AAron Hullett - Prisons Foundation


AAron Hullett - Prisons Foundation
AAron Hullett
PO 8101
San Luis Obispo, CA
Buyer of Beauty
The blazing sun began to shimmer and shine.The very second A honey
comb complected woman with the bodie of a goddess sashade°upon the
gl izzed boardwalk.That gave way to the LosAngeles Federal Bureau of
Investigation building. Eyes from both sexes,even though they were
hidden behind limousine tented glasses.Darted and x factored over every
inch of the woman who seemed to have special magic over time and space.
Herrnajestic offerings seemed to be on cruise control from head to
toe.She dabbed her exquisitly crafted blunt nose at the sun.As she
struck ever forward with one thing and one thing only on heréftind.Which
was to be of service to the Federal' Seal for ever.The sun seeuaed to
have A clandestine affair with the fairest of them all.It was as if
the woman was able to see things she wasnt suppose to see.That gave
her power over all that surrounded her.Their she blows,Shareamore
Christia .Sylvester Kremline the Director of the F.B.I growled.My fine
constituents there lies the most dangerous being on the planet.Her
skin texture holds the perfect indention to where she can be
positioned in three quarters of the world with out detection.From
those that hold up the purest of their blood line.Her physical
features have been perfected by the very hands of God.The Directors
AAron Hullett
Buyer of Beauty
deep dark dangerous pitch made every one breath
Director tapped the All Eyes Window bringing
Page 2 lightly.The
position in to full view for every one positioned around the
Director.Douglas Titus the Secratery of Defense inhailed deeply in
the open.Not caring that he let every one know with out words
spoken,that she could easily take him to the well spring of his inner
most dreams.Shareamors raw beauty
was unparalled,even in Action Hotties finest glamour magazines to date.
What about her child Patra?Patricia Scott spoke up,knowing she was
being positioned as Shareamores F.B.I Oprative.She now hands over not
only her very own life line but the very pulse of her princess to the
Federal Seal as well.As you can see in atickle eighty subdivision seven.
She went deep cover with her daughter that was then three and now four
and A half.As Shareamore dug in to A Rostafarian drug ring,that ran
rampant in fifty blocks and four seperate citys.Her daughter was kid
napped and held ransome by A rival Rostafarian drug ring.With out
federal backing,she went over and beyond the call of duty.She cut in
to Yellow Band Rostas.She killed nine seperate people with her very
own force of being.She brought to justice guntoting drug pushing
generals,madd scientist and various master minds.That saw to their
drugs reaching four seperate states.Right when the Director stopped
speaking,every ones eyes locked on Shareamores long graceful neck
that snapped from left to right.It was as if she knew she was being
watched.Or was dashing to the waist side the clandestine erotic
touches given by the lapping sun.Patricia began to loose her self
when she continued reading artickle eight of Shareamores declaration to
the Federal Seal.The woman has stated that she looks forward to dieing
AAron Hullett
Buyer of Beauty
in the line of duty.For all law abiding Americans Page 3
and justice,so help her God.Every ones eyes
connected and
locked with in the Federal War Room.The Director was eager to
introduce Shareamore
to the very structure that Intellegence at its finest had constructed.
The Secratery of Defense knew that Shareamore was A current fiame.That
with the proper guidance could and would become A raging fire.That
sent to ashes and dust all under the Federal Seals ever watching
microscope.They each quickly turned to the live scan visuals,of
Shareamore Christians staged entrance.In to the blue coated Federal
War room.That would in seconds after her presence,breath life in to A
labatomizing winner take all twenty first century civilized war
strike.Which was entitled Buyer of Beauty.Which had been expertly
woven and given birth by Americas hidden yet most prized super minds.
That knew from the dawn of the ages mans inner most dreams fondest
hopes and secret unspoken desires.Just as Shareamore sttepped in to
the hush quiet white marble federal building.Two Special Agents with
sharp unmoving shoulders stepped immediatly to her.They began pulling
and tugging at their sharp ties as if her very presence made their
nerves,shake,rattle and roll.Even though they had been taught to always
look straight forward and never at the ground.They caught them selves
looking over her sculpted perfectly fit thighs and calfs.That flowed
wonderously in to her delicious carmel toes.That seemed to be glazed
with sugar.Which would make the worlds leading men and boys strike
to kill.In hopes of her very presence being under their sole control.
With in her third sucsession of steps..She knew with out looking over
her shoulder that she was being followed.She began to smile big for
AAron Hullett
Buyer Of Beauty
every one.As if she had A object on her that
every thing out.When her ass began to itch and
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could work
twitch she
knew their were penetraiting eyes,wishing they could strip apart the
layers that hid her flesh from the world.Shareamore stopped in mid
motion in perfect unison with each and every equisitly crafted part
of her bodie.Her eyes locked on the very motions of all far and
near.With out her having to turn her head in any direction.She held
on to her jagged hips as she licked on her candy coated suculant
full lips.Its as
if she knew her bodie was an addictive stimulant.Her Catch Me If
You Can corporate latter mini skirt onsamble was A taunting arsenal
of its own.To the third elevator please.The Special Agents spoke up
simultaneously.While sniffing at the sweetness that was said only
to be found in the Garden of Eden.You dont think she is A tad to
cauky?Patricia Scott snapped seeing Shareamore poised as if she was
born soley to surpass the upper echlon.Both men began to smile slightly
hearing A tigerous purr in Patricias tone.Both men knew all women of
all shades and creeds were at odds with each other.Due to the
methodical fact they could see each others physical and mental defects
with ease.By gosh the Secratery of Defense murmured exhailing A world
of tension.For Americas sake lets home Shareamore knows on her worst
day that her pussy doesnt stink.The Secratery began dabbing at his
protruding flush forehead.Which would see to her holding A snobbishness
that would beat A wanting hole in any mans heart,that comes in contact
with her.Just in the nick of time to stop America from breathing life
in to A eternal Holy War or Jahad.Silence entombed the War Room from
the bulet proof windows to the sound proof walls.Every one knew
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Buyer of Beauty
America was floating forward in to A firey
they all hoped through Intellegence Buyer of
Page 5
place.In which
Beauty would
be its solution. Terror struck through the very vented and controlled
air that floated in to the open.The very end of all man kinds days
were at steak.The Secraterys eyes bucked in A crazed dazzed fashion.As
his piggy jowels and flush fore head flat lined beat red.Worry and
warlines axed on to the cracks and crevices that held up his piggy
face.Now hope and the needy desperation to stand Shareamore up,to be
all that she could be. Was casted in Patricias wide eyes and flairing
nostrils.Welcome to the very center of time and space Shareamore
Christian.The Director
of the F.B.I spoke through the digital screen that roze in the elevator.
Sylvester Kremlines up right position was saluted by every one in the
elevator.Shareamore before the elevator brings you up to the top of
the world.The Director let silence fall which breathed tension.
Shareamore wasnt going to let any opportunity pass her by.Are you
ready Agent K-02771,to step on Earths time line?And become the very
person who will be given the power to change the very surface of the
Earth.The Federal Bureau of Investigation stood in the very middle of
time and space,seething ready to smash every taboo.They were ready to
let the very formation of woman stand in the thresh hold of being
Ruler and key Protector of Earth.Shareamores pinky toe wished it could
shake violently.As she was being inducted to the very heart beat of
Intellegence.Which was known to change every person that was able to
see what it intailed.Many had gone stark raving madd.Others had ran
not only from their very own shadows but the light of day.Lost to
the very mind stem of Intellegence Champions.Shareamores bodie stood
fortified like A highteck power plant.Intellegence knew that Shareamore
specialized in being sexy and independent.The
Page 6Director some
how senced that Shareamore could give light to two
corners of the
globe.With the very glent that was positioned with in the almond core
of her eyes. Every one stood watching her very position.Baised on the
fact it was known that she hungered to go over and beyond the call of
duty.The Director had to lock on to Intellegence.His flesh was ready to
it would be like Heaven to handle her.He gritted his jowels when
his gander hungered to bring out the animalistic freak in her..
Shareamore knoded leting all know that she skillfully hungered to
sacrafice her self for Americas security and super power eternal
success.Everyone waited for her entrance loving the fact that she
was the new design for 2007.Im readynow as ill ever be,she hissed
dangerously.As would A Lioness in heat and in the middle of the
dangerous jungle.As if she had already knew the full range of what
she could do.I am ready to face the future now and forever for
America.Perfect,perfect Mr.Kremline cheered.Since you dare take
your existence now in to the furthest reaches of your existence.
The Federal Seal wishes to walk you in to infinity and beyond the
make up-of your fondest dreams.Shareamore was at A loss when the
elevator began free floating side ways rather than up and down.With
A quickness with out thinking:she began to tighten her bra straps.
The Special Agents began sniffing at the very air that flowed from
Shareamore.Zzz,their necks and eyes began locking in to every cutAd
corner of her bodie.Shareamore began to wonder was the Special Agents
man and machine.Shareamore even though Intellegence holds the power
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to protect you from the world and the very universes storm.Death will
be your ransome or banishment if you bring in to
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the open the
whispred and unknown.It was at that very momment that Shareamore felt
alive for the very first time.She was about to bewalked in to the
unknown.Even if it was going to cost her everything.She wanted to see
all and know all that was.She knew once she looked once she would
never be ableto turn away.She knoded ablidgingly with out words
needing to be said. Tension thick and choking tried to weigh heavily
on her soft round shoulders.Welcome to the undertoken.Shareamore began
to shift her
weight.The Directors deep growl made it sound like draculas very layer.
That was filled with decomposed bodies.As the elevator continued to
lock to the left and right then straight down.Shareamores mentals
darted in to the edge of paranoia.Their before her were larger than
life movie screens.That held mind boggling satelight captions of
insurgents striking in the mountain sides of the Middle East,foreign
legions war bases and the like.Their were hundreds of cubicals positioned
for special Agents.Each and every one you see K-02771 has handed over
the crush of their existence over to the Federal Seal.Not A one of them
cares in the slightest about their very own gains.They care only about
Americas eternal rule:.Shareamore watched as many exersized while
reading high level books.As others locked in to satelights that gave
visuals of foreign legions stronge holds.That they readied their selves
to infiltrate and investigate.Shareamore began to move from the hips.
Her forbidden fruit began to glaze.She knew many of the Special Agents
were eager to press to the forward for personal need,revenge and
American justice.She knew as her panties moistened,that A man who
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so loved the Federal Seal and its
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Paae 8
position,length would be at full mask right then
and their as
well.Is their A place for me?She snapped as if she had finally found
her rightful place.The Director smiled with an announcement to
make.I believe she will become more popular as the weather warms
up.In the very countrys we send her in to.Every one stood up
enthrawled at how she took full control of her eternal mission.I knew
you wouldwant placement.I have positioned you in eight dash zero.We
will retreive your daughter from day care.The Federal
Seal needs you now.Shareamore heard desperation caught in the Directors
volcer,..As if the time was ticking before all she had come to know see
and understand was flatlined in to A waistland.Before she turned and
began to tremble.She was fortified by her inner most being to serve
and protect.Where will her postion be?She growled in to the open with
A not to be missed purr.The world we have constructed for kids and
teens have been wave length to an amusement park.She will be given top
line scooling and nurturing.As the elevator began to rotate Shareamore
knew she had not only been watched in the free world,but in the very
privacy of her home.She blushed knowing she woke up every morning in
the newd.She began to chestize her self for all the clothes that
cluttered her room.She stood frozen when she was forced to look in to
the very minds of madd scientist.Who lived soley to not only to think
out side of the realm of natural thinking.But to look deep with in the
very concepts that held up natural striaght forward thinking.She looked
over the Madd Scientist that held up every creed,form and-fashion.
. v
Each of them walked in the force of the hour calm
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calculating.We have found out K-02771,that mezmerizing peices fit in
uncharted communication between beings.When we bring together every
man from each creed under one roof.That each hold masterful highly
enlightened minds mind you.The very tell tall sights of infinity can
and shall shadow the ring bearer of supream intellegence.Know with out
thought that it is the Federal Seal.The Directors voice was like liquid
gold.Solitifying him as the very master of time and space.EEE,eee,eee
A heart monitor flat lines.As if he knew the peices to his eternal
thinking fit in to his modern flesh.Christopherson the lead Madd
Scientist began screaming in to the ears of A Special Agent.Run'in to
the light,run in to the light.Christopherson knew the very eyes of
eternity was watching his scientific movements.Which were geared soley
to change the very make up of the comming day.Which would show all that
every day would not flow exactly the same.Baised on the sole fact
the Federal Seal dared to touch eternity.His arms began to rize,making
his white doctors coat catch a gust of wind.His arms struck as if he
was leading Santabarbaras world renound Symphony.Im sure you know
Shareamore,holding A foot in eternity.Is A man with gigantuan powers
utter most dream,want and tell all desire.Shareamore knew right then
and their why church and government were no longer together.She wanted
to say some thing,but her bodie was labatomized.She knew she had been
vexed,even though her almond eyes burned.She could not and wished not
to blink even if she could have.Even though she stood stund carted in
A world of unbelief.The Director knew their before him was beauty beyond
his dreams.He swore then if she was ever drowning he would give her his
very hand.Even though it was against Federal Protocal.The Directos
bear claw intuitions told him to bring Shareamore up to the top floor.
If she saw any thing else their was A eighty percent chance that she
would be labatomized for ever and A day.With A quickness fresh Swiss
Alps cold air wipped through the elevator.The mirrors on the elevator
began to rotate giving pleasure cap visuals of the Swiss Alps wonderous
mountain tops.The booming mountains were teamed with wild life.Exotic
water fowl was seen in migrating flocks.Seeing the two Special Agents
no longer lost along with her in the boggling sights that showed mans
hunt for eternal power.She senced from their upright positions,that
she was about to stand in front of the Director of the F.B.I his
self.She licked her lips while looking straight forward.She knew she
was about to lock eyes personally with the most powerful man she
would ever come to know.She knew it was as if Heaven smiled above
her.She quickly excepted the gift handed down to her.As she took her
first step in to the Earth blue Warroom.Power boomed through her entire
bodie.Her leggs,arms and mind was on A good foot.She quickly hop
scotched over the all powerful Federal Seal.Never would she wish or
want to step on it,in any form or fashion.Shareamore knoded carefully
at the Secratery of Defence.With sure fire respect and admiration.With
out A second to delay,the Director grabbed A firm hold of the ticking
second.He dug in to the second as only A time machine would pen
pointing and locked on A direct objective.Shareamore stood as if she
was predestined for marathon travel.With A quickness as the Directors
arm waved hér to A seat.She quickly sat in the middle of the white
marble octogone table.At eight oh eight we now breath life in to
AAron Mullett
Buyer of Beauty
Buyer of Beauty.Shareamore Christian welcome to
Americas defense.I am as you know Ian Branch the
Page 11
the center of
Secretary of
Defense.Shareamore I am Patricia Scott.I will be your F.B.I Liason.As
Shareamore began
to smile at every one.The director growled with force that brought
immeduaite silence.Enough with the formality,he blasted.Instantly the
Secratery of Defence whinced.As he began dabbing at his booming
temples.Only to then run his fingers over his bald cap.As if he was
awaiting for regrowth.As if the Director held super human powers.He
pointed at A digital screen.That held A flowing American flag.This
man is wanted dead.The Directors crooked fingers mirrored the high
drama and tension that typhooned in to the momment.A brown co co
cabonna man came full circle.He was slightly over weight around the
stomach.His face was as smooth as A babys bottom.He sat poised before
various men as if he knew he was the victor of unsurpassed style.That
no mere man could touch in A country mile.This man is wanted dead the
Secratery of Defense lurched out.His veined jowels flapped like A
ferocious pit bull.That began barking at an intruder.His anger and
open haitred enveloped every one.Different slides that were captured
by superior satelights showed Uslan positioned with various stool
pigeons and made illegal South American men.Who were all on the take.
Cut off the head and the bodie will follow.Shareamores stomach began
to naught.she knew the Secratery wanted Uslans blood and very brains
splattered on A wall.This man has not only layed seige on America.He
has soley layed a highly organized attack on America on our shores.
With American kidnapped naturalist,conservationalist and scientist.This
man his sent murder men and kidnapped Americans in to our very own
AAron Hullett
Buyer of Beauty
national parks.Intellegence has just been
Page 12
gathered that
this man has madd scientist cooking heaps of crystal
methedphetamins,while at the same time has flowing crops of
poppie,coca and mariquana.Growing with in our cherished national
parks as I speak.No longer are we able to lock this man and his type
at the borders.This man is intellegent and has charted his very own
drug infested monopoly.Its estimated that hundreds of millions have
been cultivated and grown right under our nostrils.This is the sole
reason why drugs are eating cities alive in days.This is a new form of
urban terrorism.A twenty first century death warrant is being
declaired here and now.Before this man sheds his skin and becomes
ALserpant-and burrows his self under the Earth. Shareamore looked
through the raging flames that blazed through the Secraterys pitch
blue sceptors.She knew she couldnt step in to the center of time and
space with haitred,scrolled across her chest.Baised on the fact it was
noted in the Federal Manuel in section eight hundred.No assasin was to
strike in to any position with mental hang ups.Shareamore gather your
self.This is where you and Buyer of Beauty strikes with full force in
to the top of the world.Patricia stood up as if she were foreign.Her
bronze skin was refined by the beaming
sun rays.Her soft brown hair held low cut wavy curls.Or was it her
perfectly frosted teeth.That made her pronounciate every word with
perfection.Look at section one of one in your Buyer of Beauty
classified folder.Shareamores softly cut fingers stroked carefully
over the federal folder.Before she gave her mind to its top secret
holdings.She snorted at the air that was clogged with caffein and
starch.That came from the pressed corporate ladder shirts.As she began
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to read Shareamore read aloud.Shareamore knew not to give her eyes to
the fluttering helicopters that were trump tight with rockets.She knew
that power supream was positioned right before her.Shareamore felt
frozen as if she was being read secret aged script.Intellegence has
found out that Uslan Diaz is A glutton for flesh devine.Shareamore
began to hunger to change Uslans fore thought to no thought and his
hind sight to blindness.While at the same time stomping his buisness
savagry that positioned him ahead of modern day man.As she was given
top line information about Uslan Diaz.She began to wonder would she be
able to labatomize Uslan with A flip of her tounge alone.One thing was
for sure.she promised her self she would be pure and unadulterated
entertainment to him.Patricia began to pur every one coffee in to
porcelian cups.The Secratery and the Directors eyes biazzed as they
staired at Shareamore.They both knew she would be the jewel of jewels
at the Presidents Ball.But would she be A blood thursty cut throat
behind enemy lines.This is the direct direction you will strike from
Shareamore.Their is A show called Calienta.In which shows South
American sights every weekend.As people dance to the countries most
noted music.Uslan sends in his lynch men to take a hold of the most
beautiful women that catch his eyes.He is said to promise the women
who are locked in poverty.His connections that can see to them never
having to return to squaller.In section three of three.You see that
Intellegence needs for you to step in to the momment with A cute face,
slim waist and acrobatic,when it comes to dance moves.We want you to
dance as if you just learned how to soar.Making women around you stumble
and fall as they try to drop their offerings down to the floor.And rize
as if they were flying.In section three of four,you must act like A
'I A
girl that spent all of her money on a mini skirt and flashy stilletos.
In hopes you would be seen and captured by any one of power.That could
lead you in to modeling or movies.Intellegence demands that you dance
making love to your self.As though you want the American Dream with A
vengence.So much so that you would suck dick,pump pussies and even
dare to be a mortal slave just for one chance to become.Intellegence
demands that you seize,, camera action as if you know with out
shadow of a dought,that you are the fairest of them all.Shareamore
invisioned her self dancing with such flair and excitment.That blind
men would Sale-their soul, to see her in_ the flesh.Now if Intellegence
is on point and you are given entrance.We are hoping you are flown to
his Mexico City spanish villa.Satelight portaits of A three story
soft brown construction.That was heavily gaurded by one to many men.
Here lies your escape the Secratery growled.Arrows began indenting
next to the south west position of the villa.We have tested the make
of the soil.We have conclutted that you can take aireal flight from
any window on the second or third levels.The soil is not only rich
with nutrients its fertilizer soft.As you`can see their is thick
brush behind the house.That gives way to thick foliage and our eight
mile pick up zone.In the heat of the night you will see A flouresent
laminating survival gear.That will be fortified with enough artillary
to hold back a third world nations front.Once you code in your federal
number K-02771.Your global positioning point will be keyed on with
immediacy.We want him dead,not bludgened or shot.The Director growled
with the very levety cementing in his face.That was only said to be
positioned on A madd mans.Shareamore could tell A whurl wind was
striking with in the Directors sharp mind.Hunger for murder in the
first degree pitched &1angerous tent in his eyes.The third world war
between angels and demons begins with you Shareamore.The Secratery
let Shareamore know that the show down was immenent.The Secraterys
whispered made every word spoken believable.The Director stood up
and began speaking with an eternal degree.He instantly unbuttoned his
Action Blazer.Every one instantly stood up saluting him.His force
snatched a powerful hold of every one.You have been brought before the
Federal Seal Shareamore,because of your shocking performance.That was
locked and keyed by your very own explosive and calculating inner most
being.That didnt need any backing or federal direction.Your skill I
must say is unsurpassed.But before I salute you and the Federal seal
enthrones you,as a Special Agent.We sanction you to kill tJslan Diaz.
From this second forward you are A >jack s of the manipulation trade.
Right now more than ever before,we need you to rize to the occassion
as A master.Who will use her vivacious bodie parts like star studded
attendants.That were made to be given full access to the finest
lugsurys and most powerful men to date.With roller coaster twist
Shareamore you must grabe and never let go of the attention of those
that are centered around you.So that you can kill with the feather
touch of an assasin when ever you feel the time has struck.Serena
Portugal will be your name from this second forward.Patricia spoke up
with an iron cord bolting through her voice.Your twenty two years old.
You are from PuertoRico.Your father is a craftman.Who sells his
crafts to the tourist.Static electricity coursed through the WarRoom.
Shareamore the Federal Seal was positioned ready to take her any
where she wanted to go.Shareamore growled knowing she would cross
any and all border lines that gave way to foreign legions.Baised on
the fact the Federal Seal captured her Life ,Liberty and Justice
mental stronge hold.Spanish and broken english will be your kensmen.
You are sceheduled to be primped,pressed and aluminated.Shareamore
listened tentatively as she was told her federal position was never
to be known even if she was killed,in her pursuit to kill Uslan.
Shareamore listened knowing she was ready to be in complete command of
her character.Baised on the fact Americas all powerful federal seal
was positioned at her inner most beings roots.Her mind was plucked and
primed for up front murder sprees.when Mr.Branch informed her from
this second forward you are never to mourn the.dead.But find glee in
the fact you were the vessel that helped their illgotten fates unfold.
Shareamore you must know thatwith this sole strike gaining ground
and taking down its mark.You must know that you will hold the very
face of the future.As every one stood after the federal files were
closed.Shareamore stood up stairing in to every ones eyes with volcanic
force glenting through her eyes.By the way her eys rotated over every
one and she struck to shake every ones hand.The Director knew she
demanded the best and recieved it.Shareamore held beneath her skin
A forbidden desire,that was unknown to anyone.She dared•to-over shadow
Eves biblical position.Woman would be seen in an eternal positive light.
That would see to women being bowed to,respected and feared like man.
She smiled like a winter wonderland ready to take the camoflodged
position as one to be used, abused, positioned and r° ó.ve'd about like A
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dangerous paun.Thats positioned in the bedlum of the
worlds most dangerous wens winner take all and kill all chest
match.Shareamore staired in to the Directors eyes wondering when the
exact time would surface.Where she would press upon Earth A deadly
blow.That would
be noted in history books.That would over shadow Eve and her biblical
presence for ever and a day.But for now Shareamore swore she would
be quiet and do as she was told.The elevator opened,their the two
almost electronically positioned black suits stood.As if they could
live perfectly with out air in space.Shareamore stepped with A hip
banging strut so confrintational.She looked ever forward as if she had
already become addicted to the Federal Seals madness.Her bodie dipped
and swayed as if she was well rested up.Both men looked at each other
when she disappeared knowing she was extroadinarily desirable.
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Welcome to Calienta,were in PuertoRico.A tan
long legged
woman screamed out.Leting the world know that the Calienta show was in
full swing from the get go.In to the camera A short yet good dancing
male came full circle.He wore blue jeans and A matching silk shirt
and lofers.That went perfectly well with his coannouncers soft
yellow mini skirt and halter top onsamble.Which va va boomed from
the chest.Lets have some fun in PuertoRico he screamed out.Instantly
him and his partner began to flow in to the Tango and Mamba.High
pitched Spanish guitars and hammering drums splashed in A upbeat
form.the scene was set on the lugsurious beach side.Skin was definetly
in the now,refined and pure.It was as if every one was ready for A
nasty time.Hips began to rotate and bang with in the sexes.As only A
hot stepper would,Shareamore gave A hip banging move to the man that
dared to position his self next to her.Her hips continued to tornado
out of his grip driving him crazy.Baised on the fact her entire
bodie continued twisting and swinging in rhytmic fashion.That let
him and other men know she had to be A tom cat in bed.He struck after
her hungry like A lion.He raised one hand as he tried to get behind
her.He wanted to see her as in full motion.Her silky waving legs were
two wonderful things.Beneath her Action Hauty vee to the belly button
cut cocktail dress.That was soft brown clinging to the dangerous
curves that held her bodie up.Shareamore struck to and through the
m m - - -
__ l
l _
hands that tried to tame her.It was as if she found utters delight in
Dana, 10
the firey place.As she found an attraction with
the following
cameras. She knew as her bodie began to blade on the all watching
trigger.She was ready to be set free and take life to the next
level.As men whispered they would love her all their live long days.Her
locked and keyed mind stayed level and blood thursty.Her cocktail dress
clung to her dangerous curves.That seemed to be A souped up street
machine.That ran at a normal pace of 150 miles per hour.On open by
ways,highways and motor zones that held no speed limits.It was as if
her very position in various wens lives completed thier dreams.They
began pushing and shuving each other to keep her all to them
selves.Baised on the fact they knew that she was so very special.Men
stumbling and fumbling in mid tango.When the music stopped her black
sparkling world of curls and her full breast that were sea side silky
continued to bounce.Shareamore loved blowing the scene.Welcome to the
revolution the man and woman announcers yelled out.As A five peice
band took center stage.Women began stampeeding to get next to the
hottest band said to breath life in South America,High flying
celebration and Spanish merryment skyrocketed in to the momment.Every
one of the men held bronco breaking bodies.They were known for wearing
tight colorful jeans that were attatched to matching boots and ten
gallon hats.They never wore shirts,it was as if their masculinity was
on over drive.Shareamore knew she had two choices.When she saw A
black tented limousine strike up next to the show.Knowing she didnt
know the man inside.She began to shake her as and watch her self.
Goons with obsessive eyes began stairing at every women that struck
in to their favorite dance steps.Eager to dream big and scheme bigger.
n r . o
Shareamores blemish free skin shimmered under the blazing sun.She
struck in front of the stage as if she just knew she pure and smooth
tasting.She moved as if their was no need in seeing who would be the
next top model.Every one staired at her when the guitar player missed
A strum.He knew she could deliver more fun than that acoustic guitar,
he was trying to make love to.Shareamore bent over and began to let
her hips,thighs and toosh hiptnotize.She was ready to let every one
see the power that fire held.Two men stepped instantly to her setting
their hooks in to her.Right when their iron hips struck in to A
bucking grind.Her earth quak bodie gave in to A little indulgence.She
smiled as she staired up to the sun,while feeling their manly gifts
surge for beastly penetration.As if she just found out she had been
sold to the ultr rich as A sex slave.She masterfully began to
orchestrate a coup.She pushed one of the hunks back.While teasing him
forward with a naughty wink.Only to turn from him.She raised up one
long suculant arm.Which became the skylight on the clear blue day.Her
long soft fingers held up the number one sign.She blew A wet full
kiss at the hunk before her.Which made him feel thunder in his chest.
He smiled for all to see just knowing he was the chosen one.In the
same instant she hop skipped and twurled out of his grip.It was as
if her flesh feind to bust free from the fabrics that held it in
place.He reached out to rightfully control what was now his.Right
when his hands tentackled to grip her.She bent over backwards making
his hands scratch at thin air.Right when his hands recoiled ready
to strike yet again,she did A full chested figure eight move on him.
R n v c r
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That made both men strike out at each other.Just as the Revolutions
next electricity plugged song high pitched in to
momment.They quickly offered the dancing girl
Page 21
that knew
how to party,access to center stage.Ready to keep the show rocking
Shareamore began to dance as if the music was A slug to her
chest.Every one began watching her whine and shine as if she was
Americas most prized Hope Diamonds. Women began to step on to the
stage with out access.To show that
they could hiptnotize to.It was Shareamores natural talents that sent
the Revolution in to A Mamba circle around her.Seeing the lead singer
point at Serena Portugal cinnamon cut butwa.Serena began to lick her
glazed lips salaciously.As she began to flow in to hip movements that
let her toosh clap in harmony with the music.Which made one of the
back up singers say the hell with singing along.And being caught
under the cover of lighs,cameras and publicity.He knew he wanted
to back stroke in her beautiful smile and her oh so delicious
style.That grabbed A monsterous hold of his attention.Grab my hand
and lets pretend the dance floor is ours he chummed.As if their was
no time like the present.She leaped high in to the air off the stage.
Her legs openedf wide for all to see.The camera and crews ate her
high flying movements alive.Her call me Miss Jackson if your nasty
see through panties presented clear and present probabilitys of
pleasure devine.When she came down to the ground.She no longer
cared to give her self to men.Who wished to begin popping bottles and
spending money.She began to give in to star light star bright taste.
That were only found in the three men and the cameras they controled.
As the show went to A commercial and sodas and the like were handed
Buyer of Beauty
out.Shareamore was all giggles when the shows director began talking
Page 22
fast.While promising her A life of stardom.You
know a girl
has to eat she hummed.Her bodie continued to sway as if their was
music still flowing through her taunting bodie.Damn look at those
hips,eyes,thighs and skin.Various men were heard whispering and saying
in to the wide open.Shareamore froze when she saw the over stuffed
director scutter away like A fat rat that was in the company of A
crazed alley cat.A looming shadow covered every inch of
Shareamore.Who or what ever it was blocked the very sun.Thigrbefore
her stood to towers that looked down at her as if she had lead them
on.Their tounges were gushing with steady saliva.Our boss thinks that
your wonderful to watch.He wishes to walk you in to the world where
your hopes and dreams can come true. Shareamore smiled loving how her
special magic began to already let men burn.But if she was able to
stay her course.She swore to time and space Uslan Diaz would burn.Well
who is this man,where is he?She chimed as she tippy toed to look over
their shoulders.A plane awaits you.Shareamore was ready to begin the
dangerous game.Can I use your phone.So I can telephone my father and
tell him where Im going.Where am I going she hummed:Mexico City the
bigger of the two quickly snapped.Eager he was to call his boss and
tell him.The newest apple of his eyes was on the way.Shareamore
quickly began to talk to Old Man Cororthers.Who sold crafts to
tourist.While at the same time doubled as a F.B.I Special Agent.Who
gave his all watching gaze to drug dealers and smugglers.With in
minutes Shareamore and two other girls were whisked off to the said
glamorious life.
T T , . . . . , .
With in forty five minutes Shareamore Christian
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Page 23
position had changed.She now stood as the sole air of Americas
vangaurd.Surn and sun was no more.she was now positioned with men
that spoke hard Spanish and held deep sun baked tans.That seemed to bow
soley and kill soley for one man.And that man was none other than the
infemous and
calculating Uslan Diaz.Who was known to kill off any and all that didnt
wish to instantly breath in to the open his wishes or desires.Shareamore
was slightly taken aback by the sparkling black RollsRoyce limousine.
She began to welcome the pressure that weighed heavily on her
shoulders.She watched as the biggerof the two bodie gaurds continuesly
took telephone calls.He grunted and snorted hogging up the air.
Shareamore listened carefully as the giant thumb forwarded all calls
to Uslan.Shareamore began to calculate on how she could breath life
in to madness.In hopes she could and would be able to get away with
murder.Shareamore smiled salaciously ready to be confrontational right
then and their.She knew she had to be a modern day master from that
second on.Or she would be killed and or rapped before night fell.The
giant thumbs deep tunnel voice made her spine vibrate.She saw how he
continuesly looked over her shinny leggs.Knowing he was desperate
for attention.She knew the momment called for A proper introduction.
Based on the fact she knew she needed any and all help she could
AArnn T3»1 1 ai-i-
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position to the left and or right to
Page 24
sat poised with her thighs slightly ajar.Eager and ready she was to
step in to the very shoes of the most wanted object of desire.You like
what you see? She questioned with her wet flopping tounge flowing over
her frosted perfect teeth.He knoded as he continued snorting and
grunting in to the phone.Which let her definetly know that he was the
man next to the man.She instantly brought to the forward A shocking
performance.As if their was no one else around.She began to give him
sothing that was
for real.As the limousine struck in to a bumpy desolate road.Shareamores
eyes locked on the very crush of her surroundings.She read the do not
ener and private property sighs.Brush,boulders,tumble weed and rattle
snakes made up the rough terrain.Shareamore looked over at the other
girls the gulped down top grape.As if they had never tasted any thing
so delcious and expensive before.Shareamores thighs widedned as if she
had spoken to the maker of all.And was personally told that she was
the light and the sure fire gift for all man kind.Knowing she saw his
fantasy,she was ready right then and their to bring it in to reality.
Shareamore loved her head stronge position that was ready to take on
any one.Seeing her fluffy forbidden fruit.The giant instantly became
A tragic figure.His mind became locked and keyed on the wonderment
of her bodie.As if she knew all about his motives inside and decision
to hide his true feelings.He began to stumble and stuttor over words.
She began slurping and innocently biting down on her bottom lip.Which
made his brick sized right hand drop the idly biddy phone.Her sharp
mind that was built by Intellegence began to hunger for blood.She knew
she had gone to far to begin to look back.She wanted the giant to
sound off like a cash machine.She instantly
Buyer of Beauty
Page 25became the
most deviant of of the innocent.Seeing the giant give his eyes to the
other girls toes. Seeing one of the girls have A corn on her left pinky
toe.Shareamore wanted to kiss the brute like the French do.She wanted
to laugh seeing the other girls middle toe,claw at the carpet.flowing
completly over the make of her open toed heels.Shareamore instantly
became A unidentified toes showing sexual object.That would make the
brute wish to keep her around him all the time.Shareamore brought in to
the open her cinnamon glazed toes.That held A pure pink base that was
embossed by french tipped toes.Her big toes were fit for the very
mouths of men that held foot fetishes.Shareamores right sculpted leg
that defied gravity began to rize.It was as if she knew what he was
thinking and wanted to see.I feel you she hummed sweeter than A Autumn
breeze.She splashed champagne over her entire foot.She instantly caused
confusion and distrubed the peace.The brutes eyes began to cross in
want,he instantly became A man that seemed to never be caught
sober.Seeing her over stuffed forbidden fruit and dripping with
champagne coated toes at the same time.Im sure Mr.Uslan wants us to be
taken care of with
expert care.She snapped with slow softly coated words.The giants jowels
locked as if the velvet rope miraculously came down.Come on have A
little fun.Yeah the other two girls shreiked loving the inticing
momment.As they began wiggling and giggling in their seats,in want of
added excitment.Isnt it your job to make sure we are worthy of Mr.
Diazes attention.The other mid sized giant looked over his shoulder
full of smiles.His full cheeks gave way to chalky brown teeth.That
had been awfully stained by the water since birth.That got you their
Buyer of Beauty
the midsized giant wolffd from stand offish breath.That instantly made
Page 26
the closest girl next to him have the
on the fact his tounge and teeth needed cleansing in the worst
way.Shareamore knew that Intellegence was trully ingenous for inventing A
true life Spanish Fly. That when disolved in ones mouth,A sexual
nostalgia comes over that person immediatly.Shareamores intire bodie was
coated with cotton candy syrum.After one careful slow slurp of her
delicatley crafted big toe. The giants base ball gove hands began to
feast on her small toes.As his eyes became transfixed and struck with
fever.That made his loins flame in want for connection.His tounge
wagged over her cinnamon toes dripping saliva.I want you she hummed
with out words needing to be verbilized.Finally the midsized finger
yelled out.Every ones eyes locked on the three story paradise.That was
embossed by lush vegetation. Trees,£lowers A small pond filled to the
gills with soft brown ducks fluttered in the open.Murder men with
camoflodged suits and one to many guns walked in every direction.They
were even perched on the roof,eager to take some ones breath away.Their
was tennis,volley bal and A full
basket ball court positioned on the out skirts of the paradise.Shareamore
sat up in her seat loving the drama that set in her troubled stomach.
She smiled eager and ready to cross any and all lines for the Federal
seal.Shareamore let her perifial vision catch the helicopter landing
pad and the stream of exotic cars.That seamed to be getting fanned by
the one to many palm trees.Instantly the other two girls became giddy
and lost for words at the sight of lugsury and power.As she continued
to look straight forward at the possible paun.That may be the very
vessel that would see to her freedom.She gave her eyes to any and all
possible escape routes that werent heavily
N i, 1
1 att
Buyer of Beauty
Page 27 gaurded.Their
were thirteen men out side the villa.Six of them held submachine
gunbs.Apart of her became nerved and in dire need of A rocket
launcher.When Shareamore was given A hand by the giant.Their eyes
connected and held for A full second.whats your name she questioned.As
she innocently twurled her beautiful curly locks of hair.My n.ame(i_s
Juan Carlos.Oh I forgot my
purse she hummed.She bent all the way over back in to the limousine.Her
upper thighs came in to the open.Showing the cosmic cuts of her rich
cinnamon cupped ass.Once she gathered her self she effortlessly stepped
ahead of the competition.Instantly the two other girls stepped to the
side of her.As they were lead in to the villa,their the man of the hour
stood.Uslan Diaz,Shareamore whispered to her self as she caught eyes
with him and continued to let her eyes look over every thing flashy.As
if she was caught up in the momment.Shareamore haited the fact he held
up A master of the game persona.He didnt look at each women,he looked
through them.As if he knew exactly which positions he would pretzel
their bodies in to.Their was A catch to his eyes that were easy going
yet all knowing.That could easily dampen the panties of the most stuck
and driest of women.His dark rich skin mixed with his suit that was
tailored with perfection.Held up the visual sights of money in the
millions.He stepped away from the banister with out turning around.As
if he was A mummified phantom.Shareamore stopped and turned smiling at
the giant that sniffed at the air she left behind.She was quick to
notice the door didnt hold any electrical beams.She knew she could make
her exit from the villa loud.Baised on the fact the door didnt have A
state of the art security system.Once inside she ghasped at the museum
treasures that held up the villa.Their was no exquisire perfections
any where.Maids and servants went every which way.Age old oil paintings
Page 28
of Poncho Via and Zepada stood frozen in
time.Theirvery positions on the wall made her blood run with
force.Gold frames embossed their careful strokes.Shareamore was lost in
the pictures of the Spanish and American wars.Which was historic and
mind blowing to say the least.She
became lost in the pain that was locked in the spanish wens eyes.As they
were being pushed backwards.Yes its one of my most prized treasures.
He pulled A long lock of Shareamores hair and brought it to his blunt
nose.' see that I now have A pother treasure I will hold up as such.I
need a real love in my life.I wish not to be one of your dirty little
deds.She spoke up in choppy english that held up rough newly formed
soft spoken edges.My arent you A sexy thing.Uslans hands flowed down
her hair.The back of his hands softly flowed over her full ripe left
nipple.He quickly snapped his fingers twice,after he looked over the
jewels that were now rightfully his.Gold flatted glasses were filled
with top grape.Here is to your hopes,dreams and desires comming in to
the open now not later.By yours trully Uslan Diaz.Shareamore noticed
finely tailored men and women walking to and from various doors along
the west wing.She smiled dangerously knowing she was powerful and at
the onslaught of A mind altering civilized war strike.Apart of her
wanted to let her eyes ganduer to the under worlds paper shuffling
schemes.Later for that she purred to her self.As she licked her tounge
that hungered for blood and blood alone.As she let Uslans eyes feast
upon her mouth watering offerings.She knew killing him would push her
instantly in to a none stop nightmare.Tonight ladies blackened craw
Rnvor nf
fish,filet mignon and a port of viarta bread pudding shouffle,with
whiskey cream sauce.He paused and looked at his
arm.That was held up by A chunky diamond
Page 29 frozen
watch.In abruptly twenty eight minutes and two hours dinner shall be
served.Shareamore smiled lowlinq A punctual man.Who knew time was
definetly of the essence.Ladies you will find in each of your rooms
walk in closets full of desighner clothes and necessitys.Please dont
be shy and enjoy your new resurrection and all that I have to offer
you.Pleasue dress in the formal to dinner.I believe we have buisness
to discuss over dinner. Apart of Shareamore pheined to snatch off her
stilletos.That held in their craft A ready nine milla meter.That
wouldnt be detected if screened by A metal detector,or x ray
machine.She calmed her self knowing she wasnt in the position to take
on the explosive elements that surrounded her.And would easily cut
in to her flesh and very inner most being in seconds flat.For the
life of her she wanted to resurface back in to the States.Where she
would step on to center stage and take a firm hold of her highly
declorated Special Agent ranking.That would not only position her
above the rest.But she would be given easy access in to biblical and
hidden text that modern day man would never be able to ganduer
at.She wanted to give her very mind to the hidden night marish
images that were hid in federal librarys.and Nivadican.Ladies the
first bedroom is positioned for
you two.Uslans voice was rhythmic with the classic spanish flavor
that dripped from the finery.That held A talented creative spirit.
That held A unwavering grip on any and all that held eyes that
could see.Both girls quickly struck up the imperial red carpeted
staircase.That were edged by glamorous gold
Will 10}}
Buyer of Beauty
Page 30
and shuffled off with out haist.They knew they were privledged to be
in compant of long money and power-No matter how it was being made,
baised on the fact pestillence ran rampant all around them since
birth.Shareamore knew that Uslan banked on the fact that flash
treasures would press an immediate attraction with each and every
woman he brought to his comforts.And what will you do with me?We
are going to have A shot gun wedding.Im sure your father would love,
to kill me for my naughty thoughts alone.Shareamore began to perform
beautifully.As she bashfully looked down at the ground sweeping her
feet over the marble brown floor.She held on to her jagged hips
making Uslans eyes twinkle.I wish to give you your very own room
Serena Portugal.She licked her pink gouty lips as her hands flowed
over her dangerous race track bodie.Which made Uslan grit his teeth
in the open.He stood before her eager to feast on the look he had
been looking for all his live long days.She began to walk up the
stairs with A mega models hip banging flow.That let any and all
watching know their was no limits to what her bodie could do.Uslan
became delirious just knowing she was delicious.He grabbed at his
heavy jowles when his eyes were given A full view of the over stuffed
prize that was positioned between her cinnamon coated thighs.Not
wishing to give the beautiful woman whos smell was unique escape from
his eyes.He leaped in bounds up the steps andtwurled her.Only to
bend her over backwards and let his tounge have free roam.Dont leave
A mark she hummed as he lost his self along her neck.You havent
baught or payed for me yet she teased..Her breath smelled of top grape.
R n v a r
n f
R a a n f u
Her see through almond eyes let Uslan see she wasnt just another pretty
face in the crowd.Out of no where to finely
suits stepped to the bottom of the steps.They
Page 31
tailored black
looked as if A
situation had arizen that was over powering.Two American lawyers wish
to confrence with you.I dont believe you should wait another day
before responding. A tall healthy soft brown haired man spoke up.Uslan
didnt turn to give his eyes to his highly payed paper shufflers.His
sharp fat tounge darted in to and through the deep valley between
Shareamores silky carmel bossom.Tonight we will enjoy the moon and
stars in your honor. He growled not wanting or wishing to step back to
the world he created.Shareamore smiled dangerously,knowing the compound
was Uslans plane.He flew it but the exact time would come when he would
be forced to land.And when that second came Shareamore swore as she
looked around that she would strike.Damn look at that face,look at them
lips and thighs. is masters team spoke up when they were finally able
to get
A full view of Serena Portugal.Uslans chest stood five feet in front of
him.Make sure you bath in champagne he growled.Knowing Serena had been
his best pick thus far.When I return I will as you requested buy and
pay for each and every part of you.Ill give up my salary for her Uslan.
Uslan smiled knowing she was A top pick,as he leaped to the bottom
step.Her very presence brought new found force through his sluggish
blood flow.He patted his masters team on their backs eager and ready
to press his mind in to the momment.Shareamore knew Uslan was about to
meet with American power brokers.Shareamore knew it was through Uslans
masters team that the dirty man became clean.And was desired by American
most powerful buisness districs.Uslan spoke slow to his masters team
Buyer of Beau
as they spoke fast and on point.Shareamore looked over the villa
loving the feel of finery that covered
her.Shareamore swayed forward ready to bring A queen
Page 32
before the
judges table.Who would see that all history books were controlled by A
womans sure shock moves.That did more than snatch the stronge hold from
A foreign legion.But kill blood thursty mens spirits baised on the fact
the very vessel that was said to be soft and feminen.Was the very
object of dejour that crushed them where they stood.She swore to her
self that she wasnt going to take another step with the thought of
letting this become A commacozzie mission.We are going to step away
from this in perfect peice.I have
to rize to the next level where my Special Agent position awaits me.
So that I can feast upon hidden truths not known by modern day man.
Men began comming from different cuts and corners of the villa.They
had all heard of the dancing girl.Even though they each knew she was
their bosses girl.That all dared to get closer to her.Low grunts,
growles and whispers made Shareamores ass itch and twitch.She knew
their penetraiting eyes wished to touch,lick and penetrate her with
animalistic form.Her mind raced faster than atomic weapons when they
were in action.Her eyes became robotic as they zoomed over hand guns
positioned in waist,shoulder strapped M-sixteens and grenades.Ready she
was to give in to Juan Carloses devilish desires.She saw him look up
in utter wonderment.Ready she was to breath life in to explosions,
violence and murder in the first degree.While she had most of the
mens second head in A choke hold.She knew when she struck she would
snatch the smile off of each and every one of their faces.Once in her
finely furnished room that held plush carpet.That gave way to A wall
a a __ _ __ rr__ 7 l_ L 1
Buyer of Beaut3
sized television.That was picture perfect,next to Page 33 the brown
marble wet bar.She looked over the walk in closet
that held
figure fitting
clothes fit for A pool side porno flick.Shareamores mind quickly began
to figure which position should she be in, when Uslan stepped in to the
room.That would make him hunger for her right then and their.To the
point he would dare to go against the very drug czar that picked him
up out of the huvel that heald him hostage.She needed to have him
trying to sneak in and out of her room.To where she could lock his
very mind,bodie and soul in to her black widows web.She knew she had
to do more than do some fast talking.To get him to go against all the
evil he had come to love and kill for.She knew she had to seductively
press her sweet scent deep in to his snorting and flapping nostrils.
That controlled the better part of his face like A ill placed mask.
Knowing that the revolution began and ended with her.She looked down
over the positioned two story escape rout.She saw gun men
patrolling the out skirts of Uslans property.She stepped in to her
bed like A sure footed gazel.That was held up by cream colored satin
sheets.The top blanket held Aztec Pyramids in their wake.That was
finely stitched with utter perfection.Shareamore slowly let her
fingers flow over the picture perfect stitching.Her eyes began to
flow over bronze statues and ouil paintings,that held up Uslans
most noted heros.Instantly Shareamore began idol bashing.Her tounge
became as sharp as barbwires,that kept convicted fellons locked and
keyed in the various prisons in the States.She began to breath open
haitred in to every thing that wasnt backed by the Federal Seal.
Intellegence had taught her to never give in to the likes of the
region she stepped in to.Baised on the fact if
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Page 34 she did.The
emotion to kill at will would be snatched from her breath.She ran
her fingers through her hair,knowing it was her against every one
and thing that surrounded her.A grinding high point came when she
heard the door knobe turning.She quickly ran to the bathroom and
began turning on the water.She pulled up her mini skirt,to where
her heart shapped coco brown toosh came in to the open.Ummm,Jaun
wasnt able to say another word.Shareamore saw a print instantly
rite in his pants.Apart of her wanted to shake her toosh like A salt
shaker for him.But she knew she would have had to be in motion upon
his arrival.She looked over her right shoulder,their eyes instantly
and held.Shareamore could tell when he looked at her and not her ass.
That he wanted to give her his very heart and soul.She looked down at
his pulsing length.She slurped on her lips and bit down on her full
bottom lip.Jaun stepped forward wanting to hug and kiss right then
and their.She knew as he froze,that he needed A little fine turning.
So that from that second forward he would begin seeing things her way.
And begin instantly to doing her bidding with out second thought.
She instantly became helpless and in delcious need of A stronge man.
Help me turn on the hot water Jaun.Their scrawled across his face
was the facial expression of the future.She turned back to the
running water and hummed,as if she tried to turn the water on again.
The momment had come the three hundred plus pound giant began
stomping forward.He reached directly over the sweet smelling and oh
so delicious morsel.His wide hands covered the fawcet three times over.
She looked up to him with wide eyes that were open for the taking.Do
Buyer of Beaut
you feel what I feel she hummed.She breathed hot and steamy life
between them.The giant stood up lost to what he had Page 35
heard.Had his dream come true,the very woman he
of wanted him?Shareamore
stepped up to him ready to seize the day.Apart of Jaun haited Uslan for
using and abusing women on A weekly baises.His memory served him with
one to many crying women.That had been stretched out of wack.By A
flesh deviant that did things to them they never knew man could
conjur up.He knew many of the women ended up being package handlers.
As others became whores to American and the very worlds tourist.That
were positioned in sea side villas.The others were nothing more than
baby carriers.Baised on the fact he wanted as many kids he could
press in to women.Her pure expression made Jaun step forward and draw
her near.Uslan will kill me,for even dreaming of whats his.Jaun
whispered deafly affraid to the core of his inner most being.Quickly
Shareamores soft hands began stroking his running heart.His lips
became chap as his eyes bucked with straign.i dont belong to him he
hasnt baught me.Am I in some type of prostitution house?Jaun knoded
his head A tad to fast for Shareamores blood.His eyes became more
active.Once his mind came up with the thought that touching was good.
fauns careful eyes didnt hear Uslans elevator dinging as it roze to
one of the top levels.As if she was A seasoned Hollywood Strategist.
She began to tear in to Jauns psychic.Why dont we just leave my family
will wire money to us.I have money Jaun growled as his eyes locked on
her glazzed full lips.That were made soley for kissing and sucking
wonderously.Sending men in to toe curling pleasure spells.Jaun brought
to the center A phist full of hundreds .Never would he let A woman
Buyer of Beauty
do for him.Before he could turn his thick python neck.She began to
let her arms wrap around it as she began to
Page 36
placing A full on kiss on his. ready mouth.He picked her full in to the
air,the very second he tasted her candy coated tounge.He pressed her
against the nearest wall.She began to purr and humm as if she had found
her saviour.He was trapped and lost in life when she brought to the
open her full silky breast.That held fat lemon drop nipples.His wide
mouth opened as if he was hungry and was about to take a monsterous
It was as if she knew he liked his alchohal straight with no chase.
When he fell head first in to her web.She wanted to capture his entire
bodie.She began stroking hislog length.With such skill that he began
pumping and grinding against her hand.His hands,mouth and lips were
hers to control as she wished.She quickly began to talk about breathing
life in to A family.She knew it would be the very part that would
complete his dreams.In his walk of life she knew he had seen much
death.She began to tear and softly whimper.I dont want to be here.I
dont want to be used like the other girls.I want to be loved for ever
and a day.His thick thumbs began to bulldoze over her tears.His thursty
tounge came to A screaching halt.Save me Im scared she muttered.She
began to look over his shoulders,as if she just knew the wolves would
come to eat her alive.Jaun began to try to bring to the forward A face
of coolness.As if he knew exactly how to fix things and protect her.
With A needy want and need to experiance her pleasure.Jaun was ready
to stand up against the competetive fire that would come from the young
gunners.That were blood thursty and ready to prove their selves to
Uslan Diaz.His chest began to heave powerfully as if A nation of gunner
AAron Hullett
Buyer of Beauty
couldnt and wouldnt be able to stop him from
Page 37escaping with
the love of his life.Shareamore looked up to him placing her full
lock of curly hair in to a pony tail.She became lost to the ways of
high powered kind.I will come for you tonight.Juan growled with the
force of A grizzley.Shareamore messaged her forbidden fruit and
pressed three glazzing fingers in his ready mouth.With A stroke of
party planning genious.The star of the party ran off sucking on his
now was the time that he stopped following and began leading.Shareamore
began to reposition her self to where she would be ready to catch A
skilled performer in mid act.Jaun wasnt sure if they would make it.But
for true love of his very own what wouldnt he do.His dry skin became
oiled killing off the cologne that flowed all around him.Shareamore
quickly began to bath.She didnt see any tooth paste or mouth wash.She
began to wash her mouth out with soap.She scrubbed in hopes she didnt
swallow to much of the gianys gretosk saliva.She began to towel her
self while reciting the Federal Seals top Ten Commandments.Trust no
bodie,manipulate every bodie when on A mission,never sleep only rest.
She quickly began to twurl her hair around her fingers.Bringing A full
flavored sight to the forward that would conbtrol the best of mentally
stronge men.She rested on the bed wearing a belly button cut earth
brown cocktail number.That were tipped by her strappy hi heels.She
let her suit case lay open on the dresser.So that she could draw for
her stelletos that doubled as A gun.She knew to cauk the heels back
and push them forward.Which would see to slugs dashing in to the momment.
Ready to kill she was with the butter fly razor sharp pendant that was
placed in her hair.She knew when the exact second to strike showed its
Buyer of Beauty
face velocity was going to meet versotility.High tension cradled her
Page 38
mind and continued to grow.As her bodie that was
heartless lay
frozen and at perfect ease.Like A well oiled machine it was ready to
tear Uslan Diaz apart.The sun began to dash to the other side of the
planet. It was as if it knew the woman with profound beauty hungered to
kill. Which made the sun run with sure speed in to hiding.A current
flame roze in Shareamores blood stream making her murder plans feel so
right. She knew that federal positions came with a price.She began to
call out to the cosmos that night fall would see to Uslans scripted
experation date.
Page 39
2 Pm on the top floor of the Washington
Building.Americas most powerful men were positioned in the Global
Strategy Super Power room.The President of the United states,the Joint
Chief of staff the F.B.I and C.I.A Directors,accompanied by the
Secratery of Defense all stained at the world in intirety.Each of them
stood enthroned at the tide of red dots that held American rule or
strategically positioned war bases.While at the same time snorting at
the cuts and corners of the globe that wasnt captured by the treasures
brought on by democracy. We have captured Saddam Hussein and killed
off his sons.Which has showed the very world that Americas plight to let
democracy gain global footing for once and for all.The President stood
American built and fortified with superior knowledge holding him up.He
spoke with clenched
phist,that every one in attendance knew could crush citys,infastructures,
regims,governments and countrys in A- single swip.Please bring
intellegence in to the open now.The President was fumming with open
hostility.Onsama Benladen had pressed in to the live wire new recordings
of his plots to crush the Americas.The President haited the fact his
arch enemy seemed to stay one step ahead of him.No longer did Onsama
position his self in front of jagged mountains.That American scientist
were quick to lock in to the very mineral make up of the mountain that
enthroned Onsama.Which saw to immediate bombings of the middle eastern
mountains.That American Intellegence swore was the very positions Onsama
spoke from.Both of the F.B.I and C.I.A Directors stood up simultaneously.
Page 40
Both of them held up the very torch of Intellegence .They stood ready
to show any and all what both Bureaus stood for.In our findings the
Director of the C.I.A snapped.Every one could visibly see the bedlum
of haitred and discust up tuned in his very position.Insurgents of the
Middle east have weaved in to one force.No longer are we at war with
the Alquida and the Thaliban.They seem to be in unison with one
positioned war plan.Intense violence has kicked up bringing to what
seemed to be civil war.Weapons are seeming to be brought to the
insurgents from Iran.But Federal Intellegence has uncovered Russias
up front psycology full fold.Their theory is to sell arms and artillary
to any and all that comes and has money to pay for them.Mr.Kremline
watched as the C.I.A Director Mr.Updike knoded at him with applause.
The Middle East has become A military challenge on all fronts.Fifty
three Americans died yesterday.Onsama Benladens modes of steady attack
seems to stem from A higher lions.position.That has men,women and
children killing in first blood with out his immediate presence.Not
only is his army striking at Americans,but they are cutting off the
supply of Iraq soldiers and their blood line.For them daring to stand
to the side of the Americans.Its this man Onsama Benladen who is the.
focal point of this war.Through Intellegence gathering,Mr.Kremline
took full control of the podieum.I believe we should keep his name and
very symbol out of the lime light.In hopes he begins to think from A
low land existence wave length.That he can become visible for lack of
better words.Like a big fish in A small pond.Baised on the fact he
stands in the sands of time A phantom.Whos become the mind boggling and
soul wrenching postered demon of terrorism.Who has the gift of thrilling
AAron Hullett
Buyer of Beauty
those before and around him.Be them positioned in rage 41
various other
countries.Seeing the President become unnerved and positioned in deep
thought.Mythodically he snorted at the caffien stained air needing an
immediate pick me up.Every one the world over knew Americas news
syndications and networks had named this Middle eastern war after the
President and his Father.In secret every man in attendance knew that the
war was worth every lost life.Those that roze to the web of sure fire
Intellegence knew that the natural reserve surpluse that was snatched
from the Middle east would enthrone America as a fortified super power
for hundreds of years to come.Every man wanted soley to be the victor
that saw to shattering Onsama Benladens all powerful structure.The
plan was easy with ground troops striking forward like dangerous sharks
on the hunt for blood and brass and stripes.But with in the Middle
East onslaught the main target had escaped their drag net.At the same
time wild confusion had kicked in to high gear.The Director knew that
oil tankers were being filled to the gills every twenty four hours.
Bringing in A monetary tally Americas force feild of Millionairs could
never fathom.The President stood up making Mr.Kremlin sit down obediently.
I will see that Onsama isnt given any extra media play.At the same time
I call for A ending witch hunt.That will see to the ever lasting end
of Onsama Benladen.The said giver of light to those that have Middle
Eastern blood pulsing through their veins.With every word spoken the
Presidents voice began to raise with pitch forked anger in its core.
In seconds he had transformed in to A big bad teeth gnashing punisher.
Which ever man brings this head to me through his men and or women he
sends in to the sands of time.Or dares to cut off with his very own
1 1 Ptt
Buyer of Beauty
hands.I will see to it that you not only go down in Page 42 history.I
will erect with my very hands your very own ivory tower.That will
be perfectly furnished with this very worlds most prized ornaments
date.The President stood so confrontational baised on the fact he wanted
to bring disaster to the master of American distruction.The President
knew with out word said the Onsama Benladen was getting away with murder.
The very first day that the Presiden had declaired war on the Middle
East came full surface.The President knew better that to wish on
calling back his actions.He began to applaud his best men that sat and
stood all around him.He wanted them to each become savagely inventive.
Pressing upon the very world in intirety A long term unforseen human
condition.Every man and women standing in front of the President
hungered to strike in to the next ticking seconds trojan horses.In hopes
of being placed in history books and being positioned as full blooded
American symbols.That would be held up for ever and a day with
Americas leading Lour Fathers.The Presidents words were utterly
encouraging and engrossing.To the point Special Agents ran out of the
meeting striking for higher ground.That was positioned in Middle
Eastern mountain sides and platues undiscovered.Every one else still
standing began chanting at the top of their lungs America the Great.
Mr.Kremlin and the Secratery of Defense smiled explosively at each
other,wondering where their twenty first century weapon was located.
That would see to them being bowed to and worshed like demigods sooner
than later.As long as she lived,breathed and locked her inner most
being to the force of the Federal seal.
tiñr r, 74111 1 ai-4-
Buyer of beauty
Shareamore layed under the red dropping sun,as
Page 43
her mind
raced.Her skin that put the finishing touches on glamour exuded the
nostalgic ora of paradise devine.Her thick black main curled with
innovative style along the curves of her back.She smiled slightly
knowing with out the tabloids making A splash over the news wire,that
she was the most beautiful woman of the week.She layed sexier and
photo soft loving the fact it was said she was the finest trophy to
step foot in Uslans villa.Her spell binding position was so
fascinating and
sensational it could have tempted the very maker of all.She let A tear
fall as she watched the sun bring to history another day pass.Her
rested eyes barley creeked open for hours.She nibbled on the food she
was brought.She knew better than to feel her gut.She was on A mission
she only needed supplement.Which would see to her mind staying fresh
and ready at all times.She had to flush the food,baised on the fact
the chefs dishes were exquisite.The meats that she did eat she washed
them and shreded them under cold water.Just in case the meats were
tainted with mind altering chemicals.Shareamore knew through
Intellegence know one was to be trusted.Her eyes were barley creeked
open as she rested for hours.She continuesly stretched every limb on
her bodie.So that she would be ready to kill at will and or strike in
A moanments notice.She layed perfectly on her stomach.With her cocktail
AAron Hullett
dress raised to the cinnamon rich cup of her
Buyer of Beauty
rage 44 ass.To where
her forbidden fruit could be seen indenting her How many licks does it
take candy coated thongs.That was deliciously crushed in her full
flavored toosh. She staired at nothingness,ready to manipulate
provacatively or
strike and constrict as soon as the lights came on.Her sharp eyes
listened to small chatter between gun men down stairs.She heard feild
mice piss on cotten that insillated the house.Her nose snorted in the
fresh air that came from the thick foliage.That ran thick in to the
jungled position behind Uslans villa.She listened as she heard the
others girls caught in music,wine and celebration in the other room.
Apart of her wanted to join them as they sang,danced and yelled in
high spirits.But she knew it was in her destiny to bring to the
forward the colors of hell.Before she was aver to find time for
merryment and good times.Knowing that modern day man held A insasiable
hunger for flesh devine.She continued to lay back age defying and
ready to send Uslan right in to darkness.The better half of her wanted
to raise the bar.To where she would be positioned with her pussy
glazzing .As she was positioned face down ass up in the newd.She knew
better than to never say never.She began to say it any way with curled
lips filled with haitred.Never will I willingly want to have sex.With
this drug peddling,drug smuggling dream catching infestation.That
prides his self on feeding peoples addictions.While killing off their
free spirits the very second the drugs come in to their company.As she
continued to practise smiling.A looming thud continued to pulse in and
around her pelvis.She watched as her hips pressed against the bed in
AAron Hullett
tuyer or oeauty
want of friction.She knew that subconciously she was in want of the
most wanted man that was right under Federal radar.She knew not to
play with her mind or emotions when she was the only person to count
on behind enemy lines.She brought to the surface the truth.Which was
that she wanted to ride him while sliting his throat at the same time.
She wanted to be the inspector that saw and felt his pulse of life
literally dwendle to A dead stop.Im going to kill him slowly with
seduction she hummed.As she looked down at her full tasty nipples that
beamed under the ever watchful moon light.Her hands began to free fall
over the sharp contours of her soft smooth bodie.Her hands wanted to
put her bodie in to flip flop pleasure.Not now,she hummed to her self.
first I must get away with murder.Its not impossible she said to her
self.As she yet again went over her murderous plans of seductive
attack.She smiled knowing she would be the life giver of haitred and
sadness.She let one finger stroke her pearl.Baised on the fact being
Americas number one protector that was sent to rid the world of such
men that lived soley for illgotten gain,felt so right.She wanted to
turn on her back and recieve right then and their A rhythmic deep
touch.She drew her self from the bed and lit A candle by the bed and
another one by the door.A bed of roses flowed through the air.She didnt
care to catch eyes with the said Spanish herds of years long pass.She
left the television and sterio system positioned on the marble
entertainment system off.As her mind locked on the Federal Seal.Erotica
and the illicit physical hunger for the drug dealer,drug szar,Americas
public enemy.South Americas number one man continued to hold her mind.
Shareamore hafted the fact when she layed on her back that she was
T T - - -
* T - 1 1 - 1 1
Buyer of Beauty
loosing physical control of her self.Their was
Page 46something
about his eyes that looked through her.Or was it the way he touched and
held the lower base of her back.That made her hips slide slowly to the
right as she began to heavily breath in and breath out.His very make
made her slowly begin to take her pleasure principle hostage.She layed
on her back as her pink toes began to lock at the base with each
other.Her thighs glided far apart,she huffed when she touched her full
ready nipples.Her forbidden fruit was glazzed and wanting .She knew as
her hands began to slip in to her forbidden fruit that she was
declaired the perfect gift by Federal Intellegence.Uslans liquid silver
spanish voice began to germinate and seed deep in to her mind.Which
made her want to escape from the cloths that held her hot flesh
hostage.She didnt want to slip her hand in between her panties.She
wanted to give her forbidden fruit perfect han d motions.One finger
welcomed his voice in to her inner bodie.Two fingers brought his
physical position in to her cold heart.That hungered now coley to eat
him alive.Their was pleasure found knowing she had been sold to the
most powerful and deadly.Her hips began sputtering as her knees ached
to bend before the drug szar.Who held the mental compasity to go forth
over borders with nothing more than seeds.And breath life in to :A
billion dollar drug plan that gained fruition.The thought of hisgenuis
made her pock
and ploy with her alert turgid nipples.That ached for rough wide hands
and hot breath mixed with watery saliva.That became lost in the very
sight of them.No matter which skills she used she couldnt stop the
ruling thump that began to life deep in her forbidden fruit.As if she
was in A dream state the door slowly began to creek open,letting in
AAron Hullett
Buyer ot Beauty
crystal light.She instantly doubled her speed and
Wage 41 leaped in to
A mind altering seductive bodie position.That Intellegence stated would
press want and desire in to modern day mans loins.She didnt have time
to wonder how the study was conducted.She knew the time had come to be
A savior to the Americas.As her pulse boomed and she gave her ready
mind bodie and soul to the momment of goose bumping momments.Their
before her walking slowly showing signs of being worn and mentally
stressed stood the man the myth,the infemous drug szar.She knew she
could have exploded from his very presence alone.He had changed suits
and his very hairs position.He looked studious and upright in every
way.Kill him now Intellegence screamed,not before I have my full.She
screamed back in to her inner most being.Intellegence recieved A heavy
blow with in her inner most being.Their was no more wars going on with
in her mind.She was now free to press her venom as she chose.One thing
she swore as she drew from the bed.Tonight would be the night that
Uslan would pay his dept in blood to the Americas.His drawn face held
A five oclock shadow as he entered the room.I have been waiting for
you she hummed.As if she had passed up other mans ready hands.Uslan
was lead forward by his slumped shoulders.She stepped upon him cradling
every inch of him.As if she needed and wanted to give him so much more
of her self.One of his hands flowed over the small of her back in A
circular motion.As the other one cupped with pure form her right but
cheek.She looked at him wondering if he knew his touch alone was
making her bodie begin to spasm.Uslan mouth invaded hers,he swore he
would invade every hole on her bodie.She was his and his alone and he
was ready to show her that.From the tips of her pretty toes to the full
AAron Hullett
Buyer of Beauty
dick sucking lips.That made him come to her
Page 48
first.He knew
if she was as sweet in bed he would stay with her through out the
night.As she began to pull him to his death.Which she had for seen on
his stomach on the bed.He paused and greedily cupped her wet and wanting
forbidden f°ruit.It was as if he chose her sweet nectar over
paused,her forbidden fruit began quivering needing penetrating heat.She
stood before him with open arms and open eyes.She was ready to swallow
him whole.His eyes struck from her full gouty lips to her wide eyes
that were filled with glent.When his hands roze glazed he began to lick
his fingers.You had been gone for so long I began touching my self
waiting for my savior.Shareamore staired up to him mesmerized.Knowing
her very dreams and country rested on his death.She stood before him
good natured and freindly.She began to redefine what A lover should be.
Right when Uslan though that misery loved him.His new love began to
take off his coat.While kissing every inch of his troubled face.Her
sweet nectar pressed life in to his seconds before drawn eyes.Uslan
was slightly caught off gaurd at the fact she stood before him stronge
and beautiful.Needing to milk the romantic momment.She placed her soft
finger over his lips.To where their was only silence and illicit bodie
motions free falling between them.Knowing that her bodie embodied the
erotic brillance of pleasure galore.She walked him in to the bathroom
while undressing him every step of the way.She knew the longer she was
able to keep him quiet.The easier it would be to tangle him in intirety
in her black widows web.She turned from him and bent all the way over
turning on the bathtub water.She looked back slightly and saw Uslan
biting down on his bottom lip.Uslan knew that Serenas very presence
was what turned PuertoRico in to A big game flesh
Buyer of Beauty
Page 49 hunters very
favorite hunting grounds.If one could press A tethescope deep in to her
wet and writing forbidden fruit.They would have heard A nostalgic riot
up deep with in her.She knew if she lost one iorta of footing over Uslan.
She would loose for weeks and possibly months her total mental and
physical grip on Uslan.She instantly began to turn on the power of A
more radiant skin.Before he became A physically and mentally gaurded
rnan.She began to place him in to the soothing warm bath tub.Only to
pause and begin to undress for him with erotic fashion.Knowing that her
heart was dark and cold.She pulled A red rose from A gold vase.She softly
and carefully began to pluck the pedals.Hungry and ready she was ready
to bite the hands that began to feed her.He loves me,he loves me not.
Upon every plucked pedal another artickle of clothing began to free
fall from her dream scape bodie.Before she could begin to dance
erotically.He drew her in to the water.He cupped her full bossom with
master craftmens touch.As his open m outh began to feast on her ever
sweet tounge.Uslan placed his right foot in A thick burieing mound of
dirt.The very second his eyes closed and he began to loose his self in
the full lolly pop fill of her nipples.Ready Shareamore was to
experiance her third world experiance to the maximum.When she saw his
full illongated color extender saluting her beauty.Her next moves
erotically began to flow right out of A Action Hautymezmerise style
file. She unlocked their tounges and began to become the greatest
dancer for him.His tounge began flapping and flairing over his mouth.
She braught one leg up to his right shoulder and softly began to let
her wet and deliciously sugar coated forbidden fruit glide on to his
AAron Hullctt
Buyer of Beauty
face.He grabbed her jagged hips with force and
rage nu
stuffed his
face deep in to the tan valley that was the holder of
pleasure.Shareamores forehead began to role in to a naught.She couldnt
clear her mind or her galloping breath.She began to sputter and mutter his
name.As sparks began shooting from deep inside of her.It was as if her
explosion cleaned out the very
linning of her vagina.Shareamore turned to him unlocking his hands
with suflexing skill.That made his candy frosted eyes blast open in
loss.When he saw her suckling on her lips in want.As her eyes locked
on his color extender.He laved back wanting to feel her tender lips
that were as soft as fur.For the life of her she had to dig in to his
skin.While at the same time quench her thurst.Of wanting to taste his
make and feel his power deep in her mouth and down her ready throat.
Seeing her curling tounge put the finishing touches on his power point.
His will to stay with her was settled when his eyes locked on her face
that made feel good expressions.When she took him in intirety he was
lost at the fact she took his sexual nature to new hights.He began
blowing kisses at her loving the attraction he felt for her.The look
of love was caught in her curled lips and locked closed eyes.Shareamore
knew her eyes wouldnt look the same the second she began to rize.So
for the life of her she kept her eyes battened shut.When her face turned
side ways knowing the move would make his nerve ending explode.His
toes began to curl and lock.She brought before him one to many erotic
motions.He shook his head making her take quick notice.He knew it was
time to make love.After seconds of positioning her he knew he would
begin to breath life in to sweaty fucking.That would see to him
recieving A satisfying end.That would have her positioned before him
AAron Mullett
Buyer of Beauty
sputtering and ready to leap and jump at his
Page 51
every whim.He
grunted knowing in seconds their would be no curls left in her hair.As
he began to move in to place.He began snorting profusely upon the
perfume that coated her bodie.He knew when he was finish with her,he
would be able to smell her very own bodie odor.The visions of bringing
murder in the first degree in to the open.Began to push Mike Tyson in
his prime
power blows in to her rock steady mind.Uslans death warrant came full
circle.Please to meet you Uslan Its time to say your prayers.She
muttered to her self,knowing their was no way back from the position
they were in.Shareamore knew once she struck she would have enemys on
all sides of her.Uslan began to let water out as if he knew exactly the
amount of water that was needed,to bring to the forward A delcious time.
