teknik dalam penerjemahan lisan simultan di konferensi tingkat
teknik dalam penerjemahan lisan simultan di konferensi tingkat
THESIS TECHNIQUES APPLIED IN SIMULTANEOUS INTERPRETING AT THE 2013 APEC SUMMIT CONFERENCE DEWA KETUT SUDIARTA WIGUNA POSTGRADUATE PROGRAM UDAYANA UNIVERSITY DENPASAR 2014 THESIS TECHNIQUES APPLIED IN SIMULTANEOUS INTERPRETING AT THE 2013 APEC SUMMIT CONFERENCE DEWA KETUT SUDIARTA WIGUNA NIM 1290161038 MASTER PROGRAM LINGUISTICS PROGRAM IN TRANSLATION STUDIES POSTGRADUATE PROGRAM UDAYANA UNIVERSITY DENPASAR 2014 TECHNIQUES APPLIED IN SIMULTANEOUS INTERPRETING AT THE 2013 APEC SUMMIT CONFERENCE Thesis to obtain a Master Degree in Master Program, Linguistics Program in Translation Studies, Postgraduate Program Udayana University DEWA KETUT SUDIARTA WIGUNA NIM 1290161038 MASTER PROGRAM LINGUISTICS PROGRAM IN TRANSLATION STUDIES POSTGRADUATE PROGRAM UDAYANA UNIVERSITY DENPASAR 2014 ii APPROVAL SHEET THIS THESIS HAS BEEN APPROVED ON DECEMBER 9TH, 2014 Supervisor I, Supervisor II, Prof. Drs. I Made Suastra, Ph. D. NIP 195412241983031001 Dr. Ida Ayu Made Puspani, M. Hum. NIP 196209161987022001 Approved by Head of Master Program in Lingustics Postgraduate Program Udayana University, Director Postgraduate Program Udayana University, Prof. Dr. I Nyoman Suparwa, M.Hum. Prof. Dr. dr. A.A Raka Sudewi, Sp.S.(K). NIP 196203101985031005 NIP 195902151985102001 iii EXAMINERS BOARD SHEET This Thesis has been examined on December 9th, 2014 Examiners Committee Based on the Decree of Rector of Udayana University No: 4407/UN 14.4/HK/2014 on November 26th, 2014 Chairman : Prof. Drs. I Made Suastra, Ph. D. Members : 1. Dr. Ida Ayu Made Puspani, M. Hum. 2. Prof. Dr. Ida Bagus Putra Yadnya, MA. 3. Dr. I Nyoman Sedeng, M.Hum. 4. Drs. I Nyoman Udayana, M.Litt, Ph.D. iv emE111uge .reseduog ,,I 0Z requeseq 6 -n{Blreq Etred tru8uaptmred uemf" uBp 0I0Z uru{BJ l,I 'ON srseuopuJ )Illqndsa s?Iqlpuel Brpesraq edus aleur .1uI r1a1trrtr l uempred 1e Eu4ardrelq snoau4lnurg rBr,Ses rs{rrBs Brrrueueur edrel urulap ppe$ pduprel 1ppqral rrarl rrerpnue{rp ellqedy .ppe1d seqeq rur edes slsal qsFrp acuereJuoc }rtuums etp q efrq u^tr1uq uelep{ue;41 Jadv EIoz pegddy senbruucel slseJ Inpnf euefupn ss]lsre mn ?uBkBsecsu6 uur8or4 'uequuelrauad rsuquesuoy lusrnEur.l (ZS) relsrEu;41 fpqs uerEor4 ?TIIUN rnn8r6 sgspns n1o) ? \eO I^[IN 8e0r9r06zl :nn TIEitlBq Ip tru8ue1 ?pusueq Eue{ e.(ug JYI9yIr symf, NyTMNUfl d IYUnS ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS First of all I would like to express gratitude to Ida Sang Hyang Widhi Wasa, the Almighty God with the blessing and through hard work, strong efforts with help and support from family, friends, lecturers, and others to complete this thesis entitled “Techniques Applied in Simultaneous Interpreting at the 2013 APEC Summit Conference”. Therefore, I would like to give special gratitude to Prof. Drs. I Made Suastra, Ph.D, as the first supervisor and Dr. Ida Ayu Made Puspani, M.Hum, as the second supervisor who have given academic guidance, advice, attention, and support to complete this thesis. I also would like to thank to the Rector of Udayana University, Director of Postgraduate Program, Assistants Director and Staff Members of the Postgraduate Study Udayana University; the Head of Linguistics Program, Secretary of Linguistics Program, and Staff of the Linguistics Program for the opportunity and assistants given to me and all lecturers who were involved in teaching process and giving guidance in completing this thesis. A special gratitude is also given to the Board of Examiners for their valuable support and input, Prof. Dr. Ida Bagus Putra Yadnya, MA, Dr. I Nyoman Sedeng, M.Hum, and Drs. I Nyoman Udayana, M.Litt, Ph.D. I also would like to thank to Mr. Ahmed Kurnia, the Editor in-Chief of the 2013 APEC Summit Conference at the Directorate General of Public Communications and Information, Ministry of Communications and Informatics vi of the Republic of Indonesia for facilitating and giving me a permit in collecting the research data. The special thank is dedicated to my beloved family; My Mom and Dad as well as my older sisters for their supports, love, and spirit in finishing this study and to all my friends in Linguistics Master Program in Translation Study whose names cannot be mentioned one by one for their supports. Finally, I hope this thesis will always be beneficial especially to the translation studies. Ida Sang Hyang Widhi Wasa, the Almighty God bless all the people who help in completing this thesis. Denpasar, December 9th, 2014 Dewa Ketut Sudiarta Wiguna vii ABSTRACT TECHNIQUES APPLIED IN SIMULTANEOUS INTERPRETING AT 2013 APEC SUMMIT CONFERENCE This research is a research on interpreting which analyze various techniques applied in simultaneous mode on the press conference at the 2013 Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Summit Conference. The study of the interpreting is focused on the interpreting product in two languages from Indonesian into English and vice-versa. The analysis is intended to identify the techniques applied in simultaneous interpreting and the shift in interpreting. The methodology of this study is field research through non-participative observation by observing the process of simultaneous interpreting involving the speaker, journalists and interpreter and recorded them by audio digital recorder followed by a note taking technique. The recording data are transcribed into written texts. This study is based on number of theories; the theory of simultaneous interpreting proposed by Jones (1998) and the translation theory related to the shift proposed by Catford (1965). The use of the theory of translation is still related to this research due to the type of the data analyzed and its complexity. The techniques applied in simultaneous interpreting consists of ten techniques; reformulation, efficiency, simplification, technique applied if the interpreter makes mistake, technique applied if the speaker makes mistake, avoids rendering joke or saying (interpreter does not interpret joke or saying which untranslatable and translatable with more polite rendition), anticipation, explanation, omission, and summarizing (addition). Relevant scenarios were also concerned such as time to start speaking, the salami technique (slicing up the rendition), and scenarios when telling the numbers, all combine with intonation, stressing and pauses. Due to different language system both in Indonesian language and English and vice versa, interpreter applied shifts; level shift, and category shift such as structure shift, unit shift, class shift and intra-system shift. Keywords: interpreting, simultaneous, conference and technique. viii ABSTRAK TEKNIK DALAM PENERJEMAHAN LISAN SIMULTAN DI KONFERENSI TINGKAT TINGGI APEC 2013 Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian penerjemahan lisan yang menganalisa sejumlah teknik yang dilakukan pada modus simultan dalam jumpa pers di Konferensi Tingkat Tinggi Kerja Sama Ekonomi Negara-Negara Asia Pasifik (APEC) Tahun 2013. Kajian dalam penelitian ini terfokus pada produk penerjemahan lisan dalam dua bahasa yakni bahasa Indonesia ke bahasa Inggris dan sebaliknya. Analisis penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi teknik yang dilakukan pada modus penerjemahan lisan simultan dan pergeseran dalam penerjemahan lisan. Metodologi penelitian ini adalah penelitian lapangan melalui observasi/menyimak tanpa partisipasi pada penerjemahan lisan simultan yang melibatkan pembicara, wartawan dan penerjemah yang direkam dengan perekam audio digital serta diikuti dengan teknik mencatat. Data audio yang telah direkam kemudian ditranskripsi menjadi teks tulis. Kajian ini berdasarkan atas beberapa teori di antaranya teori penerjemahan lisan simultan oleh Jones (1998) dan teori pergeseran tataran kalimat oleh Catford (1965). Penggunaan teori penerjemahan secara umum masih berkaitan dalam kajian ini mengingat tipe data dan kompleksitas penerjemahan lisan. Teknik yang diterapkan penerjemah dalam modus simultan tersebut terbagi menjadi sepuluh teknik yakni reformulasi, efisiensi, penyederhanaan, penerapan teknik apabila kesalahan penerjemah, penerapan teknik apabila pembicara melakukan kesalahan, menghindari menerjemahkan untuk keadaan tertentu (lelucon dan kata kiasan baik yang tidak bisa diterjemahkan maupun bisa diterjemahkan dengan cara yang lebih sopan), antisipasi, penjelasan, pengurangan dan penambahan. Beberapa skenario relevan juga menjadi perhatian yakni terkait waktu memulai penerjemahan lisan, teknik “salami” (membagi-bagi ujaran), termasuk menerjemahkan angka dan intonasi, seperti penekanan serta jeda singkat. Mengingat perbedaan dua sistem bahasa Indonesia dan bahasa Inggris, penerjemah mengaplikasikan pergeseran yakni pergeseran pada tataran level kalimat ujaran dan pergeseran kategori yakni pergeseran struktur, pergeseran unit dan pergeseran kelas kata. Kata kunci: penerjemahan lisan, simultan, konferensi dan teknik ix TABLE OF CONTENTS COVER ............................................................................................................ TITLE PREREQUISITE.................................................................................. APPROVAL SHEET ...................................................................................... EXAMINER BOARD SHEET ........................................................................ LETTER OF FREE FROM PLAGIARISM .................................................... ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ............................................................................. ABSTRACT..................................................................................................... ABSTRAK ....................................................................................................... TABLE OF CONTENTS................................................................................. LIST OF SYMBOLS ....................................................................................... LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS .......................................................................... Page i ii iii iv v vi viii ix x xii xiii CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION ..................................................................... 1.1 Background of the Study ........................................................................ 1.2 Problems of the Study............................................................................. 1.3 Aims of the Study ................................................................................... 1.3.1 General Aim ........................................................................................ 1.3.2 Specific Aims ...................................................................................... 1.4 Significance of the Study........................................................................ 1.5 Scope of the Study ................................................................................. 1 5 5 5 5 6 6 7 CHAPTER II LITERATURE RIVIEW, CONCEPTS, THEORITICAL FRAMEWORK AND RESEARCH MODEL ................................ 2.1 Literature Review ................................................................................... 2.2 Concept .................................................................................................. 2.2.1 Simultaneous Interpreting .................................................................... 2.2.2 Media Interpreting................................................................................. 2.2.3 Interpreter’s Competence ...................................................................... 2.2.4 Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) ....................................... 2.3 Theoretical Framework .......................................................................... 2.3.1 Interpreting ........................................................................................... 2.3.2 Techniques of Simultaneous Interpreting ............................................ 2.3.3 Interpreting Shift .................................................................................. 2.4 Research Model ...................................................................................... 8 8 12 12 13 14 16 17 18 23 32 37 CHAPTER III RESEARCH METHOD 3.1 Research Approach................................................................................. 3.2 Research Location .................................................................................. 3.3 Data Source ............................................................................................ 3.4 Research Instrument .............................................................................. 3.5 Method and Technique of Collecting Data............................................. 3.6 Method and Technique of Analyzing Data............................................. 3.7 Method and Technique of Presenting the Data Analysis ....................... 39 39 39 40 40 41 41 x CHAPTER IV THE ANALYSIS OF TECHNIQUES APPLIED IN SIMULTANEOUS INTERPRETING AT THE 2013 APEC SUMMIT CONFERENCE…………………………………………………… 43 4.1 Analysis of the Techniques Applied in Simultaneous Interpreting ....... 44 4.1.1 Reformulation ...................................................................................... 44 4.1.2 Efficiency in Reformulation ................................................................ 54 4.1.3 Simplification ...................................................................................... 57 4.1.4 Omission .............................................................................................. 62 4.1.5 Summarizing ........................................................................................ 71 4.1.6 Technique Applied if the Interpreter Makes Mistake .......................... 75 4.1.7 Technique Applied if the Speaker Makes Mistake .............................. 81 4.1.8 Avoiding Rendering Joke or Saying .................................................... 83 4.1.9 Explanation .......................................................................................... 86 4.1.10 Anticipation ......................................................................................... 89 4.2 Interpreting Shift .................................................................................... 91 4.2.1 Level Shift............................................................................................ 92 4.2.2 Category Shift ..................................................................................... 94 Structure Shift ................................................................................... 94 Class Shift ......................................................................................... 96 Unit Shift ........................................................................................... 98 Intra-System Shift ............................................................................. 100 CHAPTER V CONCLUSIONS AND SUGGESTIONS ................................ 5.1 Conclusions ............................................................................................ 5.2 Suggestions ............................................................................................. 102 102 104 BIBLIOGRAPHY ............................................................................................ 105 APPENDIXES ................................................................................................. 1. Corpus data ......................................................................................... 2. Interpreter’s Biodata............................................................................. 3. Letter of Research Permit .................................................................... 110 110 136 137 xi xii LIST OF SYMBOLS / : rising tone \ : falling tone (4) : pauses for 4 seconds Edwards (1993:8-9) e::: : long vowel xxx : inaudible passage Wadensjö (1998:102) xii LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS S : Subject P : Predicate A : Adverb SL : Source Language TL : Target Language APEC : Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation xiii 1 CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background of the Study Language is one of the most important carriers of information during a person’s socialization and maturation process; a great deal of our practical, historical, cultural, and social knowledge is acquired by means of language Malmkjær (2005:42). On the interaction of a person’s socialization, human beings use spoken language to others to express their ideas in the form of utterances. Those utterances can be expressed in a written text which is considered more complete with symbol or sign to understand each other in a community. It is also used as a means of communication with another community of a different nationality which uses different languages apart from being a tool of communication in a community with the same language. Take, for instance, people in Indonesia recognize the only Indonesian language as their national language, while English is used in several countries as their national language such as in United Kingdom, Australia, and the United States of America. People in China use Mandarin or in Japan use Japanese language and other countries also use different languages. In this globalization era along with the development of modern technology, there is almost no barrier for humans to have social interactions. However, in such a kind of interaction, when a communication happens between two or more than two persons who are involved in a situation and both have different language 2 backgrounds, interpreting is conducted to avoid the barrier if they do not understand each other’s language. In order to bridge the conversation between those participants, an interpreter is needed to facilitate those having difficulties to understand different languages in communication. The existence of an interpreter becomes important to help people to interact in communication with different languages. Pöchhacker (2004:2) states that the basic principle of interpreting is the time of rendition which is performed ‘here and now’ for the people who want to be engaged in the communication across barriers of language and culture. It means that interpreting is carried out immediately after the utterances delivered by the speaker. Then, the interpreter conveys the message to the hearer in only a few seconds. It is different from the written translation which is not conveyed directly but in certain time and the translator still has time to take dictionaries in doing a translation. That is why the interpreter (she or he) should be able to transfer messages of the uttered language into target language based on his/her knowledge and competencies. Seleskovitch (1989) stresses that to have those competencies; the interpreter should master several things such as their native and foreign languages, a good knowledge of discussion, and thorough training in the skills of interpreting. It is a must for the interpreter to have knowledge of cultures of two languages besides having a skill in understanding both the source and target languages. 3 The activity of interpreting is largely designed to make foreign language accessible to another language’s speaker where many people from different backgrounds gather in a community such as in an international conference. Mikkelson (2006:3) explains that interpreting in conference environment involves multinational participants who need an interpreter to make the communication easier for them having difficulties in understanding different languages. One of the international conferences held in Bali is the 2013 Asia Pasific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Summit. The discussion in the conference brought particular issues to be discussed which attracted various civil societies and participants including mass media from around the world to cover the event and report it to the public nationally and internationally. The participants including the journalists from different mass media need interpreters especially for foreign media who covered the event and made an interview with the speaker in press conference if it used Indonesian language. If the main spoken language in a conference uses English, it will be facilitated by an interpreter to deliver the message into Indonesian language to the Indonesian broadcasting media who may have difficulties in understanding English. Mikkelson (2006:3) states that interpreting for mass media is one of the settings of interpreting performed at a press conference, publicity appearances, and interviews as well as on films, video, video conferences, and television or radio programs. The importance of an interpreter for mass media also comes from Pöchhacker (2004:7) who describes that media interpreting appears as the solution that can be 4 easily accessible to the broadcasting media since spoken language for media interpreting is often from English, which usually involves personalities and content from the international sphere. It is essentially designed to make a foreignlanguage broadcasting content accessible to media users within the socio-cultural community. The interpreter may use some modes in their performances in conducting interpreting. Simultaneous interpreting is one of the modes of interpreting which is used in a conference setting. According to Setton (1999:1), simultaneous interpreting has become the standard medium of multinational communication in international organizations. In practicing simultaneous interpreting, it is done almost at the same time as transferring the message of the source language to the target language. The success of communication in that situation between the source speaker and the broadcasting media or journalists (hearer) depends on the interpretation from the interpreter. Therefore, the interpreter in this case must apply technique in rendering interpreting. The research on interpreting conducted in simultaneous interpreting especially performs at press conference for mass media is still rarely done on a scientific research. Therefore, it makes the researcher interested in conducting a study on the technique used for interpreting at a conference. In this study, the research is focused on the product of interpretation in simultaneous interpreting from the source language (English) to the target language (Indonesian) or vice versa mediated by an interpreter in press conference or interview session at 2013 5 APEC Summit Conference which involved mass media with English and Indonesian language as their backgrounds. 1.2 Problems of the Study As has been aforementioned in the background of the study, the research is focused on the target language delivered from the source language. Related to that, the research questions are constructed to give scientific answers; the research questions are as follows: 1. What techniques are applied by the interpreter in simultaneous interpreting at the 2013 APEC Summit Conference? 2. What types of shift are taking place in interpreting conducted by the interpreter in simultaneous mode at the 2013 APEC Summit Conference? 1.3 Aims of the Study A scientific study is carried out in order to figure out the scientific solution of the research problem so that a scientific explanation can be proposed for the sake of establishing worth of the results. It is intended to give contribution to the development of the research. The aim of the study can be divided into two; they are general and specific aims. 1.3.1 General Aim Generally, the aims of this research are to find out the techniques of interpreting especially conducted in simultaneous mode and to identify the differences of two language systems used in interpreting at the 2013 APEC 6 Summit both in English as the source language and Indonesian language as the target language and vice versa. 1.3.2 Specific Aims The specific aims are to answer the research questions that previously mentioned, including: 1. to analyze the technique applied by the interpreter in simultaneous interpreting at 2013 APEC Summit Conference. 2. to find out types of shift taking place in interpreting conducted by the interpreter in simultaneous interpreting at 2013 APEC Summit Conference. 1.4 Significance of the Study Every research is worth carrying out because it always has a significant contribution to the field of the study. The findings for the present study are expected to contribute to both theoretical and practical benefits particularly in developing the field study that improves competence and knowledge in interpreting both for the beginner and experienced interpreter. It is hoped that the best practices they have could be useful in conducting the interpreting practice. Theoretically, the result of this study is expected to support the theory of interpreting particularly in the mode of simultaneous. In other words, the finding of this study is also hoped to add the previous studies, related to the skills and competences especially how to improve and elevate interpreting knowledge particularly for interpreting at simultaneous mode. The results are also further 7 expected to be used as a reference for other students and researchers, especially for those who conduct similar research with different topics and issues. Practically, the result of this study hopefully provides a significant assistance in the field of interpreting for the future. The findings can be used as additional knowledge about interpreting practices especially in the field of conference interpreting. This study is also expected as a consideration and ideas for those who want to be an interpreter especially in a conference setting. 1.5 Scope of the Study This study is limited to analyze the product of interpreting in press conferences for mass media in simultaneous mode at the 2013 APEC Summit Conference. This research analyzed the technique of simultaneous interpreting applied by the interpreter in rendering the rendition from source language to target language in two languages from Indonesia into English and vice versa. The study also discussed the types of shift taking place in simultaneous interpreting. 8 CHAPTER II LITERATURE REVIEW, CONCEPT, THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK, AND RESEARCH MODEL 2.1 Literature Review Some relevant articles, journals, or thesis were reviewed which were related to the object of the research. Mikkelson (2006) in her thesis entitled “Interpreting is interpreting-Or is it?”; she analyzes different modes and types of interpreting; simultaneous, whispered, consecutive, escort, conference, community, court, media, medical, educational, and over the phone interpreting. She stated that an interpreter should perform the same service and should meet the same standard of competence. The disparity in working conditions and status is not the nature of the interpreting itself, but external factors that affect the market in which the interpreter renders his/her services. Here, she stresses that what is good for a good interpreting is determined by quality of the interpreter identified by various author descriptions of the ideal interpreter such as language skill, listening and recall, interpersonal skill, behavior, speaking, cultural knowledge, and subject knowledge. Her article gives contribution to this study as it becomes one of the theoretical sources to support this research. However, her paper does not discuss the practice of interpreting, for example, the technique applied by the interpreter particularly for mass media in simultaneous interpreting which makes it different from this study. 