
June 3,2015
The Lord is my rock, and my fortress, and my deliverer,
my God, my rock, in whom I take refuge, my shield,
and the horn of my salvation, my stronghold.
Psalms 18:2
CALENDAR WATCH – The year is quickly winding down. Some dates to keep in mind:
Friday, 6/5/15 & Monday 6/8/15 Noon Dismissal
Tuesday 6/9/15
Noon Dismissal – Last day of school for Pre-K only
8th Grade Graduation 7:00PM
Wednesday 6/10/15
Last day of school; 10:30AM dismissal
EXTENDED SCHOOL PROGRAM – The program will run through the afternoon session on Tuesday, June
10TH. Please also remember that there will be a combined May/June billing and all payments are due by the
last day of school.
SUMMER WORKBOOKS – Students returning for the 2015-16 school year received their summer
workbooks today. It is mandatory for all incoming students to complete. The workbooks are due on the first
day of school. SUPPLY LISTS are included in the workbook.
IMPORTANT REMINDER – All obligations must be met before your child’s report card is released.
This includes tuition, ESP, and any other fees owed and the return of all textbooks.
SUMMER OFFICE HOURS – The school office will be open most Mondays through Thursdays from 8AM
to 12PM. Since we are sometimes elsewhere in the building, we advise you to call ahead if you need to come
in be sure someone will be in the office when you arrive.
REMINDER – Parents are reminded that they can pay next year’s tuition in full by July 1 st and they will
receive a 5% discount. If you are paying monthly please remember the first tuition payment is due in the
school office by July 20th.
SUMMER MAILING – Returning families will receive a summer mailing in July regarding the beginning of
school for the 2015-2016 school year.
STUDENT COUNCIL –Student Council is selling juice, ice tea and water for $1. This will be the last week
for them to be sold. The End-of Year Dance will be held this Friday, June 5 from 7-9:30PM in Fellowship
Hall for Grades 5-8. There will be a Tag Day this Friday, June 5th. For $1, you can dress out of uniform, but
you must dress in the theme. The theme is Summer Colors (Light Colors: White, Yellow, Pink, and Light
Blue.) Please remember that the dress code is still in effect. This means no mini skirts, short shorts, ripped
jeans, strapless tops, tank tops, or spaghetti straps.
8TH GRADE GRADUATION – The Class of 2015 will hold graduation exercises during a special service on
Tuesday, June 10th at 7:00PM at Immanuel Lutheran Church. There is no limit on the number of people
graduates may invite to the service – bring the whole family! Cake and refreshments will be served in
Fellowship Hall following the service.
CHAPEL OFFERING – Last week we collected $47.00 for ALS. The grand total that was collected came to
$108.00. Today’s and next week’s offering will be going to the Bear Creek Scholarships. Thank you for your
participation in our chapel offerings for this school year.
AWARDS PRESENTATION – Attendance and academic awards will be presented in chapel on the last day
of school. Parents are cordially invited to attend.
VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL – ILC invites children 3 years through 6th grade to join them for CBS
scheduled for June 22nd through June 26th from 9AM-noon. Pre-registration is a MUST by June 19th.
Come join the fun. Mrs. Blank would be more than happy to answer any questions for you.
SUMMER CHURCH SERVICES – Visitors are always welcome at ILC Sunday worship services at 10AM.
The Sunday School program is offered all summer long to children 3 years through 6th grade. Mrs. Blank
would be thrilled to see you during the summer.
THANK YOU – THANK YOU to all the wonderful parents, grandparents and friends who have so generously
given of their time and talents this year. You have freely given to our school, teachers and students. This has
been a great year because of your efforts. We are most grateful to you all!
DRESS CODE – Warm weather dress code is as follows: When KYW 1060 News Radio predicts the
temperature to be 75 or above, students may elect to wear the approved gym shorts and T-shirts.
WATER BOTTLES ARE WELCOME!! – During the warm weather, your child is more than welcome to
bring in a water bottle to fill with water to keep at their desk during school hours. It is very important for your
child to be hydrated to avoid possible headaches or dehydration issues.
HERE’S SOME DRAMA!! - This is drama of the good variety. ILS’ Drama Club will be doing a drama
presentation on Tuesday, June 9th at 10AM. Feel free to come and experience all of “the drama!!” Practice will
be held today after school for 2 hours.
Sat., June 6-10AM to 1PM
Help grow produce donated to local cook-fora-friend and food bank programs. This takes place every
Monday night at 6PM (weather permitting). Last year
over 2500 lbs. of food was donated.