When he threw his right leg over the base of the step in tub.He began
to wave her down on to his pulsing fortified color extender.Knowing she
needed to stay up to speed with him and naughty.She began to smile
dangerously,knowing she had the right temperature to send him over
board in her presence.She began puckering her lips knowing the momment
had come for her to make her Federal debut.She held his length by its
pulsing base.She placed his trojans helmet at the very door way of her
forbidden fruit.She began to wag-his length along her forbidden fruit.
So that it could begin to licky,licky,1icky.Dont play with me he
growled as his bodie began to drip sweat.Im about to put some dick in
your world,he growled from clenched teeth.As he grabbed her hips and
began to lower her with jagged motions comming from his hips.That made
Shareamore ghasp in pleasure for breath.When she took all that he had
to offer.She began to slowly let her hair daown the second it became
apparent he could no longer contain his self.She began to hunger for
the pleasure ladened figure to become tragic and
Page 52
to ride him until he fell in to the gateway of the here after.When she
released the hair pen and her curly hair fell along her firm silky
bossom.She instantly became brutal yet beautiful.With one clean hard
swip backed by pressure.She slit his throat from ear to ear.He began
bucking and flailing with the force of a crazed bronco.Damn,Shareamore
spat out comming to the curve that lightening bolted through his
thrashing nerves.His eyes began to stair in to her.She saw his force
began to come down.as he began gurgling and choking drawing in his very
own blood.He began to at first try to hold his neck together.But with
in the next second of seeing that applying pressure wouldnt help.He
began to try punching her.Skilled in the art of physical defense.She
instantly covered her pressure points.When she looked up seconds later
he looked up to her frozen and in paralyzing dread.With A quickness
Shareamore turned on the shower and cleaned off the blood that draped
her bodie.She smiled at the cream that continued to float down her leggs.
Their is no need to panic she whispered to her self.She briskly walked
out of the bathroom.All the while prepairing herself for the darkness
that was about to kick in to full gear.She=knew exactly what she had
just done.She roze clutching each wall while looking over her shoulder
at the get away that was positioned by Federal Intellegence.She knew her
next moves had to be calculating if she wished to be written in
centurys old scripts.She knew torture in the worst degree would claw
at her flesh in the next few momments.If she didnt move for higher
ground with A quickness from the city of evil.Not wishing for death
horrible and deliberate to eat her alive.She quickly began to chant
at the cosmos for A opening.She swore through
Page 53
the stars
that her strike was positioned for the better good of all
humanity.Soft low music was quickly brought in to the chalk board
screeching murderous momment.Shareamore hoped the soft slow music
would make the gun men that came to check on Uslan,think all was
calm,cool and collective. As she got dressed she began to position
her stillettos to shoot at will.The thought of gang busting out of
the bed room door or diving head first through the window began to
serenade her mentals.One thing was for sure and that was she had to
move and move quick.Man I hear music now.He got that fine bitch
thinking romance will be hers for ever.Shareamore heard heavy feet
shuffling towards the door with A quickness.Classic elements of high
drama began to rite with A dragons breath.Heavy heat began to press
upon her shoulders.Knowing who ever saw Uslans bodie would be
snatched in to A capital scare.Shareamore
readied her self to continue spreading blood.Tension cradled her mind,
bodie and soul when the door knobe began to turn.So much so that she
knew Heavon or hell would come for her.She began to quickly snorting
through her nostrils.Her pulsing brain needed all the fresh oxegen
she could take in.She listened to men give in to demented sneakers
and off beat jokes.Slow it down umbrea,one of the gun men was heard
saying.She stepped back from the door with her make shift gun poised.
Do,d000,doo,uhhhh Shareamore knew the sound of gun play when she heard
it.Jaun stepped in to the door way shot in the arm yet still powerfully
stronge and ready to take on-any and all for true love.Love me now
he growled as he let out his right elephant trunk bleeding arm.He
was breathing with force.Her angelic pretty and
his breath away.She quickly tip toes to him
Buyer of Beauty
natural face took
Page 54
taking his
hand.Even though he knew she never gave in to evil.He handed her A twenty
five automatic. Gun men began running in to the front door.Only to be
quickly cut
in to and down.Lost they were at the fact one of their very own began
to cut in to them.Screams and heavy artillery sounding off controlled
the villas atmosphere.Gun powder and blood now coursed through the
air.Jaun took the elevator down to the underground car port.The glass
in the elevator was shot out by Shareamore.Jaun was caught off gaurd
by her mode of attack.That was up front and center giving no room for
any one to rule their space.Jaun leaped in to the passenger seat of
Uslans limousine Time Catcher sports utility vehickle.Mechanics and
grease monkeys dove for cover when they saw the woman put A bulet in
Eldarts head.Shareamore snatched A nine milla meter ozzy eager and
ready to seize the night.She knew now was the time to be nothing short
of stunning,devestating and imperial.Jaun barreled through the garage
with A rhinos force.The Time Catcher began to sea saw when it began
to role over bodies,crushing them in its unanticipated wake.Shareamore
knew she could love A man with such brute strength.Who was locked
and keyed in giving to any and-all near and far A brutal deliverance.
When he brought A m-16 up to the dash board and began shooting through
the windsheild.Her panties began to bunch seeing the array of Spanish
mongrels fall to the waist side.Chards of glass began to hop scotch
in to her hair and lap.With out haist or time to waist she quickly began
to shoot behind them with deadly accuracy.Those gun men that began
running from the west wing out side.Instantly began to step down to
Buyer of Beauty
the ground from her sure shot hot slugs.The hunger for love eternal
kicked A foot hole in Jauns chest.Get down he screamed as he snatched _
wheel hard to the right.B000m,A grenade launcher had begun to kick
up its wrath.The truck was struck with dangerous shrapnal.Get down
he screamed again.This time he pressed the M-16 on to the back seat.
They were recieving one to many slugs from the back.Jaun began to
ghost ride the truck with his knees.While he gave picture perfect
shots to every thing moving.Shareamore would have loved to make love to
A machine with such rapid fire.A lone gun men ran directly at the
truck from the rodiron gate.Boom,before Shareamoreco d cut his arm
off.Jaun took A hot slug in the same shoulder.His eyes began to role
letting Shareamore know his position had begun to expire.To the point
in seconds he would become A negative to her get away plans.Boom,the
Time Catcher dashed through and over the rodiron gate with force.
Jaun began heaving and growling for any breath his lungs could grabe A
hold of.Shareamore looked back she saw cars kicking up A mountain of
gravel.Tension began to nose dive like A burning 747.Whos pilote
began screaming to any one that could hear.Mayday,mayday,were going
down.As the vehickle began to slow,fuck you and Uslan Diaz.Shareamore
screamed in A crazed snarl that pushed Jaun over the edge.He began
to hold his chest in panic.Shareamores eyes became demented as if she
was A human predator.Knowing time was of the essence,she became
wicked and wild giving life to her federal hard funk style.She shot
in to Jauns mentals.Brain matter began to slug down the door panel.
Shareamore leaned over him and opened the door.She kicked him to
the curb.As shé pushed the pedal to the medal.The on comming cars
R » v a r
n f
R a a i i i - v
ran over Jaun with straight haitred.Bulets were pressed in to his
frozen bodie as others passed.Shareamore became A seasoned cowgirl.
As she began taiming the bucking truck that began diging in to the
short cropped vegetation and dirt mounds.Shareamore didnt have time
to give her sporadic eyes to the clustered stars that lead her forward.
The night became hot and muggy.B000m,A rocket snatched for her
position,making her strike back to the cut out road.Added light
and high drama was pushed in the momment.Shareamore pushed the
truck to top speeds.She began to chestize her self for not knowing
which streets to go down.She knew better than to complain or bite
at her mentals.When her life was on the line.She began to breath
deep and long as she struck for footing.That would lead her far away
from the blood drenched night mare.One thing she did know and that
was to go right on the nearest main street.That would see to her
striking for the border.Which held in its wake American territory.
She swore if she had to bring world coverage to her get away she would.
She didnt care who saw her being saved by an array of American guns.
She knew the Federal Seal would take care of every thing.She beganto snatch the wheel from the right and left.In hopes to dash pass
heavy gun fire and cluttered broken glass that filled the vacant
four lane street she struck in to.She began to let bulets fly from
the M-16.In hopes to cut off the holders of the rocket launcher.That
she just knew was positioned waiting for the exact time to destroy.
She knew she couldnt be to made at her self for not remebering which
streets lead to her freedom.Baised on the fact she had to tap in to
Jaun Carloses vital signs.And carefully tangle him in her tasty web.
T T ,....,., tr„ l l .. 4 - d-
Buyer of Beauty
rage bI Jaun.As she
Apart of her wanted to send out A prayer for
continued finger fucking the M-16s trigger.Making the leading car vere
off the road and strike head first in to A house.High fire begn to
blaze bringing twilight to the nights blanket of darkness.She
brought to the forward A high volocity striking middle finger.Die
moths fucka die she screamed.Loving the feeling of the layers that
feel around her bringing to the forward the very essence of her
being.That was hell bent to serve and protect tell death did her
part.Wind began
kicking up through her hair.Drying the blood that darted down her face
and skull.She could hear bulets clawing at the very road she struck
over at top speeds.Seeing A flash ignight from A ford bronco,every
hair on her bodie stood on end.She knew she was still in killing
range.Knowing she would love to teach the mongrel all of her murderous
tactics.She snatched tkewheel to the right and pressed on the brakes.
B0000m,the rocket struck head first in to A moms and pops store.
Wood and fire kicked out from the power punch.A unidentified man
was pushed in front of her doused in flames.He was kicking and screaming
for death to come fast.She struck right through him and the cluttered
road filled with burning tires.Out of no where crazed gun and knife
totting drunkards struck at her with force.The killing zone was
painted on various walls.On various billboards in what looked like
A Childs writting read.What would you do for peace.Another one half
way up the block read say no to alchohalism and knives.A man struck
in to the middle of the street baring his brown rotten teeth.He became
road kill that very instant.
AArnn 1Tn1 1 a1-1-
Buyer of Beauty
Shareamore pressed pedal to metal ready to live andPage 58 or die for
America. She knew with out word being said she was under federal
influence.Which wasa drug she had become addicted to in every way.She
instantly became A trigger happy egomaniac.She began to cut in to the
three cars that were in fast pursuit.She listened as A powerful twelve
gauge continued to roar.She watched emptyed magazines being dropped out
of windows.As triggers were instantly pulled on impulse to kill at
will.She put A little bit of excitment in the four passengers of the
Bronco.When she let A M-16 slug take the driver in to another world.The
Bronco struck in to A uneven strike that lead directly in to A telephone
pole.Haaaa, before they crashed the passenger with the rocket launcher
let one fly. He knew he wanted it to land any where but with in the
Bronco when they crashed in to the pole.Gun shooting and bottle throwing
delinquents and aged drug addicts were like roaches.Bursting out of one
to many cubby holes.Seeing A woman being snatched out of her home.Sent
Shareamore out of her calculating mind.With out thinkling she went
up curbs.Grass that held up front yards was kicked up and spit out.The
woman was barley able to lunge out of the way.Before the Time Catcher
began to mow down the blockade of men.Those that stood up unscaved were
knocked back down by heavy M-16 fire.Just as Shareamore was snatching
the twisting and twurling Time Catcher back in to the vacant four lane
road.A double wide motor home was being moved in to the middle of the
road.Looking through her rear view mirror seeing bodie5layed littered
and disturbed.She knew to press pedal to medal to all of the spanish
infediles were A blur.She no longer tried to control her heaving breath.
Buyer of Beauty
She needed her every pulse to flame to the forward.So that the men
chasing her wouldnt be able to catch A skilled
Page 59
thought of being almost famous didnt work in her sharp mind or leaping
heart. I will be the best of you,echoed deep with in her inner most
being. Seeing the Federal Seals ever lasting cleche in her minds
eye.Made her eager to make sure the infediles fates held many
punishments.Her end abruptly became her exhilirating new beginning.She
knew with the loss of limbs or her very eye sight.That she would be the
American that was left standing,when all was said and done.No guts no
glory she screamed at the top of her lungs.Her intuitive scences told
her their was more to the trailor than meet the eye.She watched as the
cars behind her came to a slow.The Federal Seal began to whisper
softly in her ears.
The contraction before you will tear you apart.Strike away from it now,
or you will suffer mortal repucutions.Who every owns-this hair and nail
salon excuse meeeeeeeeeee.she screamed from the top of her lungs.As she
leaped out of the truck tucking and rolling.While haiting the cement
that began to hold her A tad to close.Wood began to toothpick in to
the street and the properly positioned rose bushes.That held up the
walk way that lead in to the salon.B00000m,Shareamores neck and back
was slammed to the ground.Yellow and orange flames spit out life sized
shrapnal.That began to make the truck tumble and rock-from the hair
salons tooth picked position.Drug addicted clowns and sideshow freaks
began to scutter to the forward affraid of the flames.But aimed to kill
each and every one of them were.Shareamore found her self up side down.
As her mind began to grand father clock that ticked tocked.Come and get
me she gooled,as blood sputtered out of her mouth.She began to shake
T T . .
l l .. .L J.
Buyer of Beauty
her head in hopes to center her self in the middle Page 60
of reality.Her
mind began to wave as if it wanted to fall in to her
subconciousness.Dont turn your back on me she screamed in to her inner
most being.She saw flamed murder men comming in for the kill.She
haited the fact she couldnt feel certain parts of her bodie.She held
on to the nine
milla metter ozzy,yet not feeling it.As she began to stumble in her
straight forward retreat.She knew she stood in the test of time as A
liberty renegade.She scaled A grey brick wall that lead to A yellow
and brown flow of project low squaller apartments.That seemed to be
run down from the dogs that were skin and bones.She knew that food
was scares in these here parts.Bulets were scratching at the wall.In
hopes to knock her down from her mommentary escape.She closed her eyes
as brick and bulet fragments began to penetrate her flesh.She flipped
over and fell clumsily on the other side.Her bodie needed tombed rest.
She clawed and dug under A car.She didnt care that she became one with
aged oil and brake fluid.Her mind only screamed for her salvation.She
knew as screams and bulets drew near,that the hunt for declaration from
the Federal Seal wasnt fun and games.She began weezing and heaving for
any wind that would flow in to her lungs.She began to wish and pray that
she grabbed a firm hold of her running breath.Her mind began to clear as
she gave her bodie A through check.She knew their were bones eathier
broken or sprung.She began to pray that she was not having internal
bleeding.She knew that the-key parts of her bodie that were needed for
escape were in full function.She listened to tires screach on the other
side of the wall.She knew she was wanted dead right then and their.As
she gripped her equilizer she readied her self-to use it.She began to
n n r n n
Buyer of Beat
cut away thepart of her that wanted death.Which was
Page 61
broiught to
the forward in a federal blaze of glory.The analytical part of her
brain began to rubex cube.As her lungs began to slow and oxegen began
to flow with perfection.She snorted at the air and listened at the moving
positions of her enemys.She rolled from under the car knowing she had
A growing mastery in the art form of murder in the first degree.She
rote ready to send the bad people to where ever they go when they die.
She wished she had explosives.So that their family memebers would have
nothing to cry and mourn over.Gun men shot in every direction as they
struck in to the projects.They didnt care as they shot men,women and
children.It was as if the sounds of their guns mimmicked LasVegas cash
machines.Making them go stark raving madd.Hunched in a dark spot,she
watched as stark raving madd murder men ran in to every directions
like roaches.Ready to feast on what ever was left in the open.Through
A corridor she saw A side street that was dark and barren.She began to
ask the Federal Sealif it would lead her in to the edge of darkness.
Knowing that her right ankle was sprung.she began to rotate it to where
it could begin to function at sixty percent out put.She was ready to
give in to her murderous addictions.As she heard bones cracking her
mind wouldnt let her settle,but her plan of ressurection did.Which held
in its wake the death of the criminally obsessed.Here is where normal
folk and super beings that hold up the Federal Seal seperate.When she
stood up she began to scream at her bodie.Show me what you are for.I
dont want to crawl through the darkness no more.When bulets snatched
at her footing.Will I be able to see my future she began to tear.Men
in suits,tee shirts and geans struck after her.With the skill of A
Olympic Gymnist,she cartwheeled,scrambled and
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Buyer of Beauty
Page 63 dove in to the
dark corridor.That was held up between to apartment buildings.And gave
way to the life giving sights of neighborhoods that flowed as far as
the eye could see.Shareamore didnt care that the homes were made up of
delapitated wood.What she did care about was the fact that she didnt
have time to waist.Sweat began to drip through every pore.Every federal
decree began to bleed from her.She some how senced that many of the
blood thursty men came from different cartels.Uhhh,murder men began
shooting their own men trying to shoot at her.Not having time to check
indentifications,she rubbed her sharp right shoulder as shebegan to
hobble,run and lounge with rocketing force in to the groped up wooden
gate.That seperated her eyes and bodie from seeing where A safe hiding
spot was located.She heard men screaming as bulets sounded off bouncing
off and striking through the apartments.Kids were now heard screaming
as she struck with A hard right out of gun range.She didnt care to look
back at the burned and run down apartments.She looked and ran full
steam ahead.knowing she wouldnt be able to hold on to the pain her
bodie was kicking out much longer.Malfunction sirens sirened and began
blairing in to her inner most being.Knowing their was know one
near or far that cared or even dared to help her out.Her galloping,
running and rubber burning pulse kicked up endorphines and euphoric
dopamines to her wounded areas.That screamed aloud that An immediate
pit stop was needed.Before she began to write her self off.She began
to let bulets fly to the left and right of her.She shot hot slugs
behind her with out caring to look back.As she zig zagged in to the
street.She let steady slugs snatch in to A aged car that struck forward
E E r r - s» T47111,=1.1 - 1-
Buyer of Beauty
in hopes to turn her in to road kill.Dddlll,she Page 64
sent slugs in to
the windshield.Eeeerrrrrr,the driver lost control.Crasshhhhh,twisted
metal gave way to flames that gave necessary light to the dark night.As
she continued to zig zag she shot open the lock of A small apartment
complex that held up the other side of the street.Bulets began clashing
and clawing at the steel gate that secured the apartment complex.Kids
toys and bikes were seen cluttered all over the place.Shareamore knew
as bulets continued to fly for her dome.That if children were about
playing.the better half of them would bethrashing about the ground
screaming,that the bulets that riddled their bodies burned.To the
point the would begin shaking and dieing from the mind altering pain.
She struck forward held bent and crazed to live.While cursing and
leting bulets fly over her back.At those that dared to give in to chase
to steel her bodies fire.She knew she had to find cover fast,as she
heard feet scuttering and falling behind her.She struck through the
exit that gave way to a urine infested alley way.She hafted the fact
she didnt have A pot to piss in or A window to throw it outof.Her
nerves began to get the best of her as she began urinating on her self.
She ran straight forward and leaped and clawed over A brick wall.She
hafted the fact she didnt know how she would put up her defense.She
fell clumsily over the brick wall.She knew her ankles and legs would
snap at the end of the night.She sat for A flat second as she looked
A head of her and saw A vacant street positioned in front of the houses
back yard that gave her front line cover.She looked about the vacant
back yard that held up A bench and A barbeque pit.She quickly dug for
footing and scampered towards the cement parking place.That held up
AAron Hullett
Buyer of Beauty
A two car garage.Shareamore hafted the fact she
walked alone
Page 65
with out her shadow.Hearing cars screaching to pounce upon her
position.She began to scamper forward all alone.She saw A dark man whole
positioned under the still house.With out thinking knowing she couldnt
cover A large mass of land.She dove in to the whole not caring if wild
or black widows the size of her hands held camp in their.In the web
ofd darkness she began throwing out the dirt that she layed on.She
quickly placed A over sized grey brick in front of the man hole.She
began huffing and puffing in great gust of dust infested air.She blew
out enough force to blow A house down.She heard feet scuttering and
moving with in the house.Siience feel snatching her sences in to its
powerful hold.A stillness screamed through the dark paralyzing night.
It was the screams of murder men and door being kicked in that gave the
night A criminalistic hold.Just as she thought she found A cubbie
hole that would bed her for the night.Murder and madness began to slash
and thrash terribly at her jugular.Two dogs yelping and snatching from
the chains that were held by murder men.Who wore solid black camouflage
suits and matching hats.The dogs began snorting profusley at the mounds
of dirt she had threw out.Which was picked up by the west winds that
began to pick up.Shareamores bursted lips became chapped as she froze.
She knew better than to breath or move.While at the same time
channeling her thoughts to the all powerful Federal Seal.She began to
love the symbol in intirety.Beat,broken and worn Shareamore knew she
could no longer control the pain that knifed at her brains.As cars
screached on A dime in the drive way before the yelping dogs and gun
men.Made Shareamore succumb to A system over load, and blacked out.
~... .,,
Buyer of Beauty
Tortured dreams held Shareamores mind and bodie
Page 66
making her
shiver and shake in A chained web subconciousness.Some thing from with
in her dorment conciousness told her some thing had to turn out
right.Feeling rodent claws sink in to her arm made her sit up bolt
right.She hit
her his while slinging the rat all of eight feet.Right then and their
she began wolf in goblets of air.She began to pause and listen to the
make up of her surroundings.Cars were heard striking in various
directions.They were missing their hair bending need for speed.Bulets
werent snatching at thin air.Men of all fashions werent screaming from
the tops of their lungs.Gun powder didnt clog the air or hold camp with
in her nostrils.Shareamore began to wonder had she trully through the
force feild of Intellegence turned modern masters of murder and
destruction in to students.She knew even though she reached A major
mile stone and was able to breath breath the morning after Uslans death.
She knew she still had A difficult journey ahead of her.Her head,nose
and eyes became robotic.Left,right,up and down her eyes and every
sences went.She became lost at the sound of heels clicking,going in one
direction.A aqua blue day began to rize with full force.Bringing with
it the wonderous possibilitys of every ones very hopes and dreams.She
smiled shortly when her bodie automatically began to stretch.To alighn
its pelf with the worlds force feild that was abounding.The new day
had A glorious face att.atched to it.That made one strike with high
steps in to the work place cubby holes that awaited them.Even though the
AAron Hul1P_tt
Buyer of Beauty
night had masks of murder and mayhem running all Page 67
through it.Not
caring to give in to the stiffened parts of her broken and spranged
bodie.That screamed and pleaded with her to please just give them just A
few more days to mend.Her heart pumped nitrogen.As her mind told her
the time had surfaced yet again.Where she had to eathier ride in to the
tide of reality.or die in the bedlum of mental hang ups and some one
elses twisted dreams.She readied her self for wild language and up front
violence.She hafted the fact she only had eight bulets left.As she
came out from under the dirt folds of the yellow houses undertoken.She
gripped her gun wishing just for A one shot lead.Over any and all of
those that were still in holding.She breathed deeply well prepaired for
what ever came in to the open.She staired for seconds on end at the
foot prinys of dogs and men that tracked in every direction.Her mind
began stinking like a bumb.She saw one to many foot steps for her new
day comfort to cement its self.She became paranoid and undone right
then and their.She just knew that some thing some where was lurking
around one of the houses corners.Seeing A old ladie moving far to
slow.She saw her dress and shouldered shave as A sure fire get away.
Which was how a dirty girl would pose as if she were clean.The old
ladie staired at Shareamore with haitred captured in the wrinkles that
held up her gumming mouth.Once Shareamore came out of her bossom with
American money.The aged old womans turkey neck began to rize with
alert and ready life.Shareamore looked in to the womans lifted eyes.
That was captured by A startling surprise.Seeing people walking in one
direction with A hurried strike.Shareamore quickly began to get undresses
right then and their on the side of the old ladies house.The very second
AArnn F Tn1 1 Qtt
Shareamore gave A phist full of hundreds to the
Buyer of Beauty
Page 68 old woman.She
began clawing at her cloths with A need for speed.Shareamore didnt
even shudder at the:cold that nipped at her open flesh.Shareamore didnt
care that A man in A off grey penstriped suit saw the open exchange of
clothes.Shareamore gave the woman another hundred for her scared and
curled slip in shoes.With A quickness she began to walk up the busy
street all alone.Shareamore slightly began to smile when she found her
shadow walking along side her.Shareamore began to read in between the
lines.She knew that people were striking for the border.To work in
various offices and the like for the American dollar.Just as she had
feared once she follwoed the others on to the main road.Gun men were
positioned on the boulevard of broken dreams.They were groping women,
pushing and yelling obsenitys to every one far and near.Shareamore
was glade that no form or figure could be found through her dress.She
struck straight forward with her back lent over.As her shoes flopped
off of her feet.The gun men didnt find any interest in the dirty old
bitch.She saw the straign in their eyes.Some one had got the best of
them.Once every one passed the gun men.Excitment and glee began to
kick up in high gear.It was friday every one was getting payed.The
sight of Ricos Roach Coach.Which was cluttered with A stream of people
must of had the best breakfast tacos and burritos through out the
border.Shareatnore didnt have time to slow for food.The horrible visions
of last nights war still had her mentals hook,lined and sinkered on
A murderous wire.Knowing she was A advocate for freedom she began to
smile big for every one when she passed through the border.She let her
knotted hair down and let it fall where it may.She now stood up right
AAron Hullett
knowing she tried with all her might to get where
buyer or beauty
she was.The
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Border Patrol Officers looked as she stepped out of the old ladle
shoes.And her bodie began to flow with perfection in to A hip banging
strut.They some how knew that she was one out of A million.Who had made
it through the explosions and steady gun fire the night before.Many of
women were kidnapped and rapped with out any help in sight.One of the
officers swore and was ready to beat any one that she had some thing to
do with last night.When their dogs began to bark in A crazed
fashion.They stopped the wave of people,that rushed to pass the
border.Shareamore didnt even try to fight her demons.That were made of
liquor and nicotenti She needed some thing immediatly that would kill off
her mind altering pain.She smiled at the GreyHound bus that read
Losangeles.She quickly stepped in to A spacious liquor store.Before she
stepped out of it she had gulped down the bottle of hard liquor she had
baught.As she ripped off the the top of A flimsy cigarette pack.She
threw the pack in to the lap of A drunkard when she heard the driver
say all aboard.It was six oh eight in the evening when she began to
hobble up the glazed Federal buildings walk way.She walked head high
while at the same time Beverly scared and bruised.Various Federal Agents
that were properly weaved in
to various walks of life.Stumbled and lost their bairings- seeing one of
their very own still coated in dirt and grime that held up her deep cover.
Beep,beep,beep the Directors Cover All People Watching technology began
to siren off.Making him strike with immediacy from his Middle East
agendas meeting.He wondered why he broke his habit and leaped in to the
forward with out thought.He knew with out asking his inner most being.
His eyes hungered to open up wide to A skilled performer.Who dared to
A A r n n H i i 1 1 af-F
Buyer of Beauty
make A change at the judges table.Apart of the
Page 70
Director was
eager and ready to become A tiling hopper who openly spent obscene wealth
with Shareamore in his company.He growled with hunger capped in his
chest.He knew their before him hobbling was the very tool that held up
the pulse of the greatest generaton.His heart was pained as if A raptor
six inch claws gripped at tore at his heart.Her ground level position
was instantly brought up to A full screen forward.His mouth began to
hunger for another type of meat.That wasnt readily offered to the blue
blooded and well deserving.He immediatly called for the center of the
Earth to open wide for her.He knew she had not yet been indoctranated
as A Fedaeral Agent.But the facts and truth was in.The Federal Seal
had broke the mode when they breathed life in to Buyer of Beauty and
Shareamore Christians make.He knew she would always be A powerful
sub species.Baised on the intellegence the Federal Seal had pressed upon
her.Even though the Joint Chief of Staff were in his presence.His eyes
became forged metal against her make.He no lonhger began to question
her quality.He knew that her pain was positioned soley for the Federal
Seal.She yelped when the walk way opened up and A sofa caught her
eight inches in dropping.With A quickness doctors began to target every
cut and inch that made up her bodie.State of the art devices thati-wére
hand held began to search for broken bones,torn ligaments and fractures.
As she reached A level not familiar to her.She was caught off gaurd by
the sight of glowing medical instruments.She was quickly put under she
smiled at her subconciousness that began to fe fi fo fum in to the
AAron Hullett
D uy~r
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U L JaeuuLy
August 2nd,2005 with in the J.Edgar Hoover
building.Federal Agents stood and at like man and machines,with in the War
banquet hall.Every one positioned with in the high octane arena had become
immune to mental hang ups and taunts of the flesh.The Federal Seal was every
one in attendance lifes blood.To where they saluted the Federal Seal every
hour on the hour,
when the sun rote bringing prestigious challenges and when the sun went
down signafying America the great had ruled for another day.Shareamore sat
perfectly poised,knowing many of the Agents that were positioned about her
were about to recieve prestigious awards.But to be licensed and bonded as A
Special Agent was A higher authority with in its self.She knew what she was
about to become very few was able to dare wish to be.Shareamore was ready
to die before she ever bowed down to any foreign legion.Who was seen by her
as the sick amongst the pure.She knew as power flowed through the highly
tense momment.That she was made by the Maker of All soley to take on the
worlds most noted and feared ills.Her name was called to the last
letter.Only to be followed by her Federal Number.A standing ovation
erupted with A full roar of applauds.K-02771 was noted as being A living
and breathing force that was not to be reckoned with.The Director began
tapping at his booming temples.As the very vessel of purity who had the
force to wash away America the Land of The Frees sins.She brought more
heat towards him than she did upon her first appearance.She showed every
one as she smiled big.That she not only knew how to build and tear it all
apart.She showed that high stakes brought out her black leapord mini skirt
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Page 72 every move.I
self.Known of
onsamble.That executed her hour glass bodies
need room to pray the Director groveled to his
these thoughts are
making any sence.His inner most being told him with her in his immediate
life she could make all the difference in his higher lion thoughts
and very course of life.Every man in attendance growled in immediate
want and beastly hunger.That was sheilded by pride.Women smiled head
up and chins floating high.They knew in Shareamores mission she
persevered,prolonged and protected America the land of the free.They
some how knew that she was ready to bleed for her beliefs and the
full fillment that Federal Seal brought.Shareamore began to ready her
self to bring forth the words to say.That would have the Federal
Seals most declorated Soldiers right here waiting for her return and
uplifting words.The Director sucked on his slick tounge.As he tried
to clear his voice.He knew in secret he had become obsessed with
Shareamores being.He had prayed for his hunger for her to go away.But
their she stood before him making his very inner most being become
aflamed.to the point right then and their in the open he wanted to
tear her apart.He knew as he took A slight step back not wanting to
recieve the repucusions of his ready actions.He wanted to snatch her
by her hair,baised on the fact he just knew she was pure and smooth
tasting.He batted his eyes wanting to pull her close and let their
skin brush and instantly naghut.He handed her a diamond and platinum
Special Agent sheild.Tears instantly burst from her glenting almond
eyes.When she held and hugged her most prized award.Her enchanting high
bronze skin became refined and glowing.Right then and their before
every one she turned on the power of A more radiant skin.It was as
Ahrnn ui,11at-1-
Buyer of Beauty
if she lived soley to be A crowd pleaser.Standing Page 73 before her
upright and all powerful.As only A king would who gave life to his
knights of the round table.The Director began to give Shareamore
peice of mind. I and the Federal Seal can not denie you.It was as if
sunshine had blasted across his face.He began to welcome his
thoughts,even if it would cost him every thing.He smiled knowing he
felt so alive in her company.To the point he was ready to step on A
fighter jet and fly
at mauk speed.He smiled knowing from that day forward he could never
and would never turn his back on her.The Federal Seal dares to give
you entrance in to the next level of your existence.Raise your right
hand knowing we will not teach you lessons you have already learned.
Shareamore raised her right hand ablidgingly and obediantly.Silence
began to cocoon the entire momment.It was as if it had faught through
the crowd and had one.No one from this day forward can steal your fire.
If she wouldnt have seen with her own eyes.She wouldnt have been able
to tell that five hundred and some odd agents and various Deputy
Directors were in attendance.Who were geared soley to kill each and
every thing in their wake.For Americas ever lasting life,liberty and
justice.Shareamore as you rite in to the upper echion position Chats
geared to protect Americas time and space.Signs,symbols and whisper:
that have been debated upon by the most caught after minds,since the
beginning of time.will now become the better part of your mental
build up.This will be the waking up of you.Do you swear to continue
killing off ones own wants,hopes,dreams and desires.While at the same
time living soley to see that Americas reigns victorious.Even when it
comes to the time when ashes and dust shall befall you.Do you swear to
Buyer of Beauty
live courageous and die young and beautiful if it
destiny?' solemly swear.Shareamore purred as she
is your
Page 74
beared her
sharp teeth,that could easily kill at will.With your last strike,' the
All Powerful Director no longer ask of you to stand behind me.I and
America in full now asks of you to stand to the side of me.And continue
to breath life in to your winner take all abilitys.Right then and
their A bounty of F-15 were seen stunting with high fashion through
the open air.When they struck out of sight and in to the Heavens.The
Director seized
the momment before every ones eyes blinked and shifted from the larger
than life wide screens back to the stage.Shareamore Christian,Special
Agent K-02771,you are now A One Percenter.Cheers erupted with mind
fortifying Federal songs.Shareamore seconds later cut the FederalSeal
cake the long way.She knew that mutilation out of sight may be the make
up of her next Federal Strike.She struck down the cake with A hip
banging strut.Her bodie alone cut many of wens life in to peices.
Suffocation and no breathing gripped each man she stepped to the side
of.She began feeding Agents,Special Agents,Deputy Directors and Liasons.
It was the youth of the nation who had every chance to rite to the
fore front of reality.That hop scotched past those that began to talk
slow to Shareamore.The youth struck in to her mentals in extatic high
gear.As top flight international Special Agents came in for the
conversational kill.Another cake cutter was instantly positioned.As
A black suit pressed deep rattling octives in to Shareamores ears.It
was his eyes that kept her constantly moving.Room was instantly given
in each direction he looked in to.What the black suit said made
Shareamores panties bunch.The best of the best is always wanted to the
TTre-v, W1111,01-4-.
right side of the thrown.Angered agents grunted
Buyer of Beauty
Page 75 in the wide
open.They each wanted to spend quality time with the queen bee.Every
one in position knew the dead were talking because of her.Many of the men
knew that her mind and her spirit was fit to race against time.While at
the same time giving them the necessary fullfillment of life.In
seconds Shareamore was taken up high.And again the way she stepped in to
the elevator was not the way she stepped out.Their twurling before her
positioned in A Head Hunters official Federal chair stood the most
powerful man Shareamore would come to know in close company.He sat
enthroned from the back of the Federal Seal that was stitched in to the
back of the seat.The Director waved Shareamore forward.He knew the
momment she stepped in to his presence.That she was the perfect fit for
his mind,bodie and soul.Shareamores troubled psycology wondered what
her next job would intail.She knew that was why the Director called her
in to his private chambers.A crackling fire roared with force.She knew
it mimmicked his inner most being.Shareamore shook Patricia Scott her
F.B.I Liazons hand.Patricia stood before extatic of A job well done,.
Shareamore then shook Douglas Titus hand the Secratery of Defense.He
began to sweat profusley,when Shareamore stood before him enchanting
and age defying.He staired at her stone face with deep set concret
locked eyes.That seemed to search for the making of her living and
breathing position.Tension began to course through the air with atom
bout force.That made Shareamore rub the cup of her stomach.In hopes to
untangle the naught that began to set in it.As if he saw that their was
enough arsenal with in her inner most being to lead her forward.He
stepped to the side of her.Knowing if she dared to step to the forward.
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No one would be able to save her from the
Page 76
positioned in the waist lands.Americas security force was hell bound to
send her in to. Where insurgents were baptized under pools of
blood.Upon their births guns were shuved in to their left hands as
grenades were shuved in to their right.He wanted to inform her from that
day forward misery would come to love her.Baised on the fact those that
would become intraped in the life she had become addicted to
leading.Were devestating murderors that lived soley to cut in to and
down the life line of world peace.
On each and every given day with out remorse or recourse.Shareamore
do you dare look in to the drum line of evil,thats calling for
Americas immediate attention?Shareamore began to knode slowly,dashing
to the side any moral crises that wished to surface.She knew to live
and thrive in the world she dared to live in for an alloted time.That
she had to be incredibly chilling on each and every waking day.The
Directors face held A murderous glow.That didnt wish to give in to
mystery or suspence.She was instantly waved to the right of him.As
she began to strike directly next to him.A digital screen struck from
the hidden in to the wide open.Every one else stood around her and
The Director.Shareamore no longer sat on the edge of the Directors
desk.When she saw Uslan Diaz villa come in to full view.Welcome to the
twenty first century my dear.We have the satelight power to not only
look at the very roots of peoples hair.But tell which fuckin side
of the bed the rolled off on.With our new technology when we look in
to peoples scalp,when can tell if they have given in to drugs on A
steady basis and or alchohal mind you.Shareamore shook her head slightly
knowing she wasnt quit her self.Seeing this form of technology breathing
AAron Hullett
life with out the world knowing.Shareamore now
Buyer of Beauty
Page 77is the time
that you must drink from the federal cup even if the day comes and you
dont wish to.America needs to strike through the millinium getting
away with murder tima and time again.Those very masters that dare press
the very world and Americas shores disasters unfathomed must be killed
with out haist.Shareamore listened to the Director as she began rocking
back and forth.Her folded arms showed displaced tension.With in eight
minutes she had been briefed on the shadows that struck through the
world that werent to be missed.She watched as Uslans men were layed
down and killed by execution style murder.Law and murder began to flow
hand and hand foot and foot before her.What she had already come to see
would hold A life time effect on her human condition.Their were twenty
six in all that were pushed in to the web of infinity and beyond.A
over stuffed hairy man sat in the back seat of A sun sparkling Silver
Shadow Rolls Royce.All that could visibly be seen was his ever long
cigar.And A continues cloud of good smoke he blew in to the wind.Arent
we going to hold federal sanctions against this man.Shareamore yelled
out as she almost jumped out of her skin in rage.The way we see it K02771 Mr.Titus spoke up pulling at his silk lapels.One less rizing
drug szar to worry about.And besides this technology we have isnt to
be brought in to the open eyes of the free world.Patricia snapped with
A quickness.Which let Shareamore know that some one in Intellegence sat
munching on their favorite foods as they watched the world die.A
motor cycle with chains locked on its back tire struck in to the momment.
Their Jaun Carlos was layed face up.His bodie was covered in magots and
one to many flies.He had succumbed to the ultimate tempteation,Some
AAron Hullett
Buyer or Beauty
one stripped Jaun down to nothingness.The rear
tire of the
motorcycle was spun at top speeds.Guts from his stomach became tangled
in the chain and spit out as far as they eye could see.His face was
spit out like rain crashing in to A windshield of A car striking at
eighty miles and hour.When his face,lips and eyes became erased from his
skull the live screen was turned off.Thanks to you Shareamore and your
clever exit.Their will be no one left to breath A ever lasting
existence of Uslans Familia.As for the conservationist we have hunted
them down.And left their dead bodies for the foul and wild animals to
devour to the bone.The Director was ready and geared to follow through
with his open haitred.And steady emotions that hungered to continue
killing and desroying any and all that dared to cut in to the crust of
Americas life,liberty and justice.Smile for us Shareamore,because of you
of children will be able to grow up with out any addictions.And give
in to their hopes and dreams with intellegence.Orchestrated silence
moved Shareamores up right position.Apart of her mind was still locked
on the viewing screen.She staired at every one by and large with in the
room with out word said.She could feel A typhoon wave about to raise
soley to crush and or build her very being for once, and for all.She
wondered for the life of her what it was that was positioned below the
core of conversation that was not said.She watched as those around
her staired at each other.As if they shared dangerous inner secrets.
Shareamore became bothered knowing their was no beauty in the mystery
of what was positioned in the shadows.Through her perifial vision she
saw to F-15 striking over the building ready to kill and destroy.
Shareamore the reason I asked the Director Mr.Kremlin to pull you away
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from the crowded banquet.Is because in this
believe America the land of the free is pressed
Page 79
world of make
for time.More
devestating tradgedies are mounting to strike at us.Human drama that was
controlled by boo able villians whos fortay of wide spread murder began
to surface. I have positioned you before us to ask if you are ready to
bring to
the forward yet again everything that you are made of.What for she
questioned?As her sharp eye brows bulldozed in to the fore of her head.
For America the land of the free of course.Mr.Titus blasted pulling
closer to her.As snobbery in the first degree cradled his boot nose.
Know from this second deary.Every thing that I give my mind and time
to is for the better good of America.He snarled at her in hopes to cut
in to her flesh of armor.The Directorsaw that Mr.Titus was about to
breath life in to some sort of grudge match.It was as if Mr.Titus
halted seeing the monster he created hunger for more than less.For
Onsama Benladen,the prince of ever watchful evil,the serpants surprize.
Every one begane to siren off around Shareamore.The mans the heart beat
of murder,the chanter and charmer of the devil himself.The Directors
hands roze and brought immediate silence.Are you ready to live or die
sink or swim?Patricia questioned as she let her strappy hi hi heels
along the federal blue rug.Psss,please Shareamore snapped feting
know in her company that her anger and discust at the question was
to be missed.She held on to her jagged hips as if love and treachery
become the better part of her.When every one began to smile.She
knew with out word said that the Federal Seal was hooked on her.And
would never take its eYes off of
The Director looked pass Shareamore
and gave his eyes to the raying beams of sunlight.Eight seconds later
AArnn Hn1 1 Ptt
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thick blue federal folders by the Director.Who
instantly became
Page 80
and cocky.He seemed bigger then the Colloseum in Rome.Shareamore before
you open the federal folder.I ask of you to take the gift handed to
you by Intellegence.And step on to A cruise ship and go on A world
cruise.High drama coursed through the air.As despair began to isolate
the Director from the world.Your next targets are human predators.
Whos fortay is spreading blood through out the world.Their is A twenty
percent chance that you will not return from your live or die mission.
Their is A eighty percent chance that you will become A casualty of
war.Or become A prisoner of war that will never be found or discovered.
The Director stood before her nerve wracked.Shareamore knew his feelings
for her was the ultimate compliment.She wasnt just seen as a federal
number that was pushed in to A snake pit with out human compassion.
Shareamore smiled at the fact that was the first time the Director ever
showed human emotion.Every one began to shuffle and move in A nervous
strike through their seats.as they pulled for coffee,that helped their
bucked eyes widen.Danger at its finest struck dangerously at the
mentals of every one of them.Only to with in the next second recoil.
While spitting deadly venom in to their bucked eyes and chalky mouths.
The Director stood with refined force that held more bang than all of
the worlds currencys and bucks.Buyer of Beauty at 1600 hours is again
in effect.The Secratery of Defense stood up pulling and tugging at
his hand stitched Action suit.Snobbery instantly became the better
part of him.As he began reading off Federal Declorations.Shareamore
began to wonder had the Secratery lost enough weight to swim up the
Englisg Channel and scale A mountain?She some how figured it was the
AAron Hullett
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suit that built his flesh up.The Secratery
Page 81
looked over to
Shareamore with A mean mug and electrifying eyes.You have been picked
for this mission because of your delciouse make that has A style for
every story. It has been noted that you have redefined what A Agent can
do and come.Intellegence has noted from one look in your direction men
and women become struck wanting to see and view you up close and
personally.Smile Shareamore according to Intellegence your beauty alone
would have A man of scholastic upper crust positions.Would gladly kill
to keep you and have you to the left or right of them for ever more.Even
if it ment taking on the local authority or their very own blood line.
Shareamores beautiful eye brows rote in to her forehead.She was lost
to what she was hearing.Which made her slightly uncomfortable.Which
made her reread the first decloration.You hold A mega models mind
boggling 36,24,36 figure with out any augmentations.Your Egyptian cut
eyes hold treasures in their core.That bat softly open,open ,open for
the bearer to swim in to and through.Your rich and innovative skin is
nostalgic and afrocentric in make.Which holds A sexual glow,that makes
men dare to make A move and or act a fool to control you.Your full
position is what movie stars pay top dollar for.You are A vibrant light
that is said to be A gift of life.Shareamores ass began to itch and
twitch when she saw the Directos vexing eyes lock on her full make.It
was odd to be able to read his mind.She blushed at the thought of her
having the fleshly offerings of a living and breathing goddess.
Intellegence is prepaired to position you under A thousand lights.You
will become Americas new extraveganza.But we dare not stop their,you
will be positioned as Americas number one beauty.In section eight of
AArnn H111 1 p1-t-
Buyer of Beauty
eight as you can see.Intellegence will see to
K-02771 being crowned as Miss America.Shareamore
Page 82 Special Agent
sat stumped,her
life seemed far from A realistic wave length.You will win out
right,which will see to you being wanted by the most prostigious and
secrative men.Who has the money and affluence to protect you from the
very world and spaces looming storm.Shareamores eyes began to shudder in
unbelief.Danger cold and calous stampeeded in to the room.Trampling the
flow of joy that wished to surface with in her inner most being.So
much so that it knocked over federal chairs and platinuim coffee cups
and trays.
Intellegence has uncovered that Middle eastern men,Barrons,Sheiks,Dukes
and other choice men through out the world.Are shuvling millions of
dollars,to Mega Models.To have them fly in to their chateaus,palaces
and mansions for weekend jaunts.For A forty eight hour freak fest.
Where druging,boozing and sexual perversions are brought in to the wide
open.Are you telling me I wont be scuddering ground level to take down
infediles and the like?It was as if she had become pained at the thought
of not being able to get down and dirty.Boy will you,the Director
growled puting her mind on the right track.The Director took off his
bulet proof Action blazer and dug in to the momment.It was then that
he began to harvest the power of the universe.Once you are crowned
Intellegence has A script that will see to the worlds most powerful
men falling in to your illusion.Hook,line and sinker Patricia spat out.
The Director let silence cradle his next words spoken.So that
Intellegence will be given the choice move to cut in to positioned
cayous and confusion.You will say to the world,that you wish to merry
A old fashion man with old time values.Intellegence is ready to bank
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on the fact that Middle Eastern men come in the
you.Shareamore began to feild her self in her
excitment and thrill of the
Buyer of beauty
Page 83flesh for
hunt did a nine hole jump in her veins.A thrill of guilty pleasure
controled by upper crust manipulation.That was locked and keyed geared
and ready to take on the worlds finest and most dangerous men.Seeing
Shareamore become A flamming light,head stronge and invinsible eager
to try and conquer the indomitable.The Directos heart stopped,pulsed,
skipped and then began to race all at the same time.He was caught off
gaurd by her raw hunger for power and prestige.Or was it the thrill of
the high level chase that had her name written all over it.His color
extender fortified at her courage.Ready and able it was to knock over
the rock of Gebralter.As his eyes continued to open he saw fire raging
and powerful with in Shareamore.Intellegence will handle all of your
telephone calls and internet hits.The Secratery spoke up with A fast
forward quickness.Their are key men that we are on the hunt for.Why
dont we just use satelights to find them?Because these men are under
radar.Mr.Titus snapped with haitred bleeding through his flairing
nostrils.A steel angered reserve slithered in to the momment.Upon our
global hunt for Onsana Benladen the men in question have went in to
hiding. You must know these said men are enthroned in gold and diamond
statued power.Each of the men were said to be born with diamond spoons
that were enthroned by rubie tips.Mr.Titus spoke openly showing he
wished to tear them all apart.Their force and power far exceeds the
affleunce thats seen here in the States.Just saying that made Mr.Titus
begin to come undone.He pulled and tugged at his paisley tie choking
at the thought of them living and breathing as he spoke.Nothing has
Buyer of Beauty
been able to uproot these men and bring them in to Page 84the wide
open.Behold the Director spoke up.Before the worlds twilight Buyer of
beauty has taken form.Shareamore was frozen hearing that high level
moves had been made.Where Corporate Raiders baught up many of their most
prized companys holdings.She almost bit down on her Lounge hearing
that even their cherished palaces had been torched.And yet and still
not A one of the men Intellegence hungered for came out of hiding.
Shareamore began to shake her head as she was waken up to the brutality
of war.Children had been abducted along with family memebers and still
nothing.It was as if the said men were but ghost.That had the power to
move mountains from the slightest whisper spoken.Mr.Titus had become
drained and drenched from his last words spoken.All this was before we
dared to bring to the forward flesh devine unstained and pure to the
surface of reality.Americas beauty dejour shall take center stage.The,
Director growled gravitating the eternal imprint of the Federal Seal.
Yes,yes Mr.Titus huffed as he caught A second wind.Intellegence is more
than sure one of these said men who have ties to Onsama Benladen will
come for you.Mr.Titus began to dig back in to the Federal file.Ready
your self Shareamore they will come out charmed like A sick and venemous
King Cobra.To feast upon Americas most beautiful woman.In hopes soley
to turn you on and out.Patricia smiled dangerously at Shareamore.She
knew from her first strike and wave of attack.That Shareamores position
any where in the world wouldnt just sizzle sliver and kill out right.
Shareamore here in section eight of eighty.Shareamore saw Patricia still
grinding on her back jaws,cementing tension in to the momment.You must
know you step in to your next position in A act of war.Where you at all
A A r n n Rill l r~f-t
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times must strike through the world vieing for
Page 85
Oscar,Grammy,Tony Award and Federal crowning all in one single
swipe.Before you Special Agents have went in to the Eye of Ra the said
land of sand.That gives birth to murder and mayhem,destruction and
war.Not A one of them have returned.Patricia didnt want to tell
Shareamore,that the ones that did return.Where cut up and grinded like
hamburger meat.What caught Intellegence off gaurd was the fact not A
one of the boxes were post marked from the middle east.The crates were
shipped first class from Russia and China.Shareamore from this second
you must at all times control your mentals.The Director pulled and
tugged at his front
stage cufflinks.Which looked as if in time of haist they could deflect
bulets.He seemed totally enthrawled in not only the winner take all
momment.But the fifes blood of the and force fend of Buyer of Beauty.
Shareamore sat up right and alert knowing only Americas Inteilegence
could come up with this mind boggling twenty first century Hunter and
Hunted counter attack.With her as the main prize,Shareamore was ready
to see that Eves negative position in history faid in historic text.
Shareamore invisioned the very thought of Eve falling backwards as she
struck straight forward in to eternity.With A positive force pressed
around in the light of woman.Shareamore knew that she was stepping
carefully in to extreme power that was controlled by old breeds.That
knew all seen and and swore that their would never be anything new
under the moon or sun.Shareamores nipples beaming knowing she would
be held up as a renegade in her day and time.Who dared to change and
up lift womans eternal position in history and the very tell all spans
of time.The Director growled with out anyone knowing.He watched
21 21 resr. ~r.. 7 l ..+-+
Buyer of Beaut)
in utter fascination at the fact that Shareamore
Page 86was maturing
in to
A sure footed stride.That would breath life in to A modern marvel who
thrived on suspence and destruction.He knew that scribed text
positioned for the ages would hold her first,middle and last names.He
began to worry knowing her Earth strikes would also be dusted off so
that all could see the power of woman.Which would breathlife in to A
new dangerous species.He envied the scribers and painters that would
brush her exquisite and ever taunting make and mold.That would be
diamond layed in to the minds,historic text and mountain scapes
through out the world.If and only if she was able to walk sure footed
and breathing out of the lake of fire.Which was exactly where
Intellegence was geared and ready to send her.The Director knew she
was finger licking good.As he back stroked in her flauless and radiant
skin.The few dings and scratches that marked her in which Intellegence
would do away with.That came from the casualtys of war.Which did more
than turn to a flame the Directors hunger.But made him eager to become
her most addicted junkie.He began to clear his throat and dash his
selfish thoughts in to the world below.And instantly dug his self in
to the momment with the force spatshed by A steel curtain of Killer
Whales.Shareamore Christian we have two ways to explode in to this
mission.His eyes became crazed,high strung and locked with in hers.We
can place A global positioning pulse locator on you.That has the mind
altering atomic boom in its position.That has the force to turn A
jagged mountain in to An ant hill.Shareamore began to wonder was the
Directors words real or fake?Eathier way it went she knew she would
not turn and tuck tail.She imagined looking up to the sky while
AAron Hullett
Buyer of Beauty
waving in her future.She knew it was like water
pPage 87 placed upon
her soul.If she was to die in the line of duty.The thought of dieing A
Special Agent made her panties dampen.She knew tell her death she would
fight with her mind,bodie and soul.The essence of her soul grew wings
when the thought of being entombed in A gold coffin,while being
mummified. She was caught in the momment when she was told she could
also be embombed.The thought of her waiting for science and top line
technology to bring her back.Made her innocently rub her pearl.Knowing
she was stepping in to the next second one woman with many weapons.
Or Shareamore you can step in to the Land of Sand,with your very own
state of the art kill them all war weapons.Where your merits will
guide you in to the flames of war.Lions blood began to pulse through
out her inner most being.The thought of stepping with A hip banging
strut,American style,Hauty Culture,upper crust class and Im better
than thou blue blood.Would give her the edge she needed to kill and
destroy the worlds leading most wanted and feared men.Whos gigantic
egos amongst other things heeded constant stroking.Shareamore we see
that you wish to be your very own guide.Know as you have chosen to
stand on your very own merits.This is where worlds are known to
collide.Dont you be the one that lets those that inhabit the Eye of
Ra take over your mind and inner most being.Just knowing she was
Federal Royalty.She struck from her positioned seat.Once she saw
Mr.Titus red inflaimed face become red hot.She some how knew he
wished to kill off the mind behind the destruction of the World
Trade Towers and the Pentagon.He wished he was positioned to where he
could kill at will.Both men sniffed at the sweet pure air,that
Hn1 lat-i
Buyer of Beauty
Shareamore pressed in to the high octane
Page 88
didnt need any added amperage,in any way shape form or fashion.Baised
on the fact to the looming globe they were world building.With in the new
frame work of life Insurgents and Terrorist were cut off of the face of
the Earth. Shareamore smile your going under the knife.We are going to
give you
A beauty mark.Patricia brought slides in to the momment.That showed
Shareamore front line facial beauty from all sides.We aim to
accentuate your lioness eyes.We are also going to change your blunt
nose.And sculpt it in to A small button.Why Shareamore whimpered
loving each and every part of her face.She knew that God was A
perfector when he made her. Shareamore slowly and softly began touching
every angle and perfect cut that held up her angelic face.Patricia began
reading from the Buyer of Beauty protocal script.Because your facial
make has already casted A shadow on the under world.Your face probably
was taped some where in Uslans villa.To cut out all possibilitys of
Miss America becomming A mistress of murder.Intellegence is going to
wash its hands.And strike with tact,skill and percision.To where its
leathal weapon right hand doesnt know what its neck snapping left hand
is doing.Right now we are prepaired to send you to be renewed.Next
Shareamore,Mr.Titus snapped with A force of power.That made her take
full strides in every word spoken.She knew he wanted her to rize to her
full majesty.Baised on the fact Intellegence wouldnt be able to hide
her nor protect her in any form or fashion in her new waist land
mission.That would see to her journey being doused in red.We need to
know would you like for your skin to be grafted to where you have fair
skin?Which might turn and tremble under the beaming sun.Or would you
AAron HullPtt
Buyer of Beauty
Page 89
hummed knowing she would use it to cripple the worlds most talked about
prefer tented deeply enhanced skin:Deeply enhanced
men. She knew with out saying that shades of color ruled and thrived
in numbers through out the Middle East.She knew her color alone probably
would hold the puzzle to her life or death.One thing was for sure.She
swore to her self she would be the explosion to whom ever put her to
rest.They would free fall with her in to and through eternity that
very instant she passed over.In closing of Buyer óf F.Bdautysysecoñd lével
of World crushing and rebuilding.You know Shareamore Mr.Titus
growled quickly putting the spot light on societys secret.That never
ever are you to speak upon your Federal position.Even if your manner
of death makes your eyes pop out and your lungs pop up through your
throat.Smile for me every one,I will be the new evil that will feed
Middle eastern mens thursts.They will hunger for top line steaks.I
will only be feeding them processed bologna.Great the Director snapped
come tommorow night your symbol will be scribed in to every man and
horny toad boys heart.You will witness all of this as your on A cruise
that set sails around the world.But,Shareamore was silenced by the
Directos power
•.'.ndex finger.Its so you can see the four corners of
the globe.Befor
or die mission.Shareamore
saw every one was
Ties,baised on the fact
their Special Agents t'-,
and Patricia began to hugg an.
smiled when Mr.Titus told her she
her tight.Shareamore
view first hand what
eighty percent of the world only will
seeing.Shareamore you
must know that this can be your last missi<
you will.Mr.Titus eyes
AAron Hullett
Buyer of beauty
were wide and locked on Shareamores inner most
Page 90
on the fact this mission calls for the higher lioness.That we know
lives beneath your skin and roars to rize to the tide.If you are able
to resurface back in the states.Frozen from the heart out casted in A
mental space.You may need rest and hybernation for years to come.
From what you come to hear,know,come to under stand and physically
suffer from.You will be aloted seven million dollars that will be
accompanied with A house in Malibu.That will give to your open eyes
the power and wonderous sights of the Pacific.A full retirement will
be yours with out haist.Shareamore the elevator and surgeons await
your arrival.Shareamore slowly began to dive in to her hip banging
sure glide.She stopped on A dime with out haist.Tell me how did you
get Mr.Trump,to give in to me winning the Miss America Pageant?Once
he took A full look at you.He smiled knowing you were went for the
light of day.That and the fact we decided to press global light on
one of his mind over matter buisness and propoganda plans.I beleieve I
answered enough Ms.Christian we have much work and rest to attend to.
The Directors steel cord was understood as Shareamore let the elevator
take her away.Do you think she will become lost behind enemy lines.Lets
just hope not and that her love for the Federal Seal has her kill and
destroy with out thinking twice.The Director growled to Mr.Titus with
out looking in his direction.
Buyer of Beauty
Page 91
The sun was high their was A soft flowing summer
breeze waving
every one abourd the Seven Seas Oasis cruise ship.Everyone was casted
in A full flavored festive mood.Chatter capped the momment of various
corners of the globe.Shareamore smiled back at the Showy and Affluent
that were tucked in chunky diamonds and A team of furs.It was the
Rocket Rich that made her panties bunch.Who didntget caught up in the
traffic jam.Their helicopters fluttered on to various landing pads
abourd the ship.As they were given top flight service.Movies or music
A tall handsome hunk of A man questioned?Modeling,Shareamore spoke up
quaint as she continued on with her long legged stride.Seeing her
strike off making the sun follow.The corporate ladder executive rolled
up his sleeves,ready to give chase.He wasnt ready to write his self off
being smashed on top of her just yetUe charged after what he just knew
should be rightfully his.He just saw to the merging and aqusition of
two billion dollar compantys.He snatched for Shareamores rich complected
arm.With in the very milli second she felt his grip.She snatched and
floated on A tipe of glamour out of his grip.He instantly came on done
missing A step as she continued to float.Im in to international buisness
and A Stone Romancer.Jewels and artifacts he whispered while trying
to hold his sexual nerve together.I give my self to fabled stones
spoken about in yesteryears scripted history books.That are said to
be casted in the Caspian,Red and Dead Seas.Keep on romancing them
« . ~
. .
Buyer of Beauty
stones.Shareamore could tell he wanted to taste Page 92 her.But his
talk of that which didnt amuse her instantly turned her off.She
paused and watched him chack up on her offerings.As he stood in A
trance she lifted his heat to her face.I see that you like what you
see,but let me tell you now you wont be collecting,sniffing or
touching this stone that would give you A new rush.He smiled loving
A woman who dared to punch A great white shark in the
nose.Shareamore stood enthrawled as the attendant gave full coverage
of her suite.The
living room head massive leather couches and A castle size fire place.
It was the sight of the Baby Grand Piano that made her forbidden fruit
begin to glaze.She knew she would make love to hear ears on many of
nights.Shareamore stood eager to melt in the first class offerings.
The master bed room had A bed that turned in A circle.Each of the walls
held digital landscapes that let one free fall in to cherished corners
of the globe.She loved the Federal Seal that placed before her A new
standard in service.She knew that the land of the free wouldnt mind if
their number one protector gave in to carnal sin.She feel back on her
queen sized canopy pink passion bed.As her eyes continued to dart
through A massive window that gave her access to feast upon the seven
seas.You can run my bath water,she coined as she stepped out of her
strappy hi hi heels.Her copper toes floated over the posh passion red
carpet.Wanting and wished to be the recipiant of the perfect tens
animal instincts the young spikey haired service man,hop,skipped and
jumped in to the gold and pearl bathroom.Bouquets of every color long
stem roses cluttered the bathroom..Bhareamore began clapping her hands
to bring music to the momment.Seeing the glamour girl bend over,in her
Buyer of Beauty
Come Hither see through Action Hauty jeans.He knew she wasnt affraid of
enjoying every delicious angle of her bodie.Lost Page 93 in her eye
catching fashion statement.He leaped to her side in A single
bound.Please, please let me he snapped.He fell backwards when she
brought to the forward A roaring fire.He began to melt at the explosive
sight of her color.I guess thats it he muttered and stuttored lost
for words.He knew when they hit gothic ladden corners of the
globe.Where millions gave in to the worshiping of demigods.He would
quickly give A offering to Shareamores beauty alone.He wished and
craved for A sexual situation.But he didnt know how to activate
it.With the woman whos
rich color out fashioned the wings of every butterfly that inhabited
Earth.I will call for you if K need you.Her words started with in his
bodie suffication no breathing.The service man struck away with his
head down.Once alone in the walk in aqua bathtub.Shareamores independent
spirit began to soar.The thought of standing in the thresh hold of
time and space.With the tell all possiblities of feeling A timeless
page and possibly living for ever.By becomming A historic figure brought
A sexual hunger in her thumping and raging forbidden fruit.That
screamed out for penetration at its finest.It was the rest of her
bodie that was desperate for attention.She was caught off gaurd by the
thump that began to boom in her forbidden fruit.That came down with out
measure like a armegetton flame.A imperial attitude of eradicating
evil from the world took over her purpose driven mentals.She knew this
one strike would over shadow Eves negative signal in history.She smiled
knowing she held the power to rebuild the broken crash land.With her
world domination American Búyer of Beauty mind altering strike.That
r T. .
Buyer of Beauty
in the very Earth
Page 94
global history.The thought of going beyond the call
of duty.Was
would see to history rescribing womens position
terrifying and tantalyzing at the same time.She layed back in the bath
tub knowing the thought of being seen the world over as beauty dejour made
begin to touch her self.As she laughed slightly to her self.Knowing
that her bottom lip was slightly crooked and her thighs were to big
along with her ankles.Only if men knew that woman had ugly points every
where on their bodies they would have more pussy than they knew what to
do with.She parted her thighs baised on the fact that flame throwing
hunger raged in her brazzilian waxed forbidden fruit.She smiled at the
fact she was so wet.she could have glazzed the floors of every room
through out the WhiteHouse.She began to fall under her very own beauty
spell.She knew ever since she was A little girl that she was beautiful.
Baised on the fact perverted old men would honk their horns.As she
struck to school on A daily basis.She cupped her full round perky
bossom.When she remebered in junior high school.When she caught her
teacher foaming about the mouth.As he looked down her shirt and caught
A full view of her chunky soft pink nipples.She looked at the mirror
as she touched her self.As the thought of other teachers came to mind.
That had openly propositioned her with offerings of the day.If she
would give in to one of thier perversions.She remebered leting one
teacher suck on her toes after school.He gave her top grades in English,
when she knew she deserved A lower grade.Other teachers kept her after
school enthrawling her with their minds.She began sucking and plucking
her passion fruit ready nipples.As she let one hand begin to flow down
the wet wonderous scapes of her bodié.As her mouth began to agap,A
Buyer of beauty
under standing finger began to perscribe what her forbidden fruit
Page 95 had A sexual
needed.She began to play with it and wish she
partner.So that she could become nauty and taunting.She placed her
toosh next to the mirror and began to let her toosh begin to rock and
role.She smiled as her hips made her ass pop,shake and vibrate.She
knew if A man saw her in full motion.Not only would he have A print in
his pants.He
would pull his length out and leap upon her needing to penetrate for
the life of him.Beep,beep,beep,just as her mouth came down hard and
back by heat on her lively right nipple.A fire alarm blaired through
the intercom.She looked over at her deepest darkest region that
puckkered in want for attention as well.Every one please follow the
escape routes positioned on the walls.Screamed out from the Captain
of the ship.Shareamore stepped sure footed on to the marble floor.She
quickly stepped in to the shower and let cold water slow down her
eternal flame.She stepped in to a strapless summer dress.That was sheer
giving to the open eyes her most prized offerings.Her bodie parts felt
like hard rubber that needed to be stretched out by man.She smiled
dangerouslyn when the thought of searching for A sex slave curled the
corners of her mouth.Apart of her hungered to grabe A hold of A man
with a tigers claw.She shook of her mind altering bodies wants and
needs.She baited feeling the dream in her expire.as she locked her
mind on the surroundings that made her strike in to the open.She
stepped quickly in to the blairing almost vacant hallway.She was combat
tough and drop dead gorgeous at the same time.Her wet hair was placed
in A perfect bun.She stuttor stepped when she looked both ways of the
hallway and saw slack Suits.Who stood ready and able to kill and
destroy with out A seconds notice.Right then
v,,1 l ..+- +-
Buyer of Beauty
Page 96 and their
Shareamore kicked off her spikey hi heels.She wanted revenge on who
ever squared her in to this high octane momment.As they locked eyes
with her,their eyes casted behind dark tented glasses.Wanted to
snatch her by the hair and do freakish things to her.Shareamore lead
towards the opening in the hallway walking side ways.Which gave less
of A target to the Black Suits in front of her.She was geared to kill
with her feet and hands upon the first moves her bodie made.When she
struck with skill in to attack mode.The Black Suits began shuving ear
peices in to their ears.The Black Suits waved her pass them.She
cracked her knuckles as she was lead forward by some ones cut throat
commity.She swore to her self she would never again follow another mans
plans.She knew that her
nine milla metter was cauked and locked between her thighs.She knew she
would have to dive tuck and role.Before she was able to seize the
momment and bring to the forward immediate death and destruction.But
first let me see who the most presigious and secrative man was.That
dared to grabe life by the horns.Her mind almost began to drive in
to A ditch.When the thought of Uslan Diaz and hit men came to mind.She
began to size up the chest heaving trouble she was in.Just as she began
to dive and pull for her tool.Just knowing theat misery loved her.As
if she was at a bar and last call was announced.She struck forward
knowing she had to take a man down.Before she was left all alone for
the rest of the night.As she began to dance under the beaming sun rays
with her gun barrel leading the way.Federal badges quickly began to
star,spangle banner in to the open.Shareamore was all the Director
said she was and more.She was a live action Federal scene setter.The
Buyer of beauty
Director has come for you.A giant growled in the Page 97
open.Before the
beautiful live wire began to control the momment.Shareamores bodie
began twisting and turning up off of the ground.She instantly became
the soft light of love and passion.When she stood up and began stroking
her hair.Her mind began to run,as Black Suits began to walk in front
and behind her.As if she had been crowned the very Queen of the Free
World.Who the King wanted shielded and protected to the gills.She
slightly began to figure that the Director needed to feel her.She
walked forward holding on to her hips.Wishing for the life of her that
he would lock her in his dirty perverted cage.Her mind began to
skyrocket through the stratusphere in to outerspace.She remebered
loving the way the Director staired at her.She could tell days before
that he wished to have sole control of her mind and bodie.She watched
as people shuffled and ran in to assigned fire exits.Many of them
was trying to get a birds eye view of who was being lead to the upper
level lugsury zone.That only eight people through out the entire ship
were able to go.Has my new mission been canceled?Has Onsama Benladen
been captured?Am I now on my way to cut in to A powerful drug ring?That
has socked A black eye in to Americas much cherished HeartLand.Has
some clean and effeicient terrorist grabbed a mental hold of IvyLeague
college students?And are having them above other things breaking the
Pentagons highly secured fire walls?So that he could recieve the highly
secured addresses and locations of Americas ruling class.No,no,I know
she said to her self as she was lead off of A gold enthronedelevator.
Which only lead to another elevator that took them. atop the highest
point of the ship.The Director would like to talk to me about the
AAron Mullett
mind altering depth of my mission.And the very
Buyer of beauty
course my life
Page 98
go after it.Which could see to her ruling the political arena.Her mind
began to scatter like megabites.The top of the cruise ship held various
tented windows.Servant positions were everywhere.It was as if the
worlds ruling class didnt have to lift A finger.They didnt have to give
in to the fire alarms.Ready helicopters were psotioned for them.If
the ship had suffered dangerously in any way,shape,form or fashion.She
knew this was where the Affluent suffered the pains of life well.She
was ready to swim deep with in the winner take all comforts.Gold railings
ran every which way.Damn she spat out as she walked in to the Directos
high level granduer.That was covered in wall to wall fur covering.
Liquid televisions held up the wonderous sights of paradise.That the
ship was aimed directly for.Silence tipped and controlled the momment
as their eyes connected.Their before her stood the living and breathing
vanguard.That breathed on A daily the world dominating make up of power,
law and death.With one careful knode his murder men quickly excused
them selves.Each of them knew before the Director was A first class
experiance that was offered only to the best of the best of men.She was
given more then enough room to flutter her mind boggling offerings.
Shareamore was ready to shake what her mother gave her.Once the
Director began to look at her with savage hunger capping his locked
teeth.She was ready right then to enjoy to the hilt her alotted time
with Americas top power builder.The Black suits positioned out side
the door and the walk around balcony were positioned with smart rifles.
As others were positioned with enough technolgy to knock down flying
kill them all objects.Excuse my entrance in to your vacation,by way of
Buyer of Beauty
the fire alarm.I had to do away with the crowd.My federal position only
Page 99
alots the Affluent to flow in to my
sircumfrance.Shareamore loved the fact the Director was all
buisness,rather than being A autograph signing public service.Please,the
Director snapped waving over the gold enthroned open bar.Shareamore
picked Merlots and brought to the forward gold flutted glasses.That were
tipped by diamonds.She was caught off gaurd seeing knights of the Round
Table dates positioned on various liqours.The Director smiled at the
identified strutting object.He
knew that he had the power to protect and shelter her from the worlds
storm.Apart of him was ready to discover every part about her.It was
his tactful mind that was ready to snatch off the covers to their
possible relation ship.To instill the fact to the world thathe was her
only and their would be no other after him.He knew the better half of
the worlds men would swear to their graves and on their very mothers
heads.That the woman before them was sweet and innocent to the core.
Sweet yes,but the Federal Seal had done away with her innocents.To
kill and manipulate with out thinking had become her first nature.
Hennessey for me please.And stir c with your tounge if you will.He
spoke with A cauky flair that let Shareamore just know the seeds he
brought in to the open.Would thrive for ever after him.It was his
sound of power and courage that made her french cut panties dampen.As
she began to pour the Director phantomed behind her.She didnt even
feel his breath or the wind he brought with him.It was his growl
that let her locate his position.He wondered if she knew his entire
world was eager to surround her.He knew her beauty and murderous skill
out shined all other exotic women.That wished and dreamed to be pened
down by the man the myth.He growled wanting to protect her from all
things unclean.He knew he had the force and power Page 100
to take it all
away. Shareamore turned to him letting her cotton candy pink tounge
stired his drink as her king had asked.Her soft eyes looked up to his
ready to recieve some mind over matter survival techniques.As their
arms entangled mimmicking the French.Shewas eager to bend over
backwards for the man that stood before her as the ultimate.Silence
drew on to
the momment with heavy force.He stepped forward penetrating the surface
of her eyes.To where he could pear up close and personally in to the
very windows of her inner most being.Im sure you know Shareamore that
every Special Agent no matter how careful or sharp their abilities are
have an experation date?Shareamore smiled dangerously ready and willing
to die in A fire storm.That would leave multitudes laying frozen in
A foreign land scape.She began to breath in and breath out as her skin
began to glow.She had already swore to her self that she would topple
each and every living or dusted temple or demigod.That dared to stand
up under the same sun as Americas American flag.That was seen as A
negative and enemy combatant toward Democracy.She had a many dreams
of such things being stomped to ashes and dust with in eight miles of
her first burial.She bit down on her bottom lip as the lack of self
control began to consume her.Her forbidden fruit walls began closing
in.While wishing they could reach out and snatch the Director whole.
