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Self-assessment checklist
Self-assessment checklist
Copyright Notice
© 2015 Customs Brokers and Forwarders Council of Australia Inc (CBFCA)
All rights reserved. No part of this document may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system,
or transmitted, in any form or by any means without the prior written permission of the CBFCA,
nor be otherwise circulated in any form without similar conditions being imposed on the
subsequent receiver.
The right of the CBFCA to be identified as the authors of this workbook has been asserted by
them in accordance with the Copyright Act**.
For further information, contact:
The Executive Director
PO Box 303
© CBFCA 2015
This material has been created for the sole use of persons seeking access via Recognition to the Diploma of Customs Broking
through the Customs Brokers & Forwarders Council of Australia Inc. (CBFCA). The use of this material for any other purpose is
prohibited without the express written permission of the CBFCA
Version 6.0 270115
Self-assessment checklist
The Diploma of Customs Broking (national course code Tl150813) is a nationally recognised
qualification under the Australian Qualification Framework at AQF Level 5.
It comprises a total of 18 units or modules that include:
15 core units (these are the ‘technical’ units relating to customs broking);
3 elective units (these are typically business-related or other units)
As a Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) applicant, you need to provide sufficient supporting
evidence of your skills, knowledge and experience across all 18 of these units such that this
evidence indicates clearly that you possess all of the skills, knowledge and experience to be
granted the Diploma of Customs Broking without the need for any course work, attendance at
classes or completion of assessments.
This self-assessment checklist is your first step in deciding if you have the required skills,
knowledge and experience through conducting a self-review. This is your document and is
provided as a guide for you. You will not be asked to submit this document at this stage
although your RPL assessor will want to see it later once you have made your RPL
This document should be read in conjunction with the RPL Information Kit available from the
CBFCA. The kit outlines the full 4 step RPL process which includes:
Step 1 – self-assessment (that’s what this document is for)
Step 2 – gathering authentic documentation as evidence
(you will use this self-assessment document to map the evidence you need in Step 2)
Step 3 – Submitting your application
Step 4 – Competency conversation
Good luck with your self-assessment.
© CBFCA 2015
This material has been created for the sole use of persons seeking access via Recognition to the Diploma of Customs Broking
through the Customs Brokers & Forwarders Council of Australia Inc. (CBFCA). The use of this material for any other purpose is
prohibited without the express written permission of the CBFCA
Version 6.0 270115
Self-assessment checklist
The checklist in this document is designed for you to review your own skills and knowledge
as a licensed customs broker. These categories are derived from the curriculum documents of
the Diploma of Customs Broking and so are naturally quite broad.
The checklist is created as a list of “I statements” for example:
“I can prepare and lodge a warehousing entry”
You are asked to respond with one of the following:
This means you are fully confident that you can successfully perform the
function specified if and when required.
Not sure
If there are areas that you have not done for some time but that you believe you
would be very confident in doing (for example a dumping application), feel free
to answer in the affirmative. Your assessor will probably cover off on this in the
competency conversation
This means that perhaps you could do this but might need a brush-up to either
remind yourself of the process or to lift your currency level if you haven’t done
this for a while.
This will form part of your own gap assessment so you could check out some
ways to bring yourself up to speed in this area
This means you do not have the skills or knowledge to perform this task.
This will form part of your gap assessment but it might be a case of enrolling in a
unit of study to close this gap if your knowledge of the topic is non-existent, hazy
or out of date.
Vitally important to note:
It is a good practice to consider lodging your application even if you have indicated “not sure”
to some responses as you just may find that during the competency conversation with your
assessor that you are able to demonstrate your skills and knowledge once engaged in
discussing a scenario.
You need to be honest with your own skills assessment but also
don’t underestimate how much you probably do know, particularly if
you can draw on some years of experience in the industry.
© CBFCA 2015
This material has been created for the sole use of persons seeking access via Recognition to the Diploma of Customs Broking
through the Customs Brokers & Forwarders Council of Australia Inc. (CBFCA). The use of this material for any other purpose is
prohibited without the express written permission of the CBFCA
Version 6.0 270115
Self-assessment checklist
© CBFCA 2015
This material has been created for the sole use of persons seeking access via Recognition to the Diploma of Customs Broking
through the Customs Brokers & Forwarders Council of Australia Inc. (CBFCA). The use of this material for any other purpose is
prohibited without the express written permission of the CBFCA
Version 6.0 270115
Self-assessment checklist
Prepare documents for customs clearance
Workplace indicators
Workplace performance
Not sure
I can read and interpret documents received so as to
correctly prepare and lodge an import declaration
correctly meeting all requirements of Customs and other
regulatory authorities
I can provide advice to clients on import and export
requirements of goods, including advice on:
methods of affreightment,
marine insurance and the implications of General
methods of payment in international transactions
I can implement and direct appropriate responses to
advice of pillage, loss or damage to cargo.
