
IJSART - volume 1 Issue
3 –MARCH 2015
ISSN [ONLINE]: 2395-1052
Ms. Shweta A. Shaha1, Ms. Madhuri V. Gorade2, Ms. Nutan T. Shitole3, Ms. Swati B. Gawade4,
Prof. Chandrashekhar Adki5
1, 2,3,4,5
Shree Ramchandra college of Engineering Pune, India
Abstract- In this project I would like to demonstrate major
problems which are available in our existing system. The
attendance software consist of many features like taking
attendance of student, inserting their marks, adding new
student, adding their information, teacher can edit attendance,
view students bunk, sending and retrieving important
documents, sending an message to parent whether the ward is
present or absent in the college, the blog facility for student as
well as teacher to post any information etc. In many colleges
attendance is taken manually, to overcome from this problem
we can use this android application to reduce the work of
teacher and to add the mobility to our existing attendance
system. This android application will really helpful for the
teacher. After taking the attendance on android phone the
attendance record will automatically saved in database, so no
extra work for storing the record in database is required.
There is different login profile for student, teacher, and for
admin. The parents can also view the profile of student and
can check the performance of their ward.
higher priority will go to admin. The admin only can register
teacher, student and information about subject. The admin
only can add new student, so no access permission for any
student to change any data but if required then the access will
provided by admin only. The student only can see his/her
attendance, marks by entering their email id and password.
The password will provided by the admin and later on student
can change that password. staff can upload any information on
the blog about Question Bank, lecture taken , syllabus covered
etc. which is visible to student on their smart phone.
In the present system all work is done on paper. The
whole session attendance is stored in register and at the end of
the session the reports are generated. We are not interested in
generating report in the middle of the session or as per the
requirement because it takes more time in calculation. At the
end of session the students who don’t have 75% attendance
get a notice.
Keywords- Android, Mobility, Automation, Bunk, Attendance.
The Attendance Management System is developed for
daily student attendance in school, colleges, and in institutes.
As we know today the number of student per class are
increasing. So maintaining the attendance of each student is
not easy for the teacher. Manual attendance will create the
problem in taking attendance as any student can give the
proxy attendance. To avoid this problem we have developed
the attendance management system. This application can work
in college Wi-Fi network, so when student will enter in the
class automatically the detection of that student will takes
place. The student will login from his\her android device and
the teacher will start to take attendance. This system will help
for evaluating an eligibility criteria of a student.
The purpose of developing Attendance Management
System is to change the way of taking attendance. The paper
work will reduce and the work of storing attendance in
computers and then calculating average this all will reduce due
to this Smart Attendance Management System.
The teacher can generate the report of any student at
any time when needed. This will take less time in this system
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Also there are some systems in which attendance
make some sort of easy doing it automated like RFID OR
BIOMATRIC Systems. But those are not suitable for huge
crowed also not giving 100% correctness.
Some Documents Information
developing desired system are as below:
In recent years, there have been rise in the number
of applications based on Radio Frequency Identification
(RFID) systems and have been successfully applied to
different areas as diverse as transportation, health-care,
agriculture, and hospitality industry to name a few. RFID
technology facilitates automatic wireless identification using
electronic passive and active tags with suitable readers. In this
paper, an attempt is made to solve recurrent lecture attendance
monitoring problem in developing countries using RFID
technology. The application of RFID to student attendance
monitoring as developed and deployed in this study is capable
of eliminating time wasted during manual collection of
attendance and an opportunity for the educational
administrators to capture face-to-face classroom statistics for
IJSART - volume 1 Issue
3 –MARCH 2015
allocation of appropriate attendance scores and for further
managerial decisions. [1]
Attendance Management System is software developed
for daily student attendance in schools, colleges and institutes.
If facilitates to access the attendance information of a
particular student in a particular class. The information is
sorted by the operators, which will be provided by the teacher
for a particular class. This system will also help in evaluating
attendance eligibility criteria of a student. The scope of the
project is the system on which the software is installed, i.e. the
project is developed as a desktop application, and it will work
for a particular institute. But later on the project can be
modified to operate it online. [3]
Android is basically an operating system for smart
phones that is based on a modified version of Linux. It was
originally developed by a start up of the same name, Android.