He stood powerful beneath his base.He stood upright and unbending.If
she didnt know her very own power and force.she knew she would be
feeling insecure in his presence.Shareamore what if I told you I dont
wish for you to walk in to the fine palaces that evil and confusion
R i \) -a r nf
built?Shareamore stood stunned at what she had just heard.The Director
came close and held her soft shouders.that held Page 101
muscles under neath.Do you know that you stand
before the
very man that holds the winning hand?Shareamore knew he was trying to
lock hishopes and dreams in A rose bed of safety.I have unfathomed
power and affluence
in three corners of the globe.I have A entire quarter of the Intergalactic
space ship all to my self.That hovers over Mother earth as I speak.
Ready to save the worlds most powerful minds.When the day of eternal
death cradles Earth.The Director spoke with percision and skill which
made her eyes widen.She told her self as he staired at her highly
glossed lips.That when all was said and done she was going to step head
up in to the Buyer of Beauty rule all mission.Apart of her that very
momment was ready to let the madness begin.Trust me he growled as he
gripped her suculantly shapped shoulders.He licked his lips knowing she
was crafted and picture perfect.She would flow perfectly in runways,
movie premiers and magazine covers.Seeing her face constrict he began
to change his attempt of changing her mind.Feeling his hands stroke
and message her shoulders.While floating beneath her flesh.She began
to slightly prespire as if she were sun bathing.I own islands that
are positioned around see through clear water.His face began to lower
letting her know he was ready to throw to the side his lyrical and
thought provoking soul felt words.He was ready to experiance the
the exquisite indulgence that stood before him.She some how knew that
his sexual cord would hold A turbo style to it.When he pulled her bodie
near to his to where they were touching.She began to humm feeling his
energy and the fact he was ready to be sexual in every Bence of the word.
Buyer of Beauty
You stand before A man that has been hand picked and funded by the very
Page 102
worlds number one Super Power.I know where
forested land
and thick prairy land scapes are located.That will be erected in our
life times as thriving metropolices.Shareamore felt faint at the sight
of diamond spoon intellegence.You alone can own key points to prime
realestate. The most dangerous complications began to invade her die
hard mind set. With me in your life you would live with out
boundaries.Since the age of nine years old.she dreamed of being taken
by a powerful man.Who
would squeeze her tight with all his might. Seeing and hearing the Director
bring his desires and wants before her.While putting his self in the
lead rather than the all powerful Federal Seal.You and I shareamore
can dream big and thrive bigger.She knew his every word spoken was true.
But her mind was already locked and keyed on making a tell death did her
part Buyer of Beauty move.His bold position before her was invigorating.
Which made him extroadinarily desirable in every tintilating way.She
knew he didnt need to be highly recommended or spoken highly of.For
her to give the thought of spending cherished time with him.She hafted
the part of her mind that was locked on searching high and low for
American targets.Before her stood the most powerful man she would come
to hunger and dream of.She felt some thing come over her when he began
to let their hips glide in to A slow dance.By the way his hips moved
with uncharted erotci nerve.She knew he knew the truths to many of
the worlds most cherished secrets.Every time I look at you A energy
stirs in side of me,that I cant resist.She was caught in the momment of
the zipless fuck that fashioned before her.She could feel his beating
length stretch out for connection.With his hips he led her forbidden
Buyer of Beauty
fruit come to know the full gravity of his pulsing length.She licked
and slurped on her full lips.As she saw his
Page 103 delcious
fantasys that he wished to bring in to reality.But she knew he was
wronge trying to change her mind.And give her the visions of having
every thing under
her finger tips.She knew at the onslaught of his very best offerings.She
swayed with him head stronge and daring never to relent to her very own
federal dreams.She knew all about mans hunger for flesh dejur.Apart of
her wanted to push him back and take his physical ability on.She made
her self stay grounded and in the momment.Baised on the fact her booming
forbidden fruit needed man to put the finishing touches on her fleshly
wants and needs.Which was to be ravished by man and stretched out to
compasity.Its you I must indulge in Shareamore.And give the better part
of my being whole heartedly.She smiled as they stopped and floated
foot and foot hand and hand in to the bedroom.That was gleaming under
the sure fire sun.She staired at the gold enthroned bed board.That held
carvings of charging knights.That was being lead by a raging king.The
entire room began to slowly spin.To where one would become lost in the
span of time and space.Shareamore all you have to say is yes.And I will
bring before you the very world you would never believe is in existence.
Velosity instantly met versatility.Shareamore what I mean to say is
that you can now play out in real life.The very part of the showy and
affluent that you have casted dreams after.That you have watched on
television and the like.As if her pouty full lips were voltage regulators,
she pressed them upon the Director.She knew she was ready to bring to
the forward all of his dreams on to realitys time lit stage.The Director
became red carpet happy.Baised on the fact Shareamore raised her long
Buyer of Beauty
flowing arms ready to delight.They fell in to the
bouncing.Upon every bounce A button was
Page 104
setting flesh slowly free.As artickles of clothing begen being pulled
and tugged.When they stopped bouncing their tounges began to touch and
give in to rhythmic summer saults.Air and space began to bow as their
fingers began to glide over the out layers of flesh devine.Shareamores
naughty tounge began to shoot arrows through Mr.Kremlines chest and
heart.When she stood over the Director giving him A slow strip
tease.She was nothing short of devestating,stunning and imperial.It
was as if she was engineered for dismantling A mans posterier.To
where his raw core rote to the occasion touching,wanting and needing
connection at any cost.The Director swore he would loose much
sleep.Baised on the fact he would stair at Shareamore for many
moons.When his teeth sank in to her shinny right soft shoulder.And
the taste of exotic fruits and berrys burst in his mouth.He swore all
he couldnt fuck when it came to Shareamore he would eat up.Shareamore
was what she had decided to be many of years ago.Which was A top line
man eater,with out even trying. No longer did theiron chested Director
speak effectively.He bgecame
A lover boy beneath his skin.He became enthrawling with his ever
touching finger tips and animalistic growl.He became careful and lead
by his lips and tounge.When her cinnamon full clanging breast came in
to the open.For A full second his eyes became blurry.Lost they were
to the full knocking rotation of her age defying breast.That dared to
beam up to the sun.That found A way to press sun beams along their
Buyer of Beauty
up,round and high swelled indention.His eyes widened and filled,as if
Page 105
he had found spiritual fullfillment.Shareamore
believe she was being ravished by A man with rediculous.power.The
power that he posessed was bigger than money.She slowly began to
strip away the layers of clothing that he hid behind.Classic elements
began to flow in to the momment.He clapped once bringing slow classical
music.As all lights were turned off.They let the cornos become their
eternal light. That their bodies that became tangled magnified under.She
felt thunder lightening bolt through Mr.Kremlines chest.His tounge
began to flow over every inch of Shareamores primped,pressed and
perfectly plucked bodie.It was as if she was at home at fabulous spas
and ritzy salons all of her live long sensational life.Sharemore
slowly began kissing and stroking the Directors deep slashing
wounds.She saw first hand
the curse of battle wounds that had not been erased from his bodie.She
knew many of them came from bulets,explosions and various items enemy
combatants used to kill of the bloody Americans.Shareamore theirs so
much I wish to share with you.He growled as he came up from breath
and stroked her wet perfect bun.Like my days of being A Russian spy.Or
the night I wrote my first,middle and last name in history books.Which
was by being A key instrument in the falling of the Berlin Wall.My the
midnight mercenary strikes I went on.Would make our children think
their father is sick.Smile for me ,because I have seen to kings,drug
szars and insurgents being snatched out of their caves.Even while they
were lock,stock and barreled with one to many murder men positioned
around them.She pulled back from him baiting her heart for giving in to
him.She knew she was suppose to stop him dead in his tracks.When he
spoke of her having children.She screamed in to
,.,, v., l l +- +-
Buyer of Beauty
Page 106 ther inner
most being. That she was made for war and war alone.Her vibrant and
powerful mind and bodie was ready right then and their to step in to
the other side of the planet.And become isolated from all she had come to
know,see and understand.She watched as Mr.Kremline became lost in her
powerful make. As if he could read her mind from the pulse of her
skin.But danger and death will become your very shadow.He spoke up
pulling her back in to ninteen inch arms.He was ready to show her
what she was worth from head to toe.Dont you know your A good woman
that deserves good things. I just want to be the man that loves
you.You should make me your selection and let me show you what loves
suppose to be.Once your in
the Middle East your all by your self.Their will be no backing up or
slowing down.You will have to move at mauk speeds full steam ahead.
The Directos crackling voice began to kick up A notch.Theirs no sending
in the trips.Their is no mayday mayday distress call you can make.Their
is no white flag you can throw.Shareamore haited the fact she demanded
the best of her self and achieved it.But her inner most vision showed
that she held the face of the future.She haited being able to see
segments of the future.She use to believe she use to have A purpose, and
A voice.Now she never made A sound as she followed what her visions told
her to do.Right then and their she wanted the Higher Lion with in her
totake back above the clouds.Even though she felt left alone.She felt
majestic eyes still looking down at her.It was at that very momment
that she was ready trully to loose her self.Mr.Kremline looked down at
the vine rippened beauty that melted in his arms.Her mind was made up
as he pulled her leg up and brought her edible right toes in to his
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gushing dripping mouth.That was open for the
Page 107
Shareamore wiggled out of her panties.She took her foot back and pressed
her soaked panties in to his agapped mouth.His eyes rote like A
flickering flame that became A roaring fire.The Director stood up and
began clawing at every artickle of clothing that stopped his bare skin
from constricting around natures majesty.When he kneeled back in to the
bed Shareamore crawled to him with the force of A lioness.That was
dangerously delicious to the King of the Jungle.She smiled dangerously
seeing his dreams wish to entomb her offerings in gold.His hands reached
out to
cup her knocking and clanging breast.When he reached and cupped them.
Please keep the federal song locked and keyed between them.He shed A
tear,knowing she was head stronge and ready to take on any one.He knew
with out words being said that in A marriage and love ever after was not
where she belonged.She smiled knowing her forbidden fruit was glazing.
Baised on the fact she was about to be made love to by Americas Royal
Stock.She began to pant as she began to come undone.Before her was the
man who was Americas number one soldier.Who was bowed to and revered on
all fronts.Penetrate me quick she wanted to yell out.As sparks began
shooting from her wanting,ready and needy gift to man.He began to growl
haiting that the very woman he offered the world in intirety two had
declined his offerings.She placed one finger over his muttering lips.
As she looked down to his pulsing deeply veined ivory tower.Her lips
that looked highly glossed became pouty.She staired down at it as if
she had never seen any thing as powerful before.She loved how his pubic
hairs were shaved and skulpted with refined style.His bull testicals
were clean shaven.The steady thump of his beating length made her loose
AArnn Nn1 1 r~ 1-
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her hard lined posterier.She some how knew by the
force of his
Page 108
he would have her out on A wire.She slowly began to reach out to it.Just
knowing upon connection it could teach her how to fly.When she kissed its
powerful crown.It jumped with force out of her hand.Baised on the fact
her lips were filled with more pleasure than it imagined.The Director
suflexed her right then and their to where they were laying opposite
each other.He parted her thighs and began to let his adventurous tounge
pick and choose what he would deliciously dine on first.His tounge
instantly upon the first flicker began levitating sweet nectar in to
the back of his mouth.He was ready to become full off of her sweet nectar.
Shareamore Owwwww,Shareamore hummed as she filled her mouth with Americas
crown jewels.She knew she wanted to keep him deep with in her hidden
place.His length held more power than any treasure she had to her self
all of her live long life.She knew that by the force of his length that
the momment called for her mouth,throat and twurling`tounge give it A
enthrawling introduction.The force of his length brought added heat to
the momment.Mr.Kremline knew extacy was the proper antidote.That could
possibly bring the young die hard to open minded reasoning.His hands
began touching and caressing every part of her copper complected bodie.
That was crowned A deacon of perfection.A naughty curve began to flow
through Shareamores spine.As her face began to make feel good feelings.
He began to growl as he spread her flowing soft ass apart.That flowed
from her creamy thighs like pure water.In the twenty first century let
me be the first man that showed you true love.The Directros sure breath
turned in to sufficating snorts.When her forbidden
Buyer of Beauty
Page 109
fruit began
sparking and shooting cake frosted lightening bolts.Shareamore knew
sirens were about to blair.When his length stiffened with deadly
force.She began to delciously gag when she tasted him eject missles down
her clogged and full throat.It was then that he became every thing she
imagined he
was and would be.He sufflexed her to where she was hanging up side down
in his powerful arms.His unique production made her toes curl as her
finger tips clawed to hold on.Her pouty lips,wide diamond eyes and
button nose,seemed to be sucked in to her face.When he gave her in one
sure glid,his entire length.She screamed aloud never being filled with
such skill before.He held her by the back of her neck and the small of
her back.She felt like A butterfly being cradled by his majesty.Her
hair untabgled and blew in the wind he swung her through.He brought her
up and fell back on the bed.While leting his hips glide to the left and
right of her.Which made his length'bend like the wonderous sights of A
rainbow.Shareamore knew right then as they bounced in extacy.That she
would praise Mr.Kremline every day.His love was as powerful as the sun
shine.He knew sexual moved that the west was not familiar with.All the
while he held the vision of coolness.As he waved her inner most being in
to his sanctuary.His eyes widened seeing her hold on to his chest and
begin riding him with A icéscaters grace.She was lost in the sight of his
glazed length sliding deep with in her time and again.Hersilky breast
clanged.It was her full nipples that sirened out to all that passion had
been given birth.Their bodies began to buck and grind like animals
comming in contact with the opposite sex for the very first time.Which
made every thing living and breathing stop in mid motion.His mouth
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hePage 110 pulled
breast to his lapping tounge.That had to drool and saliva all over
them.Her cinnamon nipples held and erotic gloss.That made his eyes never
wish to bat.She couldnt hold back the power of erotica that taunted
her.She felt as if she was A highly prized federal idol.As the room
them.Yessss,she screamed out as
she was stretched to compasity.His stronge hands were clutched in
between her toes.As he began to pile drive deep with in•As if he was
made to replenish and fertilize her forbidden fruit.So that it would be
easy for her for ever and A day be fruitful and replenish the land.
Minutes later after huffing and puffing lost to the force of their power.
Shareamore was the first to look back over their after math.The Director
was not man and machine.He was A man made of fleash.Who held wants and
desires of his very own.She freed her self as he continued to spasm and
whisper promises in to her edible ears.The Director wasnt able to get
A quick grip of his self.Shareamore began to rize with a newfound
boldness.She lowered her head and swung hair wet mazzed hair in to the
full of her back.She looked at him dangerously making him take quick
notice.She held her jagged hips loving the feel of her nakedness.She
was ready to press upon him the troubling truth.That warrior drummed
through her soul.To the point if any one tried to slow her down or push
her off federal course would have to suffer terribly.She baited her
forbidden fruit for screaming out to his length and his erotic love making.
To resurface and strike with back breaking nerve.It was her sharp mind
that broke her free from the most powerful mans hip banging spell.She
had to wipe her mouth and lips with her knuckles.For she wanted to
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swallow him whole.And deliciously choke on his crown Page 111
some how knew when the bigger challenge came in the Middle East she would
be ready. What she would say to the Director controlled the momment.She
knew in A later time she would love to take a firm hold of his
offerings.But how could she dare give in to her own wants.When the Land of
the Free needed her exact make and style in the now not the later.She
looked over his powerful sweaty flesh.As he continued breathing in great
gusts of air.I believe its time for me to go.So that you can get back to
your political canpagning and world domination strikes and world ruling
covert plans.As
I strike in to the next minute dairing to rewrite and pain history.Im
sorry Sir,that I dont hold the power to enjoy the best of both worlds.She
began to tear.Diaonds floated out of her emerald black eyes.She had to
turn from his length that lay across his stomach,,like A resting champion.
That made her swollen forbidden fruit suffer well.As it quivered wishing
it could stuff him inside her.For all weather pleasure laden purposes only.
Shareamore stood for seconds in A solitary quiet formation.Loving the
cold spell her heart brought to the momment.It was as if she was the very
make of woman and machine.Their was power in dashing to the waist side
us less human feelings and only running on skill and federal percision.
She let tears trickle down her cheek knowing she was casted head first in
to the lonliness day of her life.She was able to find A shimmer of glee
even though she was possibly walking in to her own death.Leaving behind
the very make up of her child hood dreams.Of loving and reproducing with
the very man of her dreams.She knew through the Directors arms that
continued to reach out to her.That she stood head and shoulders above all
the other women that the Director had come to enjoy.She knew pussy wasnt
A A r rs n T.í » l 1 ,A- 1-
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in A short supply for him.The lions share of the
saught after items were his.He was hungry for the
Page 112 worlds most
fire that
raged with in her bossom. That gave her the audacity to dare take on time
and space.She knew he
had shared secrets with her and was ready to seranade her in to the
forceful world of true domination.The Director growled seeing her fluffy
forbidden fruit being covered.His chest heaved and tightened,when he saw
the panties become lost in her wide,round ass.She turned back to him A
powerful brown flame.Apart of her wanted to jump back in the bed and give
in to sexual escapades.But she relented knowing she had recieved the
top honors of being positioned as Americas number one protector.Their was
no way in hell she was going to pass up the momment.And the perfect
plan that would give her the dream scape chance of controlling history.
Mr.Kremline looked and staired at thé woman who had A bodie of A goddess.
He some how knew she knew what she was doing to him.He hafted time and
space for making some thing so bold and beautiful.That had become addicted
to being A protector.Rather than being a slave to her self and her fleshly
want and needs.The Director had no choice but to respect her force,federal
grace and glamour.I had better leave she whispered.She was sweeter than
A brand new day and all its holdings.Shareamore knew better than to stay
A second longer.She saw the Directors length rize before her eyes.She
knew it roze eager and ready to connect with her.Before she was weighed
down with babys and carted in to a world of wishes.Where what ifs
invaded her mind on a daily.Waist no words the Director growled.He some
how knew that Shareamore no longer wanted to float in to her vacation.I
will see that a helicopter picks you up with in the hour.She turned head
stronge and geared for A die hard life.That would the bedlum of
Buyer of Beauty
catostrophic highs and lows.He growled to his inner most being knowing
Page 113
their went the very woman that took him from
paradise to
heart break.His heart began to crumble in to A million peices.The very
time he dared to give in to his very own wants of love and flesh
devine.His mind was snatched,when Shareamore stopped.She stood visually
outstanding,as she held her hips and began to sway.I want you to know as
my bodie screams out for you.That I stand before you seconds from
internal combustion. Raised on the fact Im fighting every thing Im
made of stepping away from you.Your going to have to excuse me as I
explode in to flames.But
before I run screaming for control of my bodie.I want you to know at any
time I would eagerly rize before you to give pleasure,serve and or
protect.She walk& away slowly leaving the Director chopped up to peices.
A a re,',
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After A many hours playing and talking to her
Page 114
was truly enjoying the love and attention given to her by the Federal
Seal. Shareamore lost her self to deep thought as she cocooned her
self with in the LosAngeles federal buildings hidden UnderToken.Where
Federal Agents lived.Who dared to dash to the waist side their very
own wants,hopes,dreams and desires.Only so they could live soley for
the Federal Seal and its eternal rule mind blowing position.Her bed
was covered with world truths that she hungered to come to know and
understand ever since she had been A become a Federal Agent.She began .
to bring truth to the whispered conspiracys and theorys that she had
heard.She knew the very world could be knocked off of its axes.If the
truths she had come to know was brought to the live wire.She grimaced
at the truth that cocain and other illicit drugs were pushed in to
various Urban onclaves to kill off said subspecies.That the federal
government had deemed A hazard to American rule.Shareamore was
frozen as she began to sufficate and come undone.She was stuned at
the fact that the rebel rousers were wanted killed off or sent in
to new aged slavery.Which was the locked and keyed stronge hold of
Californias prision systems.Now she knew why California held more
prisons than any country through out the world.She looked up ghasping
fighting back tears.When she read that twenty first century Intellegent
war fare was in effect.Malt liqours and cheap liquor was positioned
on every corner in Urbania.Which made ones mind strike in to A crazed
Buyer of Beauty
drink.MadePage 115 the
destructive mind set. That made one lie,steal,cheat and give in to
homicidal tendencies. Shareamore wished she was standing,so she could
step back and wonder
what should she do?She layed still and closed her eyes Knowing the
Federal Seal had more than one way to tear apart the less desirable.
She layed frozen wondering how many would die that night?After A
many of minutes she gave her ears to the whispers that covered her
flesh and volleyed to control her ears.She listened to electrified
covert operations that were in the making right then and their.She
knew some where inbetween cayous and silence their was order.With in
the bedlum of order was where the Federal Seal was embossed.She loved
the fact she had been relocated to a upper level position in the
under token.That was home only to Special Agents that had swore to
sacred silence.Tell the day they breathed no more.Excitment lightening
bolted through the air on A constant.Of how Special Agents were able
to capitalize on unsuspecting front line success.Their was jump
starting power that came to one.Who was waging an intellegence war
from afar.How is she taking her new found knowledge?The Director had
been notified of Shareamores highly classified library actions.What
struck the Director the most was Shareamores bibii6átresearcho_
Eve.He watched her read with horrified fascination.The ever watchful
Eyes and Ears technician knew what to watch and listen for.Before us
Mr.Kremline sits A blazing cultural Icon.Thats about to take us all on
the ride of our lives.The technician whispered as if he felt her
power and was caught off gaurd by it.Baised on the fact her inner
Buyer of Beauty
most being gravitated over unforgettable fire.Do you think what she
has come to know and understand change her to
Page 116becomming A
martyr or prophet:The Technician asked lost to her raw core that
hungered to know all and see all.For the sake of Life,Liberty and
Justice,lets hope she lives and bleeds to be eathier of the two.And
America will see to taking on and tackling foreign leaders who have A
real púrpose for crime and wide spread murder.Watch her and watch her
closely,the Director growled.Both of them knew the last Special Agent
that roze up to paradise.Was mentally labatomized with in the
hour.After she was given access to federal librarys.The Director
clicked of off the Action View Finder.He pressed life in to the
ticking sands of time
the exact second that Shareamore was to breath life in to Buyer of
Beauty World Domination.She laved back sweating bulets.As her mind
went with whales in to the abyss.As she closed her eyes she wondered
why such people had been marked for death.She began to flop in her
soiled sheets.As she continued to read with lightening speed.It had
become obvious to her that the deaths and civilized warfare had less
to do with population control.And had more to do with historic haitred
a said
people.Shareamore stopped reading when she read their
is one of illgotten decent that is not to breath life.She shook her
head with force knowing she was about to criple her mentals if she
continued her quest for superior knowledge.The more one comes to
know.The more they are pained she whispered from chapped crusted
lips.She had bit in to her nails and began dejecting them.As if
they were heavy artillary in combat warefare.She slowed her breath
as she began to strip away the layers of her soul.She knew if she
Buyer of Beauty
put her self first rather than the Federal Seal.She would begin to
fall apart the very next second.She began to
Page 117recite the
Federal Anthem. Which instantly began to bring
ease to her mind
and soul.She knew she had already sworn to lay down her life.For
Americas children,widows, the aged and every other American
inbetween.As she layed immobilized she swore she would stand with
superior force on the day of all days. She hoped in secret that her
actions would change the ruling classes deep rooted haitred and or
fear.Baised on the fact at that very
momment she was eager to rite soley for the red,white and blue A
looming and picture perfect threat.That could kill at will with out
second thought.She knew if she came in contact with international
terrorist.She would set aflame their prized man and capital first.Only
to then dig in to their grand structures that boasted of their span
of ruling time in reality.The Director sat entombed beneath his
flesh.As super machines and computers awaited his stronge deep
baratons to give orders or ask questions.He sat watching the four
corners of the globe in rotation by way of satelights.How can I be
Americas star pupil and not have bowed before me.The very woman
that I desire?His mind was locked and keyed with in the western
hemispher.His teeth began to grit knowing women would give their
lifes blood.To do what he wanted with out him having to ask.He knew
with out words spoken that he would give the federal product dejour
another chance.To dance with him in realitys all powerful flames.
Qubical eight dash seven,the Special Agent realm he whispered.As he
slowly sipped on top grape.Their before him layed the most beautiful
woman to date.Their his mind was repealing the motions brought on by
nnr.,., u„i 1 o1-+
their love making.He halted the ache in his
Buyer of Beauty
Page 118 heart.That
screamed he was better off dead.If he wasnt able to have what he
dreamed for.His mind began to play pornos with Shareamore as the lead
seductress.That would have made triple x seem like childs play.He
looked over her work out grey federal work out shorts.That were
bunched in the cap
of her heart shapped cresent moon ass.That was as majestic in the flesh
as it was through the view finder.His teeth continued to grit as he
snatched at A full of his hair.He wondered for the life of him`:°vhgw he
could come to control her mind,soul and bodie for ever and A day.His
eyes became mesmerized by her hour glass bodie.That held A shine under
the low dime light.When she flipped over on her back dangling and now
struggling with her sheets.He licked his lips and smelled his upper
lip.Lost he was to the sight of her iceberg sharp nipples that were
in high bloom.Which made her halter top rite to the creamy full of
her bossom.Knowing that he was the master of puppets and the
aspiring.His heart began—to bang when his heart screamed for him to
go against federal'protocal.Sabatoge began to whisper for frontage in
to the next momment in reality.The thought of pressing her in to hair
bending situations.That would be centered around blood thursty
savages.Didnt':sit well in his troubled heart and mind.He knew he was
thrashing in troubled waters.It was the very thought of her that
made him feel as if he was flying through thin air.He began to dream
scape her running in to his powerful arms for security and love ever
after.But baised on the fact he wasnt A man that gave in to game
playing in any way.His sharp mind disected the controlling minds of
§mats from long past.Who had the mental force to snatch all those
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they pressed their eyes on in to their
Page 119world.Even if
they were drawn in kicking and screaming all of the'way.He stood up
lost to her position.She had turned off the light in her
cubical.And had begun to exersize with great force.That would
challenge A man that was in his prime.He knew that her mentals were
striking against A concrete
wall.His length fortified seeing her strengthen her mind and bodie.So
that at any time she could easily strike against the murderous
shadows.That began to plaque her very soul.Shareamore feel on the floor
loving the burn that ran through her arms.,She had did two hundred
straight.She stood up and began to strengthen her legs and thighs.
She swore to her self she was ready to tear in to and down every thing
that was man made.Which included man him self,if he tried to push her
in to hell or heavenly bliss.
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Page 120
From He Watch She Watch channel Zero Im Erin
ever flowing soft chocklatey coated Anchor woman spoke up.Her
enchanting smile was caught up in the flash and' fan fair that
surrounded her.And I am Ken Draw A parlor taped golden action figure
of a man spoke up.As
he tugged at his sharp flash red bow tie.That brought infesses to his
sharp cleft and gleaming Hollywood frosted teeth.Who said their is
nothing new munder the sun?He growled with animalistic fevor caught
in his locking jowles.They must have never been give A ganduer at
Ohara Cabaret.Erin spoke up caught in feminen delight.Its her satelight
run way performances.That has the better half of the planet locked in
to her new websight.Its as if she has come out of no where.And men
cant get enough of her.Erin interupted seeing Ken eager to talk in
lengths about Ohara.She is said to be A top flight and oh so expensive
dietary supplement to money men.Her earth quake bodie is said to hold
more curves and turns than any bodie snatching roller coaster to date.
Which has pressed this up and striking Hollywood symbol in to
Americas most exclusive entrances and hidden zones.Men of men have
stated they are visually dazzled by Oharas presence.Who is as delicate
as A rose pedal newly bloomed.Whats capturing to Americas leading men
Erin spoke up.Is the fact that she seems to care for nothing more than
high societys bare essentials.Which is Ken growled,A convertible
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Ferrarie,A condo on Sunset Boulevard constructed Page`121 with many of
closets. That were stuffed to the gills with shoes.That the worlds to
die for women would kill to posses.Its Oharas hip banging runway
strut that has the very world caught under A loop.Erin smiled as she
spoke.With fantacy capped in the momment her bossom is said to gain
cup size
when she is caught in full motion.Ken spoke up in A faint voice
knowing before Oharas presence he wanted to experience her animal
instincs.Its been said in T.V.Land that her name and earth quake
bodie is going to be stamped on money man candy.Oharas publicist says
shes geared to explore more than just the west.All of America in
intirety is under her radar.Can you believe Ken,that she is daring to
see if she can be rated through out America as number one.Through
the coveted and highly prized Miss America pageant?Can I,Ken huffed
knowing Ohara had the melecular structure needed to look good for
eternity.He let his fingers glide through his spiked golden strands.
I believe this Action Hauty is ready to explore realitys full garnet.
Thats holds A upper crust collectionfitting only for those few that
can glamorize the Hollywood experiance.America from He Watch She
Watch Channel Zero text us and let us know if you would like to see
Ohara Cabaret rite up to superstardom and waved in to the Miss America
Pageant.With your cell phones text 8080 and then just push one for
yes and or two for no.Guess which Montecito Mom is sleeping with
the help?All that and more we will bring before you when we return
after this commercial.Ken turned back to the runway lost to Oharas
ever lasting sexual taunts that free floated through the glitter
laved and imperial red runway.That was positioned above the Hollywood
, - . ,
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world renouned sign.Until A commercial
Page 122
broke,her long
flowing hair flowed over her shinny shoulders.As A soft lapping wind
twurled around her with flair.Instantly the twelve peice band that
comprized of Federal Media Masterminds,leaped to their feet.High powered
tension that
seconds before hand gripped the frontal lob of their sharp minds began
to subside.Seconds before when they were frozen in the momment and
silent.They werent sure if they would be able to celebrate from their
television exposa of Ohara Cabaret.That was perfectly timed with sound
bites and mind altering captions.That each of them was ready to bank
their federal carrers that it would see to Ohara recieving A top notch
Hollywood signature.Their,their Mr.Titus yelled out waving his arms
through the extatic twelve peice band.His face was beat red and flamed
with discust.First before we are able to celebrate.We need America
to log in and let us know that Ohara is every thing they are looking
for in A heroine.Every one including Shareamore stood in silence.Every
one was torchured with A troubled psycology.The next few silent
minutes were incredibly chilling.The search light was on America as A
whole.The twelve peice band had also struck A full fledge publicity
stunt in the world wide web.It was noted in seconds that Ohara Cabarets
hips didnt lie.She was definetly A sex kitten that was made to press
upon the world her secret weapons.That were nothing short of mouth
watering and full figured.They each knew they would be crowned with A
technical triumph if Oharas symbol stopped and clogged cyberspace and
telecommunication grids.For the next few minutes no one spoke or moved
to even use the restroom.Bowels were heard growling in stomachs.As panic
attack stink bombs fluttered in to the moment.Making every one cover
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up as they staired at the readings.Everyones eyes Page 123
turned to
Shareamore. They began to loose them selves in
offerings.With in seconds the men knew they would call her their very
own.With out ever thinking of
cheating on her in any way.The women that staired at her knew it was the
Federal Seal that had given her an artistic life.That pressed her to the
forward making man take notice.After an hour of nail gnashing and hair
pulling,every one turned to the Mr.Titus the very man that envisioned
and incubated the Buyer of Beauty world domination plans.He recived A
call—on his Action phone.As every one stood on his face cradling his
stone face facial expressions.He gave no emotions to what he was
hearing.The very second he disconnected every one trampled over his
heavily secured circúmfrance.He stood all powerful as he pulled and
tugged on his American steel grey paisly tie.That was matched to the
tee by his sharp lapels.That earmarked A front center fashion
statement.He cleared his thick juggling walrus neck.He brought forth an
authoritive voice that demanded notice.It was then that no one fathomed
his highpowered mentality.That was keyed on controlling the twenty
first century and all of its holdings.Ohara Cabaret its time the Federal
Seal glamorizes your experiance.It has been noted through out the
Americas and Federal Masterminds doing the math.That you are the best
that A man can buy.Its time that we let the whole world play your song.
His words were so eloquent and elusive that A media frenzy struck in
media room.Now yelling above the electrified intensity Mr.Titus took
the helm of the momment.We will be the very intity that will salaciously
feed the very world what they hunger for.You will come tonight and for
ever more be known ,as the near naked Hollywood Seductress.That
aa-, rsT. u„l loi +
Buyer of Beauty
adolescent boys around the world.Will snatch the Page 124 skin' off of
the tad poles dreaming about.Your symbol will be what married men pay
high prised call girls for.That shadows your complected sure footed
mega model ahmeiance.When they and if they cant afford eathier or.They
will have every inch of you locked in their minds.As they make ravishing
love to their significant other.Shareamore stood stuned as federal
chatter erupted all around her about her.Her eternal flame roze daring
to get closer to historic script.She knew she had the makings of the
right temperature.That could lead tomorrows woman in to uncharted
eternal ruling territory.As her, panties bunched,she couldnt believe that
of America saw her as the ultimate temptation.She smiled for the flash
of many cameras.Knowing she was born to hold up the confidence and
sure fire complexitys of all women.The suspence and anticpation of
becomming Miss America.Clawed at her calm,cool and collective mental
stronge hold.Her phone began to ring,she stuffed one finger in her ear
and stuffed her self in A corner.Freedom shall reign chants controlled
the momment.Shareamore stood up bolt right when she heard the Directos
voice.His very presence made her complimant her self.His growl was
engrossing making her fall in to every word spoken.I see that I am
not the only man that hungers for you.I knew that my want for you held
A stellar backing.Your A triple hit,whos bodie holds uncommon maturity.
Tell me,how does it feel to be able to step away from the Federal Seal.
And be able to step for ever and A day in to the most affluent soiress,
hill top bashes and the gold spoon offerings Of Hollywood.Its definetly
A to die for experiance.To be pressed in to the center of Americas
civilized war fare.As the proper deliverance to the worlds most
T r . w r .
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Buyer of Beauty
dangerous and blood thursty men.If I wasnt backed Page 125 by the
Federal seal. I would be affraid deathly affraid and
lonley.Shareamore you will never be alone.Flesh vampires and symbol
worshipers would flock to
your every side wishing to eat you'alive.Women would flock to your side
if not to capture some of the flash that circles you.To definetly
grabe A firm hold of the dashing knights you throw to the waist side.She
didtit care to let her self fall in to the mega model illusions.As she
spoke to the very man that had the power to press life in to everything.
It occured to her right then and their flooring her inner most being.
She licked salaciously on her exquisitly crafted full lips.She was
being placed on the very worlds flesh market.Her beauty was far ahead
of her years.Her visions of living to A old age began to vanish.All
that shimmered in her world began to fade.She knew she stood inbetween
death and life.Who would be her saviour,when death swormed down on
her with speed:A shimmering symphony of detailed blood thursty
charavcters invaded her spiritual base.She couldnt invision her very
lungs expanding to grabe A hold of year in the next five years.What
she did see was A bodie count of frozen bodies mount around her.She
slowly began to smile dangerously.She knew she was being proped up
and positioned to strike head first in to A n exclusive engagement
with murder men.Whos world renound force was set on bringing to the
forward bolt action mayhem in A seconds notice.She loved the Federal
Seal for transporting her out shell in to the worlds platformed time
and space.She let her hands absently flow through her hair.Knowing
in no time at all she would come in contact with true masters that
held up empires.That had been shrined by the worlds leading men of
AArnn Hn11Ptt
Buyer of Beauty
prominence and power unfathomed.Her professional
Page 126attatchment
to the Director let her be at ease in his company.Baised on the fact
when it was all said and done.They were signed sealed and delivered
to live and die for life,liberty and justice.All eyes are on
Shareamore.Its some thing to laugh at isnt it?She spoke up still
pulling and twurling her hair.Why would you say that,he questioned?As
he turned from his satelight projector.That gave him A front row
viewing of A military parade that was kicked up in high gear in Great
Brittan.Even though all eyes are on me.I can still die all alone.Think
of it this way Shareamore.If you are killed in your Buyer of Beauty
strike.Know that you will pass on universally loved.Who needs love
after all is said and done she growled.She had become A cold hearted
lioness after the Directors very own cemented heart.Shareamore baited
her self for letting her mind slip in to A depressive state.But if you
survive this war for sole control of the world.Between the worlds most
beings.You will be one of eight twenty four year olds in all of America.
That can happily retire in the up front lap of lugsury.Smile Shareamore,
the other seven young adults are off springs to the seven ruling
families that rule America.Dont forget about the squash buckling
bonuses the land of the free wishes to afford you.The thought of being
carved in to history.Moisened her West Coast cut Action Hauty panties.'
The despair and puppeted grief that choked her seconds before was no
more.Shareamore I called you to tell you was that your in A world of
your very own,in those runways from Mulan to Sansalvador.Shareamore
heard hunger course through his voice.I called on A deeper note to
be the first to tell yo
t ence struck through the phone.It was as
T T v-..., v„ l l .-. 4-
Buyer of Beauty
i f i t b e g a n t o f r e e z e t h e w i r e s d e c o m p o s i n g h e r Page 127 a s s h e
l i s t e n e d . T o where A sweaty coil of broken nerves
her stomach.Until A few seconds ago it was okay for you to live soley
in the under token. Shareamore stood up lost to the fine details that
stretched her mental
compasity thin.Now that the world salivas for your very make.Paparazzies
will now become your kensmen.Every corner you turn they will be their
demonic and flash thursty.You have been positioned with A flashy
penthouse on the fabulouse SunSet Strip.You have also been given A
f a b u l o u s c o n v e r t i b l e porsche t o b o o t . W h e n y o u s t r i k e i n t o y o u r n e w
dwelling place.You must not contact us.We will contact you.Their was
A steel reserve in the Directors tone.That made her pay close attention
to every syllable formulated.im more than sure that you know ,we will
be every where for your protection.Female anxiety began to stir then
knot in the pit of her flat iron board stomaCH.The thought of hidden
cameras didnt settle right with her.Which killed the thought of sizzling
sex in private posh corners positioned for the ultra rich and affluent.
She was ready to leap head first in to her snazzy life.Even though their
would be A million pair of eyes on her .She was ready to take the lead
let'- t h e very w o r l d p l a y h e r s u l t r y s o n g . S h e s m i l e d k n o w i n g t r y i n g
to build any companionship,love or trust with A Hollywood BadBoy was
out.What I want to know before I goof and take to A unknown direction.is
if its not to much trouble,can you slow motion your erotic bodie moves
for me.All I want is A sure fire sample that Im more than sure will put
me at ease.Shareamore felt the vulnerable position that the Director
held.It was as if he would be blessed from her presenc e alone.Knowing
that the Director went after what he wanted and made no excuses to any
AAron Hullett
one.Shareamore hafted the fact she wasnt A
Buyer of Beauty
Page 128master
escapist.She knew once the Director got another taste of her.He would
send the best men to hunt and watch her every move.As he sat in the
shadows head over heels sucking on his tounge.QWhile wishing she
would fall deep in to his arms.She baited seeing him tossing and
turning in his dreams.Great the Director shreiked when she
conceided.It was as if he knew making love to A profound woman with
beauty unimagined and federal courage only Americas leading men dared
to wish for,wouldnt last for long.The
only reason Shareamore gave in was because she knew all the Director did
day in and day out.Was see to Americas security front staying ahead of
the rest of the worlds very pulse.This time Sharéamore we will master
the light.And make love lasting and mind altering in the bed of
darkness.The Director was quick to bring to the forward A up close and
personal date.He knew A black woman holding up the forcefield of dominace
dominance that dared to take the world higher.Would instantly become
suspect baited on the fact the world would want her for its self.Which
ment scandle,rumors,manipulation would always strike in to her world.
He knew in private that he would enjoy Shareamore under the flow of
bright lights.He had to lock each and every part of her bodie in to
his sharp tactful mind.Baised on the fact come morning and every day
after that she would transform the SunSet Strip in to A frozen gridlock.
His inner most being knew with out word being said as it screamed for
eternal connection with Shareamore Christian.That she was the very
worlds most advanced woman.Who held A world dominating mental.physical
and spiritual arsenal.That was locked and keyed by federal twenty first
century world dominating inventions.Thát the very planet never could
Buyer of Beauty
even fathom in existence.The Director was locked in psycological
Page 129 take on and
penetration baised on the tact Shareamore could
defeather very own demons.His length surged knowing she held the
antidote to
save her self and level the always purring hunger of her always clawing
blossoming and blooming flesh.He smiled knowing she held on to the
Federal Seals firing pen for dear life.So that she would be continuesly
explosive.She knew the secret of secrets,which was that if one for A
split second lived in his or her head.And deferred from the Federal
Seals ten commandments,or highly classified One Rule One Command way
of thinking.Her next actions wouldnt hold hold the stealth of A seasoned
strategist.Which would leave her vulnerable to the low level thinking
that inhabits man kind.Daring to never walk the lonley`road or be alone
he knew she lived and died holding on to the pulse of the unending
pulse of the Federal Seal.I will send for you with out haist.The
Director growled as if she was A secret syrum that could give him added
years to his life.Here ye,here ye Mr.Titus yelled out calling every
one around him.Like killer bees next to A bee hive every one came near
with their hearts beating.A gold platter was brought in to the
momment.That was tipped by gold flutted glasses.That was embossed by
eighteeth century top grape.Mr.Titus began to belly up in earth
shattering excitment.Buyer of Beauty has been given take off assistnace
by the live wire.It is now Buyer of Beautys quest to fullfill historys
book and aged script.That states woman shall raise up on A masterful
tidecóntrolling all far and near.Shareamore it is now time for you
to control the sands<of time and put your best foot forward.While at
the same time entangle under your salacious web Hollywoods baddest boys.
AA,-.,n U1111+-
Buyer of Beauty
In the split instants of jubilee Mr.Titus became
A serious
Page 130
you strike in to this life changing
journey.Remeinber`your every action in the lime light will be
recorded.You now hold up the very Federal dream that dares to rule the
twenty first century.It is up to you and you alone to fullfill our
federal destiny.For the Federal Seal to wave in A glorious tommorow that
inhabits lions laying down and grazing with lambs.We need you to make
sure your symbol becomes most desirable by Middle Eastern men.As you
float as if your very existence was planted by crystal clear waters.No
that you must be seen as blemishless.For
you are now hunting men with A purified blood line that holds biblical
backing.Their power structures are so vast that the demi gods their
Four Fathers prayed to tell kingdom come.Now bowel before them and their
majestic majesty.Shareamore locked eyes with Mr.Titus knowing in the
under currents of his every word spoken.That he was telling her she had
to do the unfathomes which was to not only go to war with modern day
man that held astronomical powers.But she had to also go to war with
flesh devine and mind warping walking shadows.That beings of the day
feared and was ready to swear to the very world they did not see and or
feel.She haited hearing their was A force of power that made simple
minds feel lamdukish in their presence.At that exact momment she no
longer wanted to move strategically placed federal chest peices around.
So that she could sliver throats later with out notice.She locked her
ever ready mental mind set in to attack mode.Which was ready to take on
the blood thursty Middle East terrorist and Onsama Benladen on.As only
big bad bruiser would.She calmed her running mind that became to
dramatic.She slowed her heart rate and atom bombs that struck through
A Arn n
Buyer of Beauty
her action packed mental mind state.For she knew Page 131with out word
said that A certified,licensed and bonded killing machine would be
needed. Who was right at home under critical conditions and detail
characters. She knew the time would come when she stood before powerful
Sheiks and the like who controled the middle East Round Table.She knew
she would
sashay to them with her radical curves that could and would kill at will.
Tonight is your night Shareamore Christian.That Ohara Cabaret she begin
to steadily pressing her winter fresh offerings in to the lime light.
Let highly classified manipulative techniques be your guiding light
every hour on the hotr.As you take the fashion world by storm.Have men
that transform light loads olf money in to heavy cargos bend overback
wards.You will be positioned in A condo off the Sunset Strip.The
Federal Seal damands of you to make your small beginning flow in to
wide open territorys.You must know you are stepping in to A world that
is controled by subhumans that have cash and pleasure to burn.Who are
all gossip obsessed.The sensational people you are about to come in
contact with have been ear marked as the worlds most fabulous beings.
The Action Hauty fashion power house has made you A line for your self.
Thats not only eye catching,holding the seasons explosive colors and in
fashion cuts.Know what you will be wearing is positioned soley for the
worlds royal and now federal top stock.The itinerary that we have planed
for you tonight is the stuff that dreams are made of.Bently and Ferrarie
clubs will be awaiting your arrival.You must know tonight will not be
the usual it will be unpredictable in every Bence of the the word.
Regular people from tonight on';wont be in your eye sight.These people
are far from the usual.Who the Federal Seal is more than sure will
m m
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Buyer of Beauty
spend light loads of money to experiance your
Page 132 full
collection.But first gather your self for A
movie premier
and party awaits your arrival. They are scheduled to kick up in two
hours.A Bently limousine will be awaiting your arrival at your
condo.Shareamore quickly began to hugg every one.She paused before
Mr.Titus,she hugged him tight and looked deep in to his hawkish
eyes.That didnt look at people but through them. Thank you for giving me
the chance of A life time.Here is to round two of our state of the art
Buyer of Beauty strike.The evil that dared to feed the young illicit
drugs has been crushed in to the past.Now A capital hit is under our
scope.Through me flesh devine shall try to bring in to the light.The
very man that has sparked A multi billion dollar world wide hunt.I
thank you for finding my symbol as the antidote that kill off the
wild confusion that dares to scar the land of the free.Shareamore
kissed Mr.Titus full on the lips.He instantly turned beat red in the
face.She caught him lick his thin lips.In want of savoring her candy
coated lips.When his eyes bucked she quickly turned from him.She saw A
demented hunger flame through his eyes that was most disturbing.She
knew with out question as she walked away and her ass began to itch and
twitch.That he held A ever watching obsession for her.She some how knew
it was him that watched her when she was at home in the newd.She
recalled him always looking at her with all knowing satisfied
eyes.That had been blessed to see the remotest parts of her salacious
bodie.That modern day man would kill in cold blood
to own and control with out haist.
. ..
.~ . ..
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Buyer of Beauty
Fan fare and jubilee was tucked and rolled high
Page 133
in to the
air.Like the extatic sound of A LasVegas rocketing cash machine.Movie
lights screamed to the world in to the darkest pockets of the night.That
movie stars were in full force at the Erin American Theater.Limousines
of every fashion struck with speed to the buzzing red carpet.When stars
struck on to the red carpets fans broke apart their insides as they
screamed from the top of their lungs.It was the media circus that was
givem entrance and position in to the red carpet that went stark raving
madd and had to be subdued time and again.Snarls and cat clawed sneers
were exchanged between the aged and floaty fresh and new.Who floated on
A star glittered tide that never heard of aging.Both cultures sashade
on A stroke of genius.As they stepped in to the center flashy and
erotically courageous.As Shareamores limousine struck towards the red
carpet she cheeked her vital signs.She knew it was only her shadow that
walked beside her.Upon my entrance in to the highest form ct-American
civilization I walk alone.But upon my exit I will have people trampling
my shadow.As she sipped on top grape,her heart thundered as would A
Heavy Weight boxers.Who was stepping in to the ring for A rags to riches
champion ship belt.When It came to super stardom she sat frozen in time
eager to know it feel it and drive at top speeds through every inch of
it.She knew she had to have a lack of compassion to each of the flesh
T T ,-..,-,
v„ l l ,. d- 4-
Buyer of Beauty
vampires that came in for the kill.When the
Page 134 limousine
stopped and the door was open.Her hand was taken.Here is one small
step for History being rewritten and one Giant step for Buyer of Beauty
controlling time and space.And for the world to view here is the
vivacious and beautiful Ohara Cabaret.Wearing A iddy biddy upper thigh
gold shimmering cocktail dress.She stood before the world gem dandy from
head to toe.A tide of lime light entombed her as A rare exotic
bird.That was said to be recommended viewing.My doesnt her skin hold A
rich refined glow?The male announcer spoke up with hunger quaking
through his up tempo voice. Camera crews broke their media line knowing
before them was what the worlds most powerful men would be craving by
morning.Shareamore twurled for the flash eager to accelerate her
future.She bent slowly over while licking her finger.Tssssss,she yelped
planting her finger on her floatasious toosh.That sparked A media
frenzy.The small cap of her rich moca toosh almost came in to
view.Tabloids were called right then and their.Camera mean screamed out
that they had the picture of pictures.
Shareamore continued to float like A bird and take to the movie premiers
undertoken.As she held on to her A-t-utomatic dangerous banana clip
hips.Their grows A grown mans candy store.The male announcer spoke up
stairing at Ohara as she stepped out of view.And here is Kent Trindarby,
the woman announcer spoke up with A quickness.A pocket of haitred could
be easily noticed in the woman announcers sharp quick voice.You better
love me Shareamore yelled to the world through her inner most being.As
she gave to all that was lost in her presence a radiant frosted smile.
She knew her animal magnetism was above her control.Her presence alone
brought light to darkness.Sharp stairs and hissed remarks free floated
A a r o n Hull_Pt t
Buyer of Beauty
in to her ears.As she became the latest attraction Page 135
to the
opposite sex. Who instantly began to invade her space wanting any type
of reaction. She smiled at doctor enhanced tight augmented perfected
faces.If you think having A tight face is it,you have it all
wronge.She wanted to tell the snobbish women that sneered at her.She
wanted to twurl and show off her perfect package.That by the flock of
men that circled her showed their was no stopping her.She walked ever
forward letting her vee cut dress scream.Loving how her presence alone
walked family ties and love promices that were made days,weeks,months
and years before her presence.Now lovers heart beats were drumming A
different song.As they broke from their significant others on the hot
trail of flesh devine and product dejour.Shareamore knew if any man had
the heart to bring to the open her imperfections and throw them in
her face.She would instantly bow to his keen eyes and bed him with
out haist.Her dress looks like its going to blow from the seams.A
woman sneered as she floated pass A pocket of Montecito Moms and
Seductresses.It was as if her full ripe breast needed fullfilment.By
way of bare back riding on a untaimed thorough bred horse.Your my type
of girl.The Fox Vivica spoke up.As she twurled before Ohara in A Dream
Giver Action Hauty
hot pink mini skirt onsamble.Shareamore almost lost her step seeing one
of her favorite Hollywood Vixens.Who had the power to snatch A vicious
hold of the black,rich and motherfucking famous.Ohara its time to shine
from this momment on,she said to her self.As she struck to the Fox
knowing the momment called for A up front introduction.Girl you must
be bulet proof.You floated past the naysayers as if you didnt even hear
them.Their just baiting because the media has already stated Im to die
a_____ ..__„
Buyer of Beauty
for.Girl well shouldnt we be rated the worlds
Page 136finest?We fine
and got the color that can rock A nation.Do you want to flirt or go
watch the movie?Ohara questioned as if she were A billionair who kept
tartan animals on her mountain side for hunting purposes.As both girls
began to float in innocent giggles.The Fox took two flutted glasses
from A silver platter.Since we got the bodies that can kill young men in
their prime.And make powerful men strike against their country.I say we
turn this party out and drop it like its hot.As we laugh at all their is
to see.Both women turned to the buzz that circled them while holding on
to their dangerous hips and licking her highly glossed full sculpted
lips.As if they were in heat and any old star just wouldnt do.They
began openly dashing men to the left and right of them ás-if they were
flease.Men and women in tuxedos continued striking with silver platters
that held top grape and Tuna TarTar.A eight peice band gave deep
respects to Beetoveen.Every one here is so famous,Ohara blurted out lost
in the flashy momment.Girl,by your He Watch She Watch channel Zero
ratings your not doing to bad your self.Seeing stars star spangle banner
in Ohara Cabarets eyes.The Fox saw immediate danger.Girl dont stair
she whispered.If you stair at any one you give them power over you.
The Fox spoke under her breath as she continued to snap her neck in
various directions.She kinew better than to give any one set person
over eight seconds of attention.Girl just act like your breath doesnt
hold the minutest odor in the morning.It doesnt Ohara spoke up in
purity.As her buble gum pink tounge floated over her frosted teeth.She
began tofeel contagious as winks and dry kisses sailed in her direction.
By men that would openly do any thing to have her in their hands.Apart
Buyer of Beauty
of her wanted to give in to the advances of various leading men.A hour
and forty five minutes later.A high society cat
Page 137
and dog fight for
camera action was full throttle.Fan fair screamed and cheered at the
top of their lungs.Just knowing that their stunning full flavored beauty
and striking entertainment abilitys could smash the imports three
hundred and sixty five days a year.Both girls struck right pass the
papaparazzi brick wall that called them in to the center.That the other
temptresses ' tried to keep to them selves.Seeing the media frenzy
strike out after Ohara Cabaret and The Fox Vivica.Many of the Haughty
Cultures Publicist ran up and past the flash.As they caught up to Ohara
they began to give her A ear full.The finest circle wants you to be
given full access.By way of Bently and Ferrarie clubs that are in full
swing as we speak. Meet us their we are already in.Ohara yelled out in
utter delight.She loved the feel of tangling her self in a white
pillar cloud of snobbishness.That made the phist full of Publicist stand
back in A
world of loss.She had just arrived to the glitter dusted Hollywood
shores.And had already been given top billing and full access.A million
pair of eyes watched her as the media circus called her Hollywoods
newest sensation.As others called her an object of desire.Ohara and the
Fox put on a titilating show for the flash that bathed them until her
limousine came.Oharas came first giving them A quick escape from the
crazy media freaks and geeks that wanted to see and know more.Ohara
saw the tension filled grimace that was etched across the limousine
drivers flush red face.Their locked in A head ringer of good imported
cigar smoke.Sat empenetrable the entertainment worlds most noted and
revered Hollywood BadBoy Macavellie.The controller of the very worlds
m m -
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Buyer of Beauty
glitter and glamourottie.Both layed sat lost for Page 138words as he
sat picture perfect.Snatching their steel
reserve that
was at first hand
ajusteditoshred him from limb to limb. How did you get in to my limousine
and atmosphere?The same way foreign investors have come to own half
of America.Through money my dear.Ohara no longer cared to hear how his
voice sounded up close and personally.Nor did she care to see how his
powerful wide hands could grip her inner thighs.And stretch her out in
erotic fashions unimagined.Money was flashed to the champ.And like all
Americans with no values or dignity.He took A firm hold of the tokens
and bent over backwards.Ohara some how knew that the leering dangerous
white sabortooth lion gave him the monies that totaled out to capturing
the American Dream.Oharas eyes flamed she began to journey through the
limousine ride traveling in red.Baised on she had reached her boiling
point.To talk about A driver was one thing.But to dare insult the all
powerful continent was another.The symbols that enthroned the Land of
the Free free floated through her sharp mind.She knew the bastards good
intensions to woo her over with his snobbery.Did nothing more than
give her the edge she needed to lash out with out thinking twice.As her
softly cut pearl teeth gritted she began bouncing in her seat.She knew
the exact leverage she needed for her spikey hi high heels to lock in
to the bloody Europeans eye sockets.Girlll,the Fox chummed up patting
Ohara on her sexually capped right knee that was on high shine.The Fox
was flustered in the presence of the entertainment worlds leading Action
Hero.May I ,he questioned jesturing towards her fine wine and liqour.
Please,Ohara purred heated at the snobbish bastards intrusion and
disrespectful way with words.Macavellie felt the tension and knew from
u„l lo f 1 -
Buyer of Beauty
that second forward to use choice words.Baised on Page 139 the fact the
complected was a definet sure fire.Who could turn anger on at will.He
smiled sharply knowing her lively position could make him willingly
do A black flip in private for her buck naked.I sit before you not only
because you have been noted as the most beautifullest woman of the
week.With in two months the mobb in Vegas is taking all beats that you
will be crowned the most beautiful woman in all of America.Macavellie
began to loose his self as he gave his eyes to every cut and angle that
held up the majestically crafted ultra woman.His mind was set on
positioning her in A seductive atmosphere.That would breath in to the
momment tainted love.Ohara enjoyed his complements and thesavage
hunger that capped his sky light sky bright crimson blue eyes.But the
tounge and lip flow that brought out A stronge english flow of said
proper speech.Made her want to tear in to his eye sockets and rip them
out.As she took A slow soothing sip of top grape.Feeling slightly free
baised on the fact well wishes were no longer clawing at her limousine.
While screaming their fondest wishes and perverted desires at her.If
it wasnt for the tent in the windows she would have been blinded eight
times over.Why are you here she demanded.As one hand rested on her
sharp right hip.That was ready to burn up A dance floor and make some
savoring mind altering moves.Their is some very powerful and influential
people that are aligned with me.That wish to enjoy your presence in
A electrifying money momment mind you.Ahh,ah,ahh he spoke up seeing
Oharas beautiful mouth snar up to strike volumes of swears directly at
him.The men that are positioned at my Bently club.Sit in the shadows
of time and space as it rotates in A locked gravitational pool.The
A A r n n H i i 1 1 Ptt
Buyer of Beauty
men in question rules and owns every thing around Page 140 you.They can
do more than make one A star over night.They can position one as A
icon.That can move about space and atmosphere right along with them.Im
sure you know that we have cosmic hideaways on the dark side of the
moon.Motha fucka the Fox whispered in open lose.The men that await you
own two quarters of the freakin planet.Your
now about
to share the
space of the worlds seasoned best.Their lineage had perfected in to
our time span the finest humans to date.Come with me and I will see
that they take you to the next level.Baised on the fact their
tentackles are locked in to every thing.I hope that Im expressing the
offerings that are laved out before you nice and slow.The Fox began
bouncing in her plush seat like she was at A rodeo.She began to whin
as if she had been touched in the right spot by words alone.Ohara
didnt care what
he was talking about and or offering.Baised on the fact he had got
her last nerves.When he spoke with the audacity to speak against the
Americas.What you offer give it to those with rickety teeth in your
home land that need much needed dental care.Your not going to shine
that long with your spoken disresepect deary.Macavellie snapped
obsessive and agressive.Every one could tell he was ready to inforce
his wants and needs.Ohara threw to the waist side the thought of
sending out A s.o.s and or calling out for help-Remember at all times
Shareamore that your name is not real.But at the same time Intellegence
is counting on A miracle through you.You must not only be an explosion.
You must be the twenty first century technology that can give A short
to the best minds to date.Knowing that she had to stay in character
from the deep slow slurs that Mr.Titus embedded in her mind.Well you
? Hrrn A„1 1 c1 f-
Buyer of Beauty
can get out of my limousine.Thinking your White
Page 141
Anglo Saxton
Protestant blood,royal position and ideologies.Can have me damn near come
out of my panties and loose my self in your presence.Ladies and
gentlemen,when the two continued hurdling obsenitys at each
other.Gentlemen and me ladie,the Fox screamed out at the top of her
lungs.Which brought an immediate silence in to the ever moving
limousine.Ohara crossed and recrossed her long curvacious leggs.Her skin
held A refined delicious shine under the neon lights that held up eaterys
and boutiques.Macavellie wished he
could right then and their read Oharas mind.In hopes he would be the
power sceptor that could make her mind loose control and bring forth her
erotic dreams.Ohara gave her eys to the museum quality homes that held
up Beverly Hills in high fashion.It was the gold framed street lights
that made her take up front notice of her surroundings.She hafted Macavellie
as he sat their in snobbery.He pushed down on the plush leather seats.As
if he knew they were manufactured in Mexico and stuffed with straw.He
began sneezing repeadidly as his sharp nose flamed red.It occured to her
right then and their that was just the way he was.Ohara struck out of no
where like a sure footed gazzel to his side.Ready to make her move she
became enchanting and inviting in every way.He smiled with perfection
back at her.It was then that he noticed that her eye brows,hair and skin
were hiptnotically all the same color.Her time released fashion made him
begin to dig in to her mentals for an immediate lock on her.About these
men that await my arrival.Are you telling me money is no limit with them?
The Fox stopped sipping on top grape and sat up bolt right casted full
circle in the momment.She loved Ohara for daring to dive head first in
to life,liberty and the pursuit of riches untold.Macavellie scooted
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Buyer of Beauty
closer to Ohara.He stroked her long graceful
Page 142 arm.His hands
free floated in to her black radiant skin that held up the forcefield of
dominance.He let his other arm rest on the back of the seat.As if
Pacific Time and the Western Front was blessed to cocoon his
presence.Ohara sat ready and well rested in reality.She smiled at the
part of her self that was so confrintational.As she snorted at the very
electricity and hormones he exuded.She snorted again and instantly began
to snort and snot.She instantly remembered her purpose and the
necessarys of her Hollywood mission. She blew her nose hard to push out his
top grape phermon cologne quickly out of her nostrils.She knew A flesh
strike whenshe smelt one. Her blunt nostrils that held A button at the
tip began flairing as she began hyperventiláting.Apart of her began
screaming poision and
procedd with cation.She came up for air loving how her panties became
untangled.She smiled openly knowing his second manipulative
technological strike had failed and missed its mark.Ohara looked over
to Fox wishing she could open her bucked star struck eyes to the ways of
man.But she knew if she did she would blow her federal cover and the very
stronge hold of the Buyer of Beauty mission in full.Sencing he was loosing
his grip,Macavellie dug in Oharas mentals with all that he had.The very
part that held up the electrical pulses that tombed her very hopes,dreams
and and desires.The men with obscene wealth wish to position you as the
lovely symbol for feminen love guidEs to clothes lines for the sexually
obsessed jewels that give the world flavor.The very thought of pressing
her symbol in to Americas very heart beat was questionable and damn right
tempting.Her superiors had never told her that she could not press her
symbol in to the shapping of America.Her heart began to quicken as the
T T - 1 1
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Buyer of Beauty
world began to spin.She began to move her trigger
Page 143
hand.She began
to shake knowing that A certified, licensed and bonded Special Agent hid
beneath her skin.She quickly began to recite the Federal Ten
Commandments.Baised on the fact time had began to snatch her in to its
full bounty.Today A girl of your low level Urban position will be lifted
to the hills.Baised on the fact you are whispered to be titled as Miss
America.Come tommorow when you are scheduled to control cat walks and we
come to see if the gift between your leggs is trolly sweeter than A pot
of gold.I never Ohara screamed out in A high pitched flow of loose.As her
arm knoted and struck back to strike.Fox quickly leaped in between them
knowing Ohara was about to leap out of her control.Girl your going to
have to keep
the peice some other way.Your going to jump off and catch A case this
way.Panic coursed through the Fox,as her eyes bucked and she bit down on
her sweet lollypop full Bottum lip.Macavellie continued speaking as if
he had said or did nothing wronge.He no longer cared to carefully pick
and choose his words.Alive and ever powerful he was beneath his royal
stock gold refined skin.Lets say at best you come to live in A six bedroom
penthouse.He looked over her entire bodie as if he had the knowledge to
see what her earthly design was worth.He began snorting at the air as if
it wasnt fitting for his very position.Oharas blood line began to gush
with rage.The federal part of her was eager to lash out and find his
weakness.Today you live in the bedlum of every thing that flickers.That
does nothing more than tricks that hold the mentals of children and
embesiles.He grunted and sneared in utter discust.Tonight if you dare
step forward in to the clouds of temptation.You will be tucked away in
the fabulous hills.I stand behind the very men who hold the power to
Buyer of Beauty
take you to new hights.Ohara began to loose the Page 144hot and
heated part of her self.Her forbidden fruit began to feel A glazzing
attraction. She slowly began to want those said mens up front
attention.The thought of being surrounded in minutes by men that were
rocket rich. Made Oharas locked knees begin to loosen and hard lined
mental mind stem begin to bend.When the limousine floated up to the
red carpet that was positioned in front of the Ivory Tower Bently
Club.Their was A line of commoners that dressed sexually lewd be them
male and female.In hopes their fleshly offerings positioned them with
in A
claws reach of any one of the universal over lords that were positioned
in the Ivory Tower.Helicopters and vintage limousines were the norm
around the Ivory Tower.Camera flash held a brick wall catching the
stars of high society that floated on A tide of elegnace.Muscle bound
ex K.G.B members seemed to man the door and open limousine doors.
When Macavellie was given access to partake the red carpet.Two english
men came from with in the club.They quickly opened the doors for them.
The very worlds currents strumed with various beats and guitar strums
all at once.Mirrors were every where,Ohara knew behind them power
toting freaks and geeks watched every move made.White and gold marble
flooring zigzagged in every direction.It was as if every one that
held a invite were picture perfect.Ohara wanted to loose her self in
the spacious gold tipped dance floor.That didnt give way to elbow
room.People that had been living in their heads by way of power
broking board meetings and international profit schems.Seemed to had
brokEn free from the early days stressed and straigns.Ohara could tell
stiff necked corporate ladder executives were adventuring through the
__ _ .~ -11_ L L
Buyer of beauty
Urban women and their loose offerings.That they Page 145 just knew
would give in to their skyscraper offerings.Ohara and the Fox were taken
up high. Where gold platters,plush sofas and roaring castle fireplaces
brought for an intimate arena.As they floated up by the elevator Ohara
was stumped seeing an erotic zone.Buck naked men and women were dirty
dancing erotically on various small stages.For the Affluent be them
man and woman.Ohara just knew that the smell of heated sex would
control the air.When the elevator stopped fruits tumbled through the
air in to her nostrils.I know you wish to dance the night away.I see
you licking on your lips in want.But first if you dont mind lets
get down to buisness.Macavellie wanted to show the young sex pot what
A full fledge gun slinger could do.After A few seconds the elevator
stopped on the top floor.Gold platters were tucked with rubies and
diamonds.Ohara stood frozen lost to how the A List crowd enjoyed the
lions share of entertainment.That easily drew her in to their high
powered momment.She knew that many of their Four Fathers had
practiced and brought to the center perfection.That was passed down
to their lineage.That was positioned to live in to and through
eternity.With so much power they could do what ever and shut down any
and all enemys that dared to cast A shadow under the same sun as them.
Oharas panties bunched when she was escorted in to the Money Mans
Arena.Hes not just A star he is A bankable actor.I say put him in
the damn filmDemarcus.America and the very world are open to his big
forehead and soft teeth.Thats controled by his squeeky clean position.
A tall lean man who looked as if the sun had never given electifying
rays to his blotched ocean wave white skin.Stood up as he pulled at
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his mountain top white Ruling Class Action
Page 146
suit.With out
missing A beat he took Oharas hand and kissed it.She felt him course
over her finger and palm prints.As if he could read her future and
very life force by feeling and looking at it.He let his free hand
course through his spiked golden starnds.He waved Ohara and The Fox
to the money
pheined green couch,that was his office.Ohara wanted to dance and raise
hell.An electrical current floated in to and down her spine from the
mans touch.He smelled of legal tenders that held up the worlds fondest
currencys.She knew by the dapper and cool style he held up that she
had never seen the best come in last.Tonight if he came in for the
kill,she wouldnt denie him.When he turned rom him and dug in to his
telephone as the man he had A buisness meeting wit scuddered away.As
if he had lost again to the sharpest tool in the western hemisphere.
Your man is in.Have him report to Action Power House Movie Studios
at five in the morning.Click,cusomers and subscriptions is one of
networks bread and butter.Who cares if we are not showing any fair
skinned or pillar white women in our magazines and periartickles.
Color has been boomed as exotic this season.And I would be damned if
I didnt cash in on it.Fuck those left wing liberals and their said
great white way.Money'is definetly in season Summer,Winter,Spring and
Fall.seeing Ohara control all eyes in the V.I.P arena.One of the buck
naked mega models bumped in to her ready to bring forth A crime scene
T T v - , - s ,
I dont give Ah fuck what you'say.I know that
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Buyer of Beauty
Page 147
was that
bitch.Man calm down your mind is gone.Slow down your doing to much
you cant handle all that.You have been up for three days shadowing
The Fox.
Her pictures are fetching enough money forme to buy A home in South
America.Didnt you see that plunging neck line on her.Freak web sights
and star poster and photo companys will pay top dollar if I catch her
striking A naughty pose.Shaking his head feverishly.Fuck her Im talking
about Ohara Cabaret.Quakin Ochella yelled out to one of his
constituents.That was positioned deep with in the jagged hills that
were positioned for the rich and blood thursty in South America.I know
those lips and that water fall mind crushing bodie any where.Thats
accompanied by that oh so gentle face.i get payed to know each and
every part of A star.That catches the very wor]xs hunger for flesh
dejour,The Drug Szars harem that was riddled all around him slurping
and sucking on every nerve ending that could gather sensation.Now sat
up right caught in ice pick chills.Ship her hands to me.I want to
feed the hands of the bitch that touched and killed my cousin Uslan
Diaz.Send her hands to me over night express.And I will see to it at
once that I give you the ride of your life.I will move you above the
chicken farms and cow stinch.The women began looking over their
shoulders for A hiding place.Perez the Penguino began clutching his
Buyer of Beauty
horse sized pitbulls neck and began choking it with one hand.Foam
began slashing from left to right.You no longer Page 148
have the
choice to chose which way you will strike.I now give you orders and by
the blood of Uslan Diaz you had better make the right move Quaken
Cochella.The very second that you do I will give you the most
beautiful women that bath in champagne.Who will fuck you as long as
your bodie can last.Im not talking minutes or hours but
years,click.Once the phone was cut off Quaken swore he would have
Penguino back him to direct two seperate films.That will see to him
being respected as one of Hollywoods most respected entertainment
minds.As Quaken put his all black World Wide sports utility vehickle in
to rugged terrain gear.He readied his mind and pumping heart to become
ruthless from that very point.Danger began to border line in to sick
sadistic cravings.He
loved the change that coursed through his veins.That wanted to lock her_
up in his garage in LongBeach.Where he would feast upon her bodie time
and again.as she tried to fight wim with just her nubs for hands.He
froze and began to erase all thought when he saw Tori Spelling sashay
out of A low key eatery.He knew her world class offerings were crusial
for Hollywood buisness,to control mans hunger of the most beautiful.He
had to shake his head eight seperate times to shake off her sex appeal
that was being eaten alive by the flash.He watched as she slurped on
her cotton candy coated full bottom lip.Quaken turned his entire
bodie to where he locked on every one floating over the Imperial Red
carpet that gave way to the Bently club.He didnt even begin to pick
up his camera and catch the newest waves of glamorous designs.That
were being brought under the fat moons twilight.Quaken wished Bently
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Buyer of Beauty
clubs had A closing time.So that he would be able
Page 149to lock in to
every thing moving when the doors were closed.But Bently clubs never
closed for the Flashy and Affluent.He pulled for his nine milla meter
ozzy beneath his seat.He took it off safety inviting his wild animal
side to take over the crust of his flesh.With A quickness he called
Perez and Hernandez.He told them that they had a job that would change
their lives for ever.Quaken quickly changed his clothes when they
agreed to meet him in Beverly Hills.He changed from his less
threatening red, bright yellow and soft blue Hawaiian shirt.He dove
in to A black turtle neck sweater and matching Shit Kicker black
leather Action pants.To kill off the screaming part of him that begged
of him to stop.Quaken gurgled on the better half of Whiskey he had in
hidding. Upon every swallow the horror and haunts of his next actions
to fade away.He loved the feeling of loosing his self as he sat in the
middle of reality.One thing he knew for sure if he didnt know any
thing else.As he heaved in the warm Southern California air.Was the
fact that he would have to be action heavy.The very second he dared
to cradle the very position that Ohara Cabaret inhibited.His rage
didnt warm his blood but froze his heart.He was ready to see to the
bitches end right then and their.He smiled wickedly to a satisfying
end.,One by one or in drobs the streets would clear from his explosive
entrance in to her world made of make believe.Uslan Diaz was the very
man that gave him the money to strike to America and make some thing of
his self.Smile Uslan for tonight through me you will continue to
advance.Quaken began to have A war with his inner most being.As he
began to feed his demons that thursted for more liquor.You can haft
T T ... .~... TT..
me tonight but come tommorow you will love
1 1
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Baver1óf Beauty
Page 150 me.As we
live it up and nose dive in our hopes and dreams.Quaken knew once he
saw to Oharas bloody end he would strike for the nearest low budget
ass and titie club.Where he could flash a few hundred and stretch A
fine woman out of wack-in celebration to a new beginning.He began to
invsion his self as being A highly payed murder man.Who had the
power to find any and every one that was in hiding.What if Im wronge
Quaken asked his self?He began to become thankful for every breath he
began to take.Some thing earth shattering that wouldnt give him peice
of mind. Made him enjoy every breath he took.That he had years before
up to
the night took for granted.He knew his following actions would be out
of his hands.He could never turn his back away from the plans he
brought before Penguino.Even though he felt so alive for the very
first time.He began to know the feeling of thinking he could fly.His
visual sights of soaring through the sky came to a terrible crash.
