Biodiversity, Biology & Bioprospecting


Biodiversity, Biology & Bioprospecting
National Symposium
Biodiversity, Biology & Bioprospecting
(April 1-2, 2015)
Organized by
Department of Botany
University of Kashmir
Srinagar, J&K, India
Dr. Manzoor A Shah
About the University of Kashmir
Situated at Hazratbal, an idyllic area on the western side of the fabulous Dal Lake of Srinagar
in the lap of Zabarwan mountains near the historical beautiful mosque that enshrines the holy
hair of Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him), the lush green campus of University of
Kashmir provides an impressive, calm and serene ambience highly congenial for the philosopher's contemplation and the scientist's research. Since 1956, this academic institution has
come a long way and has developed into a multi-faculty University, imparting and generating
knowledge in various subjects in the Faculty of Arts, Languages, Natural Sciences, Social
Sciences, Education, Commerce, Law, Medicine, Dental Surgery, Engineering, Music and
Fine Arts, Non-formal Education, all manned by academics with considerable teaching and
research experience, some of whom occupy places of eminence in the academic world. The
University has an excellent infrastructure for teaching and research and provides reasonably
comfortable residential facilities for staff and students. Besides the departmental libraries, the
University has a centrally heated central library, called Iqbal Library, amidst magnificent edifice and at a walking distance from the various departments of the University with a vast collection of books, leading national and international journals and magazines and the magnificent internet facility.
About the symposium
So far the biodiversity, biology and bioprospecting have been approached in isolation despite
the three being intricately linked; hence need to be understood through a common and integrated conceptual framework. The two day symposium on “Biodiversity, Biology and Bioprospecting” aims at deliberating and disentangling the science of biodiversity and biology,
especially in a Himalayan context. This will help in finding the common grounds to deliberate upon as to how we can harness the bioresource potential of biodiversity through explicit
understanding of the novel biological pathways using emerging technologies. For this a galaxy of experts including the Nobel Laureate - Tim Hunt, Lasker Awardee – Ron Vale and
Elizabeth Hadly from Stanford University, USA together with some reputed national biologists and eminent biodiversity experts will deliver key note lectures to researchers and young
faculty members on various topical issues related to the theme of the symposium. Fortunately
these high profile experts have consented to be part of the symposium while being around
just before that in Srinagar in connection with the 7th Young Investigators Meeting-2015. The
symposium promises to be quite exciting and effective in terms of achieving the objective of
an integrated approach towards characterizing biodiversity and understanding the biology of
novel local systems so as to lay strong foundations for bioprospecting of our bioresources to
improve livelihoods and national economy.
Professor K. I. Andrabi, Vice-Chancellor
Advisory Committee
Prof. M. Ashraf. Wani, Dean, Academic Affairs
Prof. Sheikh Javed Ahmad, Dean Research
Prof. G.Mustafa Shah, Dean, College Development Council
Prof. M.Y. Shah, Dean, Faculty of Applied Science and Technology
Prof. G. Akbar Masood, Dean, Faculty of Biological Sciences
Prof. G.M. Bhat, Dean, Faculty of Engineering
Prof. N. A. Rather, Dean, Faculty of Physical & Material Sciences
Prof. Zafar A Reshi, Registrar
Prof. I. A. Nawchoo, HOD Botany, Chairman Organizing Committee
1. Name:
2. Gender: (Male/Female):
3. Position:
4. College/University/Institution:
5. Address:
6. Email:
7. Mobile:
8. Accommodation required:
Note: Submit your registration details and the abstract of your presentation as per the belowmentioned format to the Coordinator of the programme, Dr. Manzoor A Shah, Sr. Asst. Professor, Department of Botany, University of Kashmir preferably through email at
[email protected] by or before February 20, 2015.
1-2 APRIL, 2015
Abstract as MS Word file, Times New Roman: 12 point, single space, (a) Presentation Title (all
capitals), (b) Name of Authors, affiliation, complete address, e-mail, and presenting author underlined,
(c) Abstract (200 words), (d) A disclaimer statement of the corresponding author / research guide
regarding the Plagiarism Checked before submission. The abstract to be submitted via e-mail to the
Coordinator ([email protected]).
Copy & Paste your ABSTRACT (as per above format) here