I can identify and interpret the requirements and
responsibilities of parties to a transaction through the
correct use of Incoterms 2010
Suggested evidence to demonstrate competency in this unit
(List all that provide “evidence of” your skills and knowledge in this area)
E.g. Current job description
Available (tick Y/N)
Evidence log number*
Item 3
* This is how you will keep track of your evidence. Keep in mind that one piece of evidence
could be used across a number of different units
© CBFCA 2015
This material has been created for the sole use of persons seeking access via Recognition to the Diploma of Customs Broking
through the Customs Brokers & Forwarders Council of Australia Inc. (CBFCA). The use of this material for any other purpose is
prohibited without the express written permission of the CBFCA
Version 6.0 270115
Self-assessment checklist
Barrier clearance functions
Workplace indicators
Workplace performance
Not sure
I understand and can interpret the Customs Act 1901
and explain the role and responsibilities of ACBPS and
of Customs Brokers.
I can identify the cargo reporting requirements of the
I can prepare and lodge post entry amendments to
import declarations
I can explain the import requirements for personal effects
and identify the current passenger concessions in Item
15 of 4th Schedule.
Suggested evidence to demonstrate competency in this unit
(List all that provide “evidence of” your skills and knowledge in this area)
E.g. Current job description
Available (tick Y/N)
Evidence log number*
Item 3
* This is how you will keep track of your evidence. Keep in mind that one piece of evidence
could be used across a number of different units
© CBFCA 2015
This material has been created for the sole use of persons seeking access via Recognition to the Diploma of Customs Broking
through the Customs Brokers & Forwarders Council of Australia Inc. (CBFCA). The use of this material for any other purpose is
prohibited without the express written permission of the CBFCA
Version 6.0 270115
Self-assessment checklist
Biosecurity border clearance
Workplace indicators
Workplace performance
Not sure
I can assess the NCCC documentary requirements for
different modes of transport.
I can correctly assess a Packing Declaration, including
any requirements for further documents in relation to an
I can correctly assess treatment certificate
documentation requirements in relation to the
Department of Agriculture requirements for both
Commodity and Non Commodity shipments.
I can correctly assess the treatment requirements for
timber used in both commodity and non commodity
shipments, considering the type and size of timber used.
I can accurately assess the requirements for unpack
locations for FCL and FCX shipments.
I understand and can correctly identify the use of
ISPM15 compliant timber, together with the limitations of
the use of the standard.
I can correctly asses the requirements to direct
shipments under the AEP for Commodity Scheme,
including the pathway requirements.
I am aware of the latest release of Department of
Agriculture compliance agreement documentation in
relation to the NCCC and AEP COM Schemes.
I can correctly assess the in scope and out of scope
requirements of commodities under the AEP for
Commodity Scheme.
I can correctly select the required processing type and
QAP code in relation to commodities for lodgement with
the ICS.
I am aware of the sanctions that can apply to both the
NCCC and AEP COM Schemes
I am aware of the record retention requirements of the
NCCC and AEP COMM Schemes.
I am able to correctly provide the answers required for
lodgement of an Import Declaration in the ICS, under the
NCCC and AEP COMM Schemes.
© CBFCA 2015
This material has been created for the sole use of persons seeking access via Recognition to the Diploma of Customs Broking
through the Customs Brokers & Forwarders Council of Australia Inc. (CBFCA). The use of this material for any other purpose is
prohibited without the express written permission of the CBFCA
Version 6.0 270115
Self-assessment checklist
Suggested evidence to demonstrate competency in this unit
(List all that provide “evidence of” your skills and knowledge in this area)
E.g. Current job description
Available (tick Y/N)
Evidence log number*
Item 3
* This is how you will keep track of your evidence. Keep in mind that one piece of
evidence could be used across a number of different units
© CBFCA 2015
This material has been created for the sole use of persons seeking access via Recognition to the Diploma of Customs Broking
through the Customs Brokers & Forwarders Council of Australia Inc. (CBFCA). The use of this material for any other purpose is
prohibited without the express written permission of the CBFCA
Version 6.0 270115
Self-assessment checklist
Import and/or export prohibitions and/or restrictions
Workplace indicators
Workplace performance
Not sure
I can identify goods subject to import and/or export
prohibitions and restrictions under the Customs
(Prohibited Import) Regulations and Customs (Prohibited
Export) Regulations.