When the sights of crash and burn specialist came from the shadows
like day break.Killing every one that thrived living in their head
rather than smack dab in the middle of reality.I cant be wrong.I know
that come fuck me face and Hollywood Hills hips any where.But she has
A mole on her face.His inner most being screamed.Wishing it wouldnt
be drawn in to a position.That was cemented with no way out.Fuck that,
I dont care.America thinks it is smart.Miss America is about to be
through vow.He yelled from the top of his lungs.Loving the feeling
the liqour brought to his chest.He flashed his lights twice,when he
saw his murder men strike down the street at a slow pace.It was then
that Quaken felt cold.His soul leaped out of his bodie because evil rulec
. . . . ~ . . .
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Page 151
Just as Ohara learned to soar amid the rocket rich and
high society momment began to become wild.As rose pedals were fluttered
that the Affluent walked as only royal stock would.Above thesilver clouds
as she was bathed on all sides by those that held up the vangaurd of the
rocket rich.She was frozen when she was given times and dates to
engagements that would see to her eternal upper crust baptism.She knew
she would succumb to a life of therapy.If she gave in and gave A toast to
the lap of lugsury.From that second forth it was said she would become' 'A
demigod.And the better part of the world would worship her with the force
of a shockwave.She knew then that even in the sizzling entertainment
world.Their was A price for fortune and fame.To her last breath,pulse of
blood and eternal gravitational hold of her soul.She would have to give
her self to the power obsessed.That
to rule all that was through
unfathomed ways and means.That would make A commoner looking in go stark
raving madd.Ohara knew A funny thing happened as the human race slithered
on their bellys in to the twenty first century.They began to stand,step
and bring forth from their mouths lies and far fetched stories.That were
entombed by signs,symbols and A vast array of theatrical stunts.That made
those casted out side various circles become ahstruck seeing their shadows
u,,1 l..4-4-
Buyer of Beauty
flutter and flair with bold styles.That at first Page 152 was
desperate for any attention they could grabe.Now these same people had
become stars worshiped by the very worlds studio audience.To the point
they became front runners of the ruling class.Last years Action Hero
stood before her tone and powerful beneath his flesh.As if he was
ready to turn up the entertainment flame.And reclaim his star studded
position as A
number one symbol and A foot hold on the summer.Guess who he growled
from behind her.Ready to stand under the sun and capture all of its
electrifying rays.Baised on the fact he baited falling in to the shadows
of time and space.Know one understood him when when his power source
was turned down to a whisper.Who,she spoke up giving in to his BadBoy
antics.He kneeled to the side of her not caring that he interupted A
buisness meeting.He knew one thing and one thing only when he saw her.
Which was the fact her beauty alone was A life taker.As he tried to be
cool and she absently began toying with her curly hair.He knew she was
A sex kitten with out her even knowing it.Its me your most cherished
Miss America prize.He spoke up as if his up beat flow of words came
from his cave man hairy out stretched chest.Why dont you come with me
to the Beverly Hotel.Im more than sure A can perfect A world renound
cat bath upon you before the sun shows its face.His construction workers
build teamed with his emerald green eyes.Made Ohara stand up ready to
recieve all the offerings that came with being alive with in the greatest
generation.I wish to only press upon your beodie champagne kisses.
Tarinteno smiled from ear to ear knowing she was made for A party hard
and die young RockStar.He began to walk like Robo Cop all powerful.He
knew that Londons nose dapping social club would become eccentric in her
AAron Hullett
Buyer of Beauty
presence.As if he could see no other and held the rage i.s power in
his hips and iron back to spark A flame that would turn her
on.Tarinteno began
to give
her his hips as if they were hot like A sauna.Your going to wish
you were as ugly as A wood rat.Quaken growled to his self.He loved the
slithering cold feeling of being A keeper of high drama.He knew that
rain should have begun to terribly fall
Because he'was
about to bring
forward his remotest and darkest side.He knew that law and order in the
next few hours would be his arch enemy.Your going to wish you werent
seen as A beacon of purified beauty from your ass hole to your elbows.
Quaken began snorting long and hard in to his bag of top line candy.He
didnt care to bring forth A measured line.He wanted all his nostrils
and lungs could take.He watched as the media circus trumpeted around her
fighting for proper camera action.Oharas mouth gushed in extacy.When she
experianced before the world A zipless fuck.Tarinteno didnt only stand
behind her and give her open hand to his beaming length.He let her hand
free fall to her side.As he let his entire length strike time and again
with out any ones notice in to the small of her back.Tarinteno stopped
in front of A movie producer that stated he wanted to see them both on
the silver screen.With A quickness when various zeros were pushed in to
the open.Making A blanket of cameras give automatic action.Numbers were
quickly exchanged between every one.Ohara saw her self in minutes buck
naked,sweaty and ass up face down.Knowing she needed all the strength
she could muster for the action packed weeks ahead.She was ready to sap
the man of steel of all his earthly powers.She could feel it in Tarintenos
eyes that he was an Angel.She began to believe that dreams came true.
on the
fact eight hours hadnt even elapsed before he came to her.
Shes A honey complected chocklate center barbie
Buyer of Beauty
Page 154 doll.A
reporter yelled out over the buzz.Ohara knew she was only gi ving
Tarinteno A chance to dream for A night.Baised on the fact come morning
the Federal Seal and its ever lasting power source would snatch her
away.She began to spin as if she challenged time and space and won
every leg of the race.She
knew she had begun to capture the hunger of man.When camera men began to
stop taking pictures.They no longer cared to squint through the small
camera lenses.They wanted their eyes to peer wide open.As her erotic
positions sent their sinless souls away.And their carnal flesh began to
hunger for flesh devine in freakish manners,that were beastly and
sadistic.Quaken waved in his comulsion to kill.Which made his dick
stiffen harder than penetentary steel.that was known to keep the sickest
savages held hostage for the duration of their life lines.Their she
blows,the most dangerous bitch of the West.He growled low and menacing
through the telephone.He snorted feverously at the warm WestCoast air.As
he growled in the open with haitred that made media teams turn from him
with aquickness.You dont know me Ohara.But when Im through career
wrecking and you fall to ashes and dust.I will curse you when I see the
papers saranade your scraping the sky full flavored existence.He spat out
of his window feeling frogish he leaped in to the sporadic streets
traffic.After she was tucked in to the lemon drop All Points sports
utility vehickle limousine.Ohara knew she was about to become undone
when Tarinteno snatched at the finest fabric to date.And brought to the
open his broad gold refined chizzled chest.That held knee widening oh
so curly chest hairs.She was ready to recieve high societys lugsurys
advance of A life time right then and their.Her hands instantly became
Dairnn T - í n 1 1 0 } }
Buyer of Beauty
glued to his open flesh.It was as if she had
Page 155
touched an adventurous and courageous man before.Who had the balls to
challenge life in full.Your highness I want you to have all that I have
to offer. In hopes when the worlds leading men come for you.It will be me
you run back to.Ohara became hiptnotized by his hunger feeled eyes that
wanted to feast upon her flesh with his dragons tounge.That would wrap
around the finest cuts and curves of her bodie all at the same
time.Damn he yelled out when she placed both leggs on the plush leather
seat.And spread her leggs as far as they would go.And openly showed
him her heart shaped box.Camera men ran along side the limousine
wishing they could look in side the V.I.P world.They listened as the door
knobs were being tested.Ohara began to look back at her federal
existence.She was
caught in the center of time and space.Knowing know man had ever got her
as wet as the Federal Seal had.Which had become the very antidote of her
life.That not only got her by but gave her A high that was mind and
soul altering to the utmost.Your task is clear.Every one in the limousine
is your target.Quaken yelled out pressing pedal to metal.A personal
need to bring revenge full circle controled each and every part of his
high strung mind.That pulsed and shot sparks in to his very bodie.That
became a firey place that started to burn.Ready to take his life to
new level not giving A fuck if tommorow never came.He gripped his
equalizer that would help him kill at will.A life full of nonstop
tension seemed comforting to him.His pearsing eyes no longer looked and
viewed the world the world the same.Kill,kill,kill,murder,murder,murder
he screamed in A high pitched demented tone.He looked up to the sky lost
in the split second that he would rather die than live on.If tonight
A a r n n T4ii1 1 r~tt
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didnt bring forth the existence above the
Page 156
hills.He no
longer cared to live amongst the rat race.He knew he had to think he was
ready to press in to action field motions.That was held up with armor
piercing bulets. He pressed pedal to medal now transformed as A
predator.Stocking the limousine as it steadily struck up one of high
societys boulevards. Tension and high drama began to make him spit and
curse repeadidly.He screamed from the top of his lungs.When he saw his
payed assasins pass him.In their 80 blue and grey corvette.Pistol grip
pumps were positioned on both of their laps.He smiled loving the men that
said the hell with being given A portion of movie booffice money.They
each wanted five hundred thousand for the hit.They burned rubber ready
to kill at will with out second thought.When I step in to any town after
this.I will get payed top dollar to draw blood.Carlos screamed out as he
rolled down his window.Hernandez moved from strength to strength as he zig
zagged through the filled traffic at top speeds.He didnt care that cars
were honking
at him.Because he was side swiping porches and Ferraries.Ohara smiled
and began to slowly come out of her panties.When Tarinteno wagged his
beat red elephant trunk at her.Come go with me lets go to outerspace he
huffed.Ohara loved the way music found A way in to the momment when to
great things came together.Seeing that she-gave in to sin in A limousine
this week.Next month she swore to give in to her carnal desires fifty
thousand feet above the Earth in A airplane.Baised on the fact she wasnt
able to shake the horrified dreams that showed death bloody and demented
was right around one of her corners.She took A quick firm hold of his
length wanting to feel the heated pulse.Which showed she was drawing
closer to her eternal destiny of controlling and rewritting the worlds
D21rrsr, u„11o~4-
most respected history books.She kissed the tip
Buyer of Beauty
Page 157 of his length
and swallowed him in full.For the momment and the momment only she slurped
twurled her tounge.Eager to push to the side her F.B.I Prodigy position
and bring to the forward A oh so naughty sock blowing block busting
performance.That would make Tarinteno go stark raving madd the world
over to find and hopefully control that masked woman.Who had become
nothing more than A shadow.With flair she struck .in to positions out
of control.Like A Tony Award winning Ballerina she brought to the center
her full healthy copper brown breast.That clanged like royal bells upon
their entrance.Saliva gushed out of his mouth as he reached for them.It
was then that A nation full of soldiers wouldnt be able to hold him back
from her candy coated offerings.Tears began to stream from his eyes when
he became lost in her delectable chunky nipples.While looking at her
open face that held up feel good expressions.Im ready to serve it to
you he growled.When A thursty needy connection began to growl from the
pits of his stronge bones.When he began to suflex Ohara,she noticed his
Karate techniques.She became a tomcat and brought forth Jidjitsu
techniques.She wanted to place_him on his back and he wanted her on her
back.So that he could use her long silky leggs for antennas.As he gave
her every throbbing inch of his length.And used her legs for better
reception.He knew he had to make the right move or she wouldnt respect
him.Eager to knock down all the walls that held up her honey pot.He
gave A fake move and struck from the right instead of the left.He slammed
his dick on her thigh and began to make the right move.She smiled
sheepishly and began to give in.Hay you to,the driver screamed out.As
the private center divider began 'to come down.He staired direca% at
Oharas breast that were A sure blooded gift to
i - n „ A 1 - i -
Buyer of Beauty
Page 158 any and every
mans eyes upon the Earth.Not A one of them cared to conseal their
turgig,glazzed and or erect oh so perfect bodie parts.That was ready to
feast upon all that the opposite bodie parts had to offer.Ohara continued
to hold on to his length.Still wanting to ride it as soon as they were
left alone. Vegas,Tarinteno yelled out ready to reclaim his power that
very night. He picked up and hung the onboard telephone up.They had made
so much noise,that they didnt hear the phone ring.Ohara began stroking his
ivory tower from sea to sea.She didnt want to see or feel his powerful
length give in to the always looming limp lifeless position.She wanted
it to continue to fortify with fire.Ready and willing to test and bang
the elasticity of her hot glazzing forbidden fruit.She began to lean back
in to the posh leather seat.Wanting him to blow a wide hole in her back.
He didnt mind being lead by his throbbing head.That followed her every
move as if it had A mind and beating heart of its very own.Vegas it is,
the limousine driver coined loving the view he just recieved.As he began
scooting up front and center back in his seat.While raising the center
divider,he snatched the wheel hard to the right.B0000m,he crashed in to
A Ferrarie.BOom,boom,boom,as his eyes bulged out of his face and his
hands tried to see that the limousine stayed out of the reach of the
reach of the murder mens gleaming guns.N000,he screamed as bulets began
to spark and flash bringing choas in to the center of the eradic
momment.Shareamore instantly began to come undone from her Ohara under
cover position.As her lover tried to cover her she began to sophicate
under his powerful arms.Her federal enthroned inner most being told
her some one or force had begun to strike to get her.They began to shoot
Rlli i Cii
Buyer of Beauty
caring to
Page 159
fall in to would have been should have been.I am what I am Shareamore
in fast succesion wanting to kill her quick.Not
screamed in to the open.She jumped with force out of Tarintenos
grasph.In the flash of the second as the limousine began to become
twisted metal.That held
gaping holes.Shareamores flamming inner most being graduated to gigantuan
mansions.A blood price had been payed.A capital murder had come full
circle.The color of hell snatched and clawed for fleash.Heated red
flames struck for flesh,with murderous intentions.Shareamore knew better
than to live in fear.Her bleeding heart made her make moves to live
through the moment.Her mental high octane mind switched in to fifth gear.
She began to journey in red seeing the drivers severed neck squirting
blood.Made her change her attempt oh leaping to the steering wheel.She
leaped to the ground and slivered to the divider.She dove in to his lap
mashing his foot hard on the gas.The engine began to growl as if it
loved the force brought to the kill or be killed momment.She began to
scramble to retain lost ground.That was eaten up by masked meraders that
began to shoot out all the windows.As another continued to let bulets
blaze through door panels.She became up front and controversal.When she
saw sub machine guns being brought up in to the momment.That shot one to
many bulets at one time for her nerve to slow down.She snatched the wheel
hard to the right.To crash in to the corvette that transported her in to
A murderous time and space.That left every one around her shivering and
shaking.She didnt want to look back at her lover that was choking on his
very own blood.The cluttered SunSet Strip wasnt made for weaving in and
out of.It was only made for stary eyed tourist and the affluent that
was casted onP%regualr baises kn A smooth sailing motion.
A A r n n FTii1 1 a t t
Buyer of Beauty
Cars began crashing in to pedestrians on the side Page 160 walk.As other
cars stopped out right where they were.As drivers jumped out and began
running for their lives.It was as if demons were running around and fiend
to kill and see that fire blazed.Not wanting to be apart let alone see the
of chaos that erupted.People ran in every direction screaming while
knowing better than to look back.In hopes the moon would give way to
the sun Bonner than later.So that they could scream shouts to their God.
With rhytmic sounds of love and healing.Boom,metal and panels from the
limousine was torn of.When Shareamore crashed viciously in to the
corvette,before it could come in for the kill.B0000m,rolling smoke and
flames ignighted when the corvette crashed terribly in to A two tone
cargo truck.That carried propain gasfor various resturaunts.Seeing black
suburbans strike behind him not caring to slow down.Quaken no longer
felt like a murder man.He began to change directions and stuff the guns
under his seats.He couldnt shake the screams that his men blasted
through the C.B. seconds before they died.Boom,he was rear ended with
the force of A Mike Tyson punch in his prime.Which broke up every thing
it touched.Glass began to fall in to Quakens lap and the street.The
sports utility vehickle sputtered as if it could go no further.Bulets
began to dash for his mentals.He instantly became confused and consumed
in the momment that he gave murderous life to.Common sence and confidence
hid in the momment of truth.He began to crawl in his skin with mind
wrenching fear.He knew then that Ohara was definetly the jewel that the
live wire said she was.Quaken could no longer find his self.Pressure
pressed for his very pulse that gave beat to his heart.Bam,he was forced
to crash in to A street light.On impact as he bounced in to the air bag.
AAron Hullett
Buyer of Beauty
He knew that misery and danger had come for
Page 161
him.Not wishing
for it to consume him.Quaken leaped out of his truck and lead his self
in to A open diner.He knew the sight of death when he saw it.The men that
came after him head ski masks on.He had heard of the upper crust having
the worlds leading protectors fallowing them where ever they went.Baised
on the fact they were held up as Americas picture perfect
symbols.Quaken began to loose his breath.When he began screaming and
waving the nine milla meter he held.That did nothing to the masked men
that ran at him full speed ahead.Knowing that the show down was immenent
with the black suits that wore ski masks.He crashed in to A waiter that
was slow in moving out of his way.As if he wanted and needed workers
compensation.So he could give more time to his amatuer writing career.That
he wanted to become professional and tagged with one to many
zeros.Before he could pick his self up.The black suits stepped on his
neck.They toward
over him with their chins held high.as if they never missed their marks.
Shrieks of high drama and panic struck through the diner.As flames and
twisted metal brought A slug to the SunSet Strip.Black Suits began going
through Quakens sports utility vehickle.As if they wanted to put A polish
on it.The owner with A red turbin on his head.Began to wave at his
cusomers in hopes they would calm down.When he was flashed federal
badges.With out asking they drug Quaken in to A back office.Money was
seen stacked on the cluttered desk.With A quickness they pushed the
money to the side.And slammed Quaken on his back in the very center of
it.A million questions were shot in to Quakens mentals.Who do you work
for?Who sent you?It was the vicious snaps that burst his lips and damn
near broke his neck.That made him quickly begin to answer each and every
AAron Hullett
Buyer of Beauty
question.Just as fast as they were hurled at
were snatched out of the hands of tourist.As phist fulls of hundred
dollar bills were stuffed in to the other.Shareamore was snatched out of
the twisted and stalled crashed sports utility limousine.She was covered
with A black
sheer blanket.Blood seemed to had become A part of her.Federal helicopters
escorted news chopters out of camera range.As A spot light on the momment
was pushed in to the flamming momment.Federal tow trucks began to
snatch every twisted car that held up the strip.As fast moving clean up
crews cleared and cleaned any sight of murder and mayhem.Shareamore was
snatched from the night with out A picture being able to be taken.I saw
her enter the Bently Club.I know that she killed the man that raised me.
Quaken was mumbling and gurgling on his own split lips and blood.He
began to fall in to his subconciousness.He felt to much pain elevate from
his nose,ribs and very skull.I called his cousin Penguino and told him
I saw the bitch that killed his cousin.Blood began spurting out of Quaken
mouth with every word sputtered.A Black Suit turned from the man that
began talking quick and fast knowing his life or what was left of it
hung in the balance.
AAron Hullett
Buyer of Beauty
Sir its Special Agent Metclaf,K-80808.Shareamore
ra ge
cover has been blowing with in the WestCoast.Right then and their the
Director stood up letting federal files fall to the waist side.The
thought of Shareamore being scared and pressed in to the reaches of
death.Instantly sent the Directors cold blooded soul away.He made the
Joint Chiefs of Staff bring silence to the momment.He began to feel nausea
in the-.pit_of his stomach.He instantly became shooken knowing Shareamore
stood in the very middle of A electrifying thriller.That had just begun
to slash for her very vital signs.Not only has America pressed upon the
Twenty First Century Specialized War fare.For Its final target,but
Shareamore her self had become godawful villans final target.He knew
that very second he would have to bring to the hour glass of time heart
beating techniques.That would see to Buyer of beauty continuing its
strike to cement Americas eternal rule.Before Shareamore would be
market for death by sworms of men who lived soley for the tarnished
treasures of illgotten gain.Knowing the Federal Seal was poised to
surpass the light of day.The Director quickly called the media elite.
And saw that the Federal Seal baught the newsrelease that was eager to
bring to the open Ohara Cabarets explosive night on the town.Mr.Kremline
gave his Federal Masters team thirty minutes to lock on to The Penguinos
position with federal satelights.He wanted to know if any other
AAron H u l l e t t
Buyer of Beauty
person had been contacted by the Penguino.If so
Page 164 their murder
net would have to strike in the night with in the hour killing any and
all.That had the core of Buyer of Beauty caught in their dentals.
AAron Hullett
Buyer of Beauty
Shareamore staired at her frozen daughter,that was
Page 165
asleep.Shareamores face held small cuts on it.That was slugged with scar
defying creams.
That were held at bay by one to many bandages.That covered her stomach,
arms,chest and hands.She felt the devil on her back.It was known through
out the Under Token that she had been marked for death.The Director is
ready to see you.A robotic Black Suit whispered.He had already turned
away from her ready to lead her forward.The Director had A big plan to
lead her from all thatr was that night.He thought of kissing her hard on
the mouth.To where she became weak in the knees and bowed to him for
ever more.Special Agents struck in every direction with in the Under
Token.Salutes were given to Shareamore from every person that passed her.
She knew that her very heart beat was A compliment to the Federal Seal.
Every one struck ever forward as if they were well oiled machines.Even
though it was two twenty in the morning.Shareamore was ready to swear
turbo boosters were positioned in the hearts of those that zig zagged all
about her.She followed suit and looked straight ahead of her.As the other
Special Agents had.She wanted to know if the said beings around her were
droids or artificial intellegence.The Black Suit froze when she stepped
off of the elevator.She saw the Director growl in such A way with out
words spoken.As if he was ready to slam his phist on the marble blue
table and make his demands.With out any one knowing Shareamore had
AAron Hullett
Buyer of Beauty
become an instant convert to murder and death be it
bloody and soul
Page 166
wrenching.Patricia Scott hop scotched over the Federal Seal knowing
better than to step on it in any way.She began hugging and letting tears
shed on to Shareamore.Shareamore staired directly at the Director,with
out emotion comming forth.She had become frozen bailed on the taste of
choas that she was forced to feast upon.Both ladies stood frozen when
the Directors golden voice snatched them in to his high pressured
momment.Patricia continued to hold Shareamores hand.Baised on the fact
she showed the world she was made to cut in to and down.That cared to
breath life in to murderous civil disobediance.The Director conected eyes
with Shareamore.He knew her love was the way to go.As she struck
towards him sleek and dangerous.His inner most being told him she was
worth of recieving the Kings Guid to Ruling the Earth.Mr.Titus began
pulling at his paisley tie and properly shaven face.He never knew that
Shareamore would become A living and breathing arsenal.That could
explode in A seconds notice with out detection.Now knowing she was ready
for what ever.He stood refined in his decloraited Secratery of Defence
position.He stood frozen in time waiting for his momment to press his
bold style upon Shareamore.And see that she struck forth in her Buyer of
Beauty strike.As the Director of the F.B.I,I am closing the life line
and very world conquering chapter of Buyer of Beauty.Every one froze
as they staired at Shareamore.In secret they knew that her very position
could be known by various international assasins.Even though She was
the milliniums undetected bold and beautiful war strikes main attraction.
What about world building and daring not to give in to ones moral
crises:The Director didnt give her any answers as he pointed at A
AAron H1311P_tt
Buyer of Beauty
liquid screen that came to life.Every one
Page 167
continued to
stand in silence. As A gigantuan spanish villa came in to view.That was
entombed with Arabian horses,lush green pastures and various airplane
strips.The power of Federal All Eyes satelights,gave to the naked
eye.The very faces of green coated militia men.That walked about
freely with guns being hoisted over their shoulders.They watched as two
men were being torchured behind A jagged rock onclave.A white striking
cloud was seen striking from the distance.A few men began pointing at
it.Thats right you had better run for not o n l y your lives.But for the
hopes that you walk in to the light rather than eternal darkness.The
Director became the narrator that walked every one through the power of
one.B0000000m, It was as if day had broke.After eighty days of perpetual
Sparks and flames gave way to va va va vooming black clouds.That cut off
the sun and its light for miles.A golden greyel of fire clawed at the
ground.Eating and ripping to shreads every thing that wasnt apart of the
beginning of time.The liquid screen was cut off when the smoke cleared
and the depiction of death surrounded and suffecated every thing far and
near.That was Perez the Penguino.Who shared the same blood line as
Uslan Diaz.It seems as theough Quaken,A Paparazzi freak .Who recognized
you as you raised your hand raising the roof under the start' night.
Shareamore stood before her shimmering symphony of decloraited master
minds knowing she couldnt stop now.I was never seen in my fondest
forrified dream that I would defy you sir.But in the wake of booable
villians that wish to cut in to and down our world domination perfect
situation.I feel that their is hope not only for the Buyer of Beauty
strike.But hope that we can kill off the leader that gives spirit to
AAron Hullett
mortardom.Shareamore should have held A back drop
Buyer of Beauty
Page 168 of A million
soldiers behind her as she spoke.Who all were lion hearts and baptized in
valor. I have heard what you had to say Sir.And I know that we are all
troubled by the force of shadows.That are teamed with tell all
intellegence and
A arsenal that can go bang bang.Shareamores words changed every
molecule in Patricias bodie.Even though Shareamores name wasnt real
and her next strike marked her for possible death.Patricias shoulders
stood frozen as her heart held dreams of marching in to her momment of
need.Baised on the fact she knew the hidden truth.That various countries
payed top billing to enslave and or capture.The worlds most powerful
super minds that held secrets or combinations to controlling and or
ruling the world.The Director gtitted his teeth,knowing him and
Shareamore had conflicting state of minds.Knowing it was her very
salacious make and eye popping model that held the power to not only
bring the flames of wrath.But entomb in the span of time and the make
up of Earths perpetual space the A in action.Its my very own character
that gives Buyer of Beauty its eternal flame.Her eyes became venemous
as if cancer had spread through her bodie.And their was not much time
for her left in the world.We have Saddam Huessein in our grip.But we
are still waking up to dark mornings.As dark clouds cover our soldiers
each and every day,they dare give the wrecked and hopless their hearts
cry of Democracy.The Director snarled with electrified flamming eyes
leading his crockidile facial expression.That made her jump in her skin
and look over her shoulder for A place to retreat.No Saddam has not been
A help.In truth he has been nothing more than A thorn to Intellegence.
Please I beg of you Shareamore murmured aloud.As she h©pped,skipped and
AAron Hullett
Buyer of Beauty
jumped to his side.Let me continue to breath life Page 169
in to Buyer of
Beauty. I want to show those that dare conive and conspire against the
Great. What the most dramatic gun masters can do.Who are absolute
geniuses when it comes to transporting the very world to the next level
of their intellectual being.Her inner most being began to boom with soul
down to her finger tips.It was as if she was in tune with realitys second
hand. That kept her in the momment and gave her visions of the future
be it good or bad.Shareamore shook her face slinging teares to the left
and right of her.Shareamore you must know that their will be far more
deaths and your very own may pass to the sands of time this time.I knew
this would happen upon my birth.She whispered ready to rewrite history
from that second forward.Every one knew her heart and inner most being
was armed for war be it mental,spiritual,or physical.After hearing the
unexpected and knowing the Secratery was at the top of his Federal
Game and very craft with Shareamore Christian.Every one knew besides
Shareamore that their was A eighty percential chance that she would
have sold her self short and lost her Federal Celebrity.If she would
have opted out of the Buyer of Beauty world strike.The Director became
incredibly chilling as he took over the reigns.You must know that we
just channeled through A capital scare.I must say that you are
expensive Shareamore Christian.The Federal Seal spent A pretty penny
to cut off the live wire and the media circus.that wanted to press
full throttle with your Sunset Strip hi wire action packed antics.
I must say as the Federal Seal gives you deliverance in to the center
of time and space.You can no longer have free roam through the splashy
life.If it wasnt for Douglas Titus having your every step tagged.Their
AAron Hullett
Buyer of Beauty
would have been no stopping your face and action Page 170
moves from
reaching the free worlds gapping eyes.A sting of depression stung
Shareamores cut and bruised face.Smile Shareamore your in
paradise.Mr.Titus spoke up ready to give her added life.In days you
will have the power to
put ablaze each and every roof that captures your eyes and or federal.....
interest.I wish we could have done an extreme make over.Patricia §Pbkd
up bringing the heart beat of humanity back in to their steel bodies.
Every thing terrifying cradled Shareamores bodie making her close her
eyes.As it whispered deep demented taunts in to her ears.She was given
A dark view of unhappiness and sadness.She saw the sadows of those that
gave life to thier own madness and earth crushing hickldy pickldy.That
would see that every one living became addicted to their punishments.
And killed over baised on the fact their was no longer A need for the
sun,moon and or stars to press far fetched dreams to.Baised on the fact
decease,famine and nuclear fall out crushed every thing far and near.
Shareamore gripped her inner most being with the force of times
ticking scales.She held on to reality as she snorted in the tempered
clean crisp air ready to introduce her self to those that dared to be
the scribers of the end of time.
AAron Hullett
Buyer of Beauty
This calls for celebration ,A NewOrleans French
Page 171
yelled out.She began jumping in utter excitment.Her enormous honey cream
coated breast almost plunged out of her strapless glamour gown.Her breast
seemed much older than her twenty years.Her nipples seemed eager to
scrape against
the angelic painted ceiling.The Miss America velvet rope closed,concealing
before the world Americas ten most beautiful women.Special guest flocked
to the Miss America Pageant from not only across the U.S.A but the very
world.Intellegence had told Ohara its not about whos first.Its always
about whos first.She knew she had to be seen as the sweetest and fairest
of them all.For her symbol to be cemented and seen as A must have item on
the worlds market.It was known as high drama kicked up that only one
would be crowned Miss America.Ohara smiled knowing she stood front and
center in the lonliest day of her life.All the hopeful girls around her
was ready to lay their very lives down to be crowned.Apart of her wanted
to walk far away from her position.As bonus photos were being taken for
the world.A blond bombshell yelled I have the smallest waist in four
seperate counties.The closer Ohara came to the woman.She could tell she
bleached blond and openly predictable.Microphones were being clipped off
of them.Cameras flashed all about Ohara,to the point she began to feel
contagious.Knowing she had to give in to the momment so she could be
escorted on A tide of lugsury in to her bigger battle.She began to give
the very wants and desires to the fleshly minds.That controled cameras
AAron Hullett
b u y e r oI u e a u c y
and mammoth sized video recorders.She knew she
r a y e
I I ¿
needed them
just to get to the next level.She hafted the fact that misery loved
her.She began to enjoy its presence.Baised on the fact she was
following the guid of the all knowing Federal Seal.That had cut and
sliced at the very hands of time.So that America would be the sole
ruler of eternity.They were waved in to their dressing rooms and in to A
World Wide sports Utility limousine in the matter of minutes.The Miss
America Pageant had recieved top raitings for the first time in eight
years.Their was A wopping 180 million people logged on to their
televisions that night. Their was A clocked pother 75 million people
logged on to the back stage happening via the world wide web.A blazing
Ferrarie Club on Hollywood Boulevard awaited their arrival.Americas A
list young and powerful mega stars were in fast forward when they
arrived their.Ohara loved the pulse of the advanced phenomenon.That
dared to press humanity to the edge of lugsurys and offerings handed to
the affluent and the showy.Shut up when Im talking to you.A young
entertainment goliath yelled out.To A blabbing bombshell who had A
motor on her mouth.Ohara moved steady as she struck through the
crowded dance floor arena.She knew she had to much time to think.It
was now time to capture the mornings front page and glam magazine
periartickles.Each of the girls
were positioned as high society ice queens.That modeled for the cheering
crowdgems and clothes that were desighned by the worlds most cherished
Jewelry and Clothes Desighners.Top grape went every which way on
silver platters.They each wore Catch Me If You Can skin tight Action
Hauty jeans.That gave to the open eye their boodilicious offerings.
Which were matched by flirtatious cashmere halter tops and strappy
AAron HullPt-t-
hi hi heels.That gave to the open eye each of
Buyer of Beauty
Page 173the ladies
edible toes. The world wanted to see which contestant could kill the
competition. With nothing more than their sultry style and their heart
breaker whip appeal.The winner would recieve entrance in to hidden
zones.That the fast and showy drove at top speeds and flew at mauk
speeds in to. Ohara smiled with out giving any facial motion.When she
saw Black Suits positioned with limousine tented glasses on.Ready to
cut down any force that dared to stop the show or bring forthlVworld
wide suicide.She loved how each of the girls banded together in blind
faith that one of the girls wouldnt stab one or all of them in the
press in to A ever watchful camera the tell all secrets that were better
yet left unsaid.Each of the women were so hot,that only the most
courageous men in the Ferrarie club dared to step to them.Ohara danced
with A A List Movie Producer and Hollywood BadBoy at the same time.She
knew the full force of her mission.Which was to feed in to mans hunger
and give attention to the powerful.Her bodie began to redefine the law
of gravity.She knew through Intellegence that she was never to blend in.
She danced as if she had the Federal Seal captured wonderously between
her floaty breast.That clanged and knocked in hopes to never let it go.
Both men began to push and bump in to each other.They wanted to
capture and control each and every part of her for their selves.Lost
in the core of her federal motivation and her America the Great
champagne campagne.Shedashed both men to the waist side.Its all your
fault was all she heard.Crash,A champagne bottle splintered in to A
million peices.Blows began to knife in to the momment.Tasting the
control all blood of high society and loving it.She struck on to the
7 , - 1 1 - 1 1
hi hi heels.That gave to the open eye each of
Buyer of Beauty
Page 173 the ladies
edible toes. The world wanted to see which contestant could kill the
competition. With nothing more than their sultry style and their heart
breaker whip appeal.The winner would recieve entrance in to hidden
zones.That the fast and showy drove at top speeds and flew at mauk
speeds in to. Ohara smiled with out giving any facial motion.When
she saw Black Suits positioned with limousine tented glasses on.Ready
to cut down any force that dared to stop the show or bring forth
A'world wide suicide.She loved how each of the girls banded together in
blind faith that one of the girls wouldnt stab one or all of them in
the back.And
press in to A ever watchful camera the tell all secrets that were better
yet left unsaid.Each of the women were so hot,that only the most
courageous men in the Ferrarie club dared to step to them.Ohara danced
with A A List Movie Producer and Hollywood BadBoy at the same time.She
knew the full force of her mission.Which was to feed in to mans hunger
and give attention to the powerful.Her bodie began to redefine the law
of gravity.She knew through Intellegence that she was never to blend in.
She danced as if she had the Federal Seal captured wonderously between
her floaty breast.That clanged and knocked in hopes to never let it go.
Both men began to push and bump in to each other.They wanted to
capture and control each and every part of her for their selves.Lost
in the core of her federal motivation and her America the Great
champagne campagne.She'ashed both men to the waist side.Its all your
fault was all she heard.Crash,A champagne bottle splintered in to A
million peices.Blows began to knife in to the momment.Tasting the
control all blood of high society and loving it.She struck on to the
Buyer of Beauty
stage with A new taste for the Action Hauty life.That always held A
Page 174
platinum plus experiance.As she held on to her
jagged hips and
began to rock and sway.She took physics to A whole knew level.Which
instantly brought to the upper crust A war amongst the roses.That
held up the very color of the picture perfect rainbow.The blond
bombshell with A small waist and thin face.Turned and gave her back to
A Romance Titan. She smiled wide to the world from the stage,that now
became crowded.
As he began to give her hip locked thrust.Ohara knew it was time to
catch the flash.That was brought front and center by the wave of ever
watching Paparazzi.Ohara haited the fact she didnt have A positioned
man that gave in to her needs.Baised on the fact she didnt she began
to snatch eyes.To where they bucked and locked with an eternal hold
on her cougar on the prowl eternal symbol.The blond bombshell yelled out
you are no match to me.Right then the music was turned to the maximum.
The D.J. saw they began to do more talking than dancing.Knowing she
had to crush the night and the blond bombshell out right.Baised on the
fact she had become bad for buisness.I dont know what you heard about
me.But I take what I want with out asking.Watch Im about to show you
what to do with that fine man behind you.Ohara brought A middle finger
to the momment as she held it high.She became hotter than A black pepper.
Eager and ready to show any and all how not only to get the club crunk,
but propel to the black night their own light.It was as if A big news
break had pressed in to the momment.Men and women turned and gave Ohara
their undivided attention.The blond bombshell quickly turned back to
the hunk.Ready to show the bitch what she was working with.She opened
her eyes wide.Just knowing her paradise blue eyes would capture and hold
Buyer of Beauty
his enterest.Oharas bodie began twisting,winding,shaking and shivering.
Page 175 toosh to the
Just when A man stepped to her she dropped her
floor.Baised on the fact from Intellegence she learned that their was
no buisness like show buisness.She began to put on A show for those she
just knew would buy her mounds of diamonds,spend quality time and
endless money
on her.She licked her lips at the Romance Hunk,who was watching her full
on.Ohara could tell he payed heavily for what he wanted fast.It was
then that she was ready to bring to the upper crust.The truth,that their
was no big buisness as big as the Whore Buisness.Amid the V.I.P Ohara
became A dangerous sex pistol.Hollywood Couples were shaken up and torn
apart from her moves alone.Men stepped to the stage wanting the woman
who could do things their glamour girls couldnt do.Come go with me Im
not playing.A tall dark and handsome copper complected man yelled out.
Not caring that his lover stormed through the club for the exit,while
pushing and shuving.Ohara stood up and slapped her toosh.That held A
hiptnotic hold as Egyptian cocktails on A heated night.The Romance
Hunk knew that Ohara had A hydrolic love that could do stunts and
spectacular feats early in the morning and late at night.He knew he had
found the buried treasure.That could become his state of the art new
exercise equipment.He became drwn to her knowing he could do away with
the SantaBarbara Raquet and Fitness Club.As if he had found some thing
knew under the sun that was fit for A king.The very sight of Oharas
sexually dipped actions brought A smile on his face.He began reaching
out to her when he saw her heart shapped full as shivering and wiggling.
As if she was in the now ready to work what she had to get what she
wanted.The Romance Hunk side stepped the blond bombshell.As her shoulders
RnvPr nf Reautv
raised and the flash caught ever mommentShe knew better than to reach
after her dream maker.The world has to many
screamed out wanting to claw Ohara.Ohara loved
Page 176
seeing the
print in his pants.That was:out stretched and ready to take her to a
quiet place.Only so that
he could instantly begin freaking her.As she dove her cover A over
stuffed power broker stood in her way.As beady small eyes looked down
her halter top.She began to bob and weave knowing she had to hiptnotize
some one any one quick and fast.So that she would be casted-in the Miss
America memory game and recieved high ratings.The hunk began dancing
to the clanging delicious beat,that came from her lively creamy breast.
Deeding him to become love drunk right then and their.To show the worlds
leading men that they would become hiptnotized in seconds.When they
pressed upon her up front and center presence.She salaciously brought
to the forward the latest act of cannabalism.She tore at his see through
muscle shirt.That teased her eyes that wished to feast upon his hairy
chizzled chest.That she knew her head would love to call its very own
resting spot.As if he could read her mind and knew their was more to
come.He began to step on to her magic carpet while giving in to her
fantacys.In hopes in seconds when they with drew from the sworm of
watchful eyes.He could instantly begin to breath deeply in to her finest
points.Ohara began rubbing and touching while twurling erotically
before him as if she was ready to baptise him in the flesh right then and
their.Ohara began feeling like A modern master that was very confrintainal
She locked in to his star struck eyes loving the fact that she was the
creator of the erotically laced madness that began to unravel.As the
cameras entombed the both of them,she began to look back and forward.
Buyer of Beauty
Knowing she became the key note speaker for Sex,Lies and Secrets.Which
Page 177 opera.Look at
was Americas number one night time soap
the time she yelled out.I have got to get my beauty rest.She couldnt
help but look down at his heavy thighs and the print that parachuted in
his Action Are You Ready briefs.In his momment of despair eager to plant
seeds in her fertile soil.He leaped atop A cars hood as if blood rushed
to his head.And he remebered the curve of one of his Oscar Award winning
roles. He brought to the publics eyes one hell of A scene.Ohara was
caught off gaurd by the sight of his hunger.She began to feast in the
sight of
his unequaled lugsurys.That made A Pop Star singer swurve in the middle
of the street.And crash terribly in to A Paparazzi bandit that was
on the look out for any wopping lawsuit he could make happen.Crash,
glass and broken fiber glass cluttered the street.Ohara knew if they
werent in the center of show biz.She would be leting her secret syrum
drip on A five star hotels matress minutes after they connected.The
second hi drama kicked up the shouffer driver opened the limousine door
for Ohara.The beast in side the hunk leaped off of the Ferraris hood.
He pounced upon the passenger side door.The Shouffer instantly flipped
the hunk like A hamburger paty.And walked away to the front of the
limousine while putting his heavy aviation glasses on.With A quickness
the long limousine swung through uncomming and stalled traffic.That
was lost to the theatrics braught to the momment by the Paparazzi who
fell out of his car.As if his neck and very back was broken.Once back
at the mansion positioned by her self.Ohara froze when she recieved A
phone call.The Federal Seal and Intellegence salutes you Shareamore.Under
the nights twilight you did more than make the right moves.You captured
Buyer of Beauty
your bodie.Im
Page 178
more than sure the public eye will want you around all the
the night.while leting all prying eyes explore
time.Baised on the fact your never in A short supply of seduction and
beautiful disaster. That has A media arms race kicking up as I
speak.Ohara hung up the phone knowing the the Secratery of Defense was
A genius.When it came to the make up of Earths time and space.It was
know shocking surprize that her bodie was wanting A explosive ending to
finish the night.She knew their was one to many cameras through out the
mansion.That gave to
the worlds hunger the salacious sights of Americas most beautiful women.
She quickly went straight to the shower.She turned the water on hot
with A quickness.She knew she would be able to find cover in the blanket
of steam.Once she was sheilded her heart became weak.As her under
standing hands and fingers began to probe,penetrate and hold her.She
knew the hunk was open for the taking.He gave her his very heart and
delicious inner most being-And she stepped on it with her spikey heels.
Her hands began to move against the friction and movements of her hips.
Her knees spreaded wide open when the visual sight of the hunks out
stretched length came to full view.She cupped her left and right breast.
And began to suckle and slurp on eatheir nipple.While letting water
swurl and spalsh on her glazzed forbidden fruit.She haited the fact
her fingers could only slide with in her for three inches.She got on
all fours and began to grind on the water faucet.The warm water began
to send her over the edge.As her skin began to glow she bit down on
her bottom lip and let her hips twurl like A hurrican.Until it happened
A stormy sea held her jagged hips in its rocking and bucking hands.
Buyer of Beauty
Page 179
America and the very world you are being faced
with your
biggest challenge.Their before the light of day is ten of the worlds
dream scape providers.Who have the power to not only turn on the
worlds leading man.But have them hand over their full bounty to have
and hold top line flesh devine.But only one can be crowned with the Miss
America glit and glamour destiny.Owwws and ahhhs,erupted when the sight
each of the women in bathing suits stepped slowly on to the pearl
stage with no shoes on.Gather your selves the announcer spoke up.Trying
to calm the hunger of the crowd.Whos eyes and hearts were captured in
each and every concievable way.As they show us that they are to hot to
trot and truly to cold to hold.Each of our lovely contestants will be
showing us how they will single handedly rock the worlds boat.Kenys
Jones waved the first women in to the center of the spotlight.As if she
had the remedy to make A mans hips become fortified with speed.She
struck forward feting her wild dangerous hips lead her forward.Their
before the world is Cheyenne Tarkington.She is from the Seaside port
of Portland Oregon.Cheyenne was A gentle golden brown gazzel.That
brezzed under the spot light.She had been coined the most chic girl of
the week.As she paused and twurled she looked as if she was afraid of
the light.But when she held on to her jagged hips and winked.it was
known with out thought that A tomb cat lived with in her.To change the
rr__11 _ii
Buyer of Beauty
see to it
Page 180
becomming unusual and unpredictable through my journalism skills.What I
world from being so mondane and regular.' will
have over all the other girls is the fact that Im creative and controled
spontanaiety.Baised on the fact time is of the essence.I promise to
give the world truth.For if we dont satnd on truth we as fellow Americans
will fall to any and all types of lies,even little white ones.Every
one began to applaud her full flavored American style.Minutes later
men and women in the audience began to stand.Last but oh my,by the view
of the audience I can see she is not the least.To every one the symbol
of perfection her self Ohara Cabaret.Instantly upon her entrance men
and women began to fall apart.Screams and shreiks of eye catching
pleasure struck in to the momment.Just knowing she was smack dab in the
middle of the life she loved to lead.Ohara struck from behind the
velvet rope in full bloom.Her almond tucked eyes glented with treasures
beaming with in her.Her cup size raised upon her every sure footed
step.She swayed and strutted ready to go further than she ever dreamed'
to go.As the crowd began to cheer every one knew their was trouble in
paradise.Known of the other girls recieved such fanfare.Arrogance began
to kick up A notch in Oharas inner most being.You had better love me,
she growled to her self.For I am before the worlds platform.Soley to
bring security to Americas Western front.She became overtly sexy and
more over the top before the publics eyes.She single handedly turned
little boys in to flesh deviants.When she let her hands wand over her
dream scape bodie.While licking and slurping on her lips just knowing
she was A picture perfect God send.She knew she would make her peice with
the public upon her up front war with Americas most wanted man.If she was
_ _
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Buyer of Beauty
granted the time capsule opportunity to breath the Page 181 same air as
him.The announcer growled right then and their loving the way she
carried her self.His male mystic hungered to spark fire in to her
sexual core.He already told his self once the microphone was
killed.That he would invite her to the party in the fabulous hills.That
would not stop until the sun called every one in to A brand new
day.Knowing that she had become mans inner most desire.She struck
forward as her soul screamed no guts no glory.She swayed in to the
center of time and space in tune with each and every winter fresh
curve on her bodie.She blew full kisses with her glossy full
signature lips.When she stopped she held her bodie in such A way that
she brought to the forward A tapestry of intrigue.To see not only to
America normalcy but the very worlds.May I, she questioned to the up
front and center crowd.Even though A great
deal many of them wanted her over stuffed pussy to do some fast talking.
Every one began to yell for her to continue.I am going to start A non
profit organization with my fifty thousand dollars.If you position me
on top of the world.Ohara could feel a million pair of eyes pressed
upon her.She knew from that second forward as tears began to shed by
men and women alike.That from that second forward every day of her life
would no longer be the same.The company would be called Human Race.So
that thye entire world not one sect or denomination would be in control.
I will bring to the center each and every race together that will see
to us humans trully comming together as one under the moon and sun.The
crowd became lost in the fire that raged in her eyes.That got brighter
the more she spoke.I believe and my inner most being tells me time and
time again.That when all races and creeds come together.Thats when us
Buyer of Beauty
Humans will be able to step through said Egyptian portals and propel
through space in fashions unfathomed today.She
Page 182
began to tear
as she held her beaming chest.If we dont come together we will deplet
this planet
of all its natural resources.To the point it will fall off of its axis.
And with that the Miss America Pageant will be right back.Kenya Jones
spoke up chuckling and pulling for his electrified voice to take center
stage.The populace that was caught in the television.Heard him growl
for proper footing and his hard lined side.That wasnt easily charmed by
A small waist,heart shapped toosh and A cute face.To do your last voting
call 1800 Miss America,to tex hit Miss or to vote through the World Wide
Web log on to Miss America dot com.When he finished talking and he
turned to Ohara.She began to slightly dance as if she wanted to drop her
bodie to the ground.Only so she could raise it up puting her back in to
it.Kenya quickly began to invite her to the hills.He swore to her he
would deliver her to the upper class.When she began to bob and weave out
of his reach.He before the crowd began to come undone.She didnt care to
so much as share the same breath as him.Let alone frequent with the
material and flashy obsessed Hauty Coulture.The cameras caught the motion
that her over stuffed gift to man made.When she hop scotched out of his
reach.Which made the polls begin to over load.Camera crews began to
give captions of the other fabulous women that were holding on to their
most cherished and saught after attributes.Baised on the fact the worlds
most powerful men were watching with close scrutiny.They began cursing
degrading each other with out their lips moving.Tension had coursed A
evil cord between them.Bitch that bend over move isnt going to help
your ass at all.Girls of color were boomed as exotic last year.This year
Buyer of Beauty
In this years triangle,fair skin is seen as to
Page 183 die for.Bitch
stay out of my way.Im about to be bigger than Americas BandStand.Once
Im voted in Im going to flip money men over backwards.So that I can
start making
fire from money when my ass gets cold.Fairchild dabbed at her electricity
blond hair.That barbie dolled down her slender back.She began to let
her fingers roll over Hollywoods mouth watering wants.Which were the
visible sights of her clavical,sternum and pelvic girdle.Fairchild knew
she was A shew in baised on the fact she starved her self to near
perfection.Baised on the fact Intellegence taught her to be at all times
A lethal thriller.She stood bre thlessly exciting eager to breath life
in to the ultimate scenario.Ohara knew better than to be mistaken.Her
every angle was being locked and keyed on by the worlds most dangerous
men.Pay no attention to A one of them.Mr.Kremlin growled in the open.As
the Masters Team behind Buyer of Beauty stood frozen.Dangling in the
balance of time and space.The Secratery of Defence saw Oharas face
naught up in A constricting facial expression.That showed she was
seconds from pouncing on one of the ladies.Which would for surley cut
to shreds the Buyer of Beauty fairest of them all intellectual flesh
strike.Before us is the very woman who has the monumental power to cut
in to the Middle East Terrorist and Insurgent balance of power.With out
the help of multi million dollar arsenals,helicopters,tanks and A feild
of murder men.I bet you were caught in domestic bliss scrubbing floors
before the camera flash saved you.Fairchild became venomous as she spoke
quick and fast.Ohara knew that the devil was on her shoulder wishing to
bite next,Ohara began to smite as brightly as the titanic diamond and
crystal chandeliers.She knew the polls would stand before them in under
m m - - -
1 . . r
eight seconds.She tried to block Fairchild
- 1 1 - i l l -
of Beauty
Page 184out,as she began
to get beneath her.Her inner most being welcomed her real first challenge
that struck at her glamorous life and federal position.Each woman with
their slick designs were lead off stage.So that they could return with
glamour gowns.Just as they stepped out of the watchful eyes of the
world.Ohara quickly began to hopscotch out of her spikey hi hi
heels.She quickly pened her hair up in A perfect bun.She knew when she
dropped it minutes later it would be teamed with black sparkling fabulous
curls.That would drap her oval soft shoulders that were on high
shine.Ohara became entramped in her federal position.Her feel good
expressionsmade cameras flash as she got dressed.She knew with out question
that she was A triple crown winner.One of the crowns would represent her
federal position that was not to be reckoned with,to her last undieing
breath.Which was positioned to cut in to and down A nation of
lunatics.Her second crown would be given to her on A imperial red
pillow.Baised on the fact she held up the vanguard to A new Action
Hauty symbol.That the very world was emotionally ready to respond
to.That was backed by the color of strength and said to be the best
import from hotland.Her third crown would be placed on her beautiful
head.Baised on her true love for humanity.She knew she was ready to die in
the now to eradicate the very worlds number one terror threat.Even if
death cruel and vicious was etched in the future to do her part.As she
got dressed apart of her became nerve wracked and caught in the flash
that surrounded her.She knew the ombeiance of it all wasnt set just for
one evening.What circled around her would last for the duration of her
hearts steady beat.She was now the very pulse of America in full.She
smiled as she was given A
Buyer of beauty
invite from Donald Trump his self.How about you and I dash to the waist
side all the groupies and that thing called
at each other as savages would.Each of the women
Page 185
love.And claw
were caught
in the momment of granduer.When they recieved the rose pedal
introduction,that they knew they were worthy of.To the worlds most
beautiful women the polls are inSilence fell to the point every one
became entombed in every one
elses quietly taken breath.Im sure each and every one of you ladies will
be ushered in to exclusive cuts and corners of the globe.But only one
of you will be lead above the clouds.Where sunshine will become the
very floor you walk on and pollution and war hasnt shown its face.Ohara
knew that Intellegence had written the passages spoken by the Announcer.
An extatic crackle kicked up from the Announcer.As cheers and applauds
kicked up to a flamming degree from the standing crowd.The Second Runner
Up is Abigel Winfrey.A olive complected bombshell heaved from her chest
lost to the force of the momment.She held the flavor and style of A
dangerous high way.That the worlds most saught after Clothes Desighners
would kill to run through.She stood all of six foot one.She took her
boquet of roses and her fifty thousand dollar modeling contract with
great appreciation.Tonight I will dance as if their is no tommorow.She
screamed out to the world.As she lead her self in to the shadows care
free and fluid with every step taken.Fairchild bit down on her full rose
pedal pink lip.Which showed her open nervousness before the world.
Stomach nauting tension sludge hammered through the Catch Me If You Can
momment.Not a one of the girls were eager to find them selves A Husband
and settle down.Each of them were eager to push full steam ahead in life
at top speeds.A tear dotted Fairchilds pleasure palace blue eyes.Tension
A A r n n u ,1 1 1 A t - 1 -
Buyer of Beauty
wouldnt let any of the girls center them
Page 186
selves.Fairchild began to scream in to her inner most being.In hopes to
calm her self down.Her feelings were to hard to smooth over.Oharas
panties began to bunch,she saw the hunger of man press upon her
flesh.She knew if they were smack dab in the middle of barbaric
times.The men would already begun clubing each other in the head.In the
attempt to call her their very own.Men of high finance stood in the
front row.With want and desire caught in the core of their eyes.That
beamed,locked and held to every angle that made up Americas most
beautiful women.Fairchild Winingale you are the First Runner
up.Fairchild blushed as she recieved her bouquet of roses and her
seventy fifty thousand dollar modeling contract.That was teamed with the
first cosmetic contract.Ohara stood shivering casted smack dab in the
center of the crushing tide of glamour.Ohara Cabaret America has picked
you to stand before time and space as the unadulturated Miss
America.Confede and cherrs began to serande her very position.Ohara began
to lean and rock in the star filled momment.As A star spangle crown was
placed on her.Screams struck through the air like torenchal rain.That
kicked up in the eye of A catagory five storm.That was said to be the
very eye of evil.Ohara knew at that very second the very world had
become her bandstand.That would brand her federal number in the core of
historys make up.She smiled ready to leap in bounds in her 2006 Buyer of
Beauty strike.She twurled before the world knowing she was A living and
breathing modern day conquerer.Whos very language and style would out
shine Eves position in biblical script.She swore to her inner most being
that she would take her existence now not later to its highest level.She
began to bow and blow kisses to the Federal Seal and the Masters Team
T T •
. , . .
v . . 1 1 . . L - 4 -
Buyer of beauty
behind it.Who were geniuses in the eight right.Who Page 187 pressed beauty
in to the worlds nerve wracking world domination crescendo.Where detailed
characters brought about mind altering manners of death.That sent the
better half of the plant in hiding.Ohara knew that she was not only
stepping head first in to battle.She was plunging in to A covert
operation that was the bedlum of war,espionage and high level
manipulation.Which was the ultimate compliment for eternal rule.Ohara
knew at that exact momment she had become the eyes of the Federal Seal.
She feel in to the high pitched excitment of the momment head first.She
welcomed the journey of continues growth.Be it spiritual,mental,social,
politcial and personal porportions.That on any and every waking day
would boggle the minds of commoners.That had not been Baptized by the
power of the Federal Seal.She twurled inher _American Blue castle gown.
That held a plunging front that brought out the freak in young men.Her
bold curves,feel good expressions and rich skin brought forth an exotic
package.As she was ushered to the microphone,she covered her mouth.As
she shivered in A storm of emotions.What will you do with the world now?
The extatic crowd stood silent and ever watchful.I will give my time and
self to tommorows rulers.I will be their eyes and mouth peice.I will
go to Washington on A regular baises.To grab A hold to funding for
safe homes and after school projects .For every child through out the
United States.So that no child will be left out of education and or
mental and spiritual growth.What type of man is Miss America hoping and
wishing to call her very own.Now that you are the closest thing to
American royalty.Destiny began to call Ohara forwared.In hopes to grabe
A mind altering hold of the players behind the worlds very movements.
nA rr .r , II ,1 1 1 0+-+ -
She became an experianced Special Agent.That was
Buyer of Beauty
Page 188trump:'
tight with heart wrenching theatrics.I want a man of old fashioned
values.Who is positioned in the now.That knows whats going on in the
world.Oharas satelight performance was instantly made money men throw
gifts on to
the stage.That represented what type of men they were.She smiled deep in
to the media circus as red,white and blue confede kicked up like A cash
machine closing the Miss America Pageant.
Buyer of Beauty
Once Ohara was helicoptered out of the ever
Page 189
watchful eye of
the worlds media.She was lowered down to the LosAngeles federal
buildingsunder token.Apart of her didnt wish to return to her federal
command post.She wanted to let the upper crust feast upon her dream
catcher offerings. That was said to be mouth watering and delicious in
every concievable way.She quickly showered and exercized to shake off her
jittery emotions. She had to touch her self for seconds on end.Baised
on the fact her sexual core was said to be contagious.She was not only
seen as A
living and breathing pleasure palace.She was also seen as the principle
to every man and boys utter most dream.She was surprized when in the
undert token when she steppedout of the exersize room A surprize party
kicked up in her honor.Special Agents swormed every inch of the under
token.Many had come far and wide to seranade the woman that was said
to be the light to the Federal Seals raging fire.Silver platters and
top grape went every which way.As she nibbled and excepted the highest
honors with great respect.Her mind ran back to the festivitys that
struck hours before.She wanted to know for her self.Was she truly
picked by Americas people as Miss America.She wanted to know if she
trully had the goddess next door look.Or had the Federal Seal groped
her mental stronge hold up.To dare walk in the eye of Ra.Where hell
fire and treatury- awaited her arrival.A stell cord controled the ever
still air.
A A r n n fi~~,1 1 ai-t
Every one began to choke and ghasp of air as
Buyer of Beauty
Page 190 intensity
gravitated to and through every corner of the Warroom.Shareamore have
A seat,the Director growled.His blue sceptors became estranged as if
he was the maker and crusher of wild confusion.Apart of her felt like
A innocent
citizen that was held hostage.In the flames of wrath,that were murderous
and given fire from virgins blood.She sniffed at the high octane
second that held A steel curtain of continental force and a heavy wave
oc caffein.Mr.Kremlin snapped his fingers,that held federal force
backing his every whim.Shareamore,we have this man locked under radar
and his name is Akbar Hamid.Before every ones eyes A caption and sound
bite came in to the liquid screan.Their he was walking with A masters
team.He seemed to walk as if he were A gentle man.His soft spoken voice
held up the boundaries of his calm and collective make.He waved his
hands and spoke as if he knew all eyes were on him.Some thing told
her men of this fashion didnt look in mirrors to perfect their fleshly
positions.That watched news captions and editorials that were baised on
them.To perfect their mannerisms.He has made contact with your publicist
and innernet sight.He has asked that you have A weekend jaunt with him
to his palace in Iraq.He knows that you may already be scheduled to
dash through runways and cash in on your top billing.So he has offered
to pay you 300,000 dollars for your time.Shareamore smiled wide and
inticed before every one.She knew she was prepaired to take the best
of men on.This man holds vast holdings in land,oil and commerce.This man
is A dinomite beginning for the Buyer of Beauty world dominating
strike.She sat attentive thursty for federal intellegence.Which was
the lifes seed of power and utter domination over all that breathed.
7 1 T . .
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T T . . I
Buyer of Beauty
It was right then and their that she understood
Page 191 why the Miss
America symbol,was positioned as the prelude.To
the blood
bath that was about to insue.Gather your self K-02771.You are about to
be given the star light star bright chance to become the
antidote.That can not only
begin to become the drug that gets some of the worlds most powerful men
high.But the very chance to grabe A hold to eternal power is calling
your style and very make forward.With your very own personal touch you
can make your way in to the center of the Earth.And entomb your self
their for all of eternity.Shareamore knew what the Director ment to say
was,that her chance to rewrite history has come for her.In daya you will
be given A chance not only to message the heart beat of time and space.
But you will be given the one and seven billion chance to do the
unthinkable.Which is to rule lifes very tidal shifts.That can very well
change the surface of the Earth.The thought of that gripped the pulse
of the room.Every one stood frozen.Shareamore felt the fear and
uncertainty that cradled her skin.She quickly dashed the feelings to
the side of her.She inhailed deeply ready to take on what ever life
had to offer with open eyes and A full arsenal drawn.SWhareamore was
no longer caught in the pillar white clouds of glit and glamour.That
was cherished to the death by sensation freaks and to be in the now
geeks.Her pulse began to bleed for eternal rule.The Directors last
words raised her ever ready hopes to not only be casted in history.But
to out shine Eves biblical position in history.The thought of stomping
to scripted dust the curse pressed upon man and woman began to consume
her sharp mind,her gravitating soul and her heated bodie.It was the
thought of becomming the percurser that brought peace in humanitys
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twurling terroristic hell.That pressed A kingdom Page 192
of panic and
Earth shattering fright in to Patricias open face.The terrible visions
of hospital attacks,car bombs,eradic plane heists and blood thursty
terrorist headlining before the live wire.That they were the master
minds that would see to every breathing American on Middle Eastern
soil was crushed and burned in the highest disrespects.Knowing that
she thought like A mastermind at all times.Who lived soley to compound
and fortify her being with intellegence that was passed down by the
ages.She sat bolt right and attentive eager to kill the Middle Eastern
Masters of America must fall seremonies.She instantly became entramped
in the F.B.I. and its intellegence gathering systems.These men that you
are about to intercept hold beliefs that children,teens,men and women
alike are following to the death.The Director became hot blooded as he
spoke.This man Akbar has frequented with men that have given birth to
decades of bloodshed.Its now time to breath the most strategic part
to this Buyer of Beauty counter strike.That I have personally labled
the hunter and the hunted.The Director began to claw and dig in to
every second that ticked with high level data and Mind Over Matter
Intellegence.shareamore some how knew with every breath that Onsama
Ban Laden breathed lacerated the Directors very soul.She was moved
when she was told that Americas Intellegence taught Onsama Every One
Must Die ground level war fare.She began to move about in her seat and
let gas free float in the air.She couldnt stand the pain it braught to
her naughted stomach.Onsama had been given extensive scholling in Mind
Over Matter world play techniques.That haafthé ability to make corners
of the world fall in to his poetic lalabyes.She felt as if she was
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isolated from the world.When the Secretary of
Page 193 Defence
whispered.Onsama is teaching his people that victory eternal is the
gift for ones pure existence.She wasnt surprised when she was told
Americas Intellegence forces had already sworn and made A pact to never
again press American Intellegence be it supream upon any third world
nation.Unless to do so would bring immediate sun and or moon
victory.Which was clocked in at
A twenty four hour interval.Just as gadjets began to come in to the open.
The Director and Secratery of Defence looked at Shareamore with genuine
glee.They knew she had the visual power to make A team of mens sweat
flow from every pore.The thought of her possible survival made Mr.Titus
begin to talk quick and fast.For he knew their was A slim chance of
her survival,the second she made her murderous presence known.K-02771
I want you to know baised on the fact I am your maker,who has given
you eternal position and the breath you breath in Intellegence.Thier is
no other way to say what I have to say but say it in orderly fashion.
Before your symbol flames you must suck,fuck and manipulate your way
to the man of the hour.For now you must say good bye to your good
vurtues and good heart.You must be quick to let your self respect fall
from grace.Instantly A disturbed look crusted in Shareamores eyes.For
Intellegence some times its hard,but we must all suffer well.Time and
space is calling your name to take A hold of it by its very reigns.
Shareamore wanted to smile at the thought she would have skeletons in
her closet to sell-One of NewYorks bohemoth book publishing companys
and Hollywoods megaton movie houses.As the Secratery of Defence continued
to navigate her mental mind stem.Apart of her hafted her beauty that
could easily leave A fleet of men hanging up side down.When she turned
to the Director she was lost at the fact he
Buyer of beauty
Page 194staired at her
caught in A up front day dream.Meet me in outer space his dreamy eyes said
to her.She watched as he shook his head and leaped full center in to
reality. Patricia stood up leting her mouth,tounge and mind strike with
up front percision.Shareamore turned her head from the Director while
screaming in to the furthest reaches of her mind.Fuck finding some
common freinds and settling down.I wish to press forward not caring if my
motions are
steady.For I was built like A well oiled maching to rock and roll through
rough terrain.That commoners and the wishful could never fathom of taking
up let alone dieing with full honors in.Shareamore you are about to be
given gadgets you have only dreamed about.Instantly A candy store of
murder and mayhem items came full circle.A wall twurled bringing forth
items only madd men in cold,dark castles could have brought to the light
of day or the ever black flow of darkness.She began to breath in and
breath out.When Action Hauty fashion was braught to the open.You will
be able to let men fall in and out of love for days and years.With these
to die for garmets that fall to the right in slutish fashion.Shareamore
knew that she deserved the best of the best.It is said that America
doesnt have culture through out the Middle East.I want you to live up to
that myth.The Director was struck when Shareamore welcomed the thought
of that.And twurled in A chiflon see through cocktail dress.Shareamore
looked up to the ceiling that held the Federal Flag painted in three dee.
It was as if she could see the future,she bit down on her bottom lip
salaciously.She knew that every day in the Middle East wouldnt be the
same.She saw men bending over backwards and stretching her bodie in
spintingling positions.In each interval she saw her self waking up not
Buyer of Beauty
remebering how the pleasure roller coaster got
Page 195
Patricia continued to speak,Shareamore licked her lips.She knew she could
finally give the steady thump between her thighs its screaming fill.The
thought of enjoying foreign voltage regulators made her panties
dampen.She began to hope the men she would step on knew how to use their
tools.As they opened her eyes to their world and she pressed her claws in
to men that stood on the side of them.That she just knew would lead her
to Onsama
Ben Laden.Or his most trusted country men,that would give key data of his
location.So that Americas top forces could kick his draws around his
head.As they insinerated every thing far and near to his pin pointed
location.Shareamore get A ganduer at your time scape murder tools.That
hold up A glmaour girls arsenal.Your spikey hi heels that are A man.wth-_r.
A foot fetishes dream .Doubles as A gun when you pull the heels back.A
nine mill meter slug will eject.Patricia became up close and venomous
as she spoke.I ask that you shoot no further than eight feet for
maximum accuracy.You have five sheels positioned in each shoes cradle.
Shareamore was able to practise.She snatched the heel back two times.
Upon each time she shuved the heel back in its cradle.Which repositioned
the next bulet.That was cauked and loaded ready to explode.With eight
pounds of pressure you can kick in to any momment A high stepping murder
plan.Patricia walked forward picking up the infemous hair clip.The make
and model you used to kill Uslan Diaz is now absolete.Shareamore began
to smile like assorted roses in full bloom with glee.Shareamore when you
pull open the clip to this over sized paltinum and gold toothed peice.
You bring to the forward razor sharp' teeth.That become lyrical providers
to A symphony of emotion envoking throat slashing and flesh snatching
AArnn Mn11al1
murder sprees.We will be positioning A All Points
Buyer of Beauty
Page 196 locater in
your ankle. Which will give Intellegence the necessarys on your global
location at all times.Shareamore picked up the small bubble.That was
pearl and made like A sheded tear.It will continue to give us your
location as long as warm blood flows over it.If the signal dies we will
know the inevitable has happened.Patricia swallowed hard as she shook
her head and took A deep breath.Shareamore didnt swallow or
blink,baised on the fact she knew death was always A looming
shadow.Since the very first day she
dared to sign A life time contract with the Federal Seal.She smiled loving
her sharp mind that was in hunger mode to know more and see more.Her
soul swore to the furthest reaches of the cosmos.That if her flesh was
to drop to ashes and dust.That thier would be teams of others that would
fall in the break of day.Who dared to bring death to Democracy.As if
terrorist were gunning Shareamore began to walk ahead of Patricia.The
Director loved the way Shareamore moved in to the future.Dashing to the
waist side the pains be them mental that ruled the past.The make of the
different gadgets caught Shareamores very mind.She knew these gadgets
werent built and dreamed up over night.She knew that Federal Minds were
in deep thought for years weeks and months.She licked her lips when she
smelled sweet perfumes that were geared to make the most faithful men
bend over backwards to the wants and needs of the sweet smelling temptress,
The phermones were scientifically tested on the most bull headed of men.
Shareamore see this silvery number.It is never to be worn.You brush these
partickles off of it.And when the said man goes to sleep sprinkle the
partickles in to his mouth of nasal passage and get back.A rat was dashed
with the silvery partickles.In seconds it began spitting up blood.As its
anvrsr u„l lo+-+
Buyer of Beauty
rear end began to duficate the better parts of its Page 197 lungs.As the rat
killed over,Patricia threw a cover over the rat display.A human being wont
feel them until they swell from mucus or saliva.It will be then that your
fantacys of bloody murder will press over the said persons bodie.They
will be gin coughing and stripping out the better part of their throat.
If they swallow they will cut out their stomach in under thirty minutes.
A up front helicopter wouldnt be able to get the high powered man to
the nearest hospital fast enough.Mr.Titus stepped next to Shareamore
with his red veined face beaming with anger.He leaned over and began to
tap the table.While looking up to Shareamore with all the power that was
invested in him.He wanted to shuve haitred in to her mind,bodie and
soul.That would feast upon her very inner most being.To where being the
hand that feed A thousand deaths would rite the following morning
starving for more.He knew and the worlds appluads and want of her in the
flesh,showed she was A unique production.That Intellegence had given
world class diagnostic skills to.He wondered if she knew that the
federal talley was in.Which gave the tell tall final score of death.The
very second that she was to lay seige on Onsama Ben Ladens very breath.Her
death was said to arize with in the very next second.Mr.Titus now stood
up right before her in A tormented impaired state.Due to the fact fait
had many punishments.Knowing that the Federal Seal needed her to be
shuved head first in to mankinds darkness.He brought to the second that
ticked life line A slide show.The death] trodden sights of the dead,
decomposed,chopped up and blown to smitherings were brought up in full
AAron Hullett
Buyer of Beauty
American and Middle Eastern men who dared to stand Page 198
up for
Demoacracy. Seemed to be nothing more than the opening pages to Onsama
Ben Ladens electrifying thriller.Onsama demented horrifying voice was
over shadowed as his timely plots and road side attacks came in to full
view.The Secratery of Defence didnt care to bring up the Pentagon and
World Trade Center attacks.He brought forth immediate attacks that held up
the mans flames of wrath.Onsamas spellbinding chants made Shareamore
snarl as she watched.She began to transform in to a blood thursty
homosaphien. Her hands became bladed knuckles that were in want to
become big bad bruisers.When the sights of his training terror cells
came in to full view.Men,women and children were seen running forward
chanting his war
ballads,in to the center of wild confusion.Her blood became hot as it ran
thick.She knew she had the remedy to make them all tuck tail and run in
the opposite direction.Every inch of her glowed with superiority,she
inhailed deeply ready to step in to the lions den.That was held up and
positioned in the land of Ra.Where thousands of insurgents and terrorist
were eager to die.In hopes to rize in A eternal flame that held up the
time span lap of lugsury.That was as sweet as early morning dew.She knew
as her love Jones for Democracy and the Federal Seal lead her forward.
