HT Bulletin 2015_05_03


HT Bulletin 2015_05_03
211 4th St.
MN 55027
Ph/F (651)
36483 Co
47 Blvd
MN 55027
Ph: (651)
221 Chester
, MN 55027
Ph: (651)
Holy Trinity Church (HT)
St Columbkill Church (SC)
St Mary Church (SM)
Collection: $764
Collection: $465
Collection: $1185.76
Financial Report: SC Window Project is paid for. Thank you for your generosity!
July, 2014 to Mar, 2015
Holy Trinity
St. Columbkill
St. Mary
Total Income
Total Expense
Total Net
Checking Balance (Parish: 27.80)
(NOTE: Checking Balance for Parish is split amongst each church. Details posted in back.)
Congratulations to our First Communicants! Ella Buxengard, Christian Holm, Katie
Huneke, Lexi Opsahl, Brooke Alms, Austin Bartholome, Nathan Beck, Kate Carlson, Zabe
Flom, Briana Rose Lodermeier, Kendyl Lodermeier, Jenna O'Reilly, Alexandra Parra-Murillo,
Lily Peterson, Maya Poncelet, Jacob Ryan, & Aurora Wiskow
Baptism: Congratulations to Jason & Jennifer Marquardt whose son Griffin Richard was
baptized on Sun April 26th at St. Mary. We welcome Griffin Richard into the Church family.
Corpus Christ Procession after Mass at St. Columbkill on Sun June 7th. We will process
with our Lord out through the cemetery and then come back to the church and have
Benediction. It is a great way for us to show our reverence and respect for our Lord.
Rosary in May: We will be having the rosary said before mass in the month of May. Please
come to St Mary at 8:10AM or St. Columbkill at 10:10AM to pray the rosary.
Money Counters: We are starting counting money after each mass at each church. Various
people have volunteered and have been willing to do all the appropriate paperwork. Having
money counters at each church and an updated money handling process should protect all
parties involved in the handling of our monies. Thank you money counting volunteers!
Thank You to Heather Schafer, Ellen Huneke, and Mary Jo McNamara for helping handle the
money after the masses! With the new process their current roles are no longer needed.
CYC (Catholic Youth Camp) the week has been changed to July 26-31. We still have
openings for our youth in grades 1-9 to attend and donations/sponsors available to help keep
the cost low. To donate or sponsor our youth at CYC this summer? One week for a child
to attend is $350; your donation would be greatly appreciated. Becky Diercks, 651-301-2560
VBS: June 3-4, 9a – 12p, Grades K-6 with Children's Mass at 11:15 and Potluck at 12:00 pm
on Thursday June 4. Everyone is welcome to attend the Mass and Potluck. Registration is
preferred. Please e-mail Micayla Ryan at [email protected] to register. We are in need
of youth volunteers so please contact Micayla or Becky Diercks if you are able to help.
(More announcements on next other page)
5th Sunday of Easter
Holy Trinity Parish
May 3, 2015
Holy Trinity Parish, 211 4th St. N, PO Box 275, Goodhue, MN 55027,
Phone/Fax - (651) 923-4472, Email: [email protected]
Website:, Pastor - Fr. Paul Kubista – 651-923-4305,
[email protected], Deacon Paul Tschann - 507-732-5033
Mission/ (Vision): To grow closer to Christ and lead others to him striving to become saints.
Office Hours: Mon 9am–2pm at Holy Trinity.
Parish building use request - Call the office.
Confession; Sat 5:00pm at Holy Trinity, Sun
Tue 8:00AM
SM May 5
+Edna Darcy
8:00am at St. Mary, Sun 10:15am at St
Wed 8:00AM
HT May 6
+Henry Gorman
Columbkill, or by appointment.
Baptism – Contact Fr. Kubista at least 3 months
Thur No Mass
SM May 7
No Mass
before the birth to attend a class and set a date.
HT May 9
First Penance/Eucharist – Register for 2nd
Sun 8:30AM
SM May 10
The Keller Family
grade Faith Formation classes.
Confirmation – Register for 9th and 10th grade
+Monica Gadient
Faith Formation classes.
Marriage – Contact Fr. Kubista at least six months before the planned wedding date.
Anointing of the Sick – Contact Fr. Kubista especially if serious or near death.
Pastoral Care of the Sick - If you move to a nursing home/care facility, would like a priest to visit, or are unable to
attend mass and would like communion at home, contact Fr. Kubista. Funerals – Contact Fr. Kubista
Mass Intention requests: mail to the parish or place in the collection. ($7/mass) Please indicate preferred date(s).
