Pesach 5775-2015 - Jewish Russian Community Centre West


Pesach 5775-2015 - Jewish Russian Community Centre West
Pesach 5775-2015
Schedule; Some Laws and Customs
By Rabbi Levi Y. Jacobson For the Jewish Russian Community Centre West Thornhill
There will be extra garbage
disposal at the Garnet Williams
Community Centre.
March 30 – April 2 from 7:00 am
to 5:00 pm
Remember to sell your
chometz by Friday, April 3, 9:00
a.m., though it is advisable to do
it earlier.
Thursday, April 2, in the
evening, search for Chametz.
Friday, April 3
Fast of the first born. Join the
morning services to partake in a
small breakfast, celebrating a
siyum (conclusion of a tractate of
Talmud), especially important for
firstborn men, who would
otherwise need to fast.
Eat chametz till 11:12 a.m.
only, Burn and nullify chametz by
12:16 p.m.
Matzo should not be eaten the
entire day. It is also customary
not to eat any of the ingredients
of the Maror and Charoset until
after Korech of the second seder.
Friday Evening,
First Night of Pesach
Nissan 14, April 3
Before lighting Yom Tov
candles, make sure to light a
candle that will burn for at least
24 (better yet, 48) hours, for the
lighting of the candles on the
second day of Yom Tov.
Candle lighting is at 7:28 p.m.
Two Brachot are recited: (pg.
127) L'Hadlik Ner Shel Shabbat
Ve’Shel Yom Tov; and
Mincha will be at 7:30 p.m.
followed by a short break and
The Amidah L'Sholosh Regolim
(the 3 Holidays) is said (pg. 251).
After the Amidah we recite the
complete Hallel (pg. 241), along
with its Brachot, followed by
Many, including Chabad, have
a custom to place the items of the
seder plate directly on the matzos
(with a separation), as opposed to
putting it on a separate plate. A
cloth separation is also placed
between each matzo.
Chabad custom is not to wear
a kittel at the Seder.
Kadesh The minimum size of
each of the four cups of wine is
3.5 oz. All the minimum amounts
of food and drink that pertain to
the Mitzvot of the Seder apply
equally for men and women.
The Kiddush should be
performed in the following order:
1. Borei P'ri Hagofen,
2. Birkat Kiddush,
3. Shehechiyanu
The wine is drunk while
reclining on the left side.
It is preferable to drink the
entire cup of wine. This applies
to all four cups. If this is difficult,
one should drink at least more
than half the cup. However, the
fourth cup must be drunk entirely
in order to recite the Al Hagefen.
Preferably, one should use
wine for all four cups. If this is
difficult one may dilute the wine
with grape juice. If this is also
difficult, one may use grape juice.
Urchatz We wash our hands
(as for bread); however do not
recite the Bracha.
Karpas The custom in
Chabad is to use onion or potato,
although there are varying
customs. It should be less than a
K’zayit (1 oz.). We say the Bracha
"… Borei P'ri Ho-Adamah,"
having in mind also the Maror
and the Maror of the Korech. We
dip the Karpas in salt water prior
to the Bracha. Chabad custom is
not to recline while eating the
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Yachatz We break the middle
matzo. The larger piece is broken
into 5 pieces and put away to be
used as the Afikoman. It is our
custom that children do not steal
the afikoman, there are different
values that we want to share with
Maggid The Hagada is
recited, followed by the second
cup of wine. While reciting the
10 plagues we pour off 10 drops
of wine from the cup. Chabad
practice is not to dip one's finger
into the wine. Once the pouring
is completed, the cup should then
be refilled for the remainder of
Women are also obligated to
recite at least the basic parts of
the Hagada, especially from
"Rabban Gamliel..." until after the
second cup. The Hagada must
also be understood; thus, at least
the important parts must be
translated for those who do not
understand Hebrew.
Maggid is concluded with the
drinking of the second cup while
Rachtza The hands are
washed in preparation for eating
the matzo. Recite the Bracha "…
Al N’tilat Yadayim".