I can explain and illustrate marking requirements under
the Commerce (Import) Regulations
I can identify goods subject to import and/or export
prohibitions and restrictions such as those administered
by or on:
Motor vehicles
TGA and complimentary medicines
Industrial and veterinary checmical
Commerce marking requirements
I can identify goods subject to import and/or export
prohibitions and restrictions such as those administered
by or on:
Heritage items
Trade marks
Ozone depleting substances and other
greenhouse gases
Dangerous goods, explosives, firearms and
Wine and spirits
I can verify that the required conditions for import/export
have been met prior to import / export clearance.
© CBFCA 2015
This material has been created for the sole use of persons seeking access via Recognition to the Diploma of Customs Broking
through the Customs Brokers & Forwarders Council of Australia Inc. (CBFCA). The use of this material for any other purpose is
prohibited without the express written permission of the CBFCA
Version 6.0 270115
Self-assessment checklist
Suggested evidence to demonstrate competency in this unit
(List all that provide “evidence of” your skills and knowledge in this area)
E.g. Current job description
Available (tick Y/N)
Evidence log number*
Item 3
* This is how you will keep track of your evidence. Keep in mind that one piece of evidence
could be used across a number of different units
© CBFCA 2015
This material has been created for the sole use of persons seeking access via Recognition to the Diploma of Customs Broking
through the Customs Brokers & Forwarders Council of Australia Inc. (CBFCA). The use of this material for any other purpose is
prohibited without the express written permission of the CBFCA
Version 6.0 270115
Self-assessment checklist
Workplace indicators
Workplace performance
Not sure
I can determine the price in the import sales transaction
in accordance with the requirements of the Customs Act.
I can identify the import sales transaction for a
consignment in accordance with the requirements of the
Customs Act.
I can explain the alternative methods of valuation of
imported goods and when they are used.
I can identify the date and place of export in accordance
with the requirements of the Customs Act.
I can identify and determine the correct treatment of
additions to or subtractions from price including:
Price related costs
Royalties and licence fees
Rebates and discounts
I can determine the transaction value of imported goods
I can recognise situations where transaction value
cannot be used
I can complete a Valuation Advice
I can explain the structure of the Customs Tariff Act and
its schedules
© CBFCA 2015
This material has been created for the sole use of persons seeking access via Recognition to the Diploma of Customs Broking
through the Customs Brokers & Forwarders Council of Australia Inc. (CBFCA). The use of this material for any other purpose is
prohibited without the express written permission of the CBFCA
Version 6.0 270115
Self-assessment checklist
Suggested evidence to demonstrate competency in this unit
(List all that provide “evidence of” your skills and knowledge in this area)
E.g. Current job description
Available (tick Y/N)
Evidence log number*
Item 3
* This is how you will keep track of your evidence. Keep in mind that one piece of
evidence could be used across a number of different units
© CBFCA 2015
This material has been created for the sole use of persons seeking access via Recognition to the Diploma of Customs Broking
through the Customs Brokers & Forwarders Council of Australia Inc. (CBFCA). The use of this material for any other purpose is
prohibited without the express written permission of the CBFCA
Version 6.0 270115
Self-assessment checklist
Workplace indicators
Workplace performance
Not sure
I can accurately classify goods in all chapters of the 3rd
Schedule of the Customs Tariff, including the following
Machines, including incomplete machines
Precision instruments
Functional units
Multi-function machines
© CBFCA 2015
This material has been created for the sole use of persons seeking access via Recognition to the Diploma of Customs Broking
through the Customs Brokers & Forwarders Council of Australia Inc. (CBFCA). The use of this material for any other purpose is
prohibited without the express written permission of the CBFCA
Version 6.0 270115
Self-assessment checklist
Suggested evidence to demonstrate competency in this unit
(List all that provide “evidence of” your skills and knowledge in this area)
E.g. Current job description
Available (tick Y/N)
Evidence log number*
Item 3
* This is how you will keep track of your evidence. Keep in mind that one piece of
evidence could be used across a number of different units
© CBFCA 2015
This material has been created for the sole use of persons seeking access via Recognition to the Diploma of Customs Broking
through the Customs Brokers & Forwarders Council of Australia Inc. (CBFCA). The use of this material for any other purpose is
prohibited without the express written permission of the CBFCA
Version 6.0 270115
Self-assessment checklist
Classification (continued)
Workplace indicators
Workplace performance
Not sure
I use the Section and Chapter Notes and the
Interpretative Rules as an integral part of any tariff
classification process.
I can properly complete a Tariff Advice application in
accordance with ACBPS requirements
I can interpret and correctly identify Tariff Concession
Orders that apply to goods
I can identify and explain the use of bylaws of the 4th
Schedule to the Customs Tariff Act
I can identify circumstances when a new TCO
application may be warranted and advise clients on the
TCO application process
I can prepare an internal appeal against a Customs
decision on technical matters such as tariff classification
or valuation justifying through the use of legislation, case
law and precedents.
