Patient Pamphlet - EMS Costs April 2012 SCAAP Rate Increase .pub


Patient Pamphlet - EMS Costs April 2012 SCAAP Rate Increase .pub
Payment Information
Payment options will accompany the
ambulance invoice.
Heartland Health Region
Emergency Medical Services (EMS)
Phone: (306) 882-4111
(306) 882-1389
Visa and Mastercard payments can be
processed by calling (306) 834-2646 ext 222.
Box 2110
Rosetown, SK
S0L 2V0
Debit payments can be made in person at
the Heartland Health Region Finance Office
in Kerrobert.
Check out our website for more
information on Emergency Medical
Services in the region:
Cash and cheque payments can be made
at any of the facilities in Heartland Health
On-line payments are available through
your financial institution’s online banking
Inquiries regarding payment options, such
as monthly payment options, can be
directed to:
Heartland Health Region Finance Office
at (306) 834-2646 ext 222
For Medical Emergencies
CALL 911
Healthy People, Healthy Communities,
and Service Excellence in an
Enduring Health System
April 2012
Ambulance services are
a non-insured benefit
through Saskatchewan
Heartland Health Region encourages
the public to have coverage through
a private insurance company.
Common Questions:
1. What if no one told me I had to pay for
the ambulance? All ambulance calls
and/or trips are billed to the patient,
including doctor ordered trips. It is the
patient’s responsibility to determine if
they have coverage.
2. What if I did not call for an ambulance?
Charges will apply if the patient, a close
relation/friend or guardian called for the
ambulance. This includes patients who
refuse an examination or transportation by
EMS. Patients who receive treatment but
are not transported will also be charged.
3. Are transfers to a higher level of care
covered? Yes they are if you have
private insurance.
4. Is my trip to an appointment covered?
Your bill may be covered by your private
insurance provider, please check with
your private insurance provider.
Types of Coverage:
Private Health Insurance
Contact your local agent for further details
Supplemental Health Program
Aids low income families with medical expenses.
Contact the Saskatchewan Ministry of Health at
1-800-266-0695 for more information
Workers Compensation Board and SGI
If an individual is injured at work or involved in a
motor vehicle accident, other government
agencies such as WCB and SGI cover the
complete cost for eligible individuals.
Department of Veterans Affairs (DVA)
Members may be covered for a portion or all
ambulance services, depending on their status.
Contact the Department of Veterans Affairs at
1-866-522-2122 for more information.
Seniors 65+
For Saskatchewan Residents 65 years of age and
over Senior Citizens Ambulance Assistance
Program (SCAAP) will pay the remainder of the
invoice, the patient is responsible to pay the first
$275.00 per trip.
First Nations and Inuit Health Branch
(FNIHB) pays for most Non-Insured Health Benefits
on behalf of all First Nations persons regardless of
their residence or their income. FNIHB does not
provide coverage for return to home hospital ambulance costs. The patient will be responsible for
the cost unless Health Canada provides preauthorization.
Ambulance Fees for
Saskatchewan Residents
Basic Pick-Up Fee:
Mileage Fee:
(round trip mileage is charged)
Waiting Time:
(1st 30 minutes is no charge)
Air Ambulance
(pickup fee plus ambulance charge to and
from airplane)
Additional fees apply for Registered Nurse
Escorts or Advanced Life Support Intercepts.
Ambulance Fees for
Out of Province Residents
Basic Pick-Up Fee:
Mileage Fee:
(round trip mileage is charged)
Waiting Time:
(1st 30 minutes is no charge)
Additional fees apply for Registered Nurse
Escorts or Advanced Life Support Intercepts
Minimum Charge for an Ambulance
Transfer to Saskatoon:
Additional charges may apply