9 Al-Zahran (2007) in his dissertation entitled “The Consecutive Conference Interpreter as Intercultural Mediator: a Cognitive-Pragmatic Approach to the Interpreter’s Role” specifically stresses the procedures applied by the interpreter in consecutive interpreting at conference as the intercultural mediator. His dissertation proves that the consecutive interpreter in conference plays an important role in the extent to which intercultural mediation is needed. Results also shed that the use of cultural mediation procedures and the role of interpreters’ professional status, experience and language direction on their ability/willingness to perform intercultural mediation. He expresses the role of interpreter; it is in conflict with very well-established concepts and principles associated with translation/interpreting such as faithfulness, accuracy, neutrality or accessibility. This is important for us to determine the right interpretation in terms of cultural terms without being stuck on the wrong position. Even though both studies discussed the same field of interpreting practice conducted in a conference setting, his research is still different from the present study. One of the problems of this study is the technique of interpreting applied in simultanoeus interpreting, while his study was focused generally on conference interpreting. Al-Zahran’s research still gives contribution to the analyses of the technique of simultaneous interpreting performed by the interpreter in conducting interpreting for mass media at the 2013 APEC Summit Conference. Budiartana (2007) in his thesis entitled “The Process of Interpreting Performed by the Tour Guides at Sukawati Art Market”, analyzes the process of 10 interpreting done by the tour guides at a traditional art market. He states that interpreting done by the tour guide belongs to a liaison interpreting who mediates the communication process between the buyers and sellers; meanwhile the setting is conducted in a community setting. His research only gives description on how the escort interpreting conducted by the tour guide also plays a role as an interpreter. Even though both studies at the same stage on interpreting, however, this study still has a differentiation in the product of interpreting performed in a press conference at the international conference. Budiartana’s research gives contribution to the analysis and evaluation of the process of interpreting in a traditional art market which is familiar to our daily life or out of formal context, performed by the tour guide. This study shows relevance about the mode of interpreting, in terms of the use of liaison interpreting. Puspani (2010), in her dissertation entitled “Penerjemahan Lisan di PN Denpasar”, describes the process and product of interpreting performed by the interpreter at Denpasar Court. Her research brings a wide knowledge of interpreting in a court with a variety of problems as its discussion started from the modes of interpreting, translation strategies, factors that underlie the application of the strategies, to the impact of the application of those strategies on the quality of interpreting. Her study also discusses the process of interpreting in the court to give a justification of how the relevant theory implemented in interpreting on an oral text communication in terms of law in court proceeding. The role of the interpreter here is only as a co-participant in the interaction at court proceeding. 11 Her dissertation is similar to the present study; both take places in the community setting, however, the difference is that her study explored the process and product of interpreting in a court setting, while this study is about the technique of simultaneous interpreting for mass media especially at the 2013 APEC Summit Conference. Even though there is a difference in terms of the setting on interpreting, her study can be a reference to the next research with the same issues about interpreting and gives great contribution since this study also discusses the technique of interpreting particularly in the mode of simultaneous. Lahallo (2011) in her thesis “The Interpreting Process at Bali Gospel Festival” explores the process of interpreting performed by an interpreter at Gospel Festival. She states that generally the process of interpreting conducted at gospel festival belonged to the consecutive mode while the setting was in formal situation or similar to the community interpreting. In her study, the interpreter is an Indonesian priest who renders the rendition from source language to the target language in two languages; Indonesian and English. It is done during the sermon service using English as the main language in a one way of communication to the hearer or the prayers in a church. The discussions in her study are stressed on the mode of interpreting applied by the priest who act as the interpreter and the procedures used in transferring the rendition based on the procedures of translation. Her study did not present about the skills of interpreter that must be owned in rendering the rendition. She only stressed consecutive interpreting as the general mode used by the interpreter performed by the Indonesian priest in a church. 12 Meanwhile this study discussed on simultaneous mode applied in a conference setting with a description of the shift taking place in interpreting. Even though her research conducted is also on interpreting, however, the coverage of this study is in the conference particularly in a press conference for mass media in simultaneous mode. 2.2 Concept There are some concepts which need to be explained in relation to this study, i.e. the concept of simultaneous interpreting, media interpreting, interpreter’s competence and a glimpse of Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC). Those concepts used in this research can be seen as follows; 2.2.1 Simultaneous Interpreting Some experts propose the concept of interpreting. Gile (1998:40) states that interpreting is the oral translation of oral discourse, as opposed to the oral translation of written text. In line with that, Pöchhacker (2004:3) argues that interpreting is a form of translation in which first and final rendition in another language is produced on the basis of a one-time presentation of an utterance in a source language. It is performed here and now for the benefit of the people who want to engage in communication. It is related to the practice of interpreting in simultaneous mode which is done at the same time in rendering the rendition with limitation of time and there is no time for note-taking. Pöchhacker (2004) explains that simultaneous interpreting is done as the source language which is being 13 presented by the first speaker. This means that the interpreter has to render the rendition immediately without time to have a correction in the TL. Seleskovitch (1978:125) states that a simultaneous interpreter speaks almost at the same time as the speaker and renders the message bit by bit in delivering the rendition while analyzing and assimilating the next idea. Related to that, in conference setting, the interpreter must be able to work with the mode of simultaneous interpreting as one of the mode of interpreting. Setton (1999:1) states that simultaneous interpretation is a service which allows participants at international meetings to speak and follow proceedings in their own languages is widely viewed as a particularly impressive form of rapid and instant translation. Simultaneous mode has become the standard medium of multilingual communication in international organizations both intergovernmental and private. Mikkelson (2006) also states that simultaneous interpreting is providing the target language message at roughly the same time as the source language message is being produced. 2.2.2 Media Interpreting Media interpreting is one of the settings of interpreting which is specialized to conduct for mass media in a certain event such as taking place at a conference. According to Pöchhacker (2004:7), media interpreting is considered a type of interpreting whose linkage to the intra-social sphere is essentially designed to make foreign language broadcasting content accessible to media users within the socio-cultural community. Since spoken language media interpreting is often from English, it usually involves personalities and contents from the international 14 sphere and media interpreting appears as rather a hybrid from on the intra social continuum. Mikkelson (2006:3) explains that the application of interpreting for mass media is conducted in several events such as performed at press conferences, publicity appearances, and interviews, as well as films, videos, videoconferences, and television and radio programs. Related to this study, interpreting for mass media in a conference setting is mainly focused on the press conference event at the 2013 APEC Summit Conference. Based on the definition above, media interpreting is related to this study that focuses on analyzing the interpreting product from source language to target language in press conference activity performed by the interpreter at the 2013 APEC Summit Conference. 2.2.3 Interpreter’s Competence In conducting an interpreting, the interpreter must listen carefully to the utterance delivered by the speaker and then transfer the meaning from the source language to the target language and the audience (hearer). It means that he or she should have a good listening and speaking skill. The skill or competence owned by the interpreter is a means to perform techniques of interpreting. Those competencies also show the professionalism of a practitioner in a work field. Wadensjö (1998:55) states that the interpreter needs educational programmes to improve interpreting accuracy. The training includes working knowledge of terminology in the language combinations in question and of procedures and 15 particularities relating to the areas in which the candidate interpreters aim to work (health care, social, and legal services and so forth). Interpretation classes may involve language laboratory work, roletion, written translation in note-taking techniques applied also in the teaching of conference interpreters. Gentile, et al (1996:65) mentions several competences that need to be owned by the interpreter. Those competencies are language competence, cultural competence, interpreting technique competence, memory skill, and professional competence. Language is the main component of the core skills of an interpreter that at least must have a command of two languages. Even though Gentile et al. (1996) stresses on the liaison interpreting, this competence is relevant for all settings of interpreting. Seleskovitch (1978:72) states that knowledge of several languages is generally the only quality that an interpreter is credited with and if the interpreter is occasionally admired for anything, it is for the interpreter’s multilungualism. Seleskovitch (1989:85) further adds that it is a prerequisite for the interpreter to have a competence in at least two and if possible severeal languages. She stressed that the interpreter should be competent in mastering both foreign and native languages. Cultural competence is related to extra-linguistic knowledge of respective speakers, sosial convention, institutional pracises, taboos, anthropologically and historically relevant elements of cultures. The interpreter also needs to have competencies in implementing techniques such as ommisions, voice production and modulation to make interpretation audible, clear and unambiguous. 16 Gentile et al (1996) also explains that the interpreter should have memory skill due to the fact that it is difficult to attribute breakdowns in interpreting performance to the problems of memory. The interpreter must have a professional competence including ability to make independent judgements in terms of the linguistic, ethical, socio-cultural and affective issue which arises in an interpreted situation and in relation with colleagues and other professional groups. Related to the professional competence, Pöchhacker (2004:166) mentions two approaches which make up an interpreter’s professional competence such as personel qualities and abilities and also special skills and expertise. Those qualities include cognitive abilities such as intelligence, intuition, memory as well as moral and affective qualities such as tact, discretion, and alertness. Weber (1984:6) also mentions that an interpreter should have a high degree of intelegence and language fluency. He mentions that some contents have such an ability to abstract and paraphrase, react, memorize, poise and present, voice, understand and to be fluent in the foreign language and quality of native language. 2.2.4 Asia-Pasific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Asia-Pasific Economic Cooperation or APEC is the premier forum for facilitating economic growth, cooperation, trade and investment in the AsiaPasific region. APEC is the only inter-governmental grouping in the world operating on the basis of non-binding commitments, open dialogue and equal respect for the views of all participants. APEC has 21 members-referred to as 17 “member economies” which account for approximately 40 percent of the world’s population, approxiamtely 54 percent of the world Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and about 44 percent of world trade. APEC’s 21 Member Economies are Australia, Brunei Darussalam, Canada, Chile, People’s Republic of China, Hong Kong China, Indonesia, Japan, Republic of Korea, Malaysia, Mexico, New Zealand, Papua New Guinea, Peru, the Republic of the Philippines, the Russian Federation, Singapore, Chinese Taipei, Thailand, the United States of America, and Viet Nam. APEC was established in 1989 to further enchance economic growth and prosperity for the region and to strengthen the Asia-Pasific community. In 2013, Indonesia hosted for the second time of the APEC Summit Conference held in Nusa Dua, Bali. (APEC Secretariat, 2014). 2.3 Theoretical Framework Theoretical framework gives descriptions of the theories used in this study to support the research. Those theories are the theories of interpreting which study the mode of interpreting including the characteristic of simultaneous interpreting, technique of simultaneous interpreting and interpreting shift. The data in this study were analyzed based on a number of theories and concepts due to the complexity of interpreting field which involves more than two people in one interaction especially in simultaneous interpreting performed in the press conference at the 2013 APEC Summit Conference. 18 2.3.1 Interpreting According to Pöchhacker (2004:1), interpreting is regarded as translational activity, as a special form of translation. It is an ancient human practice which clearly predates the invention of writing and written translation. The person who explaining what is obscure is called ‘interpreter’ which is derived from Latin interpres. Wandesjö (1998:152) explains that interpreter mediated interaction order; to engage in spoken interaction means to coordinate one’s talk with someone else’s and as a rule to be alive to others’ listening and speaking. Pöchhacker (2004) furthermore divides four modes of interpreting, they are; simultaneous, consecutive, whispered, and relay interpreting. He states that simultaneous interpreting is done as the source language which is being presented by the first speaker. Consecutive interpreting is done after the source language utterance uttered by the first speaker. Whispered interpreting is conducted with the interpreter who works right next to one or no more couple of listeners which he or she provide a rendition by whispering which is in fact done not by whispering but speaking in a low voice. Meanwhile relay interpreting is an indirect interpreting via a third language which links up the performance of two or more interpreters, with one interpreter’s output serving as the source for another. From those four modes of interpreting, in this study, the mode of simultaneous interpreting is more elaborated to get a clear characteristic and understanding, as this mode of interpreting becomes the main subject of the research. 19 Jones (1998:6) states that simultaneous mode is done by listening to the beginning of the speaker’s comments then begins interpreting while the speech continues, carrying on throughout the speech to finish almost at the same time as the original. In short, the formulation in simultaneous interpreting is done by speaking (rendition) and listening (utterance) at the same time which is an unnatural activity and has to be cultivated. It means that the interpreter does not know where the speaker is going even as he or she speaks both in the macro level (the whole speech is headed) and mircro level (how an individual sentence will be continued). It is different from consecutive, in which the interpreter listens to the totality of a speaker’s comments or significant passage then renders the speech with help of notes taken while listening. Related to the limited time and the density of utterance from the speaker with no help in conducting simultaneous interpreting, Jones (1998:6) describes the characteristic that must be fulfilled which may help the interpreter perform simultaneous interpreting. He states that the interpreter, who is seated in soundproofed booth, relays the interpretation depending on the sound of the speaker, using the appropriate equipment such as microphone and earphone or headphone. To deal with the earphone or headphone, the interpreter needs to be able to hear both the speaker and himself. Therefore, he stresses that the interpreter must wear the headphone in such a way in order to be able to hear the speaker’s voice clearly and also to hear his own output and monitor it all the time. There are two options that can be done when wearing headphones. First, the interpreter wears both ear-pieces of a pair of headphones half on and half off each 20 ear. This enables one to hear the speaker clearly, the sound coming through headphones quite satisfactorily. The second option is simply to wear one earphone fully on one ear and to leave the other ear totally uncovered. The interpreter controls the volume at which they listen to the original and keep this volume as low as possible. Both the original and the interpreter’s own voice have to be listened to, but they should not become like rivals trying to outshout one another. High volume will be drawn out the original and it gives bad hearing in the long run. Those equipments will help the interpreter catch the clear voice from the speaker to render the interpretation via a dedicated channel to headphones worn by the delegations who wish to listen to the interpreting. The other criteria that the interpreter must be fullfiled are the panes of glass of the sound-proofed booth; the interpreter has to sense the atmosphere of the meeting, picking up any-non verbal information he can, listens the utterance and renders the message using the appropriate intonation in his interpretation, rather than slipping into a monotonous drawl. Due to its complexity of simultaneous interpreting, the interpreter should relate to the off line strategies before interpreting is conducted or following the translational cognitive processing such as preparing glossaries or marking up documents. Setton (1999:192) also extends that the interpreter should think that before the discourse begins relevant entities, relations and properties from the world and situation-specific knowledge, based on what is known about the speaker, participants, and subject matter of the meeting from briefings, documentation or speculation, begin to be installed. 21 Nolan (2005:5) also states that in the usual practice of conference the interpreter has to obtain back-ground materials from the conference organizer of the subject and the study materials to gain a basic understanding of the subject and the specialized vocabulary. He explains that it is important to gain familiarity with the subject matter to be discussed at an upcoming assignment and attending a meeting in advance will be especially helpful to get a grasp of procedural rules and terms. Knowing the specific themes of a conference in advance and obtaining a copy of the agenda, background documents, list of speakers, and any prepared speeches available can also be very helpful. Many speakers prepare their speeches well in advance of delivery and will gladly give or send a copy to an interpreter who takes the trouble to ask for it. Those steps will help interpreter in conducting interpreting as the additional information to conduct interpreting. The same opinion also comes from Nolan (2005:3) who states that a simultaneous interpreter usually sits in a soundproof booth and listens to the speaker through earphone and speaks into microphone, reproduces the speech in the target language as it is being delivered in the source language. Gile (1998:40) states that in conducting interpreting, the interpreter sits in an interpreting booth, listens to the speaker through headset, and interprets it into a microphone while listening. Delegates in the conference room listen to the target language version through a headset. He further conveys that interpreters deal with oral language and have no time to refine their output. Therefore, the interpreter should master the features of oral language and be a good speaker including using his voice effectively and developing a microphone personality. For any 22 supplementary knowledge, he or she needs to be acquired prior to interpreting and have to make decisions much faster to the target language. Simultaneous interpreters normally work in teams of two per booth, taking turns in shifts of about 30 minutes each of maximum of about three hours at a time, which has been found to be the maximum average time during which the necessary concentration and accuracy can be sustained. For certain language combination, relay or two step, the interpretation is also sometimes used as the source language that will be interpreted in one booth from language A into language B, and then in another booth from language B into language C. Based on the explanation proposed by several experts, it can be drawn out that the interpreter should bear in mind to apply significant anticipations before conducting interpreting in simultaneous mode. Below are some preparations that should be taken by the interpreter before the interpreting is done: 1. Remember that he/she is communicating; 2. Make the best possible use of the technical facilities 3. Ensure that he can hear both the speaker and himself clearly; 4. Never attempt to interpret something which he has not heard or understood; 5. Maximize concentration 6. Not be distracted by focusing attention on individual problematic words; 7. Use where possible, short and simple sentences and be grammatical; 8. Make sense in every single sentence and always finish the sentence (Jones, 1998:78). 23 2.3.2 Technique of Simultaneous Interpreting In conducting simultaneous interpreting, it has limitation of time for the interpreter to go back or replay the utterance from the speaker. At the same time, he or she should select in each instance the closet natural equivalent in rendering the source language to the target language. It means that there is no same equivalent in the target language. There is a possibility for the interpreter to take technique to facilitate its reproduction into the most accurate sense. Take for instance; addition and omission in the process of interpreting. Those examples cannot be avoided in the process of interpreting. Jones (1998) proposes more specifically on the technique of interpreting performed in conference setting especially in the mode of simultaneous since this study analyzed technique applied in simultaneous interpreting at 2013 APEC Summit Conference. Those techniques can be explained as follows; Time to start rendering The interpreter should clearly pay attention to understanding when to start speaking and interpreting particularly in the modes of simultaneous interpreting and thereafter what distance to keep from the speaker. Jones (1998) says that the interpreter should not be too far behind the speaker. This can be done by establishing a basic rule on the timing of simultaneous work that the intepreter begins speaking when he has understood a unit of meaning and remains one unit behind the speaker, proceeding from unit to unit. Even though the interpreter must say something immediately in the mode of simultaneous interpreting, he assumes that the interpreter must start speaking as 24 soon as possible. And that “as soon as possible” means that they must have understood something meaningful in order to have something meaningful to say. Reformulation Jones (1998:88) states that an interpreter needs to reformulate the wording of the original to maintain the right distance from the speaker. Long and complicated sentences are to be broken down into a series of easier, shorter ones; relative and subordinate clauses can be shifted around within a sentence; active clauses changed into passive (or vice versa) and so on. The interpreter must, therefore, seize upon reformulation as the tool that will enable him to deal with all kinds of difficulties while remaining as true as the possible speaker. For example, in English-French interpreting on the sentence of “He swam across the river” in English. The verb “to swim” exists in French, as does the preposition “across”. But no French speaker would say “He swam across the river”. They would say “He crossed the river by swimming”. The English preposition is re-expressed via verb, while the English verb becomes an adverbial phrase of manner in French. As have just been seen, the words exist but things have to be rephrased because they will sound just too strange if translated literally into the target language. Salami Technique Speakers, however, in simultaneous mode of interpreting may-indeed, usually do- use long, complicated sentences. The logical conclusion is that the interpreter must divide up the speaker’s sentences into a number of short, self-contained ones 25 and then link them as appropriate. Jones (1998) uses this technique as “salami” or a slicing up a sentence rather as one might cut slices of salami. For example: We have tried, with the photographer identified man, who at this serious accident was seen, as he to the injured provided assistance, to get into contact. By identified man, the interpreter can already start speaking, having enough material to provide a complete sentence of his own. Then he can divide the speaker’s sentence up into: The photographer has identified a man, who was seen at this serious accident. He was helping the injured. We have tried to contact him. (Jones, 1998:104). Efficiency in reformulation Jones (1998: 106) states that the simultaneous interpreter is constantly under pressure, having to produce his own interpretation at the same speed as the speaker, but with added burden of having to translate and not knowing where he is going, the need to be able to reformulate so as to express oneself efficiently exists for all languages, but it should be noted that for some languages it is more acute than others. For example, an international trade tribunal is part of the object discussion. Some delegations keep repeating “the international trade tribunal”. Provided this is the only tribunal in the debate without any risk of confusion, it is legitimate for the interpreter to just say “the tribunal”. The other example can also show efficiency in reformulation. The interpreter can also save a lot of time by referring to documents, organization, etc in an abbreviation or simplified form such as the 26 Treaty establishing the European Economic Community” which becomes the “EEC Treaty”. The interpreter should also seek economy of expression to remove all useless filler words such as really, actually, well, etc. Simplification An interpreter in every time of his works is sometimes faced with highly technical material. For such speeches, it is desirable to simplify a speech. (Jones, 1998:108) mentioned two reasons for making a simplification; it may be that the speech is so technical. In that case, the interpreter must at least try to save the essentials by simplification. Second, the speaker may be talking over the heads of his audience. The faithful rendering would just leave the audience confused. Jones added that the first duty of interpreter is not so much to be faithful but to maximize the communication. Therefore, the interpreter should interpret the unfamiliar jargon into everyday language. For example: The core is made of a graphite matrix entrapping the refractory fuel particles... Assuming the interpreter has some kind of training on nuclear reactors, or at least a well briefed, he can simply explain to the delegates: The core is made of graphite. This entraps the fuel particles....Jones (1998:109). Generalization Jones (1998:112) states that an interpreter does not feel that technical simplification is necessary for either of the reasons mentioned above, but that to 27 save time perhaps with a very fast speaker, a number of specific items mentioned can be expressed in one generic term. For example: Speaker: “People take it for granted now to have a fridge and a freezer, the dish- water and the washing machine with a spin-dryer, a cooker and vacuum cleaner” The interpreter can generalize (in the sense of using a generic term) as follows: Interpreter: “People take it for granted now to have all household electrical appliances” Jones (1998:112). Omission (under duress and fast speaker) The technique of omission cannot be avoided in transferring the message from source language to target language. Jones (1998:112) describes that the deletion of information can be the strategies when sometimes the interpreter faces under duress because of the technical term of a subject, mode expression of the speaker, and the speaker speaks too fast. Therefore, he suggested two ways that can be done; keep the essential elements and miss out only what is illustrative or in some way accessory such as asides, digressions, etc. Summarizing Adding information can also be the techniques which are frequently done by the interpreter. Jones (1998: 115) stresses that the interpreter should not edit what the speaker said in the source language in order to ensure full understanding on the part of the audience. He suggests the interpreter should add things. 