Apprentice Protsahan Yojana (APY)
Apprentice Protsahan Yojana (APY)
L\- APPRENTICE PRO A, YOJANA (APY) Background: with the objective of reg ting the The Apprentices Act, 1961 was en programme of training of apprenti in the industry by utilizing the facilities job training. The Act makes it bligatory available therein for imparting onsignated for employers in specified industrie to engage apprentices in uth and trades to impart Apprenticeship Tra ing on the job in industry to il for person having National Trade issued by National C (NCVT) for the industry. skilled manpower to Vocational Training namely; trade apprentice, aduate, of app four categories There are technician and technician (vocati ) apprentices. Qualifications of trade riod of apprentices vary from class Vlll pa to Xll pass (1Q+2) system. training varies from 6 months to 4 At present there are 28,500 establ ments covered throughout Act, 1961 which is mi for trade apprentices under the App in the country. 2.11 compared to the number of establi apprentices are undergoing a apprenticeship seat. To bring under the Apprentices Act, 1961, ip training against 3. country te as trade lakhs youth various the Inter Planning interalia, to attract Act and by the ssed at iclr also quarters and these suggestions we Ministerial Group (lMG) comprising Commission, Power, MSME, HRD, recommended that since the rates youth, stipend paid by the estab having turn over less than Rs.100 Government also. Recomnnendati length in the meeting of Central supported the recommendation of I in his budget speech said that " economy of India, the performan (ATS) is not satisfactory and available in the industry are goin suitably amended to make it m will also encourage MSMEs to number of establishments were received deliberated in the meetings o presentatives from Railways, SDA, Defence & DGET. lMG, Stipend are being enhanced registered with MSME crore should be shared eq of IMG was subsequently, nticeship Council (CAC) Hon'ble Finance Minister, interalia the size and rate of of Apprenticeship Traini Scheme large number of training facilities u n util ized. Apprenticeship will be responsive to industry and ,WE of the benefits of this sche Based on the recommendation CAC, the scheme was Expenditure Finance Committee (E ) for its approval and EFC in approved the Scheme with modifications. The Scheme formulated on the recommendations of EFC. before rneeting s been B. Nature of Scheme: Central Sector Scheme. c. Objective of the Scheme: Sharing of 50% of prescribed stipen by the Government of Indiia for first two years of apprenticeship training for ,00,000 apprentices to be engaged by establishments covered under the ntices Act, 1961. D. Scope of the Scheme: This S<;heme will cover all categories of ap except the Graduilte, Technician and Technician (Vocational) a which are covered by the Scheme administered by Ministry of HRD. E. Duration of the Sc;heme: 1-10-2014 to 31-03-2017 F. Funds Allocated: Rs.346.00 crore. G. Target: To support training of 1,00,000 apprentices during the period o'f 12tn Five Year Plan by sharing 50 percent of the ntices ntices account of stipend paid to the apprentices, H. Eligible Employerc: Any establishment where trade, occupation subject field in engineering or technology is carried out in terms of the Appre Act 1961 as amended from time to time. The following additional conditi ns shall be fulfilled for being eligible under the Scheme: Keeping in view the recommendations of the Central Apprr iceship Council to permit apprentices within a band of 2.5oh to 10o/o o tht.'total strength of the establishment, the establishments eligib in the Scheme should have a strength of at least six. ii) Not more than two apprentices will be allowed in one esta