Bulletin Items need to be emailed to [email protected] by Wed.
May 4
+Diane Tkacik
If interested in becoming a member(welcome!) or becoming a Catholic, contact Fr. Kubista.
VBS – June 3 – 4
CYC – July 26 - 31
Prayers for the Sick: Please pray for La Wanda Keller, Oscar Ludwig, Steve Matthees, Rita
Arendt, Fr. Jim Gorman, Fr. Peterson, Herman, Jeanette & John Gorman, Jim Stanton, Ruth
Gadient, Florence Sutter, Alice Rusch, Becky Leifeld, and Lefty O’Reilly.
Thank You: Thank you to all those who
Scripture Quote: Jesus said to his disciples: “I
helped prepare our confirmandi and our first
am the true vine, and my Father is the vine grower. He takes
communicants, especially the parents!!!
Finance Council Mtg.
Parish Council Mtg.
away every branch in me that does not bear fruit, and every
one that does he prunes so that it bears more fruit. You are
already pruned because of the word that I spoke to you.
Remain in me, as I remain in you. Just as a branch cannot
bear fruit on its own unless it remains on the vine, so neither
can you unless you remain in me. I am the vine, you are the
branches. Whoever remains in me and I in him will bear
much fruit, because without me you can do nothing.
Anyone who does not remain in me will be thrown out like a
branch and wither; people will gather them and throw them
into a fire and they will be burned. If you remain in me and
my words remain in you, ask for whatever you want and it
will be done for you. By this is my Father glorified, that
you bear much fruit and become my disciples. (Jn 15:1-8)
Note from the Pastor Fr. Kubista...
Water (cont):
Another area of concern in our water is adding chlorine to our water
supply. Chorine is added to the water in order to kill things. ““As a strong oxidizing agent,
chlorine kills via the oxidation of organic molecules. Chlorine and hydrolysis product
hypochlorous acid are neutrally charged and therefore easily penetrate the negatively charged surface of
pathogens. It is able to disintegrate the lipids that compose the cell wall and react with intracellular
enzymes and proteins, making them nonfunctional. Microorganisms then either die or are no longer able
to multiply.” ( The question to ask is what does chlorine
do to the good things, if it kills the bad things it probably also kills the good things, good bacteria or the
lipids in our body? “Chlorine has been proven to harden arteries, destroy proteins in the body, irritate
the skin and sinuses, and aggravate asthma, allergies, and respiratory problems. But chlorine also has a
number of byproducts, each of which carries its own list of side effects. Chloroform speeds the aging
process and causes cholesterol to oxidize, and DCA (Dichloro acidic acid) has been shown to cause liver
cancer in lab animals. In fact, a U.S. Council of Environmental Quality study states that "Cancer risk
among people drinking chlorinated water is 93% higher than among those whose water does not contain
chlorine." ... But when chlorine is combined with other sources, most of them organic (or natural), it takes
on a whole new form--literally. One of the main reasons why chlorine is so useful for so many different
applications is because it so readily combines with other substances. The problem is, once it combines
with other compounds--even if the compounds themselves are completely safe--the end results can form
deadly toxins such as dioxin and PCBs, and carcinogens such as THMs (trihalo-methanes) and MXs
(unknown mutagens).” ( It seems to me and others that
chlorine is not good for our bodies at least it doesn’t help them. With our technology these days, we
should be able to figure out another option. Other parts of the world are doing it so why not here in
America. What we can do is ask our public officials to decrease the amount of chlorine in our water and
maybe look at alternatives. Water should be life giving and not harmful to us.
Another concern in our water is adding fluoride to our water. “Fluoride is one of the most toxic
substances known to man, yet based on its inclusion in virtually every brand of toothpaste, the American
Dental Association believes it’s okay to use fluoride for preventative dental care. Other products, such as
bottled water, infant formulas, and even vitamin supplements, now contain fluoride! In 2002, nearly 90%
of the U.S. population was supplied water via public water systems, and around 67% of that number
received fluoridated water. This occurred in spite of the fact, “No statistically significant differences were
found in the decay rates of permanent teeth or the percentages of decay-free children in the fluoridated,
non-fluoridated, and partially fluoridated areas.” Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) typically label
sodium fluoride as “…toxic by ingestion, inhalation and skin contact” and that PPE (personal protection
equipment) for handling should include safety glasses and gloves. Fluorides are more toxic than lead and only
slightly less poisonous than arsenic… and these toxins can enter your body from brushing your teeth or rinsing
with many popular dental care products!” Potential Results of Consuming Fluorides: Acute Poisoning, Birth
Defects, Osteoarthritis, Bone & Uterine Cancer, Perinatal Death, Immune System Suppression,
Gastrointestinal Disorders, Essential enzyme inhibition, Lowered IQ (especially in young children), & Skeletal
Fluorosis (leading to brittle teeth and bones)…. The practice of water fluoridation has been rejected or
banned in several countries including: China, Austria, Belgium, Finland, Germany, Denmark, Norway,
Sweden, the Netherlands, Hungary, and Japan. Nearly all of Europe’s water supply is fluoride-free, and
thankfully, many American communities are realizing this is the healthier choice. More than 45 U.S. cities
have rejected the process of water fluoridation since 1990. Now, if the remaining 30,000 will follow along,
the entire nation will have access to fluoride-free water.” ( “As of February 2015, a total of 50 studies have investigated the
relationship between fluoride and human intelligence, and a
Monday: Acts 14:5-18; Ps 115:1-4, 15-16;
total of 34 studies have investigated the relationship fluoride and
Jn 14:21-26
learning/memory in animals. Of these investigations, 43 of the
Tuesday: Acts 14:19-28; Ps 145:10-13ab,
50 human studies have found that elevated fluoride exposure is
21; Jn 14:27-31a
associated with reduced IQ, while 32 of the 34 animal studies
Wednesday: Acts 15:1-6; Ps 122:1-5; Jn
have found that fluoride exposure impairs the learning and/or
Thursday: Acts 15:7-21; Ps 96:1-3, 10; Jn
memory capacity of animals. The human studies, which are
based on IQ examinations of over 11,000 children, provide
Friday: Acts 15:22-31; Ps 57:8-10, 12; Jn
compelling evidence that fluoride exposure during the early
Saturday: Acts 16:1-10; Ps 100:1b-3, 5; Jn
years of life can damage a child’s developing brain.”
( We don’t need fluoride
Sunday: Acts 10:25-36, 34-35, 44-48; Ps
in our water. We should work to get our municipalities to get rid
98:1-4; 1 Jn 4:7-10 or 1 Jn 4:11-16; Jn
of it as it is negatively affecting the health and well-being of us
15:9-17 or Jn 17:11b-19
Care for the Suffering: that, rejecting
These are a few of the issues today and there are more.
the culture of indifference, we may care
What about runoff or contamination of wells, lakes, or rivers,
for our neighbors who suffer, especially
from the chemicals of all sorts or from antibiotics and other
the sick and the poor.
pharmaceutical drugs? There are other ways in which we can be
Openness to Mission: that Mary's
intercession may help Christians in
contaminating our water so we really have to be careful and err
secularized cultures be open to
on the side of caution with things that could contaminate our
proclaiming Jesus.
water. God made water wonderful and we have to protect it.
We need to drink pure water, the way God intended it to be. .We need to try to promote the good
which God has made and try to use techniques which we know will not harm anything. Clean and pure
water is essential for health. The entire idea of bottled water is due in part to the concern about the water
supply and the realization that clean and pure water is essential for human health. How many years ago
could one go to a lake, a stream, or a well and just drink the water. Now there is a greater concern for our
waters safety. The questions we should ask then is are we doing the right things in regards to our water,
are we really taking care of it as we should and could? Are we being good stewards of it? Are we using it
wisely and not wasting it, there is a concern that our underground aquifers and other sources of water are
being depleted, what will future generations do, how will they live? Right now we are in the “bottle water
age” or the “filter water age” because people realize that there is a problem regarding the purity of our
water. We can do our part by examining how we are being good stewards of this critical resource for life,
to conserve our water use, to try to not contaminate the water that we have, to try to drink good water and
ask those who provide water for it to be pure and healthy and by trying to promote ideas which protect our
water and safeguard it for future generations; Each one of us plays an important part in the water cycle
and we thank God for the gift of water and ask that He would help us to be good stewards of it. God
bless you.
St. Mary Maintenance: We are looking at the stone and brick on St. Mary’s.
St Columbkill Maintenance: The windows are out and should be finished around June 15th.
SC/HT Cemetery: Water is going to be put into the cemetery. Thanks to some generous donors !
Thank Mom for Life” on Mother’s Day, with an orchid corsage, mini rose bush or an African violet
plant with a “Thanks Mom for Life” button attached. They will be available at all weekend masses,
May 9th and 10th, with a suggested donation of $6.00 for violet plants and orchid corsages and $7.00
for the mini rose bush. All proceeds benefit MN Goodhue County Citizens Concerned for Life. If
anyone will not be able to pick up at church they may call Ann Buck at 923-4274.