Sunday, April 5 - Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church


Sunday, April 5 - Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church
Our Vision: To Know God
Entrance Hymn
Blessed is He Who comes in the name of the Lord.
God is the Lord and has appeared to us.
Holy Trinity Church is under the Save us, O Son of God, Who did sit on the foal of a donkey,
Omophorion of His Eminence
Metropolitan Nicholas of the we sing to You: Alleluia.
Metropolis of Detroit.
Father William J. Bartz
Presiding Priest
Parish Office Hours
9 am - 5 pm
3500 W. 106th Street,
Carmel, IN 46032
Parish Council
Steve Kollias
Vice President
Tracy Pappas
Julie Rowlas
Steve Young
Assistant Treasurer
George Pappaioanou
Matt Albean, Dean Antonopoulos,
Nick Dervenis, Dennis Dickos,
Greg Dickos, Bob Dine, Angelo
Julovich, Irene Sarris, Gail
Office Administrator
Cindy Watson
Ministry Administrator
Susanne Hinson-Rieger
Building Manager
Tim Bryant
Susan Baron
Administrative Assistant
For information about this
publication contact Susanne
Hinson-Rieger at 317-733-3033.
Deadline for inclusion is
Monday before the cover date.
All items are requested in
digital format, and sent to
[email protected].
Third Antiphon
Tin kinin anastasin pro tu su pathus pistumenos, ek nekron
igiras ton Lazaron, Hriste O Theos,
Othen ke imis, os i pedes ta tis nikis simvola ferontes
si to nikiti tu thanatu voomen:
Osanna en tis ipsistis,
Evloyimenos o erhomenos en onomati Kiriu
Apolytikion for Palm Sunday
Before Your Passion, You confirmed the Resurrection of all.
By raising Lazarus from the dead, O Christ our God.
Therefore, like the children of old, we also carry symbols of victory,
And to You, the Victor over death, do we cry out:
Hosanna in the Highest.
Blessed is He Who comes in the name of the Lord.
Special Apolytikion
We were buried with you through Baptism, O Christ our God,
and thus by Your Resurrection we have been granted immortal life,
and extolling You we cry aloud,
"Hosanna in the highest! Blessed are You,
the One who comes in the name of the Lord."
In heaven upon Your Throne,
While on earth riding the back of a donkey,
O Christ our God,
You accepted the angels' praise.
With the songs of the children who cried out to You:
Blessed is He Who comes for the restoration of Adam.
EPISTLE READING: St. Paul's Letter to the Philippians 4:4-9
BRETHREN, rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, Rejoice. Let all men know your forbearance. The Lord is
at hand. Have no anxiety about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your
requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which passes all understanding, will keep your hearts and
your minds in Christ Jesus. Finally, brethren, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is
pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is gracious, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think
about these things. What you have learned and received and heard and seen in me, do; and the God of peace will be
with you.
GOSPEL READING: John 12:1-18
(Nicene-Constantinopolitan Creed)
I believe in one God, Father Almighty, Creator of heaven and earth, and of all things visible and invisible.
And in one Lord Jesus Christ, the only-begotten Son of God, begotten of the Father before all ages;
Light of Light, true God of true God, begotten, not created, of one essence with the Father through
Whom all things were made.
Who for us men and for our salvation came down from heaven and was incarnate of the Holy Spirit and the
Virgin Mary and became man.
He was crucified for us under Pontius Pilate, and suffered and was buried;
And He rose on the third day, according to the Scriptures.
He ascended into heaven and is seated at the right hand of the Father;
And He will come again with glory to judge the living and dead. His kingdom shall have no end.
And in the Holy Spirit, the Lord, the Creator of life, Who proceeds from the Father, Who together with
the Father and the Son is worshipped and glorified,
Who spoke through the prophets.
In one, holy, catholic, and apostolic Church.
I confess one baptism for the forgiveness of sins.
I look for the resurrection of the dead, and the life of the age to come. Amen.
