Downloadable / Printable Version - Northeastern Illinois University


Downloadable / Printable Version - Northeastern Illinois University
Northeastern Illinois University
CS 300: Client-Side Web Development
Summer 2015
Instructor: Rachel Adler
Email: [email protected] (The best way to reach me is by email. I
usually respond to my email within 24 hours.)
Office: LWH 3047
Office Hours: VIRTUAL - Tuesdays 11:00a.m-12:00 via D2L Chat
or in person, by appointment.
Homework Due: Thursdays BEFORE 4pm each week. No late work will be
Please note that this is a completely online course and will not have in-person meetings.
Course Description:
The course discusses web site design issues and the requirements of e-commerce.
Furthermore, it covers the creation of web pages. Hands-on development and group
projects are an essential part of this course. Prereq: CS-200.
Required Materials:
1. Murach's HTML5 and CSS3 by Zak Ruvalcaba and Anne Boehm. Fresno, CA:
Mike Murach & Associates, 2011. ISBN: 1890774669
2. JavaScript and JQuery, the Missing Manual by Sawyer NcFarland, 2nd edition
(ISBN 978-1-499-39902-3).
Labs and Homeworks
Group Project
Online Quizzes
Online Midterm Exam
Topics Covered
Introduction to Client-Side Web Development
HTML Basics: images, links
HTML: lists, tables
CSS Basics
Murach: Chapter 1
Murach: Chapter 2
Murach: Chapter 3
Murach: Chapter 4
CSS: Box Model, Page Layout
CSS: Links, Lists, Images, and Tables
Creating Forms
Designing a Website
JavaScript Basics
JavaScript: Forms and Events
jQuery Introduction
jQuery Images, Forms
jQuery Tabbed Panels
Murach: Chapters 5-6
Murach: Chapters 7-9
Murach: Chapter 10
Murach: Chapter 17
Sawyer McFarland:
Chapters 1-3
Murach: Chapter 13
Sawyer McFarland:
Chapters 4-6,
Murach: Chapter 14
Sawyer McFarland:
Chapter 7, 9
Sawyer McFarland:
Chapter 10
Assignment Policy
There will be many assignments. All work MUST be submitted on their given due date
or a grade of zero will be assigned. No late homework assignments will be accepted.
Please begin assignments early to ensure that you finish them on time. All grades for
each assignment will be posted online on D2L at most one week after the due date. All
assignments are due Thursdays before 4:00p.m.
Academic Integrity:
All assignments must be the student’s own work. If you copy homework, you and the
student whose homework you copied will receive a zero. If you are caught copying
another student’s exam, or allowing someone to copy your exam, you will fail the exam
and face further academic discipline.
Accessibility Center:
In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 and Section 504 of the
Rehabilitation Act of 1973, Northeastern Illinois University does not discriminate against
persons on the basis of disability. In addition, Northeastern provides reasonable
accommodations for persons with disabilities. Students seeking reasonable
accommodations in the classroom should contact Student Disability Services (D-104).
Web Link to Emergency Information: It is recognized that a safe university
environment is a shared responsibility of faculty, staff, and students, all of whom are
expected to familiarize themselves with and cooperate with emergency procedures. Web
links to Campus Safety: Emergency Procedures and Safety Information can be found on
NEIUport on the MyNEIU tab or as follows: For the Main campus: