Design and Development of Remote control Surveillance


Design and Development of Remote control Surveillance
IJSART - volume 1 Issue
3 –MARCH 2015
ISSN [ONLINE]: 2395-1052
Design and Development of Remote control Surveillance
Vehicle Using Beaglebone Black Board
Tina M. Patil1, Kajal J. Jadhav2, S. V. Kulkarni3.
Department of Instrumentation and Control Engineering
1, 2, 3
Abstract- Surveillance vehicle are designed and to gather and
to analyze in real time multi source audio visual intelligence
from the field and communicate to command station:
surveillance, transmitting data from the field. The paper
outlines the various stages of operation involved in the
designing of a remote surveillance vehicle. The initial phase of
the paper focuses on designing of the vehicle. The vehicle
contains a Beaglebone Black Board for motor control and
wireless communications, and a camera to capture images of
its environment. While designing the vehicle the
environmental conditions are taken into considerations.
Focusing on the navigation of the vehicle remotely through
Beaglebone Black Board and continuous video streaming by
using LABVIEW.
disabling vehicles. There are three types of surveillance
Keywords: Beaglebone Black, LABVIEW
An UAV is a powered, aerial vehicle that does not carry a
human operator, uses aerodynamic forces to provide vehicle
lift, can fly autonomously or be piloted remotely, can be
expendable or recoverable, and can carry a lethal
or nonlethal payload. Unmanned aircraft are especially useful
in penetrating areas that may be too dangerous for manned
Surveillance vehicles can be used for many
applications where it may be inconvenient dangerous or
impossible to have a human operator present. The remote
operated vehicle is a vehicle that is controlled by a human
operator via interface. All actions are determined by the
operator based upon either direct visual observation or remote
use of sensors such as digital video cameras.
The vehicle is designed for functionally, comfort and
safety- the exterior of the vehicle is equipped with camera
observation, sensor and wireless communication system as
well as a work station for operators creating a work
environment suitable for complex intelligence missions. The
vehicles can be designed for Military applications for
recognition,Environmental observation, maritime surveillance
and mine removal activities. Surveillance vehicle is mostly
used for the spying purpose.
There are a wide variety of surveillance vehicle in use
today. Predominantly these vehicle are used to replace humans
in hazardous situations. Examples are explosives and bomb
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1. Unmanned ground vehicle
2. Unmanned aerial vehicle
3. Amphibious vehicle
Unmanned ground vehicle operates on ground without any
human presence. There are two classes of unmanned ground
vehicles: Remote-Operated and Autonomous. A remoteoperated UGV is a vehicle that is controlled by a human
operator while An autonomous UGV is essentially an
autonomous robot that operates without the need for a human
In an unmanned aerial vehicle the flight is controlled either
autonomously by on board computers or by the remote control
of a piolet on the ground or in another vehicle.
Amphibious vehicle is a vehicle that is capable of
operation on a both land and water. Most land vehicles can be
made amphibious simply by providing them with a waterproof
hull and perhaps a propeller. This is possible as a vehicle's
displacement is usually greater than its weight, and thus it will
The vehicle is remotely operated ground vehicle which can
also climb stair case. The purpose of this ground surveillance
vehicle is to survey the dangerous area for human beings such
as borders, natural calamities. The previous surveillance
vehicle is bulky in size therefore it occupied large space.
Since, it is larger in size, spying in small area is not possible.
Due to heavy weight the mine detection becomes difficult.
The cost of this vehicle is high because of large size and heavy
IJSART - volume 1 Issue
3 –MARCH 2015
ISSN [ONLINE]: 2395-1052
weight. The previous vehicle produces noise so that spying
purpose is difficult to fulfill.
Fig 2
Fig 1
Basically, system is divided into two parts that is
work station and command station. Work station is referred to
the vehicle and the command station is referred to the base
station. GUI (Graphical User Interface) of LABVIEW is used
to visualize the parameter which is indicated by the vehicle.