Suggested evidence to demonstrate competency in this unit
(List all that provide “evidence of” your skills and knowledge in this area)
E.g. Current job description
Available (tick Y/N)
Evidence log number*
Item 3
* This is how you will keep track of your evidence. Keep in mind that one piece of
evidence could be used across a number of different units
© CBFCA 2015
This material has been created for the sole use of persons seeking access via Recognition to the Diploma of Customs Broking
through the Customs Brokers & Forwarders Council of Australia Inc. (CBFCA). The use of this material for any other purpose is
prohibited without the express written permission of the CBFCA
Version 6.0 270115
Self-assessment checklist
Indirect taxes
Workplace indicators
Workplace performance
Not sure
I can calculate and provide advice on Luxury Car Tax.
I can calculate and provide advice on Wine Equalisation
Tax, including quotation of ABN.
I can calculate GST on goods and services
I can identify GST free goods and determine the
appropriate exemption codes.
I can advise on the process for GST Deferral
I can determine the appropriate GST treatment for DDP
Suggested evidence to demonstrate competency in this unit
(List all that provide “evidence of” your skills and knowledge in this area)
E.g. Current job description
Available (tick Y/N)
Evidence log number*
Item 3
* This is how you will keep track of your evidence. Keep in mind that one piece of
evidence could be used across a number of different units
© CBFCA 2015
This material has been created for the sole use of persons seeking access via Recognition to the Diploma of Customs Broking
through the Customs Brokers & Forwarders Council of Australia Inc. (CBFCA). The use of this material for any other purpose is
prohibited without the express written permission of the CBFCA
Version 6.0 270115
Self-assessment checklist
Customs clearance practices 1
Workplace indicators
Workplace performance
Not sure
I can identify goods for which a Self Assessed Clearance
are suitable
I can explain the benefits in and process of warehousing
I can determine the date of entry for home consumption,
including for Advance Entries
I can assess and determine in accordance with the
Customs Act whether requests for additional information
by Customs are within the scope of their authority and
develop an appropriate response.
I can explain the effect of the withdrawal of a customs
import declaration.
I can prepare and lodge a warehousing entry
I can prepare and lodge an ex-warehouse entry.
I can explain the types of Customs regulated premises
and outline their requirements and the differences
between them.
I can identify excisable goods and excise equivalent
I can prepare a landed costing.
© CBFCA 2015
This material has been created for the sole use of persons seeking access via Recognition to the Diploma of Customs Broking
through the Customs Brokers & Forwarders Council of Australia Inc. (CBFCA). The use of this material for any other purpose is
prohibited without the express written permission of the CBFCA
Version 6.0 270115
Self-assessment checklist
Suggested evidence to demonstrate competency in this unit
(List all that provide “evidence of” your skills and knowledge in this area)
E.g. Current job description
Available (tick Y/N)
Evidence log number*
Item 3
* This is how you will keep track of your evidence. Keep in mind that one piece of
evidence could be used across a number of different units
© CBFCA 2015
This material has been created for the sole use of persons seeking access via Recognition to the Diploma of Customs Broking
through the Customs Brokers & Forwarders Council of Australia Inc. (CBFCA). The use of this material for any other purpose is
prohibited without the express written permission of the CBFCA
Version 6.0 270115
Self-assessment checklist
Customs clearance practices 2
Workplace indicators
Workplace performance
Not sure
I can identify refund circumstances and cross reference
them to the appropriate regulation.
I can explain the difference between refunds, rebates
remissions and drawbacks
I can prepare and lodge refund applications
I can prepare and lodge drawback applications
I can explain the workings of the Tradex Scheme.
I can identify the time frames by reference to legislation
by which applications for refunds and drawbacks must
be lodged
I can advise clients on the requirements for temporary
importation of goods including carnets, s.162 and any
securities that may be payable.
Suggested evidence to demonstrate competency in this unit
(List all that provide “evidence of” your skills and knowledge in this area)
E.g. Current job description
Available (tick Y/N)
Evidence log number*
Item 3
* This is how you will keep track of your evidence. Keep in mind that one piece of evidence
could be used across a number of different units
© CBFCA 2015
This material has been created for the sole use of persons seeking access via Recognition to the Diploma of Customs Broking
through the Customs Brokers & Forwarders Council of Australia Inc. (CBFCA). The use of this material for any other purpose is
prohibited without the express written permission of the CBFCA
Version 6.0 270115
Self-assessment checklist
Anti-dumping and countervailing measures
Workplace indicators
Workplace performance
Not sure
I can identify goods subject to Anti-Dumping and/or
Countervailing Duty.