Sunday Service Schedule and Teams
Parish Council Early Duty
Steve Young
Altar Boy Team 2
Chandler Andreas Alanis
Austin Anderson
Thomas Cortese
Quentin Csubak
*Jon Dimos
Zach Eaton
Christoforos Herodotou
**Nathaniel Martine
Dean Megremis
Matthew Moore
John Pasyanos
Nicholas Pease
Dean Pogas
Greg Schwoeppe
John Tournier
Iraklis Tsiampas
Paul Tsiampas
Anthony Young
Evan Young
Parish Council Early Duty
Gail Zeheralis
Team 2
Narthex Server Team 2
Katerina Anderson
Gracie Belt
Maria Emmanoelides
Anna Constance Graffeo
Megan Lisch*
Nicole Lisch
Elizabeth Martine
Anna-Marie Pasyanos
Naya Pease
Halie Scott
Sophia Saran
Emma Tournier
Upcoming Weeks
Parish Council Early Duty
Parish Council Early Duty
Dean Antonopoulos
Dennis Dickos
Nick Dervenis
Greg Dickos
Parish Council Team 2
Nick Dervenis
Greg Dickos
Bob Dine
Steve Kollias
George Pappaioanou
Steve Young
Gail Zeheralis
Team 1
Team 2
Junior High GOYA will be selling luminaries for $5 each in the Founders' Walk today following the Divine
Services. Half the proceeds will be donated to the fund that was established to assist the family of the late Father
Matthew Baker and the other half will assist the GOYA with their upcoming trip to Boston. All luminaries are due
back by Holy Wednesday, April 8. These luminaries will be placed outside the Church along the route of the
procession of Holy Friday evening service.
Help on Holy Thursday
We invite everyone to stay following the Liturgy of St. Basil the Great that begins at 7am on April 9 to help with
various Easter tasks that must be completed, such as dyeing the red eggs and wrapping them in tulle and stripping
rose petals. A light strict-fasting lunch will be served.
Holy Friday Retreat
Journey to Pascha through Prophecies is our theme for this year's Holy Friday Retreat on April 10. It will begin
with the Royal Hours Service at 8:30am and is registration at 10:30am. We have programs for Preschool - 12th
grade. Lunch will be served at 12:30pm and Preschoolers and Kindergarten children can be picked up at that
time. 1st - 12th graders will be released in time for the Apokathelosis Service at 2:00 pm. 1st - 6th graders will
sing hymns and ring bells during the Holy Saturday morning service. Please pre-register in the Founder's Walk
following the Divine Services.
Agape Vespers Readers Needed
Volunteers are needed to read the Gospel in Arabic, English, French, Latin, and Russian and Spanish at the Easter
Sunday Agape Vespers Service on April 12 at noon. Volunteers will be assigned on a first come, first served basis
and must be at least 16 years old. If you would like to participate, please contact the Parish Office at 317-7333033 or [email protected].
Anastasi Fellowship
On April 12 after the conclusion of the Anastasis Liturgy everyone is invited for a light meal that will include
lamb, Easter bread, Easter eggs, feta, olives, and fruit salad. Free-will offering.
Altar Boy Service
All Altar Boys are welcomed to serve in the Altar during Holy Week. However, on Holy Friday evening, only
those Altar Boys who are in the Altar by 7:05pm can serve. Also, for the Resurrection, only those Altar Boys who
are in the Altar by 10:05pm.
Book Store
Essential books for Holy Week are available in the Holy Trinity Bookstore. Services of Holy Week and Easter is
$28. The Bookstore is open each Sunday following the Divine Services.
Lanterns will be available in the Narthex for a $5 donation each to take the Resurrection flame home without
problem on Holy Saturday night.
Holy Week Donations
Donations are needed for Holy Week supplies. Please check item(s) you wish to contribute and return this form to
the Parish Office along with your check today for your name to appear in the Koinonia on Pascha. Donations for
each item are on a first come, first served basis. Please return form no later than today, with check made payable to
Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church.
Palm Sunday
Palm fronds
Palm fronds
Holy Thursday
Crucifixion Icon
Holy Saturday
Bay Leaves
Bay Leaves
Bay Leaves
Bay Leaves
Rose Petals
Rose Petals
Rose Petals
Your Name: ________________________________
Choose one:
In Memory of: _____________________________
In Honor of: ________________________________
Phone where you can be reached during business hours: ________________ Donation Amount: $ ________
Stewardship Message
by Michael Malandrakis, Holy Trinity Stewardship Committee
Spring is a wonderful time of year. It brings the rebirth of the plants and trees. And it is the
most important time of year for Christians: it is a time for reflection with Lent, Holy Week, and
Pascha, celebrating the Resurrection of our Lord, God and Savior Jesus Christ by His voluntary
sacrifice on the Cross for us, destroying death by death, and giving us eternal life.
