Sponsorship PDF - InComm Partner Alliance
Sponsorship PDF - InComm Partner Alliance
2015 INCOMM PARTNER ALLIANCE April 19 – April 22, 2015 Boca Raton Resort & Club Boca Raton, FL InComm Partner Alliance is the only conference of its kind where prepaid professionals from the gift card, prepaid wireless, reloadable debit, digital music downloads, content, games, software and bill payment solutions can meet, plan and develop strategies for prepaid success. This year’s conference will include informational sessions on several hot topics in prepaid as well as one on one networking sessions for strategic planning with industry leaders to further maximize industry connections. InComm is pleased to offer sponsorship opportunities to companies looking to meet motivated customers and be recognized as industry leaders. Result producing options are available at a variety of investment levels. Based on your marketing objectives you are sure to find an option right for you. All sponsorships are available on a first-come, first-served basis, so don’t delay! Confidential and Proprietary Information 2 of 11 SPONSORSHIP RESERVATION FORM This form must be completed and sent to Kelly Roebuck at [email protected] to reserve a sponsorship. All sponsorships are available on a first-come, first-served basis, so don’t delay! Make check payable to: Interactive Communications International, Inc. Remit to: Kelly Roebuck c/o InComm 250 Williams Street 5th Floor Atlanta, GA 30303 Company: Address: City: Phone: Company Name: (for printed materials) State: Zip Code: Fax: Cell: Website: Sponsorship Requested: First Choice: Second Choice: Requestor: Title: Email: Signature: You will receive email confirmation of sponsorship approval. At that time, a company logo (in both FULL COLOR and ONE COLOR) and 50 word company description are required for sponsor identification. Logo and company description MUST be submitted by January 30, 2015. Logos may be submitted in the following formats: Adobe Illustrator File, CMYK – Preferred High Resolution PDF, CMYK, White Background 300dpi or higher EPS @ 100%, CMYK, White or Transparent Background 300dpi or higher JPG @ 100%, CMYK, White Background 300dpi or higher TIFF @ 100%, CMYK, White Background Email If the file size is under 3MB you may email the file to [email protected]. Please include “Partner Alliance 2015 Sponsor Logo” in the subject line of the email. If the file size exceeds 3MB, please deliver via ftp or mail. Confidential and Proprietary Information FTP Location: ftp.incomm.com Username: PartnerAlliance Password: InComm2015 Folder: Sponsor Logos Mail Kelly Roebuck InComm 2015 InComm Partner Alliance 250 Williams Street, 5th Floor Atlanta, GA 30303 3 of 11 SUNDAY, APRIL 19, 2015 Welcome Party Sponsorship Opportunity - $25,000 (2) 2 SOLD: DIAMOND GRAPHICS (2) Gold level sponsor recognition - On the Partner Alliance website - In printed Partner Alliance attendee guide book - In all internal & external Partner Alliance media communications where sponsors are mentioned Sponsor recognition on party invitation Sponsor recognition on various items throughout the party venue Ability to distribute sponsor provided promotional item during the party Ability to include up to one (1) promotional item in the Attendee Bag to be given to all attendees at registration Additional Partner Alliance attendees (2) MONDAY, APRIL 20, 2015 Welcome & Keynote Speaker Sponsorship Opportunity - $20,000 (1) SOLD: BASS PRO SHOPS Gold level sponsor recognition - On the Partner Alliance website - In printed Partner Alliance attendee guide book - In all internal & external Partner Alliance media communications where sponsors are mentioned Sponsor recognition on various items throughout the ballroom Ability to distribute sponsor provided promotional item or marketing material during keynote Ability to include up to one (1) promotional item in the Attendee Bag to be given to all attendees at registration Additional Partner Alliance attendees (2) Monday Night Evening Event Sponsorship Opportunity - $25,000 (3) 3 SOLD: MOSAIC; MT&L; DISCOVER NETWORK Gold level sponsor recognition - On the Partner Alliance website - In printed Partner Alliance attendee guide book - In all internal & external Partner Alliance media communications where sponsors are mentioned Sponsor recognition on party invitation Sponsor recognition on various items throughout the party venue Ability to distribute sponsor provided promotional item during the party Ability to include up to one (1) promotional item in the Attendee Bag to be given to all attendees at registration Additional Partner Alliance attendees (2) Confidential and Proprietary Information 4 of 11 Monday Night Evening Event Poker Party Sponsorship Opportunity - $20,000 (1) SOLD: HARVARD CARD SYSTEMS Gold level sponsor recognition - On the Partner Alliance website - In printed Partner Alliance attendee guide book - In all internal & external Partner Alliance media communications where sponsors are mentioned Sponsor recognition on party invitation Sponsor recognition on various items throughout the party venue Ability to distribute sponsor provided prizes during the tournament Ability to include up to one (1) promotional item in the Attendee Bag to be given to all attendees at registration Additional Partner Alliance attendees (2) TUESDAY, APRIL 21, 2015 Concert featuring Barenaked Ladies Sponsorship Opportunity - $50,000 (4) 4 SOLD: CPI CARD GROUP; TRACFONE; MICROSOFT; VALID USA Diamond level sponsor recognition - On the Partner Alliance website - In printed Partner Alliance attendee guide book - In all internal & external Partner Alliance media communications where sponsors are mentioned Sponsor recognition on concert/party invitation Sponsor recognition on various items throughout the party venue Meet & Greet passes (2) to meet the entertainment Additional concert attendees for two (2) people not attending conference Ability to distribute sponsor provided promotional item during the party Ability to include up to one (1) promotional item in the Attendee Bag to be given to all attendees at registration Additional Partner Alliance attendees (4) Tuesday Night After Party Sponsorship Opportunity - $15,000 (1) SOLD: TRAVEL TAGS Silver level sponsor recognition - On the Partner Alliance website - In printed Partner Alliance attendee guide book - In all internal & external Partner Alliance media communications where sponsors are mentioned Sponsor recognition on party invitation Sponsor recognition on various items throughout the party venue Ability to include up to one (1) promotional item in the Attendee Bag to be given to all attendees at registration Additional Partner Alliance attendees (1) Confidential and Proprietary Information 5 of 11 OTHER OPPORTUNITIES Attendee Bags Sponsorship Opportunity - $25,000 (1) SOLD: THE BANCORP Gold level sponsor recognition - On the Partner Alliance website - In printed Partner Alliance attendee guide book - In all internal & external Partner Alliance media communications where sponsors are mentioned Sponsor recognition on conference bags given to each event attendee upon registration Ability to include up to one (1) promotional item in the Attendee Bag to be given to all attendees at registration Additional Partner Alliance attendees (2) One-on-One Networking Sessions Sponsorship Opportunity - $25,000 (1) SOLD: GIFT CARD IMPRESSIONS Gold level sponsor recognition - On the Partner Alliance website - In printed Partner Alliance attendee guide book - In all internal & external Partner Alliance media communications where sponsors are mentioned Sponsor recognition on various items throughout the ballroom Ability to include up to one (1) promotional item in the Attendee Bag to be given to all attendees at registration Additional Partner Alliance attendees (2) Mobile App Sponsorship Opportunity - $25,000 (1) SOLD: VESTA Gold level sponsor recognition - On the Partner Alliance website - In printed Partner Alliance attendee guide book - In all internal & external Partner Alliance media communications where sponsors are mentioned Sponsor recognition on various items relating to the mobile app Ability to include up to one (1) promotional item in the Attendee Bag to be given to all attendees at registration Additional Partner Alliance attendees (2) Confidential and Proprietary Information 6 of 11 Name Badges & Lanyards Sponsorship Opportunity - $25,000 (1) SOLD: ARCHWAY Gold level sponsor recognition - On the Partner Alliance website - In printed Partner Alliance attendee guide book - In all internal & external Partner Alliance media communications where sponsors are mentioned Sponsor recognition on name badge lanyards given to each event attendee Ability to include up to one (1) promotional item in the Attendee Bag to be given to all attendees at registration Additional Partner Alliance attendees (2) Conference Guide Book Sponsorship Opportunity - $20,000 (1) SOLD: DRIVELINE RETAIL MERCHANDISING Gold level sponsor recognition - On the Partner Alliance website - In printed Partner Alliance attendee guide book - In all internal & external Partner Alliance media communications where sponsors are mentioned Sponsor recognition on conference guide books given to each event attendee upon registration Ability to include up to one (1) promotional item in the Attendee Bag to be given to all attendees at registration Additional Partner Alliance attendees (2) Event Registration Sponsorship Opportunity - $20,000 (1) SOLD: GIV MOBILE Gold level sponsor recognition - On the Partner Alliance website - In printed Partner Alliance attendee guide book - In all internal & external Partner Alliance media communications where sponsors are mentioned Sponsor recognition on various items throughout the event registration area Ability to include up to one (1) promotional item in the Attendee Bag to be given to all attendees at registration Additional Partner Alliance attendees (2) Confidential and Proprietary Information 7 of 11 Hotel Registration (Check-In/Room Keys) Sponsorship Opportunity - $20,000 (1) SOLD: AT&T Gold level sponsor recognition - On the Partner Alliance website - In printed Partner Alliance attendee guide book - In all internal & external Partner Alliance media communications where sponsors are mentioned Sponsor recognition on hotel keys given to given to each event attendee upon check in Sponsor recognition on various items in the hotel registration area Ability to include up to one (1) promotional item in the Attendee Bag to be given to all attendees at registration Additional Partner Alliance attendees (2) Recharge Station Sponsorship