28 Summarizing here is not being used in the sense of providing a summary that replaces the full text. It is a summary that is added to the full text. Explanation The interpreter maybe faced with notions, cultural, or institutional references that have no direct equivalent in the target language and it should be explained to the audience. However, the problem is that this takes time. The interpreter can use this technique of explanation if the notion delivered by the speaker repeatedly in a speech. Then, the interpreter can explain its meaning the first time it is mentioned and thereafter refer to it an abbreviated form, thus saving time. Jones adds that if an interpreter cannot fit in an explanation, they should not force themselves to provide the explanation to the detriment of the speaker’s other comments. But, paradoxically, a brief explanation can actually save time in the long run. For example, when interpreting French high speed train, “The Train a Grande Vitesse” (TGV), to save time, the interpreter can slip in the first time by saying “the TGV that is the French high speed train”. Thereafter, just repeating the French initial, which the delegate would then understand. Anticipation Jones (1998:116) suggests that an interpreter should take anticipation when he often begins a sentence without knowing exactly where the sentence is going. The anticipation can be possible from the context of a meeting. For instance, a discussion or negotiation delegations’ positions or arguments will become known, return to points they have already made by other participants. 29 Second, the interpreter should learn to recognize the speech patterns and rhetorical structures, particularly in the languages they have to interpret from. The other anticipation is that the interpreter should use specific words or phrases in individual sentences because it is obvious how the sentence is going to end. In this case, the interpreter can use reformulation, which would allow the interpreter to formulate his own sentence. If the interpreter makes a clear mistake Jones (1998:119) admits that if the mistake is made, there are number of possible scenarios. First, if the error makes no material difference, it is a waste of time to make corrections and the interpreter should just pass it over silence. If the interpreter makes mistake that is more significant, for instance, in interpreting page reference or something that is logically inconsistent or technically impossible, it is not necessary to make a correction for the good order of the meeting. But if they can slip in a correction quickly, it is a good idea with an apology. Finally, the interpreter might make a clear material mistake that is important and the audience does not realize it. As soon as the interpreter sees that this has happened, he must correct the point as quickly and as clearly as possible. It is unethical for the interpreter to try to ‘cover up’ for mistake just to avoid embarrassment of admitting it. 30 2.3.2. 12. If the speaker makes a mistake Jones (1998:122) says that if the speaker makes mistake over a slip of the tongue, it would be a waste of time to repeat the speaker’s words and he offers a putative correction to the audience. Second, the interpreter knows that the speaker say something quite wrong and know what the right version should be, it is, therefore, the interpreter should interpret the sentence faithfully and then add as quickly as possible. “...says the speaker, but I think he means...”. This shows no disrespect for the speaker and gives the audience all the information they require. Avoiding committing themself It is must also be admitted that a speaker may announce a certain number of points such as a joke. He suggests that the interpreter should avoid committing theirselves in rendering a joke or untranslatable pun or may just seem funny to someone of a different language and culture of the speaker. Thus a joke should not be announced. If it is really funny and everyone laughs then the interpreter needs to say no more. If the joke is translatable, he should obviously do his best to render it. However, the joke which is not necessarily conveyed can be taken too seriously and offend somebody; in this case, the interpreter can provide explanation like “but I’m only joking”. If the joke is not translatable, for example a pun, and the interpreter sees the speaker is determined to raise a laugh, use the tactic by informing that the speaker is making untranslatable joke. The same rule should be used for not announcing metaphors and sayings when a speaker tells his audience that he is about to use one. If the meaning of 31 saying is clear to the interpreter but the saying does not have an equivalent in the target language, the interpreter should express the senses to best of their ability. 2.3.2. 14 Intonation, stress, and pauses Jones (1998:128) states that when people communicate they express what they want to say not just through the words they use but also by intonation, by stressing certain words, and by pauses between words. A simultaneous interpreter should be no exception to this rule. Jones also stressed for the interpreter who is providing too much stress, emphasizing words that do not deserve it and generally hamming it up. The interpreter’s intonation may indicate that he is always in a state of expectation, waiting for what comes next. In many languages, a rising intonation at the end of the phrase indicates either a question or surprise or has not finished a sentence and another clause is flowing. Sentences should be clearly separated by the appropriate intonation and if necessary, by a brief pause. Sentence should not be strung out endlessly with “and...and...and”. 2.3.2. 15 Numbers Jones (1998:130) states that numbers can be very difficult for simultaneous interpreters and can be absolutely crucial pieces of information where no error is permissible. For these reasons, it is important to work out a tactic for coping with them. If the interpreter cannot catch up with the speaker, he must finish the sentence preceding the numbers as quickly as possible and then move on to the 32 sentence including the numbers by saying the numbers first. This is another application of reformulation. For example, if the speaker says “imports of jeans from China have increased by 9.3 percent from the Philippines by 6.5 percent...” the interpreter can interpret “9.3 percent is the increase in jeans import from China, 6.5 percent from the Philippines....”. Jones (1998:130). 2.3.3 Interpreting Shift Even though the practice of interpreting and translation is different regarding to the way how the process of transferring the meaning from the source language to the target language, however, the analysis on this study is still related to the concept of translation since interpreting as the oral translation. The translation concept discussed here is the the concept of shift of two different language systems of English and Indonesian language and vice-versa. Shift refers to changes which occur in the process of interpreting. The use of shift in performing interpreting cannot be avoided by the interpreter due to the linguistic factor of two different language systems. It can be a reference to the interpreter to reformulate the wording of the original source language to the target language. Long and complicated sentences are to be broken down into a series of easier, shorter ones; relative and subordinate clauses can be shifted around within a sentence; active clauses are changed into passive or deponent ones (or vice versa). 33 Catford (1965:73) states that shift departures from formal correspondence in the process of going from source language to the target language. He divides shift into two general types, they are; level shift and category shift. The explanation can be seen as follows: a. Level shift Level shift is the source language item at one linguistic level which has a target language translation equivalent at a different level. For example: English-French level shift SL: This text is intended for.... TL: Le présent Manuel s’adresse á.... Catford (1965) The SL modifier, This- a term in grammatical system of deictics-has as its target language equivalent the modifier Le present, an article + a lexical adjective. b. Category shift is a departure from formal correspondence in translation. It occurs if the source language (SL) has different forms from the target language. Category shift is also divided into: 1. Structure shift which is to be the most common form of shift and involves mostly a shift at all ranks in translation For example: English-Gaelic translation SL: The man/ S TL: Tha / P is / in the boat P A an duine/ anns a’ bhata S A Catford (1965) 34 2. Class shift occurs when the translation equivalent of SL item is a member of a different class from the original item. For example: English-French translation SL: a white house TL: une maison blanche Catford (1965) “White” and blanche are exponents of the formally corresponding class of adjective and there is apparently no class-shift. However, at a further degree of delicacy, it is recognized two sub-classes of adjective; Modifier and Quantifier. Quantifier Adjectives are numerous in French, very rare in English. Since “white” is a Modifier adjective and French “blanche” is Quantifier adjective, it is clear that the shift from modifier to quantifier entails a class shift. 3. Unit-shift means a change of rank – that is, departures from formal correspondence in which the translation equivalent of a unit at one rank in the SL, is a unit at a different rank in the TL. For example: French-English translation SL: J’ai laissé mes lunettes sur la table TL: I’ve left my glasses on the table Catford (1965) 4. Intra-system shift is a departure from formal correspondence in which (a term operating in) one system in the SL has as its translation equivalent (a term operating in) a different – non-corresponding-system in the TL. Furthermore, he states that intra-system shift occurs internally within system; that is for those cases where SL and TL posses systems which approximately correspond formally as to their constitution, but when translation involves selection of a non-corresponding 35 term in the system. In translation, however, it quite frequently happens that this formal correspondence is departed from, i.e. where the translation equivalent of English singular is French plural and vice-versa Catford (1965). For example: English-French intra-system shift SL: Advice TL: Des conseils The exponents of the example above are differently distributed in the two languages where the English singular (advice) transferred into plural (des conseils) in French. . Changes from active to passive sentence of English and Indonesian language or vise versa also occur as the two linguistic systems are different. The theory of shift from active to passive construction proposed by Alwi, et. al. (1998: 345) states that active and passive constructions in Indonesian language are related to: 1) the types of verb as the predicate, 2) the subject and object, and 3) the form of the verb that is used. In Indonesian language, an active construction at least comprises three elements, they are: subject, predicate, and object. The transitive verb which is used in the active construction has the prefix meN-. Passive construction is formed in two ways: 1) using verb with prefix di- and 2) using verb without prefix di-. For example: a. Pak Toha mengangkat seorang asisten baru b. Seorang asisten baru diangkat Pak Toha Alwi, et.al (1998:346) 36 The active sentence (a) and the passive sentence (b) in Indonesian language construction are different. If the predicate is not followed by the actor, the form of oleh (by) is oblique in the passive sentence. The theory proposed by Foley and van Valin in Shibatani (1988:281) states that passive and active construction in English can be captured in terms of the undergoer occuring as syntactic subject and the actor as the object of the preposition by. They define “actor” in noun phrase as the argument of the predicate which performs, effects, instigates or controls the situation denoted by the predicate. The actor is opposed to the “undergoer” who is the participant that does not perform or control the situation but rather affected by it in some way. For example: a. The lawyer received a telegram (active) b. Mary was convinced by the argument (passive) Foley and van Valin in Shibatani (1988:281-282) The active and passive sentence relation can be captured in terms of the undergoer occuring as syntactic subject and the actor as the object of the preposition by. The structure of shift and active and passive in English and Indonesian languages above were used to analyze the technique of reformulation applied in simultaneous interpreting. The concepts above have an important role as a means of analyzing the equivalent meaning of an interpreting process from source language to target language which happens between the speaker and the hearer (journalists) which is mediated by the interpreter. 37 2.4 Research Model The model of this study can be described in a diagram as below: SL utterance TL utterance Interpreting Shift Techniques of simultaneous interpreting Catford (1965) Jones (1998) Qualitative Method Analysis Findings Figure 1 : Research model design 38 From the diagram above, it can clearly be seen that the analysis is started by dividing the audio utterances as the data source prior to transcribing the source language text and the target language text of interpreting product applied in media interpreting at APEC Summit Conference. Using qualitative method, the data are analyzed according to the problems existing on the study. In order to answer the research questions in this study, this research used some theories. To analyze the techniques applied by the interpreter at the 2013 APEC Summit Conference, the study used the theory of conference interpreting proposed by Jones (1998) as the main theory supported by the theory of Pöchhacker (2004). The theory of active and passive in Indonesian language construction written by Alwi et al (1998) and the theory of passive voice in English proposed by Foley and van Valin (1988) were also used to support the analyses. Meanwhile in analyzing the shift applied in simultaneous interpreting, the theory of shift proposed by Catford (1965) was also applied. Finally, the findings were determined by an analysis supported by data and followed by explanations descriptively. 39 CHAPTER III RESEARCH METHOD 3.1 Research Approach This research used qualitative approach with explanation and reference from some related literature. Sutopo (2002) states that qualitative research has a natural setting as a data source and the researcher does not controll or affect the the subject or the situation. 3.2 Research Location The research was conducted at the 2013 APEC Summit Conference in Nusa Dua, Badung Regency, Bali Province on 1-8 October 2013, which was involved speakers, journalists (audience) and interpreters who mediate the communication between mass media in a press conference with English and Indonesian language and others as their language background. 3.3 Data Source The primary data of this research were taken from the original recorded data in the press conference for mass media in the mode of simultaneous interpreting at the 2013 APEC Summit Conference. The data were in the form of oral interpretation from the opening remarks and interaction between speaker and audience (journalists) mediated by the interpreter which were documented in audio recording media player (mp3 audio) with the source language of English 40 and its rendition interpreted by the interpreter into Indonesian language or viceversa. Those data were transcribed into written texts. The secondary data were obtained from the observation and interview with the interpreter who was in charge of conducting the interpreting to get the background and identity of the interpreter. 3.4 Research Instrument The instruments used for this study were two tape recorders, laptop, earphone, pen and handbook. A tape recorder was used to record and replay the recording data of the press conference interpreting applied at 2013 the APEC Summit Conference. Laptop was used to write the transcription of the spoken data to written text. The other instrument was earphone as the added instrument for the tape recorder so that the researcher could get clear sounds when the spoken data were transcribed into written text. 3.5 Method and Technique of Collecting Data This study is a field research through observation method to collect the data. As the observer, I applied the method by a non-participative observation. The non-participative observation was done especially to the three important parts involved in a press conference; the speaker, the audience or the journalist and the interpreter who mediated the communication. The observation method was then assisted by a technique of recording the speech of the speaker and the rendition of the interpreter in oral interpretation which was later transcribed into written text. The note taking technique was also 41 applied in this research to make notes of some renditions of interpreting in simultaneous mode produced by both the speaker and the interpreter to support the analysis. 3. 6 Method and Technique of Analyzing Data The descriptive-qualitative method was applied to analyze the data by explaning it in line with the problem of the study. The method then was assisted by the technique of immediate constituents segmentation (Bagi Unsur Langsung) (Sudaryanto, 1993:31). In this technique, the lingual unit was divided into some parts or element which is relevant to support the analysis. Some steps were conducted in analysisng the data. First, the oral data were transcribed into written text. Second, the data were then identified and classified to choose relevant data related to the techniques of simultaneous interpreting and shift in interpreting. The last, the data which were classified then analyzed descriptively. 3.7 Method and Technique of Presenting Data Analysis The analyses were presented by using informal and formal method. The informal method presented the analyzed data in form of words and explanations and the formal method presented the analyzed data by using signs and symbols. The two methods were assisted by using a combination of words, signs and symbols. The analyses were presented into two parts; they are the analyses of the techniques of simultaneous interpreting and kind of shift in interpreting applied by 42 the interpreter in simultaneous mode at the 2013 APEC Summit Conference supported by explanations. The example below is the conversational text cited from the data in simultaneous interpreting at the 2013 APEC Summit Conference: 1. Speaker: ...and because these institutions are instruments of the people, they are broken only if we let them break Interpreter: ...dan bagaimana...lembaga-lembaga ini adalah alat bagi rakyat. Mereka hanya rusak, tidak berfungsi kalau kita biarkan mereka rusak, tidak berfungsi Based on the data above the interpreter takes the technique of summarizing by adding the phrase tidak berfungsi in the target text to emphasize the importance of the institutions for the people. The phrase tidak berfungsi means that the institutions are not useful anymore if they are neglected. Therefore, by adding tidak berfungsi, the interpreter tries to stress the institutions which important for the people. The interpreter should render “they” as the pronoun of plural noun of “institutions” into institusi not mereka in the target language because institusi is the pronoun of “they”. Mereka in Indonesian language is never used to refer to plural noun. The target interpretation for the data above should be ...dan karena lembaga tersebut adalah alat bagi rakyat, institusi itu hanya rusak kalau kita biarkan rusak. 43 CHAPTER IV THE ANALYSES OF TECHNIQUES APPLIED IN SIMULTANEOUS INTERPRETING AT THE 2013 APEC SUMMIT CONFERENCE This chapter is concerned with the analyses of the product of interpreting which is performed by the interpreter applied in simultaneous interpreting for mass media at the 2013 APEC Summit Conference. The analyses of simultaneous interpreting are concentrated on press conference session for mass media. Related to that, the analyses are divided into the analyses of the techniques performed in simultaneous interpreting and interpreting shift which were conducted by the interpreter. There are four data in the form of transcriptions of the press conference sessions to be analyzed in this study. Those data are data (1) press conference session on the preparations of the 2013 APEC Organizer, data (2) press conference session on the preparations of the 2013 APEC National Committee, data (3) press conference of the US Secretary of State Jhon Kerry and the US Minister of Trade Michael Froman and data (4) press conference of the 2013 APEC Leaders concluding statement delivered by the Indonesia’s President, Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono. The data are formulated in a form of speaker or journalist (as the source language) and the interpreter (as the target language). 44 4.1 Analysis of the Techniques Applied in Simultaneous Interpreting at the 2013 APEC Summit Conference In simultaneous interpreting, the interpreter delivered the message of the source language to the target language almost as the same time as the utterance coming from the speaker. The interpreter must listen to the utterance from the speaker, remember it and reproduce the message to the target language quickly. The following are the analyses of the techniques performed by the interpreter applied in simultaneous interpreting. 4.1.1 Reformulation The interpreter often used the technique of reformulation particularly in the mode of simultaneous interpreting in order to reformulate the wording of the original and to break down the sentence of the source language which was long and complicated into a series of easier, shorter, or relative and subordinate clauses. Active clauses changed into passive ones to make them easily understood by the audience in the target language. The data related to reformulation technique are: Data 1: In data (1), opening, 6th utterance, page 111 Speaker: 06.44’ ...Yang kedua tentu kita ketahui bahwa jalan tol yang sudah diberi nama oleh Bapak Presiden pada waktu peresmiannya adalah Jalan Tol /Mandara yang membelah tepian laut juga telah selesai dan telah dipakai dan digunakan pada hari ini. Interpreter: 06.47’ Secondly we all know about the high way the /toll road has been named during its inauguration from the airport above the sea has been /completed and it is now used. 45 Based on the data above, the interpreter rendered the rendition immediately about three seconds behind the speaker’s utterances and at the same time listening the next utterance to interpret simultaneously. It means that he tried to maintain the distance in a right time in rendering the message. The speaker spoke in a long utterance using subordinate clause frequently. Therefore the interpreter reformulated that long utterance into a series of easier one and the sentence shifted into a clause. The SL utterance above basically was a complex sentence which had a simple form of “...Jalan tol...telah selesai dan telah dipakai dan digunakan pada hari ini”. The interpreter reformulated the sentence into clause. When the speaker conveyed the utterance of “...jalan tol yang sudah diberi nama oleh Bapak Presiden pada waktu peresmiannya adalah Jalan Tol Mandara yang membelah tepian laut juga telah selesai..”, the interpreter rendered the sentence into a clause in the target language, “toll road has been named during its inauguration” which was formed by a subject (toll road), predicate (has been) and verb participle (named) and adverbial (during its inauguration) with deletion (omission) information of the actor of “oleh Bapak Presiden” in the target language due to the complex expression used by the speaker. To save time, the interpreter deleted that information. Contrary, he added things of “high way” prior to “toll road” which have the same meaning in the first utterance in TL. The interpreter also reformulated the form in the dependent clause in the SL utterance of “...digunakan hari ini” into a complete sentence of “it is now used” with the pronoun of “it” which refer to “toll road”. 46 Data 2 In data (2), opening, 4th utterance, page 120 Speaker: 02.37’ [Oleh karenanya Presiden Amerika Serikat akan diwakili oleh Menteri Luar Negerinya, yaitu Bapak John Kerry yang direncanakan akan tiba e besok sore,... ya, akan tiba besok sore di Bali. /Yang lain seluruhnya tetap seperti apa yang telah disampaikan sebelumnya sesuai dengan apa yang telah disampaikan kemarin kepada temanteman sekalian/] Interpreter: 02.43’ [He will be::: represented by Mr John Kerry, the... State Secretary who will arrive tomorrow afternoon. The others... /will arrive as was planned] From the data above, the interpreter rendered the rendition simultaneously at the same time he listened to the next utterance with the distance for about six seconds with the speaker. He had to wait until the unit meaning of “Presiden Amerika Serikat...” come out and reformulated it by rendering the pronoun of it into “he” in the target language. The speaker spoke the utterance in a long sentence “Yang lain seluruhnya tetap seperti apa yang telah disampaikan sebelumnya sesuai dengan apa yang telah disampaikan kemarin kepada temanteman sekalian” and it was rendered in short by the interpreter in his interpretation as “The others... will arrive as was planned”. Here, the interpreter rendered the technique of reformulation by reformulating the original utterance into a shorter one by shifting the sentence form into future tense following the previous utterance shown by “will..”. There was also a short pause in “The other...” indicating that the interpreter still analyzes the rest of SL utterance. Meanwhile, at the same time the sentence was still flowing from the speaker. The 47 reformulation was done without deleting the core message, that is, the leaders would arrive in time as what the plan had been informed to the journalist. In this case, the use of the others in the TL is reffering to the leaders apart from the US Secretary of State, John Kerry who would attend the summit on a schedule. If the interpreter interpreted the source language faithfully in the target language by rendering “the others will still all like what it is said before according to what it is informed to all journalists”, the message would not be efficient due to the long utterance which would make the target audience confused to receive the target message. Data 3 In data (2), 3rd dialogue, 1st utterance, page 121 Speaker: 08.41’ [aa.. tapi apakah kemeriahan APEC ini akan berkurang?, saya pikir tidak ya secara opini...karena juga fasilitas media centernya ini memang yang /terbesar disediakan aa.. dengan kapasitas, diberikan gedung khusus di BNDCC... II. Kalau boleh tadi disilahkan agak memanjakan temen-temen awak media. Tadi saya agak guyon juga kalau fasilitas makan tiga kali sehari, aa...bebas dan apa...full goyang lidah dua kali ee satu kali 24 jam ini, /temen-temen jurnalis perlu me...menimbang dulu ya berat badan sebelum masuk dan nanti setelah hasilnya bagaimana] Interpreter: 08.44’ [But what the APEC will be less exiting as it were, I don’t think that will be so. We have provided the largest media center with a separate /building at BNDCC II to (xxx) even spoil, I joked...because we provide three meals in one day and even more dishes that we provided. You might need to /weight yourself before and after] From data above, it can be seen that the interpreter rendered the rendition at the same time he listened the next utterance which continuous flowing form the speaker. The interpreter started to render until he got the unit meaning of “but...” 48 and rendered into “tapi...” in TL while he kept listening to next utterence and rendered the rest with time lapse for about three second. The utterance in SL was long and therefore the interpreter needed to reformulate it into a series of easier ones in the target language without changing the meaning. The long vowel “aa..” delivered by the speaker gave the opportunity for the interpreter to formulate the rendition and maintained the distance from the speaker for about three seconds behind the speaker’s utterance. Here, the word “tapi..” in SL came first into the representation of the interpreter’s mind and it was directly interpreted into “but..” in TL. The interpreter also divided the long sentence up into a number of shorter ones by slicing up the utterance or the salami technique. The long utterance in SL “aa.. tapi apakah kemeriahan APEC ini akan berkurang?, saya pikir tidak ya secara opini...karena juga fasilitas media centernya ini memang yang terbesar disediakan aa.. dengan kapasitas, diberikan gedung khusus di BNDCC... II..” was formed by a yes-no question and it is rendered into question word-question in the TL into “But what the APEC will be less exiting as it were, I don’t think that will be so..”