I can determine the Dumping Specification Number
(DSN) using the Dumping Commodities Register.
I can calculate Anti-Dumping and/or Countervailing duty.
I can explain the requirements for imposition of antidumping and/or countervailing duty and the process for
its imposition and/or review.
Suggested evidence to demonstrate competency in this unit
(List all that provide “evidence of” your skills and knowledge in this area)
E.g. Current job description
Available (tick Y/N)
Evidence log number*
Item 3
* This is how you will keep track of your evidence. Keep in mind that one piece of
evidence could be used across a number of different units
© CBFCA 2015
This material has been created for the sole use of persons seeking access via Recognition to the Diploma of Customs Broking
through the Customs Brokers & Forwarders Council of Australia Inc. (CBFCA). The use of this material for any other purpose is
prohibited without the express written permission of the CBFCA
Version 6.0 270115
Self-assessment checklist
Origin, preference and Free Trade Agreements
Workplace indicators
Workplace performance
Not sure
I can identify the country or place of origin of goods
I can identify the classes of countries and places to
which preferential rates may apply.
I can assess eligibility for preferential tariff rates in
accordance with the Customs Act and ACBPS
I can identify countries with which Australia has a Free
Trade Agreement
I can identify rates of duty applicable to specified tariff
classifications under each of the Free Trade Agreements
I can identify the Rule of Origin applicable to a
nominated tariff classification in any Free Trade
I can explain the General Rule under AANZFTA
I can select the appropriate issuing authority for a
Certificate of Origin under a nominated FTA and explain
the requirements of that COO.
I can explain the requirements for direct shipment under
an FTA and confirm that it has occurred in nominated
I can outline the requirements for the importation of
chemicals where specific Rules exist.
I can explain the meaning of Agricultural Safeguards in
the context of an FTA.
© CBFCA 2015
This material has been created for the sole use of persons seeking access via Recognition to the Diploma of Customs Broking
through the Customs Brokers & Forwarders Council of Australia Inc. (CBFCA). The use of this material for any other purpose is
prohibited without the express written permission of the CBFCA
Version 6.0 270115
Self-assessment checklist
Suggested evidence to demonstrate competency in this unit
(List all that provide “evidence of” your skills and knowledge in this area)
E.g. Current job description
Available (tick Y/N)
Evidence log number*
Item 3
* This is how you will keep track of your evidence. Keep in mind that one piece of
evidence could be used across a number of different units
© CBFCA 2015
This material has been created for the sole use of persons seeking access via Recognition to the Diploma of Customs Broking
through the Customs Brokers & Forwarders Council of Australia Inc. (CBFCA). The use of this material for any other purpose is
prohibited without the express written permission of the CBFCA
Version 6.0 270115
Self-assessment checklist
Reviewing decisions of regulatory bodies
Workplace indicators
Workplace performance
Not sure
I can explain and use the Amber Line lodgement facility.
I can explain the requirements of and reasons for
Payment under Protest under s.167 of the Customs Act
I can identify the elements of an offence.
I can explain and give examples of a strict liability
offence and the differences between offences for which
there is strict liability and those requiring prosecution
I know the value of a penalty unit
I can read and interpret the Infringement Notice
Guidelines sufficient to prepare submissions required.
I can identify the alternative actions available if a penalty
notice is received or threatened and explain the
consequences of those actions.
I can provide advice to clients and other staff on
responding to proposed monitoring audits by Customs
and dealing with Officers during the conduct of those
I can identify Customs export examination powers
I can explain and cross relate the forfeiture, seizure and
condemnation provisions of the Customs Act.
I can identify and explain internal review procedures for
decisions by ACBPS
I can outline the available avenues for external appeal
including the ombudsman, AAT and Federal Court.
© CBFCA 2015
This material has been created for the sole use of persons seeking access via Recognition to the Diploma of Customs Broking
through the Customs Brokers & Forwarders Council of Australia Inc. (CBFCA). The use of this material for any other purpose is
prohibited without the express written permission of the CBFCA
Version 6.0 270115
Self-assessment checklist
Suggested evidence to demonstrate competency in this unit
(List all that provide “evidence of” your skills and knowledge in this area)
E.g. Current job description
Available (tick Y/N)
Evidence log number*
Item 3
* This is how you will keep track of your evidence. Keep in mind that one piece of
evidence could be used across a number of different units
© CBFCA 2015
This material has been created for the sole use of persons seeking access via Recognition to the Diploma of Customs Broking
through the Customs Brokers & Forwarders Council of Australia Inc. (CBFCA). The use of this material for any other purpose is
prohibited without the express written permission of the CBFCA
Version 6.0 270115
Self-assessment checklist
Analyse/advise/carry out integrated border clearance transactions 1
Workplace indicators
Workplace performance
Not sure
Read and interpret documents for import consignment
I can review and assess documents for an import
transaction for compliance with regulatory requirements
I can access Customs and other legislation and their
implications for import clearance
I can identify missing or ambiguous documents or
information and advise clients accordingly
Identify and analyse problems
I can analyse the requirements for import clearance
transactions and identify and document any concerns
I can assess and record any identified concerns for
import clearance transactions
Develop and review alternative solutions
I can provide alternative solutions to identified issues
and problems while managing the risks involved,
legislative requirements and client needs.