The system is connected to the base station using Wi-Fi
network cards. The base station and vehicle have their
individual access point through which they are communicating
with each other. The access point on the vehicle is interfaced
to Beaglebone Black. Remote control is used to control the
vehicle from base station. The Beaglebone black board is used
as a work PC on the vehicle. The board is capable to store the
information during surveillance and it provides the necessary
commands to the vehicle which is given by the operator from
base station by using communication network. Driving circuit
is used to execute driving command which is come from
command station. The camera makes vision for navigation and
it gives information where vehicle is travelling. The metal
detector is mount on the vehicle which detects the metal from
the surrounding area where vehicle is travelling.
The track is used on each side. The purpose of a
track is to support the wheels so that vehicle can travel
smoothly. Two metal pulleys are attached on front side of the
chassis by using two connecting metal strips. The pulleys are
attached to the front side of the vehicle at fixed angle. These
pulleys help the vehicle to uplift the chassis when vehicle
climb the stairs. Supply required to vehicle is given by a small
battery of 7.2amp. Size of battery is less so that vehicle can
carry it easily.
The Beagle Bone Black is the newest member of the
BeagleBoard family. It is a lower-cost, high-expansion
focused BeagleBoard. It is similar to the Beaglebone But with
some features removed and some features added.
It has been equipped with a minimum set of features
to allow the user to experience the power of the processor.
It also offers access to many of the interfaces and allows for
the use of add-on boards called capes, to add many different
combinations of features. A user may also develop their own
board or add their own circuitry.
The vehicle is equipped with the six wheels, each side
has a three wheels. The wheels are arranged such a that the
distance between two adjacent wheel is minimum. If the
distance between two wheels is more then the vehicle gets
stuck between two steps.
Fig 3
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IJSART - volume 1 Issue
3 –MARCH 2015
ISSN [ONLINE]: 2395-1052
The basic block diagram of the Beaglebone black board is
shown in below:
Power Sources:
The board can be powered from four
Different sources:
A 5VDC 1A power supply plugged
into the DC
A power supply with a USB connector.
Expansion connectors
The USB cable is shipped with each board.
Reset Button:
When pressed and released, causes a reset of the board.
The reset button used on the BeagleBone Black is a little
larger than the one used on the original BeagleBone. It has
also been moved out to the edge of the board so that it is more
Power Button:
A power button is provided near the reset button close
to the Ethernet connector. This button takes advantage of the
input to the PMIC for power down features. While a lot of
capes have a button, it was decided to add this feature to the
board to ensure everyone had access to some new features.
Fig 4
Processor: The revision B board has moved to the
Sitara AM3358BZCZ100 device.
Memory: There are three memory devices found on
the board.
i. 512MB DDR3L : A single 256Mb x16
(512MB) memory device is used.
ii. 4KB EEPROM : A single 4KB EEPROM is provided on
I2C0 that holds the board information. This information
includes board name, serial number, and revision information.
iii. 4GB Embedded MMC: A single 4GB embedded MMC
(eMMC) device is on the board. The device connects to the
MMC1 port of the processor, allowing for 8bit wide access.
Default boot mode for the board will be MMC1 with an option
to change it to MMC0, the SD card slot, for booting from the
SD card as a result of removing and reapplying the power to
the board. Simply pressing the reset button will not change the
boot mode. MMC0 cannot be used in 8Bit mode because the
lower data pins are located on the pins used by the Ethernet
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HDMI Interface:
A single HDMI interface is connected to the 16 bit LCD
interface on the processor. The 16b interface was used to
preserve as many expansion pins as possible to allow for use
by the user. The NXP TDA19988BHN is used to convert the
LCD interface to HDMI and convert the audio as well. The
signals are still connected to the expansion headers to enable
the use of LCD expansion boards or access to other functions
on the board as needed.
Beaglebone Black Compatibility:
Beagle Bone Black ships with the Debi an GNU/Linux™
in onboard FLASH to start evaluation and development. Many
other Linux distributions and operating systems are also
supported on Beagle Bone Black including:
Pulse Width Modulation (PWM), is a technique used
to encode a message into a pulsing signal. It is a type of
modulation. Although this modulation technique can be used
to encode information for transmission, its main use is to
IJSART - volume 1 Issue
3 –MARCH 2015
ISSN [ONLINE]: 2395-1052
allow the control of the power supplied to electrical devices,
especially to inertial loads such as motors.