. The interpreter also sliced the that long utterance into two utterances.. By identification of “...karena juga fasilitas media centernya..”, the interpreter divided the utterance into “We have provided the largest media center with a separate building at BNDCC II. The same went to the utterance in SL “...kalau fasilitas makan tiga kali sehari” which was sliced by a salami technique into sentence in TL “we provide three meals in one day”. 49 From the first bold type utterance in TL, the interpreter seemed to miss pronunciation by rendering unclear voice or inaudible (xxx) because slip of tongue to catch up and maintained distance to the speaker. The interpreter had at least five seconds left behind the speaker to deliver the SL utterance of “agak memanjakan...” into the TL “even spoil...”. The interpreter took over the head of the audience to avoid the audience from being confused but still saved what was essential. We can see this from the SL utterance of “fasilitas makan tiga kali sehari, aa...bebas dan apa...full goyang lidah dua kali ee satu kali 24 jam ini...”. The interpretation should be “There are three meals in one day, full and melted in a mouth 24 hours..”. The phrase “melted in a mouth” can be the equivalent rendition for the phrase of “full goyang lidah” in the source language. However, the interpreter rendered it into “we provide three meals in one day and even more dishes that we provided”. The speaker interfered the figure of speech “full goyang lidah” by mixing English adjective of “full” followed by “goyang lidah”. In Indonesian language, “goyang lidah” is related to food or dish and it did not exist in the target language. Therefore the interpreter rephrased “full goyang lidah” to avoid strangeness in TL by rendering the message into the corresponding form “even more dishes”. If the interpreter interpreted the utterance by word for word in the target language in English, it woud be strange and leave the audience confused. The interpreter also reformulated the utterance in SL “temen-temen jurnalis” into “you” in TL, because the audience of the press conference was the journalists so the interpreter reformulated that long sentence into a shorter one you. 50 Data 4 In data (2), 3rd dialogue, 2nd utterance, page 122 Speaker: 10.33’ [Jadi temen-temen, khususnya untuk /online dan cetak saya pikir tidak harus hadir di setiap ruangan di mana terjadi peristiwa kesepakatan summit dan sebagainya. /Anda bisa /monitor dari ruang monitoring di media center itu] Interpreter: 10.37’ [For online and printed, you don’t need to attend in every room because you can /monitor from the media center if you would like to] In rendering the SL’s utterance “Jadi temen-temen, khususnya untuk online dan cetak...”, the interpreter had to wait until “online..” came out from the speaker as he considered it being the unit of meaning with a specific intonation. The interpreter then rendered in TL with “for online...” while he kept listening to next utterance flowing from the speaker and rendered the rest simultaneously with a time distance for about a five second compared to the beginning of SL and TL. According to the data in SL above, the utterance uttered by the speaker was quite long in the mode of simultaneous interpreting. The meaning of the italicized utterance in the source language was given to “the journalist”. In this case, the interpreter tried to reformulate the wording of the original utterance without deleting the main message into the target language. The SL utterance “Jadi tementemen, khususnya untuk online dan cetak...” was rendered into “For online and printed, you...”. The interpreter reformulated the object of the source language utterance, that is, “jadi teman-teman khususnya untuk online dan cetak” into “you” because the interpreter regarded “you” as referring to the journalist himself because the audience in that press conference included so many journalists 51 including both online and printed media (online dan cetak) with the specific intonation on the verb “monitor” emphasizing that the journalist could only watch or monitor the event from the media center without attending to every conference room. The interpreter implemented the technique of reformulation to break down the long utterance to save time in simultaneous interpreting and the need to maintain the right distance from the speaker. Data 5 In data (2), 6th dialogue, 2nd utterance, page 124 Journalist: 21.04’ [Indonesia, dua bulan yang lalu terpapar dengan sangat tajam ketika stimulus fiskal misalnya, baru /The Fed, baru mengumumkan, belum menjadi sebuah kenyataan, tapi kemudian membuat Indonesia terpuruk. Tidak hanya Indonesia tetapi juga negaranegara berkembang lainnya. Interpreter: 21.11’ [We were impacted by the fiscal stimulus after The Fed issued their policies\, it affected us /already, even when it was just announced. Between SL and TL, there was a seven second-distance as the speaker delivered her utterance fast so the interpreter seemed a little bit far from the speaker. That was done because he had to reformulate the rendition while at the the same time listened to the next utterance to be rendered simulatenously. In the italicized quotation above, we can see that there was a change; from an active utterance into passive one, showing that the interpreter took a reformulation and kept the right distance of time as the utterance came fast from the speaker. If we broke down the construction of the italicized utterance in SL, there were two 52 clauses. First, the active utterance of The Fed baru mengumumkan stimulus fiscal” was constructed as “The Fed” (subject), “baru mengumumkan” (verb), “stimulus fiskal” (object). Then, the interpreter rendered it into a passive construction in the TL in which the object (stimulus fiscal) in the SL shifted to a subject using the pronoun it, “it was just announced”. The utterance could be constructed into it (subject), was just announced (verb) (by The Fed). Second, the clause in SL was “kemudian membuat Indonesia terpuruk” which could be constructed into “kemudian (subject), membuat (verb), Indonesia (object), terpuruk (adverb)”. The subject “kemudian” above referred to the object in the SL of “stimulus fiscal” and it was represented by the pronoun “it” in the target language as the subject. The interpreter then rendered it into “it affected us already”. Data 6 In data (3), 2nd opening, 1st utterance, page 129 Speaker: 10.21’ [APEC economies represent 55 percent of global GDP, and about 45 percent of global goods and services trade\. The United States exports more than a trillion dollars of goods and services\ to APEC countries, and that’s more than 50 percent of total U.S. exports\. And those exports support millions of hardworking American jobs\] Interpreter:10.23’[/Ekonomi ekonomi APEC mewakili 55 persen...ehm PDB dunia dan 45 persen barang dan jasa yang diperdagangkan di dunia\] [Amerika seri.../ekspor Amerika Serikat senilai 1 trilun dolar ke negara-negara APEC. Itu lebih dari 50 persen keseluruhan ekspor Amerika Serikat\ dan ekspor ini menunjang banyak ehm... /pekerja Amerika Serikat yang bekerja keras\] The speaker in data 7 delivered his speech fast, making the interpreter also run in a race to render the rendition. There was two second between the SL and 53 TL utterance which was not too far from the speaker. We can see that the interpreter took the technique of reformulation both when telling the numbers by changing the active utterance into passive one in the target language. The bold type utterance in SL was an active object “...about 45 percent of global goods and services trade”. If it was rendered literally into Indonesian language, it became “sekitar 45 persen perdagangan barang dan jasa secara global”. However, the interpreter rephrased the utterance into a sentence by changing it into the passive verb which was shown by the existence of prefix –di in the verb of “diperdagangkan” and became “45 persen barang dan jasa yang diperdagangkan di dunia”. In rendering the message, he also made a short pause seen from the existence of “...ehm...” when he formulated the rendition of “GDP” in the source language which was the abbreviation of “Growth Domestic Bruto” and it had one equivalent in the target language which was also rendered into an abbreviation of “PDB” or known as “Pendapatan Domestik Bruto”. Here, the interpreter also made efficiency in reformulation. Number was also part of the application of reformulation. Here, the interpreter had already delivered the number originally by identifying the specific element and giving the right order of the magnitude in the target language. When the speaker said “The United States exports more than a trillion dollars of goods and services to APEC countries” the interpreter then rendered it into “ekspor Amerika Serikat senilai 1 trilun dolar ke negara-negara APEC”. The interpreter also applied efficiency in reformulation when rendering the repeated notion of organization, APEC rather than Asia Pacific Economic 54 Corporation, which would take a lot of time. The interpreter provided this form because it was clear to the audience and was accepted usage. 4.1.2 Efficiency in Reformulation The interpreter of simultaneous interpreting faced time pressure in transferring the message into the target language. That’s why he or she should render the expression of the speaker as efficiently as possible to save time. Below is the data of efficiency of reformulation technique: Data 1 In data (3), 2nd dialogue, 2nd utterance, page 132 Speaker : 19.25’ [/Well, I’m..I’m gonna (going to) let the Ambassador speak a little bit to that, but I will just tell you that /Indonesia is growing at, I think, around 6 percent or so /now. They have plans to even /raise that level of growth more significantly\] Interpreter: 19. 27’ [/Saya ingin meminta\ Bapak Duta Besar berbicara sedikit mengenai hal itu tapi saya akan bicara secara singkat bahwa Indonesia terus bertumbuh, enan persen kalau tidak salah, sekarang mereka punya rencana untuk justru terus meningkatkan pertumbuhan itu secara signifikan] In the data above, the interpreter started rendering the rendition in the target language about two second behind the speaker. He tried to maintain the distance in rendering the rendition while at the same, listened to the next utterance to be transferred in TL simultaneously. The interpreter used the technique of efficiency in reformulation seen from removing the useless filler words or expression delivered by the speaker “Well” in the source language. It was done to save time because the speaker delivered his utterance very fast. The interpreter also wanted 55 to maintain the distance not too far from the speaker. In rendering the rendition from the source language into the target language, the interpreter also reformulated the utterance of “..Indonesia is growing at, I think, around 6 percent or so now. They have plans to even raise that level of growth more significantly” and it is renderred into “Indonesia terus bertumbuh, enan persen kalau tidak salah, sekarang mereka punya rencana untuk justru terus meningkatkan pertumbuhan itu secara signifikan” which sounds more natural and as authentic as possible in Indonesian language. In saying the number, the interpreter put the number in the first position instantaneously in the target language into “enan persen kalau tidak salah,” Data 2 In data (3) , 2nd dialogue, 3rd utterance, page 132 Speaker: 20.31’ [Well, the only thing I would add to that is, Indonesia is one of the largest economies in the world and as a key member, for example, of the G-20\, and has played a critical role in the G-20\, in terms of bringing a perspective of an... emerging economy to the global economic system and ensuring that issues were addressed in an appropriate way\ They’ve been, the President Yudhoyono and others from (xxx) play a critical role in the G-20 over the last several years. And /similarly, in just two months from now, Indonesia will host and chair the 9th meeting of the WTO ministerial\. Interpreter: 20.32’ [/Cara saya menjawabnya adalah bahwa Indonesia adalah salah satu ekonomi terbesar di dunia sebagai salah satu anggota /utama dari G20 contohnya yang sudah berrmain suatu peran yang penting di G20 berkaitan dengan membawa perpektif... dari ekonomi baru berkembang dan dalam satu sistem ekonomi yang baru memastikan bahwa, persoalan-persoalan yang dibahas secara /baik. ...(6) (take a breath)....[/Presiden Yudhoyono memainkan peranan penting di G20 selama beberapa tahun yang la...ee...belakangan dan... Indonesia akan menjadi penyelenggara dan memimpin pertemuan menteri WTO] 56 In the target language quotation in bold type above, the interpreter used efficiency in reformulating the utterance. When the speaker said “Well, the only thing I would add to that is...” the interpreter then rendered it into a simpler one “Cara saya menjawabnya adalah...”. The interpretation of the utterance should be “Satu hal yang ingin saya tambahkan adalah...”. The interpreter tried to minimize the expression delivered by the speaker by removing the useless filler word of “well” and just directly interpreted the main clause because the speakers spoke fast and the rendition delivered by the interpreter was also fast. In rendering the name of an organization“G20” or known as a group of 20 Government, the interpreter only rendered the abbreviated one in the target language as “G20” to save a lot of time. The interpreter also reformulated the utterance “They’ve been, the President Yudhoyono and others from (xxx) play a critical role in the G20 over the last several years” by removing “they’ve been...” and swiftly renderred to the main utterance in the target language into “Presiden Yudhoyono memainkan peranan penting di G20”. In the utterance there was an inaudible word (xxx), however, it did not affect the interpreter and just rendered to the main idea. The reformulation gave the opportunity to the interpreter to take a breath shown by a six-second break. The name “WTO” was rendered into an abbreviated form in the target language into WTO instead of using the real name of “World Trade Organization”. 57 Data 3 In data (4), opening, 5th utterance, page 135 Speaker: 02.53’ [/Fourth, we reaffirmed our commitments to achieving a /strong, balanced, sustainable and inclusive global growth. In the process, we agreed to facilitate the enhanced participation of Small, Medium, and Micro sized Enterprises, youth, and women entrepreneurs. These SMMEs are the backbone of our economy] Interpreter:02.58’ [Yang keempat, kita menegaskan komitmen kita untuk menjaga suatu pertumbuhan eknomi global yang kuat, berimbang, berkelanjutan dan insklusif. Dalam proses ini kita mendorong untuk partisipasi UKM dan... usaha mikro, anak muda, perempuan dan karena itu UKM ini merupakan tulang punggung pertumbuhan ekonomi kita] In the sentence two in the source language above, the speaker said “Small, Medium, and Micro sized Enterprises”, the interpreter rendered it into the abbreviated form “UKM” which had already been known by Indonesian people especially the journalists as the audience on the press conference. If the interpreter rendered the formal name into “Usaha Mikro Kecil Menengah” in the target language, it might take time for the interpreter to catch to the next utterance and might too far behind the speaker. Meanwhile, there was a five- second distance between the speaker and the interpreter utterance in the TL. 4.1.3 Simplification The technique of simplification was used to simplify the utterance which mainly discussed the technical material to make it more understood by the target audience to save the essentials without deleting the message. There were possibilities for the interpreter to take other technique in conjunction with the simplification found in the sample. simplification are: The data related to the technique of 58 Data 1 In data (1), 5th dialogue, 4th utterance, page 112 Speaker: 34.02’ [Wilayah tanggungjawab saya yang kami susun pertama kita mengacu kepada sektor Kohamnas dua yaitu wilayah Jawa Timur sebagian Jawa Timur, kemudian Sumatera ulangi, Kalimatan Timur dan Selatan, kemudian seluruh Sulawesi dan sebagian Ambon. Itu wilayah. /Kenapa demikian karena itu wilayah radar....dari sini unsur darat membagi wilayah daratan Bali ini dalam pola yang kita sebut pola ring, disinilah diatur siapa yang bertanggungjawab pada ring satu ring dua dan ring tiga. Nah inilah yang telah kita lakukan dan pada saat ini kita telah melewati tahapan e.. cipta kondisi atau dalam istilah kepolisian adalah prakondisi sedang kita lakukan...] Interpreter: 34.07’ [First we refered to...(3) the second (2) the National... Defense Command, the second National Defense Command which covers Kalimantan, East Kalimantan, South Kalimantan and all of Sulawesi and some part of Ambon and other places, this based on the radar area.....The army have divided the Bali island into rings, we have appointed people responsible in the first ring, second ring and the third ring. We have (4) passed the stage of pre-condition...] From the time to start rendering, there was five second distance between the speaker and the interpreter until the interpreter got the unit of meaning of “...pertama..” and began to start rendering the rendition. While rendering the rendition, at the same time he coordinated and listened to the next utterance flowing from the speaker to be rendered simultaneously. On that opportunity, the speaker was telling the audience about the security arrangement during the APEC Summit conducted by the arm forces. The speaker often used a term related to the national security. In this case, when the speaker said an abbreviation of “..Kohamnas”, a technical term in security field in the source language without giving its explanation, the interpreter then interpreted it as “the Second National 59 Defense Command”. In this case, the unfamiliar term of Kohamnas was interpreted into more familiar or into everyday English. In transferring the message, he made two pauses for about three (3) and two (2) seconds for each pause made in formulating “Kohamnas”. The interpreter also simplified the utterance “Nah inilah yang telah kita lakukan dan pada saat ini kita telah melewati tahapan e.. cipta kondisi atau dalam istilah kepolisian adalah prakondisi sedang kita lakukan...” into more simple and sounded natural with only the essential message to be interpreted in the target language “we have (4) passed the stage of pre-condition,...” and followed by its explanation. There was a four (4) seconds-pause to formulate the police terms of “precondition”. Data 2 In data (1), 5th dialogue, 5th utterance, page 113 Speaker: 35.30’ [....Kaitan dengan ini kami menggunakan dua sistem yaitu pertama sistem senjata sosial. Apa maksutnya sistem senjata sosial? Kita mendekati masalah itu secara persuasive, kita lihat ada raziarazia yang dilakukan oleh pihak kepolisian secara persuasive dan ini juga kita menggunakan kearifan lokal... .../Kapan itu digunakan? tentunya apabila sistem senjata sosial tidak berjalan seperti yang kita harapkan. Tetapi tentunya saya sebagai panglima komando gabungan mengarapkan ini dapat berjalan bersama dan saya katakan bahwa pengamanan bukan tanggung jawab TNI dan Polri saja...] Interpreter: 35. 34’ [...We use two systems, first a social arms system. /What does it mean? We mean that we approach the problem persuasively we know that the police have been conducting unannounced inspection and to also employ local wisdom in providing security and hope that, with that, there will be a collective sense of responsibility of 60 all the component in our presence here in Bali for the success of the APEC summit. ..../When are those arms employed or used? it is after the social arms have been exhausted but I myself as the commander of the joint command for security, we, I hope that it is not been a necessary and I will /stress that this is not only the responsibility of the armed forces..] In the long utterance above, the speaker was an expert on security which mainly discussed about the security assistance during the 2013 APEC Summit. The utterance above seemed quite to be technical involving specific terms on security in the source language such as “sistem senjata sosial, razia-razia, local wisdom, sistem senjata teknologi, TNI, Polri” and so on. The speaker in this case had already explained the terms itself. However, the interpreter still needed to simplify the utterance in the target language on its explanation to maximize the communication, for example, “TNI dan Polri” into a more simple form in the target language of “armed forces” . Data 3 In data (2), 3rd dialogue, 2nd utterance, page 122 Speaker: 09.24’ [aa.. /Dari test drive tadi kami lakukan di media center, speed up itu aa.. dengan bantuan temen-temen Telkom dengan Telkomsel, itu aa.. up to 100 mega herz ya, ee.. /100 megabite per second, dan ini aa... luar biasa aa... dan setiap meja itu ada, fasilitas untuk langsung connect apa... sambungan internasional, voice maksutnya. Sedangkan di Vladivostok, laporan yang saya /dapatkan /tidak di setiap meja tapi di pojok meja itu ada paketnya berame-rame, kalau ini setiap pengguna ada /700 work station yang kita pasang di media center /ditambah dengan saluran local area network itu ada 200 saluran, belum lagi plugin yang bisa digunakan untuk meng..koneksikan...apa... saluran televisi dan sebagainya dan juga untuk gambar, anda bisa monitor] 61 Interpreter: 09.31’ [/We are also assisted by our friends at /Telkomsel...(6) up to 100 megabite per second with regards to the internet speed, this is amazing and every table can connects internationally through v-o-i-p\ while in Vladivostok they did not provide it matter with table, /now there are 7 works stations at the media center, /seven hundreds works station with 200 connections there are numerous...(3) plugs...(3) by which you can connect to television, there are also pictures] From the data above, the interpreter started rendering into the target language with distance time about seven seconds behind the speaker. It was done because there was still a continued flow from the speaker and the interpreter waited until he got the unit of meaning from the SL. The SL utterance in italic showed technical matters regarding with the internet speed and connection of technology. Prior to the first italicized utterance in the SL, there was a pause of about six seconds applied by the interpreter in an effort to formulate the rendition into TL. In rendering the rendition, the interpreter simplified all those utterances. In italic utterance in SL “speed up itu aa.. dengan bantuan temen-temen Telkom dengan Telkomsel, itu aa.. up to 100 mega herz ya, ee.. /100 megabite per second..”, the speaker stated a mix English and Indonesian language utterance which was shown by “speep up itu aa...”and he might be talking over the heads of the audience by directly mentioning the measure of the speed without explaining what the exact speed was. However, there were several pauses indicated by the occurrence of “...aa....” which helped the interpreter to use the that time to formulate the rendition. The interpreter then simplified the long utterances into “up to 100 megabites per second with regards to the internet speed” which referred to the internet speed. The rendition should be “the internet speed measures up to 100 megabites per second”. The interpreter also rendered 62 the SL utterance of “...dan setiap meja itu ada, fasilitas untuk langsung connect apa... sambungan internasional, voice maksutnya” into a simpler way “...and every table can connects internationally through v-o-i-p..”. The interpreter also simplified the next utterance in SL “Sedangkan di Vladivostok, laporan yang saya dapatkan tidak di setiap meja tapi di pojok meja itu ada paketnya berame-rame..” which was translated into “while in Vladivostok they did not provide it matter with table..”. The word “it” in TL referred to the international voice connection (voip). 4.1.4 Omission The technique of omission or deletion of information in the source language could not be avoided in rendering the rendition from SL to TL. The interpreter sometimes applied that technique because of the mode of expression of a speaker, the speaker spoke too fast or a mixture of those factors (Jones:1998). The data related to omission technique are: Data1 In data (1), 10th dialogue, 9h and 12th utterance, page 117-118 Journalist: 56.38’ [I’m a journalist from Hong Kong China and I have several questions for Vice Minister of Foreign Affair. /Chinese President, Xi Jinping began his first state visit to Indonesia from yesterday and how do you think of his state visit? Do you think it would /improve the bilateral relationship and friend and /the partnership between /China and Indonesia?] Interpreter: 56.39’ [Saya jurnalis dari Hong Kong China dan memiliki beberapa pertanyaan untuk Wakil Menteri..Luar Negeri. Xi Jinping sudah memulai kunjungan luar negerinya kemarin ke Indonesia, bagaimana menurut anda mengenai kunjunan kenergaraanya itu? Apakah ini 63 sudah memperbaiki hubungan bilateral? Dan memperkuat kemitraan antara China dengan Indonesia?] Speaker: 1.01.10’ [Terima kasih Bapak Pimpinan. I think we (xxx) to the question in a way of collague. aa...Related to the prospect of the bilateral relation between Indonesia and China. aa...I believe that the visit of the President of China to.. to Indonesia yesterday and after today, we further strengthen and broader the relation, bilateral relation between Indonesia and China...] Interpreter: 1.01.12’ [Thank you Mr Chair, berkaitan dengan pertanyaan yang sudah diajukan oleh rekan kami berkaitan dengan pada prospek hubungan bilateral antara Indonesia dengan /China, saya percaya bahwa kunjungan Presiden China ke Indonesia kemarin dan sampai juga dengan /hari ini akan lebih meningkatkan dan memperkuat lagi memperluas hubungan bilateral antara Indonesia dengan /China] In the first utterance from the journalist from China, she asked the speaker about the relationship between Indonesia and China related to the two leaders who met for the first time. When the journalist said “Chinese President Xi Jinping began...”, the interpreter rendered it only the name of the president “Xi Jinping sudah memulai...”. He deleted the information “Chinese president” and directly interpreted into the name of the Chinese President, Xi Jinping. It was done because the journalist spoke fast and it was already known that the President Xi Jinping was from China. Therefore, to save a sufficient time, the interpreter omitted “Chinese President”. The interpreter also made a mistake in rendering the utterance in SL “do you think it would /improve the bilateral relationship” with a specific stress on the word of “improve” and it was interpreted into “Apakah ini sudah memperbaiki hubungan bilateral? The interpretation should be “Apakah ini akan meningkatkan hubungan bilateral..”. The rendition could make other perception that both Indonesia and China had a diplomatic problem 64 previously due to what was rendered had a different meaning. In this case, for a good reason, he should make a correction. However, the interpreter did not seem to realize his mistake and just let it go over in a silence because the speaker spoke fast and had a limited time to go back to make a correction. At the end of the utterance, the interpreter added the word “memperkuat” to emphasize the relationship between the two countries. Meanwhile, when the speaker, who was Vice Foreign Minister of Indonesia, gave the feedback in English to the journalist and he spoke in a low tone. Therefore, there was an inaudible voice (xxx) which made the interpreter delete the information and directly started the interpretation. The interpretation in TL should be “...saya pikir, kita (xxx) terhadap pertanyaan wartawan. Berkaitan prospek hubungan bilateral antara Indonesia dan China...”