I can assess and document comparative benefits and
risks of alternate solutions in accordance with workplace
I can provide various options in a review of comparative
benefits and risks and document the outcomes
Select and justify a solution
I can develop alternative solutions based on review
outcomes and select a preferred solution
I can document the solution in accordance with
workplace policies and procedures while providing due
reference to compliance requirements and how these will
be managed
I can identify critical issues during the review and
analysis process and discuss/clear these with relevant
internal and external personnel
© CBFCA 2015
This material has been created for the sole use of persons seeking access via Recognition to the Diploma of Customs Broking
through the Customs Brokers & Forwarders Council of Australia Inc. (CBFCA). The use of this material for any other purpose is
prohibited without the express written permission of the CBFCA
Version 6.0 270115
Self-assessment checklist
Analyse/advise/carry out integrated border clearance transactions 2
Workplace indicators
Workplace performance
Not sure
Complete border clearance transaction
I can discuss the results of border clearance transaction
review with the client
I can provide advice to clients on border clearance
transactions including a recommended solution and a
rationale for that solution
I can complete this integrated border clearance
transaction in accordance with an agreed approach,
relevant legislative requirements and workplace
Document and record border clearance transaction
I can complete and verify the required documentation for
an integrated border clearance transaction in
accordance with legislative requirements and workplace
I can enter the information into the appropriate system
as required
I can create records of the integrated border clearance
transaction including information on specific issues,
problems and related solutions and actions taken
I can forward the relevant information to the client
concerning border clearance transaction for compliance
with regulatory requirements and according to workplace
I can retain records according to legislative and
workplace requirements
Implement formal review mechanism for dispute resolution
I can identify the need for a formal review in accordance
with relevant Customs requirements
I can identify the most appropriate review mechanism in
accordance with relevant Customs requirements
I can implement the identified review mechanism related
to the border transaction in accordance with Customs
© CBFCA 2015
This material has been created for the sole use of persons seeking access via Recognition to the Diploma of Customs Broking
through the Customs Brokers & Forwarders Council of Australia Inc. (CBFCA). The use of this material for any other purpose is
prohibited without the express written permission of the CBFCA
Version 6.0 270115
Self-assessment checklist
Suggested evidence to demonstrate competency in this unit
(List all that provide “evidence of” your skills and knowledge in this area)
E.g. Current job description
Available (tick Y/N)
Evidence log number*
Item 3
* This is how you will keep track of your evidence. Keep in mind that one piece of evidence
could be used across a number of different units
© CBFCA 2015
This material has been created for the sole use of persons seeking access via Recognition to the Diploma of Customs Broking
through the Customs Brokers & Forwarders Council of Australia Inc. (CBFCA). The use of this material for any other purpose is
prohibited without the express written permission of the CBFCA
Version 6.0 270115
Self-assessment checklist
© CBFCA 2015
This material has been created for the sole use of persons seeking access via Recognition to the Diploma of Customs Broking
through the Customs Brokers & Forwarders Council of Australia Inc. (CBFCA). The use of this material for any other purpose is
prohibited without the express written permission of the CBFCA
Version 6.0 270115
Self-assessment checklist
Elective information
You are required to attain just three elective units to complete the Diploma of Customs
Broking. In the following pages you will find self-assessment questions for some of the
common electives used by the CBFCA for its students studying the course.
However, there are other general electives listed in the Diploma qualification and we would be
delighted to discuss with you your experience across these other electives as required. Some
of these electives have come from the Diploma of International Freight Forwarding and so if
you have received this qualification, you will automatically be granted the electives you
completed in that course.
On this page is the full list of general electives as provided in the Diploma qualification
document. The highlighted units are the ones for which self-assessment questions are
provided on the following pages.