She knew from birth they were taught to die at a blink of the eye.In the
next instant they would recieve the highest elevation.It was at that
point that she wished Americas culture was earmarket in to its very
stronge hold.Americans faught hard and long for retirements that came
with A gold enthroned high fashioned Action Ticker.She had to shake her
head and not think about the retirement plans and 401K plans that were
being snatched right from under Americas Working Class.The blood price
AAron Hullett
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of Americas falling soldiers centered her in to the Page 199
high octane
momment. Onsamas very make was locked and logged in the very pulse of
her gravitating soul.That screamed at the cosmos for eternal
deliverance. She knew he had become her personal target.She wanted guns
that were
so powerful that they blew out her ear drums.When and if she was ever
given the chance to breath the same air as him.The thought of those
possibilities made her take in A deep breath.That she blew out through
her button nose.Which brought A slow calm to her booming heart.Mr.Titus
growled with pitch forked haitred.As he spoke of how Americas enemy number
one stayed A step ahead of Intellegence.She swore as her lips curled in,
open bait and her temperature raised as her mind screamed murder.She knew
with out words said that if she was given the chance to come in eye
sight with the murderous living legend.That she would instantly become
A speed driven hurrican.That would bring bloody murder in to the abrupt
open.High strung and eager to bring forth A new kill for American glory.
Which would spark A historical all powerful wave length through out
the very world.To where grade school children woulod all wish to rize
as Special Agents.The better part of her wanted explosions pressed with
in the finer point of her offerings.She invisioned her self doing nothing
more than tweaking her nipples.Which would detonate enough explosives to
cut A bloody smile in to Onsamas most favorite mountains.Shareamore,Mr.
Titus growled as his phists banged in to the octagon table.Suspence made
Patricias teeth begin to grind.when the Director waved his hand every one
turned to their guiding light.Shareamore A part of me wants to send you
to A eight day cruise.But Intellegence beacons me to inform you now more
than ever that time is of the essence.Baised on the knowledge we
AAron Rullett
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have obtained from out terrorist detainees in
Page 2UU
AbuGhraib.Every one stood before the crucifix that held up the very firt
drop of blood.That breathed breath with in the Buyer of Beauty twenty
first century world domination strike.She stood up right and eager to be
inducted in to her second comming of her eternal existence.That may
very well control script in America tombed history.With in the wave
length of the mind altering human drama every one knew the surface of
the world was at stake.Shareamore stood froze when she was told her
strike could very well see to man in his full form transforming in to A
different being
all together.Who would come to give the deepest respects and reverance to
women the world over.Baised on the fact A woman became the curator of
time and space.Shareamore gather your self the Director now growled
and roared as he spoke in high fashion.In four days you will land in the
land of Ra.Today is Tuesday.Come Saturday you will be fixated in A
world made of pure gold,insurgents,terrorist,master minds and shieks
that own palaces even Elvis wouldnt feel comfortable or worthy stepping
with in.With out taking his shoes off.Shareamore began to whisper
baised on the fact her voice left her.Due to the electricity that
lightening bolted through the static electricity air.What ever tommorow
may bring I will be their,moving from strength to strength.Until
Saturday we will held you sharpen your hocus pocus flows,be them
mental and physical.Patricia stepped to Shareamores side.I will bring
forth erotic mind altering sexual techniques.That Intellegence has
developed from the Greek Era to now.You will be taught how to keep firm
control of your mental mind stem when you are casted in A euphoric
state.That is mind altering and spine tingling in every erotic way.
Buyer of Beauty
Patricia licked her lips as if the very thought Page 201 of what she
was going to teach Shareamore was pleasure to her mind.I want to first
say today is the greatest day I have ever known.Shareamore became A
new sun
rizing.Her beaming smile pressed An extatic state of being with in every
one.When the Secratery of Defence began to speak of the valleys,rough
terrain and mountain onclaves she would be taught about.Her breast
became action heavy eager to press in to the next momment mortal death
blows.Her forbidden fruit began to quiver at the thought she was about
to come in company with men who had more money than Americas Federal
Reserve.Know Shareamore the Director quaked,that the men in question
are quick to pay A woman large sums of money to bend over backwards and
indulge in high fashioned drugs not afforded by commoners.That are said
to have no side effects.But in fact enhance ones physical and cosmos
tuned abilitys.Shareamore wanted to question the Director was levitation
truly possible.But she decided to follow in suit and salute the Federal
Seal for momments on end in earth quake silence.
m a -
Shareamore went deep in to the undertoken and
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Page 202
found her
daughter sound asleep.Her heart began to pace and race as she looked
over her and showered her with kisses.The fleshly part of her begged
for her to pace her self for the distance in her mission.Rather than
monster trucking through the treasurous gold laden course that
awaited her arrival.As her mind and heart began to war crushing her
from her inner
most being to the gentle scapes of her mouth watering flesh.Her daughter
yawned and wrapped her arms tightly around her mouther.As she continued
yawning for what seemed like for ever.Her daughters love took her hands
out of control.She knew that through the fire that was bright and casted
in A_world of love.Shareamore knew to strike when the time presented its
self with out haist.When she layed her daughter down she curled up with
A wide smile crusted on her face.Shareamore knew if she died her
Daughter would know her mother was Americas protector and international
stunner.Shareamores action startled her to the point.She knew if she
died her daughter would know no other way to live.But for Democracy
to the death and or eternal life line that held her.Shareamore knew
she was about to step in to A mission that wouldnt follow proper
protocal.She would have no command base to communicate with in any way.
She was stepping in to the other side of the world soley on her very
own merits and the tide of sensationalism.That Intellegence balloned
to its highest levels.Shareamore made sure she didnt stuttor step when
it occured to her with mind altering force.That she was about to
become the lifes blood of Americas most dangerous game.The thought of
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being alone in A world filled with mongrels and
Page 203
cutthroats.Paranoia and schetzophrania began to choke her and wish for
her loose her mind.She began to breath hard and heavy to make sure it
wouldnt mutilate her mind and tear it in half.Nothing is alright she
screamed to her self until you walk back on American soil.If your
destined to walk back on American soil.I cant keep living this way she
screamed in to her inner most being.Apart of her wanted to curse the
Federal Seal out.For penetrating,compltcating and stretching her mind
set to its furthest reaches.The thought of comming to like and
possibly love one of the Arabs bit in to her sexual nature.Being made
love to on their national flag began to erase the pressure the weighed
heavy on the back of her mind.A whurl wind began kicking in her inner
most being and boggled mind.She knew if she didnt move with skill on
every frontShe wouldnt
be able to sink or swim,she would be blown to peices.She became paranoid
as she walked to her cubical.She caught her self looking over her back.
Being made love to on mountain tops,sand dunes and dry creek beds.That
were home to scoundrels and drug dealers that were always bedded with
rocket launchers,grenades and M-16 sent her mind off its even keel.
Knowing that she could uncover top line information with her very own
privledged techniques.Made her panties bunch and fever rize between her
silky thighs.Mystery and suspence cradled her.She felt as if she saw
the future.She saw a tall dark man with unsurpassed skill and percision.
Discovering the finer points of her offerings to mna kind.Which made
her fishtail under her covers and begin groping her self.While slurping
on her full lips.The thought of clutching and twisting A Middle Eastern
Mans mind stem with A flip of her tounge enthrawled her.Having him turn
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on A three ring strob light on the secrets the
Page 204hold up the
Middle East. Made her understanding and taunting fingers penetrate and
glide over heated and glazzed erogenous zones.The thought of being the
fairest of them all under the time lit stage.Made her cinnamon tipped
nipples beam at full mask.Her gushing mouth agapped to taste and enjoy
her very own mouth watering offerings.When her mouth clamped down on her
left nipple her right hand struck with force in to her hungry forbidden
fruit,that screamed for attention,penetration and understanding.Her
inner most being became open looking for man.Her thighs cracked wide
open giving her steady fingers enough room to find the core of her
heated,throbbing and wanting forbidden fruit.Her soft toes began to rub
together wishing they had A mans hips to lock around.She knew the here
and now was rightfully hers.The thought of men and boys lapping
tounges flowing over the most treasured parts of her made her lips
and tounge ocean wave over the contours of her up and ready breast.She
began to squeeze them,baised on the fact they hungered for A mans
greedy construction working hands.She began to convulse when her bodies
chemistry began to mix and combust.When the thought of her becomming the
scriber of womens power source and historical reign.Her three fingers
became automatic weapons.That continued to lightening bolt with in
her.Her jagged hips began to rock like A storm crashing over A small
boat in the middle of the Pacific.She knew she was about to lay down her
very life for world dominating mortal stakes.She began to feel she had
super powers.That would make the strongest of men fold under her
presence and illicit taunts.That would give A teenage boy cavitys from
her sweetness alone. She swore to l,ife,lbiberty and Justice that if she
was to die.She would
AAron Hullett
Buyer of Beauty
strike in to and through infinity A walking
would take to war any and allterrorist and the like.That dared to crush
Democracy and its stronge hold out of reality.She began to explode and
come A stormy sea.While slurping licking and penetrating the finest
invention brought to Mother Earth by the Creator Of All.She drew her
hands in to her mouth loving the taste of her very own nectar.That
would give A child wonderous curly hair and drive A grown man stark
raving madd.She laved back and stretched knowing she was about to take
over the reign of Intellegence and its finest twenty first century
debute.That was not only the light to Diplomacy and Democracy but the
lifes blood of hopes and dreams for all man kind together alike.
Buyer of Beauty
Page 206
Shareamore smiled to her self welcomming the
entrance of
Ohara Cabaret. As the massive private jet began to descend down in to
Iraq.She smiled at the waves of construction that was in full
swing.She patted at her eye brows as heat circled and began to make
love to her refined skin. The sun seemed to be hugging the
landscape.Imperial red carpet was layed out for her.A media circus was
in rotation around the RollsRoyce limousine.Seconds later when the
airplane stopped and she was waved by the stewardess to take control of
time and space.She lead with her dangerous hips.That rotated and rocked
right back in to place.She came in to the open,hot terrific not knowing
her limits.She blew dry yet vivacious kisses at Akbar Abdul first.Then
the wave of cameras that flashed catching the first parts of her Middle
East entrance.She smiled
dangerously,knowing once she brought to the forward her Federal position
their would be no turning back.Kiss,kiss,bang bang she purred in to her
inner most being.As she struck with a sure glide down on to the imperial
red carpet.She loved the feeling of her in tune bodie.That floated on
A tide of high performance.She knew that her feet and hands had been
registered as lethal weapons.Every cut and corner of her bodie was
right in tune with her inner most being.Intellegence had taught her
tl át the world was quick to follow A symbolic figure.She felt as though
she struck in to the forward with an extra voltage of energy.She twurled
AArnn Hullo Ft
Buyer of Beauty
the very second she reached the ground.Iconic and Page 207 sexy she was
from head to toe.She saw the shoufers jowels lock as he staired at
her.She wished she would be able to make Akbar give his offerings to her
as freely.She knew that the Federal Seal needed for her to make him give
her the very essence of his being.So that America the land of the free can
strike from the sky.And bring down thunder on Onsama Ben Ladens very King
snake pit position.As she came in contact with Akbar,she was glade that
that her day started with A federal meeting.Baised on the fact Akbars
pearsing brown eyes were luminous.He exuded compassion and love for all
man kind in his feather soft gestures.He waved Ohara to the crowds that
asked A million questions.The second he saw her dab at her brow.He
quickly ushered her to the motorcad.Knowing she needed A cool drink and
refuge from the beating sun.She watched his suave,smooth and cool
movements.She knew with out second thought that she was postioned soley
to be the killer of man.She knew if she made A fatal mistake she would
have let down all of Americas positioned heros.She turned her eyes from
his.She hafted the part of her that wished to swim in his inner most
beings loving carefree offerings.She continued to smile knowing she was
the star in the deep pursuit of life,liberty and the quest for eternal
American rule.Akbar stood all of five foot eleven.He wore A soft cream
velvet suit.His hair was balding at the top of his crown.What hair he
had was properly trimmed .It was his open expression that let Ohara relax
in his presence.As she warmed up to him slowly she wondered would she
be able to live recieving top honors at the end of her story.Or would she
be picked apart and casted in to demented torture chambers unknown to
America?She was caught off gaurd when he patted the back of her hand.His
Buyer of Beauty
gentleness had the power to break down her gaurds.She sat back coy and
open for the taking.She knew not to be to quick to
Page 208
hop scotch
over Akbar Abdul.After she picked his brains for all the knowledge and
top level information she could pluck out of him.After he passed her A
gold flutted glass of top grape.He turned to her as the driver pressed
pedal to medal.She continued to hold his soft finely manicured hands.As
she looked deep in to his eyes eager to advance.Through the land of
baptised killers and blood thursty cut throats.Ohara I want you to know
that I only wish not only to press in to your beautiful tranquel eyes
the treasures of my culture.But I wish to share the most intimate parts
of me with you.Ohara was taken aback by his sharp softly spoken finely
polished english.What was surprising was the fact that she wanted him
to come on to her.She couldnt tell if he wanted her to be A genuine
freind or passion filled lover.Apart of her to be exact her inner thighs
wondered if his tounge was as cunning and sharp as his speech.In the
eve of darkness he just may be the very mortal that holds the power to
make her loose her religion.Their was some thing about the way he held
her hand ever so gently:,and whispered to her ever so gently.Which made
her hunger for him to hold her close and rip her apart.Hate me now eve
because Im seen as pleasure principle in the center of time and space.
The thought of laying back on rose pedals and the worlds highest honors
for ever more.Made Ohara bite down on her gouty highly glossed bottom
lip.She looked in to Akbars eyes wanting to brake him down in the worst
way.She was quick to show the reporters that ran along side the motor
cad.That Americans were rare birds.She watched as they cheered for her
while being eager to respond to her every whim.She knew if she hadnt
been whisked away so quickly.That she would have
T T - 1 1 - 1 1 J -
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Page 209 busted A
startling and oh so naughty dance move.In hopes of locking all ever
watching eyes in to her tainted love.She was critical of her every
move,baised on the fact she was under the construction of placing her
self with in critical conditions.Where she was not only in A race against
time but pressed in to the hair bending murderous momment.Where American
justice,Democratic revenge and A personal need to rewrite' history gave
her A double edged entrance.In to the second hand of her very existence
that pulled her further in every time she tried to pull away.Ohara was
caught in the momment of destruction and finery.She saw the force of war
caught in
the momment.Her sharp eyes and mind looked pass the build onclave that
Akbar tried to parade her through.In the far off distance she saw smoke
stacks give way to far off chaos.She began to summons uncommon courage.
She knew as Akbar inhailed deeply upon her flesh and sweetness.Now was
the time to capture the better part of his mind.She knew for the life of
her,that she needed to open his mind and nose wide open.She invisioned
her self being able to pick and choose what she wanted.She instantly
brought to the forward her world class diagnostic mind altering skills.
That were desighned by Intellegence to not only make A Upper Echlon
.moans dick harder than A Rotweiler.But see if he could be easily persuaded
by sex, and or the feel of súperiority.Due to the historic traits,values
and customes that pulsed through Middle Eastern mens veins.Ohara was
ready to turn him on in every conceivable way.Only so that she could turn
him out with out question in the very next second.She began to pay close
attention to his slurs,words and verbs to see which direction to strike.
So that her next moves would be explosive in every sence of the word.She
wanted her first,middle and last name to pressed
r r .
r ,
Buyer of Beauty
Page 210 in molds that
were plaqued.She listened tentatively to his confident way with
words.That pained museum quality portraits of his war torn country.She
sat clutchin his hands as he opened her eys to historic mosques.Many of
our men stay in the mosques day in and day out.In hopes to find
calm.Baised on the fact flames roar deep with in their chests.A great
many men wish to storm the front lines and kill Americans in first
blood.The mosques are positioned to dash to the waist side the
evil:that wishes to bring trouble to their souls.Wether you know it or
not Religion in the Middle East has the pulse of life in its hands.She
was caught off gaurd by
the antiquties that were positioned with in A great many of the mosques.
Ohara was slightly caught off gaurd by the sight of living and breathing
color that walked and drove in every direction.She made sure she didnt
miss the heavy presence of Iraq military.Heavy guns and and soldiers
struck pitching camp in war torn areas.Many of them sat and stood just
knowing war would pitch A tent back in their homes in no time.By the
mean mugs and cold stairs.She knew they were positioned to test their
formations.they were set up strickly for war on any front.The air was
thick and heavy and heated.Ohara could smell sand floating from the
lion teeth jagged mountains,that loomed in the far off distance.Ohara
was caught up in her challenge.When she saw Akbar slow the limousine
down and wave and chat with various soldiers.She saw An eager gleam in
their eyes to show him how corageous and ready they were to stomp out
Beiges and or ambushes on civilians and buisnessmen alike.Sixty percent
of the populace is with out energy after eight at night.Just as she began,
to tear.He pointed at the archetecture that was far from Americas masterful
Ruvrmr nf Rc~autv
designs.Four hours later Ohara had to sit her chilled fluted glass down.
When the limousine struck up to A pearl white
Page 211 rodiron
gate.Roses of every color shape and bloom struck along side the highly
glazzed rap around drive way.Gold initials enthroned the pearl entrance
gates.Her mind struck in to a impaired tormented state .When she saw the
front of his wonderland palacé.The satelight C.I.A pictures couldnt touch
the true formation of the palace with expert percision.Their was A dream
scape pond filled
ever white fluttering swans.That held A bridge in its wake that gave way
to A life size water park.That ten full grown men and twenty children
would loose their selves in.On the roof were two frozen helicopters
that sparkled under the beating sun.It was when she began to look up,
that she noticed she was being whisked through the valley of showering
death.Two heavy helicopters were following their every move.With one
to many rockets attatched to its side.Ready to tear in to any form of
sabotage that dared to crush Akbar Abduls American momment.The only reason
I didnt take you up high.Is because I wanted to let you feel my culture in
rae form.And at the same time if possible let you become A believer
that we are A people of art form love and compassion for all.Who only
wish to live out our cusomes and historic beliefs with out outsiders
pressing their ways and views upon us.Her sharp eyes locked on the very
position of free floating armed gaurds.That held A.K.147 and handy
grenade launchers.It wasnt the arsenal that caught her in the formation
of the soldiers.It was the hundred round drums that caught her off gaurd.
When he began to speak heavily about the new Iraq.She quickly pushed to
the waist side his and her physical bond.He turned directly to hér
pressing his locked eyes on hers.Which made her take notice of his every
AAron Hullett
word spoken.I want you to know even though you
Buyer of Beauty
Page 212have seen the
true resolt of war.I have the power to see to it that if you wish to
come in to my world.That you never see the formation of crushed buildings
and mourners that wish to kill foreign lives in first breath.Smile for
me will you. My country is becomming self sustained.Oil production is
up from 1.3 million barrels to a comfortable 15 million barrels A day
since the onslaught of war.As the limousine began to continue its straight
forward slide.He cupped her right knee.He smiled loving her silky soft
knee cap. You are perfectly safe here.He whispered in to her ear.She saw
his jaw drop which merit his tounge had become heavy and greedy.Just as
he gathered his self she was eager and ready to wave in the moon.As
his eyes opened wide ready for her gaze deep with in the.And bring to
the forward the hidden chambers of his very make up.She began to bring
to the forward her play cards.As she invisioned her self flowing in A
tide towards federal victory.Why havent you kissed my she murmured.As
let her honey comb breath whisper in to his nostrils.She was ready to
make out with no never mind.He froze up at the thought and was visibly
unable to speak.It was as if he knew she was danger and it just occured
to him.Even though she was so lovely she was venemous to the core.She
licked her come fuck me full lips.His hands brushed against her full
breast as he held her tight.He growled knowing he wanted to do things
to her that would set any woman in to freak mose.The other part of him
wanted to pull her by the hair and tear her apart.Right their on the
sharp blades of grass amid the baby swans and baby ducks that scurried in
every direction.The momment was so lovely as he whispered in her ear.
That their coonection began to feel so right.Akbar knew if he gave in
Rnvar nf Raa11f v
to his over flowing wants.He would not only drown in her delcious
offerings.But he would desensitize the youth of Page 213
his nation.He
began to yell to his maker for power over the
flesh..that he
inhibited.The very phone call back in the States from the Presiden put
thunder in her chest. Shareamore us as leaders of the free world must
accept nothing less than complete victory.We have to make every move we
make count.As other nations count backwards and fallforward
stumbling.We strike to new heights with sure footed steps.She began to
humm,when Akbars steady tounge began to summer sault and go for the
gymnastic gold in her cool candy coated mouth.Just as they began to become
totally entramped in each other.The limousine stopped and A house staff
quickly ran to his door
and opened it slowly.Apart of her began.to heave from the chest.As
her nipples swurled she wondered was his penpointing timely moves
brought forth by hocus pocus flows.That were timed to the last second
to put her American cut Action Hauty panties in A bunch.Shareamore became
all giggles as if the swans churps mixed in with the birds in the heavt
oak trees were seranading them.She knew that her very first stunt had
struck A very serious cord with Akbar.He held her hand as he moved about
out of the limousine.She knew it was now time for her to make her next
mind altering move.Their was no time to be waisting time.She saw him
snort heavily on his upper lip.He quickly began to talk quick and fast
to his servants that stood at attention before the brown marble steps.
That lead to the gigantuan marble double doors.Before them stood the
chef,Akmon the entertainment consier and various servants.Which all
bowed humbly at Akbars presence.Ohara brought glamour and profound
beauty to the light of day.That made those men not able to enjoy her
AAron Hullett
Buyer of Beauty
offerings suffer hard and deep.Baised on the fact Page 214 some one near
to them was able to enjoy all of her offerings.Ohara I have some
büisness thats in need of my up front presence.Akmon will give you A
tour of the comforts that wait your live long presence.I hope my comforts
not only capture your very eye sight but brings flame to your heart
changing presence.Ohara walked slowly in to the palace,knowing she
didnt need many wishes when she began to feast on the granduer that
abounded her. Akbar struck his fingers in to his bald cap as if he was
drawn in to upfront drama and tension.Ohara wanted to first change in
some thing revealing.That would have all the staffers eager to touch and
tease her. In hopes that treason and treasury would pop off now not
later.Which would give way to secrets being brought in to the
open.That would see to the sickest of all mens very location being
brought in to the open. Ohara love the fact that she was an American
savage that was quick to
damage every thing that wasnt American built,or held American intrest in
its breast plate.She stepped in to her spacious bedroom that held
priceless Persian rugs and cashmere bedspreads.After she bathed and
soaked in foregign oils.She continued to sip slowly on Egyptian champagne.
She stepped in to A revealing gold chiffon dress.When she opened her door
the first servant that stepped in her presence lost his breath.Her
hair was penned up with A striking gold pendent.Her strappy gold hi hi
heels brought to the open eye.Her cinnamon softly cut toes.Her dress
brought to the open eye her mouth watering hurrican figure and full
breast that were up,round and in full vivacious swing.As if they were
desperate for attention and feeling so young.They beamed up as if the
sun called for A proper introduction of their offeringsito all waking
AArnn Hn11Ptt
Buyer of Beauty
eyes that could see the glory of life in full.She
Page 215
and eager to see,know and taste all that surrounded her.Not only in the
palace,and QraIraq byt the Middle East in full.Her eyes began to lock on
the deelegance that dripped from the gold rimmed furnishings.Apart of
her wanted to bounce on the heavily upolstered leather bound sofas and
chairs. She smiled back at the gaurds that stood frozen in every part of
the palace.She stood entramped in the flow of oil paintings that gave to
her the history of Iraq.Akmon the Entertainment Consiers was up beat
and soft spoken.He was tall with slick back black hair.He stood perfectly
tucked in A desighner linen white suit.Their was A noise level enforcement
pressed through out the entire palace.Ohara was caught off gaurd by the
parquet floor that looked wet.Servants staired at her as if they had
never seen a woman so so pretty so so fine.It is the sand that kills
treasures in the Middle East.Akmon tried not to let his eyes be seen
looking at her small waist and full bottom clap as she walked.But she
knew he was man in full stride who couldnt resist her mouth watering
offerings.Since the age of fourteen she hadnt meet A man that could.
Ohara was in aw of Akbars lush gardens.That looked as if they should
have been held up in European winter castles.She didnt care to look in
every room that she passed.She didnt wish to perk any ones curiosity or
suspitions of the nosy American:girl.She knew come night fall she would
place bugs in various rooms.And give her ears its full of whispers and
deep conversations that were said in private.She would see to Akbar
giving her the grand tour by his self.She invisioned her and him making
sweaty love in more than half of every room.She wanted to see if he was
the type to become sprung all out with his tounge hanging out of his
Buyer of Beauty
mouth.Ohara paused when she struck pass An out door garden.Wait,wait,
wait she yelled out caught in unbelief.She didnt Page 216
care that she
yelled aloud caught in her vision.Lime stone walls not fitting for the
Middle East was fashioned with mold and A treasure trove of
roses.Which held up more colors of any and every paradise laden
rainbow.She smiled at the red,yellow,purple,white,pink and black roses.As
Akmon operaed".the glass door for her.It was as if he brought forth a
bottle with a genie in it. That brought forth one of her fondest
wishes.Which was that paradise could be found in the eye of murder and
mind rotting catastorpie.She slipped out of her shoes and let her toes
run through the coble stone garden.That was held up with ever soft
rose pedals.The air seemed to much cooler and sweeter the momment she
passed by its thresh hold.This very garden was snatched from the Prince
of Yorks Winter castle.Im sure you knwo that every thing under the moon
and sun is for sale.He spoke
up softly as he snorted deeply upon the gardens historic ambieance.Come
on Akmon she yelled out as she grabbed his hand and lead him deep in to
the garden.She knew she needed to control as many minds as possible with
in Akbars palace.His up right unbending position began to come to life
when she touched him.He looked over his shoulder and saw that not one
Iraq soldier looking after them.The lush garden was distasteful to them.
They didnt like the sight of preety weather.Their eyes were at home at
barren constructive sights.Ohara pulled them in to a hiding spot ready
and eager to take Akmon to new higtes.He started to get an attraction
when she stopped running and they bumped in to each other.He cupped the
small of her back.As his length jabbed at the cut of her soft round
toosh.He knew he didnt need any added attention,but how could he denie
T T _.___ TT..
their physical attraction.Akmon began to come
l l
_. 11
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Page 217 undone when
she turned to him placing her long silky arms on his shoulders.He
began to anticipate the second when they would snatch at each others
and begin to touch each other.Like they had never come in contact with
the opposite sex.They began to swim in the lovers lane ambeiance .That
was tipped with A small coy pond.That was home to frogs and soft white
doves.Ohara knew their wasnt enough Rs in terrific.When they tucked
their selves behind' lime stone walls and heaps of rose pedals.Akmon
reached out in the open when she bent over and splashed water on him.
Justus he gripped her hips eager to press in to her maximum thrusts.She
took off out of his reach in A world-of glee.His knees began to bend and
elboes began to swing when he took off after her.He knew from that
second on his life would never be exactly the same.As long as she was
positioned in the middle of it.He just knew he would wait on her hand
and foot.He swallowed deeply knowing he would on many occasions drink
her bath water and sniff long and hard in to her panties.Baised on the
fact she was such and inspiration to him.She never thought to question
why she was attracted to a servant.It was as if they were ment to back
stroke in paradise together for ever.He picked his knees up and lounged
with every step.He wanted to press his stock up to and in her high
fashioned position.Knowing that her mind was built like A high
performance engine.Her mind began to tick in milli seconds.She looked
back giving A carefree smile.Knowing in the next second she would have
him willfully step on the very neck of Akbar and his cherished country
men for her.She had already spawned her strangling web.It was now time
to strangle him up side down in it.To where he wouldnt know which way
Buyer of beauty
was up or down.She knew manipulation woulod be her key in to the secrets
that were positioned the flow of finery.She
Page 218 quickly began
to improvice baised on the fact she had no bed or couch to wrap him
whole with.She was ready to have her mouth or pussy do some fast
talking.She hafted the fact she wasnt in the perfect place to begin her
on the fact she wasnt afraid to explore her bodie in the wide open.
She stopped running in mid stride.I know you feel what I feel she hummed.
As her boney fingers bended as she touched his chest.She hummed when
she looked down at his length that jabbed at her forbidden fruit.Are
you showing me how sweet its going to be later when every one falls
asleep.Or do you dare paralyze me here and now:She looked up to him as
if she dared for his male mystic to roar forward like A courageous lion.
She slowly began to make her federal strike in to Akmons mental mind
stem.Her inner most being was read to let her draws drop and serve the
paun before her like A pro.She questioned about Akbar and his daily
itinerary.When she heard doves begin singing.She quickly began to speed
bag the conversation.While at the same time cranking up the volume of
her said words.The reason I brought you back here.She snapped as she
stepped out of his reach.She screamed in to her inner most being
thanking Intellegence for making her in tune with time and space at all
times.Even when her panties began to bunch and her pussy began speaking
for its self.She saw Akmon reach out in want to drink from her Miss
Americal presence that was pure extacy.I want to give Akbar A present.
How can I give him one with out him finding out my wishes.She pointed
over the brick wall in total fright.I know its far to soon for me to
go out shopping by my self.Catching up to Oharas sences that were
Buyer of Beauty
sharper than A razor blade.He squeezed his length in hopes it would
immeditaly go down.He wanted to sport her like A
Page 219
fast car.He
licked his lips and looked over her dangerous hips and full lucious
lips.Your in South Iraq,democracy is growing like cancer.Investments
and sure fire security is positioned on every front.Im sure Mr.Abdul
wouldnt mind if you went sight seeing.But if you dont mind me saying.I
have heard
that shopping while on vacation in America was apart of being on
vacation.She smiled as she picked up a swurl of rose pedals and let them
flow down on her.Im sure you know that A way to A mans heart is through
his stomach.Why dont you dance in the kitchen with our chef and prepair
him a savory American dish.I could Cook him A meal.She shreiked as if
the thought alone put her in A festive mood.I will have nothing of the
sort.Akbar spoke up sharp and on point.He stepped to the center like A
roan that was in high gear.His voice echoed as he stepped to Oharas side.
He smelled the very make of her.Which made her as itch and twitch.He
seemed to be A different creature.Akmon quickly struck in to hiding with
out looking back.He screamed to his self that Miss America must have
super powers.She saved him from having his very head cut off.She was
flat lined when beautiful children in beautiful dresses and pants suits
threw rose pedals all around them.While acting silly and festive caught
in A new day momment.Akmon didnt care about the feild of murderers that
looked at him with myserious eyes.He knew come night fall he would
strike to her bedside.On A tide of love and passion that would be
marvelous.To where she would wake the following morning feeling glorious.
AArnn H n 1 1 P t t
Buyer of Beauty
Ohara was caught up in Akbars open handed ever
Page 220soft
offerings.Silver platters were given room the the array bubbling
playful children.She nibbled and perfectly sliced lamb meat.While
washing it down on top grape.She smiled at the flow of top line cavier
and morsels that were positioned for her mouth watering
offerings.Akbar couldnt flow in to the dream scape momment any
longer.Baised on the fact his dreams were shattered.He growled as he
staired at Ohara who was exquisitly so young
and desperate for attention.Ohara was caught in the seductive atmosphere.
As Akbar began to come undone by the thought of Farzad Sarwari.The very
man who dared to put spot lights on all societys secrets.Farzads power
gave life to prosperous societys,well balanced economys.That were
culturally and intellectually cemented under the precepts of Islam.Akbar
knew the truth,which was that Iraqs power production was well below
the countrys demands.Farzad was the holder and controller of many of the
worlds most saught after stocks,watér ports,bonds and greatly revered
free world financial markets.Farzad asked Akbar to bring his American
Propoganda gift to his palace.If he responded to his request with in the
next few hours.Farzad said they would bring immediate closure to his
countrys power prodúctionproblem.Akbar was struck with A troubled psychic.
He knew that Farzad was not only mountain top sharp.He was popular and
positioned on A world creating zenith.Which made the worlds most saught
after master minds seek out his guiding light.That had to do with
gigantuan money matters that sky rocketed to raiding astroids.Akbar was
ready to step in to the bedlum of the very man who thrived soley on power,
greed,lust and manipulation at its finest.Akbar was pained at the thought
of Ohara being picked apart from limb to_limb.He wondered what type of
AAron Hullett
Buyer of beauty
information could possibly posess.That Farzad
needed and or
raye zz!
to grab a hold to.Akbar baited being caught up in Farzads modern suspence.
He knew that Farzad held A mystery of the English Language.Which didnt
settle right in his wash board stomach.That was only pressed with
meats that held no hormons.Akbar knew that ones fait held many
punishments.The bigger your hopes and dreams the deeper the pains that
one is scheduled to partake.He knew when he first began to dedicate his
self to Iraqs power structure and authority.That he had to dash to the
waist side the secretive side of him.That was controled by A mind
altering self indulgence.He reached out of Ohara and touched her fair
skin from the cap of her suculant shoulders to her long swan arms.He
knew he was told to not feast upon her offerin gs.If she was open for,
the taking.Farzad said he would take that as A grave disrespect if he
was to enjoy her offerings in the flesh.Even though Iraq wasnt in short
supply of harems of beautiful women.He knew he had not seen A woman with
morning glory beauty as Ohara possesed since his belated mother.Her
measurments and sexual flair were bangin unequaled lugsurys.That was
made to order for the ultra rich.He knew he could give Ohara the ultimate
compliment.And marry her and in so doing give her the omnipresent gift
of multiplying.With the copasity to change the world as she floated on A
sliver streak of lugsury dejour.Seeing Akbar stair longingly in her
open for the taking eyes.She stepped forward ready to dig hard and fast
in to her sharp mental mind stem.In hopes her next destination would
give her footing in the leg where high powered high post terrorist
hobled and then began to walk,in to their leathal impact plans.She knew
she would let him feel as though he had trully hit his stride.So that
N„1 1 ai-i-
Buyer of Beauty
she could begin to do some Intellegence gathering Page 222
and evidence
finding. To all Federal Agents who wish to be as cold as me.And those
that' are courageous and dare to one day be A Special Agent like me eat
your heart out she huffed.As Akbar began to kiss the back of her hand
lost in her ambieance.Just to think when I was A young girl I once,
thought I wasnt fine enough to capture men in the now.Boy was I
wronge,she murmured to her self as she licked her lips loving the heat
of the momnent.She smiled at the fact she was ready to give it to him
just how he liked it. As he began to touch her and kiss her in hopes to
Please her.She licked her suculant lips that began to give way to A
liquid radiance.Which made his male mystic draw forth to possess them.She
didnt push him back when his careful tounge twurled and invaded the very
core of her wet ready mouth.She wanted to give him A high five when they
came up for air.And she felt his length strike forward in want to
splash in her American made forbidden fruit.By the way his jowels locked
she knew he wanted to touch her in places that would bond them for
ever.As stars began to star,spangle banner through his eyes.She leaned
forward pearing deep
in to his inner most being.She became venemous ready to make him bend
over backwards for the States for ever more.Ohara noticed as he looked
down that he was being electricuted,to the very root of his inner most
being with rich complexitys.As he held her close and his mouth began to
open slow and steady.She held him back spinning her delicate web that
would be fortified by untied promices,black widow love and home grown
American treasury.Ohara,I have been called to another country.It is
baised on your presence alone that I have been called.A very powerful
man and possible investor to Iraqs infastrucure wishes to see you in the
AAron Hullett
Buyer of Beauty
flesh.A fashion of fear was capped in Akbars eyes
raye zzs
as his
wavering eyes and voice took center stage.The man in question has
enough power to balance our electricity problems by his very
lonesome.So Im sure you know its imperative that I concead to this mans
wishes.My mind,heart, bodie and very soul screams for me to enjoy every
inch of you in my
comforts.But he has demanded that I not share the same breath as you.
They stood in silence breathing hot and heavy.While inhailing deeply
upon each others very breath.As Akbar was caught in real talk high
drama began to detonate deep with in her inner most being.She saw eight
foot venemous snakes striking at her from every point.What if he cover
is known?What if she is about to be ushered in to A soul wrenching
torchure chamber?What if every inch of Intellegence that sheilds me
from the pitfals that modern day men and women fall in to.Is wanted now
not later by this power holder named Farzad.The very thoughts that ran
through her mind was emotion envoking.Her heart no longer began to beat.
It began to thump as her balance called for A cain,walker or pole she
could hold on to.The power of evil and the casualties it brought forth.
Tapped in to the very pulse of her blood stream.The Federal Anthem
began to scream through every inch of her.She knew the world would eat
her if she let it.She welcomed the ready for war vibrations that struck
through her.It was the very voice of Mr.Kremline that began to whisper
in to her very mind.It is time to advance where terrorist learn to breath
life in to flames of wrath.You must know its for the love of the Iraq
people,that I dash to the waist side my mortal wants be them in the
AArnn H»1 1 ai t
I tear my self from limb to limb asking you to
Buyer of Beauty
Page 224accompany me
in to the public eye.Apart of Oharas nervous system began to slow
down.When she saw how careful Akbar was in her presence.Ohara knew her
first strike was sexually oriented.She swore to her self that her second
cut would be bloody.She inhailed deeply looking in to the core of the
beaming ferocious sun.She knew she held A destiny that was heavy.Which
her to save the lives of widows,children and able bodied men and women
alike.She knew it was time to get down to buisness,when Akbar moved A
little closer and held her hand A little tighter.She held dear to her
ever sweet poker face.Her cold calous heart was warmed by Akbars genuine
love for humanity.Apart of her wanted to bow at the knees and only
pull him by his outstretched length to his bed.She knew she couldnt
indulge with him in the flesh in the slightest.If she did she wouldnt
be seen as the fairest of them all in the land scape that called for her
immediate attention.The thought of making the Federal Honor role and
now being seen as an American temple.That was to be saught after and
ravished in sexualy demented ways not fitting for modern day man.With
A pure expression she began to ask where they were going?When she held
him tight and kissed him full on the lips.She brought forth the very
heat that possessed him when he first saw her on television.He knew
when she was picked as one of the top ten girls that she would be crowned
as Miss America.It was her same pure expression that she brought forth
in the now.That made man wish to be her courageous protector,lover and
provider.Akbar knew he had faught and beat every demon be them liqour,
beastality,cocain,heroin,pills power,money and various other sins.Two
new demons struck and pitch forked a position on not only both of his
AArnn Hullett
Buyer of Beauty
shoulders.But in the very gravitational position
cherished soul. Akbar could feel it flapping its
Page 225
of his
wings and
calling in the moon.That was tombed since the beginning of time by
blanketing darkness.Right then and their Akbar wanted to give in to
heavy sedation.Not only because his inner most being had become
weak.But his mind and very soul reached out for him to touch.His spine
began to chill when greed struck A constricting hold of his scope of
desire.He became hot as fire swormed around him.Greed pressed before him
A convincing character.That was enshrined with long drawn out words
that became embetted in his full mental brain stem in A flash.Ohara
began to smile as she pushed to the
side the thick stormy clouds of worry.You are worth the gift of life its
self he whispered.As his eyes moistened showing he was open to her.He_
shook his head as demons began to plant seeds in his sharp mind.Your
affection and love for your people is felt in the war torn areas and the
various highly secured zones.You are known to be one out of many who
dares to be the light of the people.Take my hand and walk with me in to
darkness.Feast anbd dine upon flesh now not later.To day will be the
longest day of your life.Forget Farzad and the bash thats said to be in
your honor.Let him see that you are A great man.And that nothing he can
say will change your mind.Let him see his self decline as you sip from
Americas treasured hour glass.Oharas bodie felt so right as her skin
pressed against her tight.And she began to whisper deep in to his ear
he wanted right then and their in the open court to tear her apart.Am
1 being sold to the highest bidder?She questioned with A out of this
world hip banging twurl before him.While slurping on her top and bottom
lips.as if the very thought made her honey coated panties dampen and
T n , - ¡,r,
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~-. - f -
Buyer of Beauty
bunch.Trivial interuptions began to control Akbars Page 226
mental mind
stem.Power, greed,lust,betrayel and or honor whichof the latter would
you like pressed upon your tomb stone.A deep baraton screamed in to the
furthest reaches of his soul.He saw his soul standing in judgement before
the blazing eternal throne.Feeling Oharas soft hands cap his
shoulder.While smelling her candy coated breath.He was struck in to A
tormented state.Once he picked honor and bowed before the heavenly
bodies.He saw A vision of him and Ohara as two ocean liners striking
through the seven seas in opposite directions.He was caught in the
scope of his third eye when he saw Ohara strike through treasurous seas.
His eyes batted rapidly as Oharas soft small mouth began to open slowly.
He sat on the edge of the present and placed one finger over her
jewled come fuck me lips.He saw energy being brought to Iraq in A up
front yet timely manner.The thought of Farzads temper struck Akbar,
harder than A Majot League ball player on steroids.Knowing that Miss
America would pose for one of the high fashioned porn-magazines once her
statues fazed out.In hopes to rekindle it and make a stab at controlling
time and space yet again.He knew he could never take A woman such as
this in to his finest quarters and give her the very jewels of his inner
most being.She had already struck for many kisses.And he had not even
shared with her his inner most dreams.Nor had they even begun to pray
with each other.In hopes the Benelovent took all pains and obstacles=
out of their hands.In hopes they would be positioned as vessels that
was given breath to love and help their brother.Akbar pulled back out
of Oharas ghrasp.Terrible visions of Farzads undercurrents up nerved
him to his roots.That was far away from import and export of cashmere,
AAron Hullett
Buyer of Beauty
profit shares,index margins,political protocals Page 227
and the
showman ship of being A upstanding world abiding pupil.You dont find
me simply irresistible Akbar?Yes I do in every sence of the word.Life
with out your passion in my existence is unforgivable.But in my world
its not about whos first,its always about whos first.Akbars face held
A hard line core to it,which signafied he lived soley to be A servant to
his country men first and always before he gave in to his own
wants.She stood before him rocking and pouting.Which let him know she
lived and would die A real life American Love Child.Their is not A part
of you
I wouldnt want casted to the side of me in my world.The servants and
children quietly excused their selves when Ohara began to shed tears.
Ohara knew by the panic that coursed through him as he looked at his
diamond crusted watch.That she was about to be pushed in to the edge
of the Middle east.Where blood thursty sharks and monsters of all sorts
thrived.Apart of her became angered that she didnt take the Directors
hand.And give in to the rainbow that came with A simple life.Akbars
smooth sailing voice lowered to A whisper once they were alone.Silence
struck through the heated momment.To the point if A rose pedal were to
fall it would sound like concrete clammering and falling on the historic
ground.His voice was almost feminen which startled her.You must know
that the man I pay homage to is ten times more powerful than eye.Open
fear of Farzad was seen in Akbars racoon eyes.He remains obselite in A
•feild of one million prestigious men.The man I speak of is not to be
reckoned with.I ask that you be as nice to him as you have to me.In
following I will cater to you and for ever be your best friend.To the
point for life we will coexist.Will you be my keeper?Ohara whispered
AAron Hullett
Buyer or seauty
with A timeless elegance.It would be terrible for rage zzo
me if he has
found that you have been breathed upon let alone touched.Akbar stepped
back with petrified fear running through his blood stream.He positioned
his self as if he wanted to give her one hundred feet.Baised on the
fact being in her presence made the temptation to touch her
irresistible. The man that I speak of wants to enjoy the lions share of
your Middle East virginity.The thought of being turned on soley to be
turned out slammed in to the back of head.The thought of Farzads
hocus pocus moves made her begin to center her self in the eternal
force brought forth by Americas number one Intellegence force.Please
bare with me Ohara we are on a time line.As Akbar scuddered away,she
noticed he
didnt have the face od deception.But if Farzad was as powerful as Akbar
said he was.She knew that Akbar wouldnt know which way was left in his
presence.As Oharas nerves began twisting and turning they screamed in
to her stomach.That she was about to step full center in to A electrifyin(
thriller.The very time and space she was positioned in was thought
provoking.Every passing second began to hit her between the eyes.As
she escaped to her bedroom and floated in A bed of exotic oils.She
wanted to do diamond push ups and work on her power bag for an hour
straight.In hopes to alighn her self with the detailed characters that
awaited her arrival.She knew by Akbars fear that she was about to come
in contact with greedy unscrupulous people.Who killed and manipulated
at will and had blankets of black market money to cover it up.As she
back stroked in the pearl bath tub.She began to invision the sight of
boo able villians.That were covered in mile mannered sheeps clothing.
She became intune with her higher calling.She cleared her mind and
,.-..,, v„ 1 1 ,. a-
Buyer of Beauty
at once began to sharpen it.She didnt care to let Page 229 her button nose
indulge on the paradise smells of honey and aged
top grapes.That
made up her bath water and the dry wine placed before her on silver
platters.Her mind was locked on sharpening her mind and soul.She blocked
out all
sound as she struck forward not caring to find shelter of shade in her
minds eye.She invisioned her self striking straight forward in to war
with out thinking only reacting with sure steps and lethal blows.She
began to thank time and space for cranking up the action.Her heart
quickened ready to gobble up the installments of the future that called
for her entrance.It has to start some where and some time.What better
place than in the bedlum of mind altering open warfare and terrorism at
its finest.Where those that try to start life all over again dont know
if life is worth fighting for.She pearsed her sharp eyes as she gave her
sharp mind to the ever alusive Onsama Benladen.Who had been etched out
under the federal moon and sun as her last and final target.The thought of
retiring at age twenty six,with A wopping retirement pension.That out
shined the very Presidents of the United States almost paralyzed her.
While at the same time bringing life to the candy coated overture of her
breast full bounty.Before she let her mind become swept away with the
soul snatching thought of A triumphant grand finale.That on A percentage
scale was highly unlikely to happen.Baised on the sole fact she was
in the eye of Ra.Where Onsama Benladen was worshiped like A breathing
demigod.On all points and crevices that held up the Middle East.The
thought of being in the lions den all by her lonesome began to tap in to
her mind.Self dought began to infest her inner most being like cancerous
cells.Which struck to cripple and kill the very fabric of her humanoid
AAron Hullett
Buyer of Beauty
make.At best you may be able to bring said
page 230 negatives that
you come to see and hear to Intellegence.She shook her head hard
shaking to the waist side the mental negatives that struck like
galloping throughbreds in to her mind.She struck A higher cord with the
cosmos.Which instantly gave her sure fire communication.She saw her self
striking full
steam ahead toppling temples and hidden zones,That held up the core of
evil and its vile make.It was as if she had did the math and new the
dangers that accompanied her striking hour.The very formula to power
eternal was hers and hers alone.She slowed down her heart rate to A
piiiiiter paaaaat as she stood under the all poweful light of cosmic
comunication.The world dominating Federal Seal covered her nakedness.As
she looked down at her fleashly make.She saw the Federal Seal illuminated
over the western front twenty four hours A day.She stepped out of the
bath tub unable to sit.Brilliance made her pigmented skin blaze with in
its core.She felt the force of Intellegence cradle her chest.She stood A
upright explosion that was secretly positioned to bring normality to
wild confusion.She loved the thought of being closer to the living and
breathing dragons flame that waved her in to its serpants center.At
that very second when her mind was made up to strike steadfast and ever
forward.Federal brilliance entombed her pulsing,sparking and gravitating
mind,bodie and soul.She stepped in to the suns beaming rays unable to
sit and relax.She felt the force of Intellegence growing with skyscraper
statues with in her inner most being.As she stretched each and every
muscle on her bodie was intune with her higher lion.She knew that she
had to stay ahead of the very worlds axis as they as the Earth spun.
AAron Hullett
She loved the feeling of breaking free from her
Buyer of Beauty
minds short
rage ¿si
commings.As her eyes locked in to the force of the blinding sun.She
began to growl
at ease in her eternal bed.You will bow to me as I strike controling this
Earths tidal waves.Intellegence has taught me that my success is baised
on having masterful blood thursty enemys.As her bodie began to shiver
from the force she snatched from the sun.She was aflamed from the tips of
her toes to every inch of her hour glass bodie.She walked towards her
dressing room.Ready to strike against the scoundrels that kill in first
blood for power and oil.Her gunslinging stride was caught in every
gilt mirror that she passed.She growled knowing that with in the next
hours of her existence she had to make sure she made the right moves.
Because once she started war their would be no slowing it down.She knew
if she was incited to strike that she would react with out thinking.She
smiled dangerously knowing she would do more than empty clips in
insurgents and or said Terrorist.She swore she would spread;out and chop
up enough Middle Eastern bodies to sale bodie parts to optional markets.
AAron Hullett
vi .JDeauLy
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the top of his twurling stair case.Myyyy,he huffed as he floated to her in
want and up front desire caught in his eyes and out stretched arms.You
are the
most beautiful woman through out the whole world.I know I am making the
biggest mistake of my time.I know that you hold not only the beauty but
all the charm and personality that I would ever need.Ohara felt as if
she had super powers.She saw Akbar bare his soul and lick her soles
right before her very eyes.She was quick to dash him to the waist side.
Her inner most being hungered for the biggest fishes that gulped up
whole tribes and thousands of people in A single gulp.Knowing she worked
hard she kissed his lips ready to play harder.In hopes she made the
most powerful beings that were scheduled to stand before her in hours
crash and burn.As he tried to pen her against the rail.Come now Akbar
we have A country to fend for and people to see.She turned him away
from her as she took his elbow and lead them forward.He smiled knowing
they were about to come in contact with A living and breathing Middle
Eastern demigod.Who was worshiped and bowed to on every front.Even the
fucking President bowed to him upon their initial greeting.Akbar began
to wonder what Ohara would do_When the very holdings that shimmered under
the'cresent moon were offered to her.Do you like your strapless diamond
encrusted cotourt dress.Do I Ohara crooned hugging him closely.Akber
AAron Hullett
Buyer of beauty
knew the dress costed him all of fifty thousand
that was A small price compared to recieving the backing for Iraqs
energy crisis. He began to walk fast knowing he was about to be in the
very company of the man that lived high in the sky.Farzads mountain top
over look position was able to watch at close view.Various flocks of
birds that struck in full stream to free fall in different seasons.The
thought of sharing the same air as the man that lived in minimum space
where he was keyed around no waist.His total existence was baised on
stepping in
to A higher high.Nothing the man he gave his self to was baised on chance.
In his world their was no room for beginners.He sent those with high
level buisness skill to traffic the globe.For profits and profits alone
that were positioned on land or under the sea.He was Eastern made and .
rooted with deep aged values.Which brought him on every waking day with
Earths classic case.Which was to control and shadow box with the very
world.Akbar walked Ohara with A quickness to the awaiting helicopter.
He saw Farzads cold perilous eyes pressed upon him with deadly force.
He knew that love was for sell to the most powerful man he had come to
know and revere.Just as the awaiting helicopter took to the heated clear
sky.Farzads sharp cream colored face.That was encrusted with finely
shaved whiskers came in to view.Through A onboard television projector
screen.By the pearsing cuts of his eyes and layed back demeanor that was
enthroned by gold and diamonds.Oharas panties bunched baised on the
fact she knew sexually he could hurt her so good and breath life to her
every fantacy.She welcomed the momment of comming face to face with the
man that checked and check mated every one that stood in his presence.
Ohara had to shake her head,their'on the television was the very man
AAron Hullett
nuyer or neaucy
that had invaded many of her dreams.She began to
'* wonder if the
cosmos had been playing An erternal joke with her dreams.She staired
with her gushing mouth slightly agapped baised on the fact the man before
was A fine speciermen.Intellegence told her he picked his order of
attack.From the counsel of hiscountrys most knowledged and greatly
respected elders.Ohara knew he had A taste for her when his mouth
opened and lowered as he struck in to his prescreened speech.Instead
of serving him American grade A beef.She swore she would feed him
processed bologna.Ohara Cabaret,welcome to your entrance in to the top
of the world.Where the best and finest offerings to date will now be
offered to you.Ohara smiled in the flow of his snobbishness and candid
way with words.Im more than sure you found Akbars three hundred thousand
dollar offering A eye opening gift.I stand on the sands of time eager
and ready to double that currency.While at the same time press before
the master of my grandeous ceremonies.Who is fitting for your sister
countrys royal presence.I call you in to my upper crust comfort zone,
just knowing we can coexist in reality.As we float on top of the worlds
finest tides.Ohara was caught off gaurd on how he easily caught her
attention and didnt let go.He didnt only bring mystery to the men she
would come to meet.He spoke of an existence higher than any plan could
dare strike.He seemed to be A talented man that could sooth the worlds
most savage beasts.Ohara have you been touched in any way,shape,form or
fashion?The stuff inside people wasnt what mattered most to Farzad.The
whole entire package that held up A being was what he wished to control
at áll cost.Akbar began to melt in terror,while waiting for Ohara to
answer.No,I havent been touched or even petted in any way.I was hoping
AAron Hullett
Buyer of Beauty
that you were the fast and the curious.I am every
Page 235 thing and
more.Farzad snapped knowing he held the mental strength and endurance of
ten men. Instantly they both began to be catered to foot and hand once
stepped on to A private jet.Two seperate stewardesses messaged and brought
to the forward top grape and Beluga cavier and cheese morsels to nibble
on.As silence came to the center and Akbar closed his eyes.Ohara dug
deep in to her mentals.Her plan of attack crushed her every thought.She
was glade that her belongings were in the cargo bay.She went over the
position of her fondest and easily accessed murder gadgets.Which were
filled to the gills with explosive elements.Which would kick open the
door to eternal fire and flames,snatching and shuving in all those far or
near.She knew that Eve looked down at her jealous of her every move.Ohara
layed back wondering if she would have to kill her self in order to kill
any one of the men Americas ruling class wanted wiped off of the face of
the Earth?She hoped at least one of them had imperfections that she
could collect and use to kill them.Ohara junked in her light sleep.Some
thing told her her next moves would not only be teerifying but world
forming if she struck with breath taking accuracy.She was able to find
light rest,baised on the fact she held lethal skills across the board.
That would see to the most blood thursty and mentally charged men fall
from grace.She smiled with her eyes closed,knowing that Buyer of Beauty
was the lock stock and barrel to civilized twenty first century war fare.
As she found rest she called for the eternal power to knock A hole in
the sun.And instantly bring to the crust of the Earth pitch black darkness
So that her shadow and next bloody strick couldnt be seen.She licked her
lips hoping she continued to posess the savory gift of placing those men
AAron Hullett
buyer or beauty
that hop,skipped and jumped to breath the same air
as her,up side
down. She got A full grip of her self.Baised on the fact she knew she was
abou to come full circle with kings to thrones.Who prided and enthroned
their selves with superior intellegence.While killing in cold blood those
that dared to challenge and dash to the waist side their superiority.She
breathed long and hard loving the feel of the clean tempered air that
coated her sharp sparking lively brain.Her mind zigzagged over the
uncharted roads they flew over.That held pockets of insurgents and cut
throats.What the fuck am I doing?Who the fuck do I think I am?Am I
daring to fight the entire Eastern Front?Panic became A mile, high
thriller.She saw her self as an easily exposed paun.That was about to
be centered around Americas most saught after human predators.She knew.
in the core of mind altering suspence that began to bore her A nine
month ten twelve pound baby.Before she began to drip sweat and claw at
the very second that ticked along with her booming heart beat.She recited
the Federal Anthem.While looking down to barren almost red sandy bluffs
and jagged mountains.That gave way to sporadic citys that were in full
stride.She wondered would she have to duck for cover in one of the dark
brown constructed and cluttered citys she passed.
Buyer of Beauty
Page 237
The Masters and Controllers of Americas red,white
arsenals.That not only gave their life lines and the force of their inner
most beings. That stomped out terror camps that were positioned in key
points around the world.Stood on A razors edge while stairing at various
positioning maps and graphs.That gave not only the longitude and
latitude positions of Oharas position.But the very citys,small towns and
desert positions she flew over.The Secratery of Defense stood before
the digital Time and Space grid.Tugging and pulling at his paislet tie,
lapels and tweds of hair that capped his balding crown.Even though you
are alive Ohara I am not sure if you are well.Mr.Titus wanted to tear his
heart open.He was lost in a web of what ifs and the possiblities of Oharas
position being blown.He stood unmoving knowing compassion wasnt in his
nature.Through the core of his being their wasnt An ounce of weakness to
be found with in him.She is moving in leaps and bounds,Mr.Titus spoke us
sharp and pinpointing so that every one could hear him.Tension was caught
smack dab in the center of his position.He began to sling beads of
sweat from his thick brows to the left and right of him.As he patted at
his pale forehead with his paisley tie.Every one watched as she changed
her federal position from Iraq to Afghanistan.By the sight of crashing
ocean wave tension that demanded Mr.Titus to heave in great gust of air
in to his lungs.Every one knew that he would stay up for days watching her
nf RPAntv
position and life line pulse.Apart of him wanted to be at high alert if
she was to call,screaming for front line federal
Page 238 assistance.That
came with mega ton bombs.The pulse of Oharas life line was alarming to every
one.The Director was hungry to recieve more top line information right then
and their.Give me the flat line Skeletor visuals from out North Star
satelight. Instantly Mr.Titus began to give touch screen demands to the aqua
movie screen.Instantly Oharas position was captured in the skyline
striking through Middle Eastern clouds.Every one stood up casted in the
middle of front line twenty first warfare.When she minutes later stepped off
of the plane.She let her long silky leggs lead the way.It was as if she
knew to the core of her being that she was the symbol for
distinction.Lady vengence has struck in to the core of the Middle East.Lets
just hope she strikes with enough force to wash away the sins of you and
I.The Director growled as he stepped closer to the aqua screen.The main
question I have for all of you is who is the man at the bottom of the steps
he ghasped. Patricia was already striking with full force in to the
federal data bank.His face was the identification that brought up the
blinking first and last name.Along with his worldly position.His name is
Farzad Salawi. Patricia grunted with distaste caught in her mouth.This man
has A monetary base thats said to be totalled at hundreds of billions.He
makes Americas ultra rich bank accounts look like chump change.The
Director slowly began to come undone and sufficate with out any one
noticing.He saw Ohara being picked apart in the flesh on diamond tucked
beds.As rose pedals continuesly fluttered and floated all around
her.Farzads money factor
stands and strikes ever forward on A trifold monetary base.As Patricia
continued to speak the Directors mental position didnt begin to get any
Rnvrbr nf RPa}ltv
better.Black gold be it oil and cashmere are two of his cash money cows.
The Directos jowels began to clench.More than he
Page 239
for struck at mach speed in to the center of time and space.He clenched
his phist due to his top gun complex was being attacked on all
fronts.He stood heated ready to cock back and pull the mental triggers
of his mind and very position.That could kill any and all with out
second thought.This man is said to have lethal skills across the
globe.The men that stood before him that share the same blood line.Have
all been inducted in Middle Eastern history books as legends.I hope
Ohara is not afraid to
creat her own queendom.Patricia huffed knowing she was now in the company
of world builders.Every one watched as her hand was taken as softly
kissed.The Director loved the feel of having the devil on his shoulders.
The temptation to drop mega ton bombs was inticing in every way.As Ohara
was twurled Farzads armed military gaurds changed their positions.My
doesnt she make the hardest things seem simple.Mr.Titus whispered lost
to the scapes of her sugar coated smile.Every one knew she had the power
of thrilling everyone around her.Even when she was in the company of
stone faced murder men.That were watching her every move in haitred.While
simple men ran upon her gauking in wonderment and lose.Their before us
men is A martar and profit that will begin to preach to us if she does
the diabolical.Mr.Titus whispered with enough force for every one to
tap in to his power.That Ohara seemed to exude with ease.Everyone knew
Ohara was every thing they werent.The Director growled in the open
wanting to break her down in the worst way.Baised on the fact she hollowed
out his hungry eyes and was rare.As in =Haleys Comet rare and or space
ship crashing on Earth rare.
Buyer of Beauty
Thats right Ohara Patricia yelled out cheering in high spirits.Every one
watched as Ohara lead the man the myth forward to Page 240 his awaiting
motorcad before he jestured.Bring to the forward our federal tricks that
are about to come from with in our murderous sleeves.The Director stood with
in the lonliest day of his life.He knew that Ohara was probably walking
smack dab in to her buriel sight.He listened as Patricia took their eyes
and lead them in to the world that the Federal Bureau of Investigation
made. That was spear headed by its sexiest killer.Who seemed to live
to play off perdictions.While seranading the toughest and nastiest brutes
that surface the Earth.Ohara waved and blew kisses at every one far and
near.As if she had A insatiable thurst to make every one swear to the
eye of Ra,that America was sweet to and to through and through.The
Directors growl made every one watch Oharas long legged stride very
closely.Every one stopped breathing when Mr.Titus began to whisper.Look
no further their before each of us is A living and breathing weapon of
mass destruction.That knows how to blow up four square blocks with not
only her reflection.But the very items found under once kitchen sink.
That was intwined with positioned gas lines.Ohara stood before every one
being lead in to enchanting kingdoms.Everyone knew she had been declaired
A modern global master of suspence.Who weaved spell binding tangled webs.
Page 241
Ohara was caught off gaurd by the high standard of
was pressed upon her in the spacious gold Rolls Royce.The more she
tried to turn away from the lugsurys the more it called her in to its
center. She quickly noticed that Farzad was far from the norm.She
smiled as A
soothing fifty degree breeze waved through her hair.She could of fainted
in the blankets of heat that coated her bodie.She licked her lips as
her hands and edible toes were being messaged.Farzad Salawi was A pensil
of a man.Who only ate choice foods that were deserving of his high post
digestive system.Ohara knew by the steady lock of his eyes that he was
razor sharp mentally.His stellar shine let her know that the best oils
and virgins touched him every waking day.His eyes glented with force
that many of the finest and coragious men she had come in contact with
didnt posess.As their eyes connected and held,she noticed he continued
to let his eye lids flutter.She already hafted him for not leting her
peer in to the furthest reaches of his soul and make her demands.She
wanted to storm his wings and librarys grabbing A hold to his many
secrets.She began to wonder how long would it be before she came in
contact with the many predators that stood behind his kingdom.She smiled
at the gun totting motorcad that followed them with force.Roads and air
space was locked and watched with expert percision,as they moved forward.
Ohara knew to follow her intuitions and stay sharp every second on the
Page 242
second.Ohara knew that Farzad had creeping crawlers that were on the hunt
for the worlds most prized men.Who held the divine power to change the
surface of the Earth with expert characerization.As Farzad sat enthroned
as if he was sitting on his throne.His flowing rob better known as A
Dishda Sha was wrinkle free and sparkling white.His right hand Assistant
Muhammad Salut began to open Oharas eyes to the diamond structures that
they began to pass.He first brought to the forward his Princeton and
Yale degrees.He sat upright and coated with A rich brown flash of skin.
He wore A Time Line Action suit.That was weaved of see through white
linen.He shuved square titanium glasses on to his pearsing eyes.As Farzad
gave his sight to the perpetual flow of the American Nasdaq.Muhammads
face was spit shined tucked by A mischevious even cut to it.Ohara could
tell by the low cut of his batting eyes.That he had been vexed and seen
far more than he would ever tell.Ohara knew to sit front and center in
the momment.She sat at the edge of her seat.Lost to the force of war and
the mind altering destruction it braught.She saw blocks of rubble that
seemed to be left.So that every one could see. the force of war and never
forget it every waking day.Open aired markets staired back at her.All
that she had dreamed about the Middle East,didnt even come close to its
true hold.As you can see we have United States presence positioned in
didferent parts of Afghanistan.Muhammad didnt show any signs of American
haitred.What struck A nerve with in her was the fact he smiled far to
wide.To the point she knew in hiding their was A beast with in him that
wanted to strike from from its contained cage.Our very own soldiers are
now seeing to structure and peice being found on every front.To the
west and east of you,we have full suburban onclaves being built.Textmiles
Buyer of Beauty
and construction is at A all time high.Our people are enjoying the full
bounty that comes with Democracy.Now not only
Page 243 have women been
given A chance to vote.But for lack of better words they can now work to
bring food to the table.Ohara gave her sharp ever watchful eyes to the
sea of sand stricken dark complected and brown sandy faces.That went in
every direction from the open markets various buisness districts and
homesteads. Ohara was quick to notice the various colors that were beaded
and stitched in to the women and girls sandles.She smiled at the elaborate
dresses that many of the women wore.As shrouds continued to cover A great
of their faces.As she watched with close pearsing eyes she listened
tentatively to Muhamads clear slow voice.That wanted to make sure she
understood every word and discriptive flow of clear cut American
expressions he brought to the forward.Thirty American buisness have
struck in to the heavily secured sections of Afghanistan.As I speak
Farzad is bringing to the forward A world renound amusement park.That
will hold more lugsurys and anemitys than LasVegas most prized hotel
resorts.As Muhamad spoke Ohara gave quick knodes.While at the same time
giving her sharp ears to the high level conversation that Farzad was
having with Akbar Abdul.She smiled as brightly as the suns beaming rays.
When Farzad knoded at her beautiful position.While giving Akbar An
ablidging knode and two thumbs up.Farzad picked up his gold telephone
and quickly began to make sure fire demands.Samarra,bring together by
morning one hundred electrical minds and see to A country wide
construction for Iraq.Bring the men to the airport by morning.You are to
be under the guise of Akbar Abdul.Farzad handed Akbar the phone.Instantly
aAr n TNn1 1 tf-
Buyer of Beauty
schedules for equipment,times and dates were
Page 244 brought in to
the open.Ohara couldnt help but lick her lips in unbelief.At how she saw
the force and power of A world builder before her very eyes.Akbar began
to stuttor as he spoke.As tears welled up in his eyes Farzad patted him
softly on his back.Ohara knew if they were standing in the open,Akbar
would have been licking his soles and bowing under his shadow.Kids ran
along side the motorcad.Farzad knoded to his assistant.Instantly A stack
of money was pushed to Farzad.He cracked open his window and let money
flutter in the wind.Farzad the great the kids screamed from the top of
their lungs.Ohara clutched and held her beaming breast when the motorcad
stopped in front of A museum quality mosque.The roof was emblazen in
eighteen solid gold. For A second as the limousine door opened.She could
have sworn she heard A crooning low gravitating voice summons her
forward.Children bursted from the seems with deep brown almond eyes and
bushy black hair.In the presence of the many children Farzad became
human.He hurried to the children as they pounced upon him with
love and
compassion.Ohara some
how knew it was these very children and those that he gave seed to.That
gave him A steady dose of purity that could only be found in the innocent.
No longer did Farzad care to manikan positions.He stood throwing kids
high in to the air.He began to tell each child what they would be when
they grew up.Ohara stood frozen when the kids followed his words.Im
going to be A doctor.Im going to be A Nuero Surgeon.He didnt seem to care
that A million'smudged hand prints spotted his once spotless Dishda Sha.
As Farzad warmed the hearts of the, children.Muhamad was taking notes of
other mosques that needed Farzads immediate attention.The sound of
hysteria rang out of the mans mouth that Muhamad spoke to.
T T ~ ~ . . .
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Ohara knew the lose of life was what sent the man
Page 245
over the
edge.He shook his head and heaved deeply.Only to slowly begin to ring A
bell.That slowly began to pull the kids off of Farzad.The kids quickly
bumped in to A picture perfect well behaved line.Ohara began to wonder if
the bell
had rung out at a scheduled'time.She quickly struck to the forward and
gave huggs and care free kisses to each child.She smiled when boys held
on to her not wishing to let go.My dream they began to sing out from the
top of their lungs.You should feel privldged they have never acted as
such in the company of any other woman.Older kids struck from with in the
mosque and presented Farzad with A full array of flowers.That delighted
him as did the many huggs that came from the children.Look the hand
print of the living and breathing Angels.Farzad yelled out as if he
would hang up his printed clothes in the furthest reaches of his library,
that wasnt open to the public eye.As they slowly walked in to the
mosque slowly,Farzad began to open Oharas eyes to his world.These are
the kids who lost their parents in the war.Pain was seen in his eyes as
the, children ran foward to wash and clean their selves up for supper.Their
lively hood and very education is being payed for by me.Each of them will
go to the finest colleges.That will bring to the forward their choice
studies.I try to instill with in them the educational needs of our
civilization.But ones God given talents and thursts I can not curb.Ohara
looked hard and long at the oil paintings of religious greats that held
unbelievable color.She knew she didnt have the time to get caught up in
the make up of the western world.That depicted every holy human being as
being blond haired,blue eyed or fair skined.She knew at that very momment
she was just passing through the mosque.In hopes to step in arms reach of
AAron Hullett
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real life horrors.After hugging the last child and Page 246 going over
their warm living quarters.Farzad was the first to speak.I believe rest
is calling for our attention.Ohara saw hunger capped in the carefully cut
slits of Farzads mouth.Apart of her hoped he would position her in one
of his darkest rooms.So that her pussy could begin doing some fast
talking.And Farzad could begin to suffer well.She put her self on A
schedule,she invisioned her self chewing A phist full of the most
powerful Middle Eastern men and spitting them out.
Buyer of Beauty
Page 247
Ohara was struck by Farzads higher lion.When she
saw his
mountainTtep palace.She wanted to stand up and inhail his comforts full
majesty.The other part of her wanted to lay down with her ass up and
face down.So that she could take all that he had to offer.She haited the
independent part of him that refused to break.Her sharp mind began to
forge for
the proper words to say.That would capture him lock,stock and barrel.She
made her knee caps knock and grind against each other.Baised on the fact
her forbidden fruit called,thumped and screamed for his gold ladden
fullfillment.She smiled knowing she had told the world she was looking
for A man with old fashion values.She knew from the entrance of his
golden secutity gates.That was heavily secured at the bottom of the
mountain.By murder men that held German made grenade launchers and one
to many M-sixteens.When she looked over the two hundred round drums and
camp of arsenal that was covered.She knew the men that were dressed
in standard issue military fatigues.That they were ready for war on
many fronts.She knew when and if shit hit the fan,she would strike stead
fast in to the cross fire.Please excuse my men.They are positioned,
Farzad paused in his speech and cuffed his chin.Their positioned to
keep the roaches at bay if you.will.Ohara became undone as they waned
up the mountain side.Helicopters and one to many limousines blinged and
shined with perfection under the sun.When one is in the high point of
AAron Hullett
Buyer of Beauty
his existence.One finds that they have many
freinds that
Page 248
leave behind their very lives.To pitch camp in his globe trotting
existence.Know that no one will bother our treasured time together.Ohara
some how knew that it was A crime for any one to pass by him with out
bowing,to his majesty. She knew when night fell she would strike in tippy
toes and give her ears to the whispers of the night.She sat poised and
full flavored from the tips of her toes to the glazzed cap of her full
pouty.lips.If her
glazzed forbidden fruit hand arms and hands she would have snatched
Farzad deep with in her treasure to man.As she sat buck eyed and star
struck,smack dab in the middle of A first class experiance.A three story
palace enthroned in gold and tented array of windows.Sparkled at the
highest point for all those that looked towards the Heaven to marvel at.
Tan marble pools were awashed with finely tailored pool side men and
women.Who all seemed to live and breath in various gyms.No way she
almost yelled out from the top of her lungs.As waterfalls and teams
of servants came in to full view.Gold and diamond tipped fixtures seemed
to be the palaces main stay.Farzad flaoted on imperial redcarpet.You
will come to see my fairlady,that antiquities are the better part of me.
If A man doesnt know the make up of the past.How can he dare conquer
the full force of the present and future.Farzad said that with anger
and meaness caught in his tone.Come let me let you back stroke in the
crown of my existence.Ohara felt as if she should have taken off her
shoes.So that she didnt scratch up the gold and pearl marble floor.For
get dinner and dancing under the stars she coined in the open,with A
floaty laugh.We can enjoy the seconds as they ticked under any one of
these diamond tipped chandeliers.The reason they are low Ohara.Is because
AAron Hullett
Buyer of Beauty
in actuality all of ones hopes and dreams are in Page 249 A arms
reach.One must only believe they are deamed worth and the cosmos will
bring it in fruition.Providing calculated actions are brought to the
forward on A daily baisis.Ohara sniffed at the paradise ora that struck
through the air.Ancient porcelian vases held large boquets of exotic
flowers in each and every one of them.Buisness men struck in every
direction giving to monetary conversations and international laws.By the
way they struck in to various office spaces,Ohara knew they werent
chasing dreams.They
were in fact world building and attacking various corporations.That
they saw should be erected under Farzads monetary porfolio.Decadence
dripped from the fine furnishings that were fit for winter castles in
Africa.After Muhamad gives you the guided tour try to get some rest.
