the efectiveness of using mind mapping in teaching writing recount text
the efectiveness of using mind mapping in teaching writing recount text
Journal E-Link 2 FKIP THE EFECTIVENESS OF USING MIND MAPPING IN TEACHING WRITING RECOUNT TEXT” Musyaqqifuni Nailun Nuri Islamic University of Lamongan Abstract: The objectives of this study are to measure whether there is significant effect of using mind mapping in teaching writing recount text. To answer the purpose above, the researcher used pre experimental design. The population was all of the eighth grade students of SMP Hasyim Asy’ari Glagah Lamongan in the academic year 2012/2013.Total number of them were 20. The numbers of the eighth grade students were 20, the researcher took all of them as the population of the research and it was called by population sampling. The data of the study were collected through writing test. The results of the researcher are there was a significant influence of using mind mapping in teaching recount text. Finding of the researcher showed that the students’ writing ability at the eighth grade students of SMP Hasyim Asy’ari Glagah Lamongan was good. The researcher found that the result t-test of statistical calculation is 7,91 with t-table is 2.093 Key words: mindmapping, recount text 19 Journal E-Link 2 FKIP In teaching writing especially for INTRODUCTION Writing is the most complicated and teaching recount text to junior high school hard skill in comparison with other three the teacher should have many strategies or English (listening, methods in teaching writing. In order to in speaking, and reading). Writing is one of teaching writing can be interesting, the the English skills that should be learned, processes because writing is a complex skill and meaningful to learners. One of the needed ability of mastery vocabulary, strategies is by using mind mapping. language skills become enjoyable and grammatically and many ideas. Doing a Mind mapping is a way of getting writing task is not equivalent to a learning- your ideas together. If we have to to-write task. Learning processes requires construct a spoken or written piece of text, at least some awareness rising, at some we can use mind mapping to help we point in the process. This moment can be organise the structure of our piece built task (Anderson and Anderson 2003: 80). environment, the focus of instruction, the According to Ollington (2008: 134), “A feedback phase etc. At a certain point in concept map is a graphical representation the learning-to-write process a learner of an individual’s knowledge of a given must experience a difficulty, a threshold to domain. CMap’s graphical representation overcome (Rijlaarsdam, 2005: 05) consists of a two-dimensional diagram into the Based task itself, the explanation the where concepts written in boxes are researcher can conclude that writing is one connected to one another by arrows of the most difficult English skill that denoting relationships between them. A foreign CMap language learners above, build and can capture interrelationships achieve. Writing in English is more among several concepts in a single map, difficult than Indonesian, because when and, thus, it can be an efficient way of we write in English, we must pay attention representing to some writing components such as (Ollington, 2008: 134). grammar, mechanics, vocabulary, organization and content. complex knowledge” The purpose of the teaching writing recount text by using mind mapping is to Writing can also give meaning as an push students to write without being afraid activity transcription from mind to page or to make mistake, In addition is to find the paper, if we have an idea we be can write students’ it. experiences and the ideas. potency about private 20 Journal E-Link 2 FKIP Referring to these statements above, so the researcher in students achievement in writing. Pre-test is “The done before the respondents are given the Influence of Using Mind Mapping in material about using mind mapping in Teaching Recount Text” recount text. It is aimed at knowing the conducting a is study interested with pre-test and post-test to know the entitled: influence of teaching recount text by using mind mapping, especially at the eighth of SMP Hasyim Asy’ari Glagah Lamongan. METHOD The design of this study is And post-test is designed such pre-test but experimental research. According to Ary it is done after the material is given. et al (2002: 303) “experimental research is a scientific investigation in which the researcher manipulates one or FINDINGS AND DISCUSSIONS more The findings are presented of the independent variables, controls and is problem of the study are describes below. given