If you have any questions please call 215-728-7900 or visit the website
LIKE US ON FACEBOOK - ILS is on facebook! Look us up and like us to get updates on school news.
(Search for "Immanuel Lutheran School") FYI to our parents - This is an informational page. We will not post
any student pictures here.
LAWN SIGNS – Immanuel Lutheran School has lawn signs!! If you are interested in picking up a lawn sign to
advertise our school on your front lawn or elsewhere, please stop in the office and pick up one. This is a great
way to show support for the school and let everyone know that Immanuel Lutheran School provides an effective
education in a safe and caring setting.
INTERESTED IN CUB SCOUTS– Boys going into 1st to 5th grade in September are welcome to come out to
our Pack 160 summer time activities. We will be playing miniature golf on June 16th at Burholme Park. You can
become a member now and be able to participate in overnight stay away camp in July too. We will have
activities in August. For more info see our web site You can also request to be on our
email list by emailing [email protected] or calling Ken Musser at
MUSIC LESSON- Regular private piano and voice lessons began on Wednesday, May 20 and
will be held between 3-5 pm on Wednesdays and Fridays for the rest of the school year. Rates
are $15 per half hour or $55 per month if paid in advance. Lessons will continue throughout the
summer except for holidays. If you are interested in enrolling your child, you must contact Mrs.
Thomas for a half-hour time slot by calling/texting 267-992-0192 or emailing [email protected]. She will then let you know what time your child needs to
come for his/her lesson.
PETER AND THE WOLF comes to ILS next week! After listening to, learning about, and seeing a film
version of Prokofiev's "Peter and the Wolf," the second grade class decided they wanted to perform a staged
version of this piece, complete with set and costumes. It lasts only about 25 minutes, and it will be performed
on Wednesday, June 3 at 2 pm in Fellowship Hall. You are cordially invited and encouraged to bring
younger siblings and grandparents as well. We hope to "take it on the road" and perform it for other classes as
well, if time permits. Come support this wonderful class. They have been working hard and we are very proud
of them!
Please pray for our graduates as they venture off to these fine high schools:
Olamide Akinsola-Central
Deyona Archer-Bishop McDevit
Brianna Bailey-Bishop Mc Devit
Mekhi Brown-Northeast
Camryn Cobia-Central
Mia Davis-Bishop McDevit
Ryan Hartigan-Arch Bishop Ryan
Alyssa Paul-Northeast
Chris Price-Tacony Charter
Sarah Sam-Science Leadership Academy
Lafayette Womack-Philadelphia Academy Charter
“Go, my children, with my blessing, you are my own.”
PTL Wednesday Notes
The PTL is designed to have teachers and parents working together for the benefit of the student. By your child attending Immanuel
Lutheran School, YOU are automatically a member of the PTL. The PTL thrives from parent participation through volunteering,
fundraising and fellowship.
Hello PTL Family and Happy Wednesday!!
New Officers for 2015/2016 school year
Although there was a low turnout of parents at last night’s meeting, we’d
like to thank the parents who did attend. We received 3 volunteers to fill
needed vacancies, Krystian-Nicole Nuble, Ken Musser and Nina Moore.
For all interested parties, there is still room to volunteer!!!
VOLUNTEERS needed for Graduation (PLEASE, we still need volunteers!!!)
We need 4 volunteers for the 8th grade graduation on Tuesday, June 9th at 7:00pm. Volunteers are
needed to help decorate fellowship hall, set up refreshments and drinks for an after graduation
reception, and clean-up afterwards. Volunteers will need to arrive at least an hour before the
graduation start time. If you can help, email Nina at [email protected].
The final day for the school store will be this Friday, June 5th. Please let your little one know that most
things will be HALF OFF!!!
Just Letting you Know
● Back to School Uniforms
The school store has an ABUNDANCE of gently used uniforms for boys and girls in ALL sizes. Long
sleeve, short sleeve, polo or dress shirt, take your pick. We have lots of boys pants and for girls we also
have skirts and jumpers. It will be September before you know it, so think ahead and pick up some
uniforms for your child, for FREE!!! If interested, send a note to school with your child.
ILS-PTL on Facebook:
The PTL has a facebook page on which there are links to all the signups
on and a google calendar containing all important school and PTL functions. Updates and reminders are also
posted on here. Please like the page to get these updates.
President: Danielle Gentle
[email protected] (267) 304-4789
Treasurer:: Ken Musser
[email protected]:[email protected]
You can email the entire PTL board at: [email protected]