. However, the interpreter directly interpreted it into “...berkaitan dengan pertanyaan yang sudah diajukan oleh rekan kami berkaitan dengan pada prospek hubungan bilateral antara Indonesia dengan China”. The deletion was not giving a serious problem for the interpreter because it was just an opening remark before answering the essential message. The interpreter also added “meningkatkan” which implied that he wanted to emphasize the relationship between China and Indonesia. Data 2 In data (1), 10th dialogue, 2nd utterance, page 115 Journalist : 54.45’ [Saya Michele dari kantor berita negara Rusia, RIA Novosti dan ada pertanyaan kepada Bapak Wisnu, karena satu tahun kemarin di Vladivostok Rusia, Indonesia janji akan ada kelanjutan dari pada inisiatif Rusia sebagai ketua APEC tahun kemarin dan 65 bagaimana situasi dengan kelanjutan itu sekarang?, apa ada ini dalam usul yang akan diberikan ABAC kepada leader? Dan ada juga Bapak Yuri punya nama Rusia jadi saya mesti tanya /Bapak Yuri juga. Aa.../Kira-kira pertanyaan sama, bagaimana, /ada satu pendapat bahwa pada bulan terakhir, /tiga bulan terkahir, Rusia masih Ketua APEC tahun kemarin, ini perhatian dari pada Rusia kepada APEC turun. /Bagaimana dengan Indonesia?, ini nanti juga /turun sesudah summit ini? atau tiga bulan yang masih ke depan APEC sangat ee masih sangat penting untuk Indonesia, terima kasih banyak//] Interpreter: 54.49’ [I am Michele from the Russian News Office. In Russia in Vladivostok, Indonesia promise a continuation of the Russia’s initiative after Russia’s chairmanship last year. /What about that in or what are the updates or there any recommendation relevant to that and because Mr. Yuri has a Russian name so I have to direct the question to Mr. /Yuri. /The same question, there is a few, there is an opinion that in the last three months, Russia is still the chair (4) the last three years of the Russia chairmanship Russia experience a decresion popularity or what about this year will APEC still be popular, be relevant. The journalist above was a Russian native who delivered the question in Indonesian language and therefore, the interpreter had to swiftly convert it into English for English media. In rendering the rendition from SL to TL, there was about four second distance of time for the interpreter to start rendering, after the word “saya” came in SL and it was directly rendered into “I’m...” in TL. The interpreter rendered the rendition at the same time he listened to the next utterance coming out from the speaker coordinately. Based on the interpretation in the target language, the rendition above has fulfilled the message of SL to TL. Due to the quite fast speaker and the interpreter wanted to save time, the interpreter took the technique of deletion (omission). The interpreter deleted some information of SL. 66 The word “negara and RIA Novosti” did not exist in TL. The interpretation should be “I am Michele from the Russian State News Office, RIA Novosti”. However, the interpreter only rendered the general name of it into Russian News Office. The rendition still can fulfill the message because “negara” and the name of the news agency RIA Novosti had already represented Russia. Due to limited of time in rendering along with a fast speaker, the interpreter also deleted the utterance “ada pertanyaan kepada Bapak Wisnu karena satu tahun kemarin...”. The interpretation should be “there is a question for Mr. Wisnu because a year ago...”. The utterance implied that the journalist wanted only Mr. Wisnu to answer his question directly without being intervened by other speakers. However, to save time and maintain the distance, he just deleted the sentence. In the utterance “bagaimana situasi dengan kelanjutan itu sekarang, apa ada ini dalam usul yang akan diberikan ABAC kepada leader”, the interpretation should be “what about the progress of that continuation, is there any recommendation which will ABAC give to the leader?. However, the interpretation of “ABAC kepada leader” in SL did not exist in TL and the interpreter added “relevant” to emphasize the recommendation of the continuation on Russia’s initiative. In the last utterance, the journalist’s question implied the importance of APEC for the next months. It was accepted if the interpreter transferred the message by saying “will APEC still important for Indonesia?”. Here, the interpreter added “will APEC still be popular, be relevant?” to emphasize the relevance of APEC for the future in form of interrogative utterance. 67 Data 3 In data (2), 6th dialogue, 1st utterance, page 124 Journalist: 20.25’ [Selamat siang, ee.. bapak-bapak perkenalkan nama saya Desy Fitriani dari Televisi Republik Indonesia. Pertanyaan saya adalah sebuah,.. semacam ee... mungkin mencari tahu pendapat dari bapak-bapak terkait dengan ketidakhadiran Presiden Amerika Serikat Barack Obama itu menegaskan apakah kemudian bahwa krisis finansial secara /global memang benar-benar akan terjadi?. Interpeter: 20.28’ [I’m Desy Triani. I have a question to ask for your opinion with regards to the cancellation of President Barack Obama, is that mean that the global financial crisis is happening? Based on the data above, the interpreter deleted some information. We can see the source text “Pertanyaan saya adalah sebuah,.. semacam ee... mungkin mencari tahu pendapat dari bapak-bapak terkait dengan ketidakhadiran Presiden Amerika Serikat Barack Obama...” was interpreted into “I have a question to ask for your opinion with regards to the cancellation of President Barack Obama...”. In this case, the speaker used illustrative words as a mode of expression such as “..semacam...sebuah...mungkin mencari tahu..”. Therefore, it was not too important for him to interpret the rendition. In the previous utterance, the interpreter deleted the journalist’s introduction and her media. “Selamat siang, ee.. bapak-bapak perkenalkan nama saya Desy Fitriani dari Televisi Republik Indonesia” and it was just directly rendered into her name “Desy Fitriani” to have sufficient distance from the original as the speaker spoke fast. On the TL, grammatically, the interpreter might make a slip of togue by making a wrong rendition on the utterance of “...is that mean..?” which should be rendered into 68 “does it mean?”. However, he just passed it in silence because there was no time for making a correction due to limited time. Data 4: In data (3 ), 1st dialogue, 1st utterance, page 131 Journalist: 14.24’ [Okay. Thank you, Mr. Secretary. /Can you hear me? First of all... I’m not sure – yes? Okay [testing the mic) 14.26’ I’m /curious as to, first, ho.../how do you make the case back at home to members of Congress that the shutdown hurts, American security and potentially the security of its allies, /while at the same time you are here, presumably, assuring those allies, in Asia, that you still have their back, like what you said?. Interpreter: 14.26’ [/Bisa dengar suara saya?,] Saya ingin tahu berkaitan dengan pertama kali, bagaimana anda menjelaskan kepada... angggota kongres bahwa shutdown atau penutupan pemerintah Amerika Serikat ini akhirnya mengurangi atau mencederai keamanan luar negeri misalnya\ terutama kita, sementara kita berusaha menyakinkan, /anda berusaha menyakinkan mitra-mitra anda itu bahwa anda tetap mendukung mitra- mitra tersebut di luar negeri. Based on the data above, the interpreter omitted several utterances in the first sentence uttered by the journalist which was considered not too important to be interpreted because the speaker implied that he tested the mic to check whether it worked or not. The interpreter then just summed up and rendered it into “Bisa dengar suara saya” in the target language. The omission also occurred to the next utterance “I’m curious as to, first, ho...how do you make the case back at home to members of Congress...” and it was rendered into “Saya ingin tahu berkaitan dengan pertama kali, bagaimana anda menjelaskan kepada... angggota kongres...”. In this case, the interpreter omitted the SL clause “...the case back at home..” which should be rendered in the target language into “masalah di dalam 69 negeri”. Because the speaker spoke fast, he just missed it out by keeping the essential message in the target language. It was not necessary for the interpreter to render it because the state which was stated in the source language was the US government. So, the utterance “the case back home” was related to the internal problem of the US government. Data 5 In data (3 ), 3rd dialogue, 1st utterance, page 132 Journalist: 21.33’ [Thank you, Secretary Kerry and Ambassador Froman. Secretary Kerry, you /addressed this a little bit at the top of your remarks, but the whole question about the government shutdown has certainly created a /perception in Asia, that it’s undermining the President’s ability to fulfill his Asia pivot /promise and we’ve heard this both in public remarks from certain Asian leaders and also aam...you know, /private remarks, that they feel it’s undermining the President’s, what is meant to be his signature issue of his second-term foreign policy /distracting him\. So I want to ask you, /How can you/ reassure those leaders who’ve expressed their /concerns that it’s /not undermining the Asia pivot? Interpreter: 21.35’ [\Terima kasih Bapak... Menteri Kerry dan Duta Besar Froman, anda sudah mengatakan /tadi... tapi pertanyaan mengenai penutupan....pemerintahan itu sudah... membuat citra bahwa,... Amerika Serikat mungkin akan kesulitan untuk memenuhi /janjinya untuk Asia, ada juga komentar-komentar yang diucapkan secara pribadi bahwa ini akhirnya mengurangi kemampuan\ Presiden untuk memberi tanggungjawabnya ini sebagai suatu...aa pengalih perhatian sekurang-kurangnya, bagaimana anda akan menjelaskan kepada para pemimpin dunia tersebut bahwa ini tidak akan melemahkan Asia (xxx) pihlet.... In the quotation above, an international journalist from US Bloomberg asked a question to the speaker about his opinion of the shutdown in the US government which created a weakness perception for the US President. In this case, the speaker spoke so fast which forced the interpreter to omit several utterances in 70 order to maintain his distance and catch up the flowing utterance to interpret. When the journalist said “Secretary Kerry, you addressed this a little bit at the top of your remarks...” the interpreter interpreted it into “ Anda sudah mengatakan tadi....”. We can see that he omitted the name of the addressee “Secretary Kerry” because the question delivered by the journalist was clear for the Secretary Kerry, so it was not important to render it into the target language and just directly mentions “Anda...” which has the same addressee as “you”. The interpreter also reformulated the mode of the speaker’s expression of “a little bit at the top of your remarks” into a simple rendition of “tadi” , meaning that the remarks had been mentioned previously to save time, it is not a must for the interpreter to render it and only to keep the essential message. He also reformulated the utterance “...created a perception in Asia, that it’s undermining the President’s ability to fulfill his Asia pivot /promise and we’ve heard this both in public remarks from certain Asian leaders and also aam...you know, private remarks,...” and it was interpreted in the target language into “sudah... membuat citra bahwa,... Amerika Serikat mungkin akan kesulitan untuk memenuhi /janjinya untuk Asia, ada juga komentar-komentar yang diucapkan secara pribadi...”. The interpreter omitted the clause “in public remarks from certain Asian leaders” because the speaker spoke too fast. Eventhough the clause had been removed, the interpretation fulfilled the message because previously he mentioned “Asia”, meaning that the perception of undermining the US policy was from the leader or Asian nations. The interpreter also made a specific intonation following the same as the source language in 71 “/janjinya” to emphasize the promise made by the US government to the Asian nations. In the last utterance, the interpreter also omitted the information “...who’ve expressed their concerns..” because the utterance was only illustrative to the leader who undermined the US ability and he just missed out to keep the essential message. 4.1.5 Summarizing Summarizing was taken by the interpreter to ensure that the audience would understand fully by adding things not in the sense of providing a summary that replaced the full text. The data related to summarizing technique are: Data 1 In data (1), 10th dialogue, utterance 4-6, page 116 Speaker: 56.09’ [Bidang yang ingin dilanjutkan dari Rusia itu apa?] Interpreter: 56.10’ [Can can you tell us a specific area that like to ask about at this time?] Speaker: 56.24’ [/ada spesifiknya?] Interpreter: 56.26’ [Can you provide the specific sector?] The utterances above were conducted in simultaneous interpreting which involved interaction between the speaker and a journalist without using a copy of the text used by the interpreter because it was done spontaneously. The interpreter rendered the utterance one by one coordinately with the time distance for about one second on the first rendition in TL. It was mainly discussed the specific field on the continuation of the Russia’s initiative. The interpreter mainly applied the 72 technique of summarizing or addition in TL. In the first utterance the speaker asked the Russian journalist “Bidang yang ingin dilanjutkan dari Rusia itu apa?”. It implied that the speaker emphasized the question on a specific field (bidang). The speaker placed “bidang” preceding the question word “apa” in the construction of an interrogative sentence. The right construction in SL should be “Apa bidang yang ingin dilanjutkan dari Rusia itu?”. The interpreter rendered it into “can you tell us a specific area that like to ask about at this time?”. The interpreter again took summarizing by adding the word “specific” to stress the field of the initiative and the adverb of time “at this time” referred to the initiative asked by the journalist that year. When the speaker stressed his feedback to the journalist, the speaker said “ada spesifiknya?”, the interpreter rendered it into “Can you provide the specific sector?”. Here, the interpreter added a noun “sector” to indicate the specific thing on the intended initiative. It means that the interpreter wanted to give a full understanding by adding “sector” to describe the specific field. Data 2 In data (1), 10th dialogue, utterance 1, page 115 Speaker : 54.24’ [Nah sekarang tibanya saya memberikan kesempatan kepada teman-teman jurnalis untuk bertanya. Saya persilahkan /tiga orang yang pertama. /Satu, dua, ee yang di depan satu, dua. Belakang yang biru, satu. Tiga, ya. Saya persilahkan] Interpreter : 54. 26’ [Now it’s time for me to give the opportunity to you member of the press to /ask question. I would like to invite three people first, one two. One from front, one from two, three including one from the back in blue//] 73 In rendering the data above, the speaker had to wait until the word “Sekarang” in SL came out and rendered in TL into “now” and at the same time he had to listen next utterance to be rendered simultaneously for about two second distance of time. In quotation above the speaker said “Nah sekarang tibanya saya memberikan kesempatan kepada teman-teman jurnalis untuk bertanya. Saya persilahkan tiga orang yang pertama. Satu, dua, ee yang di depan satu dua. Belakang yang biru, satu. Tiga ya. Saya persilahkan”. The utterance implied that the speaker invited three journalists to ask questions to the speakers in front of the conference table. The interpreter rendered the utterance in the TL into “Now it’s time for me to give the opportunity to you member of the press to ask question. I would like to invite three people first, one two. One from front, one from two, three including one from the back in blue”. The interpreter added the word “you” to emphasize that the invitation went to the journalist even though “member of the press” was enough to represent the rendition of “teman-teman jurnalis”. The interpreter also deleted the information in SL “Saya persilahkan” because the speaker had already conveyed the same utterance previously so that the interpreter deleted it to save time and maintain distance from the speaker. Data 3 In data (3), 1st opening, 14th utterance, page 129 Speaker: 08.59’ [/The relationship between the United States and the Asia Pacific has really never been, more important than it is now. President Obama /began a rebalance to this region in the course of his first four years, and we intend to /continue that, over the course of his second term\] 74 [It is, very clear that most of the economic issues that we face /today /require the kind of cooperation that APEC makes possible. Interpreter: 09.01’ [/Hubungan antara Amerika Serikat dengan Asia Pasifik tidak pernah... menjadi sepenting ini//] [Presiden Obama memulai\ ...ehm...pe...penyeimbangan kembali kekuatan di wilayah ini dan kami akan terus melakukannya selama sampai dengan masa jabatan yang keduanya habis. ...Sudah jelas bahwa banyak permasalahan ekonomi yang kami hadapi\, kita hadapi /hari ini memerlukan kerja sama yang dimungkinkan oleh APEC. In the data above, the speaker uttered the utterances that the United States relationship to Asia Pasific nations was strong and that they wanted to have a close cooperation.When the speaker conveyed his second utterance, the interpreter rendered it into “Presiden Obama memulai...ehm..pe...penyeimbangan kembali kekuatan di wilayah ini dan kami akan terus melakukannya selama sampai dengan masa jabatannya habis”. In that interpretation, the interpreter added the information “kekuatan” which did not exist in the source language. The addition above referred to the previous utterance which the speaker stated that the relation between the US Government and Asia Pacific was getting more important so that it would make the relation go strong. In the interpretation, the speaker made a short pause with a low intonation on “...ehm..pe...penyeimbangan” indicating that he tried to think about the appropriate rendition in the target language. The other summarizing performed by the interpreter could also be seen in the repetition of the next utterance“...kami hadapi, kita hadapi” in the target language. It means that the interpreter tried to ensure an understanding that the economic problem did not only happen to the US but also to the APEC countries therefore cooperation was needed. 75 Data 4 In data (3), opening speech, 4th utterance, page 127 Spaeaker : 01.30’ [As I’ve said many times, the /values of great institutions like the United States Senate and the House, is how we use them, and what they represent to the world. And /because these institutions are instruments of the people, they are broken only if we let them break] Interpreter: 01.35’ [...seperti::: Senat Amerika Serikat ada satu institusi besar, dan manfaat-manfaatnya ada pada bagaimana kami menggunakannya, dan apa.../bagaimana mereka mewakili diri mereka ke /dunia dan bagaimana... lembaga-lembaga ini adalah alat bagi rakyat. Mereka, hanya rusak tidak berfungsi. /Kalau kita biarkan mereka rusak, tidak berfungsi//] The interpreter rendered to the rendition for about four seconds distance time from the speaker with a fast speaker. On the line 4-5 in the italicized utterance in the data above, the interpreter took the technique of summarizing or adds information in the target language. The interpreter added the phrase “tidak berfungsi” to stress the importance of the people if the government neglected these institutions. The interpreter should rendered “they” as the pronoun of plural noun of “institutions” into institusi not mereka in the target language because institusi is the pronoun of “they”. Mereka in Indonesian language is never used to refer to plural noun. The target interpretation for the data above should be ...dan karena lembaga tersebut adalah alat bagi rakyat, institusi itu hanya rusak kalau kita biarkan rusak. 4.1.6 Technique Applied If the Interpreter Makes Mistakes A simultaneous interpreter sometimes made a mistake in rendering the rendition due to many problems such as the density of utterance and a limited time 76 to render in the target language. The following are the data that a simultaneous interpreter did when he made a clear and objective mistake: Data 1 In data (1), 10th dialogue, utterance 11, page 117 Speaker: 59.00’ [Terima kasih bapak. Ada kelanjutan antara APEC di Vladivostok dan juga APEC di Bali begitu juga APEC dihasilkan di Bali nanti juga dilanjutkan oleh forthcoming chairman China. Untuk informasi misalnya untuk food security itu satu isu yang diperhatikan dikembangkan dari APEC Summit yang satu ke APEC Summit yang lain] Interpreter: 59.02’ [Thank you sir. There is a continuation between the meeting in Vladivostok and the meeting in Bali. Like this meeting in Bali will be continued in Germany aa... excuse me in China for fues, for food security, this is an issue that is especially a focus and it is developed from one APEC summit to another APEC member// From the bold quotation in the target language above, the interpreter made a mistake due to a slip of tongue in rendering the rendition that the next APEC meeting would be held in China; however, he rendered it into another country of “Germany”. Realizing that he made a mistake, he swiftly made a correction and said an apology to the audience “excuse me”. There was also a mistake in the next utterance when rendering the mix Indonesian language and English of ”Untuk food security” into “for fues”; however, he then corrected it into a right rendition “for food security” without any apology. Data 2 In data (1), 10th dialogue, 14th utterance, page 118 Speaker : 1.03.52’ [Nah kalau mereka puluhan billion dolar, /berapa yang kita habiskan totalnya secara Rupiah secara /anggaran, biasanya anggaraan tidak 100 persen kepake, ini anggaran dalam /satu tahun, mulai 1 Januari 2013 sampai dengan /selesainya nanti /akhir tahun 77 2013, total anggarannya adalah tepatnya tiga ratus enam puluh empat miliar tujuh ratus enam puluh lima juta Rupiah saja. Jadi tiga ratus enam puluh empat miliar tujuh ratus enam puluh lima juta saja. Yang kalau di-US dolarkan kurang lebih tidak lebih dari 35 juta US dolar, tidak /billion...] Interpreter: 1.03.54’ [...If they spent tens of billion of dollars, how much /did we /spend /here now. In terms of budget atau we have use it 100 percent from one year from January 1st 2013 until the finish of APEC of 2013 the total budget is exactly three hundred sixty four billion seven hundred sixty five thousand Rupiah only aw... million. Three hundred sixty four billion seven hundred and sixty five million rupiah excuse me. In US dollars it’s no more than thirty five million three five million US dollars not billion...] Based on the data above, the speaker was telling about the total amount of preparation at the 2013 APEC Conference in Bali compared to the same event conducted in Vladivostok, Russia previous years ago. We can see that there was a mistake made by the interpreter in rendering the message into the target language. The interpreter might slip of tongue in rendering a wrong part of the arithmetic value. When the speaker said “total anggarannya adalah tepatnya tiga ratus enam puluh empat miliar tujuh ratus enam puluh lima juta Rupiah saja” the interpreter rendered it into “the total budget is exactly three hundred sixty four billion seven hundreds and sixty five thousand Rupiah”. The interpreter should render the part of the arithmetic value in the source language “juta” into “million”; however, he transferred it into “thousand”. Then, he immediately made a quick correction and said an apology “excuse me” in the end of the utterance. The repetition in mentioning the numbers delivered by the speaker gave a good opportunity for the interpreter to make the correction and maintain the distance to the speaker. The interpreter then corrected the rendition by saying 78 “aw... million. Three hundred sixty four billion seven hundred and sixty five million Rupiah, excuse me”. Data 3 In data (1), 10th dialogue, 15th utterance, page 119 Speaker: 1.05.21’ [...Yang ketiga anggaran ada di Kementerian Pariwisata dan /Ekonomi Kreatif, dan yang terakhir anggarannya ada di Infokom, ya kementerian ee Kominfo, Kominfo Infokom /sama saja sebenarnya] Interpreter: 1.05.24’ [....there is a budget allocation in the ministry of tourism and creative economy and lastly there is a budget in the information and communication, excuse me, the communication and information ministry. The Ministry of Communication and Information I’m sorry I miss pronounce it] The same technique was also used in data 3 by saying apology. We can see clearly that the speaker made a mistake in mentioning the name of the organization. However, the interpreter seemed to render the wrong name without waiting for a correction made by the speaker. In this case, the interpreter then said the correct name and followed by an apology “I’m sorry I miss pronounce it”. Data 4 In data (2), 4th dialogue, 1st utterance, page 123 Speaker: 14.33’ [...Yang kedua, yang kemarin panitia nasional telah menerima kritik terkait dengan konten /website yang kurang memadai\ dan hari ini saya akan sampaikan kepada temen-temen media, mulai /hari ini dari /seluruh pihak yang bertanggung jawab apakah itu masalah substansi dan lain sebagainya sudah akan mendownload penambahan materi-materi di dalam webstise KTT APEC yang ada dan mudahmudahan temen-temen wartawan bisa menerima bahan –bahan yang lebih banyak lagi mulai hari ini.// 79 Interpreter: 14.38’ [...and yesterday the national committee was critized or received /criticism regarding the website content that was very inadequate and I will say that to the media partners /started today, all people involved and all people responsible....excuse me, all of you can add, can /download additional materials from the APEC sides and hope that you can... start downloading more information started from /today] From the bold quotation in the target language above we can see that the interpreter made a clear mistake by saying “excuse me” in the target language. When the speaker utterred “...seluruh pihak yang bertanggung jawab apakah itu masalah substansi dan lain sebagainya sudah akan mendownload penambahan materi-materi...” the interpreter added other utterances which should not be rendered in the target language by adding a wrong utterance ”all people involved and all people responsible....excuse me, all of you can add, can download additional materials”. The interpreter might slip of tongue by rendering “all people responsible” and he realized that the mistake was corrected just after the wrong utterance and was followed with an apology “excuse me”. So, the right rendition in the target language became “all people who are involved can download additional materials”. Data 5 In data (4), opening, 2nd utterance, page 134 Speaker: 00. 30’ [First, we agreed to /redouble efforts to attain the Bogor Goals in 2020. We shared the views that, all economies must continue to gain from the APEC cooperation] Interpreter: 00.32’ [Pertama kita mengakhiri, /yang pertama kita bertekad untuk menggandakan upaya kita untuk mencapai Bogor Goals 2020. Kita miliki pandangan yang sama bahwa seluruh ekonomi APEC harus terus mendapatkan manfaat dari kerja sama APEC] 80 Based on the italicized utterance in the target language, we can see clearly that the interpreter made a mistake in rendering the source language utterance into the target language. When the speaker said “First, we agreed to redouble...”, the interpreter made a mistake by rendering it into a wrong rendition in the target language“Pertama kita mengakhiri”. The wrong rendition could occur due to the slip of tongue of the interpreter. However, it was already realized and the interpreter made a quick correction by saying “/yang pertama kita bertekad...” which sounded more accepted in the target language with a specific intonation in the clause marker of “yang” indicated by (/) to emphasize the right rendition. Data 6: In Data (1), dialogue 8, 3rd-5th utterance, page 114 Speaker1: 47.27’ Yang kedua untuk pakaian leaders yang nanti akan tampil di dalam-kalau tidak salah gala dinner nanti, ya Pak Ketua? Speaker2: Ya betul Speaker1: Itu adalah memakai pakaian /endek Bali. Jadi semua leaders yang akan tampil di situ memakai pakaian endek Bali yang sudah barang tentu dipilih oleh Bapak Presiden dan Ibu Negara. Interpreter: 47.32’ For...(4) the cloth of the leaders, which will be /born, which will be /worn at the gala dinner, they will wear a traditional dress. the Endek Bali outfit which was personally picked out by the President and the.... From the quotation above, the distance between the SL utterance and the TL utterance was about five seconds before the interpreter started speaking. In the beginning of the target language, the interpreter made a short pause for about four seconds waiting for extra input from the speaker until the word “leaders” came out from the speaker and began to render the rendition. The interpreter made a 81 summary on its rendition. He summed up the utterance from the speaker 1, speaker 2 and back to the speaker 1 into one rendition in the target language. However, the summary was still not completed by the important utterance such as omitting the utterance of Ibu Negara as it delivered by the speaker 1 which making the lost of information in the TL. The interpreter might have a limited time, the density of the utterance from the speaker and keeping the distance to catch up the next utterance flowing from the speaker. In rendering the first utterance, the interpreter also omitted the phrase “yang kedua” and directly delivered the message into “for...the cloth of the leaders...” to avoid race with the speaker and save time. The interpreter made a mistake in rendering the rendition in the source language “untuk pakaian leaders yang nanti akan tampil di dalam-kalau tidak salah gala dinner nanti”and he rendered it into “for the cloth of the leader which will be born...”. However, realizing that the rendition was wrong, he swiftly made a quick correction silently. He then delivered the correct rendition into “...which will be /worn at the gala dinner” with a specifically stressed intonation on the verb “worn” to emphasize that the right verb is worn not “born”. 4.1.7 Technique Applied If the Speaker Makes Mistakes The interpreter needs to take a technique if the speaker makes a mistake due to several problems. The data related to the technique applied if the delegate makes a mistake are: 82 Data 1 In data (1), 1st dialogue, 1st utterance, page 111 Speaker: 10.31’ Izinkan kami untuk memberikan gambaran secara sepintas mengenai rangkaian kegiatan APEC Indonesia 2013... Interpreter: 10. 