a treatment after teaching writing. Question 1. Is there any significant Ary, et al (2002:303) states: the one group influence of using mind pre test-post test design usually involves mapping in teaching recount three steps: (1) administering a pre test text? measuring the dependent variable, (2) applying the experimental treatment X to To know whether mind mapping the subjects, and (3) administering a post strategy influence to improve the students’ test, again measuring the dependent ability in writing recount text. so the variable, any other relevant variables, and researcher uses test. The test consists of observes the effect of the manipulations on pre-test and post-test. the dependent variables.” The experimental The researcher research used in this Pre- result of the t-test is presented in the following table: study because it is very impossible for the Table 4. 3: t-test calculation 1 Pre test 60 experimental one group is given treatment 2 55 60 5 0.25 or pre test before teaching writing 3 70 75 5 0.25 0.0625 4 70 70 0 -4.75 22.5625 5 55 60 5 0.25 0.0625 6 55 55 0 -4.75 22.5625 7 60 75 15 10.25 105.0625 researcher to insert the control group. Pre- In this study, the researcher collected the data uses test. test as an instrument Subject Pos test 65 D Xd x2d 5 0.25 0.0625 0.0625 21 Journal E-Link 2 FKIP 8 50 55 5 0.25 0.0625 9 60 60 0 -4.75 22.5625 10 50 60 10 5.25 27.5625 11 55 60 5 0.25 0.0625 12 75 80 5 0.25 0.0625 13 55 60 5 0.25 0.0625 14 60 65 5 0.25 0.0625 15 60 70 5 0.25 0.0625 16 55 70 15 10.25 105.0625 17 55 55 0 -4.75 22.5625 18 60 65 5 0.25 0.0625 19 60 60 0 -4.75 22.5625 20 65 65 0 -4.75 22.5625 1185 1285 95 -2575 295.38 Calculating of t-test has been got 7.91 with the total respondents were 20 t = √ = √ = √ Note: D = post test – pre test = Xd = ∑ d / N- d X2d = xd x xd = After getting the result of pre-test = 7,91 and post-test, the researcher calculates it by using t-test formula. was 7.91. This meant that the value X 2 of t-test was higher than the value d N ( N 1) of t-table (which is 2.093). So it (Arikunto, 2010:349). could be said that there was From the data above it can be found the result: the mean of differences eighth year students of SMP Hasyim Asy’ari Glagah Lamongan Based on given test and with formula, the sum of 20 students. b. calculating the degree of freedom = N-1 = 20-1 = 19 in the academic year 2012/2013. the researcher got the calculation with d.f influence of using mind mapping in teaching writing recount text at the calculating calculated In fact, the result of t-test Md The formula is t a. √ The influence in teaching writing recount text by using mind mapping was 7.91 this data was got from the t-test formula. According to Sugiyono (2010:332) the optional value for significances level counted by t-test formula. c. calculating the t test 22 Journal E-Link 2 FKIP Because, the result of the by using mind mapping. The result of computation showed the obtained questionnaire shows that the students t-test were 7,91 this score was have a good response on it. higher than t score the level of 0,5 is 2.093. This meant that there was influence. Therefore, the alternative hypothesis was accepted, with the total number of the students of this study were 20 students. CONCLUSIONS Based on the result of the study, this hypothesis and the data presents in the result and discussion in chapter IV, it can be concluded as follows: 1. There is a significant influence on students’ writing recount text through learning by using mind mapping. It is proven from the result of t-test of data analysis is 7.91. This result is higher than the t-table. The t-table for d.f = n-I (d.f=20-1=19) respondents at t table value and the degree 0,5 significant level is 2.093. Therefore, the alternative hyphothesis is accepted. 2. The students’ responses based on the result of questionnaire showed the students’ of SMP Hasyim Asy’ari Glagah Lamongan is able to improve their writing ability. They like, get interested, get motivation, improve, and effectiveness in learning writing ability 23 Journal E-Link 2 FKIP REFERENCES Arikunto, Suharsimi. 2006. Prosedure Penelitian Suatu Pendekatan Praktek. Jakarta. Pt. Rineka Cipta. Jakarta. Ary, Donald et al. 2002. Introduction to Research in Education. Belmont: Thomson Wadsworth. Ollington, Gerald F. 2006. Teachers and Teaching Strategies, Innovation And Problem Solving. New York. Rijlaarsdam, Gert. 2005 Effective Learning and Teaching of Writing University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands Utrecht University. London. Sugiyono, 2010. Metode Penelitian Kuantitatif, Kualitatif dan R & D. ALFABETA, cv. 24
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