3-18-15 TB Minutes


3-18-15 TB Minutes
Holly Township
Board of Trustees – Regular Meeting
Minutes of March 18, 2015
Call to Order: Supervisor Smith called the regular meeting of the Holly Township Board of
Trustees to order at 6:30p.m. At the Holly Township Hall, 102 Civic Drive, Holly Michigan.
Pledge of Allegiance
Roll Call
Members Present:
Dale Smith, Supervisor
Mark Freeman, Treasurer
Karin Winchester, Clerk
Mark Cornwell, Trustee
Steve Ruth, Trustee
1. Agenda Approval.
2. Approval of Regular Meeting Minutes – February 18, 2015.
3. Approval of Bills for Payment – March 2015.
4. Routine Reports:
A. N.O.C.F.A. Minutes – February 23, 2015.
B. Planning Commission Minutes – March 9, 2014.
C. Building Permits – February 2015.
D. Treasurer’s Annual and Quarterly Report – NA.
E. Zoning Administrator’s Report – February 2015.
5. Set Public Hearings: None.
6. Communications:
A. Severe Weather Awareness Week
 Clerk Winchester moved to approve the Agenda as submitted. Trustee Ruth
supported the motion. A roll call vote was taken; Cornwell, yes; Ruth, yes;
Freeman, yes; Smith, yes; Winchester, yes; the motion carried by a 5/0 vote.
Public Hearing: None
Supervisor Smith reported that for the first time in forty nine years, Holly is in the Regional
Finals. He commented that if the meeting continues past 7:10pm or 7:15pm he will step out and
Treasurer Freeman would step in for him.
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Treasurer Freeman – No Report.
Clerk Winchester – No Report
Trustee Cornwell reported that the first community forum is set up for next Tuesday, March 24,
Trustee Ruth – No Report
Public Comment: None
Old Business
1. Hazardous Waste Disposal.
Supervisor Smith stated that 9 or 10 people have expressed interest at this point and no one new
has come forward in the past month. At this point, he is recommending no action.
No Action was taken.
2. 2015 Tri-Party Program
 Trustee Ruth moved to reserve the funds for the Tri-Party Fund for the Road
Commission. Clerk Winchester supported the motion. A roll call vote was
taken; Winchester, yes; Smith, yes; Cornwell, yes; Ruth, yes; Freeman, yes;
the motion carried 5/0.
3. Recycling.
 Clerk Winchester moved to discontinue the Recycling Program on April 1,
2015 for all of the reasons discussed. Trustee Ruth supported the motion. A
roll call vote was taken; Winchester, yes; Smith, no; Cornwell, no; Ruth, yes;
Freeman, yes; the motion carried 3/2.
4. 2014-2015 Budget Amendments – Proposed Resolution 2015-06.
No Action.
New Business
1. Liquor License Application – Proposed Resolution 2015-07.
Steve Nannoshi and his son Nick were present to request a liquor license for the proposed Theme
Park for the 7-acre site property across from the Alex’s Market located on Grange Hall Road near
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I-75. Nannoshi stated that he is looking to have mini put-put golf, batting cages, go carts, possible bumper boats on the pond and a three story building with the lower level dedicated to three
banquet areas, the center area would be a restaurant and the top story being a modified bowling
area with shorter lanes. He stated that his proposal is a first class operation but to go forward
with this project, he needs to obtain the liquor license approval first.
 Treasurer Freeman moved to approve the Proposed Resolution 2015-07 for
the Liquor License Application. Clerk Winchester supported the motion. A
roll call vote was taken; Winchester, yes; Smith, yes; Cornwell, yes; Ruth,
yes; Freeman, yes; the motion carried 5/0.
2. Farmstead.
 Trustee Cornwell moved to postpone the discussion about the grant writing
for the Farmstead. Clerk Winchester supported the motion. A voice vote was
taken; all those present voted yes; the motion carried 5/0.
3. National Child Abuse Prevention – Proposed Resolution 2015-08.
 Clerk Winchester moved to approve the Proposed Resolution 2015-08 for
National Child Abuse Prevention. Trustee Cornwell supported the motion. A
roll call vote was taken; Freeman, yes; Ruth, yes; Cornwell, yes; Winchester,
yes; Smith, yes; the motion carried 5/0.
4. 2015 Dust Control Program.
 Clerk Winchester moved to approve the 2015 Dust Control Program for five
applications. Treasurer Freeman supported the motion. A roll call vote was
taken; Ruth, yes; Smith, yes; Cornwell, no; Freeman, yes; Winchester, yes;
the motion carried 4/1.
5. Metro Act Permit Application.
The Township Attorney needs additional time to review the permit and has requested an
Extension from the company.
 Clerk Winchester moved to postpone the Metro Act Permit Application.
Trustee Ruth supported the motion. A voice vote was taken; all those present
voted yes; the motion carried 5/0.
6. Community Forums.
Trustee Cornwell stated that he is not able to go out and pay for these forums. Use of the
Auditorium at the Karl Richter Campus that would accommodate a large group of up to 300
people would cost $300.00. He did note that there is a benefit for the residents and the Village is
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offering the one room that will seat 30-40 people at a time for free. NOCFA has also offered to
let them use their location for free. Supervisor Smith suggested they hold the forums at the
Township Hall. Trustee Cornwell felt he needed to accommodate a large group.
No Action was taken.
7. SMART Program.
Clerk Winchester stated that she met with SMART and they are looking for Rose, Groveland,
Holly Village and Holly Township to participate in the full SMART Program that would require
board approval of a 1 mil tax levy on the Township.
No Action was taken.
Public Comment: None
Supervisor Smith, hearing no other business, adjourned the meeting at 7:11 pm.
Jackie Strzelecki – Recording Secretary
Karin Winchester, MMC
Holly Township Clerk