ishment under this Scheme at a tirme. iii) Self-certificartion by the employer that the selected appren related to him and this self-certification will be displayed on is not portal. Eligible Apprentices: Anyone who is above 14 years of age and fills the requirements of the Apprentices Act, 1961 . J. lmplementing Agency: Each Flegional Directorate of Apprentices Training (RDAT) under the control of Directorate General of Employment & Training (DGE&T) will act ars an implementing agency in their region. K. Role of implementing agency: (i) Every RDAII- will be given target every year for training of ap entices in their region depending upon the number of establis in the region. In case any RDAT fails to achieve the given t remaining target will be distributed amongst achiever RDATS. (i i) Process orf obtaining applications: Each RDAT advertisement in the leading newspapers of their region q inviting applications frorn interested employers who have started the apprenticeship training not earlier than within two publishing of the advedisement and have registered apprenticeship with Statres/UTs. Advertisements should i eligibility criteria for selecting employers and details of could be run under the Scheme. Employers should be given t time for submission of applications. Besides this, other mea also be used for reaching out to the employers, Applications sought as per format at Annex-|. (iii) grve for already nths of tract of t,e the s rwhich rty days should ld be Scrutiny of applications;: Employers who have submitted ap iciltions should have been (a) registered under the Faclsle! Aq!, or ) shown in latest economic ce ically inspected by offi State/UT Frpprenticeship Advisor or RDAT in last Appllc6tions snofic-Girf"i rortinizeo in tne oro* ot f of the year. ce as sI* "g-.lgr,(l) (ll) (lll) (lV) Manufacturing sector- registered MSMEs Manufacturing sector- Other than MSMEs Other Sectors- registered MSMEs Other Sectors- Other than MSMEs List of designated trades in Manufacturing Sector and other Annex-lll. Classifir:ations have been done based on National rs is at ndustrial Classification (NlC) code. L. Sanctioning Authrority: The employers who are found eligible priority as indicate,d above within the target allotted to RDAT will iin the given of the sanction letter apprentice-wise confirming that they would get Scheme subject to fulfilling the guidelines of the Scheme. Regional Director, RDAT will be the sanctioning authority under the Scheme. M. Procedure for sherring the prescribed stipend: Rates of stipend per month aret 70o/o to 90% of the minimum wage of semiskilled workers and will be paidl from first year to third year, as carble in states. (i) ln the initial period of the Scheme up to 31" March, 2015, the yer will pay full rate of prt-'scribed stipend including his sh lo the apprentices every month through bank account of the appre ce which will be linked to the web portal. Therefore, for this p se, the Employers arre required to seek bank details from each app the start of training. The modalities for sharing of 50% of sti have been given in subsequent para of these guidelines. (ii) N. ce ai ndl paid After 1s'April, 2015, share of Government will be direcflv tra the bank's ar:count of the apprentice. Procedure for sharing the prescribed stipend during the initial the Scheme: (As mentioned in flhe para M(i). 1) Each employer has to submit reimbursement claims qua rly to respective FTDAT as per proforma at Annexe-ll. Emp while submitting reimbursement claims is required to send bank tement indicating thr: details of s;tipend paid to the apprentices in ir bank account linked to portal, copies of the attendance ets of apprentices. 