Motzi-Matzo We pick up the
2 and 1/2 matzos, recite Hamotzi,
put down the bottom matzo, and
say the Bracha "… Al Achilat
Matzo." We then take a K’zayit
from the top matzo and a K’zayit
from the second matzo, eating
them together within a 4-9 minute
period (preferably 4 minutes, but
not more than 7) while reclining.
The amount of the K’zayit of
matzo is 1 oz. (about half of a
hand-made Shmura matzo or
three-quarters of a machine-made
The Chabad custom is to be
very careful about not getting
matzo wet. Even when washing
Mayim Acharonim we do not wet
our lips with the water.
Both men and women are
obligated to eat at least one
K’zayit of matzo. Being that the
matzos that are on the seder plate
will not suffice for more than one
person, additional matzos from
the package should be distributed
to each participant.
Chabad custom is not to
recline during the meal.
Although there should be salt
on the table, we do not dip matzo
in it.
Maror Either horseradish or
Romaine lettuce (Chabad custom
is to use both) should be used.
One must eat a K’zayit of Maror
(about three-quarters of an
ounce). We dip the Maror into
the Charoset, shake it off and
recite the Bracha "… Al Achilat
Maror" (have in mind the Maror
of Korech as well). We do not
recline while eating the Maror.
One should not eat the Charoset
when eating the maror
Korech Taking a K’zayit from
the bottom matzo and a K’zayit
of Maror, we dip it into Charoset,
recite Kein Osoh Hillel.... and eat
while reclining. Many who are
extremely careful of Gebruks do
not dip the Maror of Korech into
Charoset, rather, they put dry
Charoset on the Maror and shake
it off.
Shulchan Orech it is
customary to begin the meal by
eating the hard-boiled egg dipped
into salt water. It is permitted to
drink wine during the meal.
Tzafun we eat the Afikoman.
At least one K’zayit of matzo
(preferably two K'zeisim - 2 oz.)
is eaten while we recline.
After the Afikoman we are
careful not to eat or drink
anything except for the last two
cups of wine. The Afikoman
should be eaten before 1:17 a.m.
(especially the first night).
Beirach We fill the third cup
of wine and Elijah’s cup before
Bentching (Grace After Meals).
During Bentching we insert
Ya'aleh V'yavo After Bentching
we drink the third cup, while
Hallel-Nirtza After
Bentching, we fill the fourth cup.
Carrying a lit candle, one of the
participants opens all doors
leading from the Seder room to
and including the front door. We
recite Sh'foch Chamoscho, close
the door and then conclude the
Hagada followed by the fourth
cup of wine. The whole cup must
be drunk in order to say Al
Hagefen (the after-blessing). It is
customary to pour the contents of
the Kos Shel Eliyahu back into
the bottle while singing the
Niggun "Keili Atoh".
The Torah refers to the first
night of Pesach as "Leil
Shimurim" (a night endowed with
G-d's protection). Because of this
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special protection, before retiring
to bed we recite only the first
paragraph of Kriyat Sh'ma (Sh'ma
and V’ahavta). Some have a
custom of leaving the front door
First Day of Pesach
Nissan 15, April 4
Yom Tov prayers / Services
will begin at 10:00 a.m. During
Musaf we stop saying Mashiv
Haruach, which is recited in the
winter and begin reciting Moreed
HaTol. During the repetition of
the Amidah the Chazzan recites
the special prayer "Tal (pg. 265)
See page 51 in the siddur for the
laws of what to do if you forget to
say Moreed HaTol).
If you did not daven Shacharit
yet, but heard the Gabbai
announce Moreed HaTol, if you
are not davening with another
Minyan, then begin saying
Moreed HaTol during Shacharit.
Mincha will be at 7:30 pm
followed by a break and Mariv
Second Night of Pesach
Saturday Evening
Nissan 15, April 4
One may not prepare anything
for the seder before 8:30 p.m.
Candle lighting is after 8:30
p.m., only from a pre-existing
flame. Recite both blessings like
the first night, except omit the
words Shel Shabbat from the first
Maariv begins with Shir
Hamaalos (pg. 134). Hallel is
recited after Maariv (pg. 241).