32’ Allow me to provide a glance a description of the APEC Summit for 2013... Journalist: 11.00 Kurang keras Pak... Speaker: 11.01’ /Baik. Terima kasih...Agak...he he Interpreter: 11.02’ I applologize. You could hear me just now Based on the data above, the speaker made a mistake due to a technical problem in a low tone which made the journalist could not hear the speaker’s voice clearly. Therefore, in utterance 3, the journalist said to the speaker “kurang keras Pak...” which implied that the speaker should speak louder and therefore the speaker answered “/baik, terima kasih. Agak...he he..” with a specific high intonation on the word of “baik” to tested his voice. Realizing that the speaker made a technical mistake on his low tone, the interpreter then reformulating the intention of the speaker by saying an appoligize into “I applologize. You could hear me just now”. In rendering utterance 3-4, the interpreter did not render it one by one but summed up the rendition into one sentence due to the density of utterance. Data 2 In data (1), 10th dialogue, 10th utterance, page 117 Speaker2: 57.24’ [Thank you am...I would like to answer your question on Bahasa ya? Boleh?] 83 Interpreter: 57.29’ [Saya ingin menjawab pertanyan anda dalam bahasa /Indonesia Speaker2: 57.32’ [It’s a .../I think APEC is becoming more...oh sorry bahasa Inggris. (laugh) (9) Interpreter: (silent) From the data above, the interpreter started rendering the rendition simultaneously for about five seconds distance behind the speaker. Here, the interpreter did not render the mistake made by the speaker due to a slip of tongue in the third utterance of “It’s a ...I think APEC is becoming more...oh sorry bahasa Inggris”. Previously on the first utterance, the speaker wanted to speak in Indonesian language and the rendition has already rendered in TL by the interpreter. However the speaker still uttered the utterance in English. Therefore, the interpreter did not render because it would be waste of time to render the words that has no specific impact and just over in a silence. 4.1.8 Avoiding Rendering Joke and Saying The following are the data related to the technique applied by the interpreter when rendering utterance containing a joke and saying: Data 1 In Data (1), 8th dialogue, 10th utterance, page 115 Speaker2 : 48.03’ /yang dipakai Pak Bupati itu yang jeleknya (Laugh) Interpeter: 48.07’ So Mr. Regent here is wearing aaa...the same dress but not of the same quality. Speaker1 : ini lebih baik sedikit Speaker 2: nanti yang dipakai leaders /jauh lebih baik (all laugh) Interpreter: The leaders will wear something even /better than this one that you see, wore by Mr. Regent and Deputy Minister... 84 From the data above, we can see that there were jokes delivered by the second speaker which resulting laugh in a room. This joke was related to the quality of traditional cloth wore by the first speaker compared to the cloth that will be worn by the leaders or the president who attend the APEC meeting. In this case, the joke conveyed by the second speaker above was translatable. Therefore the interpreter rendered the joke in a smooth way. The second speaker conveyed “/yang dipakai pak bupati itu yang jeleknya” in the source language with a specific stressing on the first utterance. The relative clause marker of “yang” in the source language referred to the Endek, the traditional costume that will be given to the leaders. To avoid misunderstanding or offend someone, the interpreter interpreted the joke in a soft way that is “So mister regent here is wearing aaa...the same dress but not of the same quality”. It was clearly seen that the interpreter analyzes it carefully seen from the short pauses by “aaa...” indicating that he analyzed to formulate the joke into better form in the target language. In the utterance 3-4 uttered by the speaker 1 and the speaker 2, the interpreter just summed up those utterances into one rendition in the target language because the utterance from each two speakers came almost at the same time. The rendition was changed from the passive utterance in the source language of “yang dipakai leaders jauh lebih baik” into an active one in the target language “the leaders will wear something even better than this one that you see, wore by Mr. Regent and Deputy Minister. The passive in the SL was shown by the prefix –di in the verb of ”dipakai”. Meanwhile the undergoer of “leaders” in the source 85 language became a subject in the target language. The interpreter made a same stressing in rendering the utterance of “better than this one..” to describe the form of the cloth was better. He also added informations of the speaker in the rendition with the existence of “Mister Regent and Deputy Minister” which did not exist in the SL language. Data 2 In data (2), 3rd dialogue, page 122 Speaker : 13.18’ [....Dayung ke tepian bersama kekasih cukup sekian dan terima kasih] Interpreter: (uninterpreted) From the data above, the interpreter did not render the pun or saying in the source language of “...dayung ke tepian bersama kekasih cukup sekian dan terima kasih”. The interpreter just passed it and continued to the next utterance which flowing from the speaker. In this case, the saying was clear to the interpreter; however, the interpreter might considered that the saying may have not any equivalent in the target language, so without wasting time the interpreter did not render it. Even though saying in simultaneous interpreting should not be announced (Jones, 1998:125) however, the interpreter still can render the last utterance in SL “...cukup sekian terima kasih” to make a clear rendition to the audience by rendering that’s all thank you, as the alternative one. 86 4.1.9 Explanation The technique of explanation was used when the interpreter might be faced with notions, cultural or institutional references which should be ideally explained to the audience. If the interpreter had a limited time to explain and save time, the interpreter could explain its meaning the first time it was mentioned (Jones, 1998). The data are as follows. Data 1: in data (1), 7th dialogue, 1st-2nd utterance, page 113 Speaker1: 42.38’ [Jadi.... /sekarang saya minta ee...Ketua /ABAC ya untuk menyampaikan terkait dengan kesiapan dari KTT, bukan KTT maaf saya ulangi lagi dari /APEC CEO Summit ya terkait dengan APEC CEO Summit yang akan mulai pada tanggal 6. Untuk itu saya persilahkan//] Interpreter: 42.41’ [Now I would like to invite the chair of ABAC, the APEC Business Advicory Council to present the regarding the preparation of the APEC CEO Summit. So everything related to the CEO Summit will commence on the sixth] Speaker2: 43.02’ [Terima kasih Pak Chairul. Kawan-kawan media mohon maaf saya terlambat baru menyelesaikan rapat di ABAC. Jadi ingin saya laporkan saja secara singkat bahwa acara ABAC sudah dimulai dari Oktober tanggal 1 Interpreter: 43. 04’ [Thank you Mr Chairul, friends of the media I appoligize for being late I’ve just finished my meeting at /ABAC. I would like to present to you in brief that the ABAC activities started in October first...] In the bold quotation delivered by the interpreter above, we can see that he took the technique of explanation. Speaker 1 above asked the speaker 2 as the chair of ABAC to convey several things related to the event. However, the speaker only conveyed the abbreviation of ABAC without giving any explanation 87 to it. Then, the interpreter explained the notion of ABAC as the institutional organization by saying “ABAC, the APEC Business Advisory Council” which gave more complete understanding to the target audience. In the next utterance, speaker 2 repeated the notion of ABAC and to save time, the interpreter just said the initial ABAC in the target language. Data 2: In data (1), 8th dialogue, utterance 2, page 114 Speaker1: 45.35’ [Terima kasih bapak pimpinan....Nah untuk itulah kongkritnya saya sampikan kepada rekan- rekan dari media yang berbahagia bahwa untuk souvenir, untuk suvenir dalam APEC Summit ini memang Bapak Presiden memilih adalah patung kerajinan Bali. Jadi suvenir patung kerajinan Bali ini berupa, dapat saya sampikan disini dan amat sangat terkenal yaitu /Garuda Wisnu Kencana tapi Garuda Wisnu Kencana disini nampaknya lebih lengkap dibandingkan yang sementara ditampilkan di GWK... Interpreter: 45. 33’ [Thank you Mr. Chair....concretely, I can tell you, member of the press that for souvenirs, for souvenirs in the APEC Summit, Mr. President has chosen a (3) wood work of (3) traditional Balinese carving which is Garuda Wisnu Kencana, a famous a well known icon. It is in a more complete form than the one that is exhibited at the Garuda Wisnu Kencana.... Based on the quotation above, the content of the utterance sounded difficult for the interpreter. The journalists who attend the press conference for the 2013 APEC Summit Conference mainly focused on the discussion on economy. However, in that press conference, it was discussed also about cultural things. In the line 6, the speaker talked about a cultural item of souvenirs that would be given to the APEC leaders in the form of Balinese wood carving, a statue named “Garuda Wisnu Kencana”. Here, the interpreter described “Garuda Wisnu Kencana” by explaining it as “a famous a well known icon”. He explained that 88 the cultural nation above was the “icon”. By giving an explanation of an icon, it would give a description that the GWK was a well known icon of cultural object to the target audience. In rendering the rendition, the interpreter had to wait for three seconds (3) by pausing two times in the line 3 in the target language because the interpreter might analyse the right rendition. Data 3 In data (2), 3rd dialogue, 2nd utterance, page 122 Speaker: 11. 05’[...sekaligus saya ingin sampaikan di sini bahwa kita melaunching juga mengenai atau melaksanakan tv digital yang /lokal aa.. product jadi lembaga elektonika nasional, TVRI dan Kemenkominfo bekerja sama...] Interpreter: 11.10’[...we are also launching a local digital television, a local product. So the national electronics agencies T-V-R-I, the state television...] From the bold quotation in the target language, we can see that the interpreter took the technique of explanation by explaining the name of a national broadcasting television. In the source language, the speaker said “...TVRI...” without explaining what it was to the target audience. The speaker also said the utterance slowly and gave the opportunity for the interpreter to explain in the TL “the state television” after TVRI. Even though all the Indonesian journalists have already known of it, however, there are many foreign journalists who also need an interpretation. So the audience especially for the international journalist understood the name of TVRI. 89 Data 4 In data (3), 2nd opening, 6th utterance, page 130 Speaker: 13.15’ [/Finally, of course, as the Secretary said, we spent a great deal of time this week working on TPP\. The TPP countries are strongly committed to working to conclude negotiations this year..., And the /U.S. continues to work for a high level of ambition and high standards for TPP, with all due speed] Interpreter: 13.17’ [Terakhir sebagai e...seperti yang sudah dikatakan menteri, ini adalah waktu yang kritis dimana kami bekerja di... Kemitraaan Trans Pasifik, kami ingin menuntaskan negosiasi tahun /ini...., [Amerika Serikat terus... bekerja dengan ambisi yang tinggi dan standar yang tinggi berkaitan dengan TPP] In the bold type quotation in data 4 above the speaker conveyed the notion of an institutional namely TPP or formally known as “Trans Pacific Partnership” without giving it full name. However, at the first time the interpreter rendered the rendition by explaining literally the abbreviation of TPP in the target language by saying “Kemitraaan Trans Pasifik”. When the speaker said the same notion on the next utterance which was still related to the TPP, the interpreter then just rendered the initial “TPP” to save the time. 4.1.10 Anticipation The interpreter should take anticipation to alleviate the difficulty in the mode of simultaneous interpreting by anticipating specific words or phrases usually conveyed by the speaker. The data of anticipation are as follows. Data 1 In data (1), opening, 00.01’, page 110 Speaker: [Bismilah irohmnahirohim, Assalamualaikum Warohmatulahi Wabarokatuh. Salam sejahtera bagi kita semua. Om swastiastu//] 90 Interpreter: [ (11) \Om Swastyastu, May God Peace be with you] Speaker: [Yang saya hormati dan saya cintai teman-teman wartawan baik yang dari Indonesia maupun dari luar negeri Interpreter: [Honourable members of the press both domestic and foreign....] Data 2 In data (2), opening, 00.01’, page 120 Speaker: [Bismilah irohmnahirohim, Assalamualaikum Warohmatulahi Wabarokatuh, Salam sejahtera bagi kita semua, Om Swastiastu\] Interpreter: [\Om Swastiastu and May God Peace be with you Speaker: [Bapak-bapak ibu-ibu saudara-saudara sekalian...Teman-teman media para jurnalis yang saya hormati] Interpreter: [Honorable members of the press both domestic and foreign...] In data 1 and 2 above, the speaker said the same thing in the beginning of the opening remarks in the source language utterance “Bismilah irohmnahirohim, Assalamualaikum Warohmatulahi Wabarokatuh, Salam sejahtera bagi kita semua, Om Swastiastu”. This utterance was formally conveyed by the Indonesian speaker to open the session of an event both national and international held in Indonesia prior to the discussion of the main topic of discussion. In reformulating that utterance in SL, the interpreter had to wait to start speaking in the target language until he got the key unit to meaning of “Om Swastiastu” for about 11 seconds left from the speaker. The interpreter rendered the rendition in the target language as in data (1) almost the same as data (2), “Om Swastiastu and May God Peace be with you”, indicating that the interpreter knew practically as soon as the speaker delivered the first words and the rendition would be started with “Om Swastiastu...”. It means that he had already prepared an anticipation of that 91 specific phrase in the beginning of the speech. By anticipating those specific utterances, the interpreter could save time to analyze the next utterance from the speaker. Even though the interpreter can anticipate the specific phrase comes from the speaker, however, in rendering that utterance, the interpreter can render it into May God be with you as the alternative one to save time. Data 3 In data (2), 9th dialogue, 10th utterance, page 125 Speaker: 30.48’ [Saya rasa cukup, terima kasih, Wabilahtofik hiayah wasalam walaikum warahmatulatihwabarakatuh] Interpreter: 30.52’ [That is all, thank you and May God peace be with you] In the italicized quotation above, the speaker uttered the end of his speech by saying an Islamic closing speech “Wabilahtofik hiayah wasalam walaikum warahmatulatihwabarakatuh”. Hearing that kind of specific phrases, the interpreter practically knew that the utterance was the end of the press conference. As soon as the speaker pronounced the phrase, he swiftly rendered it into “May God peace be with you” with the low tone of intonation indicating that the speech was about to end. In this case, the interpreter reformulated the specific phrases into “May God peace be with you” which sounded natural because that specific phrase was syntatically different from the target language. It means that the interpreter anticipated and prepared a specific utterance in the target language. 4.2 Interpreting Shift Shift in transferring the message from source language to target language cannot be avoided in two different language systems. Below is the finding which 92 shows the existence of shift from the source language to the target language. There are two major types of shift, namely, level shift and category shift in the data of the study. 4.2.1 Level Shift Level shift occurs when the source language item has a different linguistic level from its own in the target language such as in grammatical or lexical. The occurrence of level shift involves the data below: Data 1 In data (3), opening speech, page 126 Speaker : 00.39’ [...and we thank them for their exceptional hosting of the APEC conference] Interpreter: 00.41 [...dan kami berterima kasih kepadanya karena penyelenggaraan yang luar biasa dari Konferensi APEC ini] The data above showed the level shift from lexical into grammatical form Catford (1965). The bold type in the source language of “thank” is in form of lexical which means that the speaker was expressing to the people for giving a good hosting to the conference. The interpreter then rendered it in the target language into “berterima kasih” which was in grammatical form. It was formed by the prefix of ber- followed by terima kasih. Data 2 In data (3), opening speech, page 127 Speaker : 03.26’ [For the moment, there are some things that do get affected...] Interpreter: 03.29’ [Saat ini memang ada beberapa hal yang terkena pengaruh...] 93 Based on the data above, we can see that the level shift occured in the process of transferring the message from the source language in form of grammatical was shifted into a lexical in the target language. In the source language it was formed by pronoun (there) and to be or verb (are) which followed by the subject in plural (some things) and it was rendered by the interpreter into a lexical of “ada” in the target language. There was a change from the level of grammatical into lexical in the target language Catford (1965). Data 3 In data (3), opening speech, page 128 Speaker: 04.34’ [So /the world is watching to see whether a combination of /tough sanctions and careful diplomacy can /lead Iran to verifiably give up the chase for nuclear weapons] Interpreter: 04.38’ [\Jadi dunia akan melihat apakah kombinasi dari sanksisanksi yang ketat dan diplomasi yang ber, hati-hati bisa mengarahkan Iran untuk akhirnya me:::e...menyerah dan akhirnya tidak lagi... mengembangkan senjata nuklir//] Based on the bold italicized data above, there was a level shift occurring in the process of transferring the word “watching” in the source language and it was the bound morpheme “-ing” . It had a grammatical form of to be (is) and followed by verb-ing. The interpreter then rendered it into a future form of the simple present continuous tense of “akan” as a free morpheme in the target language. The rendition into “akan” meant that there was an exact time in the future into “akan melihat” which was equivalent in the target language. The changing from grammatical form in the source language into lexical in the target language was included to level shift Catford (1965). 94 4.2.2 Category Shift In transferring the message from source language to target language, there was a change occurred not just a change of units such as word, phrase, clause or sentence but also shift of structure, class shift and others. Those shifts were included into a category shift. They were structureal shift, class shift, unit shift and intra-system shift. The data related to category shift are: Structure shift Structure shift involves a change in grammatical structure between source text and target text Catford (1965). The data which were categorized as structure shift is as follows Data 1 In data (3), opening speech, utterance 5, page 126 Speaker : 00.46’ [First, I’d like to say just a few words about the disappointing situation back home which regrettably, has kept the President of the United States from attending this year’s APEC] Interpreter: 00.49’ [Pertama saya ingin me...mberikan beberapa patah kata mengenai... situasi yang mengecewakan di dalam negeri kami yang sudah akhirnya mencegah, Presiden Amerika Serikat untuk datang ke pertemuan APEC tahun ini] Based on the data of italicized phrase above, it showed the evidence of structure shift in transferring the phrase “disappointing situation” in the source language into “situasi yang mengecewakan” in the target language. The phrase was shifted from the modifier of “disappointing” (adjective) and the noun head of “situation” in the source language into the noun head of “situasi” (noun) and the modifier of “yang mengecewakan” with the relative clause marker “yang” in 95 the target language. The syntactical difference occurred as English commonly had the structure system of modifier and head meanwhile Indonesian language had the structure system of head and followed by modifier. The occurance above was suitable to the notion of Catford (1965). Data 2 In data (3), opening speech, utterance 10, page 127 Speaker : 02.07’ [And to all of our friends and foes watching around the world, let me be crystal clear, do not mistake this momentary episode in American politics as anything less than a moment of politics, or anything more than a moment of politics] Interpreter: 02.08’ [Dan untuk kepada semua rekan-rekan kita ataupun lawanlawan kita di seluruh dunia, saya harus memberi penjelasan jangan salah mengangap bahwa episode singkat ini di Amerika Serikat, sebagai... sesuatu yang lebih dari pada sekedar politik] Based on the bold data in the target language, we can see that there was a structure shift in the clause of the source language to the target language. In the source language, “let me be crystal clear” was transferred into “saya harus memberikan penjelasan”. The clause in the source language was formed by a causative “let”, agent (me), bare infinitive (be), and adjective phrase (crystal clear). Meanwhile, the target language has different elements of the subject (saya), predicate (memberi), and noun (penjelasan). We can see that the bold source language utterance was shifted from the agent “me” to the subject “saya”. Here, the interpreter had rendered the message into the target language “biarkan saya memperjelas”. In this case, the agent of “me” in the source language was shifted into a subject of “saya” and the adjective phrase in the source language 96 modified by a modifier of (crystal) and noun head which was shifted into a noun (penjelasan). The data above showed that the rendition in TL item is a member of different structure from the original item Catford (1965). Class Shift The class shift occured when an item in the SL has a different linguistic class in its rendition in TL. It means that one type of word in SL becomes another type in SL. The following are the data related to class shift. Data 1 In data (2), opening speech, utterance 3, page 120 Speaker: 00. 25 [Hari ini kembali kami akan mengupdate perkembangan terakhir, terkait dengan penyelenggaraan KTT APEC] Interpreter: 00.27 [Today, again, we will give you an update, the final development of the preparation and the organization of the APEC summit] The bold type data show that the speaker delivered the verb in SL “mengupdate” into a noun phrase “an update”. We can see that the speaker mixed a foreign term with an Indonesian language prefix MeN followed by a noun “update” which became “mengupdate” and it belonged to a verb in SL. The interpreter then rendered it into a noun phrase“an update”. If the interpreter rendered the SL utterance into the same class of verb it would be in TL“Today again we will update the final development”. Basically, the verb mengupdate was still not included formally in the Indonesian language style. However, some Indonesian native speakers were trying to mix the English words with the Indonesian language or mix it with the prefix or suffix and absorb it into 97 Indonesian language. The data above showed that the rendition in TL item is a member of different class from the original item Catford (1965). Data 2 In data (2), dialogue 4, utterance 6, page 123 Speaker: 16. 26’ [...Mudah-mudahan mulai hari ini keadaannya lebih baik untuk website dan untuk ee apa ee shuttle bus] Interpreter: 16.28’ [....We hope that starting today, the website will be better, and the.... shuttle bus as well] In the data above, the interpreter shifted the utterance of the source language to a different class of word in the target language. The structure of the utterance in the SL is “Mudah-mudahan mulai hari ini keadaannya lebih baik untuk website” which was formed by mudah-mudahan (adjective), mulai (verb), hari ini (adverb of time), keadaanya (subject), lebih baik (compliment), untuk website (noun). If the interpreter rendered it in accordance with the construction of SL, it would be: “hopefully the condition starts better today for the website and the shuttle bus...” . However, the interpreter rendered the rendition of TL into two utterances; they were “we hope that starting today” which was constructed by addition of the We (Subject), hope (verb). The second utterance was “the website will be better, and the.... shuttle bus as well” which “website” was shifted into a noun as a subject. The rendition in TL item above is a member of different class from the original item Catford (1965). 98 Unit Shift This kind of shift occured when a unit on one level of grammatical in a source language has a different level in the target language. The following are the data related to the unit shift; Data 1 In data (2), opening speech, utterance 8, page 121 Speaker: 03. 17’ [Hal-hal lain menyangkut kesiapan kepanitaian seluruhnya telah dibahas dan kami telah mendapatkan laporan terinci dari duta besar Indonesia atau kepala perwakilan Indonesia yang bertugas, di seluruh anggota yang mengikuti KTT APEC, ya...] Interpreter: 03.19’ [The other things regarding the preparation of the committee have been discussed and I have received a report from the Indonesian ambassador... from, or posted in all countries and economies members of APEC...] In the bold type and italicized source language phrase above, we can see that the speaker states “kepala perwakilan” in the source language and the interpreter delivered it into “ambassador” in the target language. There was a unit change or change of rank in the source language from phrase “kepala perwakilan” into one word, that is ”ambassador” Catford (1965). In this case, the interpreter can render only duta besar in TL, however, he added the rendition of kepala perwakilan. Data 2 In data (3), opening speech, utterance 12, page 128 Speaker: 06.28 [It is the way to create opportunity for all people today, even in our discussions, we had a talk about how we make this economic opportunity with equity, meaning that women and men all joined together in their capacity to share opportunity in the workforce] 99 Interpreter: 06.30’ [Membuka kesempatan bagi semua orang, bahkan di dalam diskusi-diskusi kami hari ini, kami berbicara tentang bagaimana kita bisa membuat kesempatan-kesempatan... ekonomi ini dengan berkeadilan, artinya perempuan dan laki-laki semuanya bersama-sama dengan kapasitas yang sama untuk berbagi sumber daya di lapangan kerja] In the bold data in SL above, there were two nouns (word) which were trendered into different units in the TL. When the speaker utterred “...share opportunity in the workforce”, the interpreter could directly render it into “...berbagi sumber daya di lapangan kerja”. We can highlight the noun opportunity in the source language as a word and it was transferred in the target language as a phrase (sumber daya). Basically, opportunity above can be transferred in TL into “kesempatan”. However, the interpreter rendered it into “sumber daya”. It was a noun phrase which consisted of noun (sumber) and noun (daya). The same also occurred in the next noun phrase, “the workforce” in the source language which was transferred into different unit in the target language of the phrase “lapangan kerja”. Grammatically, a phrase is a group of words without a verb especially one that forms part of a sentence and short expression. Data 3 In data (3), dialogue 3, utterance 2nd, page 133 Speaker: 22.45’ [...President Obama is not here, and he /planned to be here. And he is /not here because he has to stay at home in order to /deal with this domestic challenge...] Interpreter: 22.46’ [...Presiden Obama tidak ada disini\ meskipun ia berencana untuk hadir disini tapi ia tidak disini karena ia harus tetap berada di /dalam negeri untuk mengurusi... tantangan domestik...] 