2) 3) Claim clearance. One Relgional Committee at each RDAT of the Regional Director of RDAT, Director of Industries of e and representatives of apprentice training directorate of e coming underr the purvierar of the RDAI-will be set-up. The C will scrutinize the bills submitted by the employers every q approve bills for reimbursement. The committee should freq ensure that claims are decided within one month. Each RDAT will reimburse the payment to establishme account within 15 days from the date the Committee clears the o. ting State State and tly to s bank ills. Procedure for sharring the prerssd6s6 stipend after the initial the scheme: After 1't April, 2o1ai, the foilowing procedure shall be fo 1) Employer shall pay 50% of the prescribed stipend through account of the apprentice every month and send the attend apprentices to RDAT through portal. 2) After receivirrg the attendance of the apprentices and the payment of ti0% of stipend, RDAT will transfer the remaining the stipend amount in the bank account of the apprentice direcl should be cormpleted before 1Oth of the next month so that appr not to go in hardship. 3) bank of the of the 50o/o of . This tice is The cases of the apprentices receiving s0% of the stipend fro R,DAT in the manner indicated in (1) above, would be reviewed by' the Regional cormmittee as referred to in para N(2) of these idelines every six month based on the report of the visit of thb as referred tro in para e of the guidelines. P. Fund flow: At the start of every financial year, the funds will be tranr RDATs under DGEI&T for reimbursing the amount to establibhments covered under the Apprentices Act, 1961. The funds will be utilized exclur ively for payment of Government of India's share of monthly stipend to apl ntices under the Apprentices Act, 1961 , o. R. Monitoring of the establishments: Monitoring is done to Know wht r the employer is providing training to the apprentices as per curriqula aoor by Ncvr. Therefore, it is expected that each RDAT should ensure visit of establishments six monthly, In future taking into account the ir in number of establislrments and apprentices, accredited thir{ party would be hired for nronitoring the scheme. web portal : The web portal is being set up and it will have i as; details of number of seats located trade-wise in establishments. of establishments, bank accounts details of establishments ahd a they want to participate in the scheme, period of training, lrade of result of monitoring visits, tracking of apprentice after training Btc. such ddress ces if atntng, ure-lll List of desiqna A. Fitter 1. ;-roundryma 3. 11. 17. 19. 21. 23. 25. 4. # 7. o 15. 2. Sffi 5. 13. Manufacturinq Sector mi , ._vv vvvtcil.L,rl nv rv' qrvr LUUotnoIlVe and 20. Rail Cranes in Steel plant vFv,srvr rrrdsr rurnacrg lron Making Equipments ilnara*^ vlvv, qrvr \)il trst rlanl E:qulpment h ,r,vq,vsr \nEilalutory/ F'nnilng Textile lenter (Drawino SDee.d7trtr, #:--- 22, tr 37. Plastic wtoutO trrtafer =-----------ueramic Moulder---- e,ffi qffi 1@ i) r-ootwear Maker =--------uperator Material HanOlin )at RetW Materiol Henrlinn or. nt 'v ,\-,pelator uoKe ovens Ba er!/ Equipments =------r_lperator Steel --- Equipments 24. 30. 32. 34. rr _rv, qrvr vuilt tUeCnanlC (pOWef Plant) (Long Products) u()lrer-cum_Piecer mrde(rentet;;----.-----------i..- trtectflcian Aircraft I eLlr c ute Maker (preSs Tools, Jigs; & Fixture) rvrs(ir tanrc (Earth ro\ /er Hectrician 38. Mechanic naOio -JnO Aircraft # l_I,Yo, q nearl lreater ffi @e1iextiit Machinery) y rvrarntenance) 40. rvrsr.r rdntc Vtachine Maintenance 42. 44. Melting \rpEr cLur Koiltng MillS EqU lment 36. I ln6r^+^F n# - *re Mac;hinery) l\/lanho^i^ 47. 1A 26. 28. d^er (ute el vlould) 35. 41. 43. 45. 14. n# 31. 39 12. 18. 29. 33. 10. Ledther Gnndo tr l ^ r-^lMechanic InOuGtriat pr;nr;nr^" Oncref"r. F^^r rdr ruilnst cqutpment ffi ryrilcr/ 27. 