Welcome! - Hilton Church


Welcome! - Hilton Church
10 May 2015
4 Tomatin Road
Inverness IV2 4UA
Tel: 01463 233310
or 224477 (The Light House)
email: [email protected]
web: www.hiltonchurch.org.uk
If you are visiting with us today, please stay after the service (10am) for tea/coffee.
Pastoral Care Team - The Care team’s role is to provide help and support in various ways. If you or someone
you know needs assistance please contact:
Margaret Lamond (tel:225494) or email: [email protected]
Caroline MacDonald (tel:230278) or email: [email protected]
Church Office (tel:233310) or email: [email protected]
Lectionary Readings:
10 May
17 May
Romans 5:1-11 (Matthew 11:28-30)
Romans 6:1-14 (Matthew 6:24)
Study Leave
Our minister, Duncan is taking a period of study leave (4 weeks) through the Church of Scotland’s Study Leave
Scheme. He will also be attending the General Assembly in Edinburgh, as well as taking a couple of weeks of
annual leave. He will be away from 5th May until 24th June. During that time Rev Donald MacQuarrie (tel
01463 731050) will be providing cover.
Future Church
The Elders were delighted to note the many different ideas that were put forward as part of the recent Vision
Day. One of the main roles which the Kirk Session has centres around equipping and empowering the
congregation to be involved in works of service and outreach. If you have an idea about something you would
like to do, the role of the elders centres around helping you to think through that idea, and if it seems feasible,
to then put it into practice. If you have ideas you would like to discuss, any of the following Elders can be
contacted, Barry Dennis, Stuart MacQuarrie, Jonathan Fraser or Duncan MacPherson.
Holiday Club
Last week, Elaine Watt approached the Kirk Session requesting that the possibility of a Holiday Club in the
October holidays be considered. The Elders were fully supportive, Elaine shared with the congregation last
Sunday, and now she is leading a Holiday club in the first week of the October holiday. We are all really
encouraged by both Elaine’s initiative and the congregations support for her plan. We look forward to many
other such ideas “taking wings” over the coming months and years.
Service Time
The Elders reviewed the Service time. It was agreed that in future the time of service would vary between
summer and winter. We will meet for public worship on Sunday mornings at 10am during BST and 10:30am
during GMT.
Dalneigh & Bona Parish Church
D&B Parish Church has recently become vacant, and Duncan has been appointed as the Interim moderator
beginning at the end of June. Until a new minister is inducted, Duncan will have an on going role in helping to
lead and support the congregation along with the local elders. This will probably include being involved in
worship at Dalneigh from time to time, as well as chairing various meetings.
Earthquake in Nepal: Many thanks to those who donated last week, the total donated was £300.
We will have a further retiring collection after the service today to help with the ongoing relief
work. The total from both collections will be forwarded to INF Nepal which is a Nepali Christian
non-government organisation, registered with the Nepal government's Social Welfare Council,
which serves Nepali people through health and development work.
Prayer: There will be a gathering for prayer at the Light House at 10am every Tuesday. All welcome. There is
now a box for prayer requests in the front foyer of the church. Please feel free to drop in any requests for
prayer which you may have.
Communion Dates: 31 May, 28 June
Hilton Church Toddlers: Our baby & toddler group meets in the large hall every Monday morning during
school terms from 9.45 – 11.15. All parents and carers are very welcome.
Afternoon Tea: The next afternoon tea for over 60’s will be on Wed 20th May in the church from 2pm. At this
event there will be a representative from the Stay Safe Highland Project giving a talk on how to ‘Stay Safe
from Scams’. Please feel free to invite anyone along who you think would benefit/be interested in this talk.
Time Out: This is an opportunity for people of all ages to meet and relax together over crafts, coffee and
cake. The next Time Out is on Wed 20th May. Start time 10:00. Creche provided. Everyone welcome!
HYP Revision Sessions 2015: Jonathan has organised some study evenings in the Light House
for those young folk who will be sitting exams in the near future. There are a series of subject
specific evenings with a qualified teacher on hand to answer questions and give advice. Places
can be booked by clicking on the link on the front page of the church website.