Opportunity - $20,000 (1) SOLD: T-MOBILE Gold level sponsor recognition - On the Partner Alliance website - In printed Partner Alliance attendee guide book - In all internal & external Partner Alliance media communications where sponsors are mentioned Sponsor recognition on various items throughout the recharge area (i.e., standing banners, charging station signage) Ability to include up to one (1) promotional item in the Attendee Bag to be given to all attendees at registration Additional Partner Alliance attendees (2) Wi-Fi Sponsorship Opportunity - $20,000 (1) SOLD: PEOPLES CARD SERVICES Gold level sponsor recognition - On the Partner Alliance website - In printed Partner Alliance attendee guide book - In all internal & external Partner Alliance media communications where sponsors are mentioned Sponsor recognition on various items relating to wireless connectivity Ability to include up to one (1) promotional item in the Attendee Bag to be given to all attendees at registration Additional Partner Alliance attendees (2) Confidential and Proprietary Information 8 of 11 Do Not Disturb Door Signs Sponsorship Opportunity - $15,000 (1) SOLD: SEASTONE Silver level sponsor recognition - On the Partner Alliance website - In printed Partner Alliance attendee guide book - In all internal & external Partner Alliance media communications where sponsors are mentioned Sponsor recognition on the do not disturb door hanger provided to all attendees with guest rooms at the host hotel Ability to include up to one (1) promotional item in the Attendee Bag to be given to all attendees at registration Additional Partner Alliance attendees (1) Daily Meals Sponsorship Opportunity - $15,000 (5) (Monday Breakfast/Lunch, Tuesday Breakfast/Lunch, Wednesday Breakfast) 5 SOLD: DINE EQUITY; PAYPAL; AMERICAN EXPRESS; SONOCO DISPLAY & PACKAGING; ROCKTENN MERCHANDISING DISPLAYS Silver level sponsor recognition - On the Partner Alliance website - In printed Partner Alliance attendee guide book - In all internal & external Partner Alliance media communications where sponsors are mentioned Sponsor recognition on various items throughout the dining area Ability to include up to one (1) promotional item in the Attendee Bag to be given to all attendees at registration Additional Partner Alliance attendees (1) Evening Lobby Bar Sponsorship Opportunity - $15,000 (3) (Sunday, Monday, Tuesday) 3 SOLD: CAST; METROPOLITAN CARD SOLUTIONS; NETSPEND Silver level sponsor recognition - On the Partner Alliance website - In printed Partner Alliance attendee guide book - In all internal & external Partner Alliance media communications where sponsors are mentioned Sponsor recognition on various items throughout the bar area Ability to include up to one (1) promotional item in the Attendee Bag to be given to all attendees at registration Additional Partner Alliance attendees (1) Confidential and Proprietary Information 9 of 11 Daily Breaks Sponsorship Opportunity - $10,000 (5) (Monday AM/PM, Tuesday AM/PM, Wednesday AM) 5 SOLD: REGAL ENTERTAINMENT GROUP; IMAGINE PRINT SOLUTIONS; AMC THEATRES; GOOD2GO MOBILE; VISA Silver level sponsor recognition - On the Partner Alliance website - In printed Partner Alliance attendee guide book - In all internal & external Partner Alliance media communications where sponsors are mentioned Sponsor recognition on various items throughout the break area (i.e., area signage, table signage) Ability to include up to one (1) promotional item in the Attendee Bag to be given to all attendees at registration Additional Partner Alliance attendees (1) Room Drop Sponsorship Opportunity - $10,000 (3) (Sunday, Monday, Tuesday) 3 SOLD: DRIVE DISPLAY; DARDEN; RED POCKET MOBILE Silver level sponsor recognition - On the Partner Alliance website - In printed Partner Alliance attendee guide book - In all internal & external Partner Alliance media communications where sponsors are mentioned Ability to provide a sponsor provided room drop item delivered by hotel staff to all attendees with guest rooms at the host hotel Ability to include up to one (1) promotional item in the Attendee Bag to be given to all attendees at registration Additional Partner Alliance attendees (1) Networking Lounge Sponsorship Opportunity - $15,000 (4) 4 SOLD: MASTERCARD; ADVANTAGE SALES AND MARKETING; CROSSMARK, STORED VALUE SOLUTIONS (SVS) Silver level sponsor recognition - On the Partner Alliance website - In printed Partner Alliance attendee guide book - In all internal & external Partner Alliance media communications where sponsors are mentioned Sponsor recognition on various items throughout the party venue Ability to include up to one (1) promotional item in the Attendee Bag to be given to all attendees at registration Additional Partner Alliance attendees (1) Confidential and Proprietary Information 10 of 11 Sponsored Blog Post Sponsorship Opportunity (1) SOLD: TOBIN & REYES Silver level sponsor recognition On the Partner Alliance website In printed Partner Alliance attendee guide book In all internal & external Partner Alliance media communications where sponsors are mentioned One sponsored blog posted and subsequent social media shares Ability to include up to one (1) promotional item in the Attendee Bag to be given to all attendees at registration Confidential and Proprietary Information 11 of 11