Many of people have tried to see all and come to know all in one showing.
Each of them have stood before me hours later flustered and in A world
of loss.Tonight many of my greatest countrymen will stand in your honor.
So please try and look as pure as you do now later.He stepped close to
her leting his face brush against hers.May I visit you before the night
calls for our arrival?Ohara stepped back and caught eyes with him.She
had enough with all the games.She was ready to strike in to the momment
where every thing goes.She slowly began to let go of A mischevious smile.
She knew when he arrived she would be wearing the tiniest lingerie.With
out word said he was escorted to A gold enthroned elevator.She shook her
head paralyzed at the fact she was cocooned inbetween the highest form
of existence she ever seen.As he struck through the web of buisness men
and the like.Everyone paused and silenced as he came in to and through
their circles.They didnt want him to loose train of thought on their
Buyer of Beauty
behalf.Ohara knew the only way to cope was to realize where she was.With
A quickness she gave her sharp eyes to every face
Page 250
she passed.She
brought to the forward her photographic memory.She knew if she saw any
man or woman that was wanted by the federal government she swore to die
for.She would strike in to the momment glade to be at war on all
fronts.Ohara struck ahead of Muhamad,which let him know she loved being
in the light. She took one long salacious step for American kind and one
giant leap in to the gripping game of death.That gave way to A ruling
class that would rule the entire globe.Ohara slowed down minutes later
loving Muhamads" talented and exciting showmanship.He made sure she
touched the very
gold tucked and wooden cut of the demigods of yesteryear Farzad now had
bow to him.Oharas finger tips started to burn from the hand held
attention Muhamad made her take to many of Farzads fondest treasures.
The finer parts of Farzads palace was fit to be called A shrine.Farzads
sizzling hospitality made her hunger for time alone with him.Ohara was
stumped and froze in midstride when she saw the heart beat of world
building under construction before her eyes.She saw A deserted plain
with in Afghanistan hold A massive construction model.That was trump
tight with enough tourist attractions to bring the very world to its
sandy base in drobs.Right when she began to move slowly injecting
what she just saw.She smiled at the massive in door pools,jucuzzies,
tennis and basket ball courts.That each held on sight servants for
the partackers of pleasure devine.She watched in fascination at live
goats being butchered and placed on limestone barbeque arenas.Ohara
froze at the sights that waved out from every window through out the
palace.The tower of power mountain top views were reminiscent of
AAron Hullett
Buyer of Beauty
Hollywoods majestic hilltop.vistas.Ohara knew as
Page 251
she was lead
forward, that if she was given just one chance to cut the mountain in
half.While being under the hell blazing pursuit of just one of
Americas wanted most dangerous men.That she would be easily
executed,baised on the fact their was only one road that to the forward
heaven or hell life and or death.Every corner of Farzads lower palace
seemed to be coned with timed
meetings and masterful men.That lived and died by the force of time lines.
She paused and became A up front witness to buisness men on A pearl and
gold stage give A up front news confrence to the live wire.Ohara locked
on to the very make and desighn of those that stood in the shadows.That
refused to give any photograph ops or up front interviews.Well for now
that is all that is open to visitors.Come tonight their will be open
areas for you to give your eyes and hands to.With'.A quickness Muhamad
turned and waved Ohara back from the direction they came.Her instincts
told her their was something positioned with in the west wing that would
blow the sight seeing out the water.She wondered if the orchestraters
that thrived and lived soly by spreading blood were near.She paused and
staired deep in to Muhamads squarl deep brown rimmed eyes.That were
hid behind titanium oval rimmed glasses.With A quickness he turned from
her while continuesly waving his hands forward.Their was no beauty in
the mystery that stood before her.The gaurds that turned in her direction,
made her walk upon the very second they locked on her.She began to give
them the mouth watering sights of her hips,thighs and shivering and
shaking rearend.That she had just learned how to make move with out
her hips moving.Which was said to drive men crazy when they saw it near
or far.When she looked back at the soldiers that held their guns seconds
AAron Hullett
Buyer of Beauty
before at her vital points.Their guns were now pointed at the ground.
She knew they each wanted to touch as they looked Page 252 at her toosh.She
licked her lips as they pondered upon the possibilities.As she was lead
to her sleeping quarters she began to wonder who those rainbow coalition
of women were,that were positioned around the outside pool.Ohara was
ready to beat her bottom dollar that those exotic women were who
Farzad used to cure his sweet tooth.They layed back enjoying servants
and full buffets.Which let Ohara know they werent sex slaves.When Ohara
was lead in to her second floor room.She took two steps back before she
took one step forward.Everything one could want on vacation was at her
finger tips.Give me something thats real she screamed in to ther inner
most being.Once she struck inside her vestive suit.That gave panaramic
views from the out door balcony.Welcome to the cave of fire and flames.
She growled to her self as she sniffed at the air that abounded her.
Death dont tease me come for me fast.So that I can bring the last flash
of light to as many villians that come to inhibit my circumfrance sooner
than later.She quickly slipped out of her spikey hi heels.Her toes
wanted to float through the ankel high white cashmere rug.Her toes
smiled up to her in immediate thanks.She bounced on various massive
couches as Muhamad poured her A gold flutted glass of top grape.Ohara
wanted to feel and hear every thing that surrounded her.She even
welcomed the presence of pain in hopes she could come close and
personal with some thing real.She knew under the surface negativity
was huvering over her seething to needle in to her flesh.She knew she
AAron Hullett
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would have to make the heavily calculated move
hidden darkness in to the light.I hope your
Page 253
to bring the
living space
holds up to your American red,white and blue standards.Muhamad spoke up
with an air of careful sarcasm.Ohara let out A delicate soft tear when
he opened her bedroom door.Which was crushed in red from the ceiling to
the the floor. What caught her heart and warmed it instantly was the
gold back board. That held A fluttering baby angel huvering over her
head.She wondered would beautiful disaster come for her in the middle
of the bed.While
she acted as if she was fast asleep.She fell back on the bed and laughed
when red rose pedals lifted off the bed and cocooned her.She carefully
open her creamy thighs to where her fluffy forbidden fruit could be seen
with the naked eye.Muhamad growled and quickly began to mutter only to
pause and catch A hold to his mind.I will leave you to your self.If I
can be of service please push any intercom through out your skyscraper
offerings.And I will strike to bring forth your immediate wants and or
needs.Ohara knew where' their was intercoms their were microscopic
cameras in following.She knew she would have to let Muhamad go with
out striking to grabe A firm hold of one of his finer points.She
jumped to her feet in A single bound once she was left alone.She gave
her eys to the suits careful detail.Every hair on her arms stood on
end.She could feel A million pairs of eyes locked on her.In hopes to
find out the very make up of her American techniques.She knew the spy
cameras were positioned in one of the many aircondition ducks.She
smiled from ear to ear when she saw that her belongings were carefully
hung up.She wanted to touch her hidden attack tools that stood frozen.
Buyer of beauty
She licked her lips and blew A hiptnotic kiss at the beams of sunrays.
Which was aimed directly at the F.B.I.s
Page 254
had not been detected by prying eyes and feilding hands.That she was
more than sure became multi tasked as finding anything they could.With A
quickness she layed back and began to feild her mind with all of the
faces she had come in contact with so far.She gave heavy infeces to
key distictions that made up many of the mens facial structures.She
was ready to do some covert trickery as she swayed slowly to the gold
and pearl
tucked spacious bathroom.That was cocooned with tented windows.That
didnt let the prying eye see with in.But gave taunting sights of gym
built guards that stood guntooting and dangerous.Ohara was quick to mix
exotic oils while dashing handfuls of white and red rose pedals in to
the sudzy water.She snatched the telephone that was positioned on the
side of the walk in bathtub.With in minutes Muhamad had linked her with
the States.Aunt Mable its fabulous here.She screamed out at the top of
her lungs to Patricia.The palace has been dipped and gold and breath
taking diamonds.Its fit for A queen on all fronts.I want to stay here
and never leave.Only in the name of love for ever after.Patrica coined
with A sharpness that made Ohara clear her throat and take notice.Farzad
isA dream.He cares for children that have no parents.He has been
nothing but A gentleman.He hasnt made the slightest advance towards me.
I believe he wishes to get to know me before he comes in for the kill.
Patricia swund in her chair lost in Oharas extatic momment.Only if you
could see what I see.Ohara-screamed in flatline frenzy as she kicked her
feet up as the water roze to her chest.Have you been able to talk to him
at great lengths?No not yet,but he says tonight A dinner is being placed
RuvPr nf RPautv
in my honor.I believe he just may come to taste the essence of my being
before dinner call.Patricia could hear excitment
casted in her sultry speech.Ohara loved the feeling
Page 255
and a spill of
of being rich
emotion.Ohara pushed the number eight on the key pad.Which ment the
palace was heavily gaurded.She then pushed the number zero.Which ment
the palace had secrets that randeep.In which she was under the pursuit
to uncover.When Ohara hung up she began to dance in the newd,with A plaque
that held Farzads picture in its gold frame.Her right leg lifted as she
stuffed his face inbetween her thighs.She showed visible signs that she
wished for them to step away from the world.And gravitate on their very
own erotically crafted place.She danced as if she just knew he could bring
pleasure and hip banging pain to each and every part of her bodie.With such
art form that could only be brought to the forward by Calculas equations.
Ohara smiled dangerously as she swore to her self she would live in the
Middle East soley to make A name for her self on their evening news.She
hoped before the time came for her to strike.That she was able to uncover
dirty laundry to secrets that havent been discovered since their incubation.
She let her hips rock dangerously as she slurped on her pouty lips.The
very thought of being A modern master of suspence made her forbidden fruit
glaze.As the sun began to fall back it raged in its beaming glory.Heated
at the fact it wouldnt be able to see the end of all time take center stage
under its lighting.She splashedin the suds and roze up to her knees.Her
hands that were small and softly cut took A firm hold of her creamy uptuned
breast.That stood up and perfected by time.Her lips thursted to taste the
finer parts of her bodie.That made full grown men kill off their very own
country men to posess her.Even if it was just for an alotted span of time.
AAron Hullett
Buyer of Beauty
She placed his picture on the bathtubs gold plattered
r a y s
G J v
manel.As she
let her legs raise in hopes to let them become receptors or antenas,to her
erotic feelings that began to reach out for mans slightest touch.Ohara
began to hope that some rat in A cage would strike in to the open for
her.Eager to cut in to her flesh and leave her ravaged with out any one
knowing he had struck at her with brute force.So that she could in the same
second of his entrance flip him over backwards and make him talk quick and
fast.While sapping him of any and all strength that he could muster.She
purred at the silence that floated around her.She wanted to make out and
kiss long and hard.Her mind and gravitating soul was pushing forward at
top speeds like
A war plane that needed no pilote.State of the art she had become mind,soul
and bodie.She knew she had become A living being that thrived soley to tear
man apart.She began to wonder was she going crazy baised on the fact she
wanted Farzads flesh pressed against her tight.As he whispered in her ear
said lies.While all the while she wanted to wait for the exact second he
closed his eyes or lost his self to her hiptnotic web.So that she could
sink her teeth in to the very make up of his brain.That would shoot sparks
through out the make up of her gushing mouth.Her photographic memory went
over every inch of the palace she had come in contact with.She knew exactly
which parts of the palace she would strike to cradle first.Even if she wasnt
able to see as well in the night as she did earlier that day.She swore she
would creep forward to bring black days to the hidden,that hungered for
lost lives and foreign legions to become tarnished under their blazen reign.
She knew the very second her position was blown.That her faitwould see that
she came to rest upon the mountain top.Baised on the fact their was to many
guns aimed down at the mountain side that cradled the mountain top palace.
Buyer of Beauty
She saw grenade luanchers stopping her strike for seperation.She baited the
fact she didnt have in her posession the necessary Page 257 fire power to
pitch A camp or return fire.Nor did she have the necessary intellegence to
decode the combination or code to the vault that held the palaces cut throat
arsénal.She let her tounge free fall out of her gushing mouth when she
looked down at her perky full breast.Excitment gushed through the finer
parts of her bodie.One thing she did know was where high level buisness
meetings were being held.Once she gained entrance with the form of A sleek
black panther.She would place bugs that would give her up front access to
money talks or world wide suicide plans.That she would give her last breath
to s top in midmotion.She knew for the life of her that she had to intercept
that very night A phist full of touchy conversations.She purred in want when
her tounge slid along the curve of her turgid right nipple.That boys stayed
up late to view and touch their selves to.Once they knew their parents were
sleep.And they brought to the forward one of the million posters that were
sold to the world of her in thongs and bedside clingers.Her forbidden fruit
began to thump and hold A tribal beat that was in want now not later.She
stepped out of the bathtub and began to stretch in the knewd.The slow flow
she began to apply lotion to her bodie put her in A world of pleasure dejour.
She dressed in A gold elegant shimmering castle gown.That left very little
to mans imagination.As she layed back awaiting the master of ceremonies
arrival.Terror struck her with an uneven cord that made her catch her
running breath.The thought of having no escape route was nerve wracking.The
thought was teamed with the fact she had no one to call.She layed all alone
with in the Middle East terror dome.Their was no one any where that would
do A thing for her.She knew her only mode of escape would come from up
AAron Hullett
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close and personal manipulation and time framed
Page 258
surveillance.In which she was ready to strike in to the very second the
door was opened for her star studded entrance.She began to hope she came
in contact with the storage room that held state of the art weapons.So that
she could strike to shatter the struckture sooner than later.The very
second she came in full view of any one of Americas most wanted villians.Or
top flight knowledge that
would save A nation even if it wasnt America.
AAron Hullett
Buyer of Beauty
Lips warm and mysteriously sensous began to serande
Page 259
Ohara back in
to the dream scape offerings of reality.The threat of the present struck in
to the open.I have come soley to filter out any and all dought that you
may have in my want for you.Farzads eyes had become the biggest on the
block.Hunger was seen to and to through and through.The tent that was
pitched between his legs was A sure fire symbol of distinction.She began
to sit up in the bed in hopes his love making would be miles away from
ordinary.Let thine lips be the time peice thats used to chart our beginning
that will hold no end.Ohara was ready to strike and confuse what was
real.The better part of her began to pull her strike back.Some thing beneath
the core of her being made her feel insecure.Fear began to make her fall as
Farzads tounge began to flicker and flair upon her.Her nipples and
forbidden fruit began to respond to his touch.The more she tried to
control her forbidden fruits honey coated walls that closed in,in want of
penetration.The more it began to quiver in want.Let thine hands breath life
in to the parts of your bodie you never knew held life.As I slowly slide
with in your inner space please dont speak.Lets let out hearts and minds
give life to languages we never hear before.In hopes when we surface back in
to the world.Our peace of mind could never be baught or distracted.As only A
Angel would lead me to your
innocents.In hopes now not later a ever lasting love can be born.Farzads
whisper made Oharas knees wish to lock wide open and stay open at all times.
Buyer of Beauty
His floetry of words as his tounge and hands licked the soles of her
candy coated feet.Made him simply irresistible Page 260 before her
slowly batting eyes.She wondered if he knew that he had her adrenaline
flowing. She smiled at her skin that began to glow.As his adventurous
tounge began to taunt the finer scapes of her inner thighs.Ohara
instantly began to snatch her mind out of his world.That she knew was
in theatrics and various drama classes,that were stage,television and
the silver screen.Ohara chided her forbidden fruit that dampened in
want.Farzad brought essential mind altering elements to the forward
under the ambient moonlight.Oharas panties bunched as she became cocooned
in his wants and needs.As he spoke the lights that seconds before
entertained them went down.Before her breathing slow giving her inner
thighs the finer point of his tounge.Towered the very her and provider
that she knew she had to conquer at all cost.She watched as his mouth
gushed from the first taste of her supule skin.She watched very closely
the mechanics of the man that settle for nothing short than the world
in intirety.His animalistic bowtied flavor let her know as time began
to fly he soared.Lust,passion and vulnerabilty began to pitch A flaming
camp with in her inner most being.Ohara had to continuesly had to take
deep heaving breaths in hopes to stop her bodie and mind from shivering
in A rose bed of euphoria.When he pulled at the fabric of her panties.
She smiled with a naughty flavor eager to ice him from head to toe.With
the sweet coat of her forbidden fruit.Intellegence had taught her how
to make man explode in seconds.She began to feel confident as she
reached out to him and took A hold of him.She knew once she placed
her first hooks in to him that she didnt needed anyone to carry her.
AAron Hullett
buyer oL beauty
u y c
c.v ~
She began to humm salaciously when her forbidden fruit began to glaze,
while waving in the crush of the ultimate game.She was eager to show
the federal seal that she was made to blow open the doors to time and
space time and time again.She felt that she was more human than human.
When his eyes bulged wide open when her inner thighs came in to view.
She knew once she cradled his mind she would be known through out the
world as A living legend.She stroked the core of his length knowing she
was the ripper of man A full blown American stallion.Who thrived to
snatch the most powerful and saught after mens vigor and power handed
down from the cosmos.She knew she was better looking,more appetizing
and delicious to the last drop.Knowing she was the narrator to the hot
and steamy momment she smiled knowing as he growled for attention.She
would give him nothing more than A sensational prologe.Seeing and feeling
his out stretched length that was desperate for attention.Her inner most
being began to scream in to the furthest reaches of the cosmos.That
the force of history that was created by Eve would be over shadowed by
Shareamore Christian.Her angelic face began to make feel good expressions.
She arched her back so that he could free her throbbing and wanting
forbidden fruit of all fabric.She was ready to bring to the forward
soul binding and mind altering techniques that would hang the man the
myth where he stood.She envisioned him dangling and strangling with out
any strings needed.The sweet smeel and delicious taste of her forbidden
fruit alone would knot him in A mental bind for all his live long days.
She swore through him she would chase Americas most wanted Middle
Eastern men off of the face of the Earth.I am the day break she growled
in to his inner most being.As saliva gushed out of the cuts of his mouth.
A Arn n r Tnn 1 1 ct t
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Ohara felt flames unearth A new part of her.That
Page 262
didnt care to
see death rize from A distance.She wanted to be their to feel the last
shiver and splatter of tears escape murder mens eyes.Just as she began
to cocoon and cross over from being A lamb that was high society
prey.And rize
in full majesty as A properly positioned cammillioned predator.That
began to ,peck at his flesh and mind like A dangerous volture.That
feasted on his fears and brought forth trajedy.As only A thursty vampire
would who lived soley to watch the whole world die.She began to whisper
words and verbs that were hiptnotic in to Farzads right ear.Your panties
please he whispered in the faintest octive he could muster.As he shook
his head throwing to the waist side her hiptnotic hooks.His words were
calm yet holding A needy position in its core.As she began to slide all
the way out of her panties A wave of weakness began to come over her.
It was in that split second that she saw Farzads calm,cool and collective
demeanor transform with out touching A mental stick shift.As if he was
the holder of unknown super powers.He leaped all of eight feet back
while unhooking her hooks and blood sucking tentackles.He stood with in
the shadows of the spacious room so stronge and taking the tell tall
position as A boo able villian.He began to sniff at her panties,as if
he was A world acclaimed wine taster.Ohara leaped up to her knees
wanting to break him down so badly.But she caught her self knowing she
had the power to pounce upon him with back breaking force in the same
instant he struck A up right position before her.Knowing she had to
hold dear to her position as the fairest of them all.She brought forth
soft and lost facial feelings that gave Farzad extra strength.As he
staired hard and long in to her inner most being.He continued snorting
T T v~., r, v„ 1 1 ..1-1-
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as if he had the power to tell the day,month and Page 263 year she would
birth to A joyous little girl or A bouncing boy.I smell more urine
secretions than pleasure coated ones.Farzads eyes lowered to slits.He
was self assured that his inner most being was right.That their was far
more to this Miss America than meet the eye.She was to contagious to the
point apart of him didnt know how to act around the new threat.Apart of
him screamed for him to turn all the lights out and let his flesh take
on the fast and curious American entertainer.It was his mind over
matter sharp mind that begged and pleaded with him to keep his distance
or death would instantly call for him.Im sure you know that their are
those who protest the very thought of your American seed stepping on
holy ground.Do you live in A world of fear?ie questioned as he began to
pace about the length of the room.While sniffing and snorting as if life
was found in her glazzed panties.The flickering flames seemed to raise
up and entire inch.Ohara began to wonder did the man before her truly
posses powers not known by modern day man.Is your fear rooted from the
fact those Americans with rich color have been pushed in to American
mental and spiritual suicide.Baised on the subliminal and visual red
neck agendas that have pressed upon you A blue eyed,blond haired and fair
skived God.How can you Americans bow to A made up depiction of truth
that was drawn by A painter one of your sister country kings gave
sanction to?Anger and open meaness capped the very fabric of Farzads face.
His pearsing eyes held eternal flames in their core.Fuck Michalangelo
and the king,Farzad spat out with hostility striking through his bursting
veins.That began to bulge in his neck and the center of his forehead.The
visions of the said blue eyed Son of God.Is what has those of colors
Buyer of Beauty
in America questioning not only their very abilities.But dought their
Page 264
very own cosmic gifts.That could breath life in to
A unknown
American existence.Your people are loosing the war of survival in the
States.Dont you know your minds and soul are being fired upon by the devil
box be it television,glamour magazines,radio sound bites,newsstands and
classromm history books.That are positioned in every public school through
out the States.To the point manipulating those of color have become
nothing more than A mind altering activity.That has been passed down by
the secret order that rules above the smoge and low level confusion.You
dont even know about the sacred silence and the Order that has
positioned you as nothing more than A paun.Farzad exuded so much force
that Ohara swore that some where between him and her and the ground he
would begin to levitate.You freak,America is the greatest land on
Earth.Farzad huvered over her so judgemental and anger striken.That his
threat had become real and up front and personal.He looked as if her few
words of American
pride had not been spoken.Why are you stairing at me like A zombie.She
questioned as she began to align her self with the bed she layed on.So
that!.: she could strike in A seconds notice.Ohara turned from him and looked
over at her sparkling Miss America tier,Miss America full chest ribbon
and glass slippers that tipped her as the fairest of them all.Ohara you
know we in the Middle East bring to America peace.But you blood thursty
Americans continue to bring before us war.In hopes to snatch from under
neath us our natural resorces.Ohara turned her head again not wanting
to face reality or any nerve wracking truths.Dare to continue looking
away from me and I will see to it that you face the same slow crippling
AAron Hullett
Buyer of Beauty
death as my country men.That are being held
rage zo5
indefinetly in
torture chambers in Cuba-It is the off springs of your four fathers that
dare to try and bring history to the forward yet again.In hopes they will
come to rule key points of the globe.So that they can blast off to the
furthest reaches of space and hopefully inhabit A devilish planet.Where
they can entomb their selves as blond haired blue eyed gods once and for
all with out any questions.Ohara knew she had seen her share of high
drama.But it was in that momment that fear began to entomb her.For she
knew their was no structure escape route.She was covered by heavy artillary
on all sides. Even though thier was no way back to the States from her
immediate position.She didnt care to begin saying her eternal
prayers.Ohara know that I am A monster,in this space and time I have
become A superficial being that needs to watch things die.Ohara wanted to
snatch the covers and crawl deep under them.She haited the sight of
Farzads frozen eyes that looked at her as if he would find pleasure
watching her take her last breath.Your leaders hunger to rape,steal,kill
and destroy everything in their wake her in the Middle East.Do you know the
American history to its hilt.Do you know how your nation got stronge.Dont
you know upon those
very same principles they will leap and kill in first blood for'super
power:Ohara haited Farzad for sticking truths that stunk deep in her .f
ace.He made her inhail deeply upon every word he spoke.Ohara I wish
only to kill the lost part of you thats in the flesh.I wish to bring you
in to the next ticking seconds as A god reborn.I wish to breath in to
your inner most being given secrets for you to protect and preserve.His
words were even and constricting.Rize now as my Priestest and I will be
your Priest.He looked down at her heart shapped box as if it was A
Buyer of Beauty
magnet,that he would have loved to be magnated to Page 266for
ever.Never,she screamed as she drew to the gold sculpted back board.That
seemed to push her back out in to the wild and wicked.Ohra know as you
strike away from me I will not see to your safety.I have drew Americas
jewel in to my circle so that she can be my sacrificial lamb.Upon your
death A war will be waged that will hold no end.Unless you bow before me
and become my American eyes and ears.Ohara sat in.A world of loss.How
could she have slipped in to Farzads master plan with out knowldge.He
walked up to her slowly and let his hands touch her soft cheeks gently.He
growled in the open as he drew her close.He wanted to tear in to her
fleash with his male mystic in every way possible.Even when she was madd
she made his carnal nature wish to hold her close and penetrate her inner
most being. Her breath smelled of honey as he whispered in her ear.Ohara
wanted to curse and claw as his skin was pressed against her
tight.Americas most prized structure of history is baised on
fables.George Washington and the cherry tree,Johnny Apple Seed,need I
even bring up the fictitious Sir Lance Alot and Gweniveir?Farzad became
theatric and acted as if he was going to vomit.As he spoke on about the
Wizard of Oz and Alice in Wonderland.If you can tell me one reason its
wronge to live holy.I will give you A million reasons I could never make
love to an American.That
dares to stand up in the sands of time as A shrined American symbol.That
represents their social,economic,political and religious beliefs.Ohara
could hardly believe how such a soft spoken man could transform in to A
harsh cruel man.That hungered for American blood to be spilled in high
fashion.She wanted to snatch at her hidden attack weapons.Baised on the
Buyer of Beauty
fact he didnt blink or take time out to take A deep breath.He continued
Page 267
to grow and abound before her very eyes.A
monster that could easily reach out and take full possession of
her.Knowing she had A job to fullfill and the man before her had her
panties.She knew she had to strike first before he struck out of her
sight.She began to contemplate how she would strike at mach speed.She
knew silent suspence could give way to violence.Explosive elements darted
through the static electricity filled air.She could smell the make up of
gun powder and spilled blood drawing near.She opted not to show her
double edge sword side just yet. She layed back perfectly still softer
and gentler than a fur shawl.Tears swelled in her eyes and began to
spill.With the rocky force of freshly cut diamonds.When you sent for
me,I thought it was because you wanted to know me.Not bash me because of
the democratic make up of my homeland.
Homeland,Farzad screamed out as if he had been unearthed after A thousand
years of dorment.Not A one of you that inhabit America is of pure blood.
Your all nothing more than the infested thats apart of A boiling pot.That
ignorantly bows to A blond haired blue eyed god.And in your siad Bible
it openly shows you he had feet of bronze and hair of wool.Embesilese you
all are,tell you and show you some thing long enough and you believe it.
You dont see that blasphemy blasted on any walls through out the Middle
East do you?Ohara knoded slowly remembering the sights and po°ttraits
that were held up in mosques and museums she walked in to.Ohara just
knew at any second he would strike at her inH.A wild grizzly fashion.
Which made her ball up in A naught.In hopes to cover her most prized
parts.Tonights itinerary has changed,very important people are comming
to speak about the world in full.My country men dont find your presence
Buyer of Beauty
worthy of fine cuisine and elaborate dinning.Ohara felt the tragedy
Page 268become needle
that was about to event.She saw Farzads teeth
sharp and thursty for flesh devine.She felt as if she was A virgin
that was circled around blood thursty raptors.The breathless mind
altering momment hit her between the eyes.she saw the deadly sights of
life and death burst her inner most being in to flames.Her desire to
kill and rite above the flame made her ready her self for the next
momment how ever it came.Smile for America Ohara,for you are the chosen
for sufferance.Baised on the sole fact you come from the American
stock that dares to watch the entire world die.As they turbo boost in to
the furthest reaches of space.Ohara tried to get a grip of her mind
and very straight forward sight.She couldnt see pass the lies and the
bedlum of propoganda that was controled by the devil his self.My friends
that come to my shores have ferocious appetites.Tonight you will dance
for them as if their is no tommorow.Just as you did in the Action Hauty
pool side clinger you trotted in on the American stage.Oharas high
aggresion was ready right then and their to bring forth A lethal impact.
That would be scribed in history as a blood strike.A roaring flame
crackled with in her inner most being.She welcomed the essence of her
being that was pulse pounding and ready to gobble up the installment of
savages that surrounded the compound.She growled back stroking in the
flames that made her begin to prespire.She was ready to see that America
and its democratic position raise and nail down the red,white and blue
flag on foriegn soil.If you dont dance with hip banging flair that
catches the best and biggest men that holds up the Middle east.It would
be such A shame to see mortar fire take down your plane,before it
Buyer of Beauty
reached its skyscraper aeronautical position.Farzad grabbed her
attention and didnt let go.He grabbed her by her Page 269
right ankle and
pulled her close.Which let her know she was
about to be in
the company of greedy unscrupulous people.It was the compelling
physical message that told her she better limber up for the nights
festivitys.Death and the stock pile of corruption she swore wouldnt be
able to swallow her up.He smiled wickedly and whispered she had four
hours to sleep.You had better look like my sexiest supporter.Just as he
came poof he was gone. She layed back in A bed of tears.She just knew
that her every action was being watched.She wanted to smile at time and
space for giving
her up front entrance to the palace where three demensional characters
would be positioned.Who held in their inner most being complex Middle
Eastern secrets.She let her teeth grit at the fact right then and their
she was ready to give the Federal Seal,America and Holy Scripture the
final sacrafice.Which would be her in the flesh.Bringing forth the
celestial part of her being .She knew their was no man in power that
she could get to strike against Farzad.Every one feared,reveared and or
licked the bastards soles.As if he was some king or A ashes to dust
demigod.Ohara stretched as only A dangerous lioness would.She stood
minutes later ready to dance the night away and put her dancing shoes on.
She knew exactly which shoes she would step in to.Those that were of
Federal issue.That shot nine milla meter slugs at point blank range.
Hours later she dressed ready to make the move of moves that erased the
Genisis negative Eve gave in to,with A positive eternal strike.That would
cradle every history book known to man.In the present and comming future.
AAron Hullett
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Ohara layed back as she struck at mach speed in
Page 270
to her minds
eye.Her eagles eyes struck like A disco inferno through every inch of the
palace she had been walked in to and through.She pressed pass vacant
that were shined and lit up with mahogany fire places and cathedral
ceilings.She didnt care to give her eye sights the feel of her mind.She
knew their was more than met the eye positioned below the surface.The
first thing that rattled her mind positioned with in the mountains
granite position.Was A tempered wine cellar and A undergroung runway.
That would give ample room to A Gulf Stream Lear Jet and attack
helicopters.She froze when the sights of Farzads familys private
mausoleum came to mind.Even though she had been taught to kill with out
thinking.The sight of dead bodies riddled and stricken with dead eyes,
made every hair on her bodie stand on end.She knew their was A world
undiscovered with in the bed of"mounting rock that mega ton bombs
couldnt dash to ashes and dust.Ohara wasnt startled when the door opened
with A quickness.And Muhamad stood in the door way waving her in to the
center of time and space.He didnt hold any form of compassion with in
his stone face.It was as if Farzad had built A fire in his eyes.Ohara
wondered what he had seen since the last time they had spoken.Baised on
the fact he stood before her now as cold as ice.Ohara was caught in A
world of loss,she didnt know any of the rooms next to hers were
T T ..... v. V .. 1
occupied by exotic women of every shape and
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Page 271color.Everyone
got in line and were waved by gaurds towards the dream scape
ballroom.Ohara didnt care that her very position was no longer given
presidence above any other woman that breathed the same air as her.She
knew she was American royalty to and to through and through her very
position.Which made her walk as if she was on A tide of nobility .That
was fit for only dashing men whos blue blooded stock had been bowed to
all thier live long lives. Her hip banging sway made gaurds snort and snot
at the very air she left behind.as they openly slurped on their lips and
their eyes bucked out of their racoon and high olive cream faces.By the
way they gripped their one to many guns.She knew they hungered and
phiend to touch her where the sun rarely was able to beam.She will be
some bodys miracle.A soldier whispered to one of his country men.Oharas
breath was heavier than usual as she stepped forward.As she was lead in
to the grand ball room, she began to wonder had she grew up to fast in
the Federal beauracracy? All eyes stayed locked on her every motion
made.The soldiers jowels locked knowing the American girl could drop it
and switch it with A
non stop erotic swing.That would make each and every one of them reach
out and damn right demand for more.She looked over her shoulder and let
go of A taunting array of winks and full lipped wet kisses.She knew she
may have to in secret drive one of these very men crazy on A daily.In
hopes of finding freedom sooner than later.She knew in the least each
of the fuckers before her had A story to tell.She wished she had one of
those M-sixteens that they held.So that when shit hit the fan she could
make them do some fast talking as they coughed up their own vitals.The
Buvcr of BPautv
finery that wined and shined in the fold of the blazing day before.Now
gleamed with perfection as ambient moon rays
Page 272 free falled
through the cathedral ceiling.The hard worker ant buisness men and
servants were now exchanged for heavily guntoting soldiers.Who were
geared up for any one that dared to shake the brass out of their guns
and reload.She looked over every soldier to make A mental note of what
type of equipment was at their disposal.All this she needed to know
incase she was to strike in to the lime light in minutes.Apart of
Oharas right side began to drag.She felt as if she was A cow being
lead to A slaughter house.She let her button nose dab at the
cosmos.She looked straight forward holding dear to her Federal Seal
universal dream. Which was to cut down any and all shifting
targets.That lived soley
to crush democracy and propoganda in full.If Im to die in some one
elses glory.Before I die Farzad will be the first to recognize the
fact that America doesnt stand to be disrespected on any front.She
looked away with A quickness from the heavily gaurded redwood baised
office.That was heavily gaurded with in the second row of the westwing.
What kind of shit is this A Korean woman spat out.She stopped walking
as they struck in to the vacant ballrooms base.I thought I was going
to shimmy,shimmy,co,co pop for the most powerful men i'ir the Eastern
hemisphere.The North Korean woman balked out as her slanted eyes opened
wide open.She began to move her hips in A way that was mysterious and
catching to the eye.Which instantly made Muhamad wave the women towards
the vacant stage.He snapped his fingers twice and High Society Jazz
kicked up full stream,mixed with eightys pop music intwined.Ready or
not here I come Ohara whispered aloud.As she took A careful gaze at
nf R a a i i f i v
her surroundings.The entire ballroom was vacant.Soldiers aligned the
walls with their guns positioned across their
upper most part of the vaulted ceiling held
273 chests.The
trim.Ohara was caught in the sight of the superbly detailed Brazilian
cherry and"teak hardwood floor. As the other girls began to twist and
twurl to the music that began to call them in to the center.Oharas
inner most being was raging as her
Intellegence began preaching.She bit down on her bottom lip as vibrations
struck through her inner most being.She could feel her self being drug
head first in to A nerve wracking cresendo.That would entomb her in the
center of critical conditions that mere mortals would keel over,if
caught up in.Their wasnt A whisper telling her to stay ready so that
she didnt have to get ready.Their was A scream that demanded for her
to stand on pens and needles.Knowing that she was the finest yet,she
began to bring to the forward her vintage moves.Her every move was
sharp and sensual.As if she had bit the dust earlier with in the year
bringing skill and showman ship to her every move.She raised one leg
above her head and began to grind deliciously with the air that
surrounded her.While looking at oil paintings and full color portraits
of kings and princess that ruled and controled the Middle East.She
stopped her self from growling in the open.She some how knew that at
least one of the many men that were enshrined on the walls gave hordes
of money to feild the battle lines with insurgents.That were heavily
secured with stock pilesof-`ammunition that was baught in Germany.She was
glad that the lights captured in the diamond and gold chandeliers were
low.Which made it hard for any one to easily see anger and meaness
capped on her face.As she began to slice out A peice of luxurious
Buyer of Beauty
pure erotic bodie motions that the eastern world wasnt use to.She
Page 274
screamed in to the black portal in the cosmos
where would
chaos strike from:She wanted to in the same instant bring forth American
pandamonium smack dab in the center of confusions head.She stopped her
self from becomming emotionally tense.Baised on the fact Federal
Intellegence had
lead her forward
Ashocking surprise positioned with in her personals.
She took A firm hold of her hips as if she was lost in the strum of A
smooth summer song.Ohara was caught off gaurd when the noise pollution
was lowered and every gaurd before and around her began to bow.Salutes
went on and on until the soldiers were waved back in to their frozen
guntoting ever ready positions.She feel perfectly on to her hands and
knees and began to make her ass clap and vibrate with out moving her
hips.Oharas bodie waved and rocked as if she was on maximum over load,
with her favorite drink.The other women began to stuttor step as they
lost them selves watching her.Ohara looked over her shoulder as her
tounge flashed on to her shinning right shoulder.She wanted to see who
the men of presedence were that did A Whoodini move before every ones
eyes.And appeared flowing in every white and gold enthroned Dishda Shas.
Ohara continued to dance as her sharp eyes searched the treasure of men
that sat enthroned in gold and diamond castle sized chairs.She hafted
her self for dancing as if she was nothing more than property for the
God forsaken bastards behind her,that were being waited on hand and foot.
Young virgin girls did every thing but wash the soles of their feet with
their boats.She knew the men before her had the power to trample the
very ocean in intirety.Look at the snobbish American girl,who thinks her
pussy doesnt stink.Oharas forbidden fruit dried out as her ass began to
AAron Hullett
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itch and twitch.Fear dared to conquer her inner
being.Demented eyes staired at her as if they
Page 275
were in the
sockets of zombies.Who loved to watch things die from A distance.Only
to then come forth from the darkness feasting in cold blood.When she
turned back to the acrobatic formation of her bodie.After she gave her
sharp eyes to the first two men that were enthroned on the gold
emblazzen stage.Her bodie brought forth eye catching dreams for any and
all she was seen by.Her bodie rocked and rolled in roller coaster
fashion.I bet its because of her bodies dream scape actions that
uncultured Americans flood their kidish amusement parks.Farzad spoke up
haiting the bitch who acted as if her breath smelled of honey when she
first woke up.Ohara licked her lips as her waist stayed still and her
ass in its heart shapped form began to get loose.She looked at her
bodie with pleasure caught in her face and lucious lips.She exuded the
tell tall truth that she was A sexual
freak by choice not force.Thier in the middle of the stage positioned
with the Middle Easts most complex men caught in his very presence.Was
known other the Onsama Ben Laden.Middle East rest in peace,she screamed
in to the pits of her crackling soul.That roared for her to strike right
then and their.React dont think,react dont think.Federal Intellegence
began to push and shuve her in to the momment of equation right then
and their.She knew the many soldiers that surrounded her would immediatly
be her most interesting and amusing supporting cast.You are the finest
invention to date.Success begins with creation,strike now her inner
most being screamed.Where do bad people go when they die:Tell me that
they dont go up to Heaven and flutter with angelic Angels for ever and
A day,
r T ,-.„, u„ l l o f- t
As she began to waver over the mortal stakes
Buyer of Beauty
Page 276 that called
her forward. She kinew through the nighs passage she would have to rite
the following morning as A modern master.She weighed out the situation
that she stood in the middle of.She knew if she so much as rote and
turned to kill and destroy she would be picked apart in A seconds
notice.Not only was
their soldiers in front of her but their was others on the stage ready
to kill in first blood.Ohara knew their unpresidented Intellegence that
she had to be seen as the fairest of them all.In hopes to waken the
curse of man that hungered to the death woman in full force.In the
bedlum of human drama that in seconds she swore would turn to bloody
madness.She began to let her bodie roll and open up before all eyes in
loose erotic movements.Ohara hafted the devil for being on her silky
soft shoulders.She began to grind against the diamond and pearl stage.
As if in its very core she could feel its heated core.That could
paralyze her from thunderous strike along her spine.All of the promices
Farzad made to her in vain.Made her feel her torment and wiggle her toes.
That were positioned in her make shift nine milla meter spikey hi heels.
The feeling of being betrayed and stuck in the middle of Farzads tidal
wave.Made Oharas mind race at top speeds eager and ready to take on any
one.She had to try and calm down her booming pulse that was ready to
stop beating and die right then and their.If her fait had been scribed
to fall to the waist side in Middle Eastern flames.Not wanting to feel
deaths blows she began to think hard and fast.She loved the feeling of
being able to choose what the right move would be.As she looked back
T . ~ . ~ . . .
T T . . I
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at her shivering ass that only needed A stroke of
Page 277mans genius
crushing it as it waved.She wanted to smile at the fact she held the
gift of erotically thrilling those around her.As if her movements were
unreal, the other women began to mimmick her every move.All but A long
legged North European amazon.Ohara turned on her back and faced the
men.She felt as if she was more human than human.She began to see her
self shooting her hi heels nine milla meter slug with her heels on.She
began to touch her forbidden fruit that was given to man.She knew as
they staired down at her that she was made to be the ripper of man.Her
mouth gushed at the thought if just one of them came near for A taste or
sure fire penetration.That she would see to them becomming the front men
for American life,liberty and American justice.She said no more left and
right wavering to her soul,inner most being and sharp mind.Their is no
way back from here she screamed in to and through every inch of her
f lammed being.She pulled the throat slashing hair pendent out of her
pened up hair.Do you want to flirt she whispered as she looked down at
her forbidden fruit licking her lips.As if she just knew it was mind
altering and delcious in every way.She loved the feel of having A
million pairs of eyes on her.As she brought to the forward the sexiest
momments.She noticed that the men stopped talking when she faced them.
With A quickness she turned from them.In hopes that she would cleanse
them of any speech impediments that they may of had due to her presence.
She knew what ever they were talking about wasnt to be missed.
Intellegence had taught her that even whispered could be picked up.
When they wereexchanged with the softest octives.Knowing Intellegence
wanted her to walk through the fire.She placed her head with in A hair
AAron Hullett
Buyer of Beauty
of the stage.Knowing that she would have stopped rage zib
breathing if
the Director asked her to.She began to ready her self to kill any and
all that surrounded her with out second thought.She held her breath
as her knees slid and breast began to clang and come in to step with
dangerous hips and thighs.That were simply gripping and fascinating to
mans eyes.Ohara could tell that the men before her liked what they saw
baised on the grunts that struck inbetween their conversations.Ohara
wished she could look and see who was locked in to her movements the
most.So that she could give them tantalyzing eye movements.That would
make them strike for her in the flesh right then and their.I say we
strike at those gobbling Americans again,but this time under the time
span of Chinas calander we will crush not only their major highway
passages.We will crush their import export structures.Ohara almost was
flattened and driven madd hearing one of the unknown men speak with
rage capped in his screaching voice.Oharas ears instantly became A high
powered microscope,that was positioned to stop rampant scheduled
killings.Why do you wish for our positioned martars to strike under
Chinas calander Farzad questioned.As he sat frozen in the momment locked
in Oharas erotically twined ass up face down position.Baised on the
fact America has linked import and export embargos with China.What
better days to strike than on their newly celebrated calendar dates.
Every ones face slowly began to bend until they broke in to dangerous
blood thursty smiles.Oharas trigger fingers searched for words to say.
She knew they needed fillfillment.She tried to calm her mind that swore
she was making A mistake not going balistic right then and their.You
swore that you would bleed for the Federal Seal with out second thought.
Buyer of Beauty
She knew what she had heard called for A proper
Page 279 federal
introduction. That brought forth the flames of wrath right then and
their.She was ready to strike but she was stalled baised on the fact
she had no murderous mapped out plans to strike from.High aggression
would be the death of her the very second she raised A finger to kill
and destroy in seconds flat.The words that she heard instantly built
A raging flame in the core of her eyes.All one had to due was look in
her eyes to see what she witnessed first hand.As if she was born to
rite A sex goddess.Who had to give the finest men pleasure dejour or
bust.She drew every mans batting eyes in to the finest reaches of her
comfort zone.This is the perfect year to strike in the year of the
rat.The aged man spoke up again bringing forth his philosophy that
was the ring bearer of atrocitys.His jutting grey and black beared
made his gearing eyes beneath his hood look demented.To the point he
seemed the maker and technician of heart pounding techniques.That
were pressed upon American soldiers and the like.That were captured in
the Middle Eastern air waves and or road side bombs.The aged man began
to bring forth compelling messages that made the men turn from Ohara
give him full frontal position.The man that sat to the right of Onsama.;-,
Ben Laden staired at Onsama as if he was living and breathing flame
that was sent to breath life in to Eastern eternal rule.Baised on the
fact NewYork and LosAngeles are infested with rats.It is now that we
should crush Americas enchanted kingdom.Danger continued to grip Oharas
inner most being the more the Elder spoke.Every form of extermination
has been used and yet they are still breeding in full tides.As we will
on the Western front.As they spoke in fluent Afganistan dialiect,Ohara
Buyer of Beauty
made sure that every word was locked in to her sparking brain stem.The
West Coast is not grid locked with Special
Intellegence.Ohara began to breath in and breath
Page 280
out with A
ten ton dragons force.She felt every word spokne lie an electrical
storm that took out all power in eight seperate counties.While at the
same time seeing to the colossal deaths of hundreds and possible
thousands.Ohara became entangled in their
web of strategically ploted murder.I have planed for the fall of the
Golden Gate Bridge.Which will see to us not only getting away with
murder but cutting down Nothern Californias Gross National Product.On
the day of the frog we will leap in to LongBeach and press poison in
to the vents of its World Trade Center.That will not only kill its
inner city populace.It will crush its aquatic Pacific Ocean stronge
hold.To the point all fish will die and at the same time kill any and
all that dare to dish to the waist side the highly publisized health
warnings.Ohara knew by the tones they used as they spoke in leaps and
bounds.That what they were speaking of just wouldnt pass.Ohara listened
to the Elder as he confired with A racoon faced younger man who kept
forcing his round small glasses in to his bucked eyes.That were pushed
back in to his face by the medicine that was in his glasses.Ohara
wanted to know who was the young demon.That made Onsama smile at him
with such joy that Oharas inner most being was ready to freak out.Ohara
knew Onsama was target number one when every one turned to him for
direction and his mind to lead them in to just one more show.That would
let the Americas know that they were A spot on the worlds atlas that
had many enemys.His golden brown refined skin was refined as he sat
unmoving and enthroned beneath the gold hand stitched fabric.He didnt
turn to catch eyes with any one.He knew he was the only one that gave
AAron Hullett
Buyer of Beauty
added light to the blazing sun.His very pulse of
life was
world renound and feared on every front.He staired down at Ohara as
she turned to catch his lips move.She was paralyzed by his locked ever
watchful eyes that timed her every movement.As if he knew the mind set
of women.She shook off her curious mind frame and glued her self to
mind over
matter techniques pressed upon her from Intellegence.He gave A slow
knode to American sufferance.His mouth slowly began to open giving way
to A lion,bear and alligator ferocious roar.Oharas racing mind was
stuck smack dab in the middle of the momment that gave breath to
murderous plots and international ploys.To our men in Lodi tell them
Its time for them to shine in to and through the stronge hold of
eternity.He snorted at the air calling in the end of all days.So that
the true eternal war of the spirits could rite upon the tide and the
ticking seconds that passed.As she licked her shoulder and staired at
her waving and shivering toosh that ate up the Action Hauty shorts in
full.She wanted to snatch off her booming matching red,white and blue
halter top.She caught her self being turned on by the wonderous sights
of her bodies hiptnotic movements.She knew better than to catch eyes with
any one.Baised on the sole fact her inner most being was filled with
straign and nerve wracking grief.Her intellegence told her that the
high level beings before her could easily read her eyes.If she were to
let them look in their core.Her forbidden fruit glazzed as she listened
to Onsamas full fluid voice.That held the force of trampling and
charging thoroughbred horses.Her bodie became heated as if she was in
the house of fire.Only if the American bitch knew Americas Ruling Class
made up one percent of the population.While at the same time assaults
AAron Hullett
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the better half of its populations intellegence
Page 282on A daily
basis.Thats exactly what they did with the Anthraxscare.Farzad spoke up
with A quickness.They all began to laugh at Ohara as she continued to
bounce her thang low to the ground.She tried to show them all that she
could wiggle it just like she was,if one of them dared to step forward
and try to stick their gift to women in her.She began to grind against
the ground as if she had just brought to her circumfrance an invisible
dick. Through the screams,tearing,lost lives,sound bites and captions
through radio and television spots.Which milked the propoganda reaching
lost American masses for all of one point eight billion dollars.As every
one began to laugh in hysteria at Onsamas last words and the high
level moves pressed on the masses from the Ruling Class.Ohara saw
gunning for her unwavering mental mind sight.With that high level strike
the Dollar still doesnt stand up to the Euro or Yens second or third
quarter monetary fluctuation.Onsamas every word seemed to be ahead of
the ticking seconds curb.The American Bitch needs to bring in to the
open the many hidden truths.Such_as malt liqour holding Madd Scientist
taints.That have those captured in Urbania going stark raving madd after
drinking it.Ohara instantly grew tired of the young man who continuesly
shuved his glasses in to his racoon face.He seemed to live soley to
finish Onsamas sentences.Ohara knew some how some way she would bring
forth torches of fire.that would see to her killing in cold blood.Her
inner most being screamed in to the cosmos,for just one chance to
intercept one of them,As they struck forward in one of their world
Buyer of Beauty
domination plans.My honorable brothers I know if
Page 283
we were to
open her mind to Americas hidden truths.She would not only go stark
raving madd,swearing to any and all that life had passed her
by.Secrets brought to the forward by the Middle east most
distinguished men began to go back and forth through her mind.lhike a
ball made of sharp blood thursty razor blades.Every ones about these
truths that are pressed upon the American populace from the Queen of
England to the
huvels and huts in the remotest parts of Africa.Ohara wanted to run far
from all that she heard for ever more.Sweat began to drip from every
pore on her bodie.Farzads free floating voice began to have Ohara
hanging up side down.Intellegence had been living in her head so long
that the rest of her was dead.She knew she had no way to turn back
even though her Federal position no longer seemed right.She shook her
head with all the strength she could muster.She knew that Americas
true love was the only way to go.But when catacombed secrets of the
said Land Of The Free came in to the open.The Federal Seal didnt
protect her from the coldren of truths that swormed upon her.Farzad
stopped talking and laughed at her in the open.His hook bill nose
dabbed down at her.She doesnt know he went on as he sat back in his
seat feeling good while chug alugging on top grape.That Americas
ruling class is pushing on those of color A twenty first century
civilized warfare.Where self extermination and mass genocide is killing
their flesh,robbing their dreams and stomps out their cosmic gifts to
humanity.The more Ohara pushed Farzads words and Onsamas assuring
knodes the more every word spoken became
of her.Their very
Commander and Chiefs were caught in the center of drug scandles.Which
AAron Hullett
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were quickly hushed and rushed out of every
Page 284
syndications eye sights and very mouths.Ohara needed sun shine to blaze
on her face.Her bodie had begun to go bone chilling cold.Ohara knew the
more she heard the more she was locked in to the very faces that spoke
said truths. Farzads laughter filled facial expressions no longer gave
way to utter enjoyment.Deep rooted pitty cradled his soft cream covered
face.He no longer looked exceptionally well and fine tuned.He looked
sympathetic and filled with pain for Ohara and her fellow
Americans.She saw his hands rize,as if he wanted to reach out and
protect her from A living and breathing monster.Who was cocooning his
self away from real life. So that he could watch the world die from
A distance.It was as if their was A missing link in their history
that made them evelove with
eternal haitred that made blood role and flow from the very four corner
of the globe.Onsama whispered in A low striken paralyzing voice.Farzads
last words now seemed believable to the point they cut up Oharas insides.
Her heart froze one second and then burned rubber in the next.As if it
was trying to gain footing and dig out of her bodie.How can any one
dare stand up for the Red,White and Blue flag.When their Ruling Class
with gigantuan hunger arrests their population explosion with sufficating
high level birth and death rates.Ohara swore right then and their as
her mind screamed in to and through her inner most being.That she
couldnt go on living for the Ruling Class.That positioned her as
nothing more than a paun in their strategic winner rule all human race.
She dances before us nothing more than A mere trophy for those that are
baptized in tyranny and oppression.Onsama began to growl as he spit
hard on to the pearl stage.A virgin servant quickly began to scrub and
Rnvar nf Rrclantv
wipe at the jewel of snot.Onsama began to rock in his seat as if he
had meet his boiling point.A virgin girl quickly
hem of her snow white see through dress and
Page 285lifted the
began to dab
at his temples.The American beast has killed off those finer beings
that were born with
spirits that gravitate on higher lions.That drew millions of people to
every guiding word spoken.That would have sent Plymouth Rock in to A
gravitational plan unfathomed by modern day man.Rest in honorable peace
Mr.Martin Luther King,Robert F.Kennedy and other greats that were killed
off with out touching their cosmic calling.California it is definetly
time that you rest in peace.Send our soldiers in to the center of time
and space on Chinas calendar dates.Onsamas growl was earthquake explosive
holding A killing range that could bring forth A capital hit.That would
cut off not only hundreds of life lines but monetary structures that
were the very pulsing life giving veins of California.Ohara knew that
Onsama had no problem leaving familys in total despair.Baised on the
fact he was a human predator.That didnt care to make up corpses for the
dead.he liked to leave bodie parts and decaying bodies frozen in pity
squares for all to see.Ohara felt the Earth twurl at top speeds making
her fall on her face.She knew that the meeting the men before her were
having was the prelude to state wide blood shed.Just as she began to
strike for footing and position her self in the line of fire and stop
the scheduled spree of killings.She had shuved the devils men off of her
shoulders.Right then and their she was ready to make fade all that
shimmered and shined before her.Her mind,bodie and very soul was ready
to bring forth the explosive finale,she knew she was destined to breath
life in to sooner than later.I want her send her down Onsama growled
Buyer of Beauty
in the open.Ohara had to stop breathing to slow down her beating pulse.
That was trumpeting with horns,drums and all
Page 286
instruments that helped bring forth hard funk jams.I will give her one
chance to live and many ways to die.He spoke up sharp to his country
men.As she was quickly lead away with out another word spoken.She can be
our eyes and ears.Farzad spoke up with a quickness.Especially now while
she is seen as the septor of her countrys jewel.I want the red head
to,Onsama went on knowing exactly which direction he would send Ohara
in.She could
be the very vessel that lets Americas lime light look like crooked teeth.
Onsamas mind began to run with the sands that stormed in various
deserts.To have an American beauty queen and A European bombshell who
both have pasturized milk on their tounges bow to the Jihad.Will see
to our strikes upon those land bases being explosive and powerful on
every front.Yes,yes their very passion fruits can now bring forth poison
to their populace.I will give each of them A hunger that will be
monumental to the point they will com seeing their country men die from
A good safe distance.Ohara had heard enouth as she was being lead away
she moved her hips and heart chapped vibrating toosh like A boomerang.
While at the same dropping her lower bodie down to the ground in erotic
feats that made every one lock eyes with the finer points of her mouth
watering bodie.That seemed to be electricuted with none stop energy.
And A sexual flavor that every one wanted to melt in their very mouths
and hands.Not daring to side step her commitments she let her full breast
clang as they beamed in utter delight.She smiled wonderously as only A
pure blooded American entertainer would.She licked her full lips as she
looked directly at Onsama Ben Laden as if she was feeling his inner most
21 T rr-vn Ui, 1 1 F- t-
Buyer of Beauty
being.To the point his presence alone turned
every inch of her
Page 287
She began to smile while throwing her hands up.She knew that her target
didnt escape her trap.She walked while leaning,rocking,clapping her
hands and dropping her toosh down to the ground every few steps.That
made the soldiers stop and walk feet behind her.So that they could
watch the American lively bodie in action.That made the European woman
snarl as she stepped on the side of her.With her long silky leggs
leading her forward just knowing her sleek design would shine over Oharas.
When she was lead down the hallway Ohara looked in to the cameras that
she passed as if she was fragile and easy prey.Which made the jackels
on the stage teeth phiend to sink in to her suple flesh.As if she were
lost in the middle of A madd mans world.She reached back towards Farzad.
As if he was A life saving monument.That man was to bow to since the
dawn of creation.He looked away from her pleading and shivering hands.
Ohara was stumped to the root of her being when she was stopped in front
of A larger than life oil painting of Afghanistan in full.A two sided
elevator door opened slowly.A armed soldier waved them in as if he were
giving service with a smile.She looked all about her lost to the time
capsule that she was stepping in to.Which had windows on all three sides.
Touch any thing and those fingers you have will be feed to the dogs.A
soldeir growled as if his throat burned or had been burned out by years
of cigarette intake.Ohara tried to lift the feeling of high drama that
tried to paralyze her arms and leggs.Oharas panties bunched as she
was shuved hard in to A corner.Two of the three soldiers began to grab
A hold of her.No longer did they care to dream about the American girl.
When she was probed with in her forbidden fruit.She wanted to destroy
AArnn TTiil 1 ci-1-
the nearest breathing subspecies near her.But
Buyer of Beauty
Page 288 she began to
realize she was A icon that controlled their dreams.Her teeth gritted when
one of the soldiers began slurping on his fingers that penetrated her.He
smiled at her with glent free falling through the cracks and crevices of
his eyes as if she was more delicious than he ever dreamed.Her ass
itched and twitched as he staired at her as if he loved her from the very
her saw her.To the point he would truly love her until the day he died.
It was the soldier that was already in the elevator that made her stand
on point to where she could snatch out throats if need be.It had to
do with his dehydrated scared sun burned withered face.That let Ohara
know with out word said that he was Onsamas right hand man in many
desert clashes against foreign legions.He breathed heavily on Ohara as
she moved about the elevator fielding for A good strike position.Baised
on the fact the boundaries of the killing feild began to close in
around her.She saw in the scared face soldiers face murderous mapped
plans that were drawn in virgin blood.His pearsing eyes were cocooned in
high agression.That was eager and ready to misus each and every part of
her American bodie.Ohara just knew that she was light years ahead of
his murderous mind set when she stepped to the side of him the fairest
of them all.His throat was open for the taking as the soldier that
continued to lick and suck on his tounge bent over to retie his boots.
She knew that she could easily begin to disect the best of Onsamas men.
She smiled sheepishly and bent over and touched her ankles.In hopes to
make them think she was a freak for sure.That dreamed of being ravished
by Middle Eastern blood thursty men.Baised on the fact one of the
soldiers looked through her and growled.As if he knew the American had
AAron Hullett
Buyer of Beauty
A. profound sence of place amongst murdermen.When in Page 289
the same flow
of men other women such as the red head stood froze shivering and shaking
while muttering she would do any thing just to be set free.She stood up
and began to quickly mimmick the red heads uptight straight position.Her
stomach began to flow in to mush.From the smell of raw heroin that
flowed from the cavity infested soldiers raw sewage open mouth.That
made her dry nose'be.n to drip rivers of snot droplets.welcome to the
end of the Earth or you ladies launch pad to your new beginning.As the
murderous soldier spoke heroin clogs splashed on to each of the ladies
faces.Which instantly made them pull and tug at their picture perfect
faces.For the sake of your life lines lets hope this will be your new
beginning.The sun dried soldier went on as he gooled over each of the
lovely ladies.Ohara grabbed A firm hold of her hair clip,which could
sever A throat with one pound of pressure.The better half of her being
was ready to become a fire starter right then and their.But baised on
the fact A light at the end of the murderous tunnel was seen through the
murder mans words.She held her nerve that pulsed ready to strike right
then and their.While at the same time screaming at the top of her lungs
may day may day the elevators going down in to the ever watching cosmos.
In hopes it would interven as it al*ays did for the deserving,that was
intune with their higher lions.Oharas mind continued to strike forward
with the force that propelled Haleys Comit.She wanted to begin to lay
seige on the under ground compound.Baised on the fact their was no
Bought the side she was on.The Federal Seal controled the inner most
part of.~her being.That was baptized in unpresidented intellegence.As she
continued to wipe at her face to clear it of heroine and saliva driblets.
Buyer of Beauty
She stopped thinking when she was snatched in full bodie in to A
different time and space.Carefully cut out
th.evator go down and down and down.Casted in A
Page 290 granite let
dark glowing
world that made
the men that surrounded her look more hideous.To the point the red head
dropped to her knees and began to plead for moon light or the open air
of darkness right then and their fl er mental mind stem began to flip in
to A world of hysteria and deep rooted panic.I knew,I knew I shouldnt
have cheated on my man and dared to make some fast money this weekend.
The amazon began to knote her self in A ball that was glued with snot
and tears.Being an experianced Special Agent Ohara knew she had to see
all that she could with every breath she could.She quickly pulled the
seven foot amazon up to her feet.Her every word instantly became stronge
and compelling.We are the chosen the finest offerings are ours.Were
going to where we wont be disturbed.Im more than sure where were going
will be A dream.So that the best of the best whos one of A kind will
be able to freak us on marble and gold counters,early in the morning,
freak us in the evening and late at night.Oharas words instantly began
to let the amazon lighten up.Do they have hot tubslEach of the soldiers
quickly began to knode as they looked over her super sized cock bottle
bodie.Just as Ohara hugged her tragedys in life began to sworm upon
her hidden federal position.A sun beamed construction of light blinded
her for A split second.As the elevator instantly became A bed of light,
no longer being the bed of darkness.Ohara haited the feeling of the
ever dropping elevator that had become the sceptor of her fait.Ohara
calculated that they-must have went all of eight hundred feet with in
the jagged mountain.Every hair on her bodie stood on end and began to
__ - __ r• l l_ L L
Buyer of Beauty
wave.It was as if they had A front seat pass to
Page 291 theworlds most
dangerous roller coaster.That challeneged ones eyes,ears,bodie control
and very heart beat.Ohara gripped the Amazon with flesh puncturing
strength,when her eyes locked on masked docors.That were cultivating
heroin and poppie plants under A liquid base.Oharas sharp sparking mind
flamed bringing forth hydro Ponic Chronic that was grown under
water.But seeing Poppie and Coca being made under water made her heart
begin to flutter.She stood stumped hearing the Amazon squeel in pain
from her nails sinking in her flesh.It was as if the back of the drug
lab was Super Mans ice palace.Bodie length sized methedphediamine chards
were seen positioned screaming in silence for any and all to try it.So
that it would become the better part of them.When she saw red,yellow and
purple liquids being sprayed on different marijuana plants.She knew that
those that thought they only expected to find A nastalgic high from the
weed.Would recieve far more than what they watched burn in their
hands.Ohara began to see every man about her as aliens.Who all looked
contagious pulling every one that looked in their direction in to their
demented worlds.Ohara looked back to the soldiers and noticed their suits
were now fluoresent under the powerful light.Thaliban was seen struck
with blazen force across each of their chest.They each gooled from
sharp teeth loving
her bucked eyes that caught a hold to their latest fashion.As your
rulers are pressing A civilized war strike on the haited and feared with
in your land scape.We are doing the same to the populace of your Sister
Country.The young are lost and turned out before they are even eighteen.
Aids and tlepatitus in Europe and Germany are at an all time high.
• T__ l l_ L L
Buyer of Beauty
Ohara was ready to strike at the rotted mouthed Page 292Thaliban.Who
looked at her wanting to feast upon every inch of her delectable
bodie.His mouth gushed brown goo,as he staired at her as only A junkie
would.That wanted to hold on to some thing good as he over dosed.Ohara
swore until his blood was flowing she wouldnt find peace with in the
palace.Wether you wish to admit it or not.America pressed in to Holy Land
to kill,rape and pillage for oil.Your Sister Country swormed down to the
side with them like the Queen of the Damned to seize the foot hold of
our Opium Trade. As you can see with the hundreds of Madd Scientist that
breath before you and are having top line drugs grow on the side of
rocks,birds droppings and under water.The trajedy of the youngs
addiction will be feed in to with new world skill and percision.Our
greatest men will be able to sit back and watch the better half of their
world die.No peace will be found in any one of those houses,huvels and
huts that are the homes of the European addicted.Ohara knew right then
that she had made A big mistake
as the big brute pulled her close and began to let his thorned tounge floe
along her neck.She knew she should have headed in to the pearly gates
when she was dancing.She chestized her self for not leting bulets fly
right then and their in the open.She could have been killed the big
brute she began to shuve off of her.She hafted feeling his dick get
hard from her pleasurable resistance.Your Sister Country will never be
able to turn off what the young phiend for.So stop resisting and take
my dicks delicious pain.It will only hurt for A second and feel good
the next.Ohara knew it was much like suphicating,when she was in the
brutes arms.The young in Europe is now apart of various terror cells,
that are helping cut in to and down Europe,France and Paris.Ohara held
Buyer of Beauty
her chest,it began to become striken with mind altering pain.You fucking
Page 293
bastard,the red headed Amazon yelled out.Before
she could whail
back and bring forth a facial slap.She was hit in the back of the head
by A fellow soldier.Thats the main reason Ohara didnt strike.She knew
before she could begin to cut in to and down their three ring
circus.One of them would tear in to A vital point of her
position.Besides she needed to see where the roller coaster ride was
taking them.Intellegence told her if they were headed towards her
predestined resting spot.The brutes would have already begun to use and
abuse them.Get up,get up A tear better not touch the ground.The Prince
takes this elevator,it has no stains what so ever.Feeling A M-sixteen
dig in to her skull,the Amazon didnt even look around.She quickly stood
up while looking down to the ground to make sure she left nothing down
their.Ohara knew she was as good as dead if she made one fatal
move.Ohara haited the fact that if she said a word let alone began to
blow out the flames.The Buyer of Beauty strike would surley get stomped
out right then and their.Needing to be the Federal Guiding Light no
matter what.She swore in to the cosmos that Buyer of Beauty would do
far more than last in the Middle East far longer than forty eight
hours.It would become the sound garden that brought in to the center of
time and space A mystified mode of treasury and calculated missle
action.That would show the very world
the very power,that sent the deadliest men down to their knees.Were
they would never rite again from.Ohara stood frozen in the center of
madness.She didnt want the voices that ran through her head that was
steel headed by Intellegence to be cut off.So she held her very breath,
tounge and position as the elevator continued to drop.The blinding light
Ruvar nf RPaufv
gave way to murderous shadows that huvered over the beauty queens.That
stood lost in the Middle Eastern world that ate
alive.Knowing that Buyer of Beauty was the
Page 294
creation to date.She shivered in Oscar award winning fear.As she held on
to A gold rail that squared around the elevator.She swore in to her inner
most being.That when the exact
second came that she had enough room to give slugs to the finer points
that circled her.With enough leway to where she could dive and duck for
immediate cover.That she would cut the cord to the entire mountain top
finer points.The steady gun fire would turn up the sound of high drama
and the sounds of the Federal Anthem.That screamed all must die if they
wish not to bow to the all seeing eye and its eternal holdings.Be it
Life,Liberty and American Justice.All of Oharas mind began to lock on
the Art of Seduction.She wanted to be every thing Onsama didnt want in
A woman.Baised on the fact she wanted to break him down so quickly in
A million and one peices.She swore that her murderous techniques would
be noted as rare and shocking.She wanted to message her booming tempos.
Baised on the fact tension instantly ricktor scaled like A master
blaster.Making every one look at the possiblities of death striking in
to the open right then and their.She knew if she gave each of the men
A open view of her bodie.The heated wave of anger and the possibilities
of murder would easily and quickly escape their minds.She wanted to
spit on the over sized windows.When the thought of being forced to
suck one of their dicks and or being penetrated by one.As if her lips
were the perfect union she began to lick and suck on them.Which
instantly made them look as if they were honey glazzed and made for lickir
and sucking.Knowing Intellegence made her up to be A tail dropping,
r r _ _ i i _ 1 1
Buyer of Beauty
head knocking high performance sexual engine.That Page 295
could burn
rubber or slow down the instant in A flash.And thats just what she did
slow the heated momment down to cruising speed.She began to act as if
she was so young and desperate for A careful mans attention.That could
do more than make her panties wet but Booth the hunger in her very
ached for true love.The hideous mean soldier that stood in the elevator
when they were walked in to it became became uptuned as if the finer
inventions every ones eyes was about to come in contact with was not to
be missed.Every ones eyes locked on A high ranking Afghanistan Scientist.
Who had various other young practicing minds huddled and gathered around
him.As you know chemical warefare is in full swing.The sunburned soldier
whispered not wanting to interupt any thing.Or snatch from their
private practice the eyes of the scientifically knowledged.Even
Americas Corporate America is practicing and using the millinium force
of chamical warefare.When high level buisness meetings are in full
swing.Air born chemicals are positioned deep with in the air that are
mind controlling in every concievable way.The differnt scents are
inticing to the nose as ones mind becomes induced.Mind boggling
Propoganda schemes are shuved down their throats along with said profit
shares that the investor will instantly be apt to sign in to.Ohara
screamed out when she saw a dog vomit his right lung out of his mouth.As
it began to duficate its eyes popped out of its sockets.One of the new
young scientist was seen running for his heavily sheltered grave in
fear.Get him out of her the lead scientist yelled out,just knowing he
was A weak link.She knew that they were prepairing to kill millions and
possibly Americas Bravest.That dared to bring Democracy to those that
AArnn Hu1 1 pfifi
Buyer of Beauty
wished for it and prayed for it for years.To the Page 296
point centurys
had passed through their blood line.Farzads mountaintop under currents
invited the comparisons of blood thursty gothic giants of long pass.That
pressed in to the open with shocking eye popping murderous tools.That
locked and chained genuises bleed and died building for them.No wonder
the people lived in constant fear and gave to the live cameras obvious
tears.That were backed by hot and cold sweats and teams of children that
were shivering in the middle of the day.Baised on the fact they knew the
hidden didnt have good intentions.Ohara knew eighty percent of Middle
Eastern children journeyed through A red,bodie riddled world.That made
them turn and tremble right in to the shadow of death.She knew as her
temper roze,that she wasnt only in a race against time.She had to bring
to the center of Ra a search light on Onsama:Benladen and Farzads secrets.
She was glade that the F.B.I was comprised of a curious culture.Which
was why Intellegence had players positioned in each and every one of
Americas walks of life.So that in every momment Intellegence had full
control of the land.Not wanting to get shut down she brought A ambient
smile to the sights that masked and aged her face all of twenty years.
She wasnt caught in unbelief and or wonderment when she saw A harem of
Middle eastern women surrounded by slews of children.Their was more
lugsurys positioned for them on four seperate floors.Than many of
Americas five star resort hotel suites.Intellegence had embedded deep in
her mind that Onsama was an absolute genius.She was told that if she
dared to watch him she would be mesmerized in seconds flat.Which let
her know she had to at all times be the aggressor that struck with pin
pointing deadly force.The thought of reacting and not thinking made her
_ _
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the F.B.I
Page 297
blowing her mind and making her swear as she stood over the Federal
teeth begin to grit.She remembered the Director of
Seal.That she strike with out notice directly at Americas most wanted
man that was wanted dead.Did you know that Onsama Ben Laden and George
W.Bush Junior went to the finest schools together in the States.The tall
murder mans words began to drive her out of her mind.Why do you think
when Americas air space was shut down all of Onsamas family positioned
in the States was put on A lugsury jet and flown to A secured
country.When your World Trade Centers were crushed.As the elevator
continued to dig her deeper in to a world she never fathomed in
existence.Her inner most being was held up by stilts,that were comprised
of justice,revenge and her deep seeded need to rescribe aged holy
script.Her sharp mind sparked not leting evil change the full force of
her federal mind set.Or the gravitational hold of her huvering eternal
glowing soul.That ached for her flesh to strike through the sky.And
bring in to the center of time and space the true reason for her
presence.That came coley to see that Middle eastern blood was ,,,,fl w_-atg
Her sharp eyes caught captions of various floors like Christmas bulbs that
flashed on and off.She wanted to scream and pull locks of her hair out
from the roots.She saw live wires dangling out of fair skined mens
brain stems.As they screamed
and walked like zombies in circles.The thought of captured American
and European soldiers and the like being devoured for scientific
vampirish new world mind altering techniques.Made every inch of Oharas
bodie perspire.The ticking seconds became incredibly chilling.She knew
the Federal Seals Crises Management Technolgy would never be able to
AAron Hullett
Buyer of Beauty
bring one of those laboratorled men back to the
Page 298
wave length of
mental normality.The more she tried to clear her mind and scream out to
the Federal Seal and its majestic holdings to cover and sheild her.The
more the horrific shimmering red jeweled symphony of blood and guts
controlled by one to many madd scientist wires plagued her.It was the
zombie eyes
of the tested that had no backing which looked through people.That
up nerved every inch of her being.She knew they had come to see far
more than any set of horror creators could ever invision.Even when on
Americas best mind altering delights.What Ohara had seen grabbed her
attention and didnt let go.She stood stuned and unmoving lost to the
mind blowing ways of Middle Eastern kind.She haited the feeling of being
paralyzed and caught in the middle of sick demented mens twisted dreams.