General Elective Units
Manage international freight transfer
Lead a work team or group
BSBCUS501C Manage quality customer service
Market services and products to clients
Develop freight customers
BSBMGT502B Manage people performance
Review contracts, insurance, risk and liability in the international
freight forwarding context
Mentor individuals or small groups
Manage budgets and financial plans
BSBMGT515A Manage operational plan
Set and achieve budget
Monitor supplier performance
Source goods/services and evaluate contractors
Negotiate a contract
© CBFCA 2015
This material has been created for the sole use of persons seeking access via Recognition to the Diploma of Customs Broking
through the Customs Brokers & Forwarders Council of Australia Inc. (CBFCA). The use of this material for any other purpose is
prohibited without the express written permission of the CBFCA
Version 6.0 270115
Self-assessment checklist
Managing client service
Workplace indicators
Workplace performance
Not sure
I can investigate, identify and assess the needs of clients
in the planning process
I can ensure plans achieve the quality, time and cost
effective specifications with clients
I can deliver services to customer specifications within
the organisation’s business plan
I can monitor team performance to consistently meet the
organisation’s quality and delivery standards
I can assist colleagues to overcome difficulty in meeting
customs service standards
I can develop and use strategies to monitor progress in
achieving service targets and standards
I can develop and use strategies to obtain customer
feedback to improve the provision of services
I can develop, procure and use resources effectively to
provide quality service to clients
I can make decisions to overcome problems and to
adapt client services in consultation with appropriate
individuals and groups
I can manage records, reports and recommendations
within the organisations’ systems and processes
© CBFCA 2015
This material has been created for the sole use of persons seeking access via Recognition to the Diploma of Customs Broking
through the Customs Brokers & Forwarders Council of Australia Inc. (CBFCA). The use of this material for any other purpose is
prohibited without the express written permission of the CBFCA
Version 6.0 270115
Self-assessment checklist
Suggested evidence to demonstrate competency in this unit
(List all that provide “evidence of” your skills and knowledge in this area)
E.g. Current job description
Available (tick Y/N)
Evidence log number*
Item 3
* This is how you will keep track of your evidence. Keep in mind that one piece of evidence
could be used across a number of different units
© CBFCA 2015
This material has been created for the sole use of persons seeking access via Recognition to the Diploma of Customs Broking
through the Customs Brokers & Forwarders Council of Australia Inc. (CBFCA). The use of this material for any other purpose is
prohibited without the express written permission of the CBFCA
Version 6.0 270115
Self-assessment checklist
Manage people performance
Workplace indicators
Workplace performance
Not sure
I can consult relevant groups and individuals on work to
be allocated and resources available
I can develop work plans in accordance with operational
I can allocate work in a way that is efficient, cost
effective and outcome focussed
I can confirm performance standards, code of conduct
and work outputs with relevant teams and individuals
I can develop and agree performance indicators with
relevant staff
I can conduct a risk analysis in accordance with the
organisations risk management plan and legal
I can design performance management and review
processes to ensure consistency with organisation
I can train participants in the performance management
and review process
I can conduct performance management in accordance
with organisational protocols
I can provide informal feedback to staff on a regular
I can advise relevant people when there is poor
performance and take necessary actions
I can document performance in accordance with the
organisation’s performance management system
I can write and agree performance plans
I can monitor and coach individuals with poor
I can counsel individuals who continue to perform below
I can terminate staff in accordance with legal and
organisational requirements where serious misconduct
or ongoing poor performance continues
© CBFCA 2015
This material has been created for the sole use of persons seeking access via Recognition to the Diploma of Customs Broking
through the Customs Brokers & Forwarders Council of Australia Inc. (CBFCA). The use of this material for any other purpose is
prohibited without the express written permission of the CBFCA
Version 6.0 270115
Self-assessment checklist
Suggested evidence to demonstrate competency in this unit
(List all that provide “evidence of” your skills and knowledge in this area)
E.g. Current job description
Available (tick Y/N)
Evidence log number*
Item 3
* This is how you will keep track of your evidence. Keep in mind that one piece of evidence
could be used across a number of different units
© CBFCA 2015
This material has been created for the sole use of persons seeking access via Recognition to the Diploma of Customs Broking
through the Customs Brokers & Forwarders Council of Australia Inc. (CBFCA). The use of this material for any other purpose is
prohibited without the express written permission of the CBFCA
Version 6.0 270115
Self-assessment checklist
Source goods/services and monitor supplier/contractor performance
Workplace indicators
Workplace performance
Not sure
I can identify the purpose and specifications of required
goods and services
I can determine the required quantities of goods/services
I can determine the required frequency of ordering goods
and services
I can identify suitable contractors for the provision of
goods and services
I can make comparative costings for the attainment of
goods and services
I can evaluate contractors against established criteria
I can create a prioritised short list of contractors to
