

Jönköping University – University of Rwanda Kigali organize
1st Conference on:
Recent Trends in Economic Development, Finance and
Management Research in Eastern Africa
Kigali, Rwanda 4-6 May 2015
Jönköping International Business School (JIBS) of University of Jönköping and University
of Rwanda College of Business and Economics (UR-CBE), invite submissions of completed
but unpublished papers that focus on recent trends in economic development, finance and
management research in the developing economies of East Africa. This is the first conference
in what is planned to become a yearly event. Theoretical, methodological and empirical
research and policy or practice oriented papers are welcome provided that they are based on
a sound conceptual foundation with a well-thought method. Applied and practice oriented
manuscripts can focus on Eastern Africa as a whole, group of countries or individual
economies in the region. Priority will be given to Eastern Africa studies, but submissions
from the rest of Africa are also welcomed. Papers from other regions than Africa are also
welcomed, provided that they discuss the implications of the research findings for the
African context.
The first day of the conference is dedicated to presentation by participants who are currently
enrolled in PhD programs or part of the Jönköping University - University of Rwanda Kigali
collaborative Career Development Initiative program in economics, finance and
management. Training in statistical packages by professional instructors will be provided.
All presenting doctoral students will receive feedback on their research proposals or papers
from senior scholars.
Submission of complete papers to be sent to: [email protected] before March 15th,
2015. Please mark clearly on your submission if your paper is related to economics, finance
or management. For further information please visit the conference website:
A selection of high quality papers presented at the conference will be considered for special
issues of leading academic journals in different fields and/or an edited book volume
published by an international publisher. No conference fee is applied, but participants are
expected to cover their travelling and accommodation expenses.
Submission of full papers (preferably 6,000-8,000 words, typed, 1.5 spaced in Times New
Roman, 12 Font Size, 3 cm margin all around, in PDF format): March 15th, 2014
Decision on Submission: March 22nd, 2015
Conference days: May 4-6th, 2015
Submission of Revised Papers for publication: June 1st, 2015
Organizing Committee:
Almas Heshmati, Jönköping International Business School, Jönköping University
Francesco Chirico, Jönköping International Business School, Jönköping University
Chika Ezeanya, University of Rwanda, College of Business and Economics
Lars Hartvigson, Jönköping International Business School, Jönköping University
Research area priorities linked to the Eastern Africa region:
Assessment of Millennium Development Goals achievements
Changing AID policy and its development effects
Economic Development
Development post 2008 global economics crisis
Post 2015 Development Agenda for East Africa
Energy-Growth-Environment Nexus
Inequality-Poverty-Growth-Environment Nexus
Multidimensional poverty, inequality, vulnerability, well-being
Productivity and growth and their social dimensions
Inclusive growth and development
Welfare program and policies
Regional cooperation
Intra-African trade, opportunities, challenges and barriers
Urbanization and infrastructure services
Entrepreneurship and innovation
Managing family business enterprises
Small business management
Corporate governance
Marketing and branding
Leadership and organizational behavior
Strategic management and international business
Supply chain management
Human resource management
Financial management
Health policy and management
Information technology management
Indigenous knowledge, innovation and development
Rural development and agribusiness