plans are available for those in need.
Position Wanted
After a recent visit exploring the Anthroposophic communities in New York City, Spring
Valley and Harlemville, I am hoping to return to New York in order to deepen my work in
Anthroposophy. I am looking for accommodation and a means to support myself. If
possible I would be happy for this to be ongoing. I plan to arrive at the start of March and
am open to basing myself in New York City, Spring Valley or the Harlemville area. Click
here to read about Gemma's background and for contact information.
Josh Phelps Firewood & Logging | Canaan, NY | 518-392-6187 or 518-965-5517
Stock up on firewood now and be ready for next winter!
Cabin and House for Rent
Contact 518-929-2424.
Cabin: Small, approximately 700 SQ. FT., walking distance to school. $750 per month.
House: Beautiful 5 Bedroom, 2 Bath. Walking distance to school $1350 per month.
Summer Rental in Avignon, France
We are parents of a pupil at the Steiner School in Avignon (southern France) and want to
rent our house during our summer holidays in July and August 2015. The house is
designed for 5-6 people, with two bedrooms, a terrace, and an access to common
swimming pool, ping-pong, and trampoline. Rent price 760 euros a week. Click here to
view more information. You can also rent our mobile home for 4 people if you want to
come with an another family. Click here to view the mobile home. It must be rented with
the house for a total of 1250 euros a week. For more information, click here to email or
phone 00.33.490.51.97.17 or 00.33.668.40.50.01.
Angel Hill House for Sale
Original Angel Hill family farm house on 5+ acres; additional land available. Spring fed
pond with great fishing and swimming, big organic garden, private, close to Hawthorne
Valley School. For information or photos please email Douglas Ballinger.
Properties Available - All within 10 minutes of Hawthorne Valley 57 acres with 1800s Colonial, pond, stream and fields; just 5 minutes to HVS. $595,000
105 acres of wooded playland with one bedroom cabin and two 5 acre ponds. $459,000
126 acres of mostly farmland, 4 bedroom brick home, barns, views! $599,000
Click here to visit the Cozzolino Real Estate website, or phone 518-392-9879. 150
Mallory Road, Ghent NY.
To advertise in the Bi-Weekly: Community News and Classifieds will be listed for the
month prior to the date of the event. Community news and events are listed for free,
business and real estate ads cost $5 per issue. Deadline for all submissions is 5 pm on
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HVS Bi-Weekly 3-25-15
the Friday prior to Wednesday's publication. To submit a listing or to discuss multipleissue ad rates, click here to email Karen Preuss, Director of Marketing. We reserve
the right to edit submissions for space.
Hawthorne Valley Waldorf School is a member of Hawthorne Valley Association, a diverse 501(c)(3) notfor-profit committed to social and cultural renewal through the integration of education, agriculture, and
the arts. Other branches include:
Hawthorne Valley Farm | Farmscape Ecology Program | Center for Social Research | Alkion Center | Adonis Press
| Free Columbia | Walking the dog Theater
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Hawthorne Valley Waldorf School I 330 County Route 21C, Ghent, NY 12075
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