Reflecting on the past few years of our Holy Trinity Parish, we have a great deal for which to be
thankful. Through God’s grace, we have built this wonderful Church and adorned it with many
beautiful icons, Altar Table, and iconostasis. God has touched the hearts of many Parishioners
who participated in this achievement by sharing the gifts that God has given them with their
time, talents, and treasures, to accomplish this.
It is also a good time to remember that when we embarked upon the journey to our new Church
home, we had the stated goal “to become a beacon of Orthodoxy” and to also remember all the
things that this phrase commits us to undertake.
Our progress towards this goal has been constrained, to some extent, by our financial obligation
to pay off the mortgage. Thanks to a recent generous contribution, we are rid of this financial
burden. It would be human nature to give a collective sigh of relief and relax.
Now, however, is not the time to be complacent. Now is the time to seize the
opportunity to truly begin to move towards fulfilling our goal, “to become a beacon of
In Matthew 22 when Jesus was asked, “Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law?”
Jesus replied: “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is
the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ All the Law and
the Prophets hang on these two commandments.”
Fulfilling this command to love our neighbor is one way that we can become a beacon of
Orthodoxy. Supporting the activities of our Parish is tangible means of becoming this beacon
of Orthodoxy. Yet only about 1% of the 2015 budget goes to support the activities that
exemplify our love for our neighbor, and some of these activities receive no funding at all. This
leaves the dedicated Parishioners, who undertake these and other worthwhile activities, to find
other means of funding, sometimes doing so from their own pockets.
During this time of spiritual rebirth, we should remember:
In Epistle of James Chapter 1, verse 17, God reveals to us this: "Every generous act of giving, with every perfect
gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shadow due to
Let us pray for guidance as to how we might share the God-given gifts of time, talent, and
treasure with our neighbors through our Stewardship commitment to His Church – and our
Church School
Today and April 12 -- no class
April 10 -- Holy Friday Retreat, sign up in Founders' Walk following the Divine Services
April 19 & April 26 -- Class after Communion until 11:45
The 5th & 6th grade class will be making Prosforo on Sunday, May 3 at 8:30am in the kitchen. All
students and parents are welcome to participate. They will begin . This is a tradition for the
teachers and students of the 5th & 6th grade and also a beautiful way to learn about our Faith.
The Milton & Theodora Dickos Church School Award requirement forms need to be returned to
classroom teachers by May 17. Parents and students start collecting the needed signatures
now. Forms can be found in the Education Wing. No forms will be accepted after May 17.
Hellenic Dance Troupe Dance Rehearsals
There will be no rehearsals on Holy Monday, April 6 and Holy Tuesday, April 7. Weekly dance
rehearsals will resume on Monday, April 13, and Tuesday, April 14. For more information, please
contact Diana Dine at [email protected].
Indy GreekFest Survey
Everyone is encouraged to complete the 10-minute survey was emailed recently to all Parishioners
with an email address on file with the Parish Office. Deadline to respond is Monday, April
6. Your feedback will help the Festival Committee continue to improve the Festival. If you do
not have an email address and would like to complete the survey, please contact the Parish Office
at 317-733-3033 or [email protected] for a printed version of the survey.
Friday, April 10 -- Holy Friday Retreat.
Sunday, May 10 -- Mother's Day Coffee Hour and flower distribution by Junior High GOYA and
Senior High GOYA.
Saturday, May 16 -- Soup Kitchen for Junior High GOYA and Senior High GOYA.
Leisure Timers
Join us Thursday, April 16 for a spring outing to The Cheesecake Factory in Keystone Crossing at
11:30am, where we can choose from a special menu. Reservations are required. Please contact the
Parish Office at 317-733-3033 or [email protected] or sign up after the Divine
Services on Sundays. Reservation deadline is Tuesday, April 14.
Feast of Saint George
Wednesday, April 22 at 6:30pm, Divine Liturgy with Bishop Anthony, area clergy and laity. Free
roast lamb dinner to follow.