Football Evening: The 2nd leg Semi Final match between Bayern Munich and Barcelona will be screened live in
the Light House from 7.30pm. All welcome.
Book Group: The next book group will meet on Thursday 28th May at the home of Shona MacPherson. We are
reading The Hourglass Factory by Lucy Ribchester this month. For more information speak to Shona.
Messy Church: The next Messy Church will take place on Sunday 14th June. This Messy Church
will be take place at the church rather than Nairn Beach as previously advertised and we hope
that, weather permitting, we will have a BBQ and activities in the Light House garden. As usual
we have a sign up sheet for volunteer helpers in the link corridor, please add your name if you
would like to help out at this Messy Church. Thank you.
Church of Scotland Vocations Conference: Saturday 27 June 2015. This will be held at Queen's Cross Parish,
Aberdeen, starting at 10.00 am and finishing at 5.00 pm. Lunch and refreshments are included in the minimal
cost of a £15.00 booking fee. This event is not planned simply for those who may have an interest in Ministry
of Word and Sacrament, Diaconal Ministry or Readership but is intended as a much wider exploration of the
ministry of the whole people of God. For more information please see poster in the foyer.
Stuart Townend and Band in Concert: There will be 2 concerts featuring Stuart Townend in Culduthel Christian
Centre on 16th & 17th July. Tickets available from www.freewebstore.org/aliveministry
Building Plans: The kitchen is in need of an upgrade and, if possible, it is planned to make some adjustments to
the layout of the building to provide a bigger kitchen space. Some plans have been drawn up to show various
options for this. There are links to these plans on the church website and also copies are available to view on
the noticeboard in the large hall. There is one showing the current layout and also 3 suggested alternative
layouts to create a bigger kitchen area. Iain Ross and Eddie Morrison will be delighted to receive your feedback
on these plans. If you have any thoughts, comments or would like an explanation of any of these plans please
either speak to Iain or Eddie or pass them on via the office.
Noticeboards: If you have any posters or notices which you wish displayed please place them in the tray on
the lower shelf of the table in the foyer. Thank you.
Bulletin by email: If you would like to be added to the email distribution list for the weekly bulletin please let
Jane know by sending an email to [email protected]
If you have any notices for the bulletin please make sure they are in the office by 4pm on Wednesday.
Thank you. Call 233310 or email: [email protected]
Please remember to check out the notice boards in the foyer for information on all these events and lots
Hi there! If you were in church last Sunday or if you read the Church's Facebook page or blog, you will be
aware that I am hoping to organise a holiday club in Week 1 of the October holidays (12th-16th October) this
year. I am so excited by the immediate support of so many already, but my hope is that we can offer 100
children the chance to come. This means, I would like to have a team of 12 group leaders helped by one or
two assistant leaders per group. The holiday club will run from 10am -12 noon Monday to Friday, but the team
would start at 9am and finish with lunch just after noon. The holiday club week would conclude on the Sunday
morning with an all-age service.
If you're keen to be involved, there is definitely a place for you, so I would be delighted to discuss it with you my email address is below - the following are the main areas that I am looking for team for.
1. There is the holiday club itself (group leading or assistant group leading) being involved with a wee
group of similarly aged children - helping them to fit in and join in and make friends - showing them you care being their friend - there will be a little bit of group work to do but you will be provided with materials for this.
We will also do some training on leading a group and what is expected of you before the holiday club after the
summer - please chat to me though if you have any questions;
2. Susie is hoping to organise something in the Lighthouse for parents with younger children while older
children are at the holiday club;
3. Jonathan is planning to organise something for the youth each evening;
4. I am also looking for people to be behind the registration desk each morning to do the registration of
the children as they arrive;
5. People willing to get involved in the catering side of things - snacks for the children mid-morning and
then I'm hoping we can provide a soup and bread lunch and home baking and tea and coffee for the team
after each morning; and very importantly
6. Prayer
Please could you let me know if you think this is something you would like to commit to. Equally, if you have
any questions you would like to ask before making any commitment, please do just ask! :-)
Thank you so much.
Elaine Watt
([email protected])