provide a cost-competitive quality service
I can document the outcomes of the contractor selection
I can document and implement procedures for the
receival of supplied goods an services
I can assess contracted requirements of supplied goods
and services for conformity to contracted requirements
I can undertake to rectify non-conformance in
accordance with organisation procedures
I can refer issues on non-conformity outside of my scope
of authority to designated personnel
I can annotate and make performance assessments to
the supplier’s file
I can document actions taken in regard to nonconformance by suppliers
I can maintain system records in accordance with
organisational information management systems and
legal requirements where applicable
© CBFCA 2015
This material has been created for the sole use of persons seeking access via Recognition to the Diploma of Customs Broking
through the Customs Brokers & Forwarders Council of Australia Inc. (CBFCA). The use of this material for any other purpose is
prohibited without the express written permission of the CBFCA
Version 6.0 270115
Self-assessment checklist
Suggested evidence to demonstrate competency in this unit
(List all that provide “evidence of” your skills and knowledge in this area)
E.g. Current job description
Available (tick Y/N)
Evidence log number*
Item 3
* This is how you will keep track of your evidence. Keep in mind that one piece of evidence
could be used across a number of different units
© CBFCA 2015
This material has been created for the sole use of persons seeking access via Recognition to the Diploma of Customs Broking
through the Customs Brokers & Forwarders Council of Australia Inc. (CBFCA). The use of this material for any other purpose is
prohibited without the express written permission of the CBFCA
Version 6.0 270115
Self-assessment checklist
Contracts, insurance, risk and liability
Workplace indicators
Workplace performance
Not sure
Examine an international freight forwarding sales contract
I can review the relevant sales contract and confirm the
Incoterm and other factors to the forwarder
I can use the sakes contract to determine project
deadlines as well as the respective responsibilities,
rights and liabilities between the buyer and seller
Examine an international freight forwarding service contract
I can review and confirm the service contract and
supporting documents
I can interpret the service contract and supporting
documents and take the required action
Manage risk in international freight forwarding
I can assess the risks with a planned international freight
forwarding activity using appropriate risk analysis
I can establish, in consultation with the client, suitable
strategies for controlling identified risks
I can identify and monitor risk factors throughout the
freight forwarding project
I can implement alternative routing and other risk control
measures where justified in the event of critical
contingencies that arise before or during the project
I can check that all conventions for international freight
transport are fulfilled
Assist in organising insurance requirements for international freight forwarding
I can evaluate the insurance requirements for
international freight transport taking into account the
critical risk factors in the project
I can provide assistance in organising an appropriate
policy proving the required cover for the project
I can provide assistance to the client to make claim in
the event of loss or damage
I can lodge all documentation with the insurer in support
of the insurance claim
© CBFCA 2015
This material has been created for the sole use of persons seeking access via Recognition to the Diploma of Customs Broking
through the Customs Brokers & Forwarders Council of Australia Inc. (CBFCA). The use of this material for any other purpose is
prohibited without the express written permission of the CBFCA
Version 6.0 270115
Self-assessment checklist
Suggested evidence to demonstrate competency in this unit
(List all that provide “evidence of” your skills and knowledge in this area)
E.g. Current job description
Available (tick Y/N)
Evidence log number*
Item 3
* This is how you will keep track of your evidence. Keep in mind that one piece of evidence
could be used across a number of different units
© CBFCA 2015
This material has been created for the sole use of persons seeking access via Recognition to the Diploma of Customs Broking
through the Customs Brokers & Forwarders Council of Australia Inc. (CBFCA). The use of this material for any other purpose is
prohibited without the express written permission of the CBFCA
Version 6.0 270115
Self-assessment checklist
Contracts, insurance, risk and liability (continued)
Workplace indicators
Workplace performance
Not sure
Manage legal liability in an international freight forwarding project
I can evaluate, using appropriate risk analysis, the risks
of legal liabilities towards clients and third parties as a
direct result of an internal mistake or negligence on the
part of the freight forwarder
I can confirm or organise appropriate liability insurance
that provides the required cover for the risks involved
I can make a claim on the insurance as per the policy in
the event of loss or damage directly attributable to a
forwarder’s mistake or an act of negligence
I can lodge with the insurer all documentation to support
an insurance claim
Suggested evidence to demonstrate competency in this unit
(List all that provide “evidence of” your skills and knowledge in this area)
E.g. Current job description
Available (tick Y/N)
Evidence log number*
Item 3
* This is how you will keep track of your evidence. Keep in mind that one piece of evidence
could be used across a number of different units
© CBFCA 2015
This material has been created for the sole use of persons seeking access via Recognition to the Diploma of Customs Broking
through the Customs Brokers & Forwarders Council of Australia Inc. (CBFCA). The use of this material for any other purpose is
prohibited without the express written permission of the CBFCA
Version 6.0 270115