The next HOPE/JOY event is Sunday, April 26 from 1pm to 3pm at the Zionsville Nature
Center located at 690 Beech Street in Zionsville near the public library (about 10 minutes from
Holy Trinity Church).
Our kids will go on a nature walk at the 10-acre nature park and learn about local Indiana habitats,
native species and walk around the wetlands to look for wildflowers and frogs. After the nature
walk the kids will explore the Nature Center and have a snack. Cost is $4 per child and adults are
free. For more information please contact Wendy Mudis and Anneliese Ebersole at
[email protected].
Golf for Ground Zero – the Rebuilding of St. Nicholas Church
Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church will be sponsoring a charity golf outing to benefit the rebuilding of St. Nicholas Church, the only Christian Church that was destroyed during the 9/11
attacks on the World Trade Center. The new domed building is scheduled to open in 2016, the
same year as the Parish’s 100th anniversary.
The outing will be the afternoon of June 22 and will be held at the prestigious Prairie View Golf
Club in Carmel. To reserve a foursome, sign up as a single, become a sponsor or to make a donation, please contact Gary Martine at [email protected] or Duane Hostetler at
[email protected] or call the Parish Office at 317-733-3033.
Passport to Greece
Mark your calendar for Saturday, May 2, 6-10pm in the Holy Trinity Founders' Walk. There will be
a buffet dinner. Admission is $15 and $8 for kids under 12. Sponsored by Philoptochos.
Missionaries Needed
Missionaries for the Project Mexico trip June 5 through June 11 are needed. Youth ages 12-13
may attend if accompanied by a parent or guardian and youth ages 14 and older may attend
without a parent. For more information please contact Joe Pavia at [email protected].
Everyone who has not yet completed a 2015 Stewardship Commitment Card is encouraged to do
so. Blank cards are available in the Founders' Walk following the Divine Services and online
Prosforo Needed
Due to all the additional services during Holy Week, we are in need of Prosforo. If you are able,
please consider donating one or two loaves.
2015 Stewardship
As of 4/1/15, the following 345 Holy Trinity families submitted a 2015 Stewardship Pledge for a total pledge
amount of $586,889. Stewardship forms are available in the Founders' Walk and online at
Adams, Justin & Catherine
Adams, Richard & Athena
Adhanom, Ghirmay & Tebereh
Adhanom, Netsanet
Agapios, George & Dia
Ajango, Vaino & Nancy
Albean, David & Sharon
Albean, Mary
Albean, Matthew & Karen
Alexander, Lisa
Alexander, William & Anna
Anagnostou, John & Koula
Anagnostou, Nikolaos
Anderson, Frances
Anderson, Stephanie
Andrews, Brad & Vicki
Andros, Cheryl
Andros, Paula
Angelopolous, Katherine
Angelopolous, Angie
Angelopoulos, Chris
Angelopoulos, Sandra
Antoniades, Ellen
Antonopoulos, Anthony & Gena
Antonopoulos, Dean
Antonopoulos, Elaine
Antonopoulos, Roula
Apostolakis, William & Patricia
Apostoles, Stacey
Armington, Mary
Arvanitis, Esther
Arvanitis, George & Jill
Athanasiou, James & Maria
Avgerinos, Patty & Lampropoulos, George
Bagios, Jim & Marika
Bagios, Susan
Bakas, James & Tamilyn
Baker, Dan J & Sylvia
Baroudos, George & Julie
Baroudos, James & Geraldine
Bartz, Father William & Presbytera Emily
Batalis, Ike & Sarah
Batalis, Melanie
Bayetakos, George & Angela
Beatty, Jason & Georgette
Bekas, Katherine Michalarias
Belt, James & Lucinda
BeMiller, Ryan & Katherine
Bereveskos, Dimitra
Bevel, Angela
Bevel, Cornelia
Birch, Georgia
Bixler, Tim & Georgia
Boggs, Doug & Annamaria
Bonaccorsi, Richard & Dimond, Desiree
Boutselis, Alex & Martin-Boutselis, Andrea
Bovis, James & Irene
Braun, Ryan & Breanna
Brisimitzakis, Angelo & Joan
Brochhagen, Curt & Renee
Brown, Jerome & Beverly
Buchanan, Georgia
Burns, Judith
Byerly, Chris & Sylvia
Cafouros, Carl & Rebecca Shea
Calliotte, Robert & Angela
Carlson, David & Kathleen
Catavolos, George & Tona
Chekouras, Randolph & Peggy
Chininis, Constantine & Diane
Christoff, Bill & Karen
Christy, Nancy
Chronis, Martha
Coghlan, J. Kevin & Elaine
Conrad, William & Kathleen
Cortese, Thomas & Nia
Cortese III, Thomas & Cortese,
Craig, Sofia
Csubak, Leigh Ann
Dallas, Artemis
Dallas, Christopher & Teresa
Dallas, Marcus & Sally
Daskalos, Frank & Janet
DeHart, Stacy & Susan
Demetriades, Mary
Demos, Leo & Estrine
Dervenis, Nicholas & Sharon
Dervenis, Theodore & Julia
Dial, George & Torrey
Diamantidis, Areti
Diamantidis, Kathy
Dickos, Dennis
Dickos, Greg & Nancy
Dickos, Theone
Dimitroff, Jimmy & Elaine
Dimitroff, Kathi
Dimos, James & Kathryn
Dine, Robert & Diana
Doney, Thomas & Irene
Dowell, R. Kent & Kathryn
Drukas, Doreen
Dunbar, Peter & Lea
Eaton, Joseph & Florie
Ebersole, Ted & Anneliese
Efthimiou, Dino & Stacy
Eleftheri, Anthony & Jill
Eleftheri, Coula
Eleftheri, Lawrence & Beth
Emmanoelides, Demetrios &
Farris, Paul & Florence
Filis, Anthony & Marian
Filis, Joanna
Filis, Tom
Filley, Tim & Rose
Foerster, John & Sandra
Foulkrod, Kevin & Marianna
Freudenberg, Jim & Cindy
Galiotos, Stavros & Sophia
Gay, Francis & Heather
Genetos, Philip & Dorothea
George, Charles & Genevieve
Georgopulos, Soter
Georgopulos, Thomas & Angeline
Gianakos, Demo & Maria
Gigli, Robert & Janice
Gounaris, Antonios & Helen
Gounaris, George & Sarina
Graffeo, Barry & Matina
Greisl, Christopher & Natalie
Hackett, J. Michael & Cynthia
Hamstra, Anthony & Diane
Handwork, Erik
Handwork, Lesli
Hendricks, Michael & Alexis
Herzog, David & Erasmia
Hinshaw, Thomas & Kathleen
Hji-Avgoustis, Sotiris & Molleston,
Hock, Les & Jennifer
Hock, Nikolia
Hontos, Harry & Eugenia
Hostetler, Duane & Eleny
Houseman, Helen
Hrisomalos, Frank N.
Hrisomalos, Karen & Gettelfinger,
Hrisomalos, Nicholas & Joanne
Hughes, Tony & Tula
Iatridis, Panayiotis & Catherine P.