As she tried to move from strength to strength.Her mental mind stem
began to skip mental gears.She knew she wasnt shown Farzads dangerous
monsterous secrets for no reason.She was being drug in to some thing
that would push her in to the outer limits of reasoning.She knew what
she was given full view of was beyond disturbing and compelling.Her
head felt as if it was swelling as her bodie began to twurl in A near
unconcious state.The elevator stopped on A dime and opened from A
direction neither of the women were ready for.The Amazon fell backwards
in to A posh room.Ohara was shuved in to it,she stood stone still
weighing the visibility of the room out,as Intellegence had taught her
to.The Prince will be right with you.Bath and look desirable before he
makes his debut,your life is baised on your presentation.The Amazon
felt the murder mans ever word.She looked over towards A spacious bath
ready to begin bathing right then and their.Before the men let the
Bever of Beautv
elevator entomb them.So that they could run back and suck their demigods
dick.Ohara stood up off of the ground brushing
the smallest
Page 299
of lent off of her clothes.Her eager anticipation to be the life giver
of high drama came in to full bloom right then and their.I bet I can
make the best of you drip sweat in seconds flat.She bent over and let
their eyes see her gift to man from the back.She slapped her shivering
and shaking hips.I bet one of you can show me what this thang between
my leggs is made for.She began to work her hips as she let her ass
lower to the ground as if it was made for sweeping the ground.She
smiled loving how she was a fire starter when two of the men stepped
forward.The venemous elevator operator growled making them freeze
leaving one kneee high in the air.The Elevator quickly closed with out
another word spoken.
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Apart of Oharas mind began to crush the loft
Page 300
surrounded her.She shook her head with force to dash to the waist side
demensia.This is slavery she yelled out aloud.Stress and added pressure
began to cocoon her lock,stock and barrel in to the frozen minute.The
long legged Amazons words and actions didnt help the situation a bit.If
that fucker wants me to suck his dick than let him fuck me I will.I got
the bodie that want lead him on like you did his men.He will see that my
lovin is the way to go.Im sure after he taste my honey he will swear he
has discovered the secret syrum to longevity.I want to live,whats your
problem?The Amazon yelled out seeing anger and meaness creased across
Oharas face.The Amazon stood up and began to step out of her clothes
with A quickness.Seeing Ohara stand their with her heels patting the
thick plush carpet.She threw her hands up and began to pull and tug at
Oharas halter top.He sent us down here because he wants both of us not
one of us.She whispered as she began to pull Oharas halter top up over
her head.Dont you want to live she whispered when Ohara stopped her.Ohara
saw that the European Amazon was ready to become famous quicker that
A Newyork or LongBeach over night celebrity.Ohara knew she had to get
A grip of her self and control the scene.Her intellegence which was her
guiding light told her their every move and conversation was being
watched and heard.Silent predators were watching like voltures hoping
U .1loi-1
Buyer of beauty
to monopolize on both ladies and the country men Page 301 they could
make bend once privatley in their
presence.Knowing that her American strike had to start some where and
at A pinpointing time.What better time than to begin her strike right
then and their she said to her inner most being. She let the Amazon pull
up and pull off her halter top.The Amazons eyes popped wide open in A
world of loss.What did you expect to find Ohara Whispered.As she found
her up round and silky breast in the Amazons hands.Her breast instantly
became contagious.It had to do with their bronze cups that held bubble
gum pink taffy nipples.Which were one of
her main attributes,that sent full grown men back in to infant mode.When
she blessed them and let them step to her in the flesh.The most powerful
of mens first words when they came in contact with her breast were gaga,
goo,goo.May I,the amazon questioned.They may be the last gifts I may be
able to enjoy before deaths becomes me.The Amazons tears splashed upon
()tiaras breast.Which made her inhale deeply and try to control her breath.
The Amazons agapped small mouth and twurling toungefree floatedin the
air before they met flesh.Ohara arched her back and instantly began to
bring to the forward feel good expressions.It was right then and their
that an erotic nerve came over her bodie.Here I am in the land of Ra,
probably already scheduled for death with in the next few seconds.And
here I am enjoying my first bisexual scratch and sniff in enemy
territory.Oharas sharp mind struck in to mental and physical defense
mode.She grabbed a hold of the Federal Seal and detached her self from
the steel cord of erotica.That dared to tap in to her mental mind stem.
AAron Hullett
Her fluttering eyes began to pierce in to her surroundings.She picked
her head up off of her shoulders.She no longer was lost in the vaulted
ceiling and the small gold and diamond chandelier.She knew as seconds
boomed in to minutes and the Prince of Palaties showed his long majestic
face.She had to grabe a firm hold of the mortal stakes that surrounded
and abounded her federal position.She knew their was enough artillary
with in the mountain top to erase her physical being for ever and A day.
Knowing that Onsama lived soley to steal the very worlds spotlight with
surpass military calculation.She began to humm,hugg and kiss baised on
the fact she just knew that spycams were positioned like cockroaches in
every part of the lugsurious loft.She hummed salaciosly as her eyes
shifted over the one to many flowers that were in high bloom.Historic
art treasures and fat massive couches were positioned around A red
lovers lane heart shaped king sized bed.That held passion pink and red
satin sheets.A mahagony softly crackling fire place stood titanic.Yauht
gold railing were positioned along side every wall.As if they were used
as erotic hitching post.Ohara stepped out of her spikey hi heels and
let her honey coated toes float over the reverse fox fur throws.She
gasped at the quarter of the century treasures.That were positioned on A
wrap around the wall mantel.Ohara some how senced that other vixens and
temptresses had stood exactly where she stood days,weeks and years
before her scheduled date.Ohara knew that the flowers held up the
booming microphone positions.As if it were her birthday Ohara began to
make erotic movements.That were to be captured by A fast moving camera.
She licked her lips and batted her eyes sensuasly for Onsamas eyes only.
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Knowing that she was smack dab in the middle of
Page 303
time.She knew her very life counted on the very fact that Onsama
didnt see her as any form of physical threat when he stepped on to the
scene.By him stepping in to the center with out guns being drawn,would
give her one up on time and his very rocket prood position.She let her
sculpted tennis court built thighs spread wide open.As if the Amazon had
tasted candy for the very first time.She ran,galloped and tumbled with
in Oharas silky thighs.Her striking Lounge swore it had the power to
seperate for ever and a day the rich and the poor.Onsama smiled when
he was softly tapped on his right shoulder.And he was given a hand held
visual recorder that showed his pick of the exotic litter enjoying
their selves as they awaited his staged arrival.If I can have the
American girls eyes,ears and very mind.I will be able to show the
hidden familys that rule the Americas exactly what Im working with.With
her as my sword and shield I would be able to melt the devil himself.
Look my brothers this is A perfect show case why we dont want and or
need American or European beastiality diplomacy docked and infesting
our shores.Westward women are whores by nature.They want every hole
filled as they reach out in hunger to gobble up all they can see.They
are free women that are far to comfortable wearing next to nothing in
town squares.Ill be damned to let their western phylosophies mislead
our nation.Thats why I dare wage war now to keep their ideologys out of
the eastern hemisphere.Onsama wasnt surprised by the womens sexual
actions.He had played in the Americas while he went to college.He
watched and indulged in various American womens minds.To see how their
minds and very soul worked.Finding no cemented cultoure in any one of
AAron Hullett
Buyer of Beauty
them.He cared not to soak his seed in the
Page 304
watched them very closely as they began turning the shower water and
bath tub on full blast.In hopes they could secretly erase their dirty
deeds.He knew right then and their by those actions that he couldnt
trust eathier one of them.But he knew he had to express the words of
true life Islamic script upon each of their souls.To where at least one
of them would be come hiptnotized by historic truths.Apart of him
couldnt wait another mintue to press truths in to their souls.Which
would put A thousand pound of stress on each of their heads.He knew he
had to show them how
Americas ruling class was milking the populace.Baised on the fact Ethanol
was about to come full circle.The Ruling Familys were snatching phist
fulls of cash from every man,woman and widow through out the Americas.
Baised on the fact those that were stepping up the usage of Ethanol were
not apart of the ruling class.they were said pure blooded Americans.That
wished to be of service immediatly to the American populace.Once we
chop up the Bay Bridge F.B.I Intellegence will nose dive in to every
far right group they get wind of.Make sure that our terror cells that
have mixed in with the populace,dash to the waist side all that havent
totally converted and proven them selves now not later.Start the over
night certified shipments now from here to Asia and from Asia back in to
Europe.So that those that watch international packaging will be thrown
off.Oharas right leg was propped up on the sink.Inga had her fingers
floating through her softly cut bronze honey toes.As her tounge continued
to full fill each and every one of its twurling fantacys.Once the steam
began to rize Ohara suflexed Inga and pened her against the nearest wall.
Oharas hands began to pluck and message Ingas pale full thirty eight
AA,-(,,, u„l lof-i-
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Page 305
dee breast.That held A thick blood line of green
veins running
to her perky rose pedal pink nipples.Inga cupped her left breast and
began to raise it to Oharas face.She wanted them sucked and licked with A
under standing tounge.Ohara let her tounge wag out of her mouth as she
pushed her face in to Ingas long graceful neck.Dont stop moaning and
grinding against me.Ingas face was glazzed with Oharas sweet nectar.That
knocked out any short signs of aging around the cuts of her eyes.You
must hear and pay close attention to every word I say to you.baised on
the fact every action we give from here on out.Will give way to
reactions that will give us the promise of life and or death.Inga
instantly began to tense.Ohara kissed her long neck and then let her
heated breath flow around her neck.Which instantly made Ingas dropped
hands raise again and begin to hold her tight.They are not going to let
us both out of here alive.We have seen intirely to much.Panic coursed
through Oharas rapidly blinking eyes.Which made Inga take front center
position on every word spoken.We have only one choice.Which is to find
Onsamas escape route, hatch or cubby hole.While at the same time hope
that their is enough arsenal in their to rock and roll us an
escape.Ingas eyes swelled and began spilling as her wide head began
shaking and shivering side to side.Knowing Inga was a full grown woman
and having no time to be her mind controlling baby sitter.Ohara
continued to strike truths deep in to Ingas mind.The man is a mastermind
thats far ahead of his said years. I believe we know people he wants
killed.Or we have access to the very people he wants killed.He doesnt
want us around him all the time.He
wishes only to finger fuck us and joy stick us when we go back to our
countrys.so that his touch can kill from miles away.which would show
r ~__. rs..l i. i a
Buyer of Beauty
those in the now that his global reflective style Page 306
pocus position.Inga began shaking her head long and
held a hocus
words began to make her urinate on her self.She knew that Ohara was
serious,which made
her watch her transform under the clouds of steam that began to cover and
blanket them.The man is A mastermind their has to be A bed of artillary
some where around here.Oharas eyes were wide open as her heart rate
roze with A quickness.Her inner most being told her now was the time
to start her Intellegence engines.As Ohara turned from her with her
teeth clenched ready to strike in to A search and destroy mission.Inga
grabbed her with all her strength.You are about to have us go up against
the king of murder in the first degree.Inga glued them to the bathroom
wall.If you dont let me go,I will be forced to rip your throat out or
gouge out your eyes.When flames flashed through Oharas eyes her position
became more horrifying.Once she sufflexed Inga and began choking the tall
Amazon out that didnt wish to let her go.Oharas bulet proof position
instantly became emotion envoking.I havent given you any thing to cry,
whine or mutter about yet.Im A F.B.I Special Agent.I have been
strategically positioned to kill at will.Inga was flung against the
marble sink.She held on to its gold fixing for the dear life of her.Their
is going to be some killing isnt their.She whispered as she began shaking
her head back and forth.She knew once violence was raised in to the
momment,no one would be left alive there.Ohara began to swim through
the murderous cover of stem.Im about to get this high society loft
cracking like its 1999 all over again.Human drama clawed out side of the
bathroom for footing.Which signaled in to the center of time and space.
That A winner will be left standing in seconds.Ohara wished now that she
AAron Hullett
Buyer of Beauty
didnt always jump in to diabolical wars she wasnt Page 307
promised of
winning. She froze when her life flashed before her eyes.She saw her
infancy, child hood,teen and young adult years flash before her eyes.She
hafted seeing the part of her she never released to the free world.Baised
on the fact that part of her wanted to help and give her self to the very
world. She no longer saw the finer part of her self being the part that
was so cold.She was able to use her minds eye and see her self standing
in the
line of fire.As high conversations of murderous global plots and strategic
ploys were discussed with pinpointing skill.She knew if she dared to
take Ingas hand and walk away from all that she had told her.She would
be dead before the Earth rotated beneath the solar systems blanket.Knowing
that tense plotting was going on that included her.Ohara inhailed deeply
knowing it was time for Buyer of Beauty to make its startling Middle
Eastern murderous debut.She knew she wouldnt be able to make any mind
boggling moves if she didnt have any interesting and amusing supporting
cast memebers being finger fucked.When the Prince of Palaties stepped
in to the open for A fresh slice of mouth watering sweet American and
European pie.She knew her life line rested on the fact that their must be
no soul survivors.Ohara smiled wickedly loving the Federal Seal for leting
her now shed the Ohara mask.So that in the center of time and space she
could have those that were in power head struken and paralyzed by her
very camillion position.That now stood blood thursty and hunch back
vicious.Ingas mind was still stuck in terror as her knees became weak.
She fell to her knees and then on to her face.She began to pray and mutter
in the open.She tried to send the American far away.Who stood before her
growling and foaming at the mouth wishing to tear the Prince apart.The
ww ___~
more Inga wished the bigger and more hideous the
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_ L l
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Page 308American
became.All or nothing Ohara growled in to her inner most being.That was
aflamed with so much heat.It was as if it was on fire for ten thousand
days. Ohara knew to the Middle east she would be crucified in their
history books as a hafted and feared Revolutionary that was American to
and through her living and breathing core.She bent over and cauked and
positioned her spikey hi hi heels as the make shift arsenal that they
were.Ingas thin lips made the oh imprint in thin air.She knew the next few
minutes would change the very fabric of her life line and very pulse.Why
dont you just
kill me Inga shreiked out.As her long pale flowing arms fell to the waist
side of her magazine ready bodie.She wanted Ohara to take her hands out
of control.Ohara didnt pay any attention to her as she began waving the
steam in to the finer point of the loft.If that ratchet mouth soldier
comes a second to soon,I swear here and now I will build a fire in the
pit of his stomach.That I will be able cook his very soul out of.Oharas
sharp thursty mind was hell bent on killing in the first degree.In her
finest hour she stood up right ready to shine in her call of duty.She
began to growl baised on the fact she knew the secrets to dismantling An
Atom bomb.Which was by cutting off its head.Inga reached out to Ohara once
again.In hopes to soften her bulet proof skin that hardened before her
very eyes.Seeing that Ohara was clearly confident,Inga became openly
jealous.It was then as Ohara walked forward diappearing in the blanket of
steam,that she knew she had one choice.Which was to try and kill or be
killed.She hafted Ohara for changing her attempt and good intentions of
fucking and sucking her way to freedom.Ohara didnt care to swim in her
obvious tears or help her through her paralyzing fear..
Buyer of Beauty
That called for her to turn and tremble in a bed of cold white dispair.
Page 309 find Inga locked
Wait,wait,wait Inga yelled out.Ohara turned to
on the toilet farting,duficating and urinating all at the same time.Her
inner most being trembled and struck in to a world of panic.Her bowels
became winded and instantly let out rumbling and tumbling gas
composits.Dont flus] it Ohara spoke up with force.She stepped up close and
persoanl to Inga.
We dont want to loose any steam.From this second forward you cant let
fear rule your mind.I dont care if you have to pick some thing up dear
to live.No longer do you have to make the woman inside of you hide as you
stand in the middle of whats said to be a mans world.My name is Shareamore.
It was right then when she said her own name she sheded Oharas seductive
style and Action Hauty make.Inga began biting on her bottom lip as tension
and lack of steam locked them in the bathroom.They both knew they couldnt
come out of it.Baised on the fact Shareamore was now hunch back and in
hot pursuit to bring A death warrant in to the open.Twenty minutes later
Shareamore looked back to Inga and kissed her full on the lips.The stage
is set she muttered as their tounge flickered and flaired.Inga stood
frozen eighty full seconds after Shareamore struck in to the center of
the blankets of steam A madd woman.As if she was in search of something
very valuable she had lost.As Inga snorted on her upper lip she dashed out
after Shareamore baised on the fact she swore the sooner they found some
thing of notice.She just knew she would weigh her down with her flairing
hungry tounge.She knew when she gave Shareamore her naughty tounge she
would fall to the waist side casted in A erotic mind altering sexual blow
out.That would sap her of all her strength.To the point she would no longer
care to give in to playing with guns and trying to kill those that wanted
Buyer of Beauty
them to bend over backwards.Be it mentally,physically or spiritually.
Inga was instantly sobered from Shareamores
Page 310
bodies offerings. When Shareamore stood before her as if she snatched
power from the very sun.When she stood shinning before her pointing at A
sawed off twelve gauge and two hand pistols that were positioned under
the mattress. Butterflys began to bat in to full grown pink elephants with
in Ingas stomach.She staggered and fell to her knees lost to Shareamores
force that dared to seriously kill when any man stepped before her.Seeing
Inga fall to the ground Shareamore acted as if she wasnt in the room.She
now had a profound sence of place when she began to load up on guns.She
no longer had to play in to weak minds and give in to dirty mens adventurous
hands.She knew after she struck through every nick and cranny that held
up the loft.That she would let the lights down low and wait for the high
powered Middle Eastern Entertainer to show face.Shareamore quickly began
to run as if she was stark raving madd in various directions.She instantly
began snatching down oil paintings of Middle eastern greats.She stepped
back when she came in contact with Ghangis Cahns life size oil painting.
That had him positioned over mountains of treasures and exotic women.
She began to snatch the two M-sixteens with brute force.Her eyes became
pearced as her seething teeth called in the men that stood between her
and infinity.Her pantiesdampened when she saw A grenade launcher in the
back of them sitting greased,lubed and calling her forward.As if it was
the sceptor that could instantaneously catch and stomp out any and all
calculated and or most cherished dreams.That were set forth by A big
time dreamer or A masters team of men that plotted and ployed all together
AAron hullett
1L U yc i v L D c
d u L y
With surpassed knowledge of the very make up of time and space.With you
- I can walk alone and build and or tear down the
better half
of Afganistan. She growled to her self now walking alone with in the finer
parts of the loft.Her mind razored on the border line professional ethics
and personal concerns.She knew at that exact momment and time and the very
of her Middle eastern position she had to grab a firm and locking hold
to Intellegence and its all seeing eye power base.The hell with settling
down and having a simple life.I dare run full steam ahead in to the art
of war and its many dangers and exploding treasures.That are only
positioned for the blood thursty and curagious.She took one step back and
began to run full steam ahead with calculation.She began to peice
clothing together that would mirror her fully auto murderous form.As she
began heaving heavily in to her nose.She took hard slugs of oxegen and
moisture straight to the brain.No matter how hard she tried to slow her
self down.her inner most being wouldnt let her slow down her hunt.Her
mind continued to burn rubber for more.Their has got to be more she
screamed to her self.It was as if she realized right then and their she
was a force brought forth from another galaxie.that was positioned on
Earth to change the very script that made up Homosaphien history.She
knew with what she has already uncovered she had already sealed her life
line rizing to an abrupt end if she dared to stop right then and their.
She leaped forward with the grenade launcher hoisted over her back.In
hopes not to sacrafice her mommentum that clawed hard and fast straight
forward.If I was on the bed what would be my escape?She questioned her
self as she dared to stair long and hard in to the answers that were
positioned in Onsamas soul.She kicked the anchored bedframe that didnt
Buyer of Beauty
move and inch.She began kicking the redwood floor board loving the force
Page 312 the bed from
of the animal that she had become.That blocked
having storage space beneath it.She left the left side went to the
middle and then went to the right side of the bed.Owwww,she yelled out
when the right side floor board gave in and a greenish ambient light
flashed in to the open.She leaped in to the air and landed on the ground
she began to crawl side ways loving the snug fit that was perfect for A
cut man such as Onsama to fit through.Ding,ding,ding she heard the
elevator comming to A slow.Inga sat up on the bed.her head began snapping
from Shareamore to the elevator then back again on a neck breaking pace.
As she began heaving hard and heavy from the chest.If you want to live I
am going to need some help.Shareamore spoke up with a quickness.Shareamore
called forth her motivation that was perplexed to live and not die in
the line of fire.Her inner most being knew better than to be affraid.
Chaos stampeeded through Ingas mind.She just knew every form of life that
she had developed in her twenty four years of existence.Would be now
ruined by Shareamore and her open eyes.That saw death comming and dared
to live through its blood thursty test and trial.Shareamore stood up
daring to snatch the force of the sun if it were in A high blazing
position.Inga knew A murder man was positioned on the elevator that
thursted to breath his nauseating breath on her.Only to then pluck her
apart from limb to limb.When the thought of being penetraited in foreign
ways unimagined that brought nerve wracking pain.Inga stood up ready to
protect her self from the men that came in for the unadulturated kill.
She stood along side Shareamore ready to pitch a tent to A stronge
resistance.That would see to her living to see another free day.Shareamore
Buyer of Beauty
began to let slugs flame as if she had A dragons Page 313 hunger that
was supressed for hundreds of years.Before the elevator door opened all
the way.she let hot slugs storm the elevator that gave way to the Prince
of Palaties and his many vanitys.In hopes his bodie became the recipiant of
spiritual emptyness that would see to his bodie dropping.She began to
fanger bang her M- Sixteens trigger with pornographic percision.Two MSixteens attatched to grenade launchers came in to the open.B00000m,Ingas
bodie was torn in half and thrown like A rag doll in various directions.
Murderous mapped out plans that were drawn up in heated virgin blood.Was
instantly dashed and thrown to the waist side.Ohara began to scream in
anger.as she dove away from the fish tailing sparks and soul snatching
shrapnal that missed her by inches.Ddddlllllllll,Ddllllllll,heavy gun
fire began to nose dive in to every inch of the heavily steamed and now
gun powder dusted loft,the more the elevator door opened.Their still in
one location Intellegence yelled to her from the top of its lungs.The
elevator door began to close as heavy grunts could be heard over the
heavy artillary bulets that began to claw for murder in the first degree.
High drama began to kiss and tell and rize as a star would eager to sign
autographs on any and all that stood beneath it.A mind altering alarm bega
to blair out in A high pitched scream that could easily make ones ears
bleed.Are you alright,are you alright the gunner screamed from the top
of his lungs.He began pounding with force for the elevator to close.When
he recieved no word he became stark raving madd in every Bence of the
word.He knew he would be killed in more ways than one.It was as if he
saw the picture of his many children being cut up and thrown to the
camels.For being alive and the Prince of Palaties being dead.He knew A
AArnn Nii1 1 p+tt
Buyer of Beauty
world wide murder spree would befall every member Page 314 of his family
if he lived through the murderous open exchange.Daring to look in the
eyes of evil he stepped forward ready to awaken the wrath of any and
all.Ohara knew it was momments like this that she never grew fond of or
would come to miss.She dove long and hard towards the escape hatch.As fire
and flames snatched for her very position.Ohara waist in to giving in to
the madd gunners fantacys right then and their.She let her thumb finger
fuck the grenade launcher that she rotated in the hight of her
flight.B000000000m, she let A grenade tear through the air.She screamed
out as loud as she could loving her American blood that ran thick ready
to take on any and every one.She dared to dash to the waist side the madd
gunners motives.
Im your mother motha fucker,can you feel my trigger hand.Seeing the
grenade pitch A blasting stream in his direction sent the madd gunner
back in to the elevator screaming n0000000.He pushed the self detonation
buttonb that killed every one that brought havoc on the particular floor.
Not caring to fall in to the madd gunners dead give away or Onsamas last
pitch at eternal destruction.Ohara struck head first in to the escape
hatch daring to be one of thousands that escaped his death grip.Eight,
seven six was all Ohara heard as she slid face first in to A pitch black
under ground layer that held A mind over matter war position.Knowing she
was far to close to deaths calling she began toscramble for any escape
she could find.Ohara didnt care about knowing any ones name that was
in hot pursuit of killing every part of her.Ohara looked hard and fast
in to her new confines in hopes not to let any thing pass her by.As high
drama,blood and gunpowder clogged the vents.She swore she had gone deaf
from the blairing alarms.Federal Seal you had better honor every inch
AAron Hullett
Buyer of Beauty
continued to
Page 315
leap out of her chest.She knew that Americas very protectors had their
and precious part of me she panted.As her breath
faith and
very trust in her.She knew the madd gunner wasnt prepaired to recieve the
answers to the high volitile questions that he asked.She knew he had to
make Middle Eastern peice some other way than kill as will.Baised on the
fact he was deader than a door knobe.Knowing right then and their he
was dieing A thousand deaths.Her mind wouldnt clear she was locked in the
bloody sights of Onsamas long jutting beard gutted with blood and guts.
It was then that she felt blood gushing out of her ears.She quickly began
to chant to the Federal Seal for levety and A mental stronge hold that
would position her right where she stood.So that she could step forward
with perfect balance.Ohara knew that her fait had opened due to her star
light star bright channeling when she saw A bulet proof Urban Assault
Vehickle.That was blacker than the omnipresent foot of Afríca.She leaped
inside of it knowing with it pulsing,beeping and speaking for abrupt
commands she would be able to straddle the very atmosphere.While at the
same time snatching any and every thing that dared to rain down on her
parade.It looked as if the creator was far ahead of his time and in tune
with the animals that lived with in Revelations.The front of the Urban
Assault Vehickle looked as if it was A lion at its head,A bear abot2the
over sized bulet prood tires.That held in its wake claws that could
dig in to and through rocks and jagged edges.To make sure the driver
never had to give up or be stuck in the middle of some one elses organized
transfusion.The bulet and rocket prood bodie was mimmicked after a sleak
yet powerfully built leapords bodie.Ohara growled back at the roaring
engine that dared to snatch for footing in the bleeding heart beat of
time and sic'
T T - 1 1 - 1 - 1 -
time and space.Ohara looked through the rear view
Buyer of Beauty
Page 316mirror and
staired at her self like A zombie.She knew she had become A monster.That
lived by the world dominating anthem that their was no fun to be had
unless multitudes died from her actions.She knew the night would run
dull and cold if blood didnt continue to rain and come down all around
her.She mashed on the gas and lead the vehickle towards the aqua green
that came to life the second the gripping tires burned rubber for footing.
She screamed out loud when fire and flames began to snatch for the
American that dared to lay Beige to foreign soil that was said to be
Holy.Not caring to let her life end or give in to the feeling of tragedy
sworming and killing off the better part of her.She began to let slugs
fly out before her in hopes to slurp upon her instantaneous hunger to
watch the whole Middle eastern world that surrounded her die.When she
leveled the vehickle out she began to give her shifting eyes to the
milliniuem components that began to flash for straight forward commands.
Intellegence taught her to shoot in all directions when she was in enemy
territory,not knowing which way was up.In hopes she would give her self
free passage away from death in to pulsing life that gave way to A ripe
old age. She kept her fingers on the fullyauto button that made the night
open up to her nerve wracking presence.Apart of her drew tired of
having to start her position all over again.But she knew death would be
around the first corner if she dared to relax for a momment and let some
one get the best of her.B0000000m,just as the machine dove in to the
air and was scheduled to land on the side of the mountain.Fire and flames
snatched at the machines footin.In hopes to take the driver and her
vehickle to A big town that was made of molten lava far under ground.
AAron Hullett
Buyer of Beauty
That was known as none other than Hades.The very
Page 317side of the
mountain that held more mind wrenching and gut busting compartments than A
snake infested nest gave way to fire,shrapnal and A lions roar of
flames.That brought to the pitch black stary night flamed shadows.Ohara
screamed hoping and praying that the cosmos would help her step through
f lamming and crackling blanket of fire that engulfed every inch of the
vehickle.The hood of the war machine hit the granite and dirt positioned
side of the mountain.Ohara just knew that the vehickle would turn over
and begin tumbling and roling crushing her American position.That dared
to see that American security was cemented and rest assured on every fror
When the back tires bounced with force on to the unmoving rock.Oharas
hair began to blow in the wind time send to shoot her forward faster
and faster than time and space would permit.She knew days such as this
should be banned from that second on.A helicopters strobbing lights
flashed down on the war machine and through it.Ohara knew it was time
the helicopter and its gunner caught A straight ride in to the under
world that was scheduled to leave in the next few minutes.When bulets
began to due away with all conversations and came straight forward for
the immediate kill.B0000m,A rocket dashed pass the war machine passing
the war machine by inches.Gravel and granite rocks shor power blows at
the war machine.Which made her head wobble left and right as she
continued to rodeo ride the force of the jagged mountain.Seeing A on
board grid that showed the helicopters longitude and latitude.Ohara
knew that the war machine was letting her know it was ready to kill
with out a seconds delay-Ohara pushed the touch screed that was already
locked on the flying object.She pushed the red attack button that was
AAron Hullett
Buyer of Beauty
directly under the grid.She loved the sight of Page 318
seeing the
shooting rocket strike directly for the stars with a serious flame
pushing it forward.The helicopter pilote at the last minute began
hollering and pulling back on the controls.B000000m,twisted metal and
orange and yelloI flames made the night begin to bring forth its first
murder laden
heavy rain fall.She began to press on the gas in hopes to grabe a footinc
of speed lightening.Death was seranaded right then and their by soldiers
that began to leap like warrior ants in to the dead of night.As if they
were told to shoot in every direction,they did just that.Ohara knew
that whos every bulet was found lodged in her head would rize under
the comming sun of Ra as A Middle Eastern folklore hero.That would be
blessed with an exotic harem.Oharas arms and legs intwined with her
bodie that was beating and booming inbetween wasnt in to leting anyone
else out shine her benevolence.With out thinking only reacting fighting
signs and the sacraficing momment.She instantaneously became A crash
and burn specialist.That didnt care where bad people went when they
died.All she cared about was how many bulets would it take for each one
of the shooting fuckers to drop and never rize again.Dododododododo,
soldiers began dropping before she hit pay dirt.Knowing that she crushed
the spirits of those that dared to fathom the dreams of crushing the
Americas.Shareamore took A firm hold of the war machine.She looked up
and saw sworms of executive helicopters and limousine striking for
seperation from the firey mountain top gold blazen palace.She invisioned
Farzad screaming from the top of his lungs pulling out his hair.That
was if he wasnt killed by his country men already.It began to hurt
when Shareamore began to laugh.It was as if she had one up on time and
Buyer of Beauty
space and was saving the best for last.Boom,dl1ldlllldlll1 when heavy
artillary began to take its tole on the war
Page 319
machine she
knew it was time for her to bring her best in to the open sooner than
later.Her head and bodie began to fall under the impact of guided
grenades and
marksmen armor piercing bulets.Finally she screamed when the war machine
finally hit pay dirt.She began pushing all buttons ready to push the
issue to any and all that America was the greatest.She snorted in the
clouds of sand that tossed and turned through her button nose.Which
helped keeping her centered in the highly volitile momment.She cherished
the thought of extravagent praise and the rewritting of historic scripts
would be brought to the open for her,if she lived to see the morning sun
Bulets began to bounce off the windows,the passenger and driver doors
in hopes to wiggle in to the war machine and kill in first blood.Ohara
began driving towards the jagged black mountains that looked like A
vicious lions lions mouth.That was venemous and wide open to gobble
any and all whole.Wild confusion began to claw at Oharas speeding
position.No longer was she able to smile,she began to let tears smear
up her face.She saw one to many soldiers empty their hundred round
clips and reload.The feeling of being the only breathing American that
was being shot at on all fronts made her feel as if she was suffecating.
The flash that came from gun barrels and rocket launchers were hard
lights in the middle of darkness.She knew she had been marked for death.
Every killer and jeep that came from the mountains trap doors pushed
forward to crush the moving structure that dared to search and destroy.
A A r n n Nnl l Aft
Buyer of Beauty
As the war machine began to lock in to heat that Page 320struck like
sworms of
various directions.Ghareamore found pleasure in leaving Middle
Eastern familys in total despair.By killing off their family members
that dared to kill Americans with A personal vendetta.When bulets began
to strike at her from all directions eager to take every form of life
she posessed.Her mind began to drown in A troubled psycology.Critical
conditions didnt make it any better when the side window crashed in—With
force,from enemy gun fire.She was stuck in the momment searching for A
saviour when she saw soldiers bringing up two seperate weapons.That
they were using all at the same time on the American Bitch.B0000m,A
lock of fire and shrapnal crashed against the war machine with the
remembered force of the Berlin Wall that fell.If it wasnt for the
navigational system screaming and blairing for her to turn A hard right.
She knew she would have become less defined as A modern marvel or
Middle Eastern Mortar.She hafted the fact she was snatched by the head
in to the center of A nerve wracking cresendo.In which she wanted out
of with out haist.B0000m,the vehickle took A hard right blow that
made it see saw and then begin sputtering as if it had succumbed to A
mighty blow.She thanked her lucky stars when it landed back down to
the ground and struck ever forward.Her eyes became mistified knowing
the cosmos showed her the power of hopes and dreams.That was seconds
pass now death came in for the kill in round eight.She grabbed A hold of
the M-80 that was positioned on top of the vehickle and began squeezing
with automatic force to kill all near or far.Front line drama made
her breath hard and heavy.She stepped out of her bodie and saw that
she was seconds from being totally circled and surrounded on all fronts.
AAron Hullett
buyer or beauuy
Her running mind began to see split seconds of
the future.She
wasnt surprised when she saw blood every where.Her cold heart began to
become warm,she wanted to continue to live and if at all possible
to advance.She growled at time and space daring to give the Federal
Seal the best of her inner most being.That dared to give America A
satisfying end.That would be marked with the finest caligraphy in
to scripted history books that would be passed down to the ages.She
staired at the jagged mountains that seemed to be seething with A
zombies sickness.She knew she was in running distance to them and their
gigantuan position.When rockets began making the vehickle hot foot and
stumble forward.Their was no need for questioning the fact she had
instantly became an instant convert to Christianity and its full
scripted beliefs.As hot slugs began to bounce with in the bulet proof
vehickle wishing to cut in to and down the first,middle and last name
of the American.As she began ducking for any cover she could away from
the turning,bouncing and burning slugs that looked for flesh devine.She
mashed back on the gas in hopes to regain lost ground.She began to
give her shifty eyes to the onstar components.In hopes to be far more
than the Middle Eastern insurgents bargained for.The Federal Seal had
pressed upon her A number one complex.That made her live soley to cauk,
unlock and pull any and all triggers that saw to the opposing forces
falling to the waist side for ever and A day.She knew if she took one
more direct hit the war machines computer grid would turn off.Leaving
her totally defensless.She looked down at the black all points button,
that was covered with a plastic hood.She smiled up to the cosmos that ma,
AArnn ut,l 1 1- -
her race against death and time filled with
Buyer of Beauty
Page 322 more prizes and
surprizes than any futuristic amusemenat park,could ever dream of
bringing in to the forefront of reality.She knew why the cosmos was
spoke upon with great respect.And noted next to the Benelovent Creator
of All as the greatset wonder that boggles the entire worlds very
minds.While at the same time making secret societys most cherished
minds souls reach out for the very hands of its celesital bodies.As if
the cosmos didnt care to hear the ultimate compliment being screamed to
them.Knowing they were
the creators of the Executive Order that Military Men adhered to on every
military front.Push the button they screamed from the deepest echoes that
held a guiding light in every humans inner most beings.As bulets began
to give the vehickle upper cuts grenades gave the vehickle bodie blows.
That brought forth A firey presence that began to hold A firm hold of
the state of the art vehickle.Seeing men running next to jeeps daring
to bring to the American A ever lasting life snatching shimmering
symphony heated bulets.With out thinking she pushed the all points
button.As she began to open the door and time her tuck and roll she
was slung out of it with monsterous force.That made her eat dirt and
dust in her mouth,nose and eyes.The vehickle went stark raving madd.She
cupped her ribbs and began to trot for the jagged mountains that were
now in A arms reach.She knew it was a pulse with in her inner most being
to be Americas number one stunner.B0000000m,A helicopter that was
positioned for executive buisness use that was transformed in to A
rocket totting areial murder weapon was knocked out of the air,with
King Koong force.The dark night instantly was given sun beaming light.
AAron Hullett
Buyer of Beauty
Shareamore screamed from the top of her lungs.When Page 323
the helicopters
blade struck for her head.She hugg the dusty
desert crying
and suffering for eight full seconds.Before she dug back towards the
jagged mountains.Once she saw the helicopter blade ching,ching,ching over
the side of the mountain.The sparks that it kicked up and boulders it
cut in half made her skin crawl.She knew if she wouldnt have stayed
sharp and gave one eye to looking over her shoulder.She would have been
as good as dead right then and their.Shareamore froze as heavy artillary
exchange made
all eyes lock on the murder machine that struck in every direction shootir
rockets,M-50 slugs and grenades.Shareamore froze,she saw A walking
shadow amid the rocks duck out of her watchful eyes.She gripped her M16 and crouched forward.As fire and flames continued to blanket the
desert.Screams of panic and pain were heard through out the litter and
cluttered desert.Knowing her new name was Ms.Murder.She dared to strike
forward as if she was the maker and breaker of pure evil.She let her
barrel lead the way,baised on the fact she gave A American heart beat
to terrorism.That was growing in to A fullbodied movement by the second.
B000m,help,ahhhhhh,b000m Shareamore knew the screams and steady explosion,
would rule the better half of all her dreams for the rest of her life.
Knowing she had to dive head first out of the house of fire she set flame:
to.She was ready to show time and space and the makers of historic
script that she wasnt sugar coated and watered down.She snorted at the
thick heatded desert air just knowing she was 880 pure American proof.
That was so powerful it could put A fleet of foreign killers dicks in the
dirt in eight seconds flat.
AArnn Hial l Ptt
Buyer of Beauty
She began to give loud verbal commands knowing it was totally up to her
to make a name for her self.Her leggs and arms were good.Oxegen flowed wit
force through every inch of her bodie.She knew at that very second she
could take on what ever the cosmos through down at her with the force
of A eighteen wheeler.She crouched even closer to the ground when A
skinny boy raised his long linky arms and began to stand up.When she got
up on him and began frisking him for weapons.She instantly noticed as
she sniffed at the funk that cocooned his bodie.That the boy wasnt a
boy at all.She stood in front of A young man.Whos big brown eyes that
was over layed with shaggy black hair and thick lion eye brows.As if
A jagged shard of glass was stuck in her bleeding brain.She began to
speak quick and fast in Arabic.Baised on the fact she was knee deep in
A war that was being waged by her every move made.She looked over her
shoulders and saw land vehickles nearing the war machine with bolt action
artillary mounted on the back of jeeps.The war machine held a make
shift grave of bodie parts and twisted metal all around it.It was as if
A all points every bodie must die bulletin was blasted and plastered
through out the better half of the desert.Know longer feeling head
stronge and positioned with enough artillary to take on the Middle East
bravest of men.She turned back to the young man and began to talk quick
and fast.Apart of her saw his young fleshly hungers that she didnt mind
bringing in to reality.If he could just give her the route that would
give her distance from the oncomming convoys of murder men and steady
rockets and grenades that swore they had her name and number.I have been
kidnapped she screamed out nearing in to the mental valleys of panic
and hysteria.Baised on the fact she knew she was now in the very position
u „ 1 1 ( ,+- +-
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began to take
Page 325
direct hits and give in to madd mens levitation techniques.That were
that would see to A terrible death.The war machine
created by heavy grenades and gun fire.She began to leap and claw in to
jagged rocks that began to cut in to her flesh.She needed to grab A to
any cover she could muster in seconds flat.Can you speak English she
yelled out wishing she had hooks and pens to begin her mountain
speak English,German,Kurdish and other languages.Shareamore damn near let
go and feel all of eight feet when he spoke in fluid sharp english.
I have three million dollars in this credit card if you will see to me
finding passage in to Germany.The young man looked over the American
girl and grabbed his length.Shareamore saw saliva gush in the young mans
Fnouth.as murder men continued to draw forward with caution in the middle
of the bad land.Baised on the fact A small front had cut down the best
of their men.Who were trained in the art of war since they were knee
high to A storm of locusts.Here is the credit card and account number
she spat out quick and fast.Knowing if her physical being was wanted she
would bend over backwards once they drew in to A space that was far away
from the up and comming wicked band of killers and cut throats.Her eyes
continued to shuffle as she looked over her shoulders seeing men fall
in to the sand and let hundred round drums dash in to the war machine.
Its many barrels that came out of secret compartments continued to turn
towards the positions of the up and comming heavily armed desert dwellers
Im on my way to germany,he spoke up from a murky brown dribbling smile.
He brought up A package that held four killos in its hull.Shareamore
sniffed at the tainted smell of raw heroine.With the money from this
I will buy my family A herd of goats and sheep.we will live in lugsury
AAron Hullett
nuyer oz neauLy
above the desert dust storms.Shareamore saw his
teeth gleam
under the blanketing explosions that brought heated light to the pitch
black night. He spoke to her as if explosions and heavy gun fire were A
natural occurance that he was more than use to.But had come to see and
under stand it as A natural occurance in his life.If you get me in to
Germany sooner than later you family will not only rize as herdsmen,but
land barrons.He snatched the card and sniffed and licked its platinum base
for some form of authenticity.As I take you through my ancient route you
must do as I say,when I say and how I say.His almond eyes became venemous
and down right dangerous.We both will die with In a mile if you dont pay
close attention to every whisper spoken.His eyes that opened wide and
filled instantly with moisture was totally engrossing.Heart thumping
tension began to dig in to her blood stream.What ever you say,what ever
you say.She screamed out ready to do what ever he told her to. as long
as they began moving right then and their.Murder men had stepped with in
four feet of the murder machine.It was as if they knew they would get
what they deserved if they didnt creep on all fours and bow in the
presence of the said Am ericans position.Come the young man muttered as
he began to slither along jagged rocks with locking hands like A hawk.tha
seemed to give him control over the blading rocks that Shareamore knew
would take some getting use to.Shareamore damn near shitted and pissed
on her self when blading helicopters and watch tower flooding lights
came to bring light to every inch of the desert.Her mind swore to her
that she wouldnt be able to escape the nightmare that dug for footing
all around her.She some how knew she was about to witness in first hand
the darkest side of Middle eastern men.She began screaming for the young
AAron Hullett
Buyer of Beauty
blade of light
rage 327
flashed over her and locked on the warmachine.Men began to leap head first
man to get up and show her which way to run.When A
out of helicopters.The better half of their bodies were fastened to bungy
cords as they began to let hot slugs fly with expert skill and
ME the
young man groveled as his legs began to form
muscles,Shareamore was lost at the sight of A gapping hole.With A
quickness she dove in and began to move the rock from its boulder
position.Get in get in he muttered,as his neck veined and eyes began to
buck.Shareamore dove in to the whole head first.Instantly she felt as if
she was in another dream. She felt stuck in a bed of darkness that was
still and lacking fresh soothing air.She could feel every cut that
gushed out blood.Before her mind began to panic she grabbed a hold of her
mind and realized she had no where else to turn.She couldnt calm the
better half of her fidgeting bodie and alarmed mind.Baised on the fact she
couldnt see past her hands. B000000m,as the young man began to dive in to
the hole the war machine detonated.Releasing from its hull a mega ton bomb
that held the young
man locked in between the upper and lower world.A white flash punched
A terrible hold in to the heat of the night.A stillness controlled the
night.It was as if the war machine didnt care to get even with those
that shot A million slugs in to its position.But kill any and all that
dared to come in for the kill.The bomb seemed to high jack frequencys
and kill of every thing with in reaching distance.Boom,boom,helicopters
were seen nose diving out of the air in great balls of fire.Shiiit,she
whispered in A low gutteral growl that made the young man dive back out
of the whole.A life sized snake struck with fangs drawn in to the open
hole.The young man sat horrified as it struck over the jagged rocks like
AAron Hullett
Buyer of Beauty
demon.That was psotioned to kill any and all
that opened up
the night to its deep dark hole.The young man watched the snake strike
at every moving man that was near death or terribly wounded.With in
seconds the young man stuffed his bag through the hole and began digging
for the boulder to cover the rock back up.The last think he needed was
for that mean King cobra to return daring to kill the intruders.The
rancid smell of death and bodie waist paralyzed the air.Shareamore didnt
waist time following the young man.She could have sworn she saw the
ground move
as they began to strike forward.She took a firm hold of her M-16 and
swore she would begin to let hot slugs fly.While not caring if bulets
bucked off rocks and tore in to her flesh.Silence was to deep and darknes
seemed to live,thrive and slither all around them.She needed to
calculate the maddness that surrounded her.Before she gave in to the
shortness of breath,she was ready to drink her drink and look life head
on.She froze when he brought to the dark enclosed cave the flickering
flair of a lighter.That flammed to an all time high.From the gasses that
waist and decomposed bodie parts brought to the thick heavy air.Her mind
struck in to denial when she was ready to swear in to her inner most
being,that she saw some form of script plastered on the caves walls.She
covered her mouth and concentrated on not vomiting.The foul smell tried
to break down her burning lungs and quaking stomach.She knew the awful
smell would hollow out her stomach in seconds.She listened as the young
man continued to whisper historic prayers that would give him safe
passage.Shareamore knew to follow with expert skill in every step he
had taken.Baised on the fact he raised his knees high and gave added
trust to his historic prayers rather then his very cosmic given sences.
AAron Hulleti
Buyer of Beaut)
After thirty and some odd minutes the young man
brought forth A
rage i 9
and a tattered rag from his back pack and brought flickering and flairing
blazed light to the eye of darkness.Shareamores guts all tangled and
knoted when A walking tall seething King Cobra stood at eye level before
her and the young man.Come the young man whispered as he bowed beneath
the eye level of the King Cobra,that didnt find the womans presence
worth of passage.The young man began to recite his aged prayers quick
and fast.As if they were now in A strange passage that would open the
door to life and or paralyzing death.Seeing dead bodies that were
frozen in screams and paralyzing restricted bodie positions.Shareamore
knew she couldnt speak if she wanted to.What she did know was that she
could scream at the top of her lungs right then and their if she didnt
try to.Ohara marveled at how the young man didnt lead his self forward
with his instincts.He gave his self to his spiritual beliefs that gave
him A passage through the snake infasted caves.She would have never
fathomed positioned with in the jagged mountains.The young man took her
hand and lead them forward with out another word spoken.He knew if she
would have said any thing they both would have been laved out paralyzed
unable to shiver and shake.Baised on the venom that would have instantly
made them loose focus of life and all of its holdings.He kept his light
held high.He didnt want the woman to see what was psotioned on the
caves ground.Shareamores mind was split in half.She could feel snakes
flickering tounges flash and flair against her flesh.It was as if they
had never tasted her make and or bodie fashion before.The young mans
prayers got louder as his feet movements slowed down.Shareamore knew
she was in A place she wasnt suppose to be.The snakes began to block
AAron Hullett
their passage.Which made Shareamores stability
Buyer of Beauty
Page 330
stronge mental mind state began to break and bend.The power source of the
Federal Seal that she reached out to when she faultered,began to fall
and fade away from her eye sight and reaching hands.She knew it was
intierly to far away for her to touch and or hold.She could feel needle
aching to puncture her American flesh.She gripped his right hand with
strength when he began to sing with great ovation,A ancient snake
charming song.She wanted to sing with him but quickly decided not to.
When he began to recieve A standing ovation by all the snakes.That were
as powerful and deadly as the rizing sun.King Hashan found you to be A
gift to his kingdom.Even though you were crowned King Cobra century upon
centurys ago.Today as I breath you are still crowned and feared as the
most deadliest king of the Cobras today.I sing to you now to let you
know you are feared,revered and respected each and every inch of my way.
Peace is what my benelovent presence brings to and through my passage.
I will leave no waist or trash now or ever.My words will be chosen with
the highest respects of your presence.Baised on the fact your slightest
touch is A heart and mind breaker in every sence of the word.He continued
to seranade the feild and wall of snakes for hours.In one second he
stopped and waved the fire behind them and saw that their wasnt one
snake positioned behind them or flowing out of the walls.Shareamore saw
with in the rocks holes that she just knew ran deep.The better part of
her wanted to search for charcoal and bring crazed fire to the soft
flames that gave them light.Being that their wasnt any charcoal close
or far.Her Federal Intellegence told her that she had to choose her
AAron Hullett
every step with expert calculation.or death would
part of her.Even though she was temporarily in
stepped closer
Buyer of Beauty
Page 331 become every
the clear.She
to the young man needing to make the right move.She kissed him full on
the mouth.And whispered thank you.As her heart continued to pound with
earth quake force.I thought we were dead he groveled as his shoulders
began to shrugg.He began to message his throat in agony and pain.They
didnt wish to give you passage he groaned.He began to let the wall hold
him up.They knew your make wasnt apart of the safe passage decree that
was handed to them by the king.Decree,Shareamore shreiked lost to history
and what the young man was muttering about.Yes,King Cobras were invading
villages and nomadic circles killing men,women and children in alarming
raites.The King sent his best blood thursty men to kill off the standing
serpants.That had come to terrorize the country sides.Only A third of
his men returned.Most of them were trapped in fear and over run with
schitzophrenia.As legend has it the king went in to A over sized cobras
den and crowned it as King Cobra.With in the decree the King swore that
man would no longer cut in to their firey places for lively hood and
population growth.Shareamores bodie began to burn with history that was
so deep that it took the young mans position to new hieghts.Apart of
her wanted him to show her the joy he felt from being set free from the
wall of serpants that were inches from killing them off.Why didnt other
snakes strike at us when we first got in the cave.Because the giant
snake that struck out when we entered was positioned as the soldier
snake of the passage.If he would have struck at one of us he would have
been crowned as king of the passage.But he struck for more than one bodie.
Now he is forced to rome the hot desert floor and die A thousand deaths.
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Buyer of Beauty
Baised on the fact he wanted to kill hundreds in
Page 332 stead of us
two.Greed got the better half of him.He just knew he could gorge on man
and then come back and kill us off.Shareamore became lost in time when
the light waved over the wall.Her hands began to touch the painted and
gothic styled art forms that held up the walls.Dont touch he
screamed,as if their death would snatch for footing the very next
instant.The better part of her wanted to let her fingers sink in to the
carvings.Her pained mind that had suffered A massive attack began to
figure like A clean clear mind.That hungered to know all and break down
the mechanics of all the eyes saw.It was the word passage that was
carved with in the grey walls that sent her in to deep excavation of all
she came to see.Decades and centurys old paintins were positioned on the
wall with clean even strokes.We are in the very passage of Ghangis
Cahn.The young mans voice deepened.He instantly became obsessed with his
surroundings.Shareamore knew Mr.Cahn played to the world broken
music.That made every one he came in close contact with run for
fortified shelter.To think that she was in the very caves that Mr.Cahn
used to torment the very world made her panties bunch.She remebered he
had A twisted thurst for carnage. Shadows began to fall around her as the
young man began to open her eyes to his world.She could feel the burning
flames of Mr.Cahn and his men that drug women deep in to the reaches
of his hidden caves.Ghangis thrived on negative press.Its what made the
said lion hearts roll over and stand paralyzed in his
presence.Shareamore stood for hours as she was given A museums tour of
the paintings that were positioned on the
walls next to them.Shareamore knew she wouldnt be able to sleep for days
and weeks.Baised on many of the paintings showed death,hanging and A
AAron Hullett
D U y C t V t D C d U L y
circus of decapitation.Before we go on you must
1— S.A. "oil
your clothes.Or death will become us with in
young man stood before her emotionally fragile.When she looked up to him
wondering what had him by the neck.Im more than sure their are savages
positioned in the under world some where.They thrive on sworming down
on people with deadly accuracy.You must also cut your hair so that you
hold no sight of woman hood.She quickly took his knife and cut at full
locks of her hair.She smiled when he brought under the flickering flame a
woven lamb hat and sweater.My Grand Mother said it wouldnt only bring me
warmth but luck. She smiled back at him as he began to blush.Apart of
her wanted to kiss and hugg him with all of her might.May my familys
blessings press upon us through this passage.When she freed her self
from the long sleevéd cotton gown,the young man reached out to cup her
full,up round and high bossom.I have only seen things like these in
American magazines.He
ghasped in unbelief as his mouth began to instantly agap upon his fingers
first touch.He became lost in their silky fell.Her nipples became
turgid as her breast swelled in want.His hands were caloused and dirty
gripping,grabbing and pulling for more of her.Which instantly sent her
in to A sexual mood.His length struck out at her as if he had recieved
his very first assault weapon.The thought of defying death and being
ravished in the flesh in the very carved out caves used by Ghangis Cahn.
Made Shareamores engines start running deep with in her forbidden fruit.
Her breast began to flash flood in want.She wanted the young mans hot
breath that gave way to gushing brown murky saliva,to flow over the
mind altering contours.That made men through to the waist side the better
parts of their dreams and country love.The fact of not even knowing his
AArnn T-T1i1 1 of f
name made the mole hole sexually heated momment
Buyer of beauty
Page 334 all the more
exhilarating. She smiled when he became lost at the sight of her twenty
first century desighn.He spit out the wads of heroin,as if he didnt dare
stain any
part of the best import from hot land.Shareamore slurped on her top and
bottom lips hoping the Middle Eastern Man was A sex machine.Who would
snatch the thump right out of her quivering forbidden fruit walls.That
hungered for intense penetration that knew no end.She damn near came A
stormy sea when his brown coated saliva began to give her full breast
in intirety A cat bath.She lat her head fall back on to her soft round
shoulders lost in pure extacy.She began to ghasp in unbelief when he
raised her right leg and pulled down her panties and gave her heated
glazzed forbidden fruit the better half of his tounge.She felt A slight
unease at the fact she hadnt shaved in all of eighteen hours.Nor had she
showered or bathed after being in the onset of high drama and the flash
light of deaths adventure.He began to murmur and growl while nibbling
on her forbidden fruit.She grabbed the back of his head and began to
stuff him in to the pleasure coated cave that was positioned for the best
of men.When he flipped her over to where she began to grip the wall he
made her stand on her tippy toes.When his tounge invaded her deepest
darkest region,as if their was water in its hot core.And they were
locked and keyed in the middle of A dust storm not knowing which way
was up.Apart of her knew by the way he made his tounge give water to her
erotic thursty bodie.Why many of Middle Eastern women conformed to their
husbands dictator actions.Baised on the force of their tounges that
dared to crack and brawl with wild unadventured bodie parts.That sent
the better half of the women in total unbelief and clouds of passion.In
1 1 Ptt
Buyer of Beauty
which made them sit frozen awaiting the next
Page 335
tounge lashing
that would make their bodies beam with the radiance that challenged the
very sun. Shareamore began to cat claw up the carved and painted caves
lost to the spine breaking tounge lashing that feasted on her
offerings.Hear no evil see no evil was carved in to the wall.Names of
those that were killed off were carved under the script.Paintings
depicted those that were burned to death.Miss one step and you will
creep no more.Was painted in the smallest of writting.Shareamore
shrieked at the fact it was written in blood.She knew as terror began
to strike that if she
was left alone she would die in the caves.Baised on the fact she wouldnt
know which way to go.She some how senced that they were now beneath
the jagged mountains,rather than in them.She knew her life counted
soley on how she controled the man before her.He began sucking making
her begin to spasm.She wondered was he on the hunt for A kernal or full
flavored gas that he was about to make release from its intestant
vaults.She clawed in to the wall when he spread her heart shapped ass
as far as it would go.And let his tounge and heaving breath flow from
her throbbing forbidden fruit and deep puckered highly glazzed region.
That never knew their was any thing more than dufication.Lost in his
devilish hungers that began to flicker and flair deep inside of her.
Intellegence screamed at her to want more.It was then that she began to
feel a profound Bence of place.The thought of one day being able to
see the sun yet again made her snatch A hand full of his hair and pull
him up.To where his rock solid length jabbed at her throbbing deepest
darkest region.
T 1
For a second she became blinded by a force that
» . - . . . .
T T ..
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Buyer of Beauty
Page 336 her quivering
deepest darkest region screamed and swore it wasnt ready for.As if he
was eager to go the distance and was lead forward by speed.He bent the
American woman over and leaned back as his length slid long and fast
time and again in her hot and gushy forbidden fruit.That was more than
inviting but pleasure ladden in every way.He cupped her full clanging
breast as his hips earth quaked in to her firm clapping ass.that was
made for crash landings and seeing to the end of mans wild confusion.As
Shareamore let her fingers dig in to carvings that were pre war and
possible prehistoric.She knew she would never have forgiven her self of
passing up this cave laden free fucking opportunity.Nothing else could
have compared to being ravished over the museum of uncharted history.that
would make historians and the like cum in their pants from the discoverys
to be found in these caves.She knew their were treasures that snakes
now called home.That museums would kill to call their very own fine
peices.When he leaned back and spread her ass while growling for
maximum penetration.Shareamore became paralyzed stuck in the middle of
A unbelievable dream.She knew in the darkness men thrived that were
noted as hellraisors.Whos dicks got hard from making fresh graves.No
matter how hard she tried to clear her mind.She couldnt think past the
hard throbbing heavily veined length that continued to hammer with force.
Never wanting him to stop she turned and began to wipe the sweat off of
the young mans face.Seeing her full carmel golden breast clang,he
gritted his teeth and growled loud and in A crazed fashion.Seeing his
carnal hunger for her,made her begin to immediatly sputter and spark.
As she shuved her fingers in his now sucking mouth.
AAron Hullett
Buyer of Beauty
Her eyes rolled in to the back of her head.When he Page ii! began to
explode and follow her as she imploded in to flames.The perils of being
free began to strike at her mind.The pleasures found in being trapped
in the hidden caves made her no longer care to see the sun.She bent the
better part of her bodie to where thier Lounges met and tangled under
the dangerous curtains that held up the cave.As his hips came to a slow
he continued to let his hips struck deep with in her.In hopes to never
forget the essence of her being.When she began to scream and yell out
he quickly pulled out of her falling on to the hard and dusty ground.
He knew he didnt want A womans voice echoing through out the caves.A
woman hunt would start that would end viciously.Shareamore stood stun
as if she was looking in the eyes of evil.Her eyes began to quickly shift
over her surroundings and the distance she was from her M-16.Shareamore
reached out not wishing to complicate her key to freedom.She wanted to
help the man that broke apart her webbed and tangled insides.That were
now free from stress and fleshes many troubles.When he asked that she
never talk higher than A whisper.No problem she hummed as she helped
him up.She stood before him holding on to her lively hips and full
breast.That wanted him to continue fucking her like an animal.When
he handed her clothes to wear A splash of anger and meaness covered her
hard lined face.She knew she had the power to beat the man sencless to
where she could take all the erotic power he controlled.But she knew
she needed A guide back to sun light and he was the first runner up.
It was then when she began to dress that A battle began to wage in the
better part of her brain.She knew she phiend to be A protector of
Americas populace.The other half of her dared only to bow to the force
AAron Hullett
of the Federal Seal.Her mind began to boggle at
which force she
would give her self to.She knew she couldnt serve two gods.When he began to
kiss every part of her that was still in the flesh as she got dresses.He
made her feel trully beautiful from head to toe.With A quickness he
brought out a pouch full of water.He began to mix dirt and water.He began
run his muddy hands through her hair and face.You must not show signs
of woman.If do we die before we can live.His words instantly crucified
her free floating woman hood.That was eager to let him feast in her
paradise waterfall offerings.He gave A death blow to her forbidden fruit
that screamed out for one more flow of erotic penetration.Before they
struck through the carved and blood painted walls.That was held up with
enough darkness that could knife and kill at will.Knowing she better
make the right moves at all times.She choose to quickly get dressed and
do what she was told when she was told.While at the same time holding
dear to her M-16.In case she had to make demands for freedom from the
caves and a life in the wide open.Where the sun and the moon was the
sands of times guiding light.
AAron Hullett
Buyer of Beauty
The Joint Chiefs of Staff sat frozen as the
Page 339
spoke of his undieing commitment to bringing Democracy to the Middle
East.We must
be like the force of the ocean.That makes love ones kiss their courageous
men that dares to float out on it.Baised on the fact they know the ocean
can and will kill any and all in seconds flat.Every one sat stone face
knowing the President loved to watch things die from A distance.They
each knew that as they sat in temperatured space that their fine blooded
men was making heavy bombs rain down on key positions.That were said to
be the positions of blood thursty insurgents.I want you to feed on
these telephone recordings that were captured here in the States.You
will each see why i brought forth the immediate okay for Intellegence
to wire tap any and all.With out me having to go through the political
spectrum.The Director of the F.B.I sat frozen as he listened to
conversations that dared to crush Americas red,white and blue structure.
He wanted his best men to storm the houses and dispose of the the mongrel
that dared to kill Americans at will.What nerves me to my core is this
recording the President growled as his face veined bloody red.A White
Male began to boast of how he openly was ready to participate in killing
off Government Officials.Can you believe we are listening to the very
words of a Govenors son?Every one sat frozen in unbelief and cold white
despair.Mr Kremlins phone began to vibrate off the hook.He instantly
A A r r, n u„ l 1 I- 4-
Buyer of Beauty
began to open his multifaceted mind.To where he
Page 340 could be in
the middle of every conversations that locked him in to the high level
momment and the presence that was positioned on the other end of his
phone.He snatched open his Action phone giving A percentage of his mind
to the wireless position of his federal line.Sir,this is
Mr.Titus.Panic and loss was casted in his shreiking voice.Shareamore
Christians pulse has went dead.I need to be given clearance of A private
aerial of her last position.With in seconds the Mr.Titus was given
clearance.He was positioned in the Middle east with in one of Americas
bases.He was
giving soldiers a surprize visit.When Shareamores transmission went dead.
With in minutes as he stood in A computer stronge hold he froze as
his face flashed pale white.When he saw the cluttered and littered
desert floor that looked as if the third world war had clawed in to
the open sooner than later.A remote control plane gave open eyed visuals
of the last place Shareamores pulse showed her being alive.Men were
seen screaming as others layed on the desert floor frozen,lost to the
ways and means given to them by A powerful American.The sightof wreckage
made Mr.Titus bucked eyes walk through the pockets of twisted metal and
fire.He caught eyes with men who were caught in maddness.They shot
bulets in different directions.Baised on the fact their thoughts were
inclear.Mr.Titus could almost smell the dried blood and cakes of pipping
smoke that sent war transmissions through the once clear sky.The
Director was caught off gaurd when the planes microscopic camera lense
caught a hold of A over sized King Cobra.that leaped through the air
and struck with crazed force in to the chest of one of the crazed men
that shot his gun at thin air.Right when Shareamore was about to make
AAron Hullett
Buyer of Beauty
her not to be missed gender crossing world
Page 341
debut.Pain was heard in the Directors tone.As he gave his eyes to the
hand held visual screen.The Secratery of Defence already knew their was
some thing
going on between the two of them in private.The Director had to block
out all thoughts of Shareamore.He knew only peice and love was what he
wanted for her.Apart of him wanted to hait the very force of his being.
Baised on the fact he couldnt make her see what was good for her.His
frozen heart began to tear apart when it occured to him the woman of his
dreams very veins were now dried up.He knew he would always hait apart
of hisself that didnt do all he could for Shareamore Christian.Roll out
A security blanket he growled in the open.as he sat by his lonelsome
in A white House Warroom.I want her remains found.He spoke up in A low
iron curtain growl.I want whats recovered flown immediatly back to
washington.He knew he had to give his hands its full.He needed to touch
the very bones of the woman he knew he wanted to love for the rest of
his live long life.Lets see that she recieves what she deserves.And
thats a Federal Memorial,both men spoke up in unison.It looks as though
she had a few personal targets of her own.Mr.Titus growled in A world of
loss not knowing what took place.Made the both of them stair at the
sky scraper visuals with out words said for momments on in.The Director
began to smile slightly loving the sight of insurgents bodie counts
falling to ashes and long lost forgotten dust.Sir.I ask that the Buyer
of BeautyMillinium strike not be cut off as of yet.The Secratery of
Defense spoke up with pressure caught in his contagious quivering octives
He knew for the life of him he had to continue to speak his mind.Sir at
approximatly eight forty eight her pulse died.And then again at
AAron Hullett
nine twenty eight.Mr.Titus spoke up quick and sharp.He
knew that
- Buyer o Beauty needed immediate resusitation.What are you trying to
tell me ? The Director snapped as he stood up leaving the hand held
visual screen in the plush oval blue leather sofa.It was then that some
thing began
to pull and snatch at his inner most being.Their was some thing beneath
the surface of his conciousness that began to scream for his immediate
attention.Which was confusing and made him feel insecure.He began to
shake his head.This was the same feeling he felt when Shareamore stood
in his presence.His heart and mind reached out for the location of her
immediate location.Her inner most being became restless and daring to
take to A higher high in search of her physical position.Some thing
whispered deep in his ears that he hadnt seen the last of her two thousani
six thunder strike.He licked his lips knowing she had historic
motivational tools.That would make the best of men hunger,kill and or
bust for her pleasure.He began to pull his Action blazer over his length
that struck towards the sun with fortified strength.He knew in secret
she was a adult film star.Who side stepped commitment for her undieing
love for the Federal Seal.He began to shake his head,baised on the fact
he knew she was designed for the best of men.Mr.Titus instantly put his
life,superior mind set and very ten year career on the line.Sir I
believe deep down in my guts that Farzad and his merry men sat at their
Knights of the Round Table.Just knowing they were about to cut in to prim
American grade a beef.In the split of an eye,Shareamore rubex cubed in
to a killing machine and made the best of his men gorge on A bounty of
hot slugs.The Director sat and then stood back up lost in the visions
of Shareamore.With out her knowing she had Americas most pacing back and
T T , .
4-J -
Buyer of beauty
forth.Sir being that I have been blessed with the Page 343 cosmic force
of using my hind sight,fore sight and intuitive sences in the highest
degree.' ask that Buyer of Beauty be given A breath of life for ninty
six hours. No pulse no backing Mr.Titus you know Federal protocal.The
Directors hard lined voice crashed through the phone like semi
automatic armor pearling slugs.You are not caught in A wave length of
feelings are you Mr.Titus?You know you are due for reprogramming any
way.Sir,no Sir I
am not caught in A wab of feelings.Nor am I given you A sabatical of
denials.Mr.Titus knew if any one with in the Directors cabinet was caught
in the hum drum of feelings they were quickly pushed and shuved to the
waist side.Supreamacy was baised on the unpresidented Intellegence and
unpresidented Intellegence alone.The Federal Seal was never in short
supply of formulas of absolute genuis.It seems as though we have Americans
being kidnapped on cruis ships.not just fine blooded Americans.But
scholars and the knowledged.And with that here in the States in Lodi to
be exact,we have A terror cell thats manipulating the young and drug
addicted in more ways than-one.We have uncovered the teachings of anarchy.
Mr.Titus could feel the fire that raged through the Directors chest.
Mr.Kremlin dabbed twice at his eyes wishing to be awaken from the days
long lived nightmare.Sir the reason I ask for ninty six hours is
because Shareamores pulse didnt fade to black it cut right off.When ones
pulse cuts right off the could possibly mean she has stepped in to A
low or no frequency zone.I will see that two partols of Para Troopers
land with in the last position held up by Buyer Of Beauty.In hopes that
Shareamores remains can be bodie bagged,toe tagged and given the Federal
Honors of A closed casket.When the Director stopped speaking and cut
Akron Hullett
transmission.Mr.Titus and Patricia closed the
files.All the while they snarled at each other
J 7 C U U L y
proper protocal that haited the onslaught of feelings on every front.With
out words said they both knew they wished to do more for Shareamore.They
hoped as assault teams struck to the forward that she was found.And dug
out of some mole hole she dug her self in to.They both knew Shareamore
knew when they stepped in to
Buyer of Beauty that she was stepping in with no up front military backinc
Her very existence would be nothing more than A whisper.Mr.Titus loved
Shareamore,he knew she settled for nothing less than the entire world
and its twisting axes.He walked steadily and slowly out of the computer
base.He had feel his lungs with the dusty air and the whails of the
wounded.As he fired up A cigarette he knew him and Patricia would have
to immediatly fall in to A publicity cover up.A plane crash would for
Burley see to her being erased with out question.
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Buyer of Beauty
Shareamore froze when A ill faited puzzle of bodies
Page 345
were layed out
before her.She knew that Intellegence had given her every chance to
But when she saw bodies chopped up,used and abused in ways science labs
had not fathomed of using them.She fell back in to A egg shapped wall.
Rats the size of cats clawed and gorged like wild varmits.Snakes were
seen peeping out of holes waiting for the cats to fatten their selves.
So that they could swallow them and human meat whole.It was at that
point that Shareamore no longer saw the delights of the sun closer
than she thought it was days before.She knew she had been walking with in
the caves for all of ten pluse days.She began to feel small as she
was told to keep walking.It was as if she no longer had A soul.Her inner
most being had went dorment on her.Her assurance no longer burned and
lead her forward to tackle the force of time and space.They were robbed
and killed of their product.Hamid spoke up in A near whisper.This tribe
knows they werent given permission to channel through these caves.But
to reach Germany with any products one will put life in own hands.It
was right then as Hamid spoke in broken english.That Shareamores mind
began to skip and she gave in to wishful thinking.I wish I could fly
she screamed in to her inner most being.All she knew was that she was
looking for A way out of confusion.Baised on the fact her hunger for
freedom had been supressed for weeks,days and one to many hours.She
AArnn H171 1 Pt t
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grabbed her M-16 ready to make killing
Page 346 moves.Baised
on the fact she had the freedom to choose between
life and
death.She wasnt ready to let
such blood thursty heathons kill her at will and do freakish things with
her bodie alive or dead.As she looked back at the chopped up and scattered
bodies she knew she had better make the right moves.Boom,in the far off
distance A shot gun blast was heard.Screams quickly followed that were
from A man.That at the end of his death screamed with every octive of A
woman.Even though they sound so close their about A day and a half away.
Shareamore knew a time to kill was drawing near.She staired at Hamid
with hawkish eyes.She began to ready her self to kill him as well.If he
cleared to switch gears on her in mid walk.Every one that takes these
caves must stand under the coat of Alquida.Hearing guns shoot of and the
name of Alquida made Shareamore ready her self for immediate warfare.