Sefirat Ha-Omer (pg. 341) At
the end of Maariv on the second
night, we begin counting the
Omer. One should know which
night s/he is counting before
reciting the Bracha.
Please see pages 340 & 341 for
the rules about what to do if you
forgot to count one night.
The second Seder has the
same laws and customs as the
The Kriyat Shema before
going to sleep is the same as every
Shabbat and Yom Tov.
Second Day of Pesach
Nissan 16, April 5
Yom Tov prayers / Services
will begin at 10:00 a.m.
It is customary to do
something at the day meal of the
second day of Pesach to
remember the feast of Esther that
took place on this day.
Mincha will be at 7:30
followed by a break and Mariv.
We say Ya'aleh V'yavoh in the
Amidah throughout Chol
Hamoed, which begins this year
on Tuesday evening. If you
forget to say it, if you remember
before Modim, say it there. If
you remember after Modim, but
still during the Amidah, return to
R'tzeh. If you remember after
completing the Amidah, it must
be repeated (see pg. 57 for more
info.). We also begin reciting
“V’sain Bracha” in the Amidah
(see siddur pg. 54 for more info.).
Chabad custom is not to wear
Tefillin on Chol Hamoed.
Thursay Evening & Friday
Seventh Day of Pesach
Nissan 20-21 / April 9-10
Before lighting Yom Tov
Make sure to light a candle that
will burn for at least 24 (better
yet, 48) hours, for the lighting of
the Yom Tov candles next day.
Candle lighting is at 7:35 p.m.
The Bracha is L'Hadlik Ner Shel
Yom Tov. Do not recite
Shehechiyanu when lighting the
candles or at Kiddush on the last
days of Pesach.
Mincha will be at 7:35 p.m.
First days of Pesach end at
8:32 pm
Maariv begins at Mizmor
Letoda. The Amida is on page
Intermediate days of Pesach
Kiddush is on page 250.
Beginning on Sunday night,
April 5.
Mariv begins on page 106, the
regular weekday Mariv.
Many observe the custom of
staying awake and studying Torah
throughout the night of Shvi'i
Shel (7th day of) Pesach
commemorating the crossing of
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the Red Sea. We will gather at
our shul at 12:30 a.m. for studying
and discussion.
Shacharit will be at the usual
time, 10:00 a.m.
Friday Evening & Saturday
Final Day of Pesach
Nissan 21-22, April 10-11
Mincha at 7:35 p.m.
Candle lighting time at 7:36
p.m. from a pre-existing flame.
The Bracha for candle lighting is
L'Hadlik Ner Shel Shabbat
Ve’shel Yom Tov.
Chabad custom is to make a
point of eating wet Matzah on the
final day of Pesach
Nissan 22- April 11
Shacharit at 10:00 a.m.
participating in this Seuda is an
important element in preparing
for the imminent Geula of
Moshiach. Ya'aleh V'yavoh is
inserted in the Bentching,
provided that the Seuda began
before sunset.
We will have the feast of
Moshiach at 7:30 p.m. Men and
women are welcome to join.
Yom Tov ends Saturday
night, April 11 at 8:39 p.m.
Recite Havdala on a cup of
wine, do not use the candle or
Allow an hour after the
conclusion of Yom Tov for the
Rabbi to re-purchase the
Chometz, before using any
Chometz which was sold
before Pesach.
Yizkor is recited after the Torah
reading, approximately at 12:00
Mincha at 7:00 p.m.
Seudat Moshiach!
The redemption of Pesach in
general, and the last day of Pesach
specifically, are closely associated
with the Geula of Moshiach. The
Baal Shem Tov would eat a third
Yom Tov meal, known as Seudat
Moshiach, during the afternoon
of Acharon Shel Pesach. The
Rebbe Rashab introduced the
custom of drinking four cups of
wine at this Seuda. The Rebbe
emphasized many times that
A Kosher & Freilichen,
Happy, Pesach to all!
May we celebrate THIS
year in Yerushalayim!
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