We control the flow of current through the motor. Well
many people attempt to control the speed of a DC motor using
a large variable resistor (Rheostat) in series with the motor as
The main advantage of PWM is that power loss in the
switching devices is very low. When a switch is off there is
practically no current, and when it is on and power is being
transferred to the load, there is almost no voltage drop across
the switch. Power loss, being the product of voltage and
current, is thus in both cases close to zero. PWM also works
well with digital controls, which, because of their on/off
nature, can easily set the needed duty cycle.
Fig 5
It generates a lot of heat and wasted power in the
resistance. One simple and easy way to control the speed of a
motor is to regulate the amount of voltage across its terminals
and this can be achieved using PWM.
As its name suggests, pulse width modulation speed
control works by driving the motor with a series of “ON-OFF”
pulses and varying the duty cycle, the fraction of time that the
output voltage is “ON” compared to when it is “OFF”, of the
pulses while keeping the frequency constant.
The power applied to the motor can be controlled by
varying the width of these applied pulses and thereby varying
the average DC voltage applied to the motors terminals. By
changing or modulating the timing of these pulses the speed of
the motor can be controlled, ie, the longer the pulse is “ON”,
the faster the motor will rotate and likewise, the shorter the
pulse is “ON” the slower the motor will rotate.
In other words, the wider the pulse width, the more
average voltage applied to the motor terminals, the stronger
the magnetic flux inside the armature windings and the faster
the motor will rotate and this is shown below.
Pulse Width Modulation Waveform:
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Wi-Fi is a local area wireless technology that allows an
electronic device to participate in computer networking. Wi-Fi
technology may be used to provide Internet access to devices
that are within the range of a wireless network that is
connected to the Internet. The coverage of one or more
interconnected access points can extend from an area as small
as a few rooms to as large as many square kilometers.
There are two access points which are used for point to
point communication. One is placed on the vehicle while other
is at base station. They are used for point to point
communication between vehicle and base station. a point-topoint connection refers to a communications connection
between two nodes or endpoints. A traditional point-to-point
data link is a communications medium with exactly two
endpoints and no data or packet formatting. The host
computers at either end had to take full responsibility for
formatting the data transmitted between them. The connection
between the computer and the communications medium was
generally implemented through an RS-232 interface, or
something similar.
An Internet protocol camera, or IP camera, is a type of
digital video camera commonly employed for surveillance,
and which, unlike analog closed circuit television (CCTV)
cameras, can send and receive data via a computer network
and the Internet. Although most cameras that do this are
webcams, the term "IP camera" or "nectar" is usually applied
only to those used for surveillance.
IJSART - volume 1 Issue
3 –MARCH 2015
ISSN [ONLINE]: 2395-1052
We directly capture the video from the camera via
RTSP Pull Streaming.Once the initial request was made, the
server captures the stream and maintains the RTSP Pull for as
long as a client is viewing the streamThe second client that
views the stream should see the video immediately, as the
servers connection to the camera has already been started by
the first client viewer. The stream is embedded onto your web
site with custom Watermark logo overlay’s available.Features
include Wait in line queuing and camera control.
By using these components, we can design good,
efficient, and low cost surveillance vehicle that can be used in
spying operation in all terrain dangerous area.
Fig 6
Two-way audio via a single network cable allows
users to communicate with what they are seeing
Flexibility: IP cameras can be moved around
anywhere on a network .
Distributed intelligence: with IP cameras, video
analytics can be placed in the camera itself allowing ability in
analytics solutions.
Remote accessibility: live video from selected
cameras can be viewed from any computer, anywhere, and
also from many mobile smartphones and other devices.
Remote accessibility also prevents police officers from
confiscating video and audio evidence that you can use against
IP cameras are able to function on a wireless
Remote administration from any location.
Digital zoom.
The ability to easily send images and video anywhere
with an Internet connection.
Progressive scanning, which enables better quality
images extracted from the video, especially for moving
Adjustable frame rates and resolution to meet specific
Two-way communication.
The ability to send alerts if suspicious activity is
Lower cabling requirements.
Support for intelligent video.
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I am grateful to Prof. S. V. Kulkarni and I acknowledge
with gratitude to my supervisor Prof. S. V. Kulkarni,
Department of Instrumentation Engineering, and all staff for
this innovative thinking, continuous guidance, genius role and
encouragement throughout the whole project period.
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Video streaming in IP camera: