Current Newsletter


Current Newsletter
Term 2 No 3 | 26 May 2015
From the Principal’s Desk
James advises that “everyone should be quick to listen,
slow to speak and slow to become angry, because
human anger does not produce the righteousness that
God desires.” (James 1:19-20, NIV). The wise man in
Ecclesiastes also counsels “Do not be quickly provoked
in your spirit, for anger resides in the lap of fools” (Ecc
7:9, NIV).
LAND: Joppa, Caesarea—
Seaports—trust in God:
“Trust in Yahweh with all thine
heart and lean not to thine own
Proverbs 3:5
Anger is something that arises within us all at times,
including our children, and it is best confronted, not
ignored. For some people this is a greater challenge than
for others, but the best time to learn how to deal with
anger and control it is when we are young. At home as
well as at school, there are often opportunities to assist
our children to become slow to anger and learn patience.
Below are some practical guidelines that parents might
find helpful for managing anger situations with children.
When parents and children work on these things, not only
do anger episodes reduce, but God’s ultimate aim of
shaping character is achieved.
1. Never argue with children who are angry. Have
them take a break and continue the conversation
2. Help children recognise the early stages of anger in
its various disguises like a bad attitude, grumbling,
glaring, or a harsh tone of voice.
3. Identify the anger cues that reveal your child is
about to lose control. Point them out early. Don’t
wait for explosions before you intervene. Help them
to recognise anger cues in themselves so they can
learn to take control.
Thursday 4 June
 Primary Concert—Sports
Centre 7.30 pm
4. Debrief after the child has settled down. Talk about
how to handle the situation differently next time and
the Bible’s wise advice.
5. Teach children constructive responses. They could
get help, talk about it, count to 20 or walk away.
These kinds of suggestions help children to have a
plan for what they should do - not just what they
shouldn't do.
6. When angry words or actions hurt others,
individuals should apologise and seek forgiveness.
until next newsletter God willing:
Friday 5 June
 Student Free Day
7.30 pm Thursday
June 4
God willing
See page 2 for more details
Bro Andrew Johns
welcome donations from grandparents and other
interested brothers and sisters too.
A student-free day is planned for Friday 5 June,
God willing, just prior to the long weekend. On
this day, the staff will be involved in a variety of
development activities aimed at improving our
integration of Bible themes into the curriculum
and our assessment practices within the
Australian Curriculum framework.
We would like to thank our Year 11 Business and
Enterprise class for their generosity too! As part
of their course, they have been running their own
small businesses, and have already donated
$720 to Vanuatu out of their total takings.
Following the very generous school community
contribution of around $2,500 to the Vanuatu
Cyclone relief last term, we now have our Dollar
Days each Friday so that our students (and their
families) can make a regular small donation to
help meet the ongoing needs of those in
Vanuatu. It is good for our children, living in an
affluent society like ours, to think of and give to
others who are struggling to get a single meal a
day. Since the cyclone destroyed most crops on
the islands, it is likely to still take months before
families in Vanuatu are able to be self sufficient in
terms of food production. We appreciate the
support of parents with this appeal.
On the last three Fridays, we have gathered a
total of $752 – great effort, but it has been getting
less each week! Let’s reverse the trend, and
remember the Vanuatu children this Friday! We
A link to our School Performance Report for 2014
was emailed to all parents almost 2 weeks ago. If
you didn’t see a copy, it is available from the
home page of our website.
As part of the preparation for our 20th Year
Anniversary we are looking for old photos and
other memorabilia for a visual display and a
photographic history of the College.
If you have anything fitting this description,
please email [email protected]. If
photos are in print format, you can drop them (in
a clearly labelled package) at the Front Desk or
email the above address for someone to collect
them. In this case, we will scan them and then
return them to you as soon as possible.
If you have any ideas for our 20th Year
Anniversary or you would like to become
involved, please register your interest by email
initially to [email protected].
The Primary Concert Night will be held on
Thursday 4 June commencing at 7.30 pm in the
College Sports Centre, God willing. All Primary
students are expected to attend in their full school
This is always a very enjoyable evening with a
program consisting of items from each of the
Primary classes and from the bands and choir. All
parents, grandparents, family and friends are
encouraged to come and share this evening with
At the Primary assembly each Friday, some
students are presented with a Principal’s Award
in acknowledgement of their excellent work, effort
or good character during the week.
Congratulations to the following students who
have received awards:
 Lucy Duperouzel for displaying good
progress in her Hebrew work
 Brianna Gore for displaying exceptionally
neat and accurate bookwork in Hebrew
 Sophie Ormerod for completing work
 Leah Archer for reading fluently in guided
 Aria Dowling for having a happy smile each
day and progressing well in Maths
 Reed Gibbs for working well by himself and
completing lots of work this week
 Verity Ingram for progressing well in
guided reading
 Adele Jolly for being a caring friend to a
classmate in need
 Judah Pullman for progressing well in
 Aaron Risley for trying hard in guided
 Milly Samwell for working well in literacy
lessons this week
 Owen Arnold for using beautiful manners
in class
 Chloe Atkins for listening carefully to
instructions and completing tasks set with care
 Noah Bennett for showing initiative by
helping to tidy up without being asked.
 Micah Hammond for working diligently in
guided reading
 Shoshanna O’Callaghan: for using
interesting words in her 4 sentence story.
Year 1
 Oliver Arnold for willingly volunteering help
around the classroom
 Kezia Hammond for doing more than she is
asked to do in reading
Year 2
 Lawrence Farren for using more detail and
descriptive language in his writing recently
 Taj Franco for being exceedingly diligent to
catch up on missed work
 Liam Wilson for showing good progress
during Hebrew lessons
Year 4
 Ella-Jayne Franco working really hard in
guided reading to understand and answer lots
of questions
 Maggie Gibbs for always showing lovely
 Jordan Jeffress for being an enthusiastic
learner especially in design and technology
 Jachin Jolly always trying his best across
all subjects and setting a good example
Year 5
independently in Hebrew lessons
Year 3
 All of Year 3 Class for two great concerts
on Old Fashioned Day!
 Summer Brown for her lovely manners in
 Kit Horwood for bringing in some very
interesting things from Grandpa Cowie’s shed
for Show & Tell on Old Fashioned Day
 Noah Martin for working really, really hard
in maths on his 1 up, 1 down subtraction
 Arlee Pillion for working hard in maths on 1
up, 1 down subtraction
 Isaac Robson for bringing in a very
unusual present for his teacher on Old
Fashioned Day – a pumpkin!
Year 5
 Corey Bennett for very neat cursive writing
in all bookwork
 Ethan Broadwood for including all team
players in sport (soccer) this week
 Abbie Lunn for very neat work in the
weekly spelling contract
 May Nelson for achieving 10 class merit
Below is one of the prize winning entries in our
Heritage Writing Competition by Rachel Evans. It
shows a good grasp of sentence and text
structure for a Year 1 Student.
Our ‘Thinking Skill’ in Year 5 is to do with
organising our mind using graphic means. The
‘Graphic Organiser’ that we are currently
considering is the Venn Diagram. A Venn
diagram is a set of circles or ellipses (ovals) that
overlap and information about any subject can be
put in them. For example, we considered the
theory of colour and when the data (colours) was
inserted into a three-circle Venn diagram, many
things could be learnt from looking at it.
We noticed that it showed very clearly that the
primary colours are red, yellow and blue because
they stood out the most. When red and yellow
were mixed, they created orange and this is
known as a secondary colour. When we looked
across the chart (opposite) from yellow, we saw
purple and these two colours are complementary
colours and go well together. We plan to use
some of the complementary colours in our
bedrooms for a hearty change! Also we noticed
that if all these colours were physically mixed
together we would have black.
The other Venn diagram we have considered is in
Maths. Using two ellipses that overlap and putting
the eating habits of 32 students into it, we noticed
that 5 students liked both strawberries and
bananas – a very healthy class!
Brett Arnold
Our Year 9s are learning about the natural and
man-made influences upon our ecosystem. One
area of concern is the toxicity of chemicals we
use in everyday life: are the bio-degradable
detergents we use really non toxic to plants?
Vanuatu relief fund that Heritage is currently
collecting for. As a result, the Year 11 Business
and Enterprise class was able to donate an
additional $720 to this fund.
A few of our Year 12s co-ordinate a lunchtime
readings group on Wednesdays. Below are
examples of their use of the concept of Thinking
Skills and our theme of Courage this year in a
spiritual context: Lessons—Practical
Application— Courage.
We’ll see in just a few days by conducting a
simple experiment to compare the germination of
seedlings exposed to a number of common and
some not so common materials we use in our
For the last month or two, the Year 11 Business
& Enterprise students have embarked on a
project of running their own business. The
businesses varied from cooking and cleaning
enterprises through to fixing and selling mobile
phones online. The students have all done
extremely well in their enterprises with some
making significant profits while learning a lot
along the way!
The class decided that, as part of this task, they
would donate a portion of their profits to the
Year 8-11 exams are now just two weeks away.
Students have been given revision guidance and
a timetable. The timetable is easily accessed
from the Quick Links menu on the home page of
our website.
The Year 12 mid-year trial exams will be held in
the week commencing 20 July just before Term 3
Primary classes, teachers and their contact details for
2015, God willing, are as follows:
 Reception Heather Pillion:
[email protected]
Year R/1 Jesslyn Witton:
[email protected]
Year 1 Wendy Newton:
[email protected]
Year 2 Emma Yuile:
[email protected]
Year 3 Sue Lomman:
[email protected]
Year 4 Joanna Weedon:
[email protected]
Year 5 Brett Arnold:
[email protected]
Year 6 Sarah Kemp:
[email protected]
Year 7 Jason Hauser
[email protected]
Home Group classes, teachers and their contact
details for 2015, God willing, are as follows:
Notification of Student Absences, Bus
Changes and all Front Desk Enquiries:
Email: [email protected]
Uniform Shop Details:
Monday afternoons
3:00—3:30 pm
Friday mornings
8:30—9:00 am
Orders: [email protected]
Year 8 David Knight:
[email protected]
Year 9 Chris Ryan:
[email protected]
Year 10 Tim Badger:
[email protected]
Year 11A Jason Bobis:
[email protected]
Year 11B Vit Jurevicius:
[email protected]
Year 12 Evan Franco:
[email protected]
For issues related to academic progress or general
behaviour, please contact: Tim Badger for Years 8-10
([email protected]) or Evan Franco for
Years 11-12 ([email protected]).
For special learning support needs, contact Graeme
Shugg ([email protected]).
Heritage College · PO Box 371, Oakden SA 5086 · office@her · Ph. 8266 5122