Import Customs power of attorney


Import Customs power of attorney
Customs power of attorney
Company name:
Country / Zip Code / Place:
Contact person:
Phone / Mail:
VAT-ID no:
C.o.C no *:
Passport no. *:
*(if applicable)
Grants customs power of attorney to:
Porath Customs Agents GmbH
Heidenkampsweg 81
20097 Hamburg
as well as all its subsidiaries
Porath Customs Agents B.V.
Vareseweg 85
3047 AT Rotterdam
The Netherlands
as well as all its subsidiaries
Porath Customs Agents Sp. z o.o.
Ul. Czechosłowacka 3
81-969 Gdynia
as well as all its subsidiaries
The power of attorney authorizes the grantee to act as the grantor’s direct representative in
the sense of art. 5 par. 2, 1st alternative, EC Customs Code in order:
a. to submit customs declarations to all EC customs offices for the clearance of goods in
all types of customs procedures
b. to execute all applications, statements, and administrative objections necessary for
customs clearance
c. to sign the statement on the determination of the customs value of goods
d. when necessary, to report voluntary self-disclosure as well as to execute customs
in the name and on behalf of the grantor.
The grantor assumes full responsibility for the completeness and accuracy of all
specifications and documents which are necessary for the execution of orders. We hereby
accept the terms of contract of Porath Customs Agents (available on
This power of attorney is valid until revoked in writing.
Place, date
Stand: July 2014
Signature, company seal