She hafted being caught in the middle of the dark,heated and firey place
that was some ones hell.She wanted to snatch at her clothes.Baised on
the fact many days ago her bodie started to burn.Her finger was on the
trigger.She stood ready to set any and every moving object free from its
fleshly position.She tracked slowly through the bloody mudd that came
from the dead.She knew that some were born to winsome were born to
lose.All that fucked with her she swore in to the crest of her inner most
being were born to die by her actions alone.She began to program her mind
to where at any and every given momment she would become A distasteful
work of evil.She saw visions of soldiers caught in spasms of suffication
and no breathing.As blood shot out of the holes her M-16 made.She shook
her head in hopes she wasnt loosing her mind.She knew she was all alone
in A Middle Eastern twilight zone.She grabbed A forty five Colt that
A A r n n 1 n 1 1a f i i
Are these bodies spread out all over the place
Buyer of Beauty
Page 347 going to stay
here for ever she questioned.As she covered her mouth and nose.While
nagging and walking out of the reach of the awful fumes.Baised on the fact
she couldnt breath as her bodie screamed for her to.They lay in their
graves.Hamid spoke up low and slow as they stepped forward.Ashes and dust
will become the best of them.They will be crushed by those that step on
their skeletol remains,that will come in weeks.Shareamore kept her finger
on the
trigger at all times.She was ready to check and check mate any one or
thing that struck from darkness.What now she questioned when they walked
in to A three way passage.She knew no matter which direction they went
visions of death were sure to follow.She knew for her to survive in the
under world she had to have A venemous taste for the dead.She baited the
fact that she didnt have enough artillary to control the darkness that
clawed on every side of her.She began to growl waiting for Hamids next
tour guide move.Apart of her wanted to follow through with her
compulsion to kill him now and get it over with.So she wouldnt have to
wonder later what side he was on.She knew that the cut throats she would
come in contact with were rock edge sharp.Knowing she would have no
choice but to save her self,when the time came.She made sure she played
close attention to Hamids every choice and size of language.Baised on
the fact he had come to see the goriest speciermens as heros in his life
time.The thought of English slaves being forced to dig out the caves
sent her mind in to over drive.She knew why the Germans came and pressed
ten years of war and constant blood shed on Afghanistan.She saw visions
of crowded streets being wipped away eight by eight rather than one by onE
AAron Hiilled t
Buyer of Beauty
The cut of the caves must have taken all of
Page 348
people.Who were forced to dig and cut with very little substance for
them to eat.She halted the part of her that wanted Hamid to penetrate her
one last time. Baised on the fact she knew that death was right around
one of the corners they were about to turn.She knew that low down deciet
would see to hamids freedom if shit hit the fan.Seeing men and boys
digging even though their bodies were bloody red.Made her grit her
teeth and spit with force.She could almost taste the wads of opium they
survived off of.
She watched as Hamids beak nose began to flap.as he snorted long and hard
in to the dug out of each cave.It was as if he could smell flesh lively
and in full motion.He touched and looked over the entrance of each and
every cave.The snakes and Muhamad knows what else were ran in to those
two caves.Shareamore looked down at the two caves passages.She instantly
began to breath in and breath out with heaving force.She could see the
bodie prints of gigantuan snakes.That were teamed by the claws of
humongous rats.She some how knew they had been fighting for eternal
reign with in the caves for years,years and years.Come before those
that are in hiding come for us.Hamids eyes were wide and he began to
heave from his sunk in chest.As if he heard some thing or smelled
some thing that was deadly and comming in for the kill.Shareamore began
to walk side ways.She swore nothing would strike at her from behind.
She was on Hamids heels making sure he struck full stream ahead.Twenty
hours later they stopped pushing forward.When every thing raised up
dangerously before them.A legion of snakes didnt wish to give her passage
in to the free world where the sun thrived.It was right then and their
that she saw the Federal dream in her expire and dash to the waist side.
AAron Hullett
Buyer of Beauty
With a quickness as she stood paralyzed lost to
Page 349 the vexing
eyes of serpants.Hamid quickly began to douce Shareamores feminen scent
with dirt,water and heroin base.He knew it was her American scent that
was flowing out of her pores that the snakes had latched on to.With in
seconds she was covered in a brown past that changed her very skin
color.She began to heave from the chest wanting to kiss and hug Hamid.
She would have sworn that he was going to leave her for dead.He began
to whisper chants to demigods that the snakes bowed to and roze to on A
daily.He began to wave his hands and flow in to a slow moving dance.He
began to give the demigods the fantacy of ruling the pulse of their very
souls.He kissed the grown and continued to sing to the forgotten.he
swore to them that he would rize the iilgotten trailblazer that would
resurect their gold laden shrines.It was when the snakes slithered back
in to their holes as others slithered to the side of the cave.While
still standing at imperial attension.That Shareamore was quick to trust
that Hamid was way pass crazy.When he began to kiss the heads of each
snake he was able to stand over.When Shareamore walked pass them holding
her breath.She some how knew better than to catch eyes with any one of
them.As they walked pass them it was hours before Hamid spoke or even
turned towards her.If I am to die you must pray that I am given
entrance in to total bliss.I have commited A very grave sin bowing to
what was man made.In hopes my immediate wants,needs and deires of your
temorary passage be granted.I will I swear Shareamore whispered with
such force that her lips became chapped.She saw in Hamids bleeding eyes
pain cursed with in their core.He was A true friend that made her eyes
become mistified from his up front actions that saved her life.From the
AAron Hu1lP_tt
Buyer of Beauty
serpants that came to the forward to take her
Page 350
later Shareamox and Hamid saw A sight for sore eyes positioned right
before them.A woman was torn to shreds.The savages are right ahead of us
Hamid whispered. Panic was carced in to his almond eyes.He didnt close
his mouth when
he breathed.The better part of him knew that in the presence of those
he was about to come in contact with.The best of killers and cut throats
came and went in thier presence.Dont say A word the whole time we are
in their presence.Shareamore followed every step that Hamid took.She
told her self to never try to catch eyes with any one she came in contact
with.She swore if any one moved to fast for her comfort and or lively
hood.That she would instantly bring firey light to the darkness that
cocooned her Federal positioneI am one of the many blessed to strike
forward from under the womb of the Eastern Star.Hamid yelled out loud
and in great delight,to have caught up with his passaging countrymen.
Shareamore listened to the excitment that was caught in his free floating
native tounge.Low demented light began to bring them in to full view.
The sights that came before Shareamore hollowed out her shifting eyes.
Her sight no longer cared to look out in A distance.Her inner most being
wanted her to pull her trigger and continuesly shoot to kill any and all
in the worst way.Scoundrels and crazed men stood and sat around A
blazing fire throwing women around in different directions.Their teeth
were coated in cakes of dried heroin.Its all over now Shareamore growled
to her self when a feild of guns were raised up at her and Hamid.She
knew she would be able to kill A one of them.If she so much as raised
her M-16 she was as good as dead.
AAron Hullett
D U y L V L DC
She knew every thing living had to pay their
d U L y
deats to the
~- u y c J J I
cosmos some how some way.She began to scream that her payment date had
not rizen at that exact minute and or hour.She swore that she would pay
it later
some way some how.Anxiety and high drama began to dig at the fortificatio]
of her inner most being.That was held up in blazen armor and handed
over by the Federal Seal.As Hamid began to speak she haited the fact
that she instantly became less defined.She began to melt in to the
jagged walls that held wicked and wild depictions of the drug induced
that killed whan and where they felt like it.She haited seeing buck
naked women shivering in various corners with bursted lips and swolen
eyes.As she looked over and pass the most frantic and madd paranoid
women she ever seen.Shareamore was ready to start saying things she
shouldnt say.With the help of her trust M-16 that screamed the instant
she began to finger bang her.A over sized cut throat whos swolen eyes
from lack of sleep was slurping on A dee sized breast.That was cut off
of a womans bodie.His anger and meaness began to filter in to and through
her- inner most being.The votes were tallied and in to her anger filled
mind and raging bodie.Every one that surrounded her had to die.Lay down
she wanted to scream from the top of her firey lungs.While shooting
tot slugs,which would let any and all know her American threat was real.
She began to snot and snort in hopes to release from her being the
negative energy that surrounded and swormed her very pinpointing mental
AAron HullPtt
And who is this with you Hamid.That looks as if
Buyer of Beauty
rage ibzhe has never
seen the King of Kings enthroned in his underworld.This is my cousin
Calasi.He is still troubled that he lost half od his tounge in the
Folousha strike.I know why he is made the hairy faced leading man growled
as he raised A beautiful young woman to her legs.He made her stand over
him as he sat. His long lizards tounge began to flicker and flair on to
and in to her forbidden fruit.As if with in its honey coated position the
substanance of eternal life was found in their.Shareamore swore when she
was given free passage in to the open.He would be the first that she
would sworm
on with the striking force of thunder.She was struck at the power of evil
and the evil that was carted in their under world.Any little move that
the men made made the women flench and jump damn near out of their skins
every second.She quickly turned her eyes from the women that begged and
pleaded for A saviour.Shareamore knew if she didnt start up A war right
then.She would walk in to the blinding sun light calling in the full
force of the Federal Seal.As her teeth clenched her heart cried out for
her to strike right then and their.I must confuse feelings with Intellegeni
calculating steps.She felt her back molers crack as her teeth gritted.
She needed to bring to the forward suffication,drowning and cold blooded
American mutilation in to the momment.Her American pulse was desperate
to rock and roll that very minute.She knew if she dared to strike she
would be killed in seconds flat.Their was all of eleven men surrounding
her.She some how senced as her but hairs began to roll up and every hair
on her bodie stood on end.That their were others that were positioned in
monsterous darkness.Kavarian mount up lets strike from point A to point
be.Right then and their A blazing light came from the cloud of darkness.
AAron Hullett
A tall linky man was covered in blood.His sunken
q y C
face held one
to many scars.She saw stitches on his face.His skin help splotches that
were different colors.N000,a woman screamed out as he looked down at
her.She screamed and kicked as if she seen the shadow of death in reality.
Shareamore noticed that the man had cut out strategic parts of his face
sewed various other peoples skin on to his face.Which distorted his facial
features.To the point no one would be able to identify him in any type of
line up.When she saw heavy blood on his dried once white gloves.She some
how knew he had cut the very formation of his finger prints off.The tall
man grabbed the small woman by her small pigeon neck.He began to shake her
about like a rag doll,snapping her neck in two.When she hit the ground
her back cracked.Shareamore was frozen seeing the womans ass hole ripped
out.She began to swear to her self if she did wind mills and cart wheels
she would be able to kill the better half of them.In seconds she could
turn the murderous cave in to a blood spilling ghost town.Maintain at
all times soldier.She heard the Director of the F.B.I roar in to her
inner most being.She began to'breath slowly in hopes to keep her mental
stride at
a even
pace.Boom,boom,boom,each of the women were killed with
out A second to waist.Their brothers were cowards they rather work as
slugs of the U.S. soldiers that ran through their houses.Than pick up
arms and die to see that their posessions arent taken and houses arent
tromped through and defiled by those of American make.The once lively
women instantly was turned in to the goriest speciermans.The vision
of calculated murder struck A nerve with in Shareamore.The over sized
bear of a man through to the waist side the over sized breast that gave
utter delight to his mouth and tounge.Became a instant fire starter as
AAron HullPtt
back packs full of raw heroin was thrown in every
Buyer of Beauty
r a ge 3D4
direction.Uhhh,Shareamore yelled out.When all of A one hundred pluse pound
back pack was thrown at her.Each of the men turned towards her with love
and haft blazing
through their dragging drug addicted eyes.He is sick and his lower back
is fractured from our last strike.But he dares to kill any and all
foreigners that dare to step on holy ground.With A quickness Hamid helped
Shareamore place the back pack full on her back.Back broke or no back
broke we have many needs on the front lines.This will see to our men
being able to cut those Americans right back down to size.That have come
from filth and squaller and beneath the Queens sceptor.The better half
of their Four Fathers were the banished and destitute.Who worshiped magic
and what was hand made.As guns began to lower from her position.Shareamore
swore that she wished she had A way to pisappear.So that she could find
A silent place where she could pray.she knew A second back she was about
to break and let slugs fly in every direction.She bent over and grabbed
A cell phone that was being left behind.Apart of her wanted to grabe the
Identification of the women who were burned to a crisp.So that she could
speak of the women that were killed off like animals.The more she looked
at their chared bodies the more she caught her self shaking.She caught
A quick hold of her emotions when she cold cold gauking eyes locked on
her.It was then that she felt the second hand of eternity way on her
with drowning force.Shareamore was stumped at the heavy artillary that
was short of a tank.In which the men carried with brute force.She knew
they had given up the treasures of comfort the very day they handed
their life lines over to the said Holy War.Shareamore inhailed with force
the smell of aged dust and dirt that was tangled with burned bodies.That
AAron Hullett
Buyer of Beaut)
was killed off brutally and swiftly.When the men
began to talk
Yage i55
along the way,Shareamore was stumped at the fact that she had been under
ground for all of five and A half weeks.She froze when they came up to a
open space that opened up after some heavy blasting.The sun began to
beam with-force bringing in to the cool caves mind altering heat,before
the dust was given a chance to clear.Shareamores bodie became unstable
as it became drenched in sweat.She knew she could begin to kill with out
immediate notice right then and their.Being that she was now an experianced
Agent.she calmed her impulsion to kill in first blood.She wanted the
whole lot of them laved face down when the time presented its self.She
listened to excitment quake in the mens voices that stepped steadily
through the dust clouds.She thought that they were breaking through mass
confusion.When in truth they were striking in to the open with skill and
mapped percision.Some one had made transmission that the land scape they
were about to navigate through was clear of american or European presence.
Shareamore was stumped at the force of their technological backing that
was spear headed by time and dated plans.Some one was giving them up to
the day war positions.In which they dug under the earth to undershadow
and slither away from.With a quickness every one began walking in to the
magnificients of the blinding sun.Wait for thirty minutes to see if their
is a force postioned near or far that has detected our position.The
soldiers knew that American soldiers moved with brute immediacy when
insurgents positions were found out.After all of thirty minutes and the
desert stayed still and silent.The heavily bearded leader waved for
every one to mount the phist fulls of camels that were in waiting by
the hands of A small desert clan.Payment was made in guns and ammunition.
AAron Hullett
Buyer of Beauty
Shareamore all but gorged when mouth fulls of
Page356 lamb was
dished out to every one that was present.Shareamore haited how the
leader of the drug smuggling group roze from strength to
strength.The many scars that clung to his men let her know they all
had been tracking through life and death since they were all
teenagers.Tar slugged at her feet when they began to load the camels
up and strike along the crest of the jagged and looking mountains.In
hopes to be out of the watchful eyes of drone planes and American
Commandos that made rockets scream out in thin air and the force of
darkness.She was paralyzed and lost to the ways of the Middle Eastern
man.When she heard power and the unleashed thurst to kill in his
voice.Looking in to the solitary mind of a madd manmade her never
stop aiming at their fearless leader. That began communicating with
arms dealers that were positioned in Germany,awaiting their pay loads
of drugs.When the others began to murmur and laugh out boisterously on
how they would feast on German flesh.Made Shareamores skin crawl and
goose before her very eyes.She haited those that feasted upon the drug
addicted.Who was ready to sell the better half of their bodies for A
quick fix.Shareamore snorted profusley at the hot air that was
temporarily clear of heavy dust and all forms of blood.Be it dried
up,fresh and or pooled for rats and snakes to slurp upon,until their
stomachs were full to compasity.
Follow me,I will lead you to the front lines with more magnum artillary
than any man before me.Shareamore listened to the fearless leader that
lead them along planned paths.That would see to their presence striking
in to foreign land with the force of A phantom.That was never seen but
felt in more ways than one.Paragraphs of historic script captivated her
AArnn Hn11aI F
Buyer of Beauty
to the point her mind locked on to his every
Page 357
wanted to reach out and touch the magnificient one.Whos wise words were
qouted by the benelovent that were held up in Islamic Holy
scripture.When the grand story teller began to talk of strategic road
side bombs that would be positioned to kill of military stratagist.She
wanted to pull her camel behind the full length of the convoy and tear
in to and down their under world structure.That gained ground by
striking in their hit and run tactics.That drove Generals on the front
line stark raving madd. Hearing the hunger in their voices and perched
thin lips that wanted to spill American blood.Made high end tension knot
and fester deep with in her mind and stomach.She knew she would never be
able to sleep with out having A high powered hand gun in her hands.Baised
on the fact men like the ones that surrounded her looked forward to
dieing in A blaze of (lammed and soul snatching glory.She began to hold
her head that held
A thousand pounds of heat and pressure on it.If one was watching close
enough they could see that her temples were booming.And in seconds
she would succumb to internal combustion.I cant wait for those little
people to bend over backwards upon our arrival.To sink deep in to pale
flesh and slurp on pink toes sounds like an exotic dish to me.You can
have all the cave descendant you want Hadeem.Im going to dig both of
my hands in to the addicteds family heirlooms.I will feel many of
our houses with their most prized ornaments.Shareamore wasnt sure when
she was going to strike.But she knew that she was going to strike before
the drug packages reached Europes main land.Eight hours later when her
ass began to ache and her hips screamed out no more.She was ready to
walk a mile in a wild murder mans blood soaked shoes.Who got off by
AAron Hullett
Buyer of beauty
smelling gun powder,seeing bodie parts shivering
Page 358
and shaking
to their last breaths were snatched from them.When she saw men tromp
forward lost to secret conversations.Shareamore quickly hunched forward
so low that no one could tell if she was sleep or near death.No one
seemed to
care as long as the camel followed the straight forward path.She snatched
open the flip phone and began to finger fuck it.As if she was A newly
crowned dominetrix.Whos first man of mystery said he has been bad.And
that he deserves hard back door penetration for the sins he had commited.
Which came from top flight lobbying and funneling money to those that
were in secret White Knights of A secret organization.That wanted
totality to control all near and fall.While at the same time giving no
privacy to any one three hundred and sixty five days A year.
AAron Hullett
Buyer of Beauty
Patricia screamed through the phone,baised on the
Page 359
their was to much bolt action excitment caught with in her to find
an octive.She
was instantly taken from all the pressure and pain.That came from seeing
Shareamore Christian positioned in A Federal closed casket.No longer
lost and weary to Shareamores position.Patricia stood on her tippy
toes as she made connection with her higher authoritys.We thought you
didnt survive any further than the time span of the rizing sun.When you
moved to your second Middle east position.With a quickness after giving
herFederal covert code name.She began to speak quick and fast of her
very position in the Land Of Ra.I no longer care to be A product of
this poison.You all have me in the middle of the dirtiest game.Shareamore
growled from the lowest yet deadliest octive she could muster.This is
no longer the life for me.I wish to resign right now and take my child
as far away from any Federal building thats near or far.Come and get
me now she growled.As A poisonous symphony of slurs,words and verbs
struck her brain.The disasturous words the deadly Special Agent brought
to the forward.That spoke of Americas citizens being no more than pawns
caught in the middle Eurocentric game sparked a flame in the F.B.I
Directors very soul.Shareamore began swinging at thin air as rage began
to become the better part of her.Her words became sharp and thursty for
high powered American blood.I know about the Cepro and Anthrax multi
AAron Hullett
Buyer of beauty
billion dollar trick,that was pressed upon the
Page ibU
populace.Our leaders thrive on manipulating us Americans.Look at the gas
prices.Cargos of natural reserves are being shipped to the Americas on a
our leaders know about pressure and pain.What do they think every citizen
has diplomatic cards.That lets them have every thing free.Shareamore
became suicidal right then and their as she began to fall to peices.She
wanted to snatch out of her mind the seeds that the Federal Seal planted
in her brain.I know about the civilized war on those of color with in
the States.Thats not being waged with guns and tanks.But with high
artillary drugs,desease,gun sales,liqour and botched history .thats being
taught in public schools.That only cripples ones belief in self.As A
Federal Gaurd that has been positioned to protect to the death American
men,women and children.I will see that every thing I have come to know
be televisied with in the first hour of me touching Plymouth Rock.I
know that Onsama Ben Laden was A C.I.A Agent,in the Afgan and Russian
war.Shareamore began to talk fast as fury roared through every word
spoken.baised on the fact her inner most being couldnt rest,knowing
what she knew.Panic coursed through Patricias eyes.I shall not fear
any Americans death blows as dare to open innocent eyes.Patricias mouth
didnt care to close and hold the droplets of saliva that drooled on
to her Action Hauty All Points mini skirt onsamable.Shareamore had to
)know that the very men who killed rulers in their sleep was listening
to every word spoken.I dont care to be trapped in some madd mens minds
that they swear is far superior than any one elses.Dont they know said
logic is nothing more than A timed death wish.The Secratery of Defence
looked at the Directors spit flamed blue sceptors through the Open View
AAron Hullett
Buyer of Beauty
Finder.His eyes gave way the visual sights of love Page 361 and
treasury.Mr.Titus knew that in hours Shareamore would no longer be with
us.Her Federal number K-02771 was now due to expire.We will be their by
night fall to retreive you,Patricia spoke up.She followed the script
that was handed to her from Mr.Titus.Patricia had already heard Mr.Titus
tell A team of helicopters to load up.They had A mission to perform that
was immediate and necessary.If I should die Patricia before I make it
back to the Americas.Please look after my daughter as if she was your
very own.Girl stop it,the welcomming party is comming for you.I feel
like Ive been cursed Patricia.She is to be killed with out second
thought.Mr.Titus began to speak to gunners with no love caught in his
tone.The Directors wishes were respected and followed through with top
line calculation. Patricia began to quiver at the thought that
Shareamore had become Americas public enemy number one.Mr.Titus words
knocked Patricias wind out of her.She began to shed tears at the thought
of Shareamore resting in peace in hours flat.Patricia knew she never saw
Shareamores end come like this.She had to excuse her self and lock the
spacious bathroom behind her.She layed on the floor going to peaces as
she began to spill volumes of tears.She knew what Shareamore had
uncovered held enough secret and negative mommentum to spark the
onslaught of a bloody Civil War.Right when our security sheild is already
spread thin in the Middle East and other regions.Shareamore had to dare
to be a saviour.why now Patricia screamed out to her self.Mr.Titus heard
things being slung in different directions two seconds after physical
view left the View
Finder.He knew that the Director was up rooted and deeply angered.Why
did she have to dear to safe every one,he growled to his self.
AAron Hullett
buyer or beauty
Shareamore knew that her Celesial Saviour was
ray C JOG
pure in
nature.She swore when she returned to the States that she would live
intune with the cosmos on A every day basis.She began to think about
eating only fruits and vegetables that were good for the bodie.While
at the same time giving her mind to like minded people.That searched for
truth and lived soley to learn more each and every day.while being an aid
to those that were in spiritual and mental need for guiding lights.She
smiled dangerously at hamid.She knew she had been given the right of
way by Time and Space to begin killing at will.The Insurgents sailed
before her in various pockets lost to the ways of their desert dwelling
kind. That lived by the momment baised on the fact death was their
blazing fortress of eternal life.What about me Hamid questioned in a
low yet deep growl.That made her forbidden fruit begin to glaze.Her
bodie began to reach out for his hip bucking fast thrusts that
fluttered.Like the wings of a butter fly that were ripped off.When his
hips meet thier resting place he froze as if he were dead.I wish that we
could stop
and show heat a thing or two.she hummed salaciously while licking her
lips to where only he could see.She saw his wide brown eyes caught in
hunger for her.When he pulled his camel close to hers.She just knew he
would mount her and make the move she wanted him to make.Im saying
when your high flying people come .That has the power to dig up the
AAron Hullett
Buyer of Beauty
best of moles.What will happen to me?You have A
Page 363 card Hamid
that will see to you being able to live A life one
cargos of raw heroin
would never be able to give you.What I have given you is perfectly legal.
You can live in the open and smile all the while.Hamid began to stair
at her from head to toe.he cut a fruit and began to suck on it with
his heavy tounge.Seeing the Americans eyes widen in immediate want as
she began to pant.He tossed her A knife and the fruit and began to laugh
in the open.Dont laugh at me wither before your very eyes she purred.
When his wide brown eyes dragged over her bodie and began to look at
his country men and their surroundings.She knew he was ready to be
passionate.Lets get lost for a few hours.When they pass the next ridge
lets get lost as darkness sworms upon us.Youve got to be kidding she
purred loving the thought of making love under the demented eyes of
natural born Middle eastern Killers.She licked her lips and blew him A
dry kiss that would become wet in a momments notice.Baised on the fact
he threw her a life line and showed her how to live in the world of
savages.She was ready to feast upon his Middle eastern make only so
that she could get in to some pulse pounding murderous subtraction.That
would cut in to and down the full force of drug smuggling front line
murder men.She knew in the month of the rat she had to jump in leaps
and bounds.To stop the strikes scheduled on the day of the rat and frog,
that would cripple the very veins of the WestCoast.Daring not to let
any one hollow out Americas booming veins.Shareamore began to bring
equation to her sharp Federal mental mind stem.She knew her M-16 would
strike forward at 1500 feet per second.She looked pass Hamid knowing she
could make bulets strike in to the open,that would scream out with
AAron Hullett
Buyer of Beauty
grease lightening speed.When the thought accord
rage Sb4
to her that
she could feild for cover and start her blood thursty assault.Hamid
instantly began to look better looking and more appetizing.Baised on the
fact he would be the first she would kill.Just as she began to let the
camel go as steady as it went on its own.Shareamores began to stroke
the steel barrel of her M-16.Eager she was to bring to the forward a
reviting conclusion to the human predators.That lived soley to kill
fine blooded Americans and feast upon the suple cream flesh of European
girls.That were lost to the force of addiction.The night began to put
its foot over the beating beam of the sun.Shadows began to loom from the
jagged clifs and ridges that were held up by the ferocious mountains.
Hamid began to become darkly poetic.As he spoke of pressing upon her
bodie,parts of his tounge Westerners never knew was in existence.
Shareamore stopped listening to hamid while grinding on the camels hump
when helicopter blades began to flutter from the furthest distance.She
sat up bolt right caught in the momment of sounds that she prayed gave
way to eye popping sights.She remembered right then and their that their
was a global positioning chip in her ankle.Her very position was known
with expert Federal intellegence.Eight hours and twenty seconds later
Shareamore whispered in to her inner most being,with high fashioned
pride.She wanted to scream at the smugglers to hand over their weapons
and bow to the red,white and blue flag.Killllllll,was screamed from
the leader,that seemed to live soley to kill,maim and murder.Sujit their
is three of them Hamid screamed.Shareamore saw rocket launchers being
hoisted atop shoulders as grenade launchers began to poof in to the
shadows of darkness.B000000m,A helicopter took a direct hit.Red and
AAron Hullett
yellow flames clawed at the folds of
rage ibb
darkness.Shard and twisted metal began to rain down on the desert
floor.With out thinking only reacting Shareamore brought her M-16 up and
began shooting hot slugs at the
desert voltures.N00000,Hamid screamed caught in the middle of the tragedy.
Shareamore began to bring forth her crashing waves of unhappiness and
sadness that cursed her inner most being.Apart of her wanted to shoot
at the helicopters that were her resque.Baised on the fact she now had
A distasteful love for her Federal Masters.She turned her gun on hamid
loving the feel of getting away with murder.Made her blast immediate
demands upon him.Drop your weapon and drugs and run as hard as you can
away from here.Not wanting to fall to death he dropped every thing and
began to dig long and hard in to the desert floor.Boom,Shareamore was
caught off gaurd when M-50 slugs began to cut in to many of the camels
that ran back towards her.Gravel,dust and bodie parts began to hopskip
and jump all around her.She knew one to many slugs were striking in her
pulsing position for her American calvary to be comming to save her.She
began to look at the jagged mountains,for a place she could feild for
refuge in.Their was to stronge of A aerial force for her to fight back.
The Federal Seal began to push its demented force to new limits.She
knew she was now wanted dead by the very power and authority she handed
her very mind and bodie over to.She began to scream from the top of
her lungs.As she realized she was in the center of hells inferno.Shock
waves of steady rockets being dropped made her ears become deaf.Knowing
she was spring loaded for action.She brought out the knife Hamid gave
her and began to cut with A quickness in to her angle.She flung the
global positioning chip as far away from her as it would go.In hopes
AAron Hullett
D U Y C i V
to recieve just a peice of the sky when it
r d y c _)vv
DC d U L Y
surfaced inten
two last helicopters continued to go up and down again and again.In hopes
to tear Shareamore ChristianK-02771 brains out.I have not served my
country to the fullest yet she screamed.Its not time for me to be
extinguished.Knowing that nothing lasted she began to climb on to the
camels under belly.Once she saw that no one was going to leave the
desert alive.Shareamore began to scream as she took a good hard look
at the helicopters that swormed in for the kill.She became terrified at
the fact her death would be covered up.Im not going to die in enemy
territory she screamed from the top of her lungs.Patricia tapped Mr.
Titus long and hard on his right shoulder.As he continued to finger
fuck the M-50 with brute force.Dive,dive he screamed wanting to go head
first in to the cross fire.Patricia showed him that Shareamores global
positioning pulse had expired.Which ment she was dead in first blood
by his hands.Its my right to kill the monster that i had made.I have
dreamed of the day she would crash.I have prayed to the stars that
mystify man.That I was the man that left her pulse behind as I pressed
forward.Every thing must die he yelled like a stark raving madd scientist
He turned from Patricia as his bald caps few hairs fluttered and flaired
from the force of the wind that wipped through the hull of the helicopter
His face was red veined with pitch forked vivid colors.That showed
haitred towards Shareamore.Patricia knew it was Shareamores tell death
love for Americans that urked the better part of him.Full steam ahead
he yelled from the top of his raging voice.With force the Middle Eastern
Politician pushed the M-50 up towards the sky.We dont kill camels in
the Middle east they are gold.Shareamore saw how her life ended,when
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Buyer of Beauty
she saw camels being torn apart right before her
Page 367eyes.which
made the camel she camel she clung to become skiddish and crazed out of
its mind. Helicopter bladed began to skywalk through the desert.Heaps
of fleash and twisted metal was layed out immobile.The last scream from
a decapitated camel was heard.Shareamore swore she would never forget the
last screams and groveled grunts the camel made.We have always had
problems with smugglers that dare to with stand the deadly tempered
force of the desert.One things for sure that smuggling pack of masked
moradors wont make their scheduled meeting place.Mr.Titus growled with
such force he looked over his shoulder with open meaness.He looked as
if he wanted to kill the man that dared to stop his murderous rotation.
Shareamore fell to the ground and let the night blanket her.
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A month had passed before Shareamore was able to
Page 368
rize above
Europes country side.Their was A team of European men that saw to her
escaping the dark side of her self.She knew she had lied more than any
whore could ever imagine.She wipped her mouth and cleaned her forbidden
fruit in various bars bathrooms and country side open wells on countless
days and nights as if she had done nothing wronge.She cried and laughed
as she drank champagne and low budget raw gut liquors on a many of
days. She was lost to the animal she had become.Men fell in love with
so many times that she was able to pilfer and roll many of men for enough
money and passage in to Germany.Where she was able to see to paying top
billing for a fake passport and air flight to the States.Where she could
finally stand to the side of her dieing mothers bed side.Shareamore
smiled dangerously as she pulled and tugged at her black small wig and
pushed her heavy avaition glasses atop her button nose.She knew she was
the very living and breathing key that held the force to alter the
balance of American power.And see to the stopping of real life horrors
crushing the WestCoast.She knew the very second she touched American
soil she would become an instant convert to the belief in hell fire.
Baised on the fact fire and explosions she would give life to on all
four sides of her physical position.She knew as the plane struck in
to the high altitude that she had blossomed and bloomed in to A different
AAron Hullett
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creature all together.She had been baptized in
Page 369 the grand old
oprahs four eye of the storm elements.Which were awashed in
sex,money,murder and Knight of the round table power.That goverened the
world from an altitude unfathomed by modern day man.She looked in to the
clouds lost to the force of life.She felt as if she was stuck in the
middle of another stupid dream.Apart of her wanted to give up and go
back to Europes inticing and full flavored country side.Where life was
so much sweeter and picture perfect.But she knew their was a world over
ran with smog and pollution and the stronge hold of Propoganda that
needed her up
front presence.She knew the everlasting pulse of her life line would be
incredibly chilling to the best of minds.She knew if they came for her
flesh and blood again.She would strike in to a private practice of
killing high level F.B.I Opratives.She closed her eyes knowing at all
times she had to stay ready for war,so she wouldnt have to get ready.
Once she stepped foot on american soil.She began to scream in her dreams
baised on the fact she just knew Intellegence had A serpants surprise
waiting for her scheduled touch down.She woke up hours later knowing
she would pay Patricia Scott an unscheduled visit.She began to find A
smile on her face.Knowing her German Shepards got giddy when they were
in her presence.Two and a half days later she landed in the lush sea
side offerings of SantaBarbara California.Even though their was no high
artillary awaiting her arrival teamed with murder men.Shareamore knew
she was still smack dab in the middle of A clawing nightmare.That
wished to free the real her.Her heart began to beat with A quickness as
she let her lungs over dose on American air.She began to cross her heart
and hope to die.If any one dared to stop her from saving Americans and
A Ar nn H n l 1
bringing truths in to the open sooner than
Buyer of Beauty
Page 370later.She swore
any and every one would meet the dark side of her,if they dared to silence
her.Thirty minutes later she had payed the taxie driver his fare and
scaled Patricias red brick wall that stood all of eight feet right off
of Old Coast Highway.It was easy for her to strike over the thick
vegetation. Sassy had barked once when she heard A branch break under
Shareamores sure footing.When both dogs struck out of the back door and
didnt bark or care to return back to the cozy fire place.Patricia knew
that Shareamore had made it back to America.Patricia watched
Shareamores every motion through a hand held teleview machine.Once she
that she didnt come with an autmatic weapon.Patricia pulled at her
white casmere turtle neck sweater and stood up to greet Americas most.
When a flash flood of lights took over the over shadowed back yard.
Shareamore wished she could have slid in to one of the many cracks
or under one of the many vines that went every which way.I knew it was
you when you telephoned my home when you were in LosAngeles.What you
never knew was that I gave you the number to a private line.That no one
else in the world had.A whispered worried refrain cut out the stint of
Shareamores small intestants.She began to count backwards,to how many
steps it would take for her to scale the wall.And disappear in to the
hold of alotted darkness.Does Intellegence know that K-02771 thrives?
Patricia knoded her head no.Come in girl before I catch a cold.Or one of
my neighbors many servants hears and sees to much.Shareamores became
standoffish in the presence of fine furnishings and comfort dejour.
Apart of her wanted to give life to A lack of compassion.Girl you look
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Buyer of Beauty
like you have been in the bush all your live long Page341
life.Go bath and
we wil talk when you get out.Only if you knew what I have seen and where I
have been.Shareamore snapped with affixed eyes that looked at Patricia as
if she were A stranger.It was all of eight ocklock in the horning when
Patricia looked up casted in the world that Shareamore had trodded
through.Both girls had crumbs from pasteries and fruit cores riddled
all around them.Shareamore tore her heart open for Patricia in hopes
she would be able to make some progress in bringing truth to Americans
sooner than later.While at the same time being given the necessary
backing to stop high level attacks.Patricia began to become strangled
in her bed sheets.as she swore she would be Shareamores eyes,even if
death would come for her.Shareamores continued to talk as Patricia ran
through the shower and began to get dressed.Baised on the fact the
Federal helicopter would come for her in thirty minutes.Girl get you
some sleep and eat some Blue steak.You will find some in the deep
freezer.They both knew Blue Steak held no hormons.The bull was feed top
line foods when it was alive.Patricia knew she had to sneak in to the
MarksMen floor beneath the Federal building.So that she could retreive
Shareamore a flight suit,A smart rifle and other high level gadgets.
That would filter through any front with expert percision and cut throat
skill.Patricia was able to clear her mind in Shareamores presence.Baised
on the fact she was more contained.And knew the force of her nature,to
the point her presence alone was A real and living threat,to Americas
highly respected and most feared men.patricia knew as the helicopter
took her up high.That Shareamore was every thing she was not.The girl
had the mind and heart that was guided by A firey soul.That was made
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to over shadow and rule the very core of Americas
Page 3/2
leading and
superficial baings.Once Patricia had become circled around Federal agents
that stood on gaurd to level out American rule to and through
eternity.Patricia baited the fact that Shareamore had pressed a blazing
fire in the crush of her very soul.That gave her A ferocious hunger to
see woman bring A new script to the catacombs of history.that would never
be outshined
by the presence of man.When she thought of Shareamores high level global
actions possibly over shadowing Eves Biblical position.Patricia watched
her self walking faster than usual.in hopes of grabbing every thing
Shareamore needed sooner than later.Patricias panties were in A tangled
bunch.She had never so much as dreamed let alone dared to isolate her
self from the Federal Seal.She knew if she were to be caught,she could
become a personal target of the personal government.She began to breath
in and breath out as she began to spin her web in to and through high
level floors.She couldnt help her self.She felt the force of power that
made Shareamore dare to go over and beyong her call of duty.She had been
transformed in to a living and breathing saviour.Death held no option in
her world.It was the force of her being that lead her to any and all
situations quick and fast.To the point she didnt think she only reacted
in the onslaught of high drama and war.baised on the fact her inner most
being was in tune with the cosmos.Her pulse had been given the winning
hand.Patricia remembered Shareamore saying she would shoot in directions
her mind could never figure why.But when bodies dropped seconds later,
she knew why her compulsion was lead in various directions.Patricias
eyes opened up with pure sunlight.She didnt let her mentals cave in
from the thought of Shareamore being found held up in her home.Patricia
AAron Hullett
buyer or beauty
was ready to fortify Shareamore above the
and airwaves with heavy state of the art technology.That was lead in to
r a y c
every momment with transmit buttons.Seeing Shareamore positioned in the
catacombs of
history made her step forward with out fear iñvading her inner most being
Patricia knew with technology backing Shareamore her life line just might
last long enough for truths to be pressed amongst Americas populace.
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Shareamore woke up the day before the Rat was to
Page 374
be celebrated in
China. Gloom casted a dangerous hold around Shareamores inner most
being.She knew if she was to die,their would be no Americans their to
avenge her or let alone die with her.She looked down at her
memoirs,video tapped truths and scetches of her inner most pain and
suffering.She got on all fours and began to recite the Federal Anthem.Only
to then pray in to the force of the blazing sun that couldnt give light
to the darkest part of the never ending cosmos.Her tounge had become
thursty in hunger of drinking from the lake of life.She had hugged
Patricia before she went to work.Being that she wouldnt be their to
recieve her when she returned later that night.Baised on the fact she had
to run through the mind altering plans of those that dared to kill and
destroy in A momments notice.With such force that would cripple the
very pulse of Americas West coast infastructures and Gross National
Product.She bathed slowly baised on the fact the day she stood in would
be like no other.She some how felt that she wouldnt be just fine again
after she stood up in the center of time.As she began stretching she saw
the dream in her slowly begin to expire.As she saw newspaper clippings of
Miss Americas plane crashing in A dust clouds striking out of the
Middle East.She growled back at her bodie that looked like A well oiled
machine.She looked over to her gadgets that were all interesting and
dangerous to and through
Akron Hullett
Buyer of Beauty
their molds and state of the art concepts.When the Page 375
night began to
cocoon its self over the western hemisphere Shareamore began to slign her
self with the force of the very worlds gravitational pull.It took all of
nine and a half hours for her to strike in to Northern California with
out notice.She staired over the great bodie of water that the Golden
Gate Bridge was constructed over with gigantuan fashion.Shareamore was
stuffed to the gills with more armor than a third world army would know
what to do with.She growled back at the cold front the nipped and then
began to claw at her with open anger and meaness.She hitched her self
to the bridge,so that she could give her eyes and sences to every thing
moving and or moving at A snails pace.Atop the sea and deep with in the
sea she could see with perfection.She looked through her pulse locater
and saw sharks striking at top speeds through the dark dangerous sea.
Her chest began to heave lost at the fact that Great Whites came in
the channel to feast on warm blooded animals and fish.Shareamore shook
her head at the thought that bodies were probably being dumped in the
channel.Which drew the seas deadliest monsters to the center.Shareamore
began to question her self as she faught off the cold with her mind over
matter mental war techniques.Why am I puting my self on the line and
I was nothing more than a perfectly sharpened tool?That was properly
positioned to smile,laugh act coy one second.And in the next suck,fuck,
manipulate,kill and destroy in the.Beep,beep,beep,beep.Shareamores mind
was snatched the the very position of a school of fish.that must have
been seriously distrubed by the force of the shark.She watched as heart
beats began to pulse and aqua boogie baby next to the middle right post.
That helped hold up the gigantuan red bridge.That was casted on every
AAron Hullett
Buyer of Beauty
tourist post card and or poster ever made.That
Page 376gave high
respects to Northern california and or Sanfransico in general.Knowing
that Intellegence taught her to strike the very second she positioned
her self in enemy territory.She began to grit her teeth when she looked
at the monitor that showed human hearts beating at high rates.She
switched on the global positioning pin pointer.That would give her
pinpointing shots.So that she could begin cuting and killing those in
the hidden
one by one.She smiled dangerously at the dusk of dawn.baised on the fact
she had taught her self how to advance.She looked about the world of
make belief loving how cold she had become.She was now one with the
cold weather.It was as if the cosmos transformed her to a another
creature all together.so that she could bring to the forward a satisfying
end.As sheslowly began to hoist her Smart Rifle over her shoulder.She
swore to her self sirens should have begun to siren out.To where those
that were fast asleep on eathier side of the bridge woke right up.And
saw A American strike in first blood to serve and protect.Baised on the
privledged information she was able to retreave while deep cover.Seeing
A barge slowly mooving up the channel at a snails pace.She slowled
down from reaching for her Smart Rifle.She knew those in the water had
already been marked for death.You mother fuckers wont be able to bring
in to the open your highly publisized hit and run attacks.Her inner
most being screamed for her to bring to the forward A mind altering
tradgety.that would make those in company with them go stark raving madd.
Shareamore didnt care to kiss the swimmers good bye.She staired like A
thursty junkie through her smart rifles scope.When she took her first
shots she began to admit that her and the Federal Seal had begun to
AArnn Hullett
Buyer of Beauty
reunite.Do,do,do she froze when she saw the first Page 377bodie float
up from the depts of the sea.She began to sing knowing their was joy
seeing death spring in the open from A safe distance.Her teeth began
to fang at the crust of the full dripping moon.She hungered for flesh
devine be it twisted and stiffened from hot American slugs.That were
pointed and struck with sure fire accuracy. Feel the gradgety she growled
from the top of the bridge with the thurst of a ever watching vampire.
That held the thurst to watch the other side of the Earth die.If they
didnt wish to conform to the treasures and curses brought on by
Democracy.She felt her panties bunch when the first bodie popped up
frifting away from its scheduled position.She watched with sharp eyes
the deep sea mask that was casted over the mans face.It was when two
other bodies came up and she saw one man snatch off his mask casted
in high drama.That she knew she was in stride with the cosmos.Baised on
the fact they were Middle Eastern men caught in her every one must die
strike.Watch me as I continue to navigate she whispered in to and
through the cosmos.She watched as A long haired one began to bark in
to a water proof c.b..She looked in to the future and locked through
the Smart rifles scope right on to the barge.Her breath had become
heavy as her pulse boomed with a quickness.She became frozen when she
began to see what she wanted to see.Her teeth gritted as sharp mind
began to calculate her next moves.That would seal her fate and position
her in the very place where she wanted to be.Which was on top of the
very necks and backs of Insurgents.That dared to kill and crush America
in full.Their positioned like A glove that didnt fit.
AAron Hullett
Buyer of Beauty
godawful scary
rage 3/0
murder: men.She could tell that they had become more horrifying than
Were the racoon faces of greedy unscrupulous
the Captain of the barge had ever imagined.He became feverishly struck
with nerve wracking panic and fear.That made him begin to second guess
every move of sterring the ship.Shareamore was ready to continue heating
the night up.As the men on the barge began to go stark raving madd.She
stood ready to open the casket and place bodies in the catopulting
conspiracy.That wished to breath hot breath in to every thing fine
blooded Americans didnt want or need.She looked in to the pearsing eyes
that were cut with the formation that mirrored a racoons_She saw teeth
seething from the wrapped faces that held rags over them.Before mutilatio
could be given a devilish platter to be placed on.Shareamore knew she
had to move fast.before the innocent were forced to loose their sight
and very pulse of their minds.She haited the fact that devil worshipers
were positioned deep with in the States.She knew it was up to her to
cut in to and down their stronge hold.As if they had the blue bonic
plague she watched them as they became stark raving madd.She began to
figure what direction she should strike from when they became crazed and
ill tempered.Before her very eyes one of them took A deck hands life.
She swore the one that killed first would be the first she left behind.
The very second she made her undisclosed appearance.N0000,she screamed
from the top of her lungs.When she saw the Captains head bashed in with
the force of a twelve gauge.Seeing blood and anti matter splatter in to
the front decks window.Made her strike in to the open no longer caring
for her life_but the very pulse of others.Her frozen blood began to
flow with perfection the very second she followed through with her
AAron Hullett
Buyer of Beauty
compulsion to kill in first blood.As if she was
Page 379
pushed forward
with A nocturnal transmission sent out by the Federal Seal.She leaned
forward for all of eight seconds.She free failed with her eyes
closed.When her eyes opened her arms spread wide to eathier side of
her.Ready to find the murder mens weakness and have them testify to the
rulers of eternity that woman saw to their immediate and skull crushing
exit from reality. She struck forward in her red whie and blue Bagel
suit.That caught a hold of the lapping west winds.She struck through the
air with A razors force.As if she had been hurrelded by a sling shot.She
knew whom ever
controlled the present controlled the future.She began to let armor
pearsing bulets strike in to and through the two story hull of the barge.
She let eight slugs fly all at the same time.While she held back A barage
of others for the next ticking hell bent seconds that tick tocked in
to the bedlum of wild confusion.Two of the men fell backwards clutching
their vitals.She knew it was in her best intrest to keep the murder men
seperated.Bulets began to fly at thin air.It was like the latest fashion
to have hot slugs striking at thin air.She swore to her self every one
must die aboard the ship.She landed in the middle of the heaped mounds
of trash.She watched A man with A revolver and another with A M-16
scream from the top of their lungs.Violence and haft had become the
better part of them.What is this the man with the revolver yelled out?
he needed to see and know every thing.It was as if the rag on his head
and wrapped around his face cut off his perifial vision.He ran towards
the stair well that lead to the ground level.Boom,A barge worker that
had been bound and gagged was shot dead.Shareamore listened as the
Middle eastern murder men began to scream one of them has gotten free.
AAron Hullett
Buyer of Beauty
Page 350began to turn
I will kill all of you he screamed out.As his gun
to the position of others that were layed out.Shareamore watched as the
crazed mans eyes slugged over her red,white and blue position.Like a
cock roach stuffed to the gills with the left overs found on A plate in
Urbania.She knew she was in the very mist of the ones that choose to
kill any and all that held up American blood.She stepped to the forward
ready to kill with the force of her hands.Seeing breast on the bodie
of the one that had killed his country men.The man put his revolver in
the small of his back and struck forward with a dangerous right cross.
He was lead forward with the force of his eternal pride.With the agility
of A lioness Shareamore kicked the man full on in the mouth.The blades
that were positioned in her boots hill.But his right and left jowels
full open.so that now his mouth could agap to where he could take in
items ten times the size of normal portions.Wanting to break the
American down badly in the worst way.The murder man slung blood to the
left and right of him.He didnt care to nurse his wounds.He wanted to
kill and crush only to then begin defiling her dead bodie in ways
unimagined to modern day man.She watched as the bound and gagged mens
eyes buck in unbelief.The were lost at the sight of the red,white and
blue woman saviour.With the force of A world wind the murder man began
to throw hard blows.As if she was center stage in a world Gymnastics
match.Shareamore began twisting and flairing in the air.as the murder
man became crazed out of his mind from the sight of blood.She saw him
draw for his gun as he screamed for immediate back up.'Before he could
AAron Hulleti
Buyer or 13eaut)
pull from his back his peice.Shareamore bent over and F . 0 ~ C J V t pulled the
trigger to her Smart gifle.As it was positioned over her shoulder.Boom, the
man was thrown backwards.Just as shareamore turned her back two other
murder man began to track down the stairwell.Knowing that her Smart Rifle
was armor pearsing.she began to let slugs dart through the barges metal
stronge hold.She listened as bodies began to miss steps and fumble for
footing.As screams of mind wrenching pain made them begin gargling on
their own blood.With out sacraficing the mommentum of blood and war she
heard A splash on the right side of the barge.She looked and saw murder
men striking for A quick get away from what they werent ready for.Not
eager or ready to let their kind fish tail out of American every one must
die cross fire.She began to shiver and shake as bulets began striking in to
their flesh.She snarled baised on the fact they had inticed her to breath
life in to her impulsion to kill.After she freed the deck hands she
dove in to the freezen murky water.A smooth constructed glider,that was
eager to participate in any and all split second critical conditions.that
threatened fine blooded american lives.That was spear headed by the widow,
the orphaned and the indegent.
AAron Hullett
Buyer of Beauty
Patricia opted to drive her self home through the
Page 382
LosAngeles Gridloc.Rather than being flown by helicopter to the
SantaBarbara airport. She needed to take up as much room as possible.Her
mind and bodie was
off keel.When she began to wonder if Shareamore had lived or died.Until
she recieved front line Intellegence from the All Eves information
network.Terrorist were crushed in mid stride of bringing down the
Sanfransico Bay Bridge.Witnesses are reporting that A woman came to
their resque with a murder range that was right out of some drug induced
dream.It was as if she searched high and low for Middle Eastern targets.
Americas higher intellegence is on the hunt for the masked crusader that
knew of terrorist conspiracys.That held the atom bomb force of killing
hundreds of thousands in a single bound.When Patricia got home she was
quick to run in to every inch of her house in celebration of Shareamores
historic strike to kill off those that were a ill to Americas pulse.
When Patricia didnt find Shareamore any where with in the house she froze
when she stepped in to her library.Patricia celebrate for me.If I am to
be pushed and shuved in to the promise land before I see you again.
Please press my memoir and video clips to the free press.So that through
me,the innocent will come to know the truth.I must continue to strike
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Buyer of Beaut)
forward in to thin air.But first I must stop
Page 383
scheduled hit I didnt wish to bother you with.Patricia sat down baised
on the fact her leggs drew weak.She was beyond compelled but deeply
disturbed.She knew she may never see Shareamore again.Tears began to
swell and spill over from Patricias eyes.She knew that no other woman
living had the same emotions or scars that Shareamore held.She dared
to live for the embetterment of all American kind.She knew that many of
her colleagues stood sure fired at their said positions for awards high
rewards and spot light Intellegence fame.Not Shareamore she didnt care
in the slightest about riches or fame,to and through Life,Liberty and
Justice was her aim.It was through Shareamore that Patricia knew exactly
which direction in life she would strike in.She knew she would take A
early retirement.So that she could press in to her writing that had
been calling her forward ever since child hood.
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Shareamore struck ever forward on her main voyage
Page 384
towards historic
rule. She knew she had given her memoir the better half of her mind.She
wrote long and hard about her alotted time in the Middle east.She wrote
about the force of their vanacular.She knew she wrote with words of rage
that helped express the many truths she came to find out.The morning
was clear and crisp as she struck up the 101 Southbound Freeway.Her
heart ached when she passed the tower of power,the LosAngeles Federal
Building. Her mind struck over the crush of the Undertoken and the very
position of her child.She knew her daughter would be cared for in the
highest regards.She sheded tears knowing,she never thought in A million
years that she would step to the side of Intellegence.She felt as if she
left for dead on her knees.Only if my daughter could see me and my action:
She teared as she made phist with her hands.She began to loose her self
and her very barrings.She began to pull over and pull her self together.
When the very verses that were pressed upon the Times front page put A
crest over her bleeding soul.A woman that dared to be the light in the
web of terrorist darkness.Had the audacity to rize up as an American
saviour.May she never be lost or ever forgotten.But watching over
Plymouth Rock for all days to come.Shareamore began to smile knowing thei:
was beauty in the mystery of who the said woman was.That was right at home
in harms way.Shareamore knew as she gathered her self and began to snarl.
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That she was made with expert fortification to
Page 385
take on the
ill elements of time and space solo.The LongBeach World Trade Center
was A high towering mirror of a Archetects dream.It pearsed the sky
like the Shuttle striking through Earths,atmosphere,stratusphere and
and space by and large.Shareamore stood for seconds on end as she watched
the corporate elite strike ever forward in to their spacious offices and
front line boardrooms.That gave way to global buisness contracts,bylaws
and embargos.that gave way to trillions of dollars trading hands on A
daily basis.She smiled at the high level Action pants suits.That were in
stride with Action Hauty upper thigh mini skirts.Shareamore saw Police
Officers thanking God for the search and seizure law.As their eyes locked
on long legged women that gave the golden age to high fashion.She began
to swear that all women would be all the more than men bargained for.Men
would look at women for more than A notch in their bed post.They would
begin to watch women closely in hopes to take lessons from them.Once
she struck in to her very next terrorist invitational.She swore that
all men would fall and tumble in her presence.As she stepped in to the
center of time and space.Her breath began to quicken as men sniffed at
the air she left behind.Some thing told her that this chapter in her
life would call upon the all more shocking demensions of her very heart
and soul she didnt know was in existence.She shook her head knowing
she didnt take any long lasting reservations in reality.So she wasnt
intimidated by the sight of death brought on by spirts she couldnt see.
Shareamore knew her whole plot and plan was to get lost and not found.
In her brief case she had enough artillary that would have mistified A
Major General on Christmas.When her brief case was rolling through the
AAron Hullett
Buyer of Beauty
X Ray Machine she bent all the way over to
rage lib
it.She licked her lips at the barage of security gaurds that were
positioned at A front desk command post.All eyes were on her as noise
pollution flickered to A hush.She whispered will you dump your girl
friend for me.Other men besides the guards began to knode yes as others
spoke up with out her looking in their direction.She worried not about
her brief case being discovered.Baised on the fact its fine linning was
made of the same
material that held up the Stealth Bomber.Once her briefcase caught up to
her she let her eyes coarse over her bodies sleek design.Knowing she
would be the naughty neighbor that gave sugar,to the hungry needy
Husband next door that payed her house note six months out of the year.
She smiled at the oil paintings of Americas most prized buisness minds.
She looked straightforward knowing she had the sickest vindetta for any
and all Insurgents that had ties to Al Qaeda.Once on the elevator she
knew she couldnt hide in its shaft.Baised on the fact their was cameras
on it.Service people dressed in maids uniforms went every which way in
small drobs.With silver platters in their hands,tipped with small vases
that held roses.Shareamore got off on the 80th floor.She passed by A
army base of confrence rooms.That held in its wake state of the art
buisness machinery fit for buisness madd scientist.She staired for
seconds at the worlds stock markets that free floated along the upper
regions of the gold leaf walls.She was taken aback by the finery that
held up spacious board rooms.The makers of money spared no expense to
bring the full fruit of high society in to the open of each and every one
of their profit margin engagements.Shareamore caught her eyes that
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staired at her surrounding with the steel cord
Page 387 found only
in zombies frozen core.She quickly saw an escape in A over crowded
computer room. That held A humm of its own.Fans kicked in every other
second.An exess of cords were piled up five feet high.She gave her
super sonic ears to the steady motion of Systems Analyist and
technicians that made their every hour on the hour data base check.She
listened to in house gossip about the legends that ruled monetary stock
piles.Hearing about happily married couples that brough guest to their
beds was nothing new-
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Shareamore was awakened by the onslaught of high
Page 388
eyes batted slowly as she saw a hairy middle eastern man snatching a
late night woman janitor with force.Her grey button up shirt blasted
open.The mans hands were like bear claws ripping and tearing all it
touched.Her bra was torn bringing forth her over sized breast that
clanged and made A unscheduled appearance.Damnnnn,the terrorist
groveled as he began to slap the woman up.In hopes to jack her in to a
coma.So that he could use and abuse her in ways he had only dreamed of
miss using American women.If you stop me from doing what im going to
do.Im going to knock your front teeth in with my phist.He growled as he
slowly bent to the side of them and placed his c.b. on a computer
base.The slab of beef didnt give A fuck that the woman before him that
was in hysterics didnt like his attitude.Shareamore looked at his long
oval face that looked like it had been splashed with battery acid.When
he pulled back his heavy arm and and let it rocket forward stopping
right before her mouth.the woman stood still,no longer daring to fight
for her very own protection.Now Chats more like it he growled hot and
heavy.He stepped up on her way to large to fight.He knelt to where his
mouth could cup the full flotation of her over sized left breast.The
woman looked
down at her breast that she once knew was one of her most cherished
attributes,with haitred and distaste.Kalied is every one tied up and
placed out of reach?
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Buyer ot Beauty
quick and
rage spy
fast.Meet me on the 40th floor.We have to fill the shafts with in two and
I am putting away the last one.Kalied spat out
a half hours. Make sure you come down here properly masked from head
to toe.Omar stupid ass has dropped a sachet of
Anthrax.Anthrax,Shareamores eyes
blasted wide open.The thought of thousands of people respatory and central
nervous systems being attacked made her eager to set free the animal that
had become the better part of her.She crept behind the giant with still
slow steps.She watched as his right hand began plucking and ploying
with the womans left and right nipples.She knew he was getting his
ganduer up with his motions.Bam,with the force of A tornado she gave the
back of his head an intense blow.That instantly made the white meat that
was in the hidden show.His big bodie clumped on to the ground knocking
over the woman and computer bases that were humming .The woman looked up
and began to yell A world of thanks.The woman was silenced with in the
very next second of her screams.Shareamore twurled her gun and pointed
it at the hysteric woman.Who began shaking and shivering from the hands.
Where are the other men?Shareamore questioned with
no time
for games or
the womans petrified antics.Theirs one on the floor under us,tieing up
my coworkers.The woman whispered caught smack dab in the middle of a
nervous convolsion.Shareamore began to gather her arsenal baised on the
fact she had been inticed to strike.When Shareamore began to step out
of her Action Hauty sheer white onsamble.And brought to the center of
the momment a tainted smile.The woman felt her anger and mind altering
pain.As she dressed in A stellar black suit.That held in its many pockets
guns,grenades and detonation bombs.The woman quickly began to pull and
tug at her shreded cloths.Before her eyes stood a heroic woman that dared
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Buyer of Beauty
to see to the fall of those that had a world
Page 390
sickness.That brought forth A fury of real life horrors.Shareamore
dressed and did A systems check of every thing on her personals.As if she
knew very distinguished gentlemen were in waiting for her
arrival.Hide,she snarled as she struck ever forward hell bent to serve and
protect in first blood. She crept down in to the white fire escape on
her tippy toes.She knew every one was on pens and needles.Which ment
they could and would be able to hear a pen drop.Which made her creep
ever forward with stealth. In hopes to immediatly begin shaking out the
flys.While at the same time show that Americans were born and reared up to
go any and all distances. She swore after this strike the very world
would not only honor,cherish and revere womans grace and glamour.But the
very pulse of their inner most beings that would become the very worlds
guiding light.Shareamore didnt care to stop on the floor that held the
one Insurgent and the bound and gagged.She heaved like a dragon as she
was lead by her aluminated spirit.That catapulted her flesh forward with
skill and added percision.She knew she was striking for her very own
desires to serve and protect the innocent.She knew she waist being moved
forward like A properly positioned chest peice.As she opened the door
that lead to the 40th floor.She shook to the waist side her troubled
psycology.That was caught smack dab in the middle of a nerve wracking
crescendo.That was over ran with detailed characters that would kill and
maim in A split second.She layed on the ground and saw army ants digging
in to vents
and control terminals.Ali make sure the central air is made to kick on
at 8:30 in the morning.Which will give every one thirty minutes to get
in to their scheduled positions.Seeing men in air suits lugging
AAron Hullett
Buyer of Beauty
satchets of Anthrax made her stomach flip.She knew Page 391
that the
Anthrax was being positioned to kill not only those super minds with in
the World Trade Center.But the very feild of lives that were sprawled
out along
the coast line.She knew she had to strike quick and fast when the thought
of the Anthrax contaminating the Pacific sea.Killing all sea life that
was positioned in the sea below.She began to sweat profusley as she
took a grenade in to her hands.She rolled the grenade as if her life
weighed heavily on her bowling a strike.B00000m,before anyone could
react to what came full circle in their eyes.A white flash gave way to
shrapnal that gave to key points of bodie parts bodie blows that were
life threatning in every way.Bodie parts were spit in various offices.
Shareamore roze eager to introduce the blood line of the Insurgents to
her American declorated character.That was made soley to walk through
murder mens fire.High drama and screams catapolted in to the momment.She
began to let slugs fly in different directions.When she saw a few
men hobble for cover.She knew they still were reaching out to paint A
disasturous picture in the heart of Californias West Coast canvas.
Cumulous clouds of Anthrax began to over shadow the 40th floor.Kaun,we
are under attack.Ali has just been plucked apart like Egyptian grapes
from a vine.Im on the ground floor,im sending Abu and Yassir up right
now.Duck for cover their comming in shooting and tearing every thing
and one to shreds. Knowing it was in her best intrest to defuse any
threat.She struck in to the stairwell.When her sences began to journey
through the still make up of the hundred and some odd floors.Shareamores
as began to itch and twitch.Apart of her very mind began to come undone.
She some senced that she was not alone.She could feel A work of evil
AAron Hullett
spawning its tangled web.Apart of her already began
Buyer ot Beauty
to celebrate
rage 3yz
at the fact she made botched graves.Of the very intitys that dared to
send murderous shock waves through the United States.Even though she
knew their was murder men in hiding.Her higher lion roared for her to
take down the leader.That was said to be positioned on the ground
sharp ears were able to hear the voice of A master mind that held American
cut to him.Baised on the fact his mother was Afgani and his father was
German.With his almost pale complection he could steer police officers
and the like right in to the bedlum of death.If their position was was
found out.Abu and three of his best men ran across the parquet floor
gripping their assault weapons with force.They ran with the quickness
that mimmicked the scutter of camel spiders.That killed baby camels in
the heat of the day or night with blood thursty accuracy.She is in the
staircase kill her now not later.Abu bring her left breast to me.Even
though Kaun held an American cut to him.He held A vicious steel cord
with in his inner most being that was far from American.Knowing that A
shimmering symphony of killers were positioned in waiting.Shareamore
didnt need to get a read out about their back grounds.She knew their
first nature consisted of murder in the first degree.Their second nature
was cememnted in lies and deception.That made others follow their demehted
idologys.She began to let bulets fly high agression became her kensmen.
As she shot down the stairwell murder men began shooting up the stairwell.
Ting,ting,ting bulets holding no names began bouncing off railings.I
kill weomon on my bad days when I fall out of bed only able to crawl
about on my knees.Abu screamed from the top of his lungs,angered that
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A woman dared to stand in the same light as
Page 393
struck forward as if she was storming the very temples where they were
baptized in ready to die vanity.A war of the sexes began to rage between
them.Abu knew he had men striking from floors on her.That would surely
kill off her dare devil stunts in seconds flat.So that they could get back
to crippling A stronge hold of the Americas.Abu swore he would have her as
A side
dish seconds before they were to pack up and leave.When they were A
flight of stairs away from each other they stopped and began to reload.
The hunger to empty clips in each other could be seen in their gnashing
and clenched teeth.Not satisfied with his past murder Zubair inched out
of the fifteenth floors door way.He didnt care to get caught up in the
twist and turns that made up the stair well.He swore it would be his
bulet that killed the American bitch.He knew in just seconds he would be
the first to raise his gun and toast,at the fact he killed in seconds
flat.The stronge arm of the resistance that wished to stop what was ment
to be.Every inch of the stairwell grabbed her attention early and didnt
let go.Which made her eyes blast wide open and sences lock in to the very
air waves that surrounded her physical being.Baised on one sole fact,which
was that she was marked for immediate death.Zubair snatched the other
forty five colt out of his waist.Knowing that the bitch was in A arms
reach.He kicked open the door and began to let hot sparking bulets begin
to gut the stairwell.With out thinking only reacting Shareamore leaped
to A all time height.She kicked the door closed as if she was told as
A child she would grow up Americas number one stunner.Who would see to
any and all insurgents that were casted in your eye sight resting in
peice.As she was raised high and one of the guns was shuved up and the
AAron Hullett
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nine milla meter ozzy screamed for blood and guts
Page 394 to show its
face.When the bulets shot through the door upwards.Shareamore leaped
backwards over the rail she let slgs dart in the very bee line direction
the ozzy was being shot from.She knew she had cut the murder man down to
size.When bulets stopped and whails and screams struck out in a ball of
rage.Her mind skipped beat as she began to free fall.Attack maode had
took over the inner demensions of her being.Just as Abu looked up to see
if the woman had been shot.His eyes swurled from the force of A M-4
crashing against the fore of his head.She grabbed A firm hold of the
rail and quickly lounged forward falling on his chest.Blood gushed from
his fore head.Rage made him gain instant control of his motor skills.Their
right hands faught for instant control of Abus ozzy.He tried to let go
of it and pull the trigger all at the same time.Seeing the woman waiting
for him to make one faulse move.So that she could dance on his shivering
bodie.Abu head butted her with all the force his already cracked head
could muster.The force of cement made Shareamore catch wind and stuttor
step backwards.With his left hand Abu brought life in to the ozzy.As A
hot slug struck her left shoulder.She kicked hard with her right in to
Abus groin.When he made the ohhh sound with his mouth she leaned in to
him with A round house kick.She became flamed and let bulets fly through
the door.She knew where their was one their was always another in
following.She stood over Abu and let slugs fly in his chest.When blood
began to hop scotch back on her and dabbled in to her mouth.She turned
wounded growling and slurping on foerign blood.She knew the time had
come to turn the murder scene out.
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Looking over her wounded bodie she loved the feel of Page 395 the beast
that had taken over her inner most being.She didnt
think of
death.She hungered
to kill in first blood.She didnt want to kill from A distance.She wanted
to peer in to the eyes of the venomous as they shook an died before her.
She swallowed long and hard on Abus blood.She hungered for flesh now
that her teeth would sink in and shread instantaneously.Shareamore paused
when she heard high artillary automatic weapons screaming from high
caliber from the lobby.When she stepped down in to the next staircase
level.A murder man turned back towards the door lost at the sight of the
shot woman.Who had her gun locked on his head.Sencing he couldnt get
out of her reach.He leaped over the rail and began to tumble down the
steps.He didnt mind bringing on the bumps and bruises.As long as he
cleared ground far from the bloody woman that seemed to be gargling on
her own blood.As he turned from her and caught his balance.Shareamore
leaped on to him with her arms and leggs wide open.Needing to give him
all of her Black Widow love.As if the only part of him she could grind
on and make love to.She wrapped her leggs around him.As her hands came
in for his face.He began swinging with crazed force.Crack,she snapped
his neck just as he became crazed like a bull crashing and colliding in
to every thing far and near.She neared her face to his eager to give him
the kiss of death.She tore in to his lips and found his tounge.In
which she tore out of its socket.She began to chew as she threw him to
the waist side.As if she was a common whore,that was in search of A man
who could get it up and keep it up.Who posessed eight inches or more.
snatching A clip from his long broad back.She walked with stealth and
sure steps towards the lobby.She smiled dangerously ready to walk in to
AAron Hullett
Buyer of Beauty
the clouds if she were to be killed.One thing she rage i
knew it would
be the very make up of woman.That would hold the feild of dreams to all
children that wished to one day be the worlds protectors.As pain began
to take over the better part of her subconciousness.She haited the fact
she couldnt escape her self.It was rage and open hostility that lead her
forward.She knew if she had A mirror she would be petrified at the sight
of the dark side of her being.She stepped forward holding her arsenal
eager to continue posessing the landscape she was blessed to walk upon.
She stepped on to the ground floor knowing it was her duty to bring forth
rain and shine.She began to let bulets dart through the bodie riddled
security booth.Which held one to many dead bodies for her comfort.She
haited the fact she stood square in the middle of a nerve bending
complication.She knew she couldnt call back the beast with in her that
was off its civilized chain.Shareamore Christian,K-02771.Mr.Titus the
Secratery of Defense began to yell from the top of his lungs.Shareamore
began to blink rapidly,life from beginning to its present fixation
was drawn in blood before her very eyes.The Federal Government is very
proud of you he yelled out.Shareamore pocked the barrel of her gun out
in to the open.As she gripped A colt forty five with the other hand.
She stood ready to take on the very fire wall that baptized her in A
lake of Federal fire.She knew she was wanted dead before she was ever
wanted alive.She began to crawl in her skin.As she crushed fear that
wished to come full circle in to the open.She quickly shot her head out
and snatched it back.She knew she needed to get full visual of her
surroundings.She hafted the pressure that made her feel lost and her
footing not sure or calculated.
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She no longer wanted to hear the ferocious Federal Page 397
saw Mr. Titus holding A Nine Milla Meter glot pointed at Patricias
temple.You know its Intellegence plight to be walk ways ahead of every
one and every thing.He smiled loving how he made thousands on a daily
basis walk through mental,physical and spiritual fire.Not knowing if
Shareamore would dare to kill at will and bring in to reality her very
own American security front.Made nerve wracking panic and eternal
drama course and lightening bolt through the air.She stepped in to the
open with guns cauked.She seemed to be right at home with uncivilized
and destruction.That wouldnt let any one sleep through out the world and
barron said islands.Intellegence needs you Shareamore.Panic and top level
caution was caught in Mr.Titus red veined face.Tears swelled and splashed
out of Patricias swollen face.She looked A mess as if she had been
snatched and drug out of her house.Surgeons,Scientist,Electronics experts
and many more of Americas best minds are being kidnapped from cruis ships.
We believe A wave of madd scientist kidnapped_or not are being lead
by the power source of China.We believe they are tapping in to brain
stems and the very positions of our most prized foundations and
scientific infastructures.Our best minds believe they are striking to
tap in to portals of the mind that Egyptians had tapped in to.That still
has the entire world lost at the sight of their historic hocus pocus
mind over matter flows.That saw to them puting their black make in the
furthest reaches of the globe.In the very time when navigation and map
charting was null and void.Its written on the walls that higher thought
can bring powers unfathomed in to fruition.We believe they are also
sending the best minds in to near death experiances.So that they can
AAron Hullett
Buyer of Beauty
press their intellegence in to the wave lengths of
the after
life. Shareamores mind saw people being choken and drowned.Only to be
resusitated before death became them.Once their brains caught A hold of
reality questions were immediatly asked.Mr.Titus continued to speak in
high fashion with the talent of jabber jaws.who fed one with their very
own hopes and dreams.Which made them run in to his murderous laved out
plans with out giving clear thought to what they were doing.Shareamore
saw the visions of people walking clear out of the sky controlling the
comming of the setting sun.Shareamore shook her head with force,throwing
to the waist side the thousand pounds of high drama.That brought forth
A system over load.Intellegence dares to cast A shadow in the truths
you have uncovered.Every thing that you have come to know can be penned.
But we will never let any of it become televised.When Patricia began to
fight for A quick get away,Mr.Titus began to choke her with jaguar
strength.that made her quickly calm and stand perfectly still.As she
let her lungs and blunt nostrils waved in any and all oxegen that would
come to circulate with in her cardiovascular system.Shareamore knew that
life was dull with out being given the guiding light of the Federal
Seal.She looked at her weapons and back at the secratery of Defense.
Ready she was right then and their to yet again hand over the very
essence of her being.Thunder began to rite with in the inner most chambers
of her soul.Both her and Mr.Titus began to lower their guns
simulataneously.Patricia broke free and broke to a full stride to
Shareamore.Both girls hugged each other glade to be able to let love
in the open show its face.Shareamore looked at the Secretary with A
mind altering steel cord.That let him know she had transformed in to
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A higher being all together.Which made him look at
Page 399her swept away
by her inner being.That seemed to hold A fire that greedily flammed.He some
how senced by the low pearsing catch of her eyes that with out word said
in the span of the future he some how would be her final target.Give me
eight weeks with my daughter and I will be ready to go.Eight weeks by
god K-02771.By then the black cat may be able to pull celestial rabbits
out of its hat by then.Shareamore became swept away by the immediacy of
Mr.Titus wave length of panic.That seemed only to be calmed by her very
position as saviour.In a under world block buster conspiracy that was
being controled by Asiatic beings that wanted to rule any and all for
ever and a day.Shareamore swore that would be a dream that would never
come to pass.Knowing that her power source held the mirror of fire and rail
She began to ask pen pointing questions of where were the American
super minds last scene on the various cruise ships.Mr.titus walked aside
of her feeling her in with a quickness.Patricia stopped lost to the fact
Shareamore stepped in to her new position like A well oiled machine.That
didnt need elongated sleep or rest.Patricia began to wonder if she was
woman and machine.But when Shareamore groaned and held her shoulder.She
knew their was flesh and blood beneath her unbending steel cord.