100 In the bold data above, there was a prepositional phrase in the source language “at home” which was transferred into “di dalam negeri” in the target language. We can see that“home” in the SL is a word and the rendition in the target language “dalam negeri” is a phrase. There was a different unit rendition or change in rank in the target language. The noun “home” in the source language was a word while in rendition in the target language is a phrase of “dalam negeri”. Intra-system shift Intra-system shift occured in the same language system. In this case, the source language and the target language possed systems which approximately corresponded formally. However, the interpreter involved non-corresponding term in the TL system. The following are the data of intra-system shift: Data 1 In data (3), 1st opening speech, 10th utterance, page 128 Speaker: 05.40’ [...this remains, one of our /top priorities, and I’m very, very pleased to be here together with two other members of the President’s cabinet...aa Ambassador Froman and Secretary of Commerce Pritzker....] Interpreter: 05.42’ [...Ini tetap menjadi suatu prioritas utama kami dan saya senang berada disini bersama\ dengan dua anggota kabinet kepresidenan, Duta Besar Froman dan Menteri Perdagangan Pritzker...] From the bold quotation in the SL data above, we can identify that the plural system in English was marked by the suffix –s at the end of the noun priority which became “priorities”. Meanwhile the plural system in Indonesian language 101 was marked by the repetition of the noun in the target language which should be into “prioritas-prioritas”. However, in rendering the plural noun “priorities” in the source language, the interpreter rendered it into a singular noun “prioritas” not”prioritas-prioritas“ which was generally the term for it. Data 2 In data (3), opening speech, utterance 30, page 129 Speaker: 07.15’ [We work together on regulatory issues, on how we can aa...make it easier for exporters to be able to cut /tariffs and be able to move their goods to another country] Interpreter: 07. 16’ [Kami bekerja.. sama berkaitan dengan permasalahan aturan atau regulasi tentang bagaimana kita bisa membuat lebih mudah bagi para eksportir untuk me:::mangkas tarif dan memindahkan barang jasanya atau mengirimkannya ke negara /lain] In the above data, the speaker conveyed the utterance of the regulatory on trade to the audiences. From the italicized utterances in TL, there was an intrasystem shift occurring in the utterance. The phrase in the source language “regulatory issues” was in plural form indicated by the occurrence of the suffix – s in the end of the verb issue. The interpreter in this case could render it into the target language, becoming “permasalahan-permasalahan”. However, the interpreter preferred to render it in a singular form “permasalahan” to save time. The same occurrence also occured to the next plural noun “exporters” which was transferred into a singular noun exportir in the target language proceeded by preposition “para” indicating a plural form. From the above fact we can see that there was an intra-system shift occurring to the utterance, from plural to singular form. 102 CHAPTER V CONCLUSIONS AND SUGGESTIONS 5.1 Conclusions Based on the result of the analyses on the previous chapter, some conclusions can be drawn as follow; In performing interpreting in the mode of simultaneous, the interpreter at the 2013 APEC Summit Conference applied ten techniques supported by some scenarios in rendering the message from the source language of English into Indonesian language and vice versa. The techniques applied by simultaneous interpreter were reformulation, efficiency, simplification, anticipation, explanation, omission (deletion), and summarizing (addition), avoiding rendering joke or saying, techniques applied if the interpreter made mistake, and techniques applied if the speaker made mistake. Those techniques were supported by the existence of some scenarios which helped the interpreter in rendering the rendition in conjunction with those techniques such as applying as soon as possible of time to start rendering, salami technique (slicing up the rendition), and scenarios when telling the numbers and combined with intonation, stressing and pauses. The technique of reformulation was applied when the utterance delivered by the speaker was long and complex mode of expressions which simultaneously came out from the speaker. Therefore the interpreter reformulated the utterance by 103 changing it into a series of easier and shorter ones, active utterance was changed into passive or vice versa, and subordinate clause shifted to sentence. Efficiency in reformulation was taken to economize the expression in the target language by removing useless filler word and transferring a notion in an abbreviated form which was repeatedly spoken. Simplification was performed when the utterance contained highly technical material and unfamiliar in the target language. The technique of explanation was made when the interpreter faced a cultural notion that had no equivalent in the target language and to save time, rendering only the initial of the notion could also be done due to repetition; Omission was applied due to the fast speaker, length of time, the voice was inaudible and the speech contained illustrative words that were not too important to be rendered. Meanwhile summarizing was applied by added utterance to emphasize and make clear the rendition. The interpreter applied correction, appologize and pass the rendition in silence as the technique, if he made a mistake in rendering the rendition. The interpreter performed apologizes and pass in silence if the speaker made mistake in delivering the utterance with no material difference. In rendering translatable joke or saying the interpreter rendered it with more polite, however, if the joke or saying was untranslatable, the interpreter passed it in a silence. The interpreter made anticipation by anticipating a specific phrase in a certain situation to provide time saving. In transferring the message using simultaneous mode of interpreting, the interpreter implemented all kinds of shifts due to different language systems. 104 Those are level shift, and category shift such as structure shift, unit shift, class shift and intra-system shift. The technique of reformulation, omission, and techniques applied if the interpreter makes mistakes (correction, appologize and pass the rendition in silence) are the dominant techniques performed by the interpreter. The application of those techniques and also existence of the grammatical errors cannot be avoided in the rendering the rendition in simultaneous interpreting which is conducted from English to Indonesian language and vice versa. It is influenced by the experience, qualification and knowledge of the interpreter and also the fast speaker in delivering the utterance. 5.2 Suggestions The research on techniques applied in simultaneous interpreting in a press conference could be a reference to fulfill the quality of an interpreter especially in a conference. Therefore, a certification for interpreters is a must to ensure their standard quality and skill in mediating communication at least of two different languages. In performing their task particularly in the mode of simultaneous interpreting, the interpreter should prepare vocabulary related to the subject of interpreting. 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Yang saya hormati dan saya cintai [Honourable members of the press teman-teman wartawan baik yang dari both domestic and foreign Indonesia Maupun dari luar negeri.... [Mugkin banyak di antara dan semua yang belum mengenal wajah-wajah yang ada di depan anda semua saya memperkenalkan diri yang pertama nama saya Chairul Tandjung...... Nah satu-satunya TNI yang duduk di depan ya beliau adalah Letnan Jenderal Loedwick Paulus beliau menjabat sebagai /Panglima Komando Operasi /Gabungan ya terkait dengan pengamanan KTT /APEC...karena lokasi penyelenggaraa KTT APEC ini berada di Kabupaten Badung. Yang terakhir adalah Pak Yuri beliau adalah Dirjen di Kementerina Luar Negeri membidangi Asia Pacifik yang tentu terkait dengan /substance dalam penyelenggaraan KTT APEC ini//] Some of you are perhaps unfamiliar with these faces, I would like introduce them starting form myself I am /Chairul Tandjung...I am the member of the national economic council.... The only member of the armed forces is Leutenan General Loedwick Paulus as the /Chief or the Commander of the Joint Security Command for the APEC Summit...because we are located in the regency of Badung. Lastly mr yuri director general in the ministry of foreign affairs for the asia pacific and Africa region, and we provide substance into the summit//] 111 [Yang kedua tentu kita ketahui bahwa jalan tol yang sudah diberi nama oleh bapak presiden pada waktu peresmiannya adalah Jalan Tol /Mandara yang membelah tepian laut juga telah selesai dan telah /dipakai dan digunakan pada hari ini. [Secondly we all know about the high way the /toll road has been named during its inauguration from the airport above the sea has been /completed and it is now used. 1st Dialogue Speaker: Minister Indonesia’s Vice Foreign [\Izinkan kami untuk memberikan gambaran secara sepintas mengenai rangkaian kegiatan APEC Indonesia 2013 yang tentunya akan kita awali dengan program-program yang telah dilakukan selama periode keketuaan Indonesia sejak awal Januari tahun 2013 ini. Allow me to provide a /glance a description of the apec summit for 2013 which of cource will, we will start or which has began with various activities during the indonesia’s chair =Wartawan: (kurang keras pak) /Baik terima kasih (Wartawan tertawa kecil) [I applologize you could hear me just now] 5th Dialogue [Terima kasih Pak Wamen. Nah sekarang yang banyak /menarik perhatian ini adalah masalah keamanan, me-manage 21 leaders datang ke satu tempat tentu tidak mudah ya setiap negara mempunyai request masing- [Thank you Deputy Minister Now focus of concern of some journalists and a lot of people is about security. Managing security for all the delegates and all the venues and to accommodate some securities concern 112 masing terkait dengan masalah keamanan dan untuk itu saya minta panglima untuk menyampaikan /kesiapan kepanitiaan panitia nasional terkait dengan masalah keamanan, saya persilahkan//] of /each of the economies is not easy thing to do so that’s why I will invite the commander of the joint security command to present on this//] Speaker: Letnan Gen. Loedwick Paulus [/Terima kasih pimpinan rapat dan [Thank you mister chair and members rekan-rekan insan pers yang saya cintai of the press. dan saya banggakan We realize that the holding the Tentunya kita sadari bersama bahwa organizing of the apec summit, the penyelenggaraan KTT APEC ke-21 apec summit is a major event at stake tahun 2013 ini merupakan suatu event of the country reputation and we are all besar disitu ada kehormatan bangsa responsible for a success that is why disitu ada tanggungjawab bersama untuk the president has instructed the menyukseskan ini. /Terkait dengan itu commander in chief of the arm forces presiden telah memerintahkan kepada and the chief has delegated me as Panglima TNI dan juga Panglima TNI well... melanjutkan kepada saya. [Wilayah tanggungjawab saya yang kami susun pertama kita mengacu kepada sektor Kohamnas dua yaitu wilayah Jawa Timur sebagian Jawa Timur, kemudian Sumatera ulangi Kalimatan Timur dan Selatan, kemudian seluruh Sulawesi dan sebagian Ambon. Itu wilayah. /Kenapa demikian karena itu wilayah radar. Kemudian angkatan laut sendiri itu membagi wilayah atas wilayah surveillance kemudian destruction lebih kedalam kemudian wilayah vital yaitu seputaran Bali ini kemudian dari sini unsur darat membagi wilayah daratan Bali ini dalam pola yang kita sebut polarin, disinilah diatur siapa yang bertanggungjawab pada ring satu ring [First we refered to the second, the national defence command the second national defence command which covers Kalimantan east Kalimantan, south Kalimantan and all of Sulawesi and some part of ambon and other places this based on the radar area for the navy it’s been divided into a surveillance area and distruction more in a circle and the final area just around the island of Bali. The army have divided the Bali island into rings, we have apointed people responsible in the first ring second ring and the third ring we have (4) passed the stage of free condition, all the members of the press you experience when you entering the part of bali the /air or from 113 dua dan ring tiga. Nah inilah yang telah the sea you will sense that there are kita lakukan dan pada saat ini kita telah some extra majors to provide security melewati tahapan e.. cipta kondisi atau for apec. dalam istilah kepolisian adalah prakondisi sedang kita lakukan sehingga mungkin rekan-rekan wartawan merasakan saat akan masuk ke wilayah Bali terutama lewat laut udara akan merasakan bahwa ada upaya upaya yang dilakukan untuk menyuksekskan pengaman APEC ini//] [Kaitan dengan ini kami menggunakan dua sistem yaitu pertama sistem senjata sosial. Apa maksutnya sistem senjata sosial? Kita mendekati masalah itu secara persuasive, kita lihat ada raziarazia yang dilakukan oleh pihak kepolisian secara persuasive dan ini juga kita menggunakan kearifan lokal......... [We use two systems, first a social arms system. /What does it mean? We mean that we approach the problem persuasively we know that the police have been conducting unanounce inspection and to also employ local wisdom in providing security...... . 7th Dialogue Head of KEN: [Jadi /sekarang saya minta Ketua /ABAC ya untuk menyampaikan terkait dengan kesiapan dari KTT bukan KTT maaf saya ulangi lagi dari /APEC CEO Summit ya terkait dengan APEC CEO Summit yang akan mulai pada tanggal 6. Untuk itu saya persilahkan//] Chair of ABAC: [Terima kasih Pak Chairul. Kawan-kawan media mohon maaf saya terlambat baru menyeesaikan rapat di \ABAC. \Jadi ingin saya laporkan saja secara singkat bahwa acara ABAC sudah dimulai dari Oktober tanggal 1 Now I would like to invite the Chair of ABAC, the Apec Business Advicory Council to present the regarding the preparation of the APEC CEO summit. So everything related to the CEO summit will commence on the sixth] Thank you Mister Chairul, friends of the media I appoligise for being late I’ve just finished my meeting at /ABAC. I would like to present to you in brief that the ABAC activities started in October first 114 8th Dialogue Head of KEN: [Terima kasih Pak [Thank you Mister Wisnu Wisnu.... Nah sekarang saya minta orang yang termasuk kerjanya paling capek ini ya . ini Pak Bupati Badung. Badung itu bukan /badung dalam bahasa /Jakarta ya jangan salah. Badung itu dalam bahasa Bali. Oke pak bupati saya persilahkan//] Now I would like to invite a person that must be very exhausted, the /head of the district the regent of Badung. Badung in a language, a local language in Jakarta means not but it means different differently in /Bali//] Regent of Badung: [Terima kasih bapak pimpinan.... Nah untuk itulah kongkritnya saya sampaikan kepada rekan- rekan dari media yang berbahagia bahwa untuk souvenir, untuk suvenir dalam APEC Summit ini memang bapak presiden memilih adalah patung kerajinan Bali. Jadi suvenir patung kerajinan Bali ini berupa, dapat saya sampikan disini dan amat sangat terkenal yaitu /Garuda Wisnu Kencana tapi Garuda Wisnu Kencana disini nampaknya lebih lengkap dibandingkan yang sementara ditampilkan di GWK,...... [Thank you Mr Chair....... Regent of Badung: Yang kedua untuk pakaian leaders yang nanti akan tampil di dalam-kalau tidak salah gala dinner nanti, ya pak ketua? For...(4) the cloth of the leaders, which will be /born which will be /worn at the gala dinner, They will wear a traditional dress. the endek Bali outfit which was personally picked out by the president and the... Head of KEN: ya betul Regent of Badung: itu adalah memakai pakaian /endek Bali. Jadi semua leaders yang akan tampil di situ memakai pakaian endek Bali yang sudah barang tentu dipilih oleh bapak presiden dan ibu concreately I can tell you member of the press that for souvenirs. The souvenirs in the apec summit, mister president has chosen a wood work of (3) traditional Balinese carving which is Garuda Wisnu Kencana, aa famous a wellknown icon. It is in a more complete form than the one that is exhibited at the garuda wisnu kencana,....... 115 negara. Journalist: endek ya pak? Regent of Badung: e n d e k, endek namanya (Bupati) Head of KEN: e n d e k (dieja) ENDEK (I en di I ke) Governor of Bali: itu yang dipakai Pak Bupati Regent of Badung: saya yang dipakai /I am wearing it right now, I am saya ini. Ini salah satu contoh tapi yang wearing it right now I will be wearing jelas tidak yang ini yang dipakai oleh this one Obama nanti Head of KEN: /yang dipakai pak bupati So Mr. Regent here is wearing itu yang jeleknya aaa...the same dress but not of the same quality. (audiende tertawa) Regent of Badung: ini lebih baik sedikit (audiende tertawa) Head of KEN: nanti yang dipakai leaders/ jauh lebih baik (audience tertawa lagi) The /Leaders will wear something even /better than this one that you see wore by mister reagent and deputy minister 10th Dialogue Head of KEN: Nah sekarang tibanya saya memberikan kesempatan kepada teman-teman jurnalis untuk bertanya. Saya persilahkan /tiga orang yang pertama. /Satu, dua, ee yang di depan satu dua. Belakang yang biru, satu. Tiga ya. Saya persilahkan] Journalist: [Saya Michele dari kantor berita negara Rusia, Rianovsti dan ada pertanyaan kepada Bapak Wisnu. [Now it’s time for me to give the opportunity to you member of the press to /ask question I would like to invite three people first one two One from front, one from two three including one from the back in blue//] 116 Karena satu tahun kemarin di Vladivostok Rusia, Indonesia berjanji akan ada kelanjutan dari pada inisiatif Rusia sebagai ketua APEC tahun kemarin dan bagaimana situasi dengan kelanjutan itu sekarang, apa ada ini dalam usul yang akan diberikan ABAC kepada leader? Dan ada juga Bapak Yuri punya nama Rusia jadi saya mesti tanya /Bapak Yuri juga. /Kira-kira pertanyaan sama, bagaimana /ada satu pendapat bahwa pada bulan terakhir, /tiga bulan terkahir Rusia masih Ketua APEC tahun kemarin, ini perhatian dari pada Rusia kepada apec turun. /Bagaimana dengan Indonesia, ini nanti juga /turun sesudah summit ini atau tiga bulan yang masih ke depan APEC sangat ee masih sangat penting untuk Indonesia, terima kasih banyak//] [I am Michele from the Russian news office. In Russia in Vladivostok, Indonesia promise a continuation of the Russia’s initiative after Russias chairmanship last year. /what about that in or what are the updates or there any recommendation relevant to that and because Mr Yuri has a Rusian name so I have to direct the question to Mr /Yuri. /the same question there is a few there is an opinion that in the last 3 months, Russia is still the chair (4) the last three years of the Russia chairmanship Russia experience a decresion popularity or what about this year will apec still be popular be relevant? Head of KEN: [Terima kasih. /Bisa tadi satu yang spesifik yang kelanjutan dari Rusia itu bidangnya apa? Agar sangatsangat spesifik, jangan dijawab dulu Pak Wisnu nanti biar tiga ini ya, /yang spesifik= So maybe one I think is the continuation of russia’s initiative after the Russia chairmanship I think that’s one very specific Journalist: Ehe..... Head of KEN: Bidang yang ingin Can can you tell us a specific area that like to ask about at this time? dilanjutkan dari Rusia itu apa? Journalist: Yang di /Vladivostok Rusia Indonesia promise that there would be satu tahun kemarin Indonesia janji nanti a continuation of russia’s initiative ada kelanjutan dari pada /inisiatif yang diberikan Rusia sebagia ketua APEC tahun kemarin 117 Head of KEN: /ada spesifiknya? Can you provide the specific sector? Journalist: Ada cukup banyak. /Pertama /infrastruktur juga /teknologi, macammacam. /Pasti Bapak Wisnu tahu jauh lebih bagus dari pada saya//] There are many, first there are infrastructure, technology I’m sure Mister Wisnu would know more than I//] Head of KEN: [Oke terima kasih. Ya silakan] Journalist: [I’m a journalist from Hong Kong China and I have several questions for Vice Minister Foreign Affair. /Chinese President Xi Jinping began his first state visit to Indonesia from yesterday and how do you think of his state visit, do you think it would /improve the bilateral relationship and friend and /the partnership between /China and Indonesia?] [Saya jurnalis dari Hong Kong China dan memiliki beberapa pertanyaan untuk wakil menteri luar negeri. Xi jinping sudah memulai kunjungan luar negerinya kemarin ke Indonesia, bagaimana menurut anda mengenai kunjunan kenergaraanya itu? Apakah ini sudah memperbaiki hubungan bilateral? Dan memperkuat kemitraan antara China dengan Indonesia?] Head of ABAC: [/Thank you am...I would like to answer your question on [Saya ingin menjawab pertanyan anda dalam bahasa /Indonesia bahasa ya? Boleh] [It’s a .../I think APEC is becoming more...oh sorry bahasa Inggris....... (Silent) [Terima kasih bapak. Ada kelanjutan antara APEC di Vladivostok dan juga APEC di Bali begitu juga APEC dihasilkan di Bali nanti juga dilanjutkan oleh forthcoming chairman China. Intuk informasi misalnya untuk food security itu satu isu yang diperhatikan dikembangkan dari APEC Summit yang [Thank you sir. There is a continuation between the meeting in Vladivostok and the meeting in Bali. Like this meeting in Bali will be continued in Germany aa excuse me in China for fues for food security, this is an issue that is especially a focus and it is 118 satu ke APEC Summit yang lain. Indonesia’s Vice Foreign Minister: [Terima kasih bapak pimpinan. I think we (xxx) to the question in a way of collague. Related to the prospect of the bilateral relation between Indonesia and China. I believe that the visit of the President of China to Indonesia yesterday and after today, we further strengthen and broader the relation, bilateral relation between Indonesia and China. During the visit I (3) think yesterday there’s been the signing a number of a memorandum of understanding or agreement I think it agreement between the two countries reflected in various cooperation not only economic but social and cultural also... Head of KEN: Nah kalau mereka puluhan billion dolar, /berapa yang kita habiskan totalnya secara Rupiah secara /anggaran, biasanya anggraan tidak 100 persen kepake, ini anggaran dalam /satu tahun, mulai 1 Januari 2013 sampai dengan /selesainya nanti /akhir tahun 2013, total anggarannya adalah tepatnya /364 /milar 765 juta rupiah saja. Jadi 364 miliar 765 juta saja. Yang kalau di-US dolarkan kurang lebih tidak lebih dari 35 juta US dolar, tidak /billion developed from one apec summit to another apec member// Berkaitan dengan pertanyaan yang sudah diajukan oleh rekan kami berkaitan dengan pada prospek hubungan bilateral antara Indonesia dengan /china, saya percaya bahwa kunjungan Presiden China ke Indonesia kemarin dan sampai juga dengan /hari ini akan lebih meningkatkan dan memperkuat lagi memperluas hubungan bilateral antara Indonesia dengan /China. .......selama kunjungannya saya kira kemarin ada penandatanganan beberapa memorandum saling pengertian atau kesepakatan atau perjanjian antara kedua negara yang akhirnya memunculkan beberapa kerja sama bukan hanya dalam hal ekonomi tetapi juga sosial budaya... If they spent tens of billion of dollars, how much /did we /spend /here now. In terms of budget atau we have use it 100 percent from one year from January 1st 2013 until the finish of APEC of 2013 the total budget is exactly 364 billion 765 thousand rupiah only aw million. 364 billion seven hundreds and sixty five million rupiah excuse me. In US dollars it’s no more than thirty five million three five million US dollars not billion.... 119 .....Yang ketiga anggaran ada di Kementerian Pariwisata dan /Ekonomi Kreatif, dan yang terakhir anggarannya ada di Infokom, ya kementerian ee kominfo, kominfo infokom /sama saja sebenarnya] and there is a budget allocation in the ministry of tourism and creative ecomony and lastly there is a budget in the information and communication, excuse me, the communication and information ministry (Audience tertawa) The ministry of communication and information I’m sorry I miss pronounce it..... List of Speaker: 1. Head of National Economic Committee (KEN)/Deputy Chairman of APEC 2013 Committee, Chairul Tandjung 2. Indonesia’s Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs, Wardhana 3. Chair of APEC Advisory Council Wisnu Wardana Business (ABAC) 4. Commander of Joint Security Command of APEC 2013, Leut. Gen Loedwick Paulus 5. Governor of Bali, Made Mangku Pastika 6. The Regent of Badung, Bali, Regency, Anak Agung Gde Agung Interpreter: Adam Pantaouw 120 121 120 Data 2: APEC 2013 National Committee Final Preparation Press Conference Source language: Target language: Opening Speaker: Head of KEN [Bismilah irohmahirohim, Assalamualaikum Warohmatulahi Wabarokatuh, Salam sejahtera bagi kita semua, Om Swastiastu\ Bapak-bapak ibu-ibu saudara-saudara sekalian...Teman-teman media para jurnalis yang saya hormati. Hari ini::: kembali kami akan mengupdate perkembangan terakhir\, terkait dengan penyelenggaraan KTT APEC. [Yang /pertama dapat kami sampaikan bahwa hampir /seluruh... economic leaders dari /seluruh negara anggota APEC telah menyampaikan konfirmasi kehadirannya termasuk /jam kedatangan dan aktivitasaktivitas kegiatan yang akan diikuti oleh para leaders, dan termasuk tanggal mereka meninggalkan Bali, mayoritas menuju Brunei Darusalam terkait dengan East Asia Summit dan yang lain yang tidak terkait dengan East Asia Summit, melanjutkan penerbangannya ke masing-masing negaranya masingmasing\. [Dari semua economic leaders\, hanya satu economic leaders yang karena permasalahan di dalam negerinya membatalkan kunjungannya untuk mengikuti KTT /APEC. Seperti kita ketahui, Presiden Barack Obama dari Amerika Serikat telah menyampaikan resmi kepada pihak Indonesia untuk /tidak dapat mengikuti KTT APEC di Bali ini terkait dengan keadaan di dalam negeri Amerika Serikat sendiri\. [Oleh karenanya Presiden Amerika Serikat [\Om Swastiastu and May God Peace be with you\ [Ladies and gentlemen, friends of the media fellow journalists// [Today, again, we will give you an update, the /final development of the preparation and the organization of the APEC summit. [/I can tell you that first almost /all of the economic leaders from /all economies members of APEC have confirmed their attendance with their /arrival, time and the activities that they will participate /in, down to their departure date. Most of them will leave for Brunei for the East Asia Summit, for those who will not be attending the East Asia Summit, they will go back to their home countries. [From all economiec leaders only /one that due to domestic issues have cancelled his visit and cancelled his attendance at the Apec Summit. As we all know President Barack Obama\ from the United States have officially regretted.... the fact that he will not be attending to this Apec Summit due to internal or domestic /problem. He will be::: represented by Mr John Kerry, 121 akan diwakili oleh menteri luar negerinya, yaitu Bapak John Kerry yang direncanakan akan tiba::: besok sore,... ya, akan tiba besok sore di Bali\. /Yang lain seluruhnya tetap seperti apa yang telah disampaikan sebelumnya sesuai dengan apa yang telah disampaikan kemarin kepada teman-teman sekalian/. the... state secretary who will arrive tomorow afternoon. /Hal-hal lain menyangkut kesiapan kepanitaian seluruhnya telah dibahas dan kami telah mendapatkan laporan /terinci dari duta besar indonesia atau /kepala perwakilan Indonesia yang bertugas, di seluruh anggota yang mengikuti KTT /APEC, ya,... [The other things regarding the preparation of the committee have been discussed and I have received a report from the Indonesian ambassador... from, or posted in all countries and economies members of APEC,... The others... /will arrive as was planned. ...(7’) 3rd Dialogue Minister of Information and Communication, [Thank you journalists, good day and Tifatul Sembiring: good...(xxx) [/Baik ee.. terima kasih. Assamualaikaum warahmatulahi wabarakatuh Rekan-rekan aa.. wartawan sekalian awak media, selamat /siang dan salam sejahtera, aa... saya ingin konfirmasikan lagi bahwa jurnalis yang hadir, yang mendaftar sudah lebih dari 3 ribu wartawan, 70 persennya dari luar negeri,..... aa.. tapi apakah kemeriahan APEC ini akan berkurang?, saya pikir tidak ya secara opini. Karena juga fasilitas media centernya ini memang yang /terbesar disediakan aa.. dengan kapasitas, diberikan gedung khusus di BNDCC... II. Kalau boleh tadi disilahkan agak memanjakan temen-temen awak /media. Tadi saya agak guyon juga kalau fasilitas makan tiga kali sehari, aa...bebas dan apa...full goyang lidah dua kali ee satu kali 24 jam ini, /temen-temen jurnalis perlu I would like to /confirm that the journalists who have registered are more than three thousands in numbers, 70 percent of them are foreign journalists, But what the APEC will be less exating as it were, I don’t think that will be so. We have provided the largest media center with a separate /building at BNDCC II to keeter even spoil I joke...because we provide three meals in one day and even more dishes that we provide you might need to /weight your self before and after. ....