Now the Android is a market-mover. Now is an exciting time
for mobile developers. Mobile phones have never been more
popular and powerful smart phones. With stylish and versatile
phones packing hardware features like GPS, accelerometers,
and touch screens are an enticing platform upon which to
create innovative mobile applications. Android hardware will
be designed to tempt consumers, but the real win is for
developers. Android developers are free to write applications
that take full advantage of increasingly powerful mobile
hardware. As a result, developer interest in Android devices
has made their 2008 release a hugely anticipated mobile
technology event. Android is important is because of its
application model. For users of smart phones, Android
provides easy access to social networking. Now, everyone
having the Android smart phone, because it is cheapest
because nowadays mobile companies like Carbon, Micromax,
Lava, are also develop the smart phone and provide it in low
cost. Android devices come in all shapes and sizes. As of
late 2014, the Android OS powers the following types of
• Smartphone’s
• Tablets
• E-reader devices
• Notebook
• MP4 players
• Internet TVs
Android use, the recommended IDE is Eclipse,
amulti-language software development Environment featuring
an extensible plug-in system. It can be used to develop various
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ISSN [ONLINE]: 2395-1052
types of applications, using languages such as Java, C, C++,
COBOL, Python ,are freely available on Internet and the
AndroidSDK contains a debugger, libraries, an emulator,
documentation, sample code, and tutorials are also
downloaded from the net. And when the SDKManager is
started, it first checks for the packages that are available for
installation. The packages contain the documentation and
SDK specific to each version of the Android OS. They also
contain sample code and tools for the various platforms .All
these are freely available on Internet hence we chose to
develop Automated Attendance Monitoring application in
Android. [2]
Proposed system will contain following module:
1] Admin:
The role of admin module is to register student, teacher,
subject registration, branch registration. To provide password
to student and teacher. To keep security so that no one can use
another user name and password. The admin can also post the
2] Teacher:
The role of teacher is to take attendance, insert marks, delete
marks, generating sectional report, sending important notice to
student on blog, teacher can download or upload the
3] Student:
The student can view marks, check his/her performance, status
of attendance, student can download and upload the document.
He/she cannot have the permission to change any data. If
required the access will provide by the admin.
Fig 1.Flow of The Application
IJSART - volume 1 Issue
3 –MARCH 2015
ISSN [ONLINE]: 2395-1052
We define the edges as,
Registration for New User
Inform system
Store in Database
Login for Existing User
Perform operation related to
Login credentials does not
matched, User Blocked/not
logged in
Let febe a rule of E into V such that for given edge; it returns
vertices. fe(E) |→ V.
Fig 2.Graph Representation Of The System
Thus, for our system,
fe(e1) = {v1}.......v1 is called using e1 for registration of new
user .
fe(e2) = {v5}.......user data is passed to v5 using e2 to inform
fe(e3) = {v4}......user data is passed to v4 using e3 for storing
in database.
fe(e4) = {v1}...... v1 is called using e4 for login for existing
fe(e5) = {v5}......perform operation related to v5.
fe(e6) ={v3}……..v3 is called to block user using e6.
Fig 3.Venn Diagram of The system
Let G be a closed graph that represents our system of
mouse simulation; such that G = {E, V} where E represents
the set of edges; E = {e0, e1, e2, e3 ....., e6} and V is a set of
V = {v0, v1, v2, v3....,v5}. In the graphical
representation of the system, vertices in the set V represent the
modules which are connected through directed edges in the set
E representing the input/output of modules. We define the
vertices as,
Security system
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After inserting the application into smart phone:
1] Calculating the attendance will take less time and will
reduce the work of staff.
2] The accuracy will increase.
3] The paper work is less.
4] The attendance is stored in database. [2]
The automatic attendance system is necessary to
reduce the work of staff. The existing manual attendance
system is time consuming and requires semi manual work
from teacher and student, using this all work will reduce. The
accuracy will be maintained and the faster result will generate.
Using this parent and student are able to see the performance,
attendance average etc.
[1] T. S. Lim, S. C. Sim, and M. M. Mansor, “RFID
based attendance system”, IEEE Symposium on
Industrial Electronics & Applications2009 (ISIEA
2009), vol.2, pp. 778-782, 4-6 Oct. 2009, doi:
IJSART - volume 1 Issue
3 –MARCH 2015
ISSN [ONLINE]: 2395-1052
[2] Mr. Mr. Abhilash S. Kotgirwar, Miss. Sneha.
R.Kaware, “Automated Attendance Monitoring
System”, IJIRME(International Journal of Innovative
Research in Modern Era).
[3] Miss. Namrata N. Shahade,Miss. Priya A. Kawad,Mr.
Satish L. Thombar,” Student Attendance Tracker
Engineering Applications and Technology[119-124]
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