Jannetides, Marian
Jannetides, Nick & Elaine
Johnson, Ronald & Sunday
Julovich, Angelo & Christine
Julovich, Kaleigh
Kaimakliotis, Hristos & Kristin
Kalyvas, Betty
Kandris, John & Sharon
Kapsalis, Andy & Becky
Karandos, William
Karas, Gus & Maritsa
Katris, George & Eleni
Kennedy, Robert & Melina Maniatis
Keris, George & Melanie
Kingsley, Thomas & Brandie Kopsas
Kirages, Christopher & Maria
Kirages, George & Susan
Kirages, James & Tamara
Kirles, Peter
Kitcoff, Nicola
Kokinos, Bobby & Elizabeth
Kokinos, Pete & Argie
Kollias, Stephen & Gail
Konduris, Effie
Konduris, Tina
Koneda, Paula
Koumoulides, John
Kourmoulis, Mario & Karen
Kritikos, George & Tricia
Krupp, Michael & Rachel
Lafter, Christopher & Antonia
Letcher, David & Alyssa
Lianakis, Nektarios & Bessie
Lickliter, John & Kite-Lickliter, Leah
Lickliter, Todd & Joez
Lienert, Mary
Linos, Constantine & Lauren
Linos, Panagiotis & Virginia
Linville, Virginia
Lisch, Michael & Jean
Litz, Steven & Stephanie
Lucas, Jr. Owen & Labrine
Lupear-Pemberton, Ellen
Madsen, Craig & Barbara
Maggos, Damian & Stephanie
Malandrakis, Michael & Helen
Malarsky, Joshua & Katherine
Maltby, Raymond & Bessie
Mamalis, Presbytera Janet
Mandich, Robert & Heidi
Maniakas, Constantine
Martine, Gary & Niki
Mavrikis, Athanasios & Marina
Mavropoulos, Chris & Voula
McLaughlin, Mac & Margo
Megremis, Jim Gus & Veronica
Mendakis, Marsha
Metaxas, John & Paula
Metzger, William & Anita
Michelson, Gary
Milionis, Irene
Milionis, Kelly
Milionis, Tracey
Minas, Jason
Mishel, Alex
Moe, Jeffrey & Panayiota
Mohrman, Ben & Gianna
Moore, Thomas & Fontini
Mourouzis, Nick & Marilyn
Mousdicas, Nico & Alexandra
Mudis, Ernie & Wendy
Mullen, William
Neal, J. Matthew & Alexis
Neuendorf, Daniel & Sue Genest
Nicholas, Theodore & Christine
Nicholoff, Brian
Nicholos, Sam & Dawn
Nicodemus, Wayne
Nikolaou, Christodoulos & Artemis
Oberlies, John & Toula
Oliver, Brian & Sotiria Tides
Paikos, James & Martha
Paikos, Larry & Ann
Palikaris, Angela
Palikaris, Niki
Pancol, Doreen
Pancol, James & Demetra
Pancol, Lee
Pancol, Stephanie
Pantzer, III John & Holly
Papakosmas, Alex & Hionoula
Pappaioanou, George & Marjorie
Pappas, Aristea
Pappas, Donna
Pappas, Betty
Pappas, George & Mary
Pappas, Georgiana
Pappas, Gus & Cathy
Pappas, James & Martha
Pappas, John G.
Pappas, Leon & Andrea
Pappas, Nicholas & Tracy
Pappas, Victoria
Passmore, Eric
Pasyanos, John & Liberty
Pasyanos, Nicholas
Pavia, Joseph & Christine
Pavlakos, Elias & Maria
Payne, Martha
Pease, Gregory & Mary Iatridis
Pease, John & Maria
Perry, Aaron
Perry, Kevin & Victoria
Pogas, George & Cilia
Pole, Helen
Polites, Mike & Holly
Potamousis, Mina
Potamousis, Nikos
Poulos, Angelo
Prionas, Peter & Kyriaki
Prionas, Thomas
Protogere, Francine
Protogere, Michael & Angeline
Protogere, Pauline
Pulos, Gus & Monica
Pulos, Thalia
Raikos, Jr. John
Raikos, Mary
Reckas, Menelaos & Sherry
Reckas, Zachary & Amanda
Regas, William & Jean
Ricketts, Larry & Alexandra
Ricketts, Vicki
Rowlas, Julie
Sampson, Mary
Samuelson, Kathryn & Alan
Saran, Anthony & Linda
Saran, Nicholas & Yaping
Sarellas, Aspasia
Sarellas, Christos
Saricos, James & Debra
Sarris, Irene
Sarris, Nick
Savich, Rade & Fanny
Schmidt, Ellen
Scholarinas, Vasiliki
Schwoeppe, John & Georgia
Seat, Tony & Sheri
Segar, Douglas & Doris
Semon, Michael & Michelle
Sheckell, Rebecca
Siakotos, Janet
Siamas, John & Georgia
Siamas, Thomas
Simopoulos, Gregory & Zoe
Sioni, Maria
Smyrnis, Nick & Joan
Sofianopoulos, Nick & Vickie
Sofianopoulos, Penny
Sotos, Stavroula
Spirrison, Andrew & Michelle
Spirrison, Nikita & Janet
Stamatis, Stephen & Kristina
Strapulos, Mary
Stropes, Michael & Janet
Stubos, Kostandinos & Amy
Talbot, Susan
Theofanis, Katherine
Theohares, Nick & Anne
Tietz, Carol
Tridico, Andrew & Kristina
Turner, Glenn
Updike, Robert & Elaine
Vagias, Michael & Venetia
Vallis, Paul & Jennifer
Vasos, Toula
Vitsas, Connie & Sondra
Vitsas, James
Vitsas, Jonathan
Vitsas, Vanessa
Vogas, John & Eleni
Vogas, Donny & Laura
Voivodas, George & Joyce
Voivodas, Steven & Lisa
Voucas, Jean
Waterbury, Anthony & Kristen
Wertz, Vincent & Stacy Costidakis
Woodruff, Jim & Cindy
Wright, Athena
Xidias, Paraskevi
Yager, Ann
Young, Christopher
Young, Michael & Helen
Young, Steven & Irene
Zarvas, Angelo & Lynn
Zeheralis, Chris & Becky
Zeheralis, Gail
Zeheralis, Lynn
Upcoming Events
Sunday, April 5
Palm Sunday Luncheon, following Divine Services
First Bridegroom Service 7pm
Monday, April 6
Second Bridegroom Service 7pm
Tuesday, April 7
Third Bridegroom Service 7pm
Wednesday, April 8
Sacrament of Holy Unction 6pm
Thursday, April 9
Liturgy of Saint Basil the Great 7am
Service of the Twelve Gospels 6pm
Friday, April 10
Service of the Royal Hours 8:30am
Holy Friday Retreat 8:30am
Kouvouklion Adornment 10:30am
Apokathilosis Vespers Service 2pm
Lamentation Service 7pm
Saturday, April 11
Pre-Anastasi Liturgy 9:30am
Paschal Vigil Service 10pm
Distribution of the Light 10:45pm
Service of the Anastasi 11pm
Paschal Liturgy of Saint John Chrysostom 11:15pm
Paschal Fellowship following the Divine Liturgy
Sunday, April 12
Great and Holy Pascha
Agape Vespers Service 12 noon
Monday, April 13
Parish Office Closed in Observance of Bright Monday
Middle School Dance Practice 6pm
High School Dance Practice 7pm
Tuesday, April 14
K-2 Dance Practice 5:30pm
3rd-5th Dance Practice 6:20pm
Missions Committee Meeting 7pm
Dance Rehearsal--Adult 7pm
Wednesday, April 15
Kafeneio 10am
Orthodox Christian Fellowship at IUPUI 12 noon
Thursday, April 16
Leisure Timers at Cheesecake Factory 11:30am
Greek School 5pm
Parish Council Meeting 6:30pm
Choir Rehearsal 6:30pm
Saturday, April 18
Philoptochos Soup Kitchen 8am
Yoga 10am
Missions Guatemala Orientation Meeting 10am
Monday, April 20
Middle School Dance Practice 6pm
High School Dance Practice 7pm
Tuesday, April 21
St. Paul Bible Study 10am
K-2 Dance Practice 5:30pm
3rd-5th Dance Practice 6:20pm
Philoptochos Board Meeting 6:30pm
Dance Rehearsal--Adult 7pm
Wednesday, April 22
Kafeneio 10am
Evening Liturgy at Saint George 6:30pm
St. John Patristic Study 7pm
Thursday, April 23
Greek School 5pm
Choir Rehearsal 6:30pm
Saturday, April 25
Philoptochos General Meeting 11am
Sunday, April 26
HOPE/JOY Meeting 1pm
Armenian Memorial Service 1pm
Monday, April 27
Middle School Dance Practice 6pm
High School Dance Practice 7pm
Tuesday, April 28
St. Paul Bible Study 10am
K-2 Dance Practice 5:30pm
3rd-5th Dance Practice 6:20pm
Dance Rehearsal--Adult 7pm
Wednesday, April 29
Kafeneio 10am
St. John Patristic Study 7pm
Thursday, April 30
Greek School 5pm
Choir Rehearsal 6:30pm
Saturday, May 2
Philoptochos Passport to Greece 6pm
OPERATING ACCOUNT ACTIVITY Period of (3/22/15 - 3/28/15)
Income $18,811.23 / Expense $17,971.14
Year to date Income $167,897.24 / Year to date Expense $160,409.50