(5) 122 me...menimbang dulu ya berat badan sebelum masuk dan nanti setelah hasilnya bagaimana. [aa.. /Dari test drive tadi kami lakukan di media center, speed up itu aa.. dengan bantuan temen-temen Telkom dengan Telkomsel, itu aa.. up to 100 mega herz ya, ee.. /100 megabite per second, dan ini aa... luar biasa aa... dan setiap meja itu ada, fasilitas untuk langsung connect apa... sambungan internasional, voice maksutnya. Sedangkan di Vladivostok, laporan yang saya /dapatkan /tidak di setiap meja tapi di pojok meja itu ada paketnya berame-rame, kalau ini setiap pengguna ada /700 work station yang kita pasang di media center /ditambah dengan saluran local area network itu ada 200 saluran, belum lagi plug-in yang bisa digunakan untuk meng..koneksikan...apa saluran televisi dan sebagiamannya dan juga untuk gambar, anda bisa monitor. [/We are also assisted by our friends at /Telkomsel...... up to one hundreds megabite per second with regards to the internet speed, this is amaizing and every table can connects internationally through v-o-i-p\ while in Vladivostok they did not provided matter with table, /now there are 7 works stations at the media center, /seven hundreds works station with 200 connections there are numerous plugs ....by which you can connect to television, there are also pictures, for online and printed. Jadi temen-temen, khususnya untuk online dan cetak saya pikir tidak harus hadir di setiap ruangan dimana terjadi peristiwa kesepakatan summit dan sebagainya, /anda bisa /monitor dari ruang monitoring di media center itu. Dan /tadi juga sekilas saya sempat meresmikan, walaupun Telkomsel juga sudah duluan aa..melaunching aa.. 4G teknologi baru, tadi juga XL juga melaunching 4G dan juga sekaligus saya ingin sampaikan di sini bahwa kita melaunching juga mengenai atau melaksanakan tv digital yang /lokal aa.. product jadi lembaga elektonika nasional, TVRI,..... You don’t need to attend in every room because you can /monitor from the media center if you would like to. [I also.....(9) found that XL also launch 4G network, Telkomsel also launch their 4G network and we are also launching a local digital television, a local product. So the national electronics agencies T-V-R-I, the state television. Dayung ke tepian bersama kekasih cukup (tidak diterjemahkan) sekian dan terima kasih//(partisipan lain tertawa) 123 Assalamualaikan maturahibawarukatuh// waruh 4th Dialogue: Yang kedua, yang kemarin panitia nasional telah menerima kritik terkait dengan konten /website yang kurang memadai\ dan hari ini saya akan sampaikan kepada temen-temen media, mulai /hari ini dari /seluruh pihak yang bertanggung jawab apakah itu masalah substansi dan lain sebagainya sudah akan mendownload penambahan materi-materi di dalam webstise KTT APEC yang ada dan mudah-mudahan temen-temen wartawan bisa menerima bahan –bahan yang lebih banyak lagi mulai hari ini.// ..../Bahkan yang ingin menggunakan shuttle bus lewat dari jam 12 /bisa disediakan dengan catatan special request, artinya ada permintaan spesial yang disampaikan kepada helpdesk di eee.. media center ini, ya. Mudah-mudahan mulai hari ini keadaannya lebih baik untuk website dan untuk ee apa:::..ee /shuttle bus dan kita berharap teman-temen media untuk tidak menggunakan lagi mobil pribadi, karena pada tanggal 6,7, dan 8 stiker yang sudah ada harus mendapat stiker /tambahan untuk bisa masuk ke kawasan BTDC Nua Dua. ...and yesterday the national committee was critized or received /criticism regarding the website content that was very inadequate and I will say that to the media partners /started today, all people involved and all people responsible....(excuse me), all of you can add, can /download additional materials from the APEC sides and hope that you can... start downloading more informations started from /today. ...if you would like to use the shuttle bus /after the midnight, we can provide that for you by requests so there is a special /need that you and you /request us to use it, you can contact the media center and we hope that starting today, the website will be /better, and the.... shuttle bus as well and we hope our media friends will no longer use their private vehicles because on the sixth seventh and eighth, the current sticker will not be adequate, you need an additional sticker to enter into the Nusa Dua /complex// 5th Dialogue Ini adalah insiatif Indonesia dan demikian diharapkan mereka juga ikut /mengikuti sekaligus juga proses /kerja sama yang dilakukan para ekonomi APEC selama ini. Terima kasih// This is Indonesia’s initiative and that is why we hope that they can also attend, participate in the /process and also part of the cooperation. 124 6th Dialogue Wartawan: [Selamat siang, ee.. bapak-bapak perkenalkan nama saya Desy Fitriani dari Televisi Republik Indonesia. Pertanyaan saya adalah sebuah,.. semacam ee... mungkin mencari tahu pendapat dari bapak-bapak terkait dengan ketidakhadiran Presiden Amerika Serikat Barack Obama itu menegaskan apakah kemudian bahwa krisis finansial secara /global memang benar-benar akan terjadi? .... Indonesia, dua bulan yang lalu terpapar dengan sangat tajam ketika stimulus fiskal misalnya, baru /the fed, baru mengumumkan, belum menjadi sebuah kenyataan, tapi kemudian membuat Indonesia terpuruk. Tidak hanya Indonesia tetapi juga negaranegara berkembang lainnya. [I’m Desy Triani. I have a question to ask for your opinion with regards to the cancellation of President Barack Obama is that mean that \the global financial crisis is happening? We were impacted by the fiscal stimulus after the fed issued their policies\, it is affected us /already, even when it was just announced. 7th Dialogue Head of KEN: [/Oke so, /I chair the meeting this moring is 10 o’clock so that’s the way when I’m chaired the meeting is 10 o’clock is actually we got the note is 9.15. We already understand is actually Obama is not coming to /Bali during the meeting] [So during the meeting, we discussed who will be represent yaa.. is actually the President Barack Obama. And we got confirmation, Minister of Foreign Affais of America, Mr John Kerry is represent in Indonesia. [Saya memimpin rapat tadi pagi pukul 10,... jadi ketika saya memimpin rapat pada pukul 10 karena kami mendapatkan kabar pukul 9.15 kami sudah memahami pada saat itu bahwa Presiden Obama tidak akan hadir ke Bali ketika rapat tersebut. Jadi ketika rapat tersebut kita membahas siapa yang akan mewakilinya, Presiden Barak Obama dan kami mendapatkan /konfirmasi bahwa Menteri Luar Negeri Amerika Serikat Bapak John Kerry akan mewakilinya di Indonesia,... You know, /of course America, we understand about little bit demanding about the security approach. /But we ready so /far is actually we work together with all the Secret Service of America, and they are very happy with our Tentu saja kami memahami bahwa Amerika Serikat /lebih memiliki banyak tuntutan berkaitan dengan keamanan, kami, tapi kami telah bekerja sama dengan pengamanan kepresidenan Amerika /Serikat dan mereka 125 preparations for the security point of view. Saya rasa cukup, teirma kasih, Wabilahtofik hiayah wasalam walaikum warahmatulatihwabarakatuh// List of Speakers: 1. Head of National Economic Committee (KEN)/Deputy Chairman of 2013 APEC Committee, Chairul Tandjung 2. Minister of Information and Communication of Indonesia, Tifatul Sembiring 3. Journalists 4. Interpreter: Adam Pantouw . cukup senang dengan persiapan yang sudah kami lakukan dari sudut pandang keamanan. That is all, thank you and may god peace be with you\// 126 126 Data 3: US Secretary of State Press Conference Source language Target language: Opening I Speaker: US Secretary of State [/Selamat sore semuanya terimakasih [/Good afternoon everybody::: Thank sudah bersabar\ \Saya...senang you for being patient. We appreciate melanjutkan perjalanan saya ke Asia atas it very much ‘I’m delighted to::: nama Presiden Obama\,..... continue my trip through Asia and on behalf of President /Obama,.... [I wanna (want to) thank /Indonesia for its /extraordinary welcome and wonderful hospitality over the day and a half that we’ve been here meeting /already and we thank them for their exceptional hosting of the APEC conference//] [/First, I’d like to say just a few words about the::: disappointing situation back home/ which regrettably, has kept the President of the United States from /attending this year’s APEC//] [I am... /not in partisan or elected politics anymore, but I did spend 28plus years in the United States Senate, and I /believe that /those standing in the way in the /other body of the Congress, standing in the way of reopening our government, need to think long and /hard, about the message that we send to the world [Saya berterima kasih\ kepada kepada Presiden SBY atas sambutan dan keramahtamahannya yang sudah ditunjukkan\ selama satu setengah hari kami ada di sini sudah bertemu\ dan kami berterima kasih kepadanya\... karena penyelenggaraan yang luar biasa/ dari konferensi APEC ini//] [/Pertama saya ingin me...mberikan beberapa patah kata mengenai... situasi yang mengecewakan di::: dalam negeri kami yang sudah akhirnya mencegah, Presiden Amerika Serikat untuk datang ke pertemuan APEC /tahun ini//] [Saya...\ bukan... di dalam politik yang partisan lagi\ tapi saya menghabiskan 20 tahun lebih di Senat Amerika Serikat dan saya percaya\ bahwa mereka yang menghalangi\ jalan di /Kongres, menghalangi jalan... kami membuka kembali pemerintah kami harus berfikir keras tentang apa yang ditangkap oleh negara-negara lain di dunia /ketika kami 127 when we can’t get our own act, tidak bisa mengurus diri kami sendiri...] together\] [...seperti::: Senat Amerika Serikat ada satu institusi besar, dan manfaat[As I’ve said many times, the /values manfaatnya ada pada bagaimana kami of great institutions like the United menggunakannya, dan apa.../bagaimana States Senate and the House, is how mereka mewakili diri mereka ke /dunia we use them, and what they represent dan bagaimana... lembaga-lembaga ini to the world and /because these adalah alat bagi rakyat\ Mereka, hanya institutions are instruments of the rusak tidak berfungsi\ /Kalau kita biarkan people, they are broken only if we let mereka rusak, tidak berfungsi//] them break\] [So I can tell you from experience, that it is /not only within Congress’ power to prevent the shutdown\, it is also within Congress’ power to end it. To end it /now. To end it /today] [/And to all of our friends and foes watching around the world, let me be crystal clear, /do not mistake this momentary episode in American politics as anything less than a moment of /politics, or anything more than a moment of politics\]... [For the moment, there are some things that do get /affected, and that is regrettable. For instance, our security assistance for /Israel, our closest ally in the /Middle East, is being /delayed] [...The new fiscal year started this last week, but because of the /shutdown, some entities don’t have the funding that they need,.... [Jadi bukan hanya... /berada dalam kekuasan atau kewenangan kongres untuk /mencegah... shut down di Amerika Serikat, mereka /juga bisa mengakhirinya\ sekarang\ /hari ini//] [Dan untuk kepada semua rekan-rekan kita ataupun lawan-lawan kita di seluruh dunia, saya harus memberi penjelasan\ /jangan salah mengangap bahwa episode singkat /ini di Amerika Serikat, sebagai... sesuatu yang lebih dari pada sekedar politik//] [Saat /ini memang ada beberapa hal yang terkena pengaruh\ dan itu adalah sesuatu yang kami sesalkan contohnya\ /keamanan, bantuan keamanan kami untuk /Israel misalnya\ salah satu ehm... rekan kami, mitra kami di Timur Tengah sedang terganggu... [Tahun fiskal sudah /mulai minggu ini tapi karena shut down\ ada beberapa badan yang tidak memiliki /dana atau pendanaan termasuk yang membantu misi perdamaian di /Sinai ketika ada suatu 128 keresahan, di suatu wilayah yang kritis//] [So /the world is watching to see whether a combination of /tough sanctions and careful diplomacy can /lead Iran to verifiably give up the chase for nuclear weapons] (cough) (5) [\Jadi dunia akan melihat apakah kombinasi dari sanksi-sanksi yang ketat dan diplomasi yang ber, hati-hati bisa mengarahkan Iran untuk akhirnya me:::e...menyerah dan akhirnya tidak lagi... mengembangkan senjata nuklir//] [I will be tra.../traveling at his [Saya berjalan atas izinnya ke Malaysia request to Malaysia and to /the dan ke Filipina untuk mewakili Amerika Philippines in order to represent the Serikat//] United States\] [Tetapi saya /ingin\ /memperjelas [But I /do want to make clear, /none bahwa... segala sesutau yang telah terjadi of what is happening in Washington Washington\ tidak menghilangkan satu diminishes (cough) /one iota our titikpun komitmen kami ke mitra-mitra commitment to our partners in Asia, kami di Asia dan upaya kami juga untuk /including our efforts to promote meningkatkan perdagangan\ dan investasi trade and investment throughout the di kawasan ini, ini tetap menjadi suatu region and this remains, one of our prioritas utama kami dan saya senang /top priorities, and I’m very, very berada disini bersama\ dengan dua pleased to be here together with two anggota kabinet kepresidenan, Duta Besar other members of the President’s Froman dan Menteri Perdagangan cabinet...aa Ambassador Froman and Pritzker yang semuanya\ telah terus Secretary of Commerce Pritzker, all berhubungan dengan wilayah ini\] of us engaged, as we will stay engaged, in this region\] [/Why does that matter to us? (cough) /APEC matters because it provides a /very critical platform for government and private sector partners to be able to come together and /break down the barriers to commerce] [It is the way to create opportunity for all people /today, even in our discussions, we had a talk about how we make this economic opportunity with /equity, meaning that /women [/Kenapa ini penting bagi kami?...APEC penting\ karena menyediakan suatu anjung\ yang kritis bagi pemerintah dan mitra-mitra sektor swasta untuk bertemu dan meruntuhkan hambatan-hambatan halangan-halangan atas perdagangan//] [Membuka kesempatan bagi semua orang, bahkan di dalam diskusi-diskusi kami hari ini, kami berbicara tentang bagaimana kita bisa membuat kesempatan-kesempatan... ekonomi ini dengan berkeadilan, /artinya perempuan 129 and men /all joined together in their dan laki-laki semuanya bersama-sama capacity to share opportunity in the dengan kapasitas yang sama untuk workforce] berbagi sumber daya di lapangan kerja//] [We work together on regulatory issues\, on how we can aa...make it easier for /exporters to be able to cut /tariffs and be able to move their goods to another country,.... [Kami bekerja\ /sama\ berkaitan dengan permasalahan aturan atau regulasi tentang bagaimana /kita bisa membuat lebih mudah bagi para eksportir untuk me:::mangkas tarif dan memindahkan barang jasanya atau mengirimkannya ke negara /lain..... [/The relationship between the United [/Hubungan antara Amerika Serikat States and the Asia Pacific has really dengan Asia Pasifik tidak pernah... never been, more important than it is menjadi sepenting ini//] now\] [Presiden Obama memulai\ [President Obama /began a rebalance ...ehm...pe...penyeimbangan kembali to this region in the course of his first kekuatan di wilayah ini dan kami akan four years, and we intend to /continue terus melakukannya selama:::\ sampai that, over the course of his second dengan masa jabatan yang keduanya term\] habis//] jelas bahwa banyak [It is, very clear that most of the [...Sudah economic issues that we face /today permasalahan ekonomi yang kami /require the kind of cooperation that hadapi\, kita hadapi /hari ini memerlukan APEC makes possible. And the kerja sama yang dimungkinkan oleh dan pandangan menurut United States views APEC as its APEC /premier forum for economic and pandangan Amerika Serikat, APEC sebagai\ forum /utama untuk persamaandevelopment issues in this region] persamaan ekonomi dan pembangunan di wilayah ini\] Opening II Speaker 2: Ambassador of Trade, Mr. Froman [/Ekonomi ekonomi APEC mewakili 55 persen...ehm PDB dunia dan 45 persen barang dan jasa yang diperdagangkan di dunia\] [Amerika seri.../ekspor Amerika Serikat [The United States exports more than senilai 1 trilun dolar ke negara-negara [APEC economies represent 55 percent of global GDP, and about 45 percent of global goods and services trade\] 130 a trillion dollars of goods and services\ to APEC countries, and that’s more than 50 percent of total U.S. exports\. And those exports support millions of hardworking American jobs\] APEC. Itu lebih dari 50 persen keseluruhan ekspor Amerika Serikat\ dan ekspor ini menunjang banyak ehm... /pekerja Amerika Serikat yang bekerja keras\] [APEC tetap menjadi pemimpin dalam [At the same time, APEC economies sistem perdagangan multilateral. continue to play an important Kesepakatan teknologi informasi WTO leadership role, in the multilateral di/mulai\ pada APEC contohnya\] trading system. The WTO’s Information Technology Agreement for example, got its start, at APEC\] [And /now longstanding APEC priorities have the potential to be en/shrined in a global trading rules at the WTO\. These include a win-win agreement on trade facilitation that will help developed and developing countries alike, as well as an expanded information technology agreement\. [Dan sekarang prioritas-prioritas APEC yang ber...ehm..berkempanjangan akhirnya bisa diadopsi /di \WTO. Seperti kesepakatan win-12.20’ win ter(xxx) fasilitasi perdagangan yang akhirnya membantu negara maju negara berkembang dan juga... perluasan dari perjanjian teknologi informasi [/If we succeed in producing a multilateral package on trade facilitation, agriculture, and development, it can provide impetus to the multilateral trading system\] [Kalau kami berhasil membangun suatu paket multilateral mengenai fasilitasi perdagangan pertanian, dan pembangunan ini bisa jadi memberi dorongan bagi sistem perdagangan multilateral] [Terakhir sebagai e...seperti yang sudah dikatakan menteri, ini adalah waktu yang kritis dimana kami bekerja di... kemitraaan Trans Pasifik, kami ingin menuntaskan negosiasi tahun /ini....Amerika Serikat terus... bekerja dengan ambisi yang tinggi dan standar yang tinggi berkaitan dengan TPP] [Kami sudah mem...membuat banyak kemajuan minggu ini dan kami terus mem...berikan em... berbicara dengan [/Finally, of course, as the Secretary said, we spent a great (xxx) of time this week working on TPP\. The TPP countries are strongly committed to working to conclude negotiations this year.......And the /U.S. continues to work for a high level of ambition and high standards for TPP, with all due speed] [We’ve /made significant progress this week, and we look forward to 131 briefing the TPP leaders on Tuesday, about that progress and getting their political-level guidance to facilitate the conclusion of the negotiations] para pemimpin TPP, memberikan panduan kebijakan dan mendengar dari mereka untuk cepat merampungkan negosiasi] 1st Dialogue Journalist: [Okay. Thank you, Mr. [/Bisa dengar suara saya?,] Secretary. /Can you hear me, first of all... I’m not sure – yes? Okay. I’m /curious as to, first, ho.../how do you make the case back at home to members of Congress that the shutdown hurts, American security and potentially the security of its allies, /while at the same time you are here, presumably, assuring those allies, at in Asia, that you still have their back, like what you said?,... John Kerry:.....Here in my conversation with the Foreign Minister from the Republic of Korea, we had the same kind of long-term horizon\, and I think in the discussions that we’ve had in APEC, about the code of conduct and the South China Sea,..... [Saya ingin tahu berkaitan dengan pertama kali, bagaimana anda menjelaskan kepada... angggota kongres bahwa shutdown atau penutupan pemerintah Amerika Serikat ini akhirnya mengurangi atau mencederai keamanan luar negeri misalnya\ terutama kita, sementara kita berusaha menyakinkan, /anda berusaha menyakinkan mitra-mitra anda itu bahwa anda tetap mendukung mitra- mitra tersebut di luar negeri. ....di kawasan ini dan dengan pembicaraan saya... dengan ehm..menteri dari::: Korea, ada satu juga pandangan yang /jauh ke depan mengenai hal serupa dan melalui diskusi –diskusi kami yang kami yang kami lakukan di APEC tentang, code of conduct, kode perilaku, di Laut Cina Selatan,... 2nd Dialogue Journalist: Michael Tjandra (RCTI): [Thank you for this opportunity, Mr. Secretary. Where does Indonesia stand as an APEC member with [Terimakasih atas ksempatannya, Pak menteri, dimana posisi Indonesia sebagai anggota APEC dengan Amerika dalam memberikan peran untuk membangkitkan 132 America in playing a role, to help to kembali ekonomi /global?] revive the global economy?] [/Saya ingin meminta\ bapak duta besar John Kerry: [/Well, I’m..I’m gonna berbicara sedikit mengenai hal itu tapi (going to) let the Ambassador speak a saya akan bicara secara singkat bahwa little bit to that, but I will just tell you Indonesia terus bertumbuh, enan persen that /Indonesia is growing at, I think, kalau tidak salah, sekarang mereka punya around 6 percent or so /now. They rencana untuk justru terus meningkatkan have plans to even /raise that level of pertumbuhan itu secara signifikan] growth more significantly\] Ambassador Froman: [Well, the only thing I would add to that is, Indonesia is one of the largest economies in the world and as a key member, for example, of the G-20\, and has played a critical role in the G-20\, in terms of bringing a perspective of an... emerging economy to the global economic system and ensuring that issues were addressed in an appropriate way\ They’ve been, the President Yudhoyono and others from (xxx) play a critical role in the G-20 over the last several years. And /similarly, in just two months from now, Indonesia will host and chair the 9th meeting of the WTO ministerial\. [/Cara saya menjawabnya adalah bahwa Indonesia adalah salah satu ekonomi terbesar di dunia sebagai salah satu anggota /utama dari G20 contohnya yang sudah berrmain suatu peran yang penting di G20, berkaitan dengan membawa perpektif... dari ekonomi baru berkembang dan dalam satu sistem ekonomi yang baru memastikan bahwa, persoalan-persoalan yang dibahas secara /baik] ...(6) (tarik nafas)....[/Presiden Yudhoyono memainkan peranan penting di G20 selama beberapa tahun yang la...ee...belakangan dan... Indonesia akan menjadi penyelenggara dan memimpin pertemuan menteri WTO] 3rd Dialogue Journalist: Indira Laaksmanan, Bloomberg TV: [Thank you, Secretary Kerry and Ambassador Froman. Secretary Kerry, you /addressed this a little bit at the top of your remarks, but the whole question about the government shutdown has certainly created a /perception in Asia, that it’s undermining the [Terima kasih bapak... Menteri Kerry dan Duta Besar Froman, anda sudah mengatakan /tadi... tapi pertanyaan mengenai penutupan....pemerintahan itu sudah... membuat citra bahwa,... Amerika Serikat mungkin akan kesulitan untuk memenuhi /janjinya untuk Asia, ada juga komentar-komentar yang diucapkan secara pribadi bahwa ini akhirnya 133 President’s ability to fulfill his Asia pivot /promise and we’ve heard this both in public remarks from certain Asian leaders and also aam...you know, private remarks, that they feel it’s undermining the President’s, what is meant to be his signature issue of his second-term foreign policy distracting him\. So I want to ask you, /How can you reassure those leaders who’ve expressed their concerns that it’s /not undermining the Asia pivot? mengurangi kemampuan\ presiden untuk memberi tanggungjawabnya ini sebagai suatu...aa pengalih perhatian sekurangkurangnya, bagaimana anda akan menjelaskan kepada para pemimpin dunia tersebut bahwa ini tidak akan melemahkan Asia (xxx) pihlet.. John Kerry: [Well, /Indira, I...I think aa..I did touch on this a little bit, but let me fill it out a little bit more. I’m...(4) /President Obama is not here, and he /planned to be here. And he is /not here because he has to stay at home in order to /deal with this domestic challenge,.... [\Ya saya kira saya sudah bahas tadi... tapi saya bisa membahasnya lebih jauh\ Presiden Obama tidak ada disini\ meskipun ia berencana untuk hadir disini tapi ia tidak disini karena ia harus tetap berada di /dalam negeri untuk mengurusi... tantangan domestik ini\... [Terima kasih semuanya//] Pemandu Konferensi Pers: [Thanks, everyone] Speakers’ List 1. US Secretary of State John Kerry Menlu Kerry: [Thank you all very much. Good to be with you. Thank 2. United States Trade you//] Representative Ambassador Mike Froman 3. Journalists Interpreter: Adam Pantaouw 134 134 Data 4: APEC Leaders Concluding Statement Source language: Target language: Speaker: President of Indonesia: Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono (Tepuk tangan) [xxx] Thank you... [Bismilah irohmahirohin, [xxx] assalamualaikum warohmatulahi wabarokatuh. Om swastiastu, [xxx] Peace and prosperity to us all [First, we agreed to /redouble efforts to attain the Bogor Goals in 2020. We shared the views that, all economies must continue to gain from the APEC cooperation. Pertama kita mengakhiri, /yang pertama kita bertekad untuk menggandakan upaya kita untuk mencapai Bogor goals 2020. Kita miliki pandangan yang sama bahwa seluruh ekonomi APEC harus terus mendapatkan manfaat dari kerja In line with this commitment, we sama APEC. Dalam hal komitmen ini agreed to take further steps in kita sepakat untuk mengambil langkah empowering, enganging, and opening ....memberdayakan, mengenggange dan opportunities for all stakeholders, to membuka peluang participate in the APEC process and pemangku gain benefits from it] untuk kepentingan seluruh untuk berpartisipasi dalam proses APEC dan mendapatkan manfaat dari forum ini\. /Third, we agreed to accelerate APEC’s physical, institutional, and people-to- [Yang ketiga mempercepat... kita sepakat konektivitas untuk APEC secara fisik, institusi dan people to 135 people connectivity. In this regard, we people dan dalam hal ini kita memiliki envision a strategic landscape for suatu pandangan untuk konektiviti di connectivity in our region through the kawasan kita melalui pengembangan development and investment in dan investasi di infrastruktur. infrastructure.... [/Fourth, we Yang reaffirmed our commitments to achieving a /strong, balanced, sustainable and inclusive global growth. In the process, we agreed to facilitate the enhanced participation of Small, Medium, and Micro sized Enterprises, youth, and women entrepreneurs. These SMMEs are the backbone of our economy. Speaker: President of the Republic of Indonesia, Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono Interpreter: Andre Omer Siregar keempat, kita menegaskan komitmen kita untuk menjaga suatu pertumbuhan eknomi global yang kuat, berimbang, berkelanjutan dan insklusif. Dalam proses ini kita mendorong untuk partisipasi UKM dan... usaha mikro anak muda, perempuan dan karena itu UKM ini merupakan tulang punggung pertumbuhan ekonomi kita. 136 137 Appendix 2 : Interpreter Data 1. Name : Adam Pantaouw Place and date of birth : Bandung, July 23, 1982 Education : Bachelor of Laws, University of Trisakti, Jakarta Occupation : Full time professional freelance interpreter, special interpreter for Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Ministry of Telecommunication and Information of the Republic of Indonesia at the 2013 APEC Summit Conference. Experience : 5 years (2009-present) Address : Jakarta 2. Name : Andre Omer Siregar, MBA Place and date of birth : Jakarta, Juli 1974 Education : Master on Trade Diplomacy, Monash University, Australia (2000) Occupation : Civil servant at Ministry of Foreign Affairs RI, special interpreter for the President of the Republic of Indonesia Experience : 11 years (2003-present) Address : Jakarta rRON FfiX Nrl. : f;ue. BZ 2814 12:5gPl"t Fl : KEMENTERIAN KOMUNIK{SI DAN INTORMATIIfi DIREKTORAT r ENDERAL TNFCRMA'T DAN Korvl uN rKASr Direktorat Pengelolaan Media publik .il.,qlaCa,rMc,rrilaBqr,ri\u,9jaiiftil0rjuri.t.Cft-35lls3gEx,S!1,3El1Sll{.1. fi[fuJIKp.4.2/KN/KoMrNFo/ lail I Perihal RI Lr K m:r:tu. md4,Xit"a/<& ?,*r"*d ?^t"r,"*;* KC.,t4l;r*FfJ trtomor: pu, I 0iz0l 3 o,wr,v*ric.rrkoniinlb.gc.rd Jalcrta 3 Oktober ?013 pgl glitiqr- Lamp:l(Satu)lembar Kepada Yth. Ketua Program Magister Linguistik Pascasarjana Un iversitas Udayana , di* Denpasar Dengan Hormat, Menunjuk surat dqri Program studi Magister (S2) Linguisrlk dengan Nomor 482/tlNl4'14'1.2/PL 2014 tertanggal I oktober 2013 perihal yang tersebut di atas, bersarna ini dirampaikan bahwa kami memberikan izin untuk melaksanakan penelirian terkait peneqiemahan dalam j*rpa pers dalam KTT APEC ?0r3 di Nuso Dua, Kabupaten Badung, tsali, kepada mnhasiswa yeng bersangkuran. Demikian surat pemberitahuan ini karni sampaikan. Atas perhatian Bapak, kami mengucapkan terima kasih. Redaksi Official APEC 2013 Pemimpin KEMENTERI,AN PENDIDIKAI.I NASIONAL UNTVERSITAS IIDAYANA PROGRAM PASCASARJANA PROGRAM STLIDT MAGTSTER (s2) ' Ln(GljtsTrr' (03Ql.l!0033 JL Nias No. ti Denpsu, Bali Nomor : Hal : relry/Fax. En;Al: ps'ltngtlqii*@ki;i-catil . Denpasu,l Oktobq 2013 4S2 ruN14 .14 -l.2lPL 2013 tamp. : l Gabung Mohon izin penelitian Yth AhedKurnia P€mimpin R€d*si Official APs 2013 Kemeterian Informasi Dan Komunikasi R I di Jakarta Deirgan hormat, ioi kami sampaikan mahasiscra Progrm il{8-qists (s2) Linguis[t Pt;-ffittsacasarjana Universitas Udayana yang tersebut di bawah ini : e"g" o*t Drra Kctnt Su'diarb Wiguna Nama Nim 12901610:31 Linguistik Terapan (Minat Peneriemahan) Konsentras ekan me,ngadakan penelitiaa dalam rangf,a pellrlisan proposal Tesis Lokrsi lYaktu : : Nusa llur' Badung 01 sd. {tE Oktoher 2013 Bapak kand ucapkm terima kasih. De,mikim karni sampaikan, O*^} {"ntit";tr.i* /\Lv' ,. i* ,, .is ..0.. uBci6 '+'-+' ",*"*r'rY74 sf #""ij:5l.*nr4 "ho^p1gir.1t I\m, I , C:!S2 "rt'4tr4 i.sp66tlifi LinguidifnKmh{si*rrhnlxrf izinpcmditio Linguistik Srryarwa" l0 198503 1 005 M.Hm. ,