6. 8. Turner /orrlng Radar Tool rvracntntst (Grinder) yvorKer 46. '.rpUcat ;:------uhrpra61g61 48. :--rvrcrrer (Steel) rilt Handltng EqUip Cum-Operator nent- @ 49. 51. 53 55. 57. 59. Instrument Mechanic Mechanic (Motor Vrehicle) 50. Draughtsman (Civil) Boiler Attendant Mechanic Mining Machinery 54. 58. Maintenance Mechanic for Leather 60. 52. 56. Machinery 61. Steam Turbine Cum Auxiliary Plant 63. 65. 67. 69. Operator Electroplater Motor Vehicle Body' Builder Fiber Reinforced Plastic Processor Sports Goods Makelr (Leather) 71. 73. 75. 77. 79. 81. 83. 85. Furnace Operator (Steel Industry) Mechanic Automobile (Advance Petrol Engine) Welder (Pipe and Pressure Vessels) Operator-cumProgrammer CNC Programmer c;um Operator Mechanic (HT, LT Equipments and Cable Jointing) Mechanic (Embedcled Systems and PLC) CAD-CAM Mechanic (Domes,tic, Commercial Refrigeration and Air Conditioning 62. 64. 66. 72. Attendant Operator (Di Short firer/Blaster (Min Plastic Process Operal Crane Operator (Over Industry) Operator (Steel Plant) 74. Mechanic Automobile 76. 78. Diesel Engine) Advance Mechanic (lnr trurnents) Jigs and Fixtures Make 68. 70. 80. 82. 84. 86. Mechanic (Cold storage, lce plant and lce candy plant) 88. irv) s) )r reerd Steel (l\dvance Operator PLC System Mechanic (Electrice Power Drives) Mechanic Power llectronics (lnverters, UPS & Mair tenance of Drives) (Centr Air conditioning Plant, Industrial cooling Pac Air conditioning) Mechanic (Non-cr rnventional Mechanic and Machines) 87. Mechanic Diesel Construction Miachinery Mechanic-0um-Opera )r Draughtsman(Mech,) Fitter Structural Mechanic (Agrriculture 4achinery) Insulator Maker/ lVlachine Operator (Ceramic) Electrician (Mines) rl age Power Generation, B rttelry and Inverter) 89. Mechanic (Repair {l Extrusion Machine Maintenance of in Electrical 90. Mourlding Machine 92. Blow Moulding Machinr Operator 93. Mechanic Repair and Maintenance of Electronics Test Equipment 94. Process Plant Operatot 95. Electrical Mechanic 96. Maintenance Mechanic Instruments used Operator (Plastic) Engineering) 91 Injection Operator @ Technician Fabricator Electronics Mecharric(Steel Plant) Instrument Mechanic(Steel Planl) Mechanic Electrical Maintenance (l ndustrial Automation) 98. 105 Mechanic Mechatronics 106 107 Utility Operator Material Handling Eiquipment-CnrOperator lnstrument Mechanic ( Chemical Plant) Steam Turbine Cunr Auxiliary Plant Operator Winder (Armature) Steel Melting Hand TIG/MlG Welder Advance Welder 108 97. 99, 101 1 , 03. 109 111 113 115 117 119 121 1 00. 102, 104. 110 112 114 116 118 120 122 Instrument Controller Electrician (Steel Plant Fitter (Steel Plant) Mechanic Maintenance Automation) Operator Advanced M Maintenance Pattern Maker Refrigeration and Air ( Mechanic Attendant Operator plant) Laboratory Assistant Plant) Carpenter Structural Welder Computer Aided Patter PLC Operator /lechanical (lndustrial chine Tool onditioning (C;hemical C;hemical l lVlaker @ G) B. 1 3. 5. 7. o Desiqnated trade in Other SectgI Lineman rtut I loet Driver-Cum-Fitter l1ur.u tvtecnantc ( tw0 wheeler/ Three Wheeler) 13. ldll()l (trenefal) uetdrntc uecorator tailor (tvtan) 15. Jewellery 11 and lrrecious VVEAVET 21. 31. Pruner Tea Gardensr tntormation Technology & Electronic System Maintenance ^uurvevor Line Operator Process Cameramarr Engraver 33. rvtare - (vilnes) 35. I Pipe Fitter Electronics Mechanic: 39. Hair Dresser 41. rvreunantc-cum_operaLtor Electronics Communication Systr:m 43. Mechanic Medical El,:ctronics 45. Lift Mechanic 47 Shirts and Trousers Maker 49. Auto Electrician 51. Plate Maker tlttfrograrphD 53. ClerURecepttonist Front Hotel 57. 59. 61. 63. 65. 