Healing Pathway Phase 1 Registration Form


Healing Pathway Phase 1 Registration Form
Healing Pathway
Phase 1
Registration Form
Beverages and snacks will be provided.
Please bring your own if you have special
dietary needs. Lunch will be provided on
Saturday for you.
Please Print
Name: ____________________________
Address: __________________________
Postal Code: _______________________
Phone: Home: _____________________
Work: _____________________
Email: ____________________________
I would like to be billeted:
$210/person if you register by April 1st, 2015
($25 of this is non-refundable fee)
$225/person, after April 1st, 2015
$105/person for those wishing to repeat the
course (refresher fee)
Workbook is included. Text required
will be for sale at workshop.
Send registration payable to:
Hanna United Church
Healing Pathway Phase 1
c/o Jennifer Laux
Box 1966, Hanna, AB T0J 1P0
This is a hands-on, experiential workshop.
Please dress comfortably in loose, layered
clothing. We recommend warm socks and
a sweater or sweatshirt.
Please bring…
On Saturday and Sunday, please bring a
pillow and a blanket. Also, bring the text,
Healing from the Heart, if you have a copy.
It will be available for purchase.
Hanna First
United Church
Hanna, Alberta
Is Offering
Healing Pathway
Phase 1:
Introduction to the
Healing Pathway
The Healing Pathway is one of the
program areas offered by Naramata
Centre. It is an educational program with
four developmental phases designed to
train and mentor people in developing the
gift and skill of healing hands within the
Christian tradition. For more information
contact the Healing Pathway:
Healing Pathway Society
#79--‐3034 Edgemont Blvd.
North Vancouver, B.C.
V7R 4X1
Friday, April 17th to
Sunday, April 19th,
Healing Pathway Phase 1
Dates and Times:
Phase 1 is an introduction to the basic
concepts of healing hands within the
Christian tradition, with an emphasis on
learning to be a healing presence and
instrument of God’s healing power. This
workshop includes the following:
Friday, April 17th, 2015
Registration 6:30pm
Workshop 7:00 – 9:30pm
Sunday, April 19th, 2015
1:00 – 5:00pm
Discussion of the basic concepts of
healing in the Christian tradition
Discussion of the traditional, scriptural,
and spiritual sources of healing
Presentation and review of the Healing
Pathway Code of Ethics
Discussion of the elements of self-care
Centring and grounding through prayer
and meditation
Saturday, April 18th, 2015
9:00am – 5:30pm
How to Get Here:
Hanna First United Church
808 Centre Street
Hanna, AB
T0J 1P0
Website: www.uchanna.webstarts.com
Experience of being a heart-centred
instrument of healing
The Town of Hanna is located in East
Central Alberta on Hiway 9, close to
Hiway 36. Find us on Google Maps.
Learning and practising healing hands in
a healing sequence and specific
Discussion of the application of a healing
ministry within a congregation or faith
Billets may be available on request.
Please let us know if you require a billet.
For further information,
please contact:
Jennifer Laux
Phone 403-854-3451
[email protected]
Deb Firus started on the Healing Pathway
in 2000 and is a Phase 1 and 2 instructor.
She practices Reiki and Reflexology as
well. Her practice is a wonderful way to
meet people and live in peace and
harmony. Deb volunteers Healing
Pathway sessions whenever she is called
to the hospital. Deb is a mom and
grandma and makes her home in
Saskatoon. She has witnessed how
transformational this work can be for
participants and communities.