67. Book Binder Painter Marine Tailor 0//omen) r:ilass Former and proc 1 ti. SS,0f (fld Age Care Taker -fyre Repairer Llectrician Mecnanic Watch And Cl lck, 18. 20 22 24. 26 32 irwtrcn Board Attendant ly9!9 neyboard Operatc F(etoucher Lithographic titrctar (Coiliery) 34, Apprentices Food 28. 30. I rocluction (General) 37. 55. 8. 14. Metal 17 27. 29. 6. 12. 19. 25. 4. 10, Worker \rirt qengf 23. Wireman Tractor Mechanic Upholsterer Mason (Building Constr rctor) 2. Office Assistant Designer and Master e utter Embroidery anO NeEtte Wo*er Stockman (Dairy) Beautician Hair and Skin Carer Fruit And Vegetable FTocessor Mechanic Auto Electnlnics 36. :;nrpwright fl//ood) 38, LiricK Layer ( Refractory) 40. L;able Jointer 42. j l\lechanic fetevrsiorr lVic eo) I 44. 46. 48. I Nlechanic Consumer Ele ;tronics Usrtd !aboratory Techn cian vrono Castor Operator n. u. sleward BaKer and Confectionery Apprenttce Food p oduction (\/egetarian) 5d UTCSS MAKCr 58, 0nlCUlture Assista nt PrJmp Operator Cum Mer nanic t trotographer Heatth and Slimming Ass stant tnamel Glazer 50. 60. 62. 64. 66. 68. f-l M@ ilng and @ Welding) 69. Quality Assurance Assistant 71. Chemical Laboratory Assistant 73. Mechanic (DTH and 70. 72. other Communication Sys;tem) Computer Networkirng Technician 75. Mechanic Radio, Audio, Video 77. 74. 76. 78. System and Appliarrces Mechanic (Electrical Dtomestic Appliances) Mechanic (Domestic, ( )onrmercial Refrigeration and Air C onditioning Machines) Fashion Designing Ass stant House Keeper (Hotel) Apprentice Food Production (Cookery) 79. Apprentice Food and Beverage 80. Multimedia 81. Service (Stewardship) Assistant Front Offir:e Manager 82. Computer and !\ ..b Page Designer 84. teripherals and Repair and Maintenance Mechanic Mechanic Automobile E lectronics 86. 88. Interior Decorator and Knitter (Hosiery) 90. Architectural Assistant 92. 94. Senior Sales Person (F Lacquering and Powd Operator House Keeper (Domesl House Keeper (Corporr Computer Aided Embr Needle Worker (Repait Maintenance of Two Wl Preparaton Management (Assistanl Screen Printing tOable Television Opera lSales Person (Retail) lN/echanic (Repair lNlaintenance of Light ve lDesk Top Publishing O1 Hardware Mechanic 83. Communication Equipment Mainteniance Sanitary Hardware l=itter Mechanic (Repair and Maintenance of Heavy vehicles) House Keeper-cum Accommodation Assistant Digital Photographer Mechanic Sewing Mlachine 85. 87. 89. 91. 93. 95. 97. 99. 101 . Battery Repairer Wood Handicrafts V/orker House Keeper (lnstitution) 96. Cabin/Room Attendant 102. 104. 98. 1 1 03. Building Maintenanc;e Technician 1 05. Creche Management Creel Boy-Cum-Warper Beautician Assistanl: Call Centre Assistarrt 107. 1 09. 111. 1 13, Data Preparation and 00. 1 06. 1 08, 1 10. 112. Computer 114. Mechanic Pre or I esrgner :tail) rr Coating c) te) ridery and and eeler) School 0r and ricles) erator Software 115. Operator Cum Mechanic pollution Control Equipment 1 16. lVlechanic Medical Equ pment for llospitals Oc :upational and @ I -4' 117. 11.9. 121. 123. 125. 127. Assistant --Tash )n (Garment ) uuse R€€per (Hosr ital orenograpner (Engli h) f torist and Lanrt" 3r 131. it rvrsutuat rvteqtcat Techni )lan 28. ' 30. ,_.vtctJy F\SSlsIant 32. rrugrarnmtng 135. Administration Assisr: rt .v. uurr.ure tr uaotnet IV rkef I MAEA :e Ma ragement G6or rtory (Radiotogy) Laboratol Techni :ian (Cardiology and phvs ofogy) Ar Hospitat-War Assistant laDOfatOl and ffi t26. 133. 137. 118. InsuranceTGnt (Pathotogy) 129. Heafth Centre uomputer Operak Prooramm ssistant stant 122. I Heattn5anitan Inspectr r 124. Tourist GuidE Des 9ner Sysk Tls 1 1 echnician Brew Master ^uvanceo (Frocess) Att( ndant 34. L/trser Machine I inder ]6. p8. P4inter (General uurlflg